Polymers - Lijmacademie

Polymers - Lijmacademie

Polymers - Lijmacademie


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De karakterisatie van dynamisch belaste lijmverbindingenFaculteit Industriële IngenieursWetenschappenIng Coudeville Pol

Materials for constructionB7872/38

Mechanical properties and the structure of WATER/ICEn H 2 O versus -(H 2 O) n -H – O – HCovalent bondsForces guide forces!priorThere must be interactionmechanical properties3/38

The build-up of METALS5/38

The build-up of metals2H 2 O ˂˃ 2H + + 2OH -O6/38

7/38The surface of a metal

Ceramic materialsCaCO 3 as –(CaCO 3 ) n -Sodium-ionNa +IonbindingChloride - ionCl -NaCl is -(NaCl) n -8/38

The build-up of POLYMERS<strong>Polymers</strong>9/38

The build-up of POLYMERS<strong>Polymers</strong>10/38

The build up of POLYETHYLENE - PE<strong>Polymers</strong>Pe is lighter than waterPe is less dense than waterEntanglementMolecular movement on a macromolecular scale11/38

Polystryreen - PS<strong>Polymers</strong>AmorphStronger than PEMore brittleburning12/38

Polyvinylchloride - PVC<strong>Polymers</strong>Interaction throughinduced chargesTefloncopper-salt Carbon PVCBurning13/38

Cellulose<strong>Polymers</strong>HydrogenbondsOHHOAlso interaction withWATER !!!But does not dissolve(swells)Natural materialsInteraction through hydrogen bondsA lot of interactions14/38

The build-up of ELASTOMERS<strong>Polymers</strong>HEATINGThin networkElastomeren are crosslinked thin:˃ the segments absorb energy trough vibration˃ there is an entanglement on compression15/38

tack!!!pressureEntanglement– network –Mechanical propertiesElastomerTAPES

The build up of THERMOSETSReversible interactionExample:Irreversible interactionBranched thermosetThermoplastic adhesiveThermosetting adhesiveThermosets are strongly crosslinked structures17/38

Polymer interactionThermoplasts- soften at temp. raise- can dissolve- can react chemically- tough, soft, moderate strengthElastomersThermosetsInteraction ↑Diamond- strong and hard- brittle and stiff- insoluble- infusible- chemically unreactive


Gas Liquid DiamondDecreasingchainlengthIncreasingcrosslinking20/38

The build up of Material networks - overview• Metallic(Fe) n• Natural• CeramicO-(CaCO 3 ) n -21/38

The mechanical properties of metalsσHysteresis loop in metals -(Fe) n -σσ = ε . EviscoεεPlastic deformationReversibel + irreversibelElasto + visco = viscoelasticElastic deformation – dynamic loadingReversibel= area of applicatiions22/38

The mechanical properties of polymersStress-strain curve of a specific thermoplastic polymer at different temperatures23/38

De elasticiteitsmodulusThe modulus of Young24/38

ElastomersversusAnd energy …Entropic spring• shape memory• energy storage• energy transportShape memory25/38

sparse networks can repeatedly record /cede energy• energy storage• energy transportReturns to equilibriumShrinks on heatingAdhesion troughentanglementEntropy balance26/38


σ = ε . E= area for apllications28/38

BurgerModelThe strain of the nylon line29/38

1 2 341 2 3430/38

KERFWERKING / NOTCHING and elastomersdynamic loading - elastomers can block notchesUnsaturated Elastomers - AGINGThinly crosslinked31/38

Epoxy-adhesiveStructural elastic adhesivesMS-polymerCrack inhibitionCan be strong enough32/38

Adhesion – tack - “glueing” – sticking – hardeningOHHOHeatOH HO Otack!!!elastomerthermoplastthermoset33/38

- creep- Strong- Chemical resistance- no creep34/38


Toughened adhesives – dynamic loadMethyl silane adhesiveafschuivingoxygen silicium etherbond hydrogen methyl1 - covalent bonds and physical interactions guarantee strength and stiffness2 - The longer the chain segments the better forces (energy) can be passed and thebetter we can inhibit cracks3 - The ratio of 1 to 2 determines the practical capabilities36/38

37/38Toughened adhesives


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