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TO REACH US - Allegheny West Magazine


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<strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong> School DistrictState FBLA Titleists AreFirst to Qualify for National CompetitionAt the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)State Leadership Conference in Hershey, Pennsylvaniain April, <strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong> High School students AndrewMort and Jonathan Lazarowicz qualified for the FBLANational Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennesseethis month. Both students finished as State Championswith Andrew taking a first place in desktop applicationprogramming and Jonathan, a first place in computergame and simulation programming. These are the firsttwo <strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong> students ever to win FBLA statetitles.Other <strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong> students who placed at thestate level were Elizabeth Krivan finishing fourth inclient services, Josi Sinagoga finishing fifth in publicspeaking, and the team of Brad Steward, MacGreenhouse, and Drew Honeychuck, finishing sixth innetwork design.Also representing <strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong> High School at theState conference were Kristen Bianco, Enrico Bruschi,Caitlin Corcoran, Taylor Faix, Kayleigh Frech, KellieGervas, Logan Himich, Rob Petrick, Ashley Smith, andShannon Ye. These students were among the 3,800 outof 14,000 FBLA members across the state whoqualified for the competition in Hershey. FBLA facultyadvisors Dan Marshall and Pam Volakis coordinated thetrip with help from Jonathan Denk.Students Inducted intoNational Jr. Honor SocietyThe following students were inducted intothe <strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong> Middle School chapter ofthe National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) onApril 30: eighth graders CourtneyBurggren, Kristen Faux, Jessica Fesenmyer,Jordan Gigliotti, Paige Giura, Paul Hughes,Mallory Krull, Hannah Lutz, Rio Maropis, Mirce Opacic, Will Page, andMike Ross; and seventh graders Kiera Acitelli, Brooke Bagnell, JennaBandi, Kristine Behme, Sarah Bodnar, Alexa Boni, Emily Bower, RachelBuck, Victoria Campbell, Katelyn Cierciello, Olivia Coghe, LaurenCosta, Katie Debiasio, Eric Evans, Matt Ferruzza, Jenny Forse, BrookeGregord, Madison Gregord, Kylie Hallam, Patrick Harmon, Danna Heh,Emily Hoge, Taylor James, McKenzie Johnsen, Justin Keast, CameronKehm, Emily Kiss, Andrew Koester, Sloane Kozyak, Dakota Lamb,Rachel Lawrence, Alec Londino, Amanda Markish, Taylor Newman,Sean Orsini, Alexis O’ Shea, Emily Quinn, Robert Rankin, GraceRosus, Tara Savisky, Tyler Scanlon, Tyler Sciulli, Sarah Scrupi, LizSible, Nicole Snatchko, Matt Starkman, Christian Stout, RyanTerabasso, Nick Venturini, Raven Wahl, David Waxter, Shawn Weiss,Kyle Williams, and Collin Wurst.This honor is reserved for seventh and eighth grade students whohave maintained at least a 3.5 grade point average during middleschool and who have demonstrated the qualities of leadership,service, character, and citizenship.40 <strong>Allegheny</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> June 2010

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