TO REACH US - Allegheny West Magazine

TO REACH US - Allegheny West Magazine

TO REACH US - Allegheny West Magazine


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Traveling with PetsTake ‘em or leave ‘em? Sometimes taking a pet on a vacation canbe an exhiliarating time for both the pet owner and the pet. Thereare no schedules to follow, something new for our pet to see andexplore, and time to simply enjoy our pet’s companionship.However, there are some things to keep in mind when traveling.First, make sure you bring your pet’s veterinarian records with you,and research in advance reliable pet hospitals and/or vets so youhave the information on hand should you need it quickly.Are your pet’s vaccinations up to date? It’s a good idea to havethem done before going away, particularly rabies shots. If you aretaking your pet abroad or by air, rabies vaccinations are required.It’s summer season. Fleas and ticks are out in force. A monthlydose of flea and tick medicine will avoid unpleasant surprises duringthe trip, such as fleas and ticks in your own environment.If you are traveling by car, make sure your pet is up for it. Somepets don’t fare well when in a moving vehicle. Check with yourveterinarian. He or she can prescribe travel sickness medicine to helpcalm jittered tummies.And, never, never leave a pet inside a car unattended, particularlyon a hot summer day. That can prove injurious to your pet.If you are thinking of taking your pet by bus or train, be sure tocheck. Many major lines, such as Amtrak and Greyhound, at lastcheck did not accept domestic pets for travel with their owners.Happy Trails!DID YOU KNOW?- In 2006, nearly half of pet owners, or 49.7%, considered their petsto be family members.- There are more than 72 million pet dogs in the U.S. and nearly 82million pet cats.- The average veterinary expenditure per household for all pets was$366 in 2006.According to the 2009-2010 American Pet Products Association National PetOwners Survey, basic annual expenses for dog and cat owners in dollars include:DogsCatsSurgical Vet Visits $532 $278Food $229 $203Kennel Boarding $273 $255Routine Vet $225 $203Groomer/Groom Aids $66 $22Vitamins $61 $28Food Treats $64 $37Toys $40 $1946 <strong>Allegheny</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> June 2010

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