What The Upanisads Teach.pdf - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

What The Upanisads Teach.pdf - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

What The Upanisads Teach.pdf - Suhotra Maharaja Archives


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All the different schools of Vedanta (advaita, suddhadvaita, vasistadvaita, dvaita,dvaitadvaita and acintya-bhedabheda-tattva) agree that the <strong>Upanisads</strong> cover fivetopics of instruction:1. <strong>The</strong> nature of Brahman2. <strong>The</strong> nature of the individual self and its relationship to Brahman3. <strong>The</strong> origin and development of the universe and its relationship to Brahman4. <strong>The</strong> means of attaining Brahman5. <strong>The</strong> nature of the supreme goal of life.So, starting with topic number 1 we may ask, "<strong>What</strong> is this word, Brahman?" <strong>The</strong>Sanskrit word brahma is neutral in gender; it does not mean Brahma, the four-facedrajoguna-avatara of creation whose name has a long second vowel and is masculinein gender. <strong>The</strong> literal meaning of brahma or Brahman can be found in its root, brih--"growth," "expansion," "evolution," and "development. " Brhanti brhmayati tasmaducyate para brahma, states Atharvasiras Upanisad: "<strong>What</strong> is called Brahman growsand causes to grow. " Thus Vedanta-sutra 1. 1. 2. defines Brahman as janmadyasya-yathah,that from which everything originates.Again, Brahman is a neutral apellation, like the English word "God. " Prasnopanisadsays the syllable aum is verily that Brahman:etad vai satyakama parama ca aparama ca brahma yad aumkarahtasmat vidvan etenaiva ayatanena ekataram anvetiThat which is the syllable aum, O Satyakama, is verily the parama and aparamaBrahman. <strong>The</strong>refore, he who meditates attains one or the other through this supportalone.Isopanisad addresses Brahman as Isa, the supreme controller of the universe.Mahanarayana Upanisad declares,narayana param brahma tattvam narayanah parahnarayanaa paro jyotir atma narayanah parahNarayana is the Supreme Brahman. Narayana is the Supreme Reality. Narayana isthe Supreme Light. Narayana is the Supreme Self.Other terms often found in the <strong>Upanisads</strong> for Brahman are atman, sat, aksara,prana, akasa, jyotis, purusa, isvara and paramesvara.<strong>The</strong> Nature of BrahmanVedantists consider the nature of Brahman in two categories: svarupa (essence) andsvarupa-nirupaka dharma (attributes). According to Taittiriya Upanisad, Brahman issatya (real), jnana (knowledge) and ananta (endless). <strong>The</strong> <strong>Upanisads</strong> themselvesapply these three to both the svarupa and svarupa-nirupaka dharma of Brahman;Mayavadi commentators reserve them only for svarupa, considering the attributes(which include the living entities and the material energy) to be unreal, ignorant andlimited, thus having no relationship to Brahman whatsoever.2

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