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2.3 PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SERVICES2.3.1 Chief Scientist/EngineerA combination of education in Engineering, Science or related academic field and directlyrelated experience as follows: Ph.D. plus 6 years or MA/MS plus 8 years or BA/BS plus 12years. An advanced degree in business administration may be combined with anundergraduate or graduate science or engineering degree. A Chief Scientist/Engineer isexpected to posses an extraordinary command of the applicable subject matter, to anticipateemerging technology, and to develop appropriate solutions to meet client needs. The positionmay emphasize direct research, advising on complex technical issues or business development.The Chief Scientist is to provide a high level of dedication technical expertise necessary toanticipate and meet technical challenges.2.3.2 Principal AdvisorA combination of education in Engineering, Science or related academic field and directlyrelated experience as follows: Ph.D. plus 6 years or MA/MS plus 8 years or BA/BS plus 12years. An advanced degree in business administration may be combined with anundergraduate or graduate science or engineering degree. A Principal Advisor is recognizedwithin the applicable field as an "expert" and will be sought out to work with groups andtechnical peers, within and outside the Company, on complex, sophisticated technical matters.This position is expected to work independently on assignments requiring considerableinnovation and possess indisputable subject matter knowledge. Demonstrated proficiency isrequired in coordinating overall program research and analysis, needs assessment, process andtechnology development, bench/pilot/full-scale technology demonstration and evaluation,product and process implementation, systems integration, and technology transfer in aconcurrent engineering environment.2.3.2 Principal Staff MemberA combination of education in Engineering, Science or related academic field and directlyrelated experience as follows: Ph.D. plus 6 years or MA/MS plus 8 years or BA/BS plus 12years. An advanced degree in business administration may be combined with an undergraduateor graduate science or engineering degree. This position requires indisputable high-leveltechnical expertise and an established professional reputation in the respective disciplinecoupled with direct involvement in related regional, national, and/or global issues. Professionalservices are provided within broad objectives as a recognized leader in one or more engineeringand/or science disciplines. This position requires independent sophisticated analysis of complexproblems, original research, awareness of evolving technologies, and development of innovativeand unique solutions. Demonstrated proficiency is required in coordinating overall programresearch and analysis, needs assessment, process and technology development, bench/pilot/fullscaletechnology demonstration and evaluation, product and process implementation, systemsintegration, and technology transfer in a concurrent engineering environment.Concurrent Technologies Corporation Page 14 of 17

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