Lesson - Syriac Orthodox Church in Canada

Lesson - Syriac Orthodox Church in Canada

Lesson - Syriac Orthodox Church in Canada


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(First <strong>Lesson</strong>) (Introduction to the Alphabet)-We shall beg<strong>in</strong> by <strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g the first four letters of the <strong>Syriac</strong> Alphabet which <strong>in</strong><strong>Syriac</strong>-Aramaic is called abgad and is also the name giv<strong>in</strong>g to the <strong>Syriac</strong> Alphabet:Karshouni Arabic <strong>Syriac</strong> Name of theLetter -- (From the Throat) - (From the Lips) (From the UpperPalette)[‘g’ as <strong>in</strong> goose] (From the Tongue) - -

Exercise: (Re-write the follow<strong>in</strong>g letters 5 times. The Aramaic language is written right-to-left) ha-waz The Second Word is hawaz:Karshouni Arabic <strong>Syriac</strong> Name of theLetter (From the Upper Throat) (From the Lips) (From the UpperTeeth) !

Exercise: (Re-write the follow<strong>in</strong>g letters 5 times. The Aramaic language consists of 22 letters): %-"#$The Third Word is :Karshouni Arabic <strong>Syriac</strong> Name of theLetter (From the Bottom ofthe Throat) & $ (From the Tongue) ' ( (From the UpperPalette) ) *! + !"

Exercise: (Re-write the follow<strong>in</strong>g letters 5 times): )!!) ,(#' $$&&kal-man -The Fourth Word is kalman:Karshouni Arabic <strong>Syriac</strong> Name of theLetter (From the UpperPalette)# . / $ (From the Tongue) 0 1 -% (From the Lips)& 2 345 % '() (From the Tongue)* 6 6*7 + *"+

7 76Exercise: (Re-write the follow<strong>in</strong>g letters 5 times): 5252 00 /./. -89:;The Fifth Word is :Karshouni Arabic <strong>Syriac</strong> Name of the Letter (From the Upper Teeth), < =; (No English Equivalent.From the Bottom of the Throat) -/ -.0 > 4?? 2(1 1 (From the Lips) @ A (From the Upper Teeth andMiddle of the Throat) 34 B CB -

+Exercise: (Re-write the follow<strong>in</strong>g letters 5 times): BB A@A@ ?>?>;

Exercise: (Re-write the follow<strong>in</strong>g letters 5 times): K EJEJ FHDGD G abgad MemorizationThe Easiest Way to Memorize the <strong>Syriac</strong>-Aramaic Alphabet is to Rememberthe Six Words (Words do not Have an Actual Mean<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Aramaic):Exercise: (Re-write the follow<strong>in</strong>g words 5 times. The letters <strong>in</strong> Aramaic are also used for numbers): = > ? @ 21 % EFD 89:; - "#$ Us<strong>in</strong>g Arabic: % EFD 89:; - "#$ 2A:2B6 2CD2E. 2 2F 2GHI 2J" 2KL2

+The <strong>Syriac</strong> (Aramaic) History(Part 1)(This historical material is written by other authors, and this author doesn’t claim authorship of the material<strong>in</strong> the section “The <strong>Syriac</strong> (Aramaic) History”)3 Million BC – 6000 BC:• Tools found at al-‘Aqbiyah between Sidon & Tyre; Kafraya and Joubb Jann<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>al-Biqa’; Caves of ‘Adlun between Sidon and Tyre of Antilyas; The River Kalband The River Ibrahim between Beirut and Byblos; The River Jauz near Batrun,and <strong>in</strong> the region of The River kabir north of Tripoli.• A 25,000 to 30,000 year old human skeleton of an 8 year old boy found <strong>in</strong> a rockshelter at Kasr ‘Aqil above Antilyas six miles north of Beirut.• Cont<strong>in</strong>uous human habitation <strong>in</strong> Antilyas valley ever s<strong>in</strong>ce 30,000 years ago.This also shows that s<strong>in</strong>ce that time Mediterranean type people (Of which theLebanese People Belong To) have <strong>in</strong>habited the area.Names – -L E English French Arabic Karshouni <strong>Syriac</strong>Maro Maron *7)Abdo Abdo KM1Abigail Abigayil N(OL(Abraham Abraham '(BAdam Adam &PEdessa Edesse BAaron Aaron *7Ur Ur 7Jerusalem Jérusalem'(F:7Job Job " 6F5+ M? - 4 % -2F 2 -)H +6H+ H +- 3NEH % +*! + %-------

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