A multi-state HLL approximate Riemann solver for ideal ...

A multi-state HLL approximate Riemann solver for ideal ...

A multi-state HLL approximate Riemann solver for ideal ...


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334 T. Miyoshi, K. Kusano / Journal of Computational Physics 208 (2005) 315–3441.5<strong>HLL</strong> <strong>solver</strong><strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong>Roe schemeρ1.61.51.4<strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong>Roe schemeρ1.6<strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong>Roe schemeρ1.31.21.0-0.5 0.0 -0.20 -0.18 -0.16 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.080.2v0.5w0.0<strong>HLL</strong> <strong>solver</strong><strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong>Roe scheme0.0<strong>HLL</strong> <strong>solver</strong><strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong>Roe scheme-0.5 0.0 0.5-0.5 0.0 0.51.5B y0.8B z1.0<strong>HLL</strong> <strong>solver</strong><strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong>Roe scheme0.5<strong>HLL</strong> <strong>solver</strong><strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong>Roe scheme-0.5 0.0 0.5-0.5 0.0 0.5Fig. 5. Results of one-dimensionalpshock tube test with the initial left <strong>state</strong>s ðq; p; u; v; w; B y ; B z Þ¼ð1:08; 0:95; 1:2; 0:01; 0:5; 3:6=ffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffip ffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffip4p ; 2= 4p Þ, the right <strong>state</strong>s ð1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 4= 4p ; 2= 4p Þ, and Bx ¼ 4= ffiffiffiffiffi4p . Numerical solutions of the<strong>HLL</strong> <strong>solver</strong>, the <strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong>, and the Roe scheme are plotted at t = 0.2. (Top left) q, (middle left) v, (middle right) w, (bottom left) B y ,(bottom right) B z , (top middle) q around the left fast shock, (top right) q around the left slow shock are shown.the differences may not be important. The smaller resolution of the slow shocks in the <strong>HLL</strong>D <strong>solver</strong> may bebecause the slow waves in the <strong>Riemann</strong> fan are not explicitly included. On the other hand, although thesolution near the head of the rarefaction attached to the compound wave are almost equivalent, the tailof the compound rarefaction calculated by our Roe scheme seems to be very slightly undershot. This fact

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