We are the AMA - Alberta Medical Association

We are the AMA - Alberta Medical Association

We are the AMA - Alberta Medical Association


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Rothman College from <strong>the</strong> University ofToronto to explore options for a national,CMA‐sponsored leadership developmentprogram for physicians. They <strong>are</strong> holdingfocus groups in various regions of <strong>the</strong>country to determine <strong>the</strong> needs of physiciansin each region. The <strong>AMA</strong> participated in<strong>the</strong> focus group held recently in Vancouver.As a result of those efforts, <strong>the</strong> CMA willbe launching <strong>the</strong>ir first national leadershipdevelopment course in 2014. The <strong>AMA</strong> willbe sending five participants to that course,which will be held annually.Board of Directors and ExecutiveCommittee92. Members of <strong>the</strong> 2012-13 Board of Directors:2012-13 Board members:• Dr. R. Michael Giuffre – President• Dr. Allan S. Garbutt – President-Elect• Dr. Linda M. Slocombe – ImmediatePast President• Dr. Pauline Alakija• Dr. Kathryn L. Andrusky• Dr. Sarah L. Bates• Dr. Paul E. Boucher• Dr. Padraic E. Carr• Dr. Alison M. Clarke• Dr. Neil D.J. Cooper• Dr. E. Sandra Corbett• Dr. Christine P. Molnar• Dr. Paul Parks• PARA observer: Dr. Joanna S. Lazier (July1, 2012 – June 30, 2013); Dr. Sylvia G.McCulloch (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014)• MSA observer: Braden Teitge (May 31,2012 – June 30, 2013); Stefan B. Link(July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014)93. In 2012-13, <strong>the</strong> Board of Directors met:• September 22 (post-RF meeting)• October 9 (teleconference)• October 16 (teleconference)• October 26• November 19 (teleconference)• November 29 (teleconference)• December 13-14• February 8• March 7 (teleconference)• March 19 (teleconference)• March 22 (teleconference)• March 25 (teleconference)• March 30 (special board meeting)• April 5 (teleconference)• April 9 (teleconference)• April11-12• April 24 (special board meeting)• May 4 (post-special RF board meeting)• May 23-25 (meeting and retreat)• July 18-19• September 2594. Members of <strong>the</strong> Executive Committee:• Dr. R. Michael Giuffre – President• Dr. Allan S. Garbutt – President-Elect• Dr. Linda M. Slocombe – ImmediatePast President• Dr. Sarah L. Bates• Dr. Padraic E. Carr95. The Executive Committee met:• October 5• November 16• January 18• March 22• May 3• June 28• September 325

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