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Great Lakes And Maritime HistoryGraveyard of theLakesMark L. ThompsonFrom the 1679 loss of the Griffon tothe mysterious sinking of the EdmundFitzgerald in 1975, Mark L. Thompsonconcludes that a wreck is not anisolated event. In Graveyard of theLakes, Thompson suggests that mostof the accidents and deaths on thelakes have been the result of humanerror, ranging from simple mistakesto gross incompetence. In addition tohis compelling analysis of the causesof shipwrecks, Thompson includesfactual accounts of more than onehundred wrecks. Graveyard of theLakes will forever change the reader’sperspective on shipwrecks.2000 / 6 x 9 / 424 pp / 64 illusISBN 978-0-8143-3226-9$26.95l paperGreat Lakes Books SeriesBeyond theWindswept DunesThe Story of MaritimeMuskegonElizabeth B. ShermanThe stories of some of the mostnotable wrecks and rescue missionsin Lake Michigan near MuskegonHarbor appear in this noteworthybook. The events covered range fromthe visit by the British sloop H.M.S.Felicity in 1779 through Muskegon’sboom years as “Lumber Queen of theWorld,” from the city’s revitalizationwith the opening of the St. LawrenceSeaway to its recent establishment of afloating museum complex for historicnaval vessels.2003 / 7 x 10 / 216 pp / 60 illusISBN 978-0-8143-3127-9$31.95l paperGreat Lakes Books SeriesTin StackersThe History of the PittsburghSteamship CompanyAl MillerFormed in 1901 by U.S. Steel Corporation,the Pittsburgh Steamship Companybecame the largest commercialfleet in the world. Tin Stackers tells itsstory: the ships, the men who sailedthem, and the conditions that shapedtheir times. Drawing on company recordsand interviews with officials andsailors, Miller tells how the fleet keptorganized labor off Great Lakes shipswhile leading the way in efficient operation,technological advancement,and employee safety.1999 / 6 x 9 / 352 pp / 51 illusISBN 978-0-8143-2832-3$37.95l clothGreat Lakes Books Series2000 Read Michigan SelectionA Sailor’s LogbookA Season Aboard Great LakesFreightersMark L. ThompsonIn this firsthand account of life aboardthe ships of the Great Lakes, MarkThompson weaves together thethreads of a story that relives a centuries-oldtradition. Not just a detailingof weather, cargo, and crew relations,A Sailor’s Logbook is also an accountof the daily lives of a diverse groupof crewmembers as they share theirsailing knowledge, “sea stories,” andthe many memories that accompanythe pictures.1999 / 6 x 9 / 352 pp / 60 illusISBN 978-0-8143-2844-6$27.95l paperGreat Lakes Books SeriesSchooner PassageSailing Ships and the LakeMichigan FrontierTheodore J. KaramanskiStories of the men and women whosailed on the schooners, their laborissues and strikes, the role of theschooner in the maritime economyalong the Lake Michigan basin, andthe factors that led to the eventualdemise of that economy in the earlytwentieth century.2000 / 6 x 9 / 272 pp / 59 illusISBN 978-0-8143-2911-5$39.95l clothGreat Lakes Books Series2003 Read Michigan Selection2002 Award for Best non-Fiction Bookfrom the Center for GREAT Lakes CuLTureWindjammersSongs of theGreat Lakes SailorsIvan H. WaltonJoe GrimmWhite-winged schooners once dominatedcommerce and culture on theGreat Lakes, and songs relieved thehours on board. Recognizing in thelate 1930s, almost too late, that thisrich oral tradition was going to thegrave along with the last generationof schoonermen, Ivan H. Walton undertooka quest to save the songs ofthe Great Lakes sailors. Stories, lyrics,musical scores, and accompanying CDensure that sailing chanteys that havenot been heard for over one hundredyears will not be lost.2002 / 7 x 10 / 272 pp / 48 illus15-track CD includedISBN 978-0-8143-2997-9$28.95l paperGreat Lakes Books Series(800) 978-7323 wsupress.wayne.edu 17

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