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IndexLindberg / Bobweaving Detroit 44Living Together / Whelan 37Livingston / Eight Steamboats 16Livingston / Summer Dreams 23Long / Roy D. Chapin 33Looking Beyond Race / Smith, O., Stolberg,Jordan 27Love / The Situation in Flushing 13Love/Imperfect / Leland, C. 39Lovis / An Upper Great Lakes ArchaeologicalOdyssey 48Luke Karamazov / Hilberry, Tanay 13Madgett / Pilgrim Journey 43Mail by the Pail / Bergel, Koenig 35Marquis / Henry Ford 32Martin / Call It North Country 15Martin / Wonderful Power 15Mason / Copper Country Journal 15Mason / Rum Running and the RoaringTwenties 11Mason / Tracy W. McGregor 27Massey / Michigan Place Names 10Master of Precision / Leland, W.,Milbrook 34Maxwell Motor and the Making of the ChryslerCorporation / Yanik 31Mayflies of Michigan Trout Streams /Leonard, J., Leonard, F. 48MC5 / Callwood 29McGraw / A History of <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>in Photographs 23McGraw / The Quotations of Mayor ColemanA. Young 27McIntyre / Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 24Medlin / Michigan Lichens 48Mellichamp / Wildflowers of the WesternGreat Lakes Region 48Michigan Lichens / Medlin 48Michigan Place Names / Romig, Massey 10Michigan Voices / Grimm 10Michigan’s Early Military Forces / Barnett,Rosentreter 20Michigan’s Historic Railroad Stations /Hodges 4Michigan’s Lumbertowns / Kilar 11Mighty Mac / Rubin 8Milbrook / Master of Precision 34Miller / Tin Stackers 17Mitchell / It Was All Right 30Moll / In the Wilderness with the RedIndians 12Monopoly on Wheels / Greenleaf, Lewis 32Moon / Untold Tales, Unsung Heroes 26Morris-Crowther / The Political Activities ofDetroit Clubwomen in the 1920s 25Mozina / The Women Were Leaving theMen 40Mulligan / A Badger Boy in Blue 19“My Brave Mechanics” / Hoffman,Anderson 19My Forty Years with Ford / Sorensen,Williamson, Lewis 32Myers / Energy 5Myers / Subverting Modernism 5Nagler / Amos Walker’s Detroit 6Nawrocki / Art in Detroit Public Places 6New Poems from the Third Coast / Delp,Hilberry, Kearns, Hall 45O’Brien / Voices of the Lost and Found 39O’Callaghan / The Aviation Legacy of Henry &Edsel Ford 33Ojibwa Narratives / Kidder, Bourgeois 12“Old Slow Town” / Taylor, P. 18Olson / Young Henry Ford 34Oomen / An American Map 40Oomen / House of Fields 43Oomen / Pulling Down the Barn 43Paddling Across the Peninsula / Kent 12Pages from a Black Radical’s Notebook / Ward,Boggs 26Pearson / Bobweaving Detroit 44Peckham / Pontiac and the IndianUprising 11Picturing Hemingway’s Michigan /Federspiel 9Pilgrim Journey / Madgett 43Pollard / When the Church Becomes YourParty 30Pontiac and the Indian Uprising / Peckham,Dann 11Practicing to Walk Like a Heron / Ridl 38Pratt / Churches and Urban Government inDetroit and New York, 1895-1994 22Pulling Down the Barn / Oomen 43Punching Out / Daniels 44Quirk / When You Come Home 24Race and Remembrance / Johnson, A., Willie,Cook 26Redevelopment and Race / Thomas 22Reimagining Detroit / Gallagher 21Remapping the Humanities / Garrett,Gottfried, VanBurkleo, Edwards 23Rendezvous at the Straits / Kent 20Reveal Your Detroit / Frost 3Revolution Detroit / Gallagher 21Reynolds / Iron Will 14Rich / Coleman Young and Detroit Politics 27Riddle / The Color of Law 27Riding the Roller Coaster / Hyde 31Ridl / Broken Symmetry 42Ridl / Practicing to Walk Like a Heron 38Riekki / The Way North 37Robert Wilbert / Baskin, Bakker 6Roberts / In the Shadow of Detroit 3352<strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Press</strong> regional Books

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