ASHTAR - A Tribute - Compil... - Exopolitics Hongkong

ASHTAR - A Tribute - Compil... - Exopolitics Hongkong

ASHTAR - A Tribute - Compil... - Exopolitics Hongkong

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<strong>ASHTAR</strong> - A <strong>Tribute</strong> - <strong>Compil</strong>ed by TUELLAhttp://www.thenewearth.org/Ashtar<strong>Tribute</strong>.html43 of 82 6/29/2008 9:44 PMovercoming of fear (which we assure you, will act like an anchor when the time for 'lift-off'comes - in the twinkling of an eye) is of vital importance. There is now occurring through theMedia in your Plane, a barrage of fear and doubt-inducing tools. This is a test ofdiscernment for each Soul - the dividing of the way. Remain alert, and listen with your Being!Know that when you attune to the God Within, that you will not be deceived. The time ofdecision is NOW! Your faith is soon to be rewarded with increased knowledge. The worldswhich lie now within your grasp will be filled with new wonders and increased happiness."We join forces at this time to welcome Earth's Humanity into that New World. The choice isyours. Listen to your heart and know that the Light will prevail over Darkness and ignorance ofHumanity's spiritual birthright."We release at this time a Blessing - a flood of Light and Joy to all who read and hear thesewords. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, O CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT. Look into the skies fromwhence cometh the saving Grace, for ye are truly One in the Light. So Be It."(Conference Transmission from Korton, Hilarion, Jesus, Ashtar, Aljanon).Chapter 10: The Ashtar Command's War Against EvilPerhaps one of the lesser known missions of the Ashtar Command is its constant surveillanceand control of insidious and malicious influences, These have detrimentally surrounded andinterpenetrated the Planet, producing the cause for spiritual warfare, Speaking of all suchinfluences, Commander Korton, Command Communications Officer, has given us thisinteresting passage:"There are those who do come who are not from this Allegiance and who have no part in it,They come as observers and for their own ends, They are often highly scientific geniuses andtheir material to their contacts can be highly impressive - indeed, almost always is. But they havecome for the purpose of collecting data for their personal ends and not to give of themselves forthe good of the Planet. When there is a desire to help the Planet, those outside of theBrotherhood are more interested in raising the scientific level of advancement and care not forthe spiritual vibrational frequency aspect. Again, their information passed to their ownContactees is of high intellectual nature and impressive to those who receive it, There is noevidence of loyalty or appreciation to those who have jointly labored for the good of this Planetfor aeons past, These are, not of what you would call the 'Dark Forces,' which is anotherAllegiance, but are simply a neutral force when it comes to assistance to Earthman in higherprinciples and laws contributing to his soul growth, There are many Worlds out there, Tuella;many Galaxies with individual Solar Systems and within other Universes. You have been, andmost like you, are in contact with the sources from which you come, within this Universe ofSpace. But others do also roam the Heavens who have full access to all pathways and planets,though they be not of the Commands which guard this Planet - especially against itself.

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