Dynamic Prediction of Pile Static Bearing Capacity - vulcanhammer ...

Dynamic Prediction of Pile Static Bearing Capacity - vulcanhammer ...

Dynamic Prediction of Pile Static Bearing Capacity - vulcanhammer ...


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" which i;, is ti\., ::nil rcsis!nncc per unit !c:I::~I,. u:?dcr t ~ .;lssur?~l~!inn, ~thnt,oil rcsistnncc hnr the simple formRI,L = C,, + n,S + nlSa + . . ..._......_._......~ . (4)I>? \,nlue <strong>of</strong> C, mny bc.detcrn?irlcd esperirn~r.tn!!~ 11 F(,) .? nrc Lnoupn nthe instant when thc vclocit?. .I' = 0, at which insta::: LJ; ,, = C,!.Usc O! this schcnic docs In fact ylcld rcnsonablc olxfc~-~f-mn~nitu(i~ reultsfor C, xs indlcaled in Xef. 9.!!owl*er, vnrlous causes act to rcducc t]lc accur2cy <strong>of</strong> tI:is nlet:ld, thehief ones being the elastic action <strong>of</strong> the pile and the tvpicnll~ moscillntor)-"r 'hashye- appennncc <strong>of</strong> the usual scc~lcrox~:~~ record, \r)lich :nust be rend3 ol)hin :I? thc pint wllcrc its tin12 int~::~~] ,? pnssr.5 t,h:.ot!c!l zcro. Thcarticularly rapid local var-iations <strong>of</strong> s in :lie rc.c:ioil <strong>of</strong> .Y = 3 render thee.?tfin,c <strong>of</strong> X there quite uncertain <strong>of</strong> fntcri?~-c~2tinll.One very esefu! schcnic for the cor~.cctior: 0: tllc..;c! iii:~ccarncies is !o plotilr from xq. 3 for :ill timcs I <strong>of</strong> ir;tcrcst to 2 ::ivc:, )::::l;,::cr. !,leu' (i.c. scv-:![ tens <strong>of</strong> lililiiscco~is). .( typicnl rcsuit <strong>of</strong> tllis 1:iritI is s!~ou.n in >-16. 10.::?IT, l?cgirlning xpl)rosir.iatcly at ti;:lc :, .: an:! c~::!i::iz nl;~)ro?:imntcly)en S pnsscs throilgh zero, or for :i:iy c!:nsl~~l s!:ortc~ tin!(. in!crvni, tile;:c nver:lge ol I,iiL(1) is obtained. 7'liis :ivcr-:lge ]~!.ovcs'to bc r!uitv closc tothcr the nicasurccl or the dynnmic:iliy cnlc~:l::tcc! \.;lli:c <strong>of</strong> C,, csl)r?ci:tlly ifover nn intcrv:il in tllc \?ci!iitj. <strong>of</strong> I,, u.licrc ,? pnsses throt~gh zcro. 'i,ticsired tilne a\.eragc cnn <strong>of</strong>ten bc n~ndc cjuitc tccil by r:;c bj. r;iml)ly fnirii~g :Irnight line through thc plot <strong>of</strong> LnL(t).This schctnc is, ififact, littlcc!i!:crerit ill c!fcct from nncltllcr vnrlnnt whicll1;. xlso be used: a best fit straight line is inl:.cii 111:-ough tnc dcsccndingrtlo~: <strong>of</strong> t1:e velocity cilrvcs like thosc in Figs. 3 through G, anc! t!ic slope <strong>of</strong>3 Ilne is considcrcd to be the rlgicl bcxty dccclerntio~l; then uslng Eq. 3, rrirch the value <strong>of</strong> F~(!) Is, rend <strong>of</strong>f 21 thc time v.,hcrl the :.:ireti straight vc-:ity line pxsscs through zefo, yiclds 2 vnluc for LR,.--Thnt such xpproxlnnte schemes mny work qultc well is nttcstcd to by thesi11ts pr!rayed In Tnblc I. Thc flrst column Iderltiflcs the 11ilcs dfscussctlcviously under thc clynnmic nnalysis iiicthcai. Colunln 2 t:lvcs C, ns lountl 11y: ni:ltcllinp nlell,od. Column 3-~ivcs t!~c rcsisl:~ncc calcuInttxi from only t11r:Id M y portion <strong>of</strong> the prcdlctctl dyn:tlnlc rcslmtisc :it tlic pint wllcrc thevrlocft). pn!;scs t!:r.nul:h zero. Colun~n 4 s)?ni'.s rc!jlll(s <strong>of</strong> sinlplificxl nvcr:~[:ingin th" ncir;11!x~?l?ncxi <strong>of</strong> I n Irn::tyf on I;;". 3. Colilnln 5 pl-c~cilt~ nrtlrni stntfc testrcsults for oltir:i:ltc Ionti bcarlng cnpncity.I! nl;t!.. fr-nr I1rr:sr rpsrllts, ~rprrd !ha! t!:~ .:cry prncticnl fr:ll>hlc:~ln\$crnt:i~l[; mc:hfi-Is st1ggcstcd, do in f:ict, ytc!c! ~ocd rcstl:ts in thc cnscs consii!crrtiand render the nlorc elaborate computer ~r~ilysls urulcccssnry CXccl'tns n rcsc:lrch tcoi. l')lls is 3 decided ndl.nnlngc, suggestin[:!he posslbili!?.<strong>of</strong> rnpid cncincering ~ s t i ~ ~ <strong>of</strong> : pllc ~ t i static ~ ~ bra!-lng capacity In thc fieldtll:oLlgh the Use <strong>of</strong> instlumentcd dynnmic tests.V:!li!c cnrlicr ni:alyticnl 1;lcthods )lave nlrcxdy 1)ccn prcse~lted ill tlie litcrnturefor nn:llyzing pile drivirl~ "by the \i.nvc cquntion." the ~Ircscnt ni~thodc!ircctly cn~nbincs and cnl::;,nrcs tllcory \vi!i~ corrcsmndlng clynxillic t2.\:l)crimclit.'1%~ nlcthoc! <strong>of</strong>fers t!~c possibility <strong>of</strong> tl:;n:lr:lic ill p!:~cc <strong>of</strong> sL?tic londkcstir.!: for pllcs, :lt Ic?.st in ccrt:\in ty])cs <strong>of</strong> soil.In tlic prcsc11t co:!tr:., 11:~ rllc:lsul.rd }i:Lll)n~,-:. fi):.~~: is tnkc:) ns illl~~t, ':-7 -I']"ci::j n:lt[ dis*,ker-lio~ri..,- ~ ~ ~ ~ i d ns f rn c ; d ~ 'Tlrc u n;~l:,-tic;\l mc:]~ri(i :>-1s!7.l!ntrs - t!-,(. s:i:l!i. in:izt :I;;qt. Lt'licn thr-n~:itch bct\vi:e:: :~cLun! :\::il ~,rt.c!ictcd ot!!ir,~t is r:cior!, t!ie !)rciIhdb~ 0: st:iticsoil resist?.nce nlso nl~!:en:-s tobe good. l e i s \rork:t co:,tinuous pile morici-&her tnnn 2 set oj fi~c~.ctc ~~)rir.g-~ilnsscs--\i.ns LI!;CC!. \?'hi!r ~!IC con!inilOuSco;lsta:,:-sccmn r,iie :nC <strong>of</strong> ti!r \JCI!I:!:; 11: ~III. 5ttltIy is 1Il:rt this 11;:ly1 , ~ ~;os.c.ii>lc fordyn:!rnic tcsts just :IS It IS for sl:i:ic I~sstS. 'l'n u-11;lt cxtcn: :hisI>rovcs to I)e 1:uc for :kli typcs <strong>of</strong> soil is :k si~l)jcct for co~:ti::uin;; study. It mnyt.vc11 1-cquirc morc tlctnlicd rci:ntxl lo tlic clcfinitio:i <strong>of</strong> tl:~' ;lssurnrcl resis::lr:ccis :ilo~ll: tlic ]>llc. It is !101)~d that ll[:li! nl:ly l>c :;!!I:'! oj:~i:i this i~y t11e esj~cricncc<strong>of</strong> otliers nnc! tll:tt const~-\~ctivc co.rn11rcnt Illnx l)c clicltccl on this point.One <strong>of</strong> tile nddltlon:il qucstlo~~s is Ihnt <strong>of</strong> tllc pi;(: tnr ~.rsist:incr. For pointbc:lringpiles a form for lhls, FIJ(!), milst bc :~ssanirltl. Thc 1,rcscnt stuc!)' h:isslrccccdcd to ;! rcnsonnblc cxtc:1t \l:ith n \+cry si:l~l)!c o:cr-;~ll ~.c.sistnncc ln\rp.Continuin!; stutly rilny in:l)rovc [his Inuv.I'hc nttcml>l hcrc to :lc!lIcvc sim)~lc tlyr!:tniic ~:stir:i:\tc~s <strong>of</strong> bc:~riny: cnlxicltj'tl~rou::li :ilorr rn:;lIy np!,iic.cI critc~.l:~ 1~1s :\]so :,-lcldctl c.llcour;\gill!; results. Jn]);it-lfcular, the s:ltlcn: cilnr;ictcris!lcs o[ tllc 11ilc :lctlvity urltlcr tire it:tmn~cr-.. . !!~~?i:;g.. .I' ' .: i;:..?i: :. h;. , .!: , 1,:. g,:;. # 6--. v;:,:!;i-:b. ;, . 2.7:.. ,,.- 2: ;/r:?* 7, . f.:.. x:ic:.':. , f.!..E 41:. - f. 1ti:ff '

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