Greater Carlyle USBC Bowling Association

Greater Carlyle USBC Bowling Association

Greater Carlyle USBC Bowling Association


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then click on Adult high-score rings. To order aring, you will need your bowler ID number, ashipping address, the date bowled, the ring size, thering style, and your credit card information.GCBA HIGH AVERAGE AND SERIESCongratulations to Bart Essenpreis for having thehighest average in the GCBA during the 2007-08season, and Nick Korte for bowling the highestseries in the GCBA during the 2007-08 season. Bartaveraged 229 in the Wednesday Night Mens Leagueat V&H Recreation in Breese. Nick bowled anextraordinary 845 series in the Wednesday NightMens League at V&H Recreation in Breese.CONGRATULATIONS BART & NICK.GCBA HALL OF FAMEThe GCBA held its Second Annual Hall of Fameand Awards Program at Michael’s Restaurant inHighland on September 27, 2008. Pat Lawler from<strong>Carlyle</strong> and the late Bernard Toennies from Bartelsowere inducted into the GCBA Hall of Fame.Bart Essenpreis from Breese was recognized forhaving the highest average in the GCBA during the2007-08 season. Bart averaged 229. Nick Korte wasrecognized for bowling the highest series in theGCBA during the 2007-08 season. Nick rolled an845 series.The following bowlers were also in attendance toreceive a plaque from the GCBA for the honor scorethey bowled during the 2007-08 season:Roscoe Ammann bowled two 299 games and an 803series at Hi Top Bowl in Highland.Paul Baer bowled a 300 game at Mascoutah Lanes.Scott Becker bowled a 299 game, a 300 game duringthe GCBA Tournament, and an 802 series all atV&H Recreation in Breese.Gordon Hoerchler bowled a 300 game at V&HRecreation.Nick Korte bowled two 300 games and an 845 seriesat V&H Recreation.Tony Miles bowled an 805 series at Poplar Junction.Larry Miller bowled two 300 games at Ten Pin BowlDan Nicklin bowled a 299 game at V&H Recreation.Scott Richter bowled an 804 series at Hi Top Bowl.Bruce Santel bowled a 299 game at V&H RecreationDanny Schrempp bowled a 300 game at Mascoutah.Bill Snowden bowled two 299 games at Hi TopRyan Wirz bowled a 300 game during the GCBATournament at Salem Bowl.2The GCBA Handicap Tournament winners were alsorecognized at the banquet. The following bowlerswere recognized as tournament winners.Ryne Smith won the Singles Handicap Event with ascore of 869.Ryan Wirz won the Singles Scratch Event with ascore of 769.Ryan Wirz and Scott Giffhorn won the doubleshandicap and doubles scratch events with a score of1523 which is a new GCBA Doubles ScratchTournament Record.Scott Becker represented his JT’s Vending Team.They won the team handicap event with a score of3534 and the scratch event with a score of 3417.CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WINNERS.I would also like to thank the following bowlingcenters for providing attendance prizes at thebanquet: Banks Bowl, Bartelso Bowl, 4 th StreetLanes, Hi Top Bowl, Mascoutah Lanes, PoplarJunction Lanes, Ten Pin Bowl, and V&HRecreation. Thanks also to Tom Whalen and PaulHellmann for providing attendance prizes.GCBA SENIOR SCRATCH CLASSICThe GCBA Senior Scratch Classic will be heldSunday, November 2, 2008 at 4 th Stree Lanes inGreenville. This is a one day tournament beginningat Noon, and is open to all GCBA members who areat least 50 years old as of November 2, 2008. Theformat is the same as last year’s tournamentallowing the bowlers to compete with bowlers intheir age bracket. The tournament will be dividedinto two divisions – bowlers between the ages of 50and 59, and bowlers 60 years of age and older. Eachbowler will bowl four games – rotating one pair oflanes to the right after each game. After the fourgames, the top four bowlers in each division willbowl “bracket style” within their division. The topqualifier will bowl the fourth qualifier and thesecond qualifier will bowl the third qualifier with thewinners bowling each other to determine the winnerof their division. The winner of each division willbowl each other to determine the overall GCBASenior Scratch Champion.There will be one shift at Noon, and it is limited to50 bowlers. The entry fee is $50.00 and mustaccompany your entry blank to assure your spot.The estimated first place prize is $500.00 based on30 entries. Advanced registration by phone is

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