Sanctioned Event Handbook - Ontario Ringette Association

Sanctioned Event Handbook - Ontario Ringette Association

Sanctioned Event Handbook - Ontario Ringette Association


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PUBLICITY/MEDIAYour Publicity Director’s job is to contact the media in the area to promote yourtournament as a major sporting event.Relations with the media cannot be a one-shot deal. Provide a regular and consistentcampaign. Assume that the people you speak to know nothing about <strong>Ringette</strong>, but speakas if it is a household name that they all should know about.The best news is “people”, not “events” or “scores”. If you cannot find news, make some.When you are hosting a tournament, mention it early and keep the media postedregularly. Reporting of results to the media is more likely to get printed if you connect itto a personality from the local community.Websites can be a very good way to communicate the event. Sponsorships can beacquired to offset the cost.Promotion/Publicity/News ReleasesBEFORE: Press Release – Info about the tournament – Background, etc. schedule– with team names and home team information. Send all information toyour local radio station and newspaper two weeks in advance of theevent.Include the date of the event, where games will be played when playstarts, times of final games.Number of teams participating, where they are fromPossibly your tournament chair could be interviewed onradio or TVRequest pictures by the pressPosters could be made up giving all details and posted inarenas, plazas, etc.Notices could be sent to schoolsDURING:AFTER:Passes (if admission is charged)Arrange to have someone knowledgeable about the tournament and thegame itself to be available to answer questions, etc.Up-date scores as soon as possible to all media such as website, radio,TV, and press, etc.Send follow-up information immediately – scores, awards, prizewinners,etc.ORA Website/<strong>Association</strong> WebsitePost tournament information and application on your association website (if available),along with schedules, score, etc. Links can be provided to sponsors websites.ORA’s Webmaster will provide a link to your site or will put your schedule onto the ORAsite (www.ontario-ringette.com). Results should be sent to the Regional G&T Coordinatorimmediately after your event electronically in the form of a scored schedule.22

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