USSOCOM Fact Book - United States Special Operations Command

USSOCOM Fact Book - United States Special Operations Command

USSOCOM Fact Book - United States Special Operations Command

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The 160th <strong>Special</strong> <strong>Operations</strong>Aviation Regiment (Airborne), whichbegan as an emergency deployment fromFort Campbell, Ky., in 1980, has evolvedinto a highly specialized SOF rotarywing aviation capability. The 160thSOAR (A) is USASOC’s <strong>Special</strong><strong>Operations</strong> aviation unit specificallymanned, equipped and trained to provideprecision aviation support to SOFworldwide under any operational andthreat environment. To accomplish itsmission, the 160th SOAR (A) employs aunique combination of sophisticated,highly modified and combat provenaircraft: MH-60/MH-47/MH-6/AH-6.These aircraft, coupled with theregiment’s stringently selected andhighly trained aircrews, provide SOFwith an ever-expanding array of reliableaviation capabilities. This includesprecision rotary wing operations,long-range infiltrations/exfiltration, andperforming in adverse weather and allterrain/environmental conditions. Theregiment can also conduct long-rangeprecision attack and close-air support forground SOF and personnel recovery.<strong>USSOCOM</strong> <strong>Fact</strong> <strong>Book</strong>17

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