33A/35ATM Series - Spadina Security Inc.
33A/35ATM Series - Spadina Security Inc.
33A/35ATM Series - Spadina Security Inc.
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<strong>33A</strong>/<strong>35ATM</strong><strong>Series</strong>Exit Devices
IntroductionThe proper selection and application of exit hardware, in addition to safety, are major concerns to all responsible manufacturers.Exit devices are a critical part of a door opening or access system and will provide safe and reliable service when properly appliedand maintained. It is the policy of Von Duprin to design and manufacture exit devices to a high standard of quality and reliabilityin accordance with accepted U.S. domestic and international standards.It is intended that the information included in this publication, when properly used, will provide clear and reliable guidelines tothe proper general selection and application. However, the scope of the information is necessarily limited.2VON DUPRINAdministrative Offices2720 Tobey Dr.Indianapolis, IN 46219Customer Service877-671-7011800-999-0328 - FaxTechnical Support877-671-7011
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Exit DevicesVon Duprin pushpad exit devices are available in two external surface styles, designated <strong>33A</strong> <strong>Series</strong> and 35A <strong>Series</strong>.The two styles are mechanically and dimensionally identical and provide a wide selection of appearance options.<strong>33A</strong> <strong>Series</strong> features grooved mechanism case.35A <strong>Series</strong> features smooth mechanism case.Deadlocking LatchboltDeadlocking latchbolt prevents forcedlatchbolt retraction providing highersecurity for your openings.Latch Bolt(<strong>33A</strong> Rim device shown)The Quiet One®A fluid damper decelerates the pushpad onits return stroke and eliminates most noiseassociated with exit device operations.Furnished on all <strong>33A</strong>/35A <strong>Series</strong> exit devices.Be sure to ask your SSC representative to tell you about Custom Solutionsby Ingersoll Rand <strong>Security</strong> Technologies. To learn more visit securitytechnologies.ingersollrand.com.CustomDécorHigh<strong>Security</strong>andSafetyEnvironmentalSolutionsFlexibleConfigurations3
Table of ContentsExit HardwareRim Devices <strong>33A</strong>/35A ................................................................ 8Trim ........................................................................ 9Surface MountedVertical Rod Devices3327A/3527A ..................................................... 10Trim ...................................................................... 11Concealed Vertical Rod Devices 3347A/3547A ..................................................... 14Trim ...................................................................... 153348A/3548A ..................................................... 18Trim ...................................................................... 193349A/3549A ..................................................... 22Trim ...................................................................... 23Fire Exit Hardware3327A-F/3527A-F .............................................. 12Trim ...................................................................... 133347A-F/3547A-F .............................................. 16Trim ...................................................................... 173348A-F/3548A-F .............................................. 20Trim ...................................................................... 213349A-F/3549A-F .............................................. 24Trim ...................................................................... 25Options & AccessoriesApplications& TrimOperationAdditionalInformationTrimOptionsStrikeOptionsTrim SelectionOptional TrimANSI Grade, Type & FunctionDevice DimensionsFinishesFire Label Ratings/ApplicationsHandingHow-To-Order InformationNomenclaturePopular Double Door ApplicationsMinimum Stile InformationOptional LeversOptional TrimTrim SelectionOperation OptionsOptional StrikesElectricalOptionsElectricalAccessoriesALK Exit Alarm kitRX Request to ExitWP-RX Request to ExitE-TrimLX Latch Bolt MonitoringEL Electric Latch RetractionQEL Electric Latch RetractionSS Signal SwitchPN PneumaticLBR/LBL Less Bottom Rod/LatchPL Pullman LatchRG-27 Vertical Rod and Latch GuardDummy PushpadCD Cylinder DoggingCDK, HDK Cylinder Doggingand Hex Key Dogging KitsGBK Glass Bead KitCylindersPower SuppliesPS902PS914EPT Electric Power Transfer4
How to Order InformationRim devices, specify:1. Exit device model number with trim selection. Examples: <strong>33A</strong>-EO(exit only with no outside trim). <strong>33A</strong>-NL (includes 386NL trim).<strong>33A</strong>-NL-OP (includes the 388 trim less pull).2. Size 4' (1219mm) for door sizes 2' 10" (940mm) to 4'(1219mm). Size 3' (914mm) for door sizes 2' 4" (792mm) to 3'(914mm) is shipped standard.3. Door thickness if other than 1³⁄₄" (44mm).4. Door and frame material if other than aluminum.5. Finish, see page 38.6. Handing required on “L”, “SS”, or “386NL”. Specify LHR or RHR.See page 7.Device Trim, Cross-Reference * :Vertical rod devices, specify:1. Exit device model number with trim selection. Examples: 3327A-EO (exit only with no outside trim.) 3327A-TL-OP (includes 360TControl) 3327A-TL (includes 374T and 386DT).2. Size 2' (1219mm) for door sizes 2' (610mm).Size 3' (914mm) for door sizes 2' 2" (792mm) to 3' (914mm) isshipped standard.Size 4' (1219mm) for door sizes 2' 8" (940mm) to 4' (1219mm).3. Door thickness if other than 1³⁄₄" (44mm).4. Door height if greater than 7' (2134mm) surface vertical roddevice (8' 4" for concealed devices) or extension rods will besupplied.5. Door and frame material if other than aluminum or hollow metal.6. Finish, see page 38.7. Handing required on “L”, “SS”, or “386NL”. Specify LHR or RHR.See page 7.Pullman latches are optional for 3327A/3527A and3347A/3547A devices. Latchbolts remain extended at all times.Specify “Pullman Latch” when required.33/35 Devices Status <strong>33A</strong>/35A Devices333NL-TP Replaced 386NL333DT Replaced 386DT337NL-TP Replaced 386NL337DT Replaced 386DT334 Replaced 388334 x 550 Replaced 388 x 550370L Replaced 360L370T Replaced 360T372L Replaced 360L374T x 333DT Replaced 374T x 386DT— New 374T x 392-6376T x 337DT Replaced 376T x 386DT— New 376T x 392-63308NL Obsolete —3308DT Obsolete —— New388 x Ives 8190<strong>Series</strong> Pull— New360T x Ives 8190<strong>Series</strong> Pull*New trims not compatible with old devices, neither are old trimswith new devices.5
Nomenclature – How to OrderCDCXELHD-ELQELHHLDLXLX-LCLX-RXLX-RX-LCPLPNRXRX-LCRX2SSWP-RXCylinder Dogging - Panic OnlyChexit Delayed Egress - Rim OnlyElectric Latch RetractionElectric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQuiet Electric LatchHurricaneLess DoggingLatchbolt MonitoringLatch Bolt Monitor Low CurrentLatchbolt Monitor / Request to ExitLatchbolt Monitor / Request to Exit Low CurrentPullman LatchPneumaticRequest to ExitRequest to Exit Low CurrentRequest to Exit Double SwitchSignal SwitchWaterproof Request to ExitEL 33 27A -L -16 -F LBR 3' US3 RHR35A<strong>33A</strong>A27A47A48A49ADTEOLL-BEL-DTL-NLNLNL-OPTTLT-BETL-BE<strong>Series</strong> 35A-smooth<strong>Series</strong> <strong>33A</strong>-groovedRim DeviceSurface Mounted Vertical Rod DeviceConcealed Vertical Rod DeviceConcealed Vertical Rod DeviceConcealed Vertical Cable DeviceDummy TrimExit OnlyLever (Classroom)Lever-Blank Escutcheon (Passage)Lever-Dummy TrimRigid Lever - Night Latch (Key retracts Latchbolt)Night Latch (Key retracts Latchbolt)Night Latch Cylinder Assembly – Optional PullThumbturnTurn LeverThumbturn-Blank EscutcheonTurn Lever-Blank Escutcheon (Passage)XXFLever Style 06 standardOptional 01, 02, 02KN, 03, 03KN, 05, 06KN, 07, 12(handed), 16, 17, 17KN, 18, ACC, AST, MER, STAFire Exit Device 27A, 47A, 48A, 49A OnlyLBRLBLALKALK-AR1ALK-AR3ALK-AR62'3'4'Less Bottom RodLess Bottom LatchStandard Alarm KitAuto-Reset 1¹/₂ minute Alarm KitAuto-Reset 3 minute Alarm KitAuto-Reset 4¹/₂ minute Alarm Kit2' Device (2' Door Size) 27A, 47A or 49A only3' Device (2' 4"– 3' Door Size)4' Device (2' 10"– 4' Door Size)FinishesHRUS3, US4, US10, US15 (35A only), US26, US26D,US26D-AM, US28, 313, 315Handing – RHR or LHR6
Popular Double Door ApplicationsSingle Door ApplicationsDoor HandingLeft Hand-ReverseOrientationRight Right Hand-ReverseOrientationLHR(Left Hand-Reverse) hand reverse)OutsideRHR(Right Hand-Reverse)hand reverse)Single mortise lock deviceSingle rim deviceDouble Door ApplicationsMortise lock and surface mounted or concealedvertical cable/rod device combination—samedirectionTwo rim devices with mullion—same directionTwo vertical rods—double egressAuxiliary Fire LatchTwo surface mounted vertical rod devices—samedirection (do not use with overlapping astragal)Two Fire Exit Hardware vertical cables/rodswith auxilary fire latch-LBR optionTwo concealed vertical cables/rods7
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Rim Device1439 Rollerships standard, optional strikesavailable<strong>33A</strong> and 35A for all types of single and double doors with mullion, UL listed for Panic Exit Hardware.Devices are ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 35A has a smooth mechanism case and the <strong>33A</strong> hasgrooved case. The rim device is non-handed except when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used.See opposite page for available outside trim and device functions.<strong>33A</strong>/35A fits door stiles as narrow as 1³⁄₄" (44mm). Newly designed device has a one piece centercase cover.Finishes – US3, US4, US10, US15 (35A Only) US26, US26D, US26D-AM,US28, 313 and 315.299 Strikeneeds to be specifiedfor Hollow Metal Frames<strong>33A</strong>/35A Rim DeviceSpecificationsDevice Lengths 3' 2' 4" to 3' (711mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'10" to 4' (864 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerlinefrom Finished Floor39¹³⁄₁₆" (1011 mm)39¹¹⁄₁₆" (1008 mm) with MullionCenter Case 8³⁄₁₆" x 1⁹⁄₁₆" x 2¹³⁄₃₂" (208mm x 40mm x 62mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2¹⁄₄" x 2¹⁄₄" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3¹³⁄₁₆" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3¹⁄₁₆" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking, ³|₄" (19mm) throwFasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1³|₄" (44mm) – 2¼" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)Electric Options ALK Alarm KitCX Chexit Delayed ExitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof OptionLX Latchbolt MonitoringLX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt MonitoringRX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PN PneumaticHH HurricaneSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsDogging Feature Hex Dogging StandardCD Cylinder DoggingLD Less DoggingStrikes 1439 – Dull BlackOptional StrikesQELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationCXChexit Delayed Exit• Meets NFPA 101requirements• Self-contained controls,locking, alarmELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key overridePNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpadALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keySGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronicsCDCylinder Dogging• Replaces hex keydogging• Requires standard 1 1 /4"mortise cylinder8
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OPProduct DescriptionProduct DescriptionExit OnlyNo Outside Trim<strong>33A</strong>-EO35A-EOLeverKey Locks and Unlocks<strong>33A</strong>-L35A-LLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)<strong>33A</strong>-L-BE35A-L-BEThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks<strong>33A</strong>-T35A-TThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)<strong>33A</strong>-T-BE35A-T-BETrim Description 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size — — — —Projection 3"(76mm)Dummy TrimPull when Dogged<strong>33A</strong>-DT35A-DT3"(76mm)Night LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt<strong>33A</strong>-NL35A-NL1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)Night LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required<strong>33A</strong>-NL-OP35A-NL-OPTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388Base Size7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆"—(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm)Grip SizeProjection——8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type 1¹⁄₄"Mortise — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise —Handing Handed/Reversible Handed/Reversible — —Optional Trim— E360L-BE — E360T-BE—1"(25mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03Cylinder Type — — Rim RimHanding — — Handed —Optional Trimx360L-DTx550DT—x550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190L L-BE T T-BE<strong>33A</strong>/35A Rim Device TrimNote: 360L & 360T used on Wood Door require the <strong>33A</strong>-WDA cover plateNotes9
3327A/3527A Surface Mounted Vertical Rod DeviceTopLatch266Top Strike3327A/3527A Surface Mounted Vertical Rod Device103327A and 3527A for all types of single and double doors, UL listed for Panic Exit Hardware. Devicesare ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 3527A has a smooth mechanism case and the 3327A has groovedcase. The surface vertical rod device is non-handed except when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used.See opposite page for available outside trim and device functions.3327A/3527A fits door stiles as narrow as 1³⁄₄" (44mm). Newly designed device has a one piece centercase cover.Finishes – US3, US4, US10, US15 (35A Only) US26, US26D, US26D-AM,US28, 313 and 315.SpecificationsDevice Lengths 2' 2' (610 mm) Door Size - Shipped Less UL Label3' 2'4" to 3' (660mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'8" to 4' (813 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerline 39 ¹³⁄₁₆" (1006mm)from Finished FloorCenter Case 8³⁄₁₆" x 2¹³⁄₃₂" x 1⁹⁄₁₆" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2¹⁄₄" x 2¹⁄₄" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3¹³⁄₁₆" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3¹⁄₁₆" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking Anti-friction Top & Bottom Bolt ⁵⁄₈" (16mm) throwDoor Undercut ¹⁄₄" (7mm)Top & Bottom 4¹⁄₂" x 2¹⁄₈" x 1¹⁄₂" (114mm x 54mm x 38mm)LatchVertical Rods ¹⁄₂" square tubing, standard rods accommodate 7'(2134mm) doorTop rod length is 34¹⁵⁄₁₆" (887mm)Bottom rod length is 31¹⁄₄" (794mm)Extension rods available 1' (205mm) or 3' (914mm) for doors over 7'One piece top rod available for 8' (2438mm) -10' (3048mm) doorFasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1³⁄₄" (44mm) – 2¹⁄₄" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)#325 SNB furnished for top and bottom latchesElectric Options ALK Alarm KitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof OptionLX Latchbolt MonitoringLX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt MonitoringRX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PL Pullman LatchPN PneumaticHH HurricaneLBR Less Bottom RodSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsDogging Feature Hex Dogging StandardCD Cylinder DoggingLD Less DoggingStrikes Top – 266 – Dull Black, Bottom – 248L4 & 304L – UnfinishedOptional StrikesQELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingPNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key overrideRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpad248L-4Bottom Strikefor use withThreshold304LBottomLatchCDCylinder Dogging• Replaces hex keydogging• Requires standard 1 1 /4"mortise cylinderALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keyDIDogging Indicator• Monitor dogging statuswithout a control panel• Red indicator lightshows visibility todogging from over75 feetSGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronics
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OP TLProduct DescriptionExit OnlyNo Outside Trim3327A-EO3527A-EODummy TrimPull when Dogged3327A-DT3527A-DTNight LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt3327A-NL3527A-NLNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required3327A-NL-OP3527A-NL-OPThumbturnKey Locks & Unlocks3327A-TL3527A-TLTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388 374T x 386Base Size7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"—(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm) (190x43mmx22mm)Grip SizeProjection——8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)— —1"(25mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03 11-12 Field SelectableCylinder Type — — Rim Rim 1¹⁄₄"MortiseHanding — — Handed — —Optional Trimx 360L-DTx 550DT—x 550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190x 392-6Product DescriptionThumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3327A-TL-BE3527A-TL-BELeverKey Locks and Unlocks3327A-L3527A-LLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3327A-L-BE3527A-L-BEThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks3327A-T3527A-TThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3327A-T-BE3527A-T-BETrim Description 374T-BE x 386 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)— — — —ProjectionTL-BE L L-BE T T-BE1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)3"(76mm)3"(76mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function — 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise —Handing — Handed/Reversible Handed/Reversible — —Optional Trimx 392-6 — E360L-BE — E360T-BE3327A/3527A Surface Mounted Vertical Rod Device TrimNote: 360L & 360T used on Wood Door require the <strong>33A</strong>-WDA cover plate374T used on Wood Door require #10-WDA cover plateNotes11
3327A-F/3527A-F Fire Exit Surface Mounted Vertical Rod DeviceTopLatch299FTop Strike3327A-F/3527A-F Fire Exit Surface Mounted Vertical Rod Device123327A-F and 3527A-F for all types of double doors up to 8' x 10' (2438mm x 2540mm), UL listed forFire Exit Hardware. See page 28 for detailed information on UL listed fire exit hardware labeland door opening size information. Devices are ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 3527A-Fhas a smooth mechanism case and the 3327A-F has grooved case. The surface vertical rod device isnon-handed except when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used. See opposite page for available outsidetrim and device functions.3327A-F/3527A-F fits door stiles as narrow as 2³⁄₁₆" (56 mm). Newly designed device has a one piececenter case cover.Finishes – US3, US4, US10, US15 (35A Only) US26, US26D, US26D-AM,US28, 313 and 315.SpecificationsDevice Lengths 2' 2' (610 mm) Door Size - Shipped Less UL Label3' 2'4" to 3' (660mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'8" to 4' (813 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerline 39 ¹³⁄₁₆" (1006mm)from Finished FloorCenter Case 8³⁄₁₆" x 1⁹⁄₁₆" x 2¹³⁄₃₂" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2¹⁄₄" x 2¹⁄₄" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3¹³⁄₁₆" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3¹⁄₁₆" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking Anti-friction Top & Bottom Bolt ⁵⁄₈" (16mm) throwDoor Undercut ¹⁄₄" (7mm)Top & Bottom 4¹⁄₂" x 2¹⁄₈" x 1¹⁄₂" (114mm x 54mm x 38mm)LatchVertical Rods ¹⁄₂" square tubing, standard rods accommodate 7' (2134mm) doorTop rod length is 34¹⁵⁄₁₆" (887mm)Bottom rod length is 31¹⁄₄" (794mm)Extension rods available 1' (205mm) or 3'(914mm) for doors over 7'One piece top rod available for 8'(2438mm)-10' (3048mm) doorFasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1³⁄₄" (44mm) – 2¹⁄₄" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)#325 SNB furnished for top and bottom latchesElectric Options ALK Alarm KitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof OptionLX Latchbolt MonitoringLX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt MonitoringRX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PN PneumaticHH HurricaneLBR Less Bottom RodSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsStrikes Top – 299F (499F LBR) – Dull Black, Bottom – 304L – UnfinishedOptional StrikesQELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingPNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key override499F(LBR only)304LBottom Strikefor use withThresholdBottomLatchRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpadALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keySGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronics
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OP TLProduct DescriptionExit OnlyNo Outside Trim3327A-EO-F3527A-EO-FDummy TrimPull when Dogged(Not recommendedfor Fire Device)3327A-DT-F3527A-DT-FNight LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt3327A-NL-F3527A-NL-FNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required3327A-NL-OP-F3527A-NL-OP-FThumbturnKey Locks & Unlocks3327A-TL-F3527A-TL-FTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388 374T x 386Base Size7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"—(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm) (190x43mmx22mm)Grip SizeProjection——8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)—1"(25mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03 11-12 Field SelectableCylinder Type — — Rim Rim 1¹⁄₄"MortiseHanding — — Handed — —Optional Trimx 360L-DTx 550DT—x 550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190x 392-6Product DescriptionThumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3327A-TL-BE-F3527A-TL-BE-FLeverKey Locks and Unlocks3327A-L-F3527A-L-FLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3327A-L-BE-F3527A-L-BE-FThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks(Behind C/Case)3327A-T-F3527A-T-FThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)(Behind C/Case)3327A-T-BE-F3527A-T-BE-FTrim Description 374T-BE x 386 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)— — — —ProjectionTL-BE L L-BE T T-BE2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)3"(76mm)3"(76mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function — 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise —Handing — Handed/Reversible Handed/Reversible — —Optional Trimx 392-6 — E360L-BE — E360T-BE3327A-F/3527A-F Fire Exit Surface Mounted Vertical Rod Device TrimNote: 360L & 360T used on Wood Door require the <strong>33A</strong>-WDA cover plate374T used on Wood Door require #10-WDA cover plateNotes13
3347A/3547A Concealed Vertical Rod DeviceTop Latch338Top Strike3347A/3547A Concealed Vertical Rod Device143347A and 3547A for all types of single and double doors, UL listed for Panic Exit Hardware. Devicesare ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 3547A has a smooth mechanism case and the 3347A has groovedcase. The concealed vertical rod device is non-handed except when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used.See opposite page for available outside trim and device functions.3347A/3547A fits door stiles as narrow as 2-1/8" (44 mm), wood door stiles as narrow as 4" (102mm).Newly designed device has a one piece center case cover.Finishes – US3, US4, US10, US15 (35A Only) US26, US26D, US26D-AM,US28, 313 and 315.SpecificationsDevice Lengths 2' 2' (610 mm) Door Size - Shipped Less UL Label3' 2'4" to 3' (660mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'8" to 4' (813 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerline 39 ¹³⁄₁₆" (1006mm)from Finished FloorCenter Case 8³⁄₁₆" x 2¹³⁄₃₂" x 1⁹⁄₁₆" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2¹⁄₄" x 2¹⁄₄" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3¹³⁄₁₆" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3¹⁄₁₆" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking Anti-friction Top & Bottom Bolt ⁵⁄₈" (16mm) throwDoor Undercut ¹⁄₄" (7mm)Top & Bottom 3³⁄₄" x 1¹⁄₂" x 1" (114mm x 54mm x 38mm)LatchVertical Rods Round 2 piece adjustable rodsTop rod adjustable from 6'8" (2027mm) to 8'4" (2533mm)Bottom rod adjustable from 35⁵⁄₈" (905mm) to 49⁵⁄₈" (1260mm)Extension rod kits available for doors over 8'4" (2533mm)Fasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1³⁄₄" (44mm) – 2¹⁄₄" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)Electric Options ALK Alarm KitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof OptionLX Latchbolt MonitoringLX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt MonitoringRX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PL Pullman LatchPN PneumaticHH HurricaneINS-2/INS-4 Insulclad Kits 1/2” / 1/4” PanelsLBR Less Bottom RodSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsDogging Feature Hex Dogging StandardCD Cylinder DoggingLD Less DoggingStrikes Top – 388 – Unfinished, Bottom – 385A – UnfinishedOptional StrikesQELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpadELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingPNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key override385ABottom Strike283Top Strikefor use withWood FramesBottom LatchCDCylinder Dogging• Replaces hex keydogging• Requires standard 1 1 /4"mortise cylinderALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keyDIDogging Indicator• Monitor dogging statuswithout a control panel• Red indicator lightshows visibility todogging from over75 feetSGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronics
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OP TLProduct DescriptionExit OnlyNo Outside Trim3347A-EO3547A-EODummy TrimPull when Dogged3347A-DT3547A-DTNight LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt3347A-NL3547A-NLNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required3347A-NL-OP3547A-NL-OPThumbturnKey Locks & Unlocks3347A-TL3547A-TLTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388 376T x 386Base Size7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"—(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm) (190x43mmx22mm)Grip SizeProjection——8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)—1"(25mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03 11-12 Field SelectableCylinder Type — — Rim Rim 1¹⁄₄"MortiseHanding — — Handed — —Optional Trimx 360L-DTx 550DT—x 550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190x 392-6Product DescriptionThumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3347A-TL-BE3547A-TL-BELeverKey Locks and Unlocks3347A-L3547A-LLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3347A-L-BE3547A-L-BEThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks(Behind C/Case)3347A-T3547A-TThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)(Behind C/Case)3347A-T-BE3547A-T-BETrim Description 376T-BE x 386 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)— — — —ProjectionTL-BE L L-BE T T-BE2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)3"(76mm)3"(76mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function — 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise —Handing — Handed/Reversible Handed/Reversible — —Optional Trimx 392-6 — E360L-BE — E360T-BE3347A/3547A Concealed Vertical Rod Device TrimNote: 360L & 360T used on Wood Door require the <strong>33A</strong>-WDA cover plate376T used on Wood Door require #10-WDA cover plateNotes15
3347A-F/3547A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Rod DeviceTop Latch338Top Strike3347A-F/3547A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Rod Device3347A-F and 3547A-F for all types of double doors up to 8' x 10' (2438mm x 2540mm), UL listed forFire Exit Hardware. See page 37 for detailed information on UL listed fire exit hardware labeland door opening size information. Devices are ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 3547A-F has asmooth mechanism case and the 3347A-F has grooved case. The concealed vertical rod device is nonhandedexcept when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used. See opposite page for available outside trimand device functions.3347A-F/3527A-F fits door stiles as narrow as 3¹⁄₂" (90mm). Newly designed device has a one piececenter case cover.Finishes – US3, US4, US10, US15 (35A Only) US26, US26D, US26D-AM,US28, 313 and 315.SpecificationsDevice Lengths 2' 2' (610 mm) Door Size - Shipped Less UL Label3' 2'4" to 3' (660mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'8" to 4' (813 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerline 39 ¹³⁄₁₆" (1006mm)from Finished FloorCenter Case 8³⁄₁₆" x 2¹³⁄₃₂" x 1⁹⁄₁₆" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2¹⁄₄" x 2¹⁄₄" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3¹³⁄₁₆" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3¹⁄₁₆" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking Anti-friction Top & Bottom Bolt ⁵⁄₈" (16mm) throwDoor Undercut ¹⁄₄" (7mm)Top & Bottom 4¹⁄₂" x 2¹⁄₈" x 1¹⁄₂" (114mm x 54mm x 38mm)LatchVertical Rods Round 2 piece adjustable rodsTop rod adjustable from 6'8" (2027mm) to 8'4" (2533mm)Bottom rod adjustable from 35⁵⁄₈" (905mm) to 49⁵⁄₈" (1260mm)Extension rod kits available for doors over 8'4" (2533mm)Fasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1³⁄₄" (44mm) – 2¹⁄₄" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)Electric Options ALK Alarm KitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof OptionLX Latchbolt MonitoringLX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt MonitoringRX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PN PneumaticHH HurricaneLBR Less Bottom RodSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsStrikes Top – 338 – Dull Black, Bottom – 385A – UnfinishedOptional StrikesQELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingPNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key override385ABottom StrikeBottom LatchRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpadALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keySGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronics16
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OP TLProduct DescriptionExit OnlyNo Outside Trim3347A-EO-F3547A-EO-FDummy TrimPull when Dogged(Not recommendedfor Fire Device)3347A-DT-F3547A-DT-FNight LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt3347A-NL-F3547A-NL-FNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required3347A-NL-OP-F3547A-NL-OP-FThumbturnKey Locks & Unlocks3347A-TL-F3547A-TL-FTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388 376T x 386DTBase Size7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"—(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm) (190x43mmx22mm)Grip SizeProjection——8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)—1"(25mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03 11-12 Field SelectableCylinder Type — — Rim Rim 1¹⁄₄"MortiseHanding — — Handed — —Optional Trimx 360L-DTx 550DT—x 550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190x 392-6Product DescriptionThumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3347A-TL-BE-F3547A-TL-BE-FLeverKey Locks and Unlocks3347A-L-F3547A-L-FLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3347A-L-BE-F3547A-L-BE-FThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks(Behind C/Case)3347A-T-F3547A-T-FThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)(Behind C/Case)3347A-T-BE-F3547A-T-BE-FTrim Description 376T-BE x 386 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)— — — —ProjectionTL-BE L L-BE T T-BE2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)3"(76mm)3"(76mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function — 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise —Handing — Handed/Reversible Handed/Reversible — —Optional Trimx 392-6 — E360L-BE — E360T-BE3347A-F/3547A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Rod Device TrimNote: 360L & 360T used on Wood Door require the <strong>33A</strong>-WDA cover plate376T used on Wood Door require #10-WDA cover plateNotes17
3348A/3548A Concealed Vertical Rod DeviceTop Latch338Top Strike3348A/3548A Concealed Vertical Rod Device183348A and 3548A for Hollow Metal single and double doors, UL listed for Panic Exit Hardware. Devicesare ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 3548A has a smooth mechanism case and the 3348A has groovedcase.The concealed vertical rod device is non-handed except when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used.See opposite page for available outside trim and device functions.3348A/3548A fits door stiles as narrow as 2-1/8" (44 mm). Newly designed device has a one piececenter case cover.Finishes – US3, US4, US10, US15 (35A Only) US26, US26D, US26D-AM,US28, 313 and 315.SpecificationsDevice Lengths 2' 2'8" (610 mm) Door Size - Shipped Less UL Label3' 2'4" to 3' (660mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'8" to 4' (813 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerlinefrom Finished Floor39¹³⁄₁₆" (1006mm) Standard, Adjustable from 35⁵⁄₈" (905mm)to 49⁵⁄₈" (1260mm)Center Case 8³⁄₁₆" x 2¹³⁄₃₂" x 1⁹⁄₁₆" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2¹⁄₄" x 2¹⁄₄" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3¹³⁄₁₆" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3¹⁄₁₆" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking Anti-friction Top & Bottom Bolt ³⁄₄" (19mm) throwDeadlocking Anti-friction Top & Bottom Bolt 1¹⁄₂" (38mm) throwDoor Undercut ³⁄₄" (19mm)Top & Bottom 4¹⁄₄" x 1¹⁄₂" x 1¹⁄₈" (114mm x 54mm x 38mm)LatchVertical Rods Round 2 piece adjustable rodsTop rod adjustable from 6'8" (2027mm) to 8'4" (2533mm)Bottom rod adjustable from 35⁵⁄₈" (905mm) to 49⁵⁄₈" (1260mm)Extension rod kits available for doors over 8'4" (2533mm)Fasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1³⁄₄" (44mm) – 2¹⁄₄" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)Electric Options ALK Alarm KitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof OptionLX Latchbolt MonitoringLX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt MonitoringRX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PN PneumaticHH HurricaneSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsDogging Feature Hex Dogging StandardCD Cylinder DoggingLD Less DoggingStrikes Top – 338 – Unfinished, Bottom – 385A – UnfinishedOptional StrikesQELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpadELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingPNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key override385ABottom StrikeBottom LatchCDCylinder Dogging• Replaces hex keydogging• Requires standard 1 1 /4"mortise cylinderALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keyDIDogging Indicator• Monitor dogging statuswithout a control panel• Red indicator lightshows visibility todogging from over75 feetSGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronics
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OP TLProduct DescriptionExit OnlyNo Outside Trim3348A-EO3548A-EODummy TrimPull when Dogged3348A-DT3548A-DTNight LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt3348A-NL3548A-NLNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required3348A-NL-OP3548A-NL-OPThumbturnKey Locks & Unlocks3348A-TL3548A-TLTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388 376T x 386Base Size7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"—(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm) (190x43mmx22mm)Grip SizeProjection——8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)—1"(25mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03 11-12 Field SelectableCylinder Type — — Rim Rim 1¹⁄₄"MortiseHanding — — Handed — —Optional Trimx 360L-DTx 550DT—x 550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190x 392-6Product DescriptionThumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3348A-TL-BE3548A-TL-BELeverKey Locks and Unlocks3348A-L3548A-LLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3348A-L-BE3548A-L-BEThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks(Behind C/Case)3348A-T3548A-TThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)(Behind C/Case)3348A-T-BE3548A-T-BETrim Description 376T-BE x 386 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)— — — —ProjectionTL-BE L L-BE T T-BE2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)3"(76mm)3"(76mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function — 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise —Handing — Handed/Reversible Handed/Reversible — —Optional Trimx 392-6 — E360L-BE — E360T-BE3348A/3548A Concealed Vertical Rod Device TrimNote: 360L & 360T used on Wood Door require the <strong>33A</strong>-WDA cover plate376T used on Wood Door require #10-WDA cover plateNotes19
3348A-F/3548A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Rod Device338Top Strike3348A-F/3548A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Rod Device3348A-F and 3548A-F for hollow metal double doors up to 8' x 10' (2438mm x 2540mm), UL listedfor Fire Exit Hardware. See page 37 for detailed information on UL listed fire exit hardware labeland door opening size information. Devices are ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 3548A-F has asmooth mechanism case and the 3348A-F has grooved case. The concealed vertical rod device is nonhandedexcept when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used. See opposite page for available outside trimand device functions.3348A-F/3548A-F fits door stiles as narrow as 3¹⁄₂" (90mm). Newly designed device has a one piececenter case cover.Finishes – US3, US4, US10, US15 (35A Only) US26, US26D, US26D-AM,US28, 313 and 315.SpecificationsDevice Lengths 2' 2' (610 mm) Door Size - Shipped Less UL Label3' 2'4" to 3' (660mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'8" to 4' (813 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerlinefrom Finished Floor39¹³⁄₁₆" (1006mm) Standard, Adjustable from 35⁵⁄₈" (905mm)to 49⁵⁄₈" (1260mm)Center Case 8³⁄₁₆" x 2¹³⁄₃₂" x 1⁹⁄₁₆" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2¹⁄₄" x 2¹⁄₄" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3¹³⁄₁₆" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3¹⁄₁₆" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking Anti-friction Top Bolt ³⁄₄" (19mm) throwDeadlocking Anti-friction Bottom Bolt 1¹⁄₂" (38mm) throwDoor Undercut ³⁄₄" (19mm)Top & Bottom 4¹⁄₄" x 1¹⁄₂" x 1¹⁄₈"LatchVertical Rods Round 2 piece adjustable rodsTop rod adjustable from 6'8" (2027mm) to 8'4" (2533mm)Bottom rod adjustable from 35⁵⁄₈" (905mm) to 49⁵⁄₈" (1260mm)Extension rod kits available for doors over 8'4" (2533mm)Fasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1³⁄₄" (44mm) – 2¹⁄₄" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)Electric Options ALK Alarm KitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof OptionLX Latchbolt MonitoringLX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt MonitoringRX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PN PneumaticHH HurricaneSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsStrikes Top – 338 – Unfinished, Bottom – 385A – UnfinishedOptional StrikesQELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingPNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key override385ABottom StrikeBottom LatchRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpadALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keySGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronics20
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OP TLProduct DescriptionExit OnlyNo Outside Trim3348A-EO-F3548A-EO-FDummy TrimPull when Dogged(Not recommendedfor Fire Device)3348A-DT-F3548A-DT-FNight LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt3348A-NL-F3548A-NL-FNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required3348A-NL-OP-F3548A-NL-OP-FThumbturnKey Locks & Unlocks3348A-TL-F3548A-TL-FTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388 376T x 386Base Size7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁵⁄₃₂" x 1⁵⁄₈" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" 7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"—(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm) (190x43mmx22mm)Grip SizeProjection——8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)—1"(25mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03 11-12 Field SelectableCylinder Type — — Rim Rim 1¹⁄₄"MortiseHanding — — Handed — —Optional Trimx 360L-DTx 550DT—x 550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190x 392-6Product DescriptionThumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3348A-TL-BE-F3548A-TL-BE-FLeverKey Locks and Unlocks3348A-L-F3548A-L-FLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3348A-L-BE-F3548A-L-BE-FThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks(Behind C/Case)3348A-T-F3548A-T-FThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)(Behind C/Case)3348A-T-BE-F3548A-T-BE-FTrim Description 376T-BE x 386 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)— — — —ProjectionTL-BE L L-BE T T-BE2⁷⁄₁₆"(62mm)3"(76mm)3"(76mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function — 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise —Handing — Handed/Reversible Handed/Reversible — —Optional Trimx 392-6 — E360L-BE — E360T-BE3348A-F/3548A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Rod Device TrimNote: 360L & 360T used on Wood Door require the <strong>33A</strong>-WDA cover plate376T used on Wood Door require #10-WDA cover plateNotes21
3349A/3549A Concealed Vertical Cable DeviceTop Latch338Top StrikeRetrofit Bracket3349A/3549A Concealed Vertical Cable Device3349A and 3549A for all types of single and double doors, UL listed for Panic Exit Hardware. Devicesare ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 3549A has a smooth mechanism case and the 3349A has groovedcase. The concealed vertical cable device is non-handed except when the SS (Signal Switch) option isused. See opposite page for available outside trim and device functions.3349A/3549A fits door stiles as narrow as 2-1/8" (44 mm), wood door stiles as narrow as 4" (102mm).Newly designed device has a one piece center case cover.Finishes – US3, US3A, US4, US4A, US10, US15 (3549 Only), US26, US26D, US26D-AM Antimicrobial,US28, 313, 315 and 643E.SpecificationsDevice Lengths 2' 2' (610mm) Door Size - Shipped Less UL Label3' 2'2" to 3' (660mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'8" to 4' (813 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerline 39 5 /8" (1006mm) Standardfrom Finished FloorCenter Case 8 3 /16" x 2 13 /32" x 1 9 /16" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2 1 /4" x 2 1 /4" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3 13 /16" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3 1 /16" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking Anti-friction Top & Bottom Bolt 1 /2" (13mm) throwDoor Undercut 3/4" (19mm) Maximum - 24231516 Spacer Block Kit needed for 3 /4"undercutTop & Bottom 5 13 /16" x 1 1 /4" x 1 7 /16" (147mm x 32mm x 37mm)LatchVertical Cables 7/32" (6mm) Diameter Stainless Steel CablesFasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1 3 /4" (44mm) – 2 1 /4" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)Electric Options ALK Alarm KitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof Option*LX Latchbolt Monitoring*LX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt Monitoring*RX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PL Pullman LatchPN PneumaticINS-2/INS-4 Insulclad Kits 1/2” / 1/4” PanelsLBL Less Bottom LatchSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsDogging Feature Hex Dogging StandardCD Cylinder DoggingLD Less DoggingStrikes Top – 249 Bottom – 349QELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingPNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key overrideSGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronics249Top Strike349Bottom StrikeCenterSlideBottom LatchCDCylinder Dogging• Replaces hex keydogging• Requires standard 1 1 /4"mortise cylinderRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpadALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keyDIDogging Indicator• Monitor dogging statuswithout a control panel• Red indicator lightshows visibility todogging from over75 feet22*For 33/3549A devices, LX switch monitors trim input or electric dogging of EL/QEL devices.LX switch does not monitor latchbolt condition.
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OPProduct DescriptionExit Only3349A-EO3549A-EODummy TrimPull when Dogged3349A-DT3549A-DTNight LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt3349A-NL3549A-NLNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required3349A-NL-OP3549A-NL-OPTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388Base Size7—15 /32" x 1 5 /8" 7 15 /32" x 1 5 /8" 7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16"(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm)Grip SizeProjection——8 1 /2" x 4 5 /16"(216x110mm)2 7 /16"(62mm)8 1 /2" x 4 5 /16"(216x110mm)2 7 /16"(62mm)—1"(25mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03Cylinder Type — — Rim RimHanding — — Handed —Optional Trimx 360L-DTx 550DT—x 550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190Product DescriptionLeverKey Locks and Unlocks3349A-L3549A-LLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3349A-L-BE3549A-L-BEThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks(Behind C/Case)3349A-T3549A-TThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)(Behind C/Case)3349A-T-BE3549A-T-BETrim Description 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size 7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16" x 7 /8"(190x43x22mm)7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16" x 7 /8"(190x43x22mm)7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16" x 7 /8"(190x43x22mm)7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16" x 7 /8"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size — — — —Projection 3"(76mm)L L-BE T T-BE3"(76mm)1 13 /16"(46mm)1 13 /16"(46mm)ANSI Function 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type 1 1 /4"Mortise — 1 1 /4"Mortise —Handing Handed / Reversible Handed / Reversible — —3349A/3549A Concealed Vertical Cable Device TrimOptional Trim—E360L-BE—E360T-BEStandard Door Opening HeightFeet<strong>Inc</strong>hes6'8" 80"7' 84"8' 96"9' 108"10' 120"Door Opening Heightis measured from finished floorto frame rabbet on door side.See table on left for standard offering.Note: Non-standard sizes available with extended lead time. Consult Customer Care for more information 1-877-671-7011.23
3349A-F/3549A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Cable DeviceTop Latch338Top StrikeRetrofit Bracket3349A-F/3549A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Cable Device3349A-F and 3549A-F for all types of double doors up to 8' x 10' (2438mm x 2540mm), UL listed forFire Exit Hardware. See page 37 for detailed information on UL listed fire exit hardware labeland door opening size information. Devices are ANSI A156.3 – 2001 Grade 1. The 3549A-F has asmooth mechanism case and the 3349A-F has grooved case. The concealed vertical cable device is nonhandedexcept when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used. See opposite page for available outside trimand device functions.3349A-F/3529A-F fits door stiles as narrow as 3 1 /2" (90mm). Newly designed device has a one piececenter case cover.Finishes – US3, US3A, US4, US4A, US10, US15 (3549 Only), US26, US26D, US26D-AM Antimicrobial,US28, 313, 315 and 643E.SpecificationsDevice Lengths 2' 2' (610mm) Door Size - Shipped Less UL Label3' 2'2" to 3' (660mm to 914 mm) Door Size4' 2'8" to 4' (813 mm to 1219 mm) Door SizeDevice Centerline 39 5 /8" (1006mm) Standardfrom Finished FloorCenter Case 8 3 /16" x 2 13 /32" x 1 9 /16" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)DimensionsMechanism Case 2 1 /4" x 2 1 /4" (57mm x 57mm)DimensionsProjection Pushbar Neutral – 3 13 /16" (97 mm)Pushbar Depressed – 3 1 /16" (78 mm)Latch Bolt Deadlocking Anti-friction Top & Bottom Bolt 1 /2" (13mm) throwDoor Undercut 3/4" (19mm) Maximum - 24231516 Spacer Block Kit needed for 3 /4"undercutTop & Bottom 5 13 /16" x 1 1 /4" x 1 7 /16" (147mm x 32mm x 37mm)LatchVertical Cables 7/32" (6mm) Diameter Stainless Steel CablesFasteners & SexBolts (SNB)<strong>Inc</strong>ludes 1 3 /4" (44mm) – 2 1 /4" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors#425 SNB furnished standard for end case#325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)Electric Options ALK Alarm KitEL Electric Latch RetractionHD-EL Electric Latch Retraction with Hex DoggingQEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionRX Request to Exit, WP-RX Waterproof Option*LX Latchbolt Monitoring*LX-RX Request to Exit / Latchbolt Monitoring*RX-LC, LX-LC, LX-RX-LC Low Current Option for RX, LX, LX-RXSS Signal SwitchMiscellaneous GBK Glass Bead KitOptions PN PneumaticLBL Less Bottom LatchSG Safety GlowSEC <strong>Security</strong> ScrewsSNB Sex BoltsStrikes Top – 249 Bottom – 349QELQuiet Electric LatchRetraction• Bolt retraction viaswitch• Converts exit door topush-pull operationELElectric LatchRetraction• Enables remoteunlatching• Alternative to manualdoggingPNPneumatic LatchRetraction• For areas whereelectrical devicesbanned• Special linkagefor mechanical orpneumatic doggingE (E360L)Electric Lever Trim• Electrified remotelocking/unlocking• Fail safe & fail secureoptions available• No key override249Top Strike349Bottom StrikeCenterSlideBottom LatchRXPushpad MonitorSwitch• Signals use of anopening• SPDT switch to monitorpushpadALKAlarm Exit Kit• Unauthorized openingtriggers 85-decibel horn• Set in armed ordisarmed mode by keySGSafety Glow• Self illuminatingtouchpad• No batteries orelectronics24*For 33/3549A devices, LX switch monitors trim input or electric dogging of EL/QEL devices.LX switch does not monitor latchbolt condition.
Standard TrimEO DT NL NL-OPProduct DescriptionExit Only3349A-EO3549A-EODummy TrimPull when Dogged3349A-DT3549A-DTNight LatchKey RetractsLatchbolt3349A-NL3549A-NLNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltOptional Pull Required3349A-NL-OP3549A-NL-OPTrim Description — 386DT 386NL 388Base Size7—15 /32" x 1 5 /8" 7 15 /32" x 1 5 /8" 7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16"(190x41mm) (190x41mm) (190x43mm)Grip SizeProjection——8 1 /2" x 4 5 /16"(216x110mm)2 7 /16"(62mm)8 1 /2" x 4 5 /16"(216x110mm)2 7 /16"(62mm)—1"(25mm)ANSI Function 01 02 03 03Cylinder Type — — Rim RimHanding — — Handed —Optional Trimx 360L-DTx 550DT—x 550DT—x IVES 8190 10"x IVES 8190Product DescriptionLeverKey Locks and Unlocks3349A-L3549A-LLever Blank EscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)3349A-L-BE3549A-L-BEThumbturnKey Locks and Unlocks(Behind C/Case)3349A-T3549A-TThumbturnAlways Operable(No Cylinder)(Behind C/Case)3349A-T-BE3549A-T-BETrim Description 360L 360L-BE 360T 360T-BEBase Size 7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16" x 7 /8"(190x43x22mm)7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16" x 7 /8"(190x43x22mm)7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16" x 7 /8"(190x43x22mm)7 1 /2" x 1 11 /16" x 7 /8"(190x43x22mm)Grip Size — — — —Projection 3"(76mm)L L-BE T T-BE3"(76mm)1 13 /16"(46mm)1 13 /16"(46mm)ANSI Function 08 or 09 Field Selectable — 11 or 12 Field Selectable —Cylinder Type 1 1 /4"Mortise — 1 1 /4"Mortise —Handing Handed / Reversible Handed / Reversible — —Optional TrimE360L-BE——E360T-BE3349A-F/3549A-F Fire Exit Concealed Vertical Cable Device TrimStandard Door Opening HeightFeet<strong>Inc</strong>hes6'8" 80"7' 84"8' 96"9' 108"10' 120"Door Opening Heightis measured from finished floorto frame rabbet on door side.See table on left for standard offering.Note: Non-standard sizes available with extended lead time. Consult Customer Care for more information 1-877-671-7011.25
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Trim SelectionTrim Operation LeverStandardNight LatchBlank EscutcheonDummyKey locks and unlocks lever.e.g., 360L (Classroom)Key unlocks lever, leveris relocked when key isremoved. Use NL suffix,e.g. 360LNL. (Storeroom)Lever always active.Use BE suffix,e.g., 360L-BE. (Passage)Lever is rigid for pulloperation. Use DTsuffix, e.g., 360L-DT.374T/376T <strong>Series</strong> Thumbturn ControlE360 <strong>Series</strong> Controls<strong>33A</strong>/35A Trim SelectionStandard operation, key locks and unlocksthumbturn. Optional operation, key unlocksthumbturn, re-locks when key is removed.This operation is created by changing thecylinder plate included with control. Use 1¹⁄₄"mortise cylinder with a straight cam. Schlagecam reference B502-191. Not available for3349/3549 devices.The E360 series controls provide the same choice of lever or thumbturncontrol of the <strong>33A</strong>/35A <strong>Series</strong> exit device. Additionally, these trims havethe advantage of being electrically controllable by a remote switchingdevice, an access control system or automatic fire alarm system. The trimoperates with a rotary solenoid that controls the locking cam the sameway the standard cylinder works. These trims are available as –BE (BlankEscutcheon) function only. These trims are designed for use with the rim,surface vertical and concealed vertical <strong>33A</strong>/35A <strong>Series</strong> exit device.No cylinder override.Options:• Available in all device finishes• 24VDC Solenoid (.5 amp draw)• Fail Safe (FS) or Fail Secure (FSE)• Blank Escutcheon (BE) onlyTo order, specify:1. FSE or FS2. Handing - (Lever control) field reversible3. EPT-2/EPT-10 Power Transfer or ElectricHinge will be usedLever Styles01 02Knurling available03*Knurling available05 06*Default leverKnurling available07 12(Handed)16(Omega)17*Knurling available18ACC(Accent)(Handed)AST(Asti)(Handed)MER(Merano)(Handed)STA(St. Annes)(Handed)LAT*Latitude26LON*Longitude*Available in Stainless Steel - specify SS when ordering
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Optional TrimOptional TrimOptional TrimLeverPull when doggedNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltNight LatchKey RetractsLatchboltThumbturnKey Locks & UnlocksThumbturnKey Locks & UnlocksTrim Description 360L-DT 388 x 550DT 388 x IVES 8190 10" 360T x 550DT 360T x IVES 8190 10"Base Size7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43mmx22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆"(190x43mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆"(190x43mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43mmx22mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43mmx22mm)Grip Size — 10" center to center 10" center to center 10" center to center 10" center to centerProjection 3"(76mm)1"(25mm)1"(25mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)ANSI Function 02 03 03 11/12 Field Selectable 11/12 Field SelectableCylinder Type — Rim Rim 1¹⁄₄"Mortise 1¹⁄₄"MortiseHanding Handed / Reversible — — — —Trim DescriptionBase SizeGrip SizeProjectionThumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)Thumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)ThumbturnKey Locks & Unlocks360T-BE x 550 DT 360T-BE x 8190 10" 374T/376T x 8190 10"7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43mmx22mm)11 9 ⁄₁₆" center tocenter1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43mmx22mm)1" center to center1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43mmx22mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)Thumbturn-BlankEscutcheonAlways Operable(No Cylinder)374T-BE/376T-BE x8190 10"7¹⁄₂" x 1¹¹⁄₁₆" x ⁷⁄₈"(190x43mmx22mm)8¹⁄₂" x 4⁵⁄₁₆"(216x110mm)1¹³⁄₁₆"(46mm)Offset Pull392-67" x 3¹⁄₂" x ³⁄4"6¹⁄4" center to centerANSI Function — — 11-12 Field Selectable — —Cylinder Type — — 1¹⁄₄"Mortise — —Handing — — — — —2¹⁄4"<strong>33A</strong>/35A Optional TrimNote: 360L & 360T used on Wood Door require the <strong>33A</strong>-WDA cover plate376T used on Wood Door require #10-WDA cover plateNotes27
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Strike/Stile InformationStrike Application/Minimum Stile<strong>33A</strong>/35A Strike/Stile InformationDEVICETyPE<strong>33A</strong>35A3327A3527A3327A-F3527A-FSTANDARDSINGLE DOORSTANDARDDOUBLE DOOROPTIONALSINGLE DOORSTRIKE STILE STRIKEW/MULLIONSTILE STRIKE STILE STRIKEW/MULLION1439 1³⁄₄" (44mm) 1408 x 5754 1³⁄₄" (44mm)266 (Top)304L (Bottom)248-L (Bottom)1³⁄₄" (44mm)— —3327A-LBR-F — —3347A3547A3348A3548A3347A-F3547A-F3348A-F3548A-F3347A-LBR3547A-LBR3348A-LBR3548A-LBR3347A-LBR-F3547A-LBR-F3349A3549A3349A-F3549A-F3349A-LBR3549A-LBR3349A-LBR-F3549A-LBR-F338 (Top)385 (Botom)2¹⁄₂" (64mm)— —266 (Top)304L (Bottom)248-L (Bottom)1³⁄₄" (44mm)29914101606299 (Top)385A (Bottom)260U (Top)385A (Bottom)2³⁄₄" (70mm)1³⁄₄" (44mm)2¹⁄₂" (64mm)3¹⁄₈" (79mm)2¹⁄₈" (54mm)OPTIONALDOUBLE DOOR299 x 5654299 x 49541606 x 1654299 (Top)385A (Bottom)260U (Top)385A (Bottom)STILE2⁵⁄₈" (67mm)3⁵⁄₁₆" (84mm)2³⁄₄" (70mm)3¹⁄₈" (79mm)2¹⁄₈" (54mm)299F (Top)2³⁄₁₆" (56mm)304L (Bottom)— — — —499F (Top)(Req. Auxiliary 3⁵⁄₈" (92mm) — — — —Fire Latch)338 (Top)385 (Botom)338 (Top)385A (Botom)1³⁄₄" (44mm) 304L (Bottom) 2¹⁄₂" (64mm) 304L (Bottom) 2¹⁄₂" (64mm)3¹⁄₂" (89mm) — — 304L (Bottom) 3¹⁄₂" (89mm)338 (Top) 2¹⁄₂" (64mm) 338 (Top) 2¹⁄₂" (64mm) — — — —— — 338 (Top) 3⁵⁄₈" (92mm) — — — —249 (Top)349 (Botom)2¹⁄₂" (64mm)— —249 (Top)349 (Botom)2¹⁄₂" (64mm)— —249 (Top)349 (Botom)249 (Top)349 (Botom))249 (Top)349 (Botom)249 (Top)349 (Botom)1³⁄₄" (44mm) — — — —3¹⁄₂" (89mm) — — — —2¹⁄₂" (64mm) — — — —3⁵⁄₈" (92mm) — — — —28
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Strike/Stile InformationStrikes for rim devices299 1408 1410 — Integral StopProjection ¹³⁄₁₆" (21mm) One per pair of doors - use with 5754 Mullion only Projection ¹⁄₂" (13mm)1439 1606 1609Projection ¹⁄₂" (13mm) Projection ³⁄₈" (10mm) For rim/vertical rod combination -not fire ratedStrikes for vertical cable devices249249 - Top Strike1"(25 mm)⁹⁄₁₆"(14 mm)1¹⁄₂"(38 mm)¹⁄₈"(3 mm)Projection ⁹⁄₁₆" (14mm)349349 - Bottom Strike1¹⁹⁄₃₂"(40 mm)¹⁄₈"(3 mm)Projection ¹⁄₈" (3mm)Strikes for vertical rod devices2³⁄₄"(70 mm)260U-Flush Transom Only 266 299 299F<strong>33A</strong>/35A Strike/Stile InformationProjection ³⁄₈" (10mm) Projection 1¹⁄₄" (32mm) Projection ¹³⁄₁₆" (21mm) Projection ¹³⁄₁₆" (21mm)304L 338 385A 499FMortise ¹³⁄₁₆" (21mm) Mortise ⁵⁄₈" (16mm) Mortise 2¹⁄₂" (64mm) Projection ¹⁵⁄₁₆" (21mm)29
Grade, Type and Function OptionsANSI Function, Grade & TypeFunction Grade 1, Type 4 Grade 1, Type 5 Grade 1, Type 6, 7 & 801<strong>33A</strong>EO35AEO3327A-EO3327A-EO-F3527A-EO3527A-EO-F3347A-EO3347A-EO-F3348A-EO3348A-EO-F3349A-EO3349A-EO-F3547A-EO3547A-EO-F3548A-EO3548A-EO-F3549A-EO3549A-EO-F02<strong>33A</strong>-DT35A-DT3327A-DT3527A-DT3347A-DT3348A-DT3349A-DT3547A-DT3548A-DT3549A-DTGrade, Type and Function Options0308-0911-12Dimensions1-9/16"(40mm)<strong>33A</strong>-NL<strong>33A</strong>-NL-OP35A-NL35A-NL-OP<strong>33A</strong>-L35A-L<strong>33A</strong>-TL35A-TL3327A-NL-OP3527A-NL-OP3327A-NL-OP-F3527A-NL-OP-F3527A-NL3327A-NL-F3527A-NL3527A-NL-F3327A-L3327A-L-F3527A-L3527A-L-F3327A-TL3327A-TL-F3527A-TL3527A-TL-F3347A-NL-OP3347A-NL-OP-F3348A-NL-OP3348A-NL-OP-F3347A-NL3347-NL-F3348-NL3348-NL-F3349A-NL-OP3349A-NL-OP-F3349A-NL3349A-NL-F3347A-L3347A-L-F3348A-L3348A-L-F3349A-L3349A-L-F3347A-TL3347A-TL-F3348A-TL3348A-TL-F3547A-NL-OP3547A-NL-OP-F3548A-NL-OP3548A-NL-OP-F3547A-NL3547-NL-F3548-NL3548-NL-F3549A-NL-OP3549A-NL-OP-F3549A-NL3549A-NL-F3547A-L3547A-L-F3548A-L3548A-L-F3549A-L3549A-L-F3547A-TL3547A-TL-F3548A-TL3548A-TL-F8-3/16"(208mm)2-13/32"(62mm)35-3/8" (838mm)47-3/8" (1118mm)18" (457mm)24" (610mm)2-3/16"(56mm)2-1/4"(57mm)Neutral: 3-13/16" (97mm)Depressed: 3-1/16" (78mm)30
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Electrical OptionsALK Alarm KitRX Request to ExitThe ALK battery alarm kit is a simple yet effective way to deterunauthorized use of an opening. While the exit device is still ameans of egress, the ALK kit contains an internal horn. Whenthe touch bar is depressed, the horn sounds to provide anaudible means of signaling that the opening has been violated.The alarm kit can be armed or disarmed by key. Thus allowingthe exit device to be set in an armed or disarmed mode. Thehorn is rated at 85 decibel.The key switch uses a standard 1¹⁄₄" (32mm) mortise cylinderwith a straight cam (Schlage Cam reference B502-191). Theunit operates on one standard 9-volt alkaline battery. When thebattery is weak, the horn will emit an intermittent low batteryalert signal.Also can be powered using the PS902 Power Supply. SeePS902 for additional information. Alarm kits are available with achoice of two switch kits, RX or LX. RX monitors the touchpadand is furnished standard. LX optional latch bolt monitoringis recommended for use with surface vertical rod exit devices.Specify ALK-LX.The ALK is available in two styles, <strong>33A</strong>/99ALK, grooved coverand 35A/98ALK, smooth cover.The ALK includes “EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY. ALARM WILLSOUND” decal for application on door, or the RSS push bar trimcan be used instead of the door decal,specify RSS push bar trim.The External Inhibit comes standard on Von Duprin exit devices.External Inhibit (EI) allows for the use of external switch to beused to arm, disarm and reset the alarm. Auto Reset (AR) is anavailable option that rearms the alarm after a preset time. AR isavailable in three factory set times – 1¹⁄₂, 3 or 4¹⁄₂ minutes.To order, specify:1. Auto Reset – ALK-AR3When the ALK is used, standard dogging is removed. If cylinderdogging is required for 3' or 4' doors the ALK can be moved tothe hinge side of the device and standard cylinder dogging canbe added.To order, specify:1. Standard, <strong>33A</strong> ALK2. Cylinder Dogging, CD<strong>33A</strong> ALKMinimum Door SizesDevice3' (914mm)Length4' (1219mm)Length<strong>33A</strong>/35A 2'9" (838mm) 3'3" (991mm)3327A/3527A 2'8" (813mm) 3'2" (966mm)3347A/3347A-F3547A/3547A-F2'8" (813mm) 3'2" (966mm)3348A/3348A-F3548A/3548A-F2'8" (813mm) 3'2" (966mm)The RX feature is used to signal the use of an opening.This device is equipped with one internal SPDT switch whichmonitors the pushpad.The device can be connected to a security console, or may beused as a single door alarm when used with a horn and powersupply. A continuous current electric transfer must be used fortransferring power from the frame to the door.The RX switch option should not be used to control a load, butas a signalling switch (0.5 amps. resistive maximum). The RXswitch is available in a low current (LC) switch. Most commonlyused in computer operated monitoring systems.To order, specify:1. Standard – Use prefix RX, example RX<strong>33A</strong>EO2. Low Current – Use prefix RX-LC, example RX-LC35AEORX2 Double Request to ExitThe RX2 feature uses 2 RX switches.To order, specify:1. Standard – Use prefix RX2, example RX2<strong>33A</strong>EOLX Latch Bolt MonitoringThe LX feature is used to signal the use of an opening. Thisdevice is equipped with one internal SPDT switch whichmonitors the latch bolt. The device can be connected to asecurity console, or may be used as a single door alarm whenused with a horn and power supply. A continuous current electrictransfer must be used for transferring power from the frame tothe door.The LX switch option should not be used to control a load, butas a signalling switch (0.5 amps. resistive maximum).The LX switch is available in a low current (LC) switch. Mostcommonly used in computer operated monitoring systems.To order, specify:1. Standard – Use prefix LX, example LX<strong>33A</strong>EO2. Low Current – Use prefix LX-LC, example LX-LC35AEOElectrical Rating for all Switches:• Standard – 2 Amp maximum @ 24VDC• Low Current (LC) - below 50 Milliamps @ 24VDCNote: All Switches can be either factory or field installed<strong>33A</strong>/35A Electrical Options31
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Electrical Options<strong>33A</strong>/35A Electrical Options32QEL Quiet Electric Latch RetractionThe QEL feature allows for the remote unlatching of exit devices.A control station operator can flip a switch to retract the latchbolt and immediately change an exit door to push-pull operation.Different than the popular EL, the QEL quiet operation isachieved using an electric drive motor which retracts the latchbolt either momentary unlatching or for extended periods oftime. This feature is an alternative to manual dogging.QEL devices are also useful with automatic door operators, andmay be applied to fire-rated applications when under the controlof an automatic fire alarm system.UL approved for Class II circuit applications.The QEL option does not include the power transfer from door toframe, the power supply, or the control operator. Refer to EPT-2power transfer and the PS902 or 914 power supply.The PS902/914 with the 2RS, 4RL or 4R board is the minimumrequired. Other option boards available for other functions, seePS902/914 power supply for additional information.QEL Electrical LoadVoltage 24VDCCurrent 1.4 A Inrush (0.5 sec.)0.14 A Holding2.0 A Calibrate (3 sec. one time)To Order, Specify:1. Standard –– Use prefix QEL, example QEL<strong>33A</strong>-L.Popular QEL Application120/240VACSC I1 O1 I2 O2 GNDPS872 Wiringa*b*a*a* Distance (one-way) Wire Gauge200 ft. 18 AWG320 ft. 16 AWG500 ft. 14 AWG800 ft. 12 AWGb* Wire Selection Switch Wire Size1200 ft. Max. 18 gauge standardPopular ApplicationPower Supply PS902-2RSElectric Power Transfer EPT-2 or EPT-10EPT-2EPT-2QEL #2QEL #1b*QEL Device Wire Selection SizeInput #2(Required forindependentoperation only).Input #1EL Electric Latch RetractionThe EL feature allows for the remote unlatching of exit devices.A control station operator can flip a switch to retract thelatch bolt and immediately change an exit door to push-pulloperation. A powerful, continuous duty solenoid retracts thelatch bolt, either for momentary unlatching, or for extendedperiods of time. The EL feature is an alternative to manualdogging. If manual hex-key dogging is required, specify HD-EL.EL devices are also useful with automatic door operators, andmay be applied to fire-rated applications when under the controlof an automatic fire alarm system. UL approved for Class IIcircuit applications.The EL option does not include the power transfer from door toframe, the power supply, or the control operator. Refer to EPT-2power transfer and the PS914 power supply.The PS914 with the 900-2RS option card is minimum optioncard required. Other option cards available for other functions,see PS914 power supply for additional information.Solenoid Specifications:Continuous Duty –– 24 VDCCurrent Inrush –– 16 AmpsCurrent Holding –– 0.3 AmpsPS872 WiringTo order, specify:1. Standard –– Use prefix EL, example EL<strong>33A</strong>L2. Hex Key dogging –– Use prefix HD-EL, example HD-EL<strong>33A</strong>LPopular EL ApplicationPopular ApplicationPower Supply PS914-2RSElectric Power Transfer EPT-2 or EPT-10b*EL Device Wire Selection SizeVon DuprinExit DeviceEL <strong>33A</strong>/35A Rima* All otherEL<strong>33A</strong>/35Adevice typesb*120/240VAC VACSC I1 O1 I2 O2 GNDa*b*a*EPT-2EPT-2EL WireLength (feet) 1QEL #2QEL #10-500 120-300 140-200 160-250 120-150 140-100 16Control Switch 0-1200 18Input #2(Required forindependentoperation only).Input #1Wire Gauge(AWG)1. Wire lengths include an EPT, Door loop, electric hinge or pivot and are measuredone way between the PS914/option board and the device.2. Table is applicable to devices that have shipped after August 2012.
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Electrical AccessoriesPower Supplies<strong>Series</strong> PS902/914PS902 PS904 PS906 PS914Number of Connectors onPower Supply for the following:2 amps 4 amps 6 amps 4 ampsDistribution Boards 1 2 3 2Battery Back-up Board 1 1 1 1Note: One fire alarm board can be connected directly to the PS902. If a firealarm board is desired for the PS904, PS906 or PS914 it can be connected toa distribution board.Overview:The PS900 <strong>Series</strong> is a consolidated line of power supplies andaccessories that offer enhanced flexibility and functionalityspecific to the changing needs of the access control market.The PS900 <strong>Series</strong> can be used in a variety of applications toconvert high voltage AC power into the low voltage DC outputsrequired by most access control devices. The PS900 <strong>Series</strong>protects devices downstream by providing Class 2*, filtered andregulated power. The full line is UL294 certified.Note: PS906 can provide Class 2 rated outputs when used with 900-8Pdistribution board.Features:• Constant output rating at both 12 VDC and 24 VDC providessuperior performance ; includes field selectable jumper• Polarized connectors for option boards eliminate need forracks and side connectors• Flat mounting of option boards provides easier access toterminal blocks for connection of electrified devices• High voltage protective cover• Battery back-up board auto-selects voltage• Fire alarm relay can be configured to provide either switchedor un-switched outputs from a power supply• PS914 designed with high in rush current for poweringelectrified panic devices• Universal 120-240 VAC input• Low voltage DC, regulated and filtered• Electronic power limiting foldback circuit for AC currentoverload protection• Fused primary input• AC status monitor- isolated SPDT contacts• AC input and DC output LED status indicators• Cover mounted AC input indication• Hinged cover with lock down screwsApplications:The PS900 <strong>Series</strong> of power supplies works with many electrifieddevices including Schlage electromagnetic locks, Schlage AD-<strong>Series</strong> hardwired locks, Schlage electrified mechanical locks, VonDuprin electrified strikes , Von Duprin exit devices, and manyother brands.Accessories:The Schlage PS900 <strong>Series</strong> features seven option boards for usein a variety of applications. All Schlage PS900 <strong>Series</strong> powersupplies option boards are UL 294 certified.Option Boards:900-4R: 4 relay controlled output board to power multipledevices900-4RL: 4 relay distribution board with logic is fieldconfigurable for time delay function, auto operator, securityinterlock900-8F: Provides 8 individually fuse-protected outputs, givingthe flexibility to power multiple devices and provide anotherlayer of protection900-FA: Emergency interface relay integrates with fire alarm andis used to cut power in case of emergency900-BB: Battery backup900-2RS: 2 relay EL panic device control board (PS914 only)900-BBK: Battery backup kit includes two 7A/hr batteries andprovides up to four hours of backup power when cycled every 5minutes at full load<strong>33A</strong>/35A Electrical AccessoriesCertifications:• UL 294 certified—the standard for access control• Class 2 rated** Except PS906, output rating exceeds Class 2 power limitsOnce power is converted to low voltage DC, the PS900 <strong>Series</strong>offers a variety of distribution options, including basic fuseprotection, simple relay, and advanced logic providing complexsequencing and timing functions.* PS906 can provide Class 2 rated outputs when used with 900-8P distributionboard.33
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Electrical AccessoriesEPT Electrical Power TransferPNT Pneumatic TransferElectric Power Transfer provides a meansof transferring electrical power from adoor frame to the edge of a swingingdoor. The units are completely concealedwhen the door is in the closed position,and are ideally suite for installationsinvolving abuse or heavy traffic.Two models are available; EPT-2, two 18gauge wires and EPT-10, ten 24 gauge wires. The EPT-2 and EPT-10 are U/L listed as “miscellaneous door accessory”.Pneumatic ControlsPNT-1 is available for pneumatic latch retraction exit devices.Appearance and dimensions are identical to EPT models.UL Listed for use on firedoors<strong>33A</strong>/35A Electrical OptionsDoor applications:up to 5" butt hinges – 180˚ swing,5¹|₂" butt hinges – 130˚ swing,6" butt hinges – 110˚ swing,³|₄" butt offset pivots 180˚ swing.Not for use with swing clear hinges or center-hung pivots.FinishesSP28 (sprayed aluminum)SP313 (sprayed duranodic).DimensionsHousingEPT-2EPT-10PNT-19" x 1¹|₄" x 1⁵|₈" (229mm x 32mm x 38mm)Two 18 gauge wires, Up to 2 AMPS @ 24VDC, with a16 AMPS Maximum SurgeTen 24 gauge wires, Up to 1 AMPS @ 24VDC, with a16 AMPS Maximum Surge⁵|₃₂" TubingTo order, specify:1. EPT-2 ,EPT-10 or PNT-1.2. Finish, SP28 or SP313.34
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Mechanical AccessoriesPN Pneumatic Controlled Exit DevicesSS Signal SwitchMonitors pushpad and latch boltThe PN feature provides remote latch bolt retraction inhazardous areas where electrically operated devices would notbe permitted. The pneumatic solenoid will retract the latchbolt for momentary or prolonged periods. PN exit devices areparticularly suited for use with automatic door operators. ThePN feature is available on both Panic and Fire Exit Hardwaredevices.The PN feature includes a special actuating linkage that givesbuilding owners the option of mechanically or pneumaticallydogging the exit device. If manual hex-key dogging is required,specify HD-PN (Dogging the device, whether mechanically orpneumatically, makes the device function as a push/pull unitand reduces the wear on its moving parts.)When activated pneumatically, the latch bolt(s) of the exitdevice retract in ¹⁄₂ to 1¹⁄₂ seconds. This pneumatic operationuses air pressure ranging from 50 to 100 pounds per squareinch.This product will function only when it is part of a pneumaticsystem (air compressor, air lines, pneumatic system, etc.).Contact LCN for correct control boxesTo order, specify:1. Standard –– Use prefix PN, example PN<strong>33A</strong>NL2. Hex Key Dogging –– Use prefix HD-PN, example HD-PN<strong>33A</strong>NLDogging OptionsLD Less DoggingLess Dogging is available in all <strong>33A</strong>/35A Panic Exit devices toremove the dogging option.To order, specify: 1. Use prefix LD, example LD<strong>33A</strong>LThe SS feature is used to signal the unauthorized use of anopening. This device is equipped with two internal SPDT switches.One switch monitors both the pushpad and the latch bolt assembly,making the latch bolt tamper resistant, for positive security. Anadditional SPDT switch is connected to the 1¹⁄₄" (32mm) mortisewith straight cam for alarm “bypass.” (Schlage cam reference B502-191). The device can be connected to a security console, or maybe used as a single door alarm when used with a horn and powersupply. A continuous current electric transfer must be used fortransferring power from the frame to the door.To order, specify:1. Prefix SS, example SS<strong>33A</strong>L2. Handing Required, LHR or RHRElectrical Ratings:Up to 2.0 AMPS @ 24VDCPopular SS ApplicationUnauthorized use of this openingwill activate the local horn.The key switch permits inhibiting this system for authorized entry.SG Safety GlowSelf-illuminating touchpad defines the location of the exit doorin dark or smoke-filled area. The Safety Glow coating is a specialpowder coat finish that glows brightly during low or no lightconditions. This coating was developed to meet MEA standardswhere luminescent exit door markings are required in commercialfacilities. There are no batteries or electronics, the coating ischarged when exposed to light.To order, specify: Suffix SG, EL 9927L-SGMechanical Options & AccessoriesCD Cylinder DoggingCylinder dogging is available on all <strong>33A</strong>/35A Panic Exitdevices to replace the standard hex key dogging. Unit requiresa standard 1¹⁄₄" (32mm) mortise cylinder with a straight cam(Schlage Cam B502-191 reference).To order, specify: 1. Use prefix, CD, example CD<strong>33A</strong>LCDK Cylinder Dogging KitFor field conversion, a cylinder dogging conversion kit isavailable. Cannot be added to fire exit hardware.Order: <strong>33A</strong>/99CDK or 35A/98CDK, specify finishDummy PushpadThe 330 dummy pushpad is designed as a companion unit forall <strong>33A</strong> devices. The 350 dummy pushpad is a companion unitfor all 35A devices. The pushpad is rigid or nonfunctioning.A push/pull operation can be accomplished by using 386DT,360L-DT, 550DT, 392-6 trim or any Ives Pull.The 330/350 can be equipped with a functional pushpad andwill accommodate an RX switch. Specify RX-330. May also beequipped with the RX2, double RX switch. Specify RX2-330To order, specify:1. 330 or 3502. Size 3' or 4' (914mm or 1219mm)3. Finish, US3, US4, US10, US26, US26D, US28, 313AN, 315AN,350 Only US32D.35
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Device Options & AccessoriesDevice Options & AccessoriesRG-27 Vertical Rod and Latch GuardRod GuardLatch Guard10"4³|₈"<strong>Series</strong> RG-27 Vertical Rod and Latch Guards protectthe bottom rods of exit devices from the damagingimpacts of carts or gurneys passing through doors.(If bottom rods become damaged, the exit devicewill not function as intended and can jeopardize theability to exit safely during an emergency.)In addition to protecting the vertical rod, the guardprovides a smooth, unobstructed surface so thedoor can be pushed open easily with the bumpersof a wheelchair. The latch guard portion is 10" high.The standard latch guard features a 45° ramp. Theextended latch guard offers a continuous ramp in 3'or 4' widths.All stainless steel construction in US32D finish. Latchguards can cover latches as large as 1¹⁄₄"W x 10"H x1⁷⁄₈" projection.Extended LatchGuard12"2¹|₄"ModelsRGO Rod guard only (Projection 1³|₁₆")RG-27 Rod and latch guardRG-27-3 3' (914mm) Rod Guard and Extended Latch GuardRG-27-4 4' (1219mm) Rod Guard and Extended Latch GuardLGO Latch guard onlyLGO-3 3' (914mm) Extended latch guard onlyLGO-4 4' (1219mm) Extended latch guard onlyNote: Wood Doors - Can be used on fire doors with High Density Blocking withsheet metal screws. For non-fire rated wood doors use sex bolt.LBR/LBL Less Bottom Rod/Less Bottom LatchLBR/LBL option is available, using a spring loaded auxiliary latchbolt installed in the lower door edge. When exposed to heatthe auxiliary latch bolt releases, keeping the doors in alignmentand closed during a fire. UL listed 3 hours on hollow metaldoors double egress, 90 minute swinging same direction, and20 minutes wood doors (consult wood door manufacturer). Fitsdoor stiles as narrow as 3⁵⁄₈".LBR/LBL devices must be ordered in pairs or must be used inconjunction with an approved automatic or constant latchingflush bolt.LBR/LBL used on non-fire rated devices, the spring loadedauxiliary latch bolt is not required. Device is supplied less bottomrod, latch and strike.PL Pullman LatchWhen PL is specified the standard latches are replaced withpullman style latches. Pullman latches are always extended andare most commonly used in conjunction with electric strikes andLBR-less bottom rod application. Not available with Fire rateddevices. Not recommended where security is of the utmost sincelatches do not deadlock.GBK Glass Bead KitGlass bead conversion kits are available for all <strong>33A</strong>/35A <strong>Series</strong>devices for use on doors with raised glass beads. Each kitconsists of ¹⁄₄" (6mm) shim sets. GBK for Surface Vertical Rodships with ¹⁄₈" shims for rod guides.To order, specify:1. <strong>33A</strong>GBK2. Device type (Rim, Mortise, Surface Vertical Rod, ConcealedVertical Rod)3. Wood Door, when used with Concealed Vertical RodWDA Cover Plate KitFor wood door applications, used to cover up door preparationsfor control, also prevents the control from boring into the wooddoor. Finished to match control.#10WDA Cover Plate Kitfor 370 <strong>Series</strong> ControlsTo order, specify:1. Model number.2. Handing (except on RGO).3. Door material if other than Hollow Metal.4. Optional sex bolt mounting available.7 7 /8"#<strong>33A</strong>-WDA Cover Plate Kitfor 360 <strong>Series</strong> Controls7 7 /8"2 1 /16"2 1 /16"36
<strong>33A</strong>/35A Additional InformationUL Listed —Fire Exit Hardware Label/Opening SizeDouble DoorExit Device Same Direction Double Egress3327A-F 90 Min. 8' x 10' 3 Hour 8' x 10'3527A-F 90 Min. 8' x 10' 3 Hour 8' x 10'3347A-F 90 Min. 8' x 10' 3 Hour 8' x 10'3547A-F 90 Min. 8' x 10' 3 Hour 8' x 10'3347A-F* 90 Min. 8' x 9'3" 90 Min. 8' x 9'3"3547A-F* 90 Min. 8' x 9'3" 90 Min. 8' x 9'3"3348A-F 90 Min. 8' x 10' 3 Hour 8' x 10'3548A-F 90 Min. 8' x 10' 3 Hour 8' x 10'3349A-F 90 Min. 8' x 10' 3 Hour 8' x 10'3549A-F 90 Min. 8' x 10' 3 Hour 8' x 10'* 3347A-F and 3547A-F used on wood door.CylindersCylinders are not furnished with device or trim and must be specified when ordering. Refer to trim pages for cylinder type.Mortise — 3215 (Schlage 20-001, B502-191 cam)Rim — 3216 (Schlage 20-022 cam)Device Options & AccessoriesDogged (Inverted) CamUndogged Cam (Standard Operations)For Cylinder Doggingor 360LFor Standard Trim Functionsor 360L-NL37
<strong>33A</strong>/35A FinishesFinishes*ColorUSNumberBHMANumberColorUSNumberBHMANumberChromium, Polished US26 625Bronze, Dull US10 612Anodized,AluminumUS28 628Satin NickelAvailable for 35AONLYUS15 619Chromium, Dull US26D 626Duranodic DarkBronze313 710Brass, Polished US3 605Black 315 711FinishesBrass, Dull US4 606Special FinishesColorUSNumberBHMANumberSatin Chrome,AntimicrobialUS26D-AM626-AMAgedBronze643e– –Pushpad Options — KnurledEmbossed “Push”Braille (Caution-Stairwell), satin stainless steel onlyRSS – (Emergency Exit – Push to open and sound alarm) – Red Silkscreen lettering on US32D* NOTE: Durable powder coated finishes available at specific special request. PLEASE CONTACT FACTORY.38
Ingersoll Rand (NYSE:IR) advances the quality of life by creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and efficientenvironments. Our people and our family of brands—including Club Car®, Ingersoll Rand®, Schlage®, Thermo King® andTrane®—work together to enhance the quality and comfort of air in homes and buildings; transport and protect foodand perishables; secure homes and commercial properties; and increase industrial productivity and efficiency. IngersollRand <strong>Security</strong> Technologies’ market-leading products include electronic and biometric access control systems; time-andattendanceand personnel scheduling systems; mechanical locks; portable security; door closers, exit devices, architecturalhardware, and steel doors and frames; and other technologies and services for global security markets. Ingersoll Rand is a$14 billion global business committed to a world of sustainable progress and enduring results.securitytechnologies.ingersollrand.comingersollrand.comWe are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices. ©2013 Ingersoll Rand 006593 3/13