Chatterbox - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Chatterbox - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Chatterbox - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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•fL£±i*M.<br />

• . » * .<br />


.ft, Detroit,<br />

Y«V<br />

i a group <strong>of</strong> Cape<br />

went to Wling<br />

m j OPA—to explain how<br />

A* *ent freezing rule to<br />

It was not ex-<br />

b«t»«{«'Srtmmeirresort and a<br />

(>W ^bfe to bring; home a definite pro-<br />

i would be giv^n due consideration,<br />

vn di4 not, hdw*wr. nwekly bow it?M<br />

It started home in fiflvting mood. And<br />

• up this week when Mr. Boswell<br />

. —JCohfr^Mbaaii and U. S. Senator*<br />

Ithiadistrict, andalflo wk-mJw aent a letter to the<br />

>pomto#y wquesting that it moke known its decis-<br />

__,^,..r, IP, "Washington was<br />

oil the shore have suspected—<br />

are abysmally ignor-<br />

. is nothing the general pub-<br />

„.— do.Itfe £ight-*eaded by Mr Bos-<br />

-•a IB good and capable hands. We believe that the<br />

" delegation front .this district will carry it<br />

ywwiro itself, if necessafy, Ferhapn. when that<br />

com** they wilt need the support <strong>of</strong> the public, in<br />

fornipf letters, tfdt«niBi»-even personal appear-<br />

BJ 1 V *l •', 1 llf^ •'<br />

Ihe Sentinel-Ledger, working closely with Mr. Bos.<br />

* lell; estate men, will keep its readers closely<br />

And if the neceawty^rfoes, it >ill call for vol-<br />

''<strong>of</strong>fensive action." The stability <strong>of</strong> th« re-<br />

.atrility to contribute to ttie war effort and<br />

totMBssUb r folveirt—ris ^hryn^wfd by this thoughtless<br />

J "itfotT<strong>of</strong> the rent controTacVto such communities,<br />

It was meant to •<br />

industrial areas,<br />

. it have never been<br />

with seasonal communities and<br />

protests are forceful, we shall fail. The<br />

cial Washington these days is, quite<br />

tlte war comes'first and that if sx>m» bus*<br />

- wen whole communities—are sacrifice<br />

<strong>of</strong> winning, it is regrettable but nee-<br />

case it iB* ! r^fettaMe, butNOT neces-<br />

r jobjto prove it And to prove it, we<br />

k wpll <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial prejudice and indiffer-<br />

-formidable than it would be in peace<br />

> Himself with 1 „ ,<br />

j-his bit to help wintthe war,<br />

Henry Roeser,<br />

. / Jr., city commissioner and income<br />

L %££*••*$&* tot **- M .new^ to the Botary Club<br />

Citizen were still<br />

it he Isn't going to<br />

en he is just incapable<br />

- i s* fnr a]{ <strong>of</strong> aji ate going try pay until it hurts as it has<br />

before hurt in this nation'3 history.<br />

just; mexamvte: If you are married, with<br />

income <strong>of</strong> $3,000, you paid S30.S0 income<br />

' in lfl42.Jfo 1343 you'll r&y $442.80.<br />

' 1,338 per cent!<br />

.experience this year should con-<br />

. r*S stfoiStd budget for taxes fronrnow<br />

Cry to estimate, our year's income and then<br />

by week or month by<br />

Ing time comes next year<br />

r for-it.<br />

a little, few <strong>of</strong> ,us will ac-<br />

that it's better to sac-<br />

. - ,—^.Jom and ability to earn,<br />

to/go to aijy lengths to win the<br />

W chenr^uly until we are con-<br />

rttnt' hirt abandoned its<br />

.that's why we are<br />

terest the activity <strong>of</strong><br />

rtimiftee which is in-<br />

warnmentdl cpipoutures.<br />

* want non-riwrnUaj government ac-<br />

nd notmnl ne'ciaary swvicesTeduc-<br />

, but vc.it|Hq want the assurance that<br />

: more money for the war<br />

n a,lpt <strong>of</strong> rumors from<br />

• M bang appropriated<br />

vj«,,eijent.<br />

Winning must be our<br />

tfon. But the American<br />

f alert lest,in winning<br />

(ing fot which they are<br />

iplo, pledged to pre-<br />

«nd subservient to<br />

fext9MonthM<br />

i both hop-<br />

AOTTJAI, legislation<br />

was confined jU> Wtoor measures<br />

... J.ltaee <strong>of</strong> oontroverap<br />

slowly sfttplntt up at ffy^^on, l<br />

tha, t^lttmtvta aim i« crops.<br />

t<br />

Here's to Your Health!<br />

Some Obstacles You May<br />

Meet After You're 40<br />

Walter Wttltir Pltkin<br />

"IJIi Begins at Forty,"<br />

We should like to qualify Utst<br />

statem*nt. Life begins at 40 if<br />

you succeed In iidestepping two<br />

deadly obstacles. Otherwise your<br />

life is apt to end abruptly before<br />

you get <strong>of</strong>f to a, good start. These<br />

two obstacles are Heart Disease<br />

and Cancer.<br />

• * * :<br />

CANCER is second only to<br />

Heart Disease as America's fore-<br />

most killer. It takes a toll <strong>of</strong> one<br />

out <strong>of</strong> every 10 people who reach<br />

the ago <strong>of</strong> 40.<br />

What Is Cnncir? Science, af-<br />

ter years <strong>of</strong> research work, knows<br />

little nbout the disease.<br />

Something — Just what is not<br />

known — makes cerlu'.n K'oups<br />

<strong>of</strong> body cells go completely "hay-<br />

wire." Instead <strong>of</strong> replacing them-<br />

selves in the usual orderly fash-<br />

ion they keep piling cell upon<br />

cell without any apparent rhyme<br />

or reiison. Thia Is done at the<br />

tJtpcnse <strong>of</strong> the heulthy cells ar-<br />

ound them, A lump or sore forms,<br />

generally Increasing in size. Even-<br />

tually the disease gets into the<br />

blaod stream and starts second-<br />

ary growtlis (called metastasis)<br />

in other parts <strong>of</strong> the body.<br />

• • •<br />

Though science has as yft<br />

learned little — this little Una al-<br />

ready saved thousands <strong>of</strong> llvts.<br />





This cure is cot achieved by<br />

any internal or external medi-<br />

cines such as serums, salves or<br />

ointments. Nor can it bo cured !)y<br />

special dicta. THE ONLY<br />



rays: 2, radium, and 3. surgery.<br />


None or these treatment* will<br />

cure unless brought Into action<br />

at the very beginning <strong>of</strong> the dis-<br />

ease.<br />

If you have collected more ttjan<br />

35 birthday anniversaries to your<br />

account do not skip a ye^r with-<br />

out having a complete checkup<br />

by your doctor. Have this: ho<br />

matter how well you mny be fetl-<br />

ing. The insidious, thing about<br />

cancer la thfct you can feel ami<br />

look in "the pink" until too late<br />

to effect a cure.<br />

• * *<br />

Canocr usually attacks ihe skin,<br />

digestive system or th£> lil<br />


tel:s us.<br />

NOTE — These arlifles bj |<br />

MINS Roiclily. pliyslml edD«. ;<br />

lion dlret-lor in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> 1 ! i<br />

public schools, are written in I<br />

conjunction with the resort's j<br />

new community health pros- [<br />

nut. They are designed to |<br />

teaeh both ehildrrn and par- |<br />

cnts how to attain phytlat |<br />

tltness, so essential lor Ml ol j<br />

n» If we are to MB tlie war.<br />

—Editor. |<br />

View any <strong>of</strong> the following lr-<br />

rogularititti witii suspicion ^<br />

Uiey urc nil danger signals that<br />

MAY mcun cancer:<br />

1—A lump In any part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bbdy.<br />

1. An abnormal discharge from<br />

any body opening.<br />

3. A sore that fails to heal rap-<br />

Idly.<br />

4. \ wurt or mole that change<br />

cs appearance and Increases In<br />

slxc<br />

5. Persistent lack <strong>of</strong> appetllR<br />

nivnmpanlrn by a marked loss <strong>of</strong><br />

vciftlit and frequent inrtljtstlon.<br />

Tl.ese symptoms do not ncc«s.<br />

sarily mean cancer —' but they<br />

.ill arc niRDS that MAY mejin<br />

cancer. Play It safe and find out<br />

definitely what goes on. What-<br />

ever tlit- decision — you should<br />

know ut once. SEE YOUR DOC-<br />

TORI<br />

• * •<br />

Cancer is not cnuscd by germs;<br />

therefore the disease Is not con-<br />

tagious. It can NOT be "caught"<br />

from another person who has<br />

cancer.<br />

Is cancer hereditary? Here ag.<br />

ain the world <strong>of</strong>, science isn't<br />

sure. There does seem to be some<br />

evidence In experiments With<br />

white mice that the disease is<br />

passed on through the female to<br />

the young. However, the finding.-,<br />

as yet are not conclusive.<br />

, sledding in the Senate.<br />

The opposition, headed by the<br />

Boards <strong>of</strong> Freeholders: Hate this<br />

fa the first step toward reduction<br />

<strong>of</strong> state fligtfway aid, although in-<br />

sistent centals from all, parties<br />

have refuted this . Senator ScvU<br />

has taken no stand as yet; tnaj<br />

IweU determine the final Oecl^on.<br />

,' - 1*e Water Authority Bin lduoi<br />

ducar by Scott, may solve art ant<br />

dent state pTOUlem. 'Deiplte tut<br />

equate water supplies, ^te «tate<br />

bn. rieve?i,had Mutftdi^teATnes.<br />

1 for highly-'populated atfu^s be.,<br />

. canuft <strong>of</strong> tlie lack <strong>of</strong> Irrferconne--.<br />

tlonr,, In past years politics tins<br />

sabotaged movements far an' ov-<br />

most other diseases arc<br />

on the df J creflse, cancer Is ever<br />

on the rise This Is Mought nb-<br />

out by two conditions; „(!> Tlitre<br />

urc mate people over « years<br />

now than ever before. A hund-<br />

red years ago the average person<br />

died before even reaching the<br />

age <strong>of</strong> 40 — now the life expec-<br />

tancy Is 65 years; (2) There are<br />

still many people among us who<br />

think there Is something dis-<br />

graceful about having cancer.<br />

Tnty are ashamed and, refuse to<br />

admit even to thenuelvts, that<br />

they are suffering from this dis-<br />

ease. Tills 'ostrich" attitude Li<br />

now causing many more deaths<br />

then necessary.<br />

Cancer Is a great misfortune—<br />

It Is not n disgrace. It Is no re-<br />

specter <strong>of</strong> persons, people <strong>of</strong> all<br />

classes and creeds, rich and ptor.<br />

alike succumb to It. ,<br />

Remember; THE CURE QF<br />

C/dftCffl. BESTS ON EARIY<br />



ED PlfYBiqiANS. YtTOR DdCA<br />

TOR-Jg ALWAYS lorn BOOT<br />


RUMOR<br />


as peals to have an excellent<br />

-,-iy if it Is that w cannot „ ._„,<br />

toi a hxigUm After the war mis.<br />

medical atadimts); -Now In this<br />

rnse the woscles <strong>of</strong> Ihe patient's<br />

t<br />

l the left<br />

than the<br />

e pattent<br />

limp* hu«, vliox wmild \ou 4o<br />

lrl m li clrcunuttaniesT 11<br />

studmtt<br />

Vfw .-.'. - ^ -^<br />

h<br />

Our Yesterdays<br />


<strong>City</strong> rescinded original plan to<br />

piy h&lf ialanes to municipal<br />

employes In the aimed forces. But<br />

to keep up their pension itatus,<br />

• * #<br />

Eleven pieces Of art work by<br />

high ssnrjol students entered In<br />

stiita scholastic exhibit «t New.<br />

ark,<br />

• * *<br />

Open fires on the beach were<br />

ba lined at night, as a defense<br />

measure,<br />

* • «<br />

T. J, Carey reported much ac-<br />

tivity li. Summer rentals,<br />

* * *<br />

Mrs, jane K. Morrison, pioneer<br />

hottl p.oprietresfj. died In Miami,<br />

Ba.<br />


Resort merchants wire invit«d<br />

to Trenton to discuss formation<br />

<strong>of</strong> a state branch <strong>of</strong> the Inde-<br />

pendint Busiiitssmen's Assocta-<br />

Uon,<br />

Administration <strong>of</strong> tlie city's mu-<br />

sic appropriation was tratiMemd<br />

frcm Mayor Champion to Direc-<br />

tor RoeMr'i department,<br />

• s s<br />

The Seashore B. and L. report-<br />

ed til0,000 worth <strong>of</strong> mortgage<br />

loans in past year, elected Dr,<br />

M. B. Stunnard president.<br />

Rev. William S. LaSor, addresg-<br />

ing a congregation <strong>of</strong> Boy<br />

scouts, oharactertaed Hitler as "a<br />

little man with a very limited<br />

mentality.<br />


Dr. AUin Oorson, defendant in<br />

hilirious mock Mai, was cleared,<br />

<strong>of</strong> ehwge <strong>of</strong> breach <strong>of</strong> promise, •<br />

* i •<br />

Comtjirssionct Treut and En-<br />

gineer Collision. Mtn stBvey. rs-<br />

oommt Bded a BOO-loot steel jetty<br />

at WM st. to reclaim the beach.<br />

* * *<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> School Estimate Ion.<br />

ped 110,000 <strong>of</strong>f the school bud-<br />

get, as proposed by the Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Education, despite protest.<br />

• •<br />

Townsend D. Showell. school<br />

ttacher. fractured a rib in class-<br />

room when be tripped and 'el<br />

while quelling a mischievous pu-<br />

pil<br />

* • •<br />

Ralph Ltmont created a new<br />

lnduustry, jig saw puzrie manuo<br />

hiring, employlnf; seven people<br />

20 YEARS AGO<br />

WUlinm E. Masscy, jr. accept-<br />

ed invitation to coach the high<br />

whool track team<br />

H*. • •<br />

A "feast <strong>of</strong> song," featuring<br />

work <strong>of</strong> Ethclbcrt Nevia was<br />

enjoyed by the Allegro Club.<br />

Engagement <strong>of</strong> Miss' Cornelia<br />

Collisson to Bwlng T. Corson was<br />

announced by 1 her parents.<br />

Flanders, Hotel promoters an-.<br />

nounced they bad tJ42 subscribers<br />

to SUicfc Irom. tlOO to $MM»0.<br />

'• • J<br />

Dr. C. Eugene Darby complet-<br />

ed a tMBHmidiiate ooyrse at tho<br />

Metropolitan t^otplta]. New Tort<br />

'imp itetJ* and maWh •<br />

BtiltOB: .<br />

lbs njlili can Vie »n4'<br />

VAfed by lo^al Orwna© voiui^lla^ ( . ^y<br />

FAOT: H. W. Woltott, Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Atnerlcan b<br />

vage committee, says; "Scrap 1« being consumed by the i<br />

idly as p^jsssble. The Immediate uss <strong>of</strong> all scrap collected<br />

contemplated nor possible. The problem was to collect UMMS<br />

lore winter made scrap collections difficult, u not j L "<br />

household scrap as yet unconsumed represents what i<br />

an Industrial blood-bank. Steel mills draw on it <<br />

ment the available flow <strong>of</strong> high-grade metal."<br />

RUMOR: Fann machinery ISM not received (he'<br />

rating for farmer* to acquire enough machinery to'<br />

farms.<br />

FACT The 1043 quota or farm machinery has been<br />

cent. Also extended .were credit facilities foil fanners thfo"<br />

loan program provides 1325,000,000 for short-time loans i<br />

cult Interest, to be made available through the Regional<br />

Credit Corporation<br />

RUMOR: The foveimnent has been negligent in trcln, «<br />

tracts to small businesses. ^ "*.<br />

FACT The Smaller War Plants Corp report* that onr'al<br />

000,000 worth <strong>of</strong> war contracts had betn allotted to plant* SMI<br />

from. 5 to 500 persons This number Is expected to lncreae<br />

as soon as more small factories and businesses become<br />

manufacture <strong>of</strong> war products.<br />

Other Editors? Views<br />


<strong>Newspaper</strong> history was made In<br />

New York the other day when<br />

the Dally News ran a prominent<br />

display on its front page asking<br />

people NOT to buy the News, but<br />

to borrow one from their neigh-<br />

bor if they could. Sort ,<strong>of</strong> "share<br />

yew Mwsaptr" plan.<br />

It wasn't many, months ago<br />

when aU newspapers were scramb-<br />

ling for circulation.<br />

Reason for Hie sudden change-<br />

over is a paper shortage. A 10 per<br />

cent cut has been ordered by Un-<br />

cle sain, and he promises that<br />

before long another 25 per cent<br />

cut may be expected. Publishers<br />

are worried, and some maga-<br />

zines (notably Time) are now<br />

rationing advertising, giving pre-<br />

ference to former advertisers and<br />

accepting new accounts only as<br />

Epsce to available.<br />

The effects <strong>of</strong> this global war<br />

are far-reaching. Although news-<br />

papers, ind some magazines, are<br />

now regarded as in the "essen-<br />

tial" Industry class, shortages <strong>of</strong><br />

men and material are making the<br />

going tough,—Cape May County<br />

Times.<br />


B has becomi inweaslngly com.<br />

men to question the phlUty <strong>of</strong> tue<br />

Oennan civilian population to en-<br />

dure Indefinitely Uic hardships <strong>of</strong><br />

a hopeleis struggle. Thh belief t»<br />

altogether reasonable, as well as<br />

encouniing. The morale <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Oennan amiy, which is posSlbly<br />

In as critical a state as that <strong>of</strong><br />

the civilian population, has not<br />

been m widely questioned. This,<br />

we believe, Is a mistake.<br />

The greater part <strong>of</strong> Bit Ger-<br />

man army does t consist <strong>of</strong> elite<br />

corps. Fatalities have been sub-<br />

stantially greater among the<br />

shock troops at decisive phases <strong>of</strong><br />

the important battles, v.mie com-<br />

mon troops have been used In<br />

mopping up and holding opera-<br />

HOBS. The pick <strong>of</strong> the German<br />

S'my shs been BIdly barteied in<br />

the put two years, Hitler must<br />

now try to preserve these elite<br />

corps, particularly avoiding their<br />

.. use in defensive Winter opera.<br />

tlons. in such case, the nigrpJe<br />

<strong>of</strong> the troops on ttte Rusiian<br />

front depends on the <strong>of</strong>ficers that<br />

command them.<br />

Since the war began In 193$,<br />

practically the entire German<br />

Mfe'h command and general staff<br />

have been changed. Officers who<br />

had perfected the strategy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

, successful German operations In<br />

Hie West, and particularly those<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers that disagreed with Hit-<br />

ler as to strategy In the Cast,<br />

have been removed. They have<br />

tieen replaced by generals <strong>of</strong> far<br />

less military caliber, generals<br />

hand-picked by Hitler and Hlm-<br />

tnler.<br />

These changes have <strong>of</strong>ten been<br />

misinterpreted. What Uiey in-<br />

dicate Is a basic change ol strat-<br />

egy, ftom the traditional policy<br />

<strong>of</strong> all-out <strong>of</strong>fensive to the use <strong>of</strong><br />

internal terror as an essential<br />

part <strong>of</strong> military strategy and the<br />

creation <strong>of</strong> vast stretches or<br />

wasteland In Eastern and W«st*m<br />

Europe in case <strong>of</strong> retreat, lum<br />

far these change* may also h*ve<br />

crippled. Oennan mtlitaty morale<br />

•will lie determined on the Russ-<br />

ian fWttit this Winter. — Atlant-<br />

ic <strong>City</strong> Dally WorW.<br />

The Week in<br />

Washington<br />

Continue*! ••<br />

• Congressman Louis<br />

Democrat, also from<br />

struck % significant notu i<br />

told the Bouse, during i<br />

the bugi new war an<br />

Ml, ttat it must be ._,<br />

Hie "people are stirred 1 ?,,<br />

growth <strong>of</strong> bureaucracy ta6*<br />

ini evidences <strong>of</strong> waste^<br />

travagances. •<br />

Representative Ludlowl<br />

ed that tht people are L__<br />

desirous <strong>of</strong> having Conmii<br />

up "effteUve curbs m~*<br />

grown and vigorous ,.<br />

which Is becoming too i<br />

a force in our nntlomJ"!<br />

whi* is threatcnlrjgTfr'i<br />

free ente^irlse _/ •<br />

Senator Claude Penpet.'j<br />

Seal Democrat pf FJortS'j<br />

Ing for enactment <strong>of</strong> nlFou<br />

<strong>of</strong> War Mobilization fit, »<br />

that "People ore tired o '•-<br />

tratlon and t am tired i<br />

and as a faithful<br />

New Dealer, I am going tf<br />

cure the deficiency <strong>of</strong> ft! i<br />

^nlntstratlon."<br />

The Nut Bowl<br />

Boy (watching<br />

ade); "Urjy, Mra. Jews,<br />

eornts the tantl"<br />

Mn, Jones. -Land ab* ]<br />

is Mhn home ana tutper<br />

startert ytt."<br />


"This Instrument," «Md I<br />

lor, "is used to find tbt'f<br />

-Una gsfes," chuctm<br />

eld lady visitor to Igtt<br />

ship, "Imagine loom '<br />

kitchen stove wlLh a 1<br />

G-NASHII<br />

JS6a*<br />

Save four<br />

•lamp.<br />

Take old Adolf into J<br />

Save your Jollani, 1 ]<br />

bond.<br />

Duck his cowlick<br />

pond.<br />

Say, Uncle Sam, I<br />

For/<br />

or Awericwi<br />

the Fuehrer.<br />

BWWAR<br />

AND STA<br />

'Fairy-Tale NewsAgen<br />

Created By Germany<br />

bTOkdcaabi' from ~aSamag pi*- «dW.<br />

-"•- have, h»r* tt^imnpuSowii<br />

" i-» reports<br />

Surprised on<br />

- A fransnawt, T non-inflaJn-<br />

matok, vtntilflitid pjastla<br />

-rcomjtlete Ut<br />

to say- things they<br />

thrownlback h,<br />

Mi.i<br />

- PartyHonow Mrt.<br />

< WooJford •<br />

I If' Ml , r /<br />

Friends and neighbors <strong>of</strong> Mm<br />

CharleB.F. WooUord, 29 W. ISJlh St.,<br />

gur<strong>of</strong>lsed herwttK a party THUTS-<br />

day anniveraary. Sie had, a shower<br />

or ftow^ta. candy, cards and pther<br />

IIUIS Many friend* called during<br />

dayi Buddy and Billy Town-<br />

l "HWP B»f^;»<br />

ii^T'^^ebmc^llDwbtl <strong>of</strong> the I<br />

f Monday night's meeting <strong>of</strong> the.Oc-1<br />

e<br />

y<br />

send. slngWB WPy<br />

You ' presented Mis.<br />

with .a large caks baked 'm Wielr<br />

mother.. Mrs. Francis. To^nsend.<br />

Mn- Wooiford, formerly <strong>of</strong> Ijane<br />

downe. and her daughter, Mrs. Bet-.<br />

(y K«Uer, art 'residing here per-<br />

manently since the death <strong>of</strong> Mr<br />

Wooiford, late vice president! <strong>of</strong><br />

the Wooiford Wood Tank Manu-<br />

facturing Co.. Philadelphia. They<br />

had been Bummer residents for 30<br />

years.<br />

She attributes her good N.ilth<br />

to the peace and Quiet ». ocean<br />

<strong>City</strong> and Its unusually mild weath-<br />

er.<br />

* • *<br />


ON arm BIRTHDAY<br />

Mrs. Margnret> Burman, 810 3rd<br />

St., entertained Friday night, Mrs.<br />

Sarah E. Hamilton, Mrs. Robert<br />

Mills. Mrs. Janet Canuinc, Miss<br />

Lucy Hendershott and Miss Flor-<br />

ence Burman.<br />

Mrs. Hamilton celebrated her 87th<br />

birthday anniveraary last Friday,<br />

Bhe has been residing with her<br />

nephew and niece, Mr. and Met.<br />

Robert Mills, 100 <strong>Ocean</strong> av,, for<br />

seven years.<br />

<strong>On</strong> Sunday, Mrs. Hamilton was<br />

honor guest and hostess at a din-<br />

ner party. Bho received floweta,<br />

gifts, and greeting cards. Those at-<br />

tending were: Miss Julia Monag-<br />

han, Miss Mary Monaghan, Or{ xd<br />

Hill, Pa., Miss Kathcrlne Ruhling,<br />

Mrs. EliEatieth. Barrett. Pliiladel-<br />

phia, Mrs. Margaret Bunnfin, Mrs.<br />

Janet Carraine, Miss Florence Bur-<br />

man, Mfas Lucy Henderschott and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mills.<br />

. Cbutvh<br />

p.m. AU<br />

- persons • Interested dtonkt- attend.<br />

Nstona Council, rocabonU*<br />

Loan, wfcUy.mr^Unf, Red Men's<br />

Ha'l, 8 pjn. tollyved: jby pakllo<br />

card party, 8:30 pun.<br />

iHiMo NlfM",<br />

<strong>of</strong> Eislera Star, MM<strong>On</strong>lo<br />

Hall. 8 pjn.,<br />

TrESDAY—tuiicheon apfl card<br />

i<br />

home <strong>of</strong><br />

Clunce, I3U»<br />

b<br />

Mrs.<br />

and Culeman<br />

FOR QtltCK RKSULT8<br />


|!>;<br />


GET THIS<br />


Yes, Bill'ii number lud come ap,<br />

And <strong>of</strong> a sudden Hiiry Wai no leaj-<br />

tt th« Datrlotlc war bond burcr. t£e<br />

enthuBtaitlc volunteer who "wanffd<br />

to contribue All flhc could" to As<br />

war effort. Suddenly sbe became one<br />

<strong>of</strong> in anuy <strong>of</strong> baffled AmitHeu<br />

woqieo wlia bave been told what to<br />

contTlbitte .— loved ones, comsan-<br />

tonshlp, Inrtfme — and fear clutched<br />

her heart with Its Icy Angers.<br />

"I'm thirty-one," she thought,<br />

"What'll I do? Roboity wants women<br />

over thirty."<br />

How Alia. Smith trlflT<strong>On</strong>haBth*<br />

solved her problem li explatiied Jn<br />

tbe 12-aage booklet, "ins. Smith<br />

Cirrlei <strong>On</strong>," by Mf«. E. E. Brooke,<br />

Dnn 61. ^ntcilca'i top authorities *#n<br />

tmpiorniHit for women.<br />

The attached coupon or a phone<br />

call at S-3M9 will brim you • tin<br />

ill the Iwoklet without cost or Ob-<br />

, , y ,<br />

betieflt pf Natoiu.Cvancll, PPC»-<br />

hantaa Iiod^e. 1 pin.<br />

p.ibl'c Curd Pitrtyi ' i i<br />

Republican Club, Title' and Tm»t<br />

Co. bnlldlng, benfflt <strong>of</strong> AnxiUaiy<br />

<strong>of</strong> ^'hore Memorial Hospital, t p.<br />

tn. •>U( BlrthOay Anriivemwy Din-<br />

ner, Owiin Ctty Civic ClnlN Ply-<br />

month Inn, 7 p.m. Miss ClaxrttU<br />

Sthon, iprak^r,<br />

• notary Anne cam party, home<br />

or .ins. J. T. Huilies, 7« WeUty<br />

m. Members' husbands Invited<br />

guests, 8:30 p.m.<br />

WEDNEgDAT—PuUie Card PMty,<br />

Women; Republican Club; Mile<br />

anil Trait Co, bnlMinr. Melt<br />

Canteen eerrlce rud, OMu<br />

<strong>City</strong> Rtbekah Lodge, I p.m<br />

Cdrtlsh supper followed Jy<br />

time. Aoiillary Mf Morgan-<br />

Kanck Post and l^glonnalrw,<br />

Tnt quartefs, fi:30 pjn,<br />

TtlVRSDAY— Watani's Clob <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> meeting, home el Mrs,<br />

W. ThomHs Adami, 6U AUanUc<br />

0«., S pJD.<br />

WeeMy public card parly by<br />

Women's Republican Club, Title<br />

and Trust Co. buUdinr. 1:30 p.m.<br />

FRU>AY-Monthly pahlle gard par<br />

ty, btnL-flt fit, AWUsUm's B. C.<br />

Parents' and Teachers' Asaocla<br />

ttoii. hnme <strong>of</strong> SIhs Ellnbetli<br />

Beedi, Hum bulWing, |lh st. taj<br />

Weft ay, 8 p.m.<br />

Miss Horsey<br />

Good Citizen Girl<br />

Win* AiwwtRMort<br />

D.A.R. Honor ; •<br />

lOis Jacqueline ljgr»#>; Ow»a<br />

<strong>City</strong>' Btujti Sohool aenldr, Dim tbe<br />

distinguished honor <strong>of</strong> being ocean<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s "1W3 Qqotf, OtUaRutaDOlTV<br />

The.daughter ol jfr. and. Mrs.<br />

Jack Htasey, 416 ^th »u ha4 the<br />

honor bestowed upon Wr Satd<br />

ft b 8illH<br />

upn Wr Saturd<br />

afternoon by Sarah 8tillweH Ctuxp-<br />

ter, Daughters OI the AmCTican Re-<br />

volution] meeting' at the home or<br />

Mr*. Stifling; W. CbW.<br />

Miss Honey, who Trill represent<br />

he resort Chapter, will have pos-<br />

sible chance with other candidates<br />

throughout tin. state, to be chosen<br />

to attend the Nattawl Congress <strong>of</strong><br />

the DAA. wh«n it meets in Cin-<br />

cinnati. Ohio, April IS to M.<br />



Miss aioria Woodruff, <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>'s 1843 Good Citizenship Girl;<br />

Miss Jane Brownlee. chosen to<br />

941, and Mis* Horsey were guests<br />

it the meeting.<br />

The regent, Mrs. Ralph L Golf,<br />

presided. Mrs, Cole, chaplain, Bd<br />

the oBeni e»toi<br />

Personals<br />

,Mrs. Bury JTeeborn, 9S» pieta<br />

me av.. Is in the Wills Bye Hospi-<br />

tal, f*UAd#phla, wfawe she «-<br />

<strong>of</strong>ot)y underwfnt an operetdon.<br />

" • «<br />

'Rfenda <strong>of</strong> j Opt. Austin Dowr»,<br />

»T'Ple«Aire >av wiU b pleated<br />

4»T.<br />

to<br />

j Op A »,<br />

Ple«Aire >av, wiU be pleated<br />

tjkt he Is now laiprovlng<br />

/ after a critical ttlnest<br />

weeks.<br />

*<br />

an-<br />

J-. (>Uj^/Sew Jersey<br />

Colleqet' Commerce I<br />



•Sbe wcddlns af JOii tf<br />

Louise Scliwaltrer, dau'tflter <strong>of</strong> Mr.<br />

and Mra. LouLs Brfiwalier. <strong>of</strong> PhlJ-<br />

addphla, to Harry Shennsn Shev-<br />

Iln, ion <strong>of</strong> m. and lira. Harry B.<br />

aievlin, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia and <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>, wa« performed Saturday at 4<br />

pjn,, in the mmm tf ttie Wr»t<br />

Pre^teriBn C3hundi, this city. Bey.<br />

George- Pitcher <strong>of</strong>ficiated.<br />

The Shevlino Mve a SuDamer<br />

home here at 307 Wy ay.<br />

Attandoriti for the couple were<br />

Mrs. Raljih B, Seltzer and Richard<br />

w, aJievlln, bromer at ttie brid?.<br />

isrwm. Otten preMnt wire Mrs.<br />

Richard shcvllii and Ralph E. selt-<br />

«r, , , •<br />

Itollowine the ceremony there was<br />

a supper at fleebnan'g Inn, Long-<br />

nort, and flie couple left for a We*<br />

heymoon trip. 'l*e!y wiU imim<br />

%t" mahlnrton Lime aardeni<br />

Apartmctlte, Germantown. Mr-<br />

She vlin Is connected with a Phlla-<br />

delphla tond and lnvcsrtinent com-<br />

pany.<br />

the oBenuig e»rctoei,<br />

A donation to the coming Rtd<br />

eras War Fund Drive was author-<br />

ized. Th» usual yearly eantrtBu-<br />

tions to the DAB, approved s»ool»<br />

and Hie Student Loan were con.<br />

ttnued for tbe MM,<br />


A lW <strong>of</strong> historical talks Mm to<br />

be presented over radio station<br />

WBAB was ansngtd by Mil. Aij~<br />

gustus D. Hopptag. the series will<br />

be sponsored by the chapter.<br />

The annual state conference will<br />

be held in Trenton. March 18 and<br />

IS. Headquarters will be at ttie<br />

Stacy Trent Hotel, and the meet-<br />

ings will take place in the state<br />

house,<br />

Mn. Lawrence M. Lear advised<br />

the members <strong>of</strong> a revision In rules<br />

for ttie Mute to the Flag, decided<br />

upon at a conference <strong>of</strong> It histor-<br />

ical organizations. .<br />


Due to illness, oeorge B, Brown,<br />

the scheduled speaker, was unable<br />

to attend. His paper, a book review<br />

<strong>of</strong> "Problems <strong>of</strong> Lusting Peace,"<br />

.was read by Mrs, William H. Mow-<br />

en.<br />

The March meeting will take<br />

place at the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. William<br />

Nelson, lit Wesley sv. Members,<br />

are asked to take emmp <strong>of</strong> an-<br />

tique 0am and eitnlnln tticir his-<br />

tory. Tnere BISO will be a book re-<br />

vim pertaining to old gtosn.<br />

Following the metUng<br />

H J<br />

ADBBllg _„„.„ __1. |<br />

Waat •_ ^^_ HIM _ _ HM."<br />

My<br />

I'toBf ««i «r• like brown msluiei<br />

H»!flM« HI Pft j«a« tMchiDf<br />

I flifct, far10 je.iil (Bo alnm;<br />

' n'« snt ramj<br />

—RumfoidBaklni Powder, Boi<br />

B. l«Bf«rdy t&de Mud.<br />

y/str vat/re geaary PAKLGR TWS MEEK<br />

• 664<br />

OHNSON'<br />

A New<br />

Complete Bcauly Service<br />

mints wen served by Mrs, Cole,<br />

Other members present wer«;<br />

Mrs. Earle Brown, Mrs. Hopping.<br />

Mn, Morgan Hand, Mn. R. H.<br />

Klauder, Mrs. Edgar Coraon, Mrs,<br />

Oharles H. Vail, Mrs, Homer Pet-<br />

erson, Mrs, WUHan Q. Atobott.Mrs<br />

Smith Collins, and Mrs. Nelwn.<br />

Quests wtre: Mn, Norman v. Bar-<br />

gent, Mn, Harriet VanOUdcr and<br />

Mtu SteUa, Abbott.<br />

• • •<br />



A covered dMi supper, followed<br />

t •ntertAinment wm be conducted<br />

Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., in Ameri-<br />

can Legion quarters on the Music<br />

Her by the post Auxiliary. It will<br />

be for pest and Auxiliary members.<br />

Flans were made at the Febru-<br />

ary meeting for ttie affair. Mrs.<br />

Philip Shalto and Mn, Prank Hart<br />

are In oborge <strong>of</strong> arrangements.<br />

The material was ordered for<br />

nappies, (Old annually bv the Aux-<br />

iliary. A disabled nv vete^ wffl<br />

make the popples.<br />

The next business meeting will<br />

be held March lo.<br />

Cards were enjoyed and refresh-<br />

ments served by the hostesste, Mrs.<br />

Charles Brtcfcley, Mrs. Robert Lear,<br />

and Mrs. jack Honey. Other mem-<br />

bers present: Mrs, Albert Oldfteld,<br />

Mrs. T. M. BUattt, M». Hemy<br />

aregory, Mis. Clayton Boblnsoi).<br />

Mm. Join B. Trout. Mrs, Raymond<br />

McHenry, Mrs, Mroy Crgwtey.<br />

D. OF A. sirmm TOBDAT<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> 6117 Council No. 10.<br />

Daughtere <strong>of</strong> Amerlra, will have a<br />

covered dUh Bupper starting at<br />

6:30 pin., Tueeday, In Red Men'e<br />

Hall. It will be foOowed by a reg-<br />

ular mee<strong>On</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the lodge at 8 o'-<br />

clock, featuring a cekfcratlon <strong>of</strong><br />

tii birthday.<br />

mst'IIarte Patten, ftrnflewood, a<br />

obunnato or Miss Dorfg.iVwnllnsoti<br />

»t the Glassboro 8t«tr<br />

College, accompanied ,<br />

son on her Lincoln holiday vacation<br />

period in the resort, as the attest*<br />

<strong>of</strong> her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam<br />

Twnllnsoa, 433 Asbury av<br />

• •, •<br />

Mte. Mtvry Bentley, Buffalo, was<br />

a, week ea/ll ihouse guest <strong>of</strong> her<br />

sister and brother-in-law, Mr and<br />

Mrs. p»ul Beootte, 415 5th st Mrs<br />

Bentley. a, registered nurse, Is em-<br />

ployed with the American Car and<br />

Foundry uo. She accompanied her<br />

chief nuiie on a business trip to<br />

New York <strong>City</strong> and made a dur-<br />

prlse visit) on her sister.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Louis C Green, <strong>of</strong><br />

Haddonfleld, who operate the<br />

Grecnway, Wis <strong>Ocean</strong> av., are<br />

spending the Winter In St. Peters-<br />

burg. Fla The Oreetttvay will open<br />

for the season Mav 36.<br />

Mrs. William J McArdle, 817 Ply-<br />

mouth pi, returned home recently<br />

alter having- spent several months<br />

In Philadelphia<br />

Mr. and Mis Carlton R Baklpy<br />

and son. Russell, <strong>of</strong> Eatontown. and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William Hageman, or<br />

Wanamassa. were Sunday guests <strong>of</strong><br />

relatives in the resort Mrs Hage-<br />

man formerly was Miss Helen<br />

Bakley Mr HegeroHn will enter<br />

the armed forces Frtjruary 28.<br />

• * m<br />

Mrs Joseph Stetser. 430 Bay IIV,<br />

has returned home after having<br />

undergone a major operation In<br />

Shore Memorial hospital<br />

in B*dl<br />

prevailed In the table<br />

and refreshments, whli<br />

charge <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Ralph<br />

chairman; Mrs Albert Cartibnrn<br />

and Mis Frank Homer.<br />

Nomination <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

nounced. They will be eltctcdj latf*.<br />

Anhouncement wax made <strong>of</strong> die<br />

monthly card party. '"Hie Proceeds,<br />

for the Oantecn Service Boom<br />

Fund " which will take place<br />

nesdaV at t pj)l. lo the,Wi<br />

Sepibllcan club rooms at Btudebaker'a tmHt-mme<br />

nflying BWnd to determine the career.<br />

Jr*i« <strong>of</strong> oil fw tattooed drfr'-<br />



QTUDEBAKBR dealers have received new service in-<br />

O Mruction» direct from the factory that enable them to<br />

help you get the best possible performance out <strong>of</strong> your car<br />

under mileage .rationing: '<br />

It't essential to the nation'* war effort that cart them-<br />

•elrei be coitterred BI well as the tires they roll on and this<br />

mean* regular maintenance and lubrication as well as paini-<br />

ttkinE inspection service. • . ,<br />

Srudebaket 1 dealer* will gladly advise you on what to do<br />

to keep your car from wearing out before its rime and to<br />

prevent it from perforrding unevenly. And you place your-<br />

•elf under lio\,obligation by coniulung any Studebaker<br />

dealer on your driving problem*.<br />


T • ""Trap'" *• 7T! r !?i r VC •. 1 1 . "*« - • *.^_ ,' 1 ' ' ' . 1 r\ ^••»<br />

Fill Out War Stamp<br />

Albums, Is Plea<br />

A campaign appealing lo Amerl~<br />

canB to complete the 100,000,000<br />

outstanding War savings Stamn<br />

ulbuins, now only partially fll'od<br />

wid to convert tfiem Into War<br />

Bonds will be laundhed next wef V<br />

by tho Treasury Department. Sec.<br />

retnry Mor^cnthau announced this<br />

week.<br />

Under the Bl<strong>of</strong>ran "Say Yes!" re-<br />

tailers throughout t-l'e country «11><br />

UTBC customers to take their cbango<br />

In War Stamps.<br />

"Jf completed and redeemed, thi<br />

100.000,000 tilbvtns -would represent<br />

almost two billion dollars In War<br />

Bonds," the Secretary said.<br />



A Valentine party was held l»St<br />

Thursday by members <strong>of</strong> the Wo-<br />

men's Oltfi> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, at the<br />

honio <strong>of</strong> Mis. Clyde B,: Ellis, S3i<br />

Seiispruy rd. The affair wns pre-<br />

ceded with a corared-dlsh supperi<br />

Ctomes were enjoyed and a delight-<br />

ful social time and refreshments<br />

climaxed the party.<br />

Attending were: Mbffl Anna SWn-<br />

nnrd, Miss Ruth Gonuwer. Wis<br />

Pauline ticlbcr, Mrs. l^/ilte C.<br />

Hughes. Mr*. Herman! Selvagn.<br />

Mrs. Ocorge W. Meyer, Mrs. Wil-<br />

liam O. Townscrid. Mrs. Roland<br />

Wainwrlghb, Mrs, Harold Lee, Mrs.<br />

Hugh Seeker, and the hostess, Mrs,<br />

Ellis.<br />

* * **<br />



Sewing Day at Shore Memorial<br />

Ilosplt«l, Somcra Point, was bib-<br />

srrvrd Tuesday by the hospital<br />

Auxiliary, Worner* ..present were;<br />

Mrs. J. Prescott Cadtnaii,' Mrs. An-<br />

drew B. Maxwell, Mrs. Hedclt. Mrs.<br />

Howard Bussom, Mrs. Mm MiUfr,<br />

and Mra i)avld Bradley.<br />

Sewing Day. scheduled for VJftd-<br />

nesdtty has lieen cancelled,<br />

The Auxiliary wljl conduct a pubi-<br />

Uc card party foe the benefit <strong>of</strong><br />

ttie hospital on Tuesday at 3 pm,'<br />

in the Women's HepuVUcan ciuli,<br />

Title and , i>u^t building. Mrs.<br />

James Harvey, president, wBl.bfe<br />

general chairman. , ';<br />


,V-'f 4 t Par. T^<br />

tard<br />

Choie* HaBd-PIeliitl<br />

Pea Beans<br />

2-35'<br />

••)<br />

,;' -<br />

Large Prunes 2&<br />

White HOIIM<br />

Apple Butter 2^2<br />

WlltlMtry'f B«tt '•<br />

12 u ••t<br />

^Cheese -<br />

All Brand. EvaperatMl<br />

Milk mm<br />


Wllwn'i "CartHlfHT or «wtft<br />

CUT-UP I<br />

•*fti<br />

t • ;<br />

&n.« 'it'-»<br />

'1 t •A, ?'«ii

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