Chatterbox - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Chatterbox - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Chatterbox - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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.", r\..s. ' *<br />

GO.<br />

I MO<br />

S i ^ ^ S f l r w f<br />

<strong>City</strong> husbands<br />

id to pinochle<br />

two nightB a<br />

^P».<br />

,_^. hdp the Red Crops<br />

fnmwp. ... XaB, fir; stay home, do the<br />

rtjiat JuAfor foe> to bed when he should.<br />

f and njriiiu hosiiitals her^and Abroad; in Ar-<br />

> jibjpbpord and'on America's far-flung bat-<br />

Vtot County's duota^for Janbary was 17,000<br />

JTho quota wasn't half filled. More wo-<br />

ttteore are urgently required.<br />

f houses|^hjch normally produce plen-<br />

—*. —V wfjfi the demand. The Fed-<br />

the Amtie&a Bed Cross to<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> pity hou«fi*?ros are siked to give an hour<br />

Urs, for your convenience.<br />

. and Wednesdays, 7:80 to 10 p.<br />

Headquarters, 412 *th et; Thursdays<br />

10.SOa.ni. toA p.m.. production room, Elec-<br />

ng (aecijnd ffw*}; Wednesdays and Thurs-<br />

.j'ifjn^ a^mufab* store, 3101 Asbury<br />

br South End volunteers.)<br />

'"needn't be skilled to perfoVm this work. You<br />

qiflckry. You'll enjoy lt'YoaTl form new con-<br />

imndahipsj, and bjaktr ot all, youTl see concrete<br />

,__ that y^tt'ra doing ybn| bit jn the war . . .<br />

„. — yonrlwibby, Ftp-right now: that you're stepping out<br />

^ iwt Wte^and leaving him W mtoii the household!<br />

, the Boy Scout movement in America was<br />

iht years old. Tomorrow (beginning <strong>of</strong> Boy<br />

FeeM it will b>33. ,, ,<br />

The imiwrtantMMt&ceHo tte Nation at war is ap-<br />

when one realizes thaf in Uncle Sam's<br />

26 per cen£|i$d>he #el&$ees an former Boy<br />

- The nercenuge' is still higher in the enlisted<br />

nd more than two-thirdg <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

y. leaders who attmBe^^liestiPomt&r Annapolis<br />

uts in their boyhood, yews. .<br />

I <strong>of</strong> Atneric* & |iot« military organi-<br />

• wpichjt stands are the antithesis<br />

falrplodticea MBN—men<br />

who cooperate for the<br />

Mifayotion are not new to<br />

[la fct the S& «f their being,<br />

n-Kelly -was a- Scout. So were John James<br />

, John Bulkeley and "Butch" O*Hare. "Be Prepar-<br />

their motto, when they wgie Scouts. We honor<br />

d thi te)i h i<br />

u their m<br />

•and their<br />

another .<br />

r and wot<br />

e share with today's<br />

r organization. May it<br />

the good <strong>of</strong> us all!<br />

ngdMW Visitors<br />

re }n jast .week's issue that the city win<br />

most <strong>of</strong> ite Mvertisjnir this year on nearby<br />

nttt* <strong>of</strong> pounJaOorPdoWliet liiSn'thnfit has turned<br />

back forever on the few** bnt more pr<strong>of</strong>itable long-<br />

•—1 visitors from Pittsburgh and points west.<br />

_mcre pr<strong>of</strong>itable advisedly. <strong>On</strong> the average<br />

"gerxhan our mprV numerous friends from<br />

din area.<br />

ot haying farewell to these erstwhile guests<br />

i,rtvair.Tir%v*4 wstrMions probably will be<br />

ig this'Summer foj ,a]l but the most Jntre-<br />

_,_ --. it from afar. But we war will end one <strong>of</strong><br />

[Mays, and tlicn tK©yil return. Meantime, the city<br />

c " 1 forgetting ittm «wtSrely. It will keep <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

them ^JtkrJoccasioiinl advertising, though<br />

av. School?<br />

it <strong>of</strong>. the Board <strong>of</strong> Educa-<br />

j.dliclosed Ihe fact that the<br />

.the' Wiesiey av. school next<br />

- "like to hear what<br />

, ^e city commissiop-<br />

represents an 8&-cent<br />

ojWfl is striving to re-<br />

by cutting its budget<br />

i aava about 98,500 a<br />

Cnt} av. school to<br />

i would<br />

^ to vaU> \<br />

or not yotrab-,<br />

T<br />

r J<br />

Topics<br />

A-W (Bei|to irf Faawltf: Fro-<br />

tides iudaes fetfinf «o ««t* that soon<br />

anoe* w)U tena* wltb modtu spies «nd heel..<br />

FACT: Tbe War;Wpductlon Board hag prohibited the manufac-<br />

ture <strong>of</strong> two-tolor Btipf4 -and reduced the variety <strong>of</strong> styles and colors'<br />

<strong>of</strong> footwear to save "leather. No limit Is placed, however, on the pro-<br />

<strong>of</strong> permitted styles' necessary to Jtll civilian needs.<br />

ttttMOB: At a "iero noiu" soon to be determlwd, automobilM<br />

wlU not lie penalUtd to cross tUU lima.<br />

FACT: Such » BftovB-ls not being considered. It Is merely the old<br />

dodge <strong>of</strong> bringing States' dghts Into the national scene In order to<br />

contuse the vital lssyes Ot the war effort.<br />

KCMOB: Civilians will soon be unable u> bay phonograph fe<br />

and the few that will he made will be sent exclusively to the armed<br />

force*.<br />

FACT; "We know <strong>of</strong> ho such restrictions, either now or contem-<br />

plated, naturally, we would be among Vie first to be noticed. Records<br />

are still available to the public end to the armed forces, and • will<br />

continue to be avallabe,"—(J. W. Murray, General Manager <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Record Division, RCA-Vlctor Co.)<br />

RUMOR: A nnmbrr <strong>of</strong> doctors are Injecting draftees with serum to<br />

produce fjntaln symptoms <strong>of</strong> diseases which nstft In deferment.<br />

FACT: An impartial Investigating board, composed or a repre-<br />

sentative <strong>of</strong> the FBI, accredited medical men and a selective service<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial, traced this story to a pro-Nazi. The medical authorities showf<br />

ed that such physical results could not be achieved by the alleged In-<br />

jictlon,<br />

RUMOR: People who new buy war bonds and retain than »ft*c<br />

the war will be prohibited from idcdvlng relief or any othtv form <strong>of</strong><br />

atato or federal aid.<br />

PACT: War bonds are a cash resource In the form <strong>of</strong> savings. If<br />

the regulations are the same In the post-war period »s they are now,<br />

a person would be expected to ex3iaust Ills rash resources before he<br />

could apply fox relief. War bonds arc not only patriotic, they are in-<br />

surance. The more war bonds you buy the less reason to fear a post-<br />

war depression.<br />

Big Job Ahead, Say»<br />

"- * Chief<br />

Immediately<br />

Our Yesterdays Other Editors' Views<br />


The Board <strong>of</strong> Scnool Estimate<br />

approved the school budget call-<br />

ing for a »125.000 city appropri-<br />

ation, $9000 more than [he pre-<br />

vious year,<br />

• • t<br />

Francis H. West wrote home<br />

about his experiences helping<br />

build I>an.American airfields hi<br />

Brazil.<br />

• * •<br />

Morgan-Banck Foot, American<br />

Legion, endorsed the Idea <strong>of</strong><br />

opening membership to veterans<br />

<strong>of</strong>f the eurrent war,<br />

i * »<br />

Mlrs Gloria Woodruff was nam-<br />

ed the "Oood clttenshjp Pil-<br />

grim" Of the Daughters <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American Revolution.<br />

• * .<br />

MUk prices to consumer! In.<br />

creased a cent u quart toy onler<br />

<strong>of</strong> the State Milk Control Board,<br />


George 1. Brown was re-elected<br />

to a three^yeaf term ms school<br />

iupwintendint, and, Arthur W,<br />

Shoemaker lieBame president <strong>of</strong><br />

the Board <strong>of</strong> Education.<br />

• « »<br />

Progress wu being made on the<br />

removal <strong>of</strong> all signboards along<br />

the <strong>Ocean</strong> OttyJomers Point<br />

boulevnrd. ty order <strong>of</strong> the eom.<br />

•mssionen,<br />

• • *<br />

Publicity DlrMtor Harry Stan,<br />

ton said the city would spend<br />

some advertising! money in church<br />

puolleations, with speeialind copy<br />

witti a religious angle,<br />

• • •<br />

The question <strong>of</strong> how best to<br />

our<br />


We are confident that<br />

Boon 1 <strong>of</strong> Freeholders will<br />

against, and oppose strongly, any<br />

addltlonnl mnndutory spending<br />

laws But tie public—the pcop'c<br />

Wtio pay tlie taxes-must also be<br />

nlcrt to the possibility. They must<br />

be rawly to give their represen-<br />

tatives in TrenUin evidence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ccntiment "back home"<br />

Mandatory lesLslatlon lfi n blow<br />

to heme rule. That it hqs «?r-<br />

loils effects upon aJl <strong>of</strong> us is il-<br />

lustrated in the now county tux<br />

rate Increaje.—Cipe May Star<br />

and Wave, s • ,<br />

"JVe have<br />

<strong>of</strong> roads »nd bridges w noon aa the<br />

war Is over." 8tato HlgMWy Com-<br />

mlsalontr 8paaoer Kilter, Jr., told<br />

the New Jersey Aosoclstlon <strong>of</strong> Cho-<br />

sen meholdeia at Trenton Mon-<br />

day m explaining ttie plan advo*<br />

oated for esta&Ushui? a reserve<br />

fund <strong>of</strong> mad money.<br />

Reference was made toy the Htob-<br />

way CosnmJsalontr to the bill in-<br />

traduced by Senator John G, Sholl<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gloucester County to provide<br />

ttiat SUite Bid tor counties and mu-<br />

nicipalities vhldh cannot be ex-<br />

pended at this thue teemm or war<br />

restrictions Ije invested in Oovern-<br />

menrt bands and credited to tlie<br />

counties 'and municipalities for use<br />

later.<br />

The damage belmr. done to both<br />

county and state highways through<br />

the hauling ot heavy loads in the<br />

War effort was stressed<br />

The Commissioner explained that<br />

approximately ai,2000O0 in State<br />

aid for county road and bridge con-<br />

struction and maintenance cannot<br />

he used now because <strong>of</strong> war pri-<br />

orities, but thought must be given<br />

to the millions oj dollars that later<br />

will have to he e>cpended to restore<br />

the arteries to serviceable cond'tion<br />

At present, he said, there are more<br />

than 400 county bridges with a car-<br />

rying cai»city under 10 tons and<br />

such spans are a threat to public<br />

safety ln the present day hauling<br />

<strong>of</strong> large cargoes<br />

The State Highway Department<br />

ho continued, has no thought <strong>of</strong><br />

initlatlr-g a downward revision in<br />

State aid to counties, saying. "That<br />

is so far from the truth that the<br />

reverse Is true "<br />

Charles Stout secretary <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Association, warned the Fn-chold-<br />

I eri that they should be on their<br />

toe-; and freeze road funds to pie-<br />

vent their dlvcrs'on to nurpose-; for-<br />

eign to road construction H? -*s-<br />

«erted It was n mlstalte not to h»\e<br />

had o referendum previously and<br />

incorporate m ihe State Constitu-<br />

tion p provision to prevent the di-<br />

verting from roads nnd bridge!,<br />

tapes paid by autoinubiUits<br />

Chenowethls<br />

Club Speaker<br />

KiwanitPlaQpto<br />

Attend Chtinh<br />

SOMER3<br />

C«ien-<br />


WBil-Meaoing but short-rattn-<br />

oried follta who hajk nnd Iprt<br />

over all dUnout aim air .raid rf<br />

rtriotion? may hnve forgotten one<br />

Important •serious conclusion nt-<br />

rived at In tlie frivolous Twen.<br />

ties: that anotlier war would Me<br />

an cirtliration utterly destroyed<br />

by the Improvement In weapons,. ,<br />

American warplsnw as' unitt<br />

aj«e Bttacklnj Geniwn sol] for the<br />

flrrt tune, oennany might r«.<br />

taliate. nr us to take too much<br />

for granted Is unwise^-Atliintic<br />

Oi& FreM,<br />

TOO FARL¥ — -<br />

Offteer Ho man pnclnf Ihe slfl*.<br />

walk at 3 oclock in tlie morn-<br />

ing) : "Wl»t are you doing here?"<br />

Gentleman ;L "I foi^j my keys,<br />

<strong>of</strong>jlner, and rm waitinj for my<br />

children to come home and let<br />

me In."<br />

Mayor Hand Quits<br />

Draft Board<br />

Hwor T. MUlet Hand, <strong>of</strong> Cape<br />

May, resigned this week ae chsir.<br />

man ol Selective service Board No.<br />

S for the lower Cape May Geunty<br />

district..<br />

In s letter to President Isoie<br />

velt. Me said thM incresied re^on<br />

slbiiities resulting from the recent<br />

death <strong>of</strong> his father, and constantly<br />

Increasing <br />

I -one how before taldnttfht<br />

h mrUi tnro alter ttte witch)<br />

hout",. TbU pMawt^'tf<br />

sutTlclent resWul sleep any time<br />

durlr* the 24 hours providing<br />

you give yourself Itic epportun<br />

Ity to do so.<br />




TO RETIRE!<br />

RBQULAiRITY <strong>of</strong> elimination<br />

meals, exercise, arid relaxation-<br />

makes for good health. The boys<br />

in military camps are good ex-<br />

amples <strong>of</strong> what proper nutrition<br />

and regularity In the dally rou-<br />

tine can do.<br />

.3. "<strong>On</strong>e can catch up on lost<br />

sleep" woe to you if you con-<br />

stantly oount on thlj on«,<br />





Therefore, you cannot amke up<br />

for damaige done the '"day after<br />

the night before". During > ttilk<br />

period you are a walking invita^<br />

tloh to headaches, colds* netvw,<br />

indigestion, and, contagious or in-<br />

fectious diseases <strong>of</strong> all varieties.<br />

Yoitr jesisUhce u & low el*, to<br />

fact, you aw" h«;Vin« open house<br />

for any UWe, eerm that oomea<br />

^nSitElT, <strong>of</strong> lom»,' need<br />

more sleep tlmn adults. SmalJ<br />

chndren need ftwn 10 to It hows,<br />

adolecceJrts need from nine to W<br />

hours. A thJlfl-who-.chew* his<br />

flng«iialls is Jutapy and. overly.<br />

rton Mid hl*i ateedV<br />

owttih superintendent <strong>of</strong> schools in<br />

Atlantic Oty waa guest speaker at<br />

the weekly meeting <strong>of</strong> the Kiwanis<br />

Club. Tuesday evening, Mr. Obeuo-<br />

weth 1 !. subject dealt with "Educa-<br />

tion, Democracy and Integrity ID<br />

<strong>On</strong>i* PubUc school*." Be pointed<br />

out that the foundem <strong>of</strong> cur ooun-<br />

try were honest and straightfor-<br />

ward, and that ln order to |Ww we<br />

must get back to. those prlndpala<br />

The name <strong>of</strong> William Eckhardt<br />

was ndded to tfie service plague<br />

Quests <strong>of</strong> the evening Included<br />

Oeongf D Richards, mayor <strong>of</strong> Oce-<br />

an Otty, Past DIatrict Governor,<br />

Ijawrfroe tear; Stirling W Oole,<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, and Claudo Dllks,<br />

<strong>of</strong> lyinwood<br />

An irvitatlon was extended to all<br />

members and their wives to attend<br />

a George Washington service at Be-<br />

thany Methodist Ohuroh, February<br />

21. Tuesday night wae "Boand <strong>of</strong><br />

Education" night, and was repre-<br />

sented by the president <strong>of</strong> the<br />

•board, JMWs Monughan. Ear] Hick-<br />

man and Richard Thompwn<br />

Beihtmy MethodM church will<br />

hold 'ft "Lincoln Youth Night" >*b-<br />

ruary 14. and all boys and girls are<br />

invited to attend The Boys and<br />

Girls committee <strong>of</strong> KlWanls Is -iion-<br />

soring this, and Includes Rev Ce.<br />

dric Hlcfcman, WUllam Godfrey,<br />

Ge< rve Broods and Harold Megron-<br />

igle A gift will be presented to<br />

each youth present<br />

Bible Claw Thanked<br />

fo Women<br />

Pocahontas Has<br />

Installation<br />

Mw. Rowland New<br />

Natona Leader<br />

In tlhe pre>5npe <strong>of</strong> approximately<br />

m percons Mrs. HatUe Rowland v?a<br />

raised to Focahontas but Friday<br />

night, ln Bed Men's Hall, at the<br />

Installation ceremonlea <strong>of</strong> Natona<br />

Council, flocahontan Lodge.<br />

The Deputy from Amtwanna<br />

Counflil, Eldora, MW FrBtjccs tV>w-<br />

ler, w>u assisted lp tfie raising by'<br />

th« Deputy Past Chief, Mrs Alice<br />

powler, and the Senior Past Chief.<br />

Mrs. Cameron, who also is a niem-<br />

"ber <strong>of</strong> tbe State council<br />

Other <strong>of</strong>ficers raised were Pro-<br />

pKetes9 Mrs. James Dunn; AOTnonn<br />

Mrs WUllam Nlckenson; Keeper <strong>of</strong><br />

the Records, Mra. Walter Bartholo-<br />

mew; Cbllector <strong>of</strong> the Wamptun.<br />

Mrs. Tloyd Vorhees. Keeper <strong>of</strong><br />

*tVlam]>Uin, Mrs Harry W Bonhatn:<br />

First Peout, Mrs Leroy Orowley;<br />

Becond Scout Mrs Harry Clark:<br />

Powhatpp, Mrs COleman Chance-<br />

Hrat councilor. Mra, wilBom H.<br />

ernltli, Sr; Second councilor, Mrs<br />

Kenneth Morey; First runner. Mrs<br />

Frank Freund; Second runner, Mra<br />

NlchoLiE Heifiim: First warrior. Mcs<br />

Anne Mlragllo; Second iwiuiior,<br />

Mrs Robert Smith; Third warrior.<br />

Mrs Margnret Oliver; Fourth war-1<br />

r'or. Mrs MUlle Denan • Guurd <strong>of</strong><br />

the Tepee Mw Ellziitirtli Morey: I<br />

Ouard <strong>of</strong> the Forest M*rs Anthony<br />

Bello; Delegate to Orcut Council<br />

Mrs Kenneth Moiry: alternate.<br />

Mrs fiallle Brlnghufrt trustee.<br />

Mrs William H Smith. Sr<br />

Gifts were presented to the Dep-<br />

Club Calendar<br />

M U n a JDan<br />

hontaa Lodge weekly<br />

Red Men'. Uull, 8,p m.<br />

, poca><br />

meeting.<br />

OfQi^Othalf: Danghten at<br />

Amertca, meeting at home ot Mrs.<br />

fi Knab 7:30 p ro.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Boom<br />

TUESDAY —<br />

Y Acuary <strong>of</strong> Boom<br />

Memorial Hospital, pomerp Point,<br />

monthly bnalneas meeUnf, hoepl'<br />

td rrcrt^tlon loom, i&ra<br />

WEDNESDAY — Wesley »». T*r-<br />

enls' and TtHki 1 AnochMlon,<br />

miintbly meeMns. scbpol andltor-<br />

imn, Jpn.<br />

Public card party, heneflt <strong>of</strong><br />

Eebekah Lodge, Women's Bepob-<br />

llcan rooms. Title and Troll Co.<br />

uty, Poothontas Prohetess. and<br />

otlher ronklng <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

PWl-rwlng the buFine^s meeting<br />

there njas a covered-dish supprr<br />

and a social time Mrs Bu^hfty wai<br />

nwarded Crom tlic merchandise<br />

Club.<br />

Mrs Ellwood Maxwell 143 AMburv<br />

(iv. pn-tertalncd for the tieneril <strong>of</strong><br />

the lodge at luncheon and curd'<br />

TuPSdftv lilteinoon Guests -»cro<br />

Mr? TWbert smith Mrs Dorpcy<br />

HclllnRshfad. Mrs Nicholas Ileiriiia<br />

Ml"* WalU-r Birt'iolnn'i"" Mr c<br />

James Dunn. Mr*s WlHinni H<br />

• Fmlth. Sf, M« Helert Sliatp. Mrs<br />

Albert Camb 'm Mrs Lincoln Rau<br />

Mrs COleman Ohnucc, J^rfi Fiank<br />

RigglUS and Mrs. Bertha Levin<br />

| MriH ROlert BniO^ H37 B^T. ai<br />

will be hosMss Tue^ay afternoon<br />

at luncheon and ntts for the bene-<br />

fit Of the lodge,<br />



Mrs. aUi "W, Stnftle, M4 Cen-<br />

tral av,, entertained her bridge<br />

club Wednesday evening last week<br />

Mrs, Jonathan Wallaee, Mr» A W<br />

eaburn and Mr*. RUMJBII Crane re-<br />

cWed ttitts fo#' hf«K scores OOler<br />

puestE»wf«! MW. Olare Faust, Mrs<br />

Eugene Murphy and Mrs, James M<br />

Monaghan, Jr.<br />

tp.nL<br />

Auxiliary or Sfortsn-Banek<br />

Tost, Aord an Legion, 010011117<br />

meeting. Legion raonwj g p.m.<br />

THURSDAY — Women's dub <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, covered dish nipper<br />

meeting, home <strong>of</strong> Mra. Clyde a<br />

EUI*, 31 W. Reaspray rd., 7 p. to,<br />

Publlo card party, "Proceed<br />

Night for Canton Service", by<br />

Women* Rrpabllcaii CUb, Title<br />

and Trust Company building,<br />

0:30 p m.<br />

FRIDAY—W C T. V. monthly<br />

meeting, home <strong>of</strong> Mm Charles C<br />

Read. 1019 Wesley av., lp.il<br />

SATURDAY, February 13 _ Sarah<br />

Stlllwell Chattier, DA.lt, month-<br />

ly meeting, home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Stirl-<br />

ing w. Cole, iw <strong>Ocean</strong> av., Z:30<br />

p m.<br />

County Girls Champ<br />

Pie Bakers <strong>of</strong> JV. J.<br />

Mlfs Barbara DeLong. 12, and<br />

MlA covered dish<br />

O«r newly Installed Frederics and Thermique t<br />

•nemuer <strong>of</strong> the Mow Jersey Hotel*<br />

men's Aawdatton and the Court<br />

HDUM Chnmtier <strong>of</strong> Comerce Sur-<br />

viVIng are his widow. Minerva; a<br />

ton, Harvey, and a daughter, June,'<br />

Pleasure Boating<br />

Is Under Gae Ban ,<br />

Pleasure trips by boat-rlncluding<br />

'MilriT-will bt banned this Sum<br />

r ttrdiii tho OPA relajifs its pre 1 -<br />

sent ngulKttonB<br />

ThB federal agency h&« <strong>of</strong>ficially.<br />

Mctendtd ttw pleasure driving bail<br />

to include gwsollrie-po*ei^d boats<br />

used In ewstern watera The ertcol.<br />

already is being felt In Florida.<br />

Tharp Is some hope, liowevtor.<br />

teat tthe petroleum situkbion will be<br />

eased sufficiently toy Bprl»s to a;l-<br />

Ids both car and boat owners some<br />

leeway In how tlicy Use their<br />

tloned fuel<br />



Sea Isle <strong>City</strong> went through 19*2<br />

without a loss from fire, making<br />

the second consecutive year for «suoh<br />

a performance. Fire Chief P. Hnr-<br />

old Button has reported.<br />

The Time Is<br />

NOW!<br />

The rtesldent put his linger oil<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the most Important fac-<br />

tors in our entire tror effort<br />

when he said, "Lost ground can<br />

always be regained. Lost tune—<br />

nevtr!" Your navy needs ships<br />

anil planes—now; Yonr a*my<br />

needs planes, guns, tanks—now.<br />

Yonr government needs the mo-<br />

ney for them—now.<br />

Buy War Bonds<br />

THE<br />

National Bank<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

MrntbiT Federal Deposit<br />

Insurance Corporation<br />


March 15, 1943, Is th*l*st D*y for Filiitg<br />

1942 Income Reports<br />


Certified Public Accountant (Pa ><br />

I Title & Trust Bldg. phor*333 1 • <strong>Ocean</strong> city. N. J:<br />

""Mm tlMM.IMH<br />

• Wfcrt* Ha«<br />

Appl<<br />

m Jin m<br />

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Tomato Jaice<br />

AM **iai« Elbow M9c«r«i] «r<br />

SoaahetH<br />

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f-<br />

, if

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