Unleash your creativity to stand out among the crowd - Phi Chi Theta

Unleash your creativity to stand out among the crowd - Phi Chi Theta

Unleash your creativity to stand out among the crowd - Phi Chi Theta


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TRAINING | PRESENTATIONSCrafting an Effective PresentationTalking is easy for me. Ilove <strong>to</strong> talk. If you askanyone, <strong>the</strong>y will tellyou that I could talk forhours and that I probablycould given <strong>the</strong> opportunity.Any subject is fair game. I can talk<strong>to</strong> anyone ab<strong>out</strong> business, socialmedia, pop culture or anythingthat is on <strong>the</strong> brain. The only problemis that I freeze up in front ofan audience, especially my peers.Recently, I was asked <strong>to</strong> do a presentationab<strong>out</strong> social media at aregional meeting. I had preparedfor weeks and even made revisionsab<strong>out</strong> what I was going <strong>to</strong> say anddo a myriad of times. The day hadarrived and I was ready <strong>to</strong> give mypresentation (or so I thought). Theystarted <strong>to</strong> do my introduction andas I rose up from my seat <strong>to</strong> makemy way <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> podium, it happened.I froze. I could feel everyone’s eyesas I started <strong>to</strong> introduce myselfand <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>pic I was presenting. Ikept thinking, <strong>to</strong> myself, why did Isay I would do this and <strong>the</strong>n it occurred<strong>to</strong> me that my gift of gab hadput me in this mess. I eyeballed <strong>the</strong>exit, just waiting for my opportunity<strong>to</strong> run. But <strong>the</strong>n I looked upand realized that it was <strong>to</strong>o late.So as I reluctantly started my presentation,<strong>the</strong> inevitable happened.My PowerPoint presentation didn’twork as I had rehearsed. Maybe itwas that I had a newer version ofWindows and someone just didn’tlike me. So I decided <strong>to</strong> move onand try <strong>to</strong> get through <strong>the</strong>rest of this disastrous attemptat a presentation. Itcertainly didn’t help that Ikept repeating that I didn’tusually give presentationsand was nervous. Finally,<strong>the</strong> presentation endedand I <strong>to</strong>ok audience questions.As soon as thatwas over, I couldn’t movefast enough <strong>to</strong> step awayfrom that podium and sitback down in <strong>the</strong> back.A few weeks later, I decidedthat I needed a refreshercourse in presentationskills. Ironically,<strong>the</strong> company I work for is knownfor its great presentation skills training.So I signed up for <strong>the</strong> next availablecourse, where I learned a greatdeal ab<strong>out</strong> giving a presentation andlearning <strong>to</strong> have confidence in myselfas a speaker. The following is whatI <strong>to</strong>ok away from my experience.Before Your PresentationBe on time. Make sure you get<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> venue, where you are giving<strong>the</strong> presentation, early. Try <strong>to</strong>arrive at least 45 minutes beforehand.Check <strong>out</strong> <strong>the</strong> room <strong>to</strong> geta feeling for <strong>the</strong> room and <strong>to</strong> let<strong>your</strong> nerves settle a bit. You want<strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> relax and ga<strong>the</strong>r <strong>your</strong>thoughts so that you aren’t feelingrushed. Consider walking around<strong>the</strong> room <strong>to</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>r <strong>your</strong> thoughts.Danger, Will Robinson! Ano<strong>the</strong>rreason <strong>to</strong> arrive early is so that youcan check <strong>the</strong> audio and visual equipment.Equipment failure is guaranteed<strong>to</strong> destroy <strong>your</strong> confidence andusually is a fac<strong>to</strong>r in why presentationsgo wrong. Use this time <strong>to</strong> testall AV equipment and know how <strong>to</strong>use it. If you a have a MAC, <strong>the</strong> facilitywill probably be using Windows.It’s just part of Murphy’s Law, whereit states, “anything that can go wrongwill go wrong.” So be prepared foranything. Call <strong>the</strong> logistics person,conference coordina<strong>to</strong>r or whomeveris in charge <strong>to</strong> let <strong>the</strong>m knowwhat <strong>your</strong> needs are ahead of time.Don’t do <strong>the</strong> dew, Mountain Dewthat is. Don’t rely on stimulants oralcohol <strong>to</strong> calm <strong>your</strong> nerves. Theycan only harm <strong>your</strong> overall performance.They can slow down<strong>your</strong> audience reaction, makeyou slur <strong>your</strong> speech and possiblymake you lose <strong>your</strong> balance.Doggone It, People Like Me! Tell<strong>your</strong>self positive affirmations. Manypeople approach <strong>the</strong>ir presentationwith a negative attitude. Theyconsider all <strong>the</strong> things that can gowrong. They will tell <strong>the</strong>mselvesthat “I’ll probably fail” and “Mypresentation is not strong enough”.You need <strong>to</strong> tell <strong>your</strong>self that you are<strong>the</strong>re <strong>to</strong> share <strong>your</strong> knowledge, ideasand expertise with an audience and<strong>the</strong>y will benefit from listening.Visualize. Use positive reinforcementby visualizing that <strong>the</strong> presentationwill go well. Think of apast presentation that was successful<strong>to</strong> help you balance <strong>your</strong> fearsand reservations ab<strong>out</strong> failing.What’s my line? Know exactlywhat <strong>your</strong> opening line or openingstatement will be beforehand.Knowing what you are going <strong>to</strong>say will help you open with confidenceand give you an edge.During <strong>the</strong> PresentationI’m a nervous wreck! If you have“butterflies in <strong>your</strong> s<strong>to</strong>mach” or “afrog in <strong>your</strong> throat”, don’t announceit. If you do, <strong>your</strong> audience will losefaith in you and will worry ab<strong>out</strong>you. You won’t inspire confidence.Let’s talk. You want <strong>to</strong> make surethat you talk <strong>to</strong> one person at atime. Make eye-contact with oneaudience participant at a time.This will help you with <strong>your</strong>confidence and help you relax.Double dream hands. Take <strong>the</strong>time <strong>to</strong> gesture naturally. Thiswill help release anxiety. Moving,but not pacing, during <strong>your</strong>presentation accomplishes thisas well. Gesturing can also improve<strong>your</strong> ability <strong>to</strong> recall importantpoints in <strong>your</strong> presentation.Straighten up. Correcting <strong>your</strong> posturebenefits <strong>your</strong> ability <strong>to</strong> brea<strong>the</strong>easier which, in turn, makes it easier<strong>to</strong> get <strong>your</strong> words <strong>out</strong> naturally.Did I say that? If you mispronouncea word, lose <strong>your</strong> placeor train of thought, don’t draw2021

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