Community Services Newsletter - Autism Ontario

Community Services Newsletter - Autism Ontario

Community Services Newsletter - Autism Ontario


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Page 5 of 12WorkshopsLocation6660 Kennedy Rd., Unit 6Mississauga, ONDates/TimeThursday, January 26/12Thursday, February 9/12Thursday, February 23/126—8 p.m.Location6660 Kennedy Rd., Unit 6,Mississauga, ONDates/TimeWednesdays,February 22, 29 andMarch 7, 14, 21/126—8 p.m.How to register for workshopsWorkshops are free. To register call Melanie at 905-855-4984 ext. 200 or email mvaartjes@kerrysplace.org.If the workshop you have registered for is cancelled due to low registration numbers you will receive a cancellation callone week prior to the scheduled date. If the workshop is cancelled because of dangerous driving conditions due toweather you will receive a phone call the day of the workshop.Location6660 Kennedy Rd., Unit 6,Mississauga, ONDate/TimeWednesday, March 28/126—8 p.m.Location6660 Kennedy Rd., Unit 6,Mississauga, ONDate/TimeThursday, April 12/126—8 p.m.ASD and the Early Years: Helpful Tips & Next StepsReceiving an ASD diagnosis for a young child can be an overwhelming experience for manyparents. Knowing how to help your child and the types of support strategies to introduceat home is not an easy task.For this reason, our 3 part workshop series is intended for parents of preschoolers withASD between the ages of 3 ½ - 5 years old. Parents will gain practical information tohelp support their child during the early years of childhood development. Workshoptopics will include:1) Workshop 1: Daily Routines and the Use of Visuals: Strategies to Foster Independence2) Workshop 2: Approaches to Support Communication & Social Skills During the EarlyYears3) Workshop 3: Developing Play Skills & the Importance of Play for School ReadinessPlease note that parents have the option of attending all 3 workshops or registeringindividually for a specific workshop of interest.Healthy Relationships WorkshopKerry’s Place <strong>Autism</strong> <strong>Services</strong> is pleased to present the Healthy Relationships Workshopfor young adults aged 18 years or older with a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome. Thisworkshop will be focusing on dating, which will also include relationship building,communication skills, and appropriate social skills related to dating. The workshop willconsist of one session per week and will provide an opportunity for young adults to buildtheir self-esteem and nurture lasting relationships. Each participant should be able tofollow basic instructions and communicate verbally.A Beginner’s Guide to ABAThe purpose of the workshop is to provide parents and other caregivers with:• A brief history about Applied Behaviour Analysis, and its founding fathers• An overview of the basic principles and concepts within ABA• An understanding of how to use these new principles, and apply them to youreveryday life• Knowledge about the Central West ABA initiative programMaking Sense of SensesDebbie Rodrigues is a registered Occupational Therapist who has 20+ years of experiencein both hospital and community settings. Debbie opened her private pediatric O.T.practice in June 2000. Debbie currently provides assessment and treatment for childrenin her home-based clinic in Caledon. By attending this workshop, you will be able toprovide your child with sensory solutions for a variety of challenging behaviors. You willgain an understanding of how sensory defensiveness can affect your child’s ability to dealwith new situations, manage transitions, and even impact the type of food they will eat!Parents with children who are experiencing difficulty staying calm and focused can benefitfrom learning fun and helpful sensory strategies that can be used every day at homeand at school to help boost their child’s ability to learn.

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