Chapter 2 Cambodia - ERIA

Chapter 2 Cambodia - ERIA

Chapter 2 Cambodia - ERIA


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e approximately 20 billion cubic meters overall, but the groundwater actually available forpotential use is geographically uneven and is mostly uninvestigated and untapped. In many areas,aquifers are complexly layered. Furthermore, high arsenic levels are a serious problem in someareas near the Mekong mainstream.As shown in table 3.3, <strong>Cambodia</strong> has many irrigation networks for agriculture, especially ricecultivation. Due to the lack of maintenance and natural causes, many irrigation systems havebeen abandoned and damaged. Some of them have been repaired by the government and theprivate sector.Climate change and deforestation contribute to more frequent natural disasters in <strong>Cambodia</strong>.Drought and lack of water is the main concern for farmers. “I am concerned about not havingenough water to supply to my rice seedlings this year ... because of drought and a lack ofirrigation systems,” said Kuch Veng, a farmer from Krakor district in Pursat province. TanSoksan, a farmer in Kampong Chhnang’s Rolea Phear district, agreed that it had been difficult togrow rice in 2010 due to water shortages. “I and other farmers in my village have seriousconcerns about the lack of rains,” he said, “and some rice crops have died due to lack of water.” 9Having seen the link between rural development and water resources, the government has madeit a point to invest annually in these sectors. However, due to budget constraints, publicinvestment in said sectors is still very low. As table 3.2 shows, only 10.54 percent of publicinvestment was allocated to rural development and only about 4 percent to water and sanitationin the Public Investment Programme (PIP) 2010- 2012.Table 3.2: Public Investment Program 2010—2012 (US$ thousands)Sectors Amount %Social SectorsHealth 667,161 18.13Education 497,446 13.52Subtotal 1,164,607 31.659 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, http://www.maff.gov.kh/en/91

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