ICD-9-CM Procedures (FY10)

ICD-9-CM Procedures (FY10)

ICD-9-CM Procedures (FY10)

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<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> TABULAR LIST OF PROCEDURES (<strong>FY10</strong>)54.29 Other diagnostic procedures on abdominal regionExcludes: abdominal lymphangiogram (88.04)abdominal x-ray NEC (88.19)angiocardiography of venae cava (88.51)C.A.T. scan of abdomen (88.01)contrast x-ray of abdominal cavity (88.11-88.15)intra-abdominal arteriography NEC (88.47)microscopic examination of peritoneal and retroperitonealspecimen (91.11-91.19)phlebography of:intra-abdominal vessels NEC (88.65)portal venous system (88.64)sinogram of abdominal wall (88.03)soft tissue x-ray of abdominal wall NEC (88.09)tomography of abdomen NE (88.02)ultrasonography of abdomen and retroperitoneum (88.76)54.3 Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of abdominal wall orumbilicusDebridement of abdominal wallOmphalectomyExcludes: biopsy of abdominal wall or umbilicus (54.22)size reduction operation (86.83)that of skin of abdominal wall (86.22, 86.26, 86.3)54.4 Excision or destruction of peritoneal tissueExcision of:appendices epiploicaefalciform ligamentgastrocolic ligamentlesion of:mesenteryomentumperitoneumpresacral lesion NOSretroperitoneal lesion NOSExcludes: biopsy of peritoneum (54.23)endometrectomy of cul-de-sac (70.32)54.5 Lysis of peritoneal adhesionsFreeing of adhesions of:biliary tractintestinesliverpelvic peritoneumperitoneumspleenuterus150 1 .1 OR procedure 012 Non OR procedure but affects ThaiDRG

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