ICD-9-CM Procedures (FY10)

ICD-9-CM Procedures (FY10)

ICD-9-CM Procedures (FY10)

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<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> INDEX TO PROCEDURES (<strong>FY10</strong>) C.Collapse, lung, surgical 33.39bydestruction of phrenic nerve 33.31pneumoperitoneum 33.33pneumothorax, artificially- induced 33.32thoracoplasty 33.34Collection, sperm for artificialinsemination 99.96Collis-Nissen operation (hiatal hernia repairwith esophagogastroplasty) 53.80Colocentesis 45.03Colocolostomy 45.94proximal to distal segment 45.79Colocystoplasty 57.87 [45.52]Colofixation 46.64Coloileotomy 45.00Colonna operationadductor tenotomy (first stage) 83.12hip arthroplasty (second stage) 81.40reconstruction of hip (second stage) 81.40Colonoscopy 45.23withbiopsy 45.25rectum 48.24stent --see Insertion, stent, colonfiberoptic (flexible) 45.23intraoperative 45.21through stoma (artificial) 45.22transabdominal 45.21Colopexy 46.63Coloplication 46.64Coloproctostomy 45.94Colorectosigmoidostomy 45.94Colorectostomy 45.94Colorrhaphy 46.75Coloscopy --see ColonoscopyColosigmoidostomy 45.94Colostomy (ileo- ascending) (ileotransverse)(perineal) (transverse) 46.10with anterior rectal resection 48.62delayed opening 46.14loop 46.03permanent (magnetic) 46.13temporary 46.11Colotomy 45.03Colpectomy 70.4Colpoceliocentesis 70.0Colpocentesis 70.0Colpocleisis (complete) (partial) 70.8Colpohysterectomy 68.59laparoscopically assisted (LAVH) 68.51Colpoperineoplasty 70.79with repair of urethrocele 70.51with graft or prosthesis 70.53Colpoperineorrhaphy 70.71following delivery 75.69Colpopexy 70.77with graft or prosthesis 70.78Colpoplasty 70.79Colpopoiesis 70.61vaginal construction 70.61with graft or prosthesis 70.63Colporrhaphy 70.71anterior (cystocele repair) 70.51with graft or prosthesis 70.54for repair ofcystocele 70.51with rectocele 70.50with graft or prosthesis 70.53enterocele 70.92with graft or prosthesis 70.93rectocele 70.52with cystocele 70.50with graft or prosthesis 70.53urethrocele 70.51with graft or prosthesis 70.54posterior (rectocele repair) 70.52with graft or prosthesis 70.55Colposcopy 70.21Colpotomy 70.14for pelvic peritoneal drainage 70.12Commando operation (radicalglossectomy) 25.4Commissurotomyclosed heart technique --see Valvulotomy,heartopen heart technique --seeValvuloplasty, heartCompression, trigeminal nerve 04.02Conchectomy 21.69Conchotomy 21.1Conduction study, nerve 89.15Conduitogram, ileum 87.78Condylectomy --see category 77.8mandible 76.5Condylotomy NEC --see also Division,joint capsule 80.40mandible (open) 76.62closed 76.61Conizationcervix (knife) (sharp) (biopsy) 67.2bycryosurgery 67.33electroconization 67.32Conjunctivocystorhinostomy 09.82with insertion of tube or stent 09.83Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy(CDCR) 09.82with insertion of tube or stent 09.83Conjunctivodacryocystostomy 09.82with insertion of tube or stent 09.83Conjunctivoplasty 10.49Conjunctivorhinostomy 09.82with insertion of tube or stent 09.83Constriction of globe, for scleral buckling--see also Buckling, scleral 14.49303

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