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New Recreation Center Challenges Students to Greater Heights ...

New Recreation Center Challenges Students to Greater Heights ...


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In Brief...Foreign Journalists Tour Fuel Cell <strong>Center</strong>A group of prominent international journalists visitedMines in May as part of a U.S. State Department <strong>to</strong>ur focusedon Colorado’s emerging “new energy economy.” The ColoradoFuel Cell <strong>Center</strong> on the Mines campus was one s<strong>to</strong>p onthe <strong>to</strong>ur.The 13 journalists, who represented major radio andtelevision stations and newspapers in Switzerland, Germany,Korea, China, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic and Es<strong>to</strong>nia,listened <strong>to</strong> presentations by Robert Remick, Robert Kee,Tony Dean and Neal Sullivan.“Meeting with the foreign journalists provided an excellen<strong>to</strong>pportunity <strong>to</strong> get a different perspective on fuel cells,” saidRemick. “In the U.S., we concentrate on the fuel efficiency aspects of fuel cells—for example, getting 50 percentmore electricity for the same amount of fuel or getting twice the miles per gallon equivalent of a standardgasoline fueled vehicle. “The foreign journalists on our <strong>to</strong>ur were much more interested in the ‘green’ aspects offuel cells—like low carbon dioxide emissions and no criteria air pollutants. However, <strong>to</strong>p on the list of questionsasked by the foreign journalists were, ‘When can I buy a fuel cell?’ and ‘How much will it cost?’ and in that, theyshare common ground with their U.S. counterparts,” Remick added.In addition <strong>to</strong> visiting some of the state’s <strong>to</strong>p research institutions, the journalists met with Colorado businessleaders and entrepreneurial start-up companies.The new CTLM addition has been completedand the Academic Networking and ComputingDepartment has moved there from its formerhome in the Green <strong>Center</strong>.A team of three Mines engineers, KongHan, Bernard Levy and Chester Van Tyne,received SAE International’s Arch T. ColwellMerit Award during the recent SAE 2007 WorldCongress in Detroit. The team was recognizedfor their paper “Bauschinger Effect Responseof Au<strong>to</strong>motive Sheet Steels.”A research group in the Advanced Coatingsand Surface Engineering Labora<strong>to</strong>ry(ACSEL), consisting of John J. Moore,Jianling Lin, Brajendra Mishra, Sudip<strong>to</strong>Bhattacharyya, Malki Pinks and SterlingMyers, was presented with the best paperaward at the 2007 Metal Casting Congressheld in Hous<strong>to</strong>n in May. The award was theculmination of nearly four years of researchwork between ACSEL and the die castingindustry.Arpita P. Bathija, Haiyi Liang, MoneeshUpamanyu, Ning Lu and Manika Prasadfrom the Geophysics, Materials Science,and Engineering departments have beenawarded a Clay Minerals Society Researchand Travel Grant for their interdisciplinarywork on “Elastic Properties of Clays” usingnanoindentation and molecular simulation.Distinguished Senior Scientist WarrenHamil<strong>to</strong>n, Department of Geophysics, willreceive the 2007 Tec<strong>to</strong>nics and StructuralGeology Career Achievement Award of theGeological Society of America at the Society’sannual meeting in Denver in Oc<strong>to</strong>ber.Hamil<strong>to</strong>n received the Society’s highest awardfor research, the Penrose Medal, in 1989and is a member of the National Academy ofSciences.Robert L. Siegrist has been awardedcertification by eminence and welcomed in<strong>to</strong>the American Academy of EnvironmentalEngineers as a Board Certified EnvironmentalEngineer.Ambassador Mohd Azhari Bin Abdul Karimof Malaysia will spend fall 2007 in residencein LAIS as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar.The Malaysian Prime Minister’s office hasassigned the <strong>to</strong>pic of energy policy in theU.S. for Azhari <strong>to</strong> research during his stay.Upon his return, Azhari will head an energypolicy research center at the Universiti SainsMalaysia in Penang.Ning Lu has received the 2007 AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers Norman Medal,recognizing his work in unsaturated soils aspublished in the Journal of Geotechnical andGeoenvironmental Engineering.Postdoc<strong>to</strong>ral researcher Amy Clarke is therecipient of the eighth Willy Korf Award forYoung Excellence. The award, named in honorof the late German steel industrialist, is givenannually <strong>to</strong> one graduate student worldwide<strong>to</strong> recognize the contribution of the student’sresearch <strong>to</strong> the steel industry. The award waspresented during the Steel Success StrategiesXXII: <strong>New</strong> World, <strong>New</strong> Opportunities, <strong>New</strong>Crises conference in <strong>New</strong> York in June.Colorado School of Mines 9

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