George James - Reit- und Fahrverein Lorsch eV

George James - Reit- und Fahrverein Lorsch eV

George James - Reit- und Fahrverein Lorsch eV

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Namen Money Ina Bank. Money Ina Bank wurde als 4-jähriger der NRHA Novice Horse Reserve Champion<strong>und</strong> war ein besonderes Pferd, das jederzeit bereit war alles zu geben.Während meiner Laufbahn hat es mir stets Freude bereitet auch jenseits des Show-Rings zu trainieren <strong>und</strong>zu lehren. Obwohl die Reining immer mein Schwerpunkt <strong>und</strong> meine Spezialität war, habe ich <strong>Reit</strong>er <strong>und</strong>Pferde aus vielen verschiedenen Disziplinen trainiert <strong>und</strong> betreut, unter Berücksichtigung des universalenPrinzips, dass eine Beseitigung des Widerstandes <strong>und</strong> die Durchlässigkeit des Pferdes es in dieLage versetzen eine athletischere Haltung einzunehmen <strong>und</strong> eine größere Leistungsbereitschaft zuzeigen.Als ein Studierender der Pferde war es immer mein Bestreben mehr die zugr<strong>und</strong>eliegenden allgemeinenPrinzipien zu entdecken, als die Unterschiede, die der Funktion <strong>und</strong> Leistungsvermögen von Pferdenzugr<strong>und</strong>e liegen, unabhängig von der jeweiligen Disziplin. Dies hat es mir erlaubt eine breite Sichtweise desPferdes als Athleten zu gewinnen <strong>und</strong> hat es mir ermöglicht die Ideen <strong>und</strong> Konzepte weiterzugeben diefür den <strong>Reit</strong>er wichtig sind um zu verstehen wann sein Pferd die bestmögliche Leistung erbringenkann.Im Jahre 1996 gewann ich den American Horse Publishers Award für den besten Trainings-Artikel desJahres mit dem Titel "Das Zirkel-Spiel - eine gr<strong>und</strong>legende Anleitung zur Erlangung der Durchlässigkeit vonPferd <strong>und</strong> <strong>Reit</strong>er", den ich für das Western Horseman Magazin geschrieben hatte. Dies bestätigte, dassmein Zugang zur Lehre dessen was Pferd <strong>und</strong> <strong>Reit</strong>er verstehen müssen um erfolgreich arbeiten zu könnenwahrgenommen wurde. An die Ostküste zurückgekehrt erweiterte ich mein Ausbildungs-Pensum im Rahmendessen ich auch Kurse in den USA <strong>und</strong> Deutschland gab. Es ist mein Wunsch, dass der <strong>Reit</strong>er dieGedanken <strong>und</strong> Bedürfnisse des Pferdes verstehen <strong>und</strong> berücksichtigen lernt, damit das Pferd in der Lage istder Führung des <strong>Reit</strong>ers leicht zu folgen.<strong>George</strong> <strong>James</strong>I began my professional career when I went to work for Doug Milholland in 1985 in Kearney Nebraska. Dougwas a very successful reining horse trainer and many time futurity finalist and winner, who was on the cuttingedge of refining the reining horse techniques and style that existed east of the Rocky Mountains. I make thisdistinction because at that time there were two very distinct styles of reining and western performance horsetraining in the US Reining, as we know it today, had developed mainly in the Eastern US (the NRHA startedin Ohio) as a development of the dry (without the cow) work of the Reined Cow Horse classes that existedprimarily in the Western States (west of the Rocky Mountains) where working with cattle and the extendeduse of the snaffle bit was a way of life. The Reined Cow Horse Futurity, which has 3 year olds in the snafflebit and involves three phases, dry work, cutting out of the herd or herd work and fence work with the cow isstill in contrast to the Reining Futurity which has 3 year old horses in the bridle and only performing onepattern and there is no cow involved. I mention this only because my development as a horseman andtrainer and the modern day reining horse has been greatly influenced by the coming together of these twoworlds and techniques. This became very evident to me when after two years of starting and training horsesfor cow work in Southeastern New Mexico I moved to Scottsdale Arizona and worked for Cal Cooper, twotime Reined Cow Horse World Champion an all aro<strong>und</strong> great performance horse trainer, Al Dunning, whowas well known for his mastery of the West Cost style of reining and multiple world champion and CaseyHinton a great reiner and all aro<strong>und</strong> horseman and master showman. In Arizona I was not only faced with aGabi EndeTelefon: 06251-56405 o. 0170-8044808, email: gabi.ende@zi-mannheim.de

different style of training, much more involved with the cow, but the many powerful, talented and storiedbloodlines of the West coast and Texas bred horses. The King Fritz and Doc Bar lines for example.Arizona, rich in horses and horsemen, provided many influential people whom I worked for and rode withincluding John Slack Todd Bergen, who I credit for combining the best of the East and West Coast stylesresulting in Futurity wins for each. Two other major influences and teachers for me have been Craig Johnsonfor his thoughtful and precise approach to building a reining horse and Ray Hunt for passing on his<strong>und</strong>erstanding of the horses true nature and techniques for gaining its trust, cooperation and partnership.The horses that have been of importance to me throughout my career are too many to mention herebecause each horse encountered has asked something of me and offered something for me to learn orconfirm and in doing so added invaluably to my knowledge and experience. The horses that have createdthe greatest impression on me regardless of time spent together, have been those who posses anextraordinary ability to perform what is asked of them with the greatest ease and willingness due to theirsuperb physical ability and mental state. These horse are rare and clearly set themselves apart from thecrowd. One such horse was a horse that I trained for the 1991 Reining Horse Futurity named Money InaBank, a buckskin stallion by Okie Leo Money.Money Ina Bank became NRHA Novice Horse ReserveChampion as a 4 year old and was a special horse indeed who gave everything that he had every time.Throughout my career I have enjoyed training and teaching more than the show ring. Though reining hasalways been my focus and specialty, I have been involved with teaching and coaching riders and horses ofmany different disciplines using the universal principles of eliminating resistance and supplying toachieve the athletic position and a higher degree of performance. As a student of the horse it hasalways been my focus to discover the common principles that govern the functioning andperformance of the horse, regardless of discipline, rather than the differences. This has given me abroad view of the horse as an athlete and has allowed me to communicate the ideas and concepts that areimportant for the rider to <strong>und</strong>erstand in order to have their horse perform at its best.In 1996 I won the American Horse Publishers Award for Best Training Article of the Year with an article that Iwrote for western Horseman Magazine titled "The Circle Game - a Basic Guide to the Suppling of the Horseand Rider". This served to confirm that my approach to teaching what the horse and rider need to<strong>und</strong>erstand and do to perform successfully was being heard. After returning to the East Coast I expanded myteaching schedule to include more clinics both in the U.S and Germany. It is my wish that the rider<strong>und</strong>erstands and considers the needs and thoughts of the horse so that the horse can easily follow theleadership of the rider.<strong>George</strong> <strong>James</strong>Gabi EndeTelefon: 06251-56405 o. 0170-8044808, email: gabi.ende@zi-mannheim.de

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