Wildlife of Pakistan - Otter Specialist Group

Wildlife of Pakistan - Otter Specialist Group

Wildlife of Pakistan - Otter Specialist Group

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Volume 1: Issue 1: January - March, 2012Abdul Aleem ChaudaryLahoreEmail: aleemc1@gmail.comIUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED SPECIESCategories and CriteriaThe ‘IUCN Red List <strong>of</strong> ThreatenedSpecies’ is widely recognized asthe most comprehensive, objectiveglobal approach for evaluating theconservation status <strong>of</strong> plant andanimal species. The IUCN Red Listis mainly used to guide conservationactivities <strong>of</strong> governments, NGOsand scientific institutions. Thescientifically rigorous approach todetermine risks <strong>of</strong> extinction thatis applicable to all species, hasbecome a world standard. In orderto produce the IUCN Red List <strong>of</strong>Threatened Species, the IUCNSpecies Program works with theIUCN Survival Commission (SSC)and with members <strong>of</strong> IUCN, drawson and mobilizes a network <strong>of</strong>scientists and partner organizationsworking in almost every country inthe world, who collectively hold whatis likely the most complete scientificknowledge base on the biology andconservation status <strong>of</strong> species.The IUCN Red List Categories andCriteria are extensively reviewed.The revised Categories and Criteria(IUCN Red List Categories andCriteria version 3.1) were adoptedby IUCN Council in February 2000and the revised system came intouse in 2001. Guidelines to usethe IUCN Red List Categories andCriteria are regularly reviewed (therecent most review, Version 8.1;August 2010).The goals <strong>of</strong> the IUCN Red Listare to:Identify and document those speciesmost in need <strong>of</strong> conservationattention if global extinction ratesare to be reduced; andProvide a global index <strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong>change <strong>of</strong> biodiversity.To achieve these Goals, the IUCNRed List aims to:Establish a baseline from whichto monitor the change in status <strong>of</strong>species;Provide a global context for theestablishment <strong>of</strong> conservationpriorities at the local level;Pond heron (Ardeola grayii) © Waseem Ahmad Khan, PWFMonitor, on a continuing basis, thestatus <strong>of</strong> a representative selection<strong>of</strong> species (as biodiversity indicators)that cover all the major ecosystems<strong>of</strong> the world.Nature <strong>of</strong> the categoriesThere are nine clearly definedcategories into which every taxonin the world (excluding microorganisms)can be classified (FigureWILDLIFE OF PAKISTAN21

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