Asphalt Review - Volume 29 Number 1 (February / March 2010)

Asphalt Review - Volume 29 Number 1 (February / March 2010)

Asphalt Review - Volume 29 Number 1 (February / March 2010)

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ASPHALT REVIEWChairman’s reportThe last year has been a difficult onefor many people across Australia dueto the global economic crisis although,our industry – the flexible pavementindustry, has not been as severelyaffected as other industries.This is in part due to the governmentand community recognising theimportance of quality roads andrecognising that money injected intoroads has immediate and long lastingbenefits to our society and economy.But there may still be challengesahead as the government starts towind back the current budget deficit.Next year and beyond is therefore atime for our industry to maintain itsfocus on providing quality services atcompetitive costs. We must also remainfocused on occupational health andsafety and increasingly address issuesof sustainability.Throughout the next decade the Boardand the staff of AAPA will continueto support members to achieve theseobjectives. AAPA state branches andthe National Technology Committeewill continue to address a wide range ofcurrent and emerging issues. The AAPATraining Centre will also continue toprovide practical and relevant training.Louis Nucifora,Chairman, AAPADuring tough economic times someorganisations cut back on spending inareas such as training. They may also tryto save costs by cutting back on quality.However, during these times companiesshould remain focussed on the futureand continue to grow the competency ofstaff and ensure that quality standards arealways applied.Remember that by maintaining qualityand constantly looking at ways to improve,including in areas of sustainability, ourindustry will have a profitable and longlasting future.On behalf of the AAPA Board I wish allof you every success in the current yearand into to second decade of this century.<strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Review</strong> reports on theflexible pavements and bituminoussurfacing industry in Australiaand New Zealand. It is publishedby ROADS Magazine on behalfof Australian <strong>Asphalt</strong> PavementAssociation Limited (ABN 31 000770 123), a non-profit organisationformed to promote the economicuse of asphalt and other bituminousbound products based on soundtechnical and commercial groundsfor the benefit of its members, theircustomers and the community.Articles in <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Review</strong>may be reprinted providedacknowledgement is given.Contributions of a news ortechnical nature on all aspects ofasphalt and bituminous surfacingare welcome.The <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Review</strong> Magazine, prepared by the Australian <strong>Asphalt</strong>Pavement Association (AAPA) is now also produced as a supplementin the ROADS magazine. To gain access to a broader readership,AAPA has undertaken to publish within ROADS, but its content willmaintain the uniqueness and specialty focus on flexible pavementsthat <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Review</strong> has provided for over 25 years. Availabilityof this and future issues of the <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Review</strong> will continue via theAAPA web site: www.aapa.asn.au in addition to its inclusion inROADS magazine.The publishing schedule is: <strong>February</strong>-<strong>March</strong>; June-July; and October-November.ROADS AdvertisingTo reach the decision-makers in the roads field, you should consider advertising inRoads. For information on advertising rates, please contact Yuri Mamistvalov atHallmark Editions, Tel (03) 8534 5008 or email yuri@halledit.com.auADMINISTRATIONAAPA Head OfficeLevel 2, 5 Wellington StreetKew, Vic 3101Tel: (03) 9853 3595Fax: (03) 9853 3484Email: info@aapa.asn.auWebsite: www.aapa.asn.au<strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Review</strong>Editor: Rex PannellEmail: rex.pannell@halledit.com.auAdvertising: Yuri MamistvalovEmail yuri@halledit.com.auTel: (03) 8534 5008ROADS FEBRUARY <strong>2010</strong>/MARCH <strong>2010</strong> 25

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