2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated ... - Project Read

2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated ... - Project Read

2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated ... - Project Read

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<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencycorpsn/ SkP(E)r /L[has homonyms: cor, core, kor] theensemble or chorus of a balletcompany as distinguished fromsoloists and principals.Even the most famous ballerinashave spent some time as membersof the corps.corpusclescorrosivecortecortegen/ kOrStezh /L > It > Fa procession of mourners at afuneral.Representatives of various charitiesthe princess had supported madeup her official cortege.cossetten/ kBSset /F[has homonyms: cassette, cosset] astrip or slice (as of sugar beet orpotato) : chip.Each cossette was dropped in veryhot fat for browning and thenmoved to a lower temperature forfinal cooking.costlinesscorradecorrectcorrelatecorrelationcorrespondencecorrigendumcorroborationn/ kETrBbESrCshEn /Levidence that confirms the truth ofsomething.Two witnesses providedcorroboration of the suspect’salibi.corrodev/ kESrPd /Lundergo a gradual wearing away oralteration by a chemical orelectrochemical essentiallyoxidizing process.The picture of a harbor in Sandy’sbook was accompanied by anexplanation of how ship hullscorrode.corrodibleadj/ kESrPdEbEl /L + Ecfcapable of being worn away orconverted into an easilydisintegrated substance.Lemon juice should not be stored ina corrodible container.corticoidcoruscatedv/ SkOrETskCtDd /Lgleamed with intermittent flashes :glittered, sparkled.The leaves shimmered and thegrass coruscated in the earlymorning sunlight.corydoracosmeticcosmetologistn/ TkBzmEStBlEjDst /Gkone who gives beauty treatments(as to skin and hair).Mrs. Shelton worked for 22 yearsas a cosmetologist at Belk’sDepartment Store.cosmicadj/ SkBzmik /Gkof, from, or relating to theextraterrestial vastness in contrastto Earth alone.In his spare time Steven likes toread science fiction tales of cosmicexploration.cosmozoiccostumen/ SkBTst(y)Vm /L > It > Fthe distinctive dress of a particularperiod, locality, or occupation wornin the drama or for festivals.During the intermission the tenorhad to change into anothercostume.costumerycotehardiecottagecottonseedcouaccouchettecoulombn/ SkVTlBm /F namethe practical meter-kilogramsecondunit of electric charge equalto the quantity of electricitytransferred by a current of 1 amperein 1 second.Jenna found that 1 coulomb ofelectricity changed the potentialbetween two plates of a capacitorby 1 volt.Page 61 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencycoulombsn pl/ SkVTlBmz /F nameunits of electric charge equal to thequantity of electricity transferredby a current of one ampere in onesecond.An ordinary flashlight batterydelivers a current that provides atotal charge flow of approximately5,000 coulombs.councilcounseleecounterfeitern/ SkaUntE(r)TfiZE(r) /L > F > Eone that forges or makes fraudulentimitations of current money.Special paper, ink, and watermarksare used for making currency tofoil the counterfeiter.counterinsurgencycounterpoisecounterspycoursern/ SkPrsEr /F > E[has homonym: coarser] a swift orspirited horse : war-horse.The foaming courser threw hisrider headlong to the ground.courtesycourtiern/ SkPrZGEr /F > Ea gentleman attendant of asovereign’s residence orestablishment.Travis will perform the part of theking’s courtier in the play.courtlinesscourtlyadj/ SkPrtlG /L > F > Emarked by highbred polish,stateliness, and ceremony.Lord Darnley removed hisfeathered hat and addressed thequeen with a courtly bow.coverletn/ SkEvE(r)lDt /L > F > Ea bedspread sometimes quilted orof heavy material.Kasey drew the coverlet up to herneck to seek relief in the draftyroom.covertcovetcovetouscovinouscowardlycowedv/ SkaUd /Eintimidated with threats, show ofstrength, or impressiveness :dispirited into inactivity orsubmission.The cowed convicts did not dare toantagonize the vengeful guards.cowhidecountrycountryfolkcoupecouplingcouragen/ SkErij /L > F > Emental or moral strength enablingone to venture, persevere, andwithstand danger, fear, or difficultyfirmly and resolutely.The boys argued about whether thecrocodile hunter showed truecourage or just foolhardiness.courageouscoutilcouturiercouturieren/ kVStUrGTe(E)r /F[Note: Could be confused withunisex couturier.] a femaleproprietor of or designer for anestablishment engaged indesigning, making, and sellingfashionable expensive custommadewomen’s clothing.The couturiere Coco Chanel isconsidered by many to be the 20thcentury’s single most importantarbiter of fashion.couvadePage 62 of 289cowln/ SkaUl /Celt? > L > Ea hood especially of a monk.At the monastery Sheila wasgreeted by a man wearing the longbrown robe and cowl of a friar.cowlingcozencozeningcrabbyadj/ SkrabG /Ecross, churlish, ill-natured.The crabby driver did not allowany talking on the school bus.cracklewarecracknel

cradledcraftinesscraftsman<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencycragn/ Skrag /Celt > Ea rough broken cliff or projectingpoint of rock.A favorite children’s movie beginsand ends with the king of beastsstanding on a crag, overlooking hiskingdom.crambocranberrycraniallycranioscopyn/ TkrCnGSBskEpG /Gk > L + Gk > Lobservations on or examination ofthe human skull.The team’s physician advised acranioscopy for the batter who hadbeen beaned by a wild pitch.craniumn/ SkrCnGEm /Gk > Lthe part of the skull that enclosesthe brain.The carelessly tossed bookencountered Zelda’s cranium witha thud.crassitudecratern/ SkrCZE(r) /Gkany of thousands of formations onthe lunar surface ranging in sizefrom small pocks less than a milein diameter to walled plains nearly150 miles across.Buzz set down the lunar lander justbeyond the rim of a huge crater.crateredcravatn/ krESvat /G or Serbo-Croatian > Fa band or scarf of fine cloth wornaround the neck : necktie.The flamboyant poet showed up forthe interview wearing a cravat overa tie-dyed T-shirt.crayoncreakingcreamerycredencecreditablecreditorcredon/ SkrG(T)dP /La confession of faith said or sung inChristian liturgies.Bach’s B Minor Mass contains afamous credo.creedmorecreepagen/ SkrGpij /Ethe slow spreading or movement ofa substance.The creepage of rust across thebumper betrayed the car’s age.crenaturecrepitatecreptv/ Skrept /Eentered stealthily and secretly.Mary crept softly across the roomto look.crestfallenadj/ SkrestTfOlEn /L > F > E + Emarked by a sense of personaldefeat : dispirited, dejected.Margaret was crestfallen when shegot only a C on her essay.cretifycretincrevicen/ SkrevDs /L > F > Ea narrow opening of some depthcaused especially by a split.The hiker’s compass fell into acrevice in the rock and willprobably never be seen again.crewcricketn/ SkrikDt /F imitany of certain leaping insects thatare also noted for the chirping notesproduced by the males.The male cricket produces soundby rubbing together parts of thefore wings.cricketycriminalcriminologistn/ TkrimESnBlEjDst /Lone that specializes in the scientificstudy of crime as a socialphenomenon, of criminalinvestigation, of criminals, and ofpenal treatment.Nicole asked her guidancecounselor if she needed anadvanced degree to be acriminologist.crinalcrinetPage 63 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencycringingadj/ SkrinjiN /Ethat shrinks in fear or servility.Cringing at the sight of the bear inthe distance, the children gatheredtheir courage and backed slowlytoward their car.crinklecrinklycriollon/ krGSPl(y)P /Sp[Note: Could be confused withfeminine form criolla.] a person ofpure Spanish descent born inSpanish America.The anthropologist noted in herreport that only one criolloanswered her genealogical survey.crispationn/ kriSspCshEn /L + Ecfthe act or process of curling : thestate of being curled.Al pointed out the crispation of theleaves on the infested plant.crisscrosscriterioncrithn/ Skrith /Gkthe weight of a liter of hydrogen at0 degrees Celsius and 760millimeters pressure (0.08987gram).As a unit of mass, the crith was aprecursor to the mole.crochetedcrochetercrocodilecrocodilianadj/ TkrBkESdilGEn /Gk > Lfalse, insincere.Claire’s crocodilian grief over thedeath of her brother’s pet snake didnot fool anyone.crocusesn pl/ SkrPkEsDz /Semitic > Gk > Lbulbs, plants, or flowers of thegenus Crocus.Crocuses were peeking through thesnow in the Goulds’ yard.crookedcroquembouchen/ krOkBMbVsh /Fa cone-shaped stack of cream puffscoated with caramelized sugar.A croquembouche is a traditionaltype of French wedding cake.crossbown/ SkrOsTbP /Ea weapon having a short bowmounted crosswise that fires anarrow lying in a groove in thestock.The crossbow was a particularfavorite of the weaponsmaster.crosswindn/ SkrOsTwind /ON or Old Ir > E + Ea wind blowing in any direction notparallel to a course.A strong crosswind made it difficultfor Carla to land her Cessna 150.crotaliccrotalidadj/ SkrPZFlDd /Gk > Ltypical of a pit viper.Crotalid venom, while not usuallyfatal, can cause severe discomfort.crouponcrowdn/ SkraUd /Ea large number of personsespecially when collected into asomewhat compact body withoutorder : throng.The crowd on the football fieldchanted, “We’re number one!”cruciallycruciformadj/ SkrVsETfOrm /L + Ecfforming or arranged in a cross.The cruciform blossom of thedogwood has inspired a wellknownlegend.cruciverbalistn/ TkrVsESvErbElDst /La person skillful in creating orsolving crossword puzzles.Angela was named Cruciverbalistof the Month by her crosswordclub.crueladj/ SkrVEl /L > F > E[has homonym: crewel] stern,rigorous, and grim.The cruel reality is that Justin willbe expelled for his wrongdoingregardless of how remorseful he is.cruellycruisecrumpetn/ SkrEmpDt /E?a small round cake made of richunsweetened batter cooked on agriddle and usually served split andtoasted.Pierre thinks no English crumpetcan hold a candle to a deliciousFrench croissant.Page 64 of 289

crushablecrutchcryogenics<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencycryonicsn pl/ krISBniks /Gkthe practice of freezing a deaddiseased human being in hopes ofrestoring life at some future timewhen a cure for the disease hasbeen developed.The premise of Rudolph’s moviescript involved an experiment incryonics gone awry.cryptcryptanalysisn/ TkriptESnalEsDs /Gkthe theory of solving writing that isin cipher or code : the art ofdevising methods for such solving.Through cryptanalysis the Allieswere able to decode the enemy’ssecret messages.cryptogeniccryptophytecrystallizectetologycubn/ SkEb /unknowna young person; especially : anawkward or ill-mannered boy.Mr. Downes called every studentthat passed through his classrooma “young cub.”cubaturecubitn/ SkyVbDt /Lany of various ancient units oflength based on the length of theforearm from the elbow to the tipof the middle finger and usuallyequal to about 18 inches.Helen couldn’t understand whymore things weren’t measured bythe cubit, since it was a readilyavailable measure.cubomancycucumbercuerdan/ SkwerdE /Gk > L > Spa Puerto Rican unit of land measureequal to 0.97 acre.Raul farmed a small patch ofland—less than a cuerda—duringthe off season.cuisinen/ kwDSzGn /L > Fmanner of preparing food : style ofcooking.Jackie traveled to Lyons to take atwo-week course in French cuisine.culiciden/ SkyVlETsId /La substance that destroysmosquitoes.The town’s inhabitants wereadvised to stay indoors for twohours after the culicide wassprayed.culicidologistculottesn pl/ Sk(y)VTlBts /Fa garment having a divided skirt.When bell-bottom jeans came backinto style, Janine was afraid thatculottes would, too.culpabilityculverculvertn/ SkElvE(r)t /unknowna transverse waterway (as under aroad, railroad, or canal).Gina’s cat ran from the dog andhid in the culvert for several hours.culvertagecumulocirrusn/ TkyUmyE(T)lPSsirEs /La small billowy cloud form found athigh altitudes and characterized bya white delicacy.Denny’s plane flew through acumulocirrus that looked just likecotton candy.cuneateadj/ SkyVnGTCt /Lshaped like a wedge : narrowlytriangular with the acute angletoward the base.The forest floor was a strange mixof pine needles and cuneate leaves.cunettecunningcupcakecupolacurarizecurassowcurettagecuriaPage 65 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencycurien/ SkyUrG /F namea unit of radioactivity equal to 37billion disintegrations per second.While studying nuclearengineering, Melissa learned to usethe curie to quantify radioactivedecay.curiosityn/ TkyUrGSBsEZG /La desire to know.The locked box aroused immensecuriosity in Maxine.curmudgeonlycurriclecursorialadj/ TkErSsPrGEl /Lhaving limbs adapted to running.Horses, zebras, and other membersof the genus Equus are cursorialmammals.curtailv/ TkErStCl /L > F > Eshorten in duration or scope :abridge, reduce.The students were warned theirgrades would be affected if theydidn’t curtail their extracurricularactivities.cushionedv/ SkUshEnd /L > F > Eprovided or equipped with a pad orpads.Gil and Terry cushioned the hardwooden train seats with their coats.cuticolorcutigeraladj/ kyVStijErEl /L + Lbearing skin.Starbuck was limping because ofthe infection in the cutigeral cavityof his left front hoof.cutlerycyaniden/ SsIETnId /Gk + ISVcfa compound of cyanogen usuallywith a more electropositive elementor radical.Ions of cyanide are extremely toxicbecause they bind almostirreversibly with cytochromeoxidase, a key enzyme in metabolicprocesses.cyanophilouscyclamatecyclometern/ sISklBmEZE(r) /Gk + Gka contrivance for recording therevolutions of a wheel and oftenused for registering distancetraversed by a wheeled vehicle.Just for fun, Chris attached acyclometer to his daughter’stricycle.cycloraman/ TsIklESrBmE /Gk + Gka curved curtain or wall used as abackground of a stage set tosuggest unlimited space.The cyclorama provided theillusion of being in a hugeballroom.cyclothymiaPage 66 of 289cymbaln/ SsimbEl /Gk > L > F > E[has homonym: symbol] a largeconcave brass plate producing abrilliant clashing tone of indefinitepitch.The percussionist grimaced after hestruck the cymbal at the wrongtime.cymbalistcymbiformadj/ SsimbDTfOrm /Gk > L + Lcfboat-shaped.While discussing the skeletalsystem, Mr. Gray called thestudents’ attention to a smallcymbiform bone in the wrist.cynicalcynicismn/ SsinDTsizEm /Gkthe quality or state of being proneto faultfinding.Tom's cynicism has becometiresome to all his friends.cynodontcyrillicadj/ sDSrilik /Slavic nameconstituting or written in thealphabet used for Russian andmany other Slavic languages.Sven puzzled over the cyrillicwriting on the Moscow subwaystation sign.cytologistcytolysisn/ sIStBlEsDs /Gkthe dissolution or disintegration ofcells.The researchers experimented withvarious chemicals to bring aboutthe cytolysis of tumor cells.

cytoplasmdabbingdabblinglydactyl<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydactylicadj/ dakStilik /Gkof or consisting of a metrical footof three syllables, the first beingstressed and the last two beingunstressed.Homer’s two epics are written indactylic meter.dactylionn/ dakStilGTBn /Gkthe tip of the middle finger.As Ruth was restitching a seam, sheran the sewing machine needlethrough the dactylion of her lefthand.daftdaggerdaguerreotypesn pl/ dESgerETtIps /F name + Gk > Fphotographs produced on a silverplate or silver-covered copperplate.Ike treasured the daguerreotypes ofhis great grandparents.dailinessdaintydairyDallasadj/ SdalEs /Am geog nameof or from the city of Dallas, Texas.Sue could not find a winter parkain any of the Dallas stores.Daltonismn/ SdOltFnTizEm /E namered-green color blindness, namedafter John Dalton, who firstdetailed a description of colorblindness from which he and hisbrother suffered.Danny’s parents didn’t realize thathe suffered from Daltonism until heattended pre-school.damascenedadj/ SdamETsGnd /Syrian geog name > Gk > Ldecorated with inlaid work ofprecious metals.Francine admired the delicatescrollwork on the damascenedchest in the Museum of DecorativeArts.dampproofdamsondanceableadj/ Sdan(t)sEbEl /L? > F > E + Ecfsuitable for dancing.When a danceable song beganplaying, Lars asked Anita if sheknew how to waltz.dandruffdandruffydankdansantn/ dBMsBM /L? > Fan informal or small dance.Sally’s friends held a dansant inher honor before her departure forChina.Daphneanadj/ SdafnGEn /Gkshy, bashful.Sally’s Daphnean personalitycauses her to look away from thecamera whenever her picture isbeing taken.dapperlingdarcyn/ SdBrsG /F namea unit of porous permeability inphysics.Geologists use the darcy as ameasure of how easily water willpermeate a given type of rock.daresayDarjeelingn/ dBrSjGliN /Beng geog namehigh quality tea grown especially innorthern India.Anthony's mother alwayspurchased her Darjeeling from animporter in Chicago.darkendarklev/ SdBrkEl /Egrow dark : fade into darkness.Agnes watched the last brightcoloreddaylight darkle slowlyagainst the hills.darknessn/ SdBrknDs /Ethe absence in whole or in part oflight.Mia fumbled in the darkness of thecave to replace the failingflashlight batteries with new ones.darnelPage 67 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydasyuren/ SdasGTyU(E)r /Gk > Lan arboreal carnivorous marsupialof Australia and Tasmania thatsomewhat resembles a weasel.The spotted-tailed dasyure iscommonly known in Australia asthe tiger cat.dativeadj/ SdCZiv /Lof chemical bonds : formed bycontribution of a pair of electronsby one atom.Although the properties of a dativebond do not differ from those of anormal covalent bond, in whicheach atom contributes an electron,the distinction is useful for keepingtrack of valence electrons.daubsterdaughterdavenv/ SdBvEn /Yiddishrecite the prescribed prayers in thedaily and festival Jewish liturgies.Shmuel watched his father davenand tried to copy him exactly.davenportdavitdawnv/ SdOn /Ebegin to grow light in the morning.Every night Delia thanked God forher good fortune and prayed thatshe be able to watch the next daydawn.dawneddazedazzlementn/ SdazElmEnt /ON > Ethe action of impressing or excitingadmiration by being brilliant andsplendid.The dazzlement of the Paris fashionshow left Suzette speechless andwide-eyed.deadlinedeaerationn/ TdGa(E)SrCshEn /L + Gk > Lthe act or process of removing airor gas (as oxygen) from something.The packaging company reducesthe volume of powders bydeaeration before they are put intobags.dealkalizedeathindeathwatchdebauchdebellation/ TdCbESlBZGTP /Lcomplete subjugation of abelligerent nation usually involvingloss of sovereignty.The Punic Wars ended with theRoman debellatio of Carthage.debellationdebilitatedebilitatedv/ dDSbilETtCZDd /Limpaired the strength of :weakened, enfeebled.Disease had so debilitated Kate’ssister that she required constantcare in a nursing home.debouchuredebtPage 68 of 289debtordeburrdecadaldecadencen/ SdekEdEn(t)s /L[has homonym: decadents] thequality or state of being marked bydecay or decline (as from an earliercondition of excellence or vitality).The family mansion’s decadence isan embarrassment to Clarissa.decahydratedecalagedecalcomanian/ (T)dGTkalkESmCnGE /L > F + Gk > L > Fthe art or process of transferringpictures and designs typically fromspecially prepared paper to china,glass, or marble and permanentlyfixing them thereto.Most tourist centers usedecalcomania to turn cheap chinaand glass into expensive souvenirs.decamerousadj/ dDSkamErEs /Gk + Gkhaving ten parts or divisions—usually used of a flower.Nelson chose only decamerousflowers for his girlfriend’s bouquet.decapitationdecathlonn/ dDSkathTlBn /Gka ten-event athletic contest.The motivational speaker BruceJenner is famous for having won agold medal in the 1976 OlympicGames decathlon.deceaseddecency

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydecennaryn/ dDSsenErG /Lperiod of ten years.Peace was finally restored after adecennary of unrest.decentdeciaredecilitern/ SdesETlGZE(r) /L > F + Gk > L > Fa metric unit of capacity equal to1/10 liter.At fashionable Paris boutiques,some brands of perfume are sold bythe deciliter.decipheringdecrementn/ SdekrEmEnt /Lthe act or process of graduallybecoming less : decrease.The game warden explained that adeer herd suffers no decrement ifthe legal hunting take is notpermitted to exceed 20 percent ofthe total herd.decrepitdecrepituden/ dDSkrepETt(y)Vd /L > Fa state of decay, ruin, ordilapidation.Far from falling into decrepitude,the town was on a spree of buildingconstruction.deemv/ SdGm /E[has homonym: deme] come toview, judge, or classify after someconsideration.Robert was frustrated that histrainer did not deem him ready forthe fight.deerstalkern/ Sdi(E)rTstOkE(r) /E + Ea close-fitting cap with a visor atthe front and the back and withearflaps that may be tied up ordown.Sherlock Holmes without hisdeerstalker and pipe? Seemssacrilegious, doesn’t it?deetdecisiondeclarativedeclaredeclinationn/ TdeklESnCshEn /Langular distance from the celestialequator measured along a greatcircle passing through the celestialpoles.Declination and right ascensiontogether define the position of anobject in the sky.declivitydecolletagedecoratedecorativedecorumdecreasedecryptographdecubitaldecubitusdecumarydecumbentdedicatededimusn/ SdedGmEs /La writ giving a private personpermission to act as a judge.In the course of her legal studies,Anna found only five instances ofthe issuance of a dedimus.deducev/ dDSd(y)Vs /Lderive by logical process.From the tracks and the spoor,Tule was able to deduce that theelephants left the watering holewhen the lions arrived.deducibledefalcationn/ (T)dGTfalSkCshEn /Lmisappropriation of money in one’skeeping.The treasurer was charged withdefalcation when it was learnedthat he was diverting funds for hispersonal use.defamationn/ TdefESmCshEn /L > Fthe act of harming another’sreputation by any slanderouscommunication.The corporation sued the journalistfor defamation, claiming lostbusiness as a result of his article.defectivedefensiblePage 69 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydeferencen/ Sdef(E)rEn(t)s /La yielding of judgment orpreference out of respect for theposition, wish, or known opinion ofanother.Special hunting and fishing rightsare given to Alaskan natives indeference to their tribal traditions.defiantlyadv/ dDSfIEntlG /L > Fin a bold, insolent, or unafraidmanner.Though she had been grounded,Vera defiantly rode to the bowlingalley on her bicycle.deflagratedeflationarydefleaddeflocculatedefoliantdefunctadj/ dDSfEN(k)t /Lhaving finished the course of life orexistence : dead, deceased, extinct.The advent of the pocket calculatormade the mechanical addingmachine defunct.degerminatedeglaciationn/ TdGTglCs(h)GSCshEn /Lthe process whereby a glacier or icesheet shrinks to disappearance.The deglaciation period at the endof the Ice Age lasted for severalyears.degradedehydrationdeixisn/ SdIksDs /Gkthe specifying action of somewords (as definite articles anddemonstrative pronouns).An example of deixis is the wordthere in the sentence “I left the carover there.”dejectedlyadv/ dDSjektEdlG /Lin a depressed manner : sadly.“It seems to me that almosteverything is a waste of time,” heremarked one day as he walkeddejectedly home from school.delainen/ dDSlCn /L > Fa lightweight dress fabric of woolor wool and cotton.Sarah chose to make her sundressout of a floral print delaine.delatordeliberatev/ dDSlibETrCt /Lponder or think about withmeasured careful consideration.Speed chess rewards the playerwho needs little time to deliberate.delicatedelineationn/ dDSlinGSCshEn /Laccurate and precise graphicrepresentation as distinguishedfrom that which is careless orsketchy as to details.The architect presented Ruth andBob with a delineation of the houseplan.deltohedrondeluginousdelusorydelvedv/ Sdelvd /Edug into : explored by or as if bydigging.As an amateur archaeologist,Vernon delved into many creekbeds for artifacts.demagogydemantoiddemarchen/ dCSmBrsh /Fcourse of action : maneuver.With his approval ratingsplummeting, the leader wonderedwhat demarche would be the mosteffective.demeritdemesmerizedemiurgen/ SdemGTErj /Gk > Lsomething (as an institution, idea,or individual) conceived as anautonomous creative force ordecisive power.It is surprising how many peopletend to regard a computer as ademiurge.demonstrationdegustatordehumidifydeliquescesdeliriumPage 70 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydemoticadj/ dDSmBZik /Gkof, belonging to, or connected withthe form of Modern Greek that isbased on colloquial use.Everyone in Callista’s ancestralvillage spoke demotic Greek exceptthe priest, who usually spoke amore classical form of thelanguage.denigrationn/ TdenDSgrCshEn /La sullying of reputation orcharacter.The candidate’s denigration of heropponent backfired in the election.denigratorydenimdepravityn/ dDSpravEZG /L > F > Ethe quality or state of being markedby debasement, corruption,perversion, or deterioration.The young man spent his collegeyears making a concentrated studyof depravity.depreciatedemureadj/ dDSmyU(E)r /F? > Emarked by quiet modesty, sedatereserve, restraint, or sobriety :retiring, shy.Sondra’s classmates mistook herdemure conduct forstandoffishness.dendrochronologyn/ Tden(T)drPkrESnBlEjG /Gkthe science of dating events,intervals of time, and variations inenvironment in former periods bystudy of the sequence of anddifferences between rings ofgrowth in trees and aged wood.Jennifer’s biology class attemptedto use dendrochronology to chartclimactic changes.dendrologistn/ den'drBlEjDst /Gka specialist in the study of trees.The dendrologist decried thecontinuing deforestation of the rainforests.deniern/ dDSni(E)r /L > F > Ea unit of fineness for silk, rayon, ornylon yarn equal to the fineness ofa yarn weighing 0.05 gram for each450 meters of length.Silk is usually quite strong,resisting breakage even whensubjected to weights of about 4grams per denier.denticulateadj/ denStikyETlCt /Lhaving small teeth : covered withsmall pointed projections.The archaeologist unearthed adenticulate tool that early humansused for shredding food.dentistn/ SdentDst /L > Fone whose profession it is to treatdiseases of the teeth and associatedtissues.Mrs. Caleb asked the dentist toremove her sweet tooth.denunciatedeodorantadj/ dGSPdErEnt /L + L + Ecfdestroying or masking offensivesmells.Penny used a deodorant carpetcleaner to get rid of the dog smellin the apartment.depauperatedepictiondepilitantdeplenishdeplorabledepositdepotPage 71 of 289depredationdepressantdepressionn/ dDSpreshEn /La region of low barometric pressuresurrounded by higher pressures.The size of a depression can varyfrom a few hundred feet in atornado to several hundred miles ina tropical cyclone.deprivationn/ TdeprDSvCshEn /Lthe act of taking away.Earl suffered some brain damageas a result of oxygen deprivation.depthdeputizederbyn/ SdErbG /E namea stiff felt hat with a dome-shapedcrown and a rather narrowsomewhat rolled brim—called also“bowler.”Alfred wore his new suit and highcrownedderby to the horse race.derisibleadj/ dDSrizEbEl /Lworthy of ridicule, mockery, orscorn.Fans were appalled at the boxer’sderisible behavior in the ring.

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydespondentadj/ dDSspBndEnt /Ldiscouraged, dejected, ordepressed.Elizabeth tried earnestly to keepher ailing brother from becomingdespondent.despondentlyadv/ dDSspBndEntlG /Lin an extremely discouraged,dejected, or depressed manner.After he was laid off, Larrydespondently searched the “HelpWanted” section of the classifiedads.despotdespoticdessertdessertspoonfuln/ dDSzErtTspVnfUl /L > F + Ea unit of measure equal to about 2½fluidrams.Paige’s secret recipe calls for adessertspoonful of almond extract.destinationn/ TdestESnCshEn /La place which is set for the end of ajourney or to which something issent.The newest game show givesamateur travelers an itineraryevery day but no sense of their finaldestination.destituteadj/ SdestETtVt /Llacking possessions and resources;especially : lacking the necessariesof life.The tornado left many familiesabsolutely destitute.destitutiondesultordetachdétentedeteriorabledeterminantdeterminev/ dDStErmDn /L > F > Ecome to a decision about byinvestigation or reasoning.Ross’s attempts to determine whohis parents are were stymied by afire that burned all the records.detersv/ dDStErz /Lturns aside, discourages, orprevents from acting by fear orconsideration of dangerouscircumstances.Nothing deters a good man fromdoing what is honorable.detestableadj/ dDStestEbEl /Lvery odious : deserving abhorrence.Manners that are passable in youthare detestable in later age.detractdetrimentaladj/ TdetrESmentFl /L + Ecfharmful, damaging.There is little doubt that smoking isdetrimental to one’s health.deuterogamyn/ Td(y)VZESrBgEmG /Gka legal second marriage after thetermination of a first marriage.After Gordon’s wife passed away,he expressed his opinion that adeuterogamy was out of thequestion.Page 73 of 289devastavitdeveloperdeviousdevisev/ dDSvIz /L > F > Eformulate by thought : contrive,invent.It is possible to devise motors muchsmaller than the head of a pin withmicrotechnology.devoiddevoirdevourdevouringv/ dESvaU(E)riN /L > F > Eeating up with greediness :consuming ravenously.The squirrels are devouring theseeds meant for the birds.dewdropn/ Sd(y)UTdrBp /E + Ea drop of moisture condensed upona cool surface, especially at night.The bird put his tiny head on oneside and looked up at him with hissoft bright eye which was like ablack dewdrop.dewfalln/ Sd(y)VTfOl /E + Ethe amount of moisture depositedas dew during one period.The dewfall quickly evaporated asthe Sun rose.dextraladj/ SdekstrEl /Lright-handed.Little Lucas kept trying to usedextral scissors with his left handbut was always frustrated.

diabolicaldiacriticdiacritical<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydiadromousdiagnosisn/ TdIDgSnPsDs /Gkinvestigation or analysis of thecause or nature of a condition,situation, or problem.After the doctor’s grim diagnosis,Harvey’s family went looking for asecond opinion.diagrammaticadj/ TdIEgrESmaZik /Gkbeing or relating to a drawing thatshows arrangement and relations(as of parts to a whole, origins anddevelopment, chronologicalfluctuations).A family tree is a diagrammaticrepresentation of the variousrelationships in a family.dialecticdialecticiandiamonddianoiadiapasonsdiaperdiaphoresisn/ TdIEfESrGsDs /Gkperspiration.Dr. Grady explained that Simon’sdiaphoresis was one of thesymptoms of his high bloodpressure.diastolediastrophen/ dISastrEfG /Gka deformation of Earth’s crust.Part of Anita’s master’s thesis ingeology deals with the differentcauses of diastrophe.diatessaronn/ dIEStesErEn /Gkthe interval of a fourth in ancientGreek music.While practicing with her highschool choir for the ClassicsFestival, Louise had problemssinging the diatessaron in her solocorrectly.diathermydiatomn/ SdIETtBm /Gkany of the unicellular or colonialalgae having a silicified cell wallthat persists as a skeleton afterdeath and forming a large part ofthe plankton of both fresh and saltwater.Griff examined the diatom throughthe microscope and drew a quicksketch of it in his lab notebook.diatomaceousdiatonicdiazepamn/ dISazETpam /ISV + unknowna synthetic tranquilizer usedespecially to relieve anxiety andtension and as a muscle relaxant.The patient’s seizure subsided aftertreatment with diazepam.diceydichondran/ dISkBndrE /Gka chiefly tropical perennial herbwith tiny leaves and flowers that iscommonly used as a ground coverin the southern United States.Mr. Dupree doesn’t like to mow, sohe planted his yard with dichondrainstead of grass.dichotomousDickensianadj/ diSken(t)sGEn /E namecharacteristic of or having thequalities of the writings of CharlesDickens with respect to humor andpathos in the portrayal of charactertypes.The Dickensian slums of Londonwere perfectly portrayed in thetelevision movie.dictatordictiondictumdieffenbachiadienerdieselingdieterdifferencedifferentiabledifferentialsdifferentiatev/ TdifESrenchGTCt /Lexpress the specific difference of.The order of red and yellow stripeshelps differentiate deadly coralsnakes from benign species.Page 74 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydiffractionn/ dDSfrakshEn /La modification which lightundergoes in passing by the edgesof opaque bodies or through narrowslits in which the rays appear to bedeflected and produce fringes ofparallel light and dark or coloredbands.One consequence of diffraction isthat sharp shadows are notproduced.diffractometern/ TdiTfrakStBmEZE(r) /L + Ecf + Gkan instrument for measuring thediameters of small particles in amicroscope field by means of thediffraction rings which appear tosurround them.Lance used a diffractometer tomeasure particles collected in theair filter.diffusern/ dDSfyVzE(r) /La device to distribute the light froma concentrated source uniformly.To replace the burnt-out bulb,Adam had to remove the diffuserfrom the light.diffusionn/ dDSfyVzhEn /Lspreading, dispersion.Dr. Packman is investigating theeffect of temperature on thediffusion of light in variouscrystals.digestv/ dISjest /L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.]appropriate or assimilate mentally.The teacher told James that shefound it difficult to digest the mainidea of his recent essay.digitdiglossiadignifieddigoneuticdigressionn/ dISgreshEn /Lthe act of turning aside from themain subject of attention in adiscourse or literary work.Lou felt that they were wanderingfrom the point, and that indigression Alexandra mightunnerve him.dihedraladj/ dIShGdrEl /Gk + Gkhaving or formed by two planefaces.The dihedral angles in a cubemeasure 90 degrees.dijudicatev/ dISjVdDkCt /Lmake a judicial decision.Judge Flanders will dijudicate inthe civil case between Victoria andher insurance company.dilatancydilatedilatedv/ SdITlCZEd /Lexpanded or became wide.Slowly the pupils of Joan’s eyesdilated until they were back tonormal.dilatorilydiluvialPage 75 of 289dimmern/ SdimE(r) /Ea device for causing an electriclight to burn less brightly.Sara turned the dimmer down andlit the candles in the dining room.dimorphismn/ dISmOrTfizEm /Gkdifference (as of form, color, size)between two individuals or kinds ofindividuals that might be expectedto be similar or identical.Screech owls exhibit colordimorphism, being either gray orreddish.dineddingbatdingon/ SdiN(T)gP /Australian namea wild dog of Australia.Many Australian farmers erect highfences to protect their sheepagainst the dingo.dingyadj/ SdinjG /unknowndirty, soiled, discolored.The bird flapped its dingy wingsand flew off in a cascade of dustand dirt and fuzz.diocesandioscuricadj/ dIESskyUrik /Gktwin.The dioscuric children greatlyenjoyed switching identities toannoy their teachers.diphthongize

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydiphyllousadj/ dISfilEs /Gkhaving two leaves.In her description of the flower, thebotanist noted that its calyx wasdiphyllous.disappearancen/ TdisESpirEn(t)s /Lremoval from sight : vanishing.With the disappearance of thesnow, the sleds and skates werereplaced with bicycles.discombobulatev/ TdiskEmSbBb(y)ElCt /L + unknownupset, confuse, or disconcert.Changing the rules just before thegame was bound to discombobulatethe team.diploediploiddiplomacydipperdipsasdipsomaniacdipteraldiptotediredirectorn/ dDSrektE(r) /Lone that supervises the productionof a show (as for stage or screen)with responsibility for action,lighting, music, and rehearsals.While the producer is responsiblefor the finances and publicity of ashow, the director is responsiblefor the show itself.dirgedirkdisadvantagedisagreeableadj/ TdisESgrGEbEl /L > E + F > E + Lcf > Ecfcausing discomfort, displeasure, orrepugnance.Mary was so disagreeable thatafter the first day or two nobodywould play with her.disappeardisappointdisapprobationdisarraydisastern/ dDSzastE(r) /Gk > La sudden and unfortunate event thatcauses much damage : calamity.The violent hail storm was thedisaster that ruined the wheat crop.disavowedv/ TdisESvaUd /L > F > Edenied responsibility for, approvalof, or validity of : disowned.Although the manager disavowedthe illegal actions of hissubordinates, he was heldresponsible and was fired.disbursementn/ dDsSbErsmEnt /L > F + Gk > L > F + Ecfthe act of expending, especiallyfrom a public fund : paying out.The officer in charge ofdisbursement gave the builders thefinal payment.disceptdiscernibledischargeablediscigerousdiscipledisconsolateadj/ dDSskBn(t)s(E)lDt /Lhopelessly sad : being beyondcomfort.After she received her report card,Gretchen was disconsolate for therest of the day.discordanciesn pl/ dDSskOrdFn(t)sGz /Ldisagreements.Emma insisted to Mr. Knightleythat their discordancies alwaysarose from her being in the wrong.discountenancediscouragediscreteadj/ dESskrGt /L[has homonym: discreet] possessedof definite identity or individuality: separate.As a member of a large family,Emily sometimes finds it difficult toestablish a discrete identity atschool.discriminantdiscriminationn/ dDTskrimESnCshEn /Lthe act, practice, or an instance ofdifferentiating categorically ratherthan individually.Several women waged lifelongcampaigns to end discriminationagainst females.Page 76 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydiscursivelyadv/ dDSskErsDvlG /Lin a manner passing from one topicto another.In her book on modern art Rosalinddiscusses the various movementsdiscursively.discussdiscussionn/ dDSskEshEn /La consideration of a question inopen usually informal debate.A lively discussion followed Ms.Poole’s speech.diseasedisematismdisembarkv/ TdisDmSbBrk /Fgo ashore out of a ship or boat :leave a ship.“Please hold the railing as youdisembark,” Simi cautioned thepassengers.disgruntledisgustingdishearteningadj/ dEsShBrtFniN /Lcf > Ecf + E + Ecffinducing discouragement ordejection.Wally’s attempts to learn iceskatingwere disheartening.disheveldishonestdisillusionv/ disDSlVzhEn /Ldeprive of hopes previously held :disenchant.If you believe that you’ll win thelottery, why should I disillusionyou?disinheritdisinterredv/ TdisinStE(r)d /Ldug out of the ground : taken out ofa place of burial.The body of the victim wasdisinterred after a long legal battlewith the next of kin.dismayedv/ dDSsmCd /(L + Gmc) > F > Eupset, perturbed, alarmed.Many veteran teachers weredismayed to learn that they had topass a test in order to continue toteach in public schools.dispelv/ dDSspel /Lclear away : cause to disperse ordisappear.Dr. McKellar’s explanation of thesurgical procedure did not dispelhis patient’s fear.dispensarydispersedispersedv/ dDSspErst /Lcaused to break up and go indifferent ways.The high wind dispersed the seedsin the milkweed pods throughoutthe neighborhood.disposedPage 77 of 289disquietuden/ dEsSkwIDTtVd /L > Ecf + L + L > Ecflack of peace or tranquillity :anxiety.Groans and disquietude followedMr. Collins’s announcement of apop quiz.disruptdissectdissectingv/ dDSsektiN /Lcutting into parts or sections.The science kit was equipped with aknife for dissecting.dissensiondissentiousdisservicedisseverancedisseveredv/ dDSsevE(r)d /Ldisunited.If the group dissevered, it could nothope to win the campaign.dissidencen/ SdisEdEn(t)s /L[has homonym: dissidents]difference of opinion :disagreement.The tyrannical dictator did nottolerate any political dissidence.dissimulatev/ dESsimyETlCt /Lhide under a false appearance withintent to deceive.In the preface to his autobiography,the author said that he refused todissimulate the facts of his life.dissipate

dissipativedissociate<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydissoluteadj/ SdisETlVt /Lunrestrained or lawless in conduct.The board deplored the dissolutebehavior of one of its members.dissolutionn/ TdisESlVshEn /L[has near homonym: disillusion]termination or destruction bybreaking down, disrupting, ordispersing.King Henry VIII ordered thedissolution of the monasteries inEngland primarily to obtain theirwealth.dissonancedissonantlyadv/ SdisEnEntlG /Lin a manner marked by a minglingof discordant sounds.When the table was overturned, theplates and silverware crasheddissonantly to the floor.dissuasiondistaladj/ SdistFl /Llocated away from the center of thebody.The professor asked the students toidentify the distal and proximalends of several bones.distempern/ dDsStempE(r) /La highly contagious virus disease ofsome animals.The sick animals had distemperand were given medicine by theveterinarian.distichousadj/ SdistDkEs /Gkdivided into two distinct segments.The entomology student waspuzzled over insects with distichousantennae.distillanddistillerydistinctadj/ dDSstiN(k)t /L > F > Ecapable of being easily perceived.As the dense fog lifted, themountains again became distinct.distinctiveadj/ dDSstiN(k)tiv /Lcharacteristic, peculiar : special.The distinctive odor of natural gascomes from an additive designed tomake leaks easier to detect.distinctlydistinguedistinguishableadj/ dESstiNwishEbEl /Lrecognizable as separate :discernible.King snakes and coral snakes aredistinguishable by the order oftheir red, yellow, and black stripes.distractibleadj/ dDSstraktEbEl /Lhaving one’s attention readilydiverted.The highly distractible student wasdiagnosed as having attentiondeficit disorder.distraughtadj/ dDSstrOt /L > Ebeset with doubt or mental conflict: deeply troubled.For four days distraught friendsand relatives waited for news of thelost skiers.distressingv/ dDSstresiN /L > F > Esubjecting to great strain ordifficulties.Ulrich had a distressing day at theoffice.distributarydisturbancedisturbedadj/ dDSstErbd /L > F > Edeprived of mental or emotionalpeace : upset, agitated.The movie’s villain was a brilliantbut emotionally disturbed scientist.disunifyditchditheringdittographydiurnationdiuturnaladj/ TdIyVStErnFl /Lof long continuance : lasting.In geologic time, the Paleozoic Erawas relatively diuturnal.divandivergencePage 78 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydiverspron pl/ SdIvE(r)z /L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word. Inaddition, word has near homonym:diverse.] an indefinite number morethan one (as of persons or objects).Divers of the enemy were captured.diversiondiverticulumn/ TdIvE(r)StikyElEm /Lan abnormal pouch or sac openingfrom a hollow organ (as theintestines or bladder).The examination began rathercasually, but at the first sight of adiverticulum the doctor becamemuch more serious.divertimenton/ dDTvErZESmen(T)tP /L > F > Itan instrumental musicalcomposition having from four toten movements that is written as achamber work.The conductor chose a divertimentoby Mozart for the evening’sperformance.divertingv/ dDSvErZiN /L + Ecfturning or drawing (as the mind orattention) from one concern toanother : distracting.The program on television wasdiverting Vera’s attention from herhomework.dividedividenddivinationdivvydizzyinglydoabdoabledocibledociledocketdockizationdoctoratedoctrinedoddererdodderydodecarchyn/ SdPdETkBrkG /Gka ruling body of 12.The rebels overthrew thedodecarchy and established anindependent kingdom.dodecupletdodgerydoeskindoffedv/ SdBft /Elifted the hat.When he reached the car, the figuredoffed his cap.doggeddoilydoldrumdoldrumsn pl/ SdPldrEmz /E?a spell of listlessness ordespondency : blues.Siobhan, who lives in Alaska,explained that she oftenexperiences the doldrums in thewinter.Page 79 of 289dolefullydollarwisedollhousedolmenn/ SdPlmEn /L > Bret > F[has homonym: dolman] aprehistoric monument consisting oftwo or more upright stonessupporting a horizontal stone slabfound especially in Britain andFrance and thought to be a tomb.Connor made a model of a dolmenenclosed by a stone circle as partof his English history project.dolomiten/ SdPlETmIt /F namea limestone or marble rich inmagnesium carbonate.Geologists suspected a deposit ofdolomite lay just beneath the nextrock layer.dolorosodoltdomesticatedominatedominigenedominiondonationdoneedonkeydonnybookdoohickeydoombookdoorjambdoornaildopester

dormerdormicedormitorydormouse<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydorsaladj/ SdOrsEl /Lbelonging to or situated near or onthe back of an animal.From the scar near the salmon’sdorsal fin, Ako knew it had beenattacked by a lamprey.dorsiferousdotedottinessdoubletn/ SdEblDt /L > F > Ea quilted undergarment reinforcedby rings of mail and worn underarmor.The knight’s life was saved by thedoublet he had reluctantly worn.doubletonedoubloondoubloonsn pl/ TdESblVnz /L > Spold gold coins of Spain and SpanishAmerica worth 16 pieces of eight.“Hang it, Pew, we’ve got thedoubloons!” grumbled one pirateto the other.doughdoughtilyadv/ daUZDlG /Ein a manner marked by fearlessresolution and by stoutness incontest or struggle.The district attorney doughtilypersevered in his efforts to bringthe crime bosses to justice.douradj/ SdaU(E)r /L[has homonyms: doer, dower]marked by gloomy silence or illhumor : sullen.The usually dour senator wasadvised to smile more if he wantedto get reelected.dournessdovetailn/ SdEvTtCl /E + Esomething (as a flaring tenon,tongue, or machine part) felt toresemble a dove’s tail in shape;especially : dovetail joint.The cabinetmaker taught hisapprentice to use a dovetail to jointhe pieces of wood.dovetailedadj/ SdEvTtCld /E + Ejoined with or as if with a flaringtenon or tongue.Norm Abram showed the TVaudience the carefully dovetailedjoints on the sideboard.dowdilydowncastadj/ SdaUnTkast /E + ON > Elow in spirit : depressed, dejected.After striking out, the downcastbatter returned to the bench.downdraftn/ SdaUnTdraft /E + Ea downward current of air.A strong downdraft sent theairplane into a sudden steepdescent.downpourn/ SdaUnTpP(E)r /E + Ea pouring or streaming downward;especially : a heavy rain.The town’s sewage system wasunable to handle the tremendousdownpour.downrightdowntroddendozedragonflydragoonv/ drESgVn /Fcompel or attempt to compel intosubmission by violent measures :harass, persecute.Gerald’s so-called friends tried todragoon him into quitting school,but he would have none of it.drakeletdramatizev/ SdramETtIz /Gkexhibit graphically in such amanner as to show forth qualities,attributes, or aspects likely to beoverlooked.To dramatize the plight of ThirdWorld children, the charityexecutives decided to film theircommercial in a squalid back alley.dramaturgePage 80 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydramsn pl/ Sdramz /Gk > L&F > Eavoirdupois units, each equal to27.343 grains.The doctor prescribed 2 drams ofthe medicine to be taken three timesa day.draperydrasticallydrawerdrawldrawloomdrearilydrippagedrizzlen/ SdrizEl /Ea fine misty rain; specifically : alight rain of very small drops.The rain increased suddenly,pounding hollowly against theumbrella, then just as suddenlyfaded back to a drizzle.drogherdrolladj/ SdrPl /D > Fhaving a whimsical, humorous, orodd character.Steve says things so droll hisparents can’t respond for laughing.drollydromicadj/ SdrBmik /Gkof, relating to, or in the form of aracecourse.Many Eastern churches exhibit thedromic form.dromondDrosophilan/ drPSsBfElE /Gk > La genus of small two-winged fliesthat have been used extensively inexperiments to study basicmechanisms of inheritance.The fruit fly is of the genusDrosophila.drowndrowsilyadv/ SdraUzDlG /E? + Ecfin a sleepy manner.Ali drowsily took the message forhis roommate but forgot to give itto him.druidn/ SdrVDd /Gaulish > La member of a priesthood in ancientGaul, Britain, and Ireland whosemembers are said to have studiedthe natural sciences and laterappeared in legends as magiciansand wizards.The tour guide speculated thatStonehenge had been built by alone druid seeking immortality.druidismdrumlinn/ SdrEmlDn /IrGael + Ean elongate or oval hill of glacialdrift.Last summer the cousins built abonfire atop the drumlin onGranddad’s farm.drunkardPage 81 of 289dryadn/ SdrITad /Gk > Lone of the minor divinities ofnature in Greek and Romanmythology that are represented asbeautiful maidens dwelling in theforests.Sally likes to sit in her tree houseand pretend that she is a dryad.drynessdualadj/ Sd(y)VEl /L[has homonym: duel] consisting oftwo parts or elements : twofold.Mark practiced whistling until hewas able to consistently produce adual tone.dualisticdubiousdubiouslyadv/ Sd(y)VbGEslG /L + Ecfin a manner expressive of doubt,hesitation, or suspicion.“Are you sure the shot won’thurt?” Sarah dubiously asked thedoctor.dubonnetducaladj/ Sd(y)VkEl /L > Fof, belonging to, or befitting a dukeor dukedom.The ducal palace stood in themiddle of a beautiful garden.ductilityn/ TdEkStilEZG /L > Fthe quality or state of being capableof being drawn out into wire.The ductility of platinum is suchthat it has been drawn into a wireless than two thousandths of aninch in diameter.

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyduennan/ d(y)VSenE /L > Span elderly woman serving asgoverness and companion to theyounger ladies in a Spanish or aPortuguese family.The governor’s daughter was neverallowed to leave the house withouther duenna.dugongn/ SdVTgBN /Malay&Tagalog > Lan aquatic herbivorous mammalthat has a two-lobed tail and in themale upper incisors altered intoshort tusks, is related to themanatee, and inhabits warm coastalregions.The dugong grazes on green algaeand sea grasses and is able toremain submerged for up to 10minutes.dulcimerdulcinean/ TdElsESnGE /L > Sp namesweetheart.Wesley called his girlfriend his“dulcinea” because it soundedmore romantic.dulosisn/ d(y)VSlPsDs /Gk > Lenslavement by an insect thatcaptures and rears the larvae orpupae of another species.Some ants practice dulosis in orderto enlarge their army of workers.dulyduncicaladj/ SdEn(t)sDkEl /Scottish name + Ecffstupid.Warren’s patience ran out when hehad to walk his neighbor’s duncicaldog.dunderfunkdundreariesn pl/ TdEnSdrirGz /E namelong flowing side whiskers.Dundrearies were a popularadornment of men in the latter halfof the 19th century.duodenaryadj/ Td(y)VESdenErG /Lcontaining 12.The radical new governmentplanned to hold its elections on aduodenary cycle of years.duologueduopsonydupesn pl/ Sd(y)Vps /Fpuppets or tools especially of apowerful person or idea.In his “Four Freedoms” speech,Franklin D. Roosevelt warnedabout the presence of secret agentsand their dupes.duplicateadj/ Sd(y)VplDkDt /L[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] of,relating to, or being a card game inwhich all players play identicalhands in order to allow acomparison of scores.Joe and Lisa spent the weekend ata duplicate bridge tournament.duplicatorduskyadj/ SdEskG /Esomewhat dark in color.Dustin described the bird’splumage as a dusky brown tingedwith yellow.Page 82 of 289dutifulduumviraten/ d(y)VSEmvErDt /Ltwo people associated in highoffice or position.The rebellion’s leader and thearmy colonel formed a powerfulduumvirate that controlled alltraffic to and from the capital.dwindledv/ SdwindFld /Ebecame steadily less : diminishedin size, amount, or quality.Above them the trees of themountain dwindled, and thenvegetation ceased entirely.dyeingdynamicadj/ dISnamik /Gkforceful, energetic.The soccer team praised theirdynamic coach for his untiringefforts.dynamon/ SdInETmP /Gka direct-current generator.The old car had a dynamo poweredby the front tire.dynen/ SdIn /Gk > F[has homonym: dine] the unit offorce in the centimeter-gramsecondsystem equal to the forcethat would give a free mass of 1gram an acceleration of 1centimeter per second per second.Mr. Hill tried to give examplesillustrating the force of 1 dyne, butthe students were still confused.dysarthriadyscrasia

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencydysesthesiadysgraphiadyslexiacdysphagian/ dDSsfCj(G)E /Gk + Gkdifficulty in swallowing.Doug experienced dry mouth anddysphagia as adverse reactions tothe medication he was taking.dysprosiumdystrophyn/ SdistrEfG /Gkany of several neuromusculardisorders.Shayna was diagnosed withmuscular dystrophy the summerbefore she began elementaryschool.eagernessearnestlyadv/ SErnDstlG /Ewith intent and serious manner.Gerald performed his job soearnestly that his co-workersteased him by asking if he thoughthe was saving the world.earringeaseeaseleaselbackeasilyadv/ SGz(D)lG /Ewithout difficulty, discomfort, orreluctance : readily.Thomas easily solved the first set ofmath problems, but the second setrequired great effort.easterlyeavesdropperEbenezern/ TebESnGzE(r) /Heba commemoration of divineassistance.The city swimming pool is amillionaire’s Ebenezer, celebratinghis recovery from a childhood boutof polio.eburneanadj/ DSbErnGEn /Lresembling ivory in color.Charlie pleaded with his dentist toimprove the appearance of hiseburnean teeth.ecceinterj/ Se(T)chC /Linterjection used to call attentionoften to one persecuted unjustly.At the end of his speech the defenseattorney screamed “Ecce” andpointed at his client.eccyclemaecdysisecdysonen/ SekdDTsPn /Gkany of several arthropod hormonesthat in insects trigger molting andmetamorphosis.The insecticide Mary uses in hergarden inhibits ecdysone, thehormone that enables some insectsto metamorphose.echardn/ SeTkBrd /Gkthe soil water that is unavailable toplant organisms.The echard forms a part of the totalmoisture content of the soil.Page 83 of 289echeletten/ TeshESlet /L > Fa reflection grating made by rulingparallel V-shaped grooves in apolished metal plate so that light isreflected from the correspondingfaces of successive grooves.If cut properly, an echelette canreflect almost as much light as amirror.echeveriaechidnan/ DSkidnE /Gka spiny-coated toothless burrowingegg-laying mammal of Australiahaving a tapering snout and longtongue for eating ants.To frustrate its enemies, an echidnamay roll itself into a ball and digstraight down in loose soil.echinacean/ TekESnCshGE /Gkthe dried rhizome, roots, or otherparts of any of three compositeherbs used in folk medicine andsome patent medicines especiallyfor a supposed beneficial effect onthe immune system.Some people take echinacea toprevent colds and flu.echinateadj/ DSkInEt /Gk > L[Note: Could be confused withnoun echinite.] densely coveredwith stiff bristles or spines : pricklylike a hedgehog.Not many animals interfere withthe echinate porcupine.

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyechinusn/ DSkInEs /Gkthe rounded molding forming thebell of the Greek Doric capital of acolumn.The tour guide pointed out theechinus of the capital to Nancy’sgroup.ectoparasiten/ SektPTparETsIt /Gka parasite that lives on the exteriorof its host.The flea is a common ectoparasiteon dogs and cats.eczemaeerinessn/ SirGnDs /Ethe quality or state of being unusualor unnatural to such a degree as toinspire fear.The abandoned mansion’s eerinesssent a shiver down Joachim’sspine.echoecholocationn/ Te(T)kPlPSkCshEn /Gk + La process of animal orientation andnavigation that involves emissionof high-frequency sounds that arereflected back from environingsurfaces and thus indicate therelative distance and direction ofsuch surfaces.Contrary to popular fiction, Erinlearned that bats never get tangledin people’s hair because theirsystem of echolocation is soaccurate.echoppen/ CSshBp /L > Fan engraver’s needle beveled to anoval facet at the end and used toreopen previously incised lines.Kermit carefully worked theechoppe through the broad strokesof the engraving.ecizeeclaireclipticalecocideeconomiceconomyecstasiateecstaticallyectocranialedaphicadj/ DSdafik /Gkof or relating to the soil.Kate’s research project on theeffects of local edaphic variationson agriculture won a silver medalin the state science fair.eddyeddyingv/ SedGiN /ON? > Ecausing to move contrary to themain current.Yolanda let her fly drift into theeddying water at the edge of thestream.edgeredgilyedibilityeditioneditoreducandeducationeduceeellikeeffectiveeffectualityeffervescenceeffervescentlyeffervescibleefficienteffigialeffortlesseggnogeglantinen/ SeglEnTtIn /L > F > E + Ecfan Old World rose with stoutrecurved prickles and white to deeprosy pink single flowers.The eglantine, noted for its fragrantfoliage, can grow to a height of sixfeet.egoegotisticaladj/ TGgEStistDkEl /L + Ecffboastful or arrogant : referringunduly to oneself.Paul wrote an egotistical letter tothe editor of the newspaper.Page 84 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate FrequencyEgyptianadj/ DSjipshEn /Gk > Lof or relating to Egypt, itsinhabitants, or its language.The pyramids at Giza are hugespectacular monuments of EgyptianOld Kingdom architecture.eigenvaluen/ SIgEnTvalyV /G + L > F > Eany of the permissible values of aparameter in the solution of adifferential equation satisfyingspecified conditions.Nina spent an hour finding the finaleigenvalue that satisfied theassigned physics problem.eightheinkantern/ SInTkBntE(r) /Ga stone with a single sharp edgeworn by wind-driven sand.Joseph cut his knee on a largeeinkanter at the beach.eisegesisn/ TIsESjGsDs /Gkthe interpretation of a text (as of theBible) by reading into it one’s ownideas.The biblical scholar noted thateisegesis is often unavoidablebecause our lives have a strongimpact on how we learn.elaborativeadj/ DSlabETrCZiv /Ltending to expand something indetail.Each topical heading was followedby elaborative paragraphs givingdetails.elandn/ SGlEnd /Lithuanian > G > D > Afrikaanseither of two large Africanantelopes of which both male andfemale have short spirally twistedhorns.In some areas of Africa the elandhas been domesticated for use as adraft animal on farms.elaphineelapseelastiqueelatedadj/ DSlCZDd /Lelevated in spirit : excitedespecially with pride.The scientist was elated on hearingthat he would be awarded theNobel Prize.elateridn/ DSlaZErDd /Gk > Lclick beetle.Sandy was surprised to hear aclicking noise when the elateridflipped itself to an upright position.elbowroomelderelderlyadj/ SeldE(r)lG /E + Ecfrather advanced in years.An elderly lady lived in a huge oldhouse on the edge of town andnever came out except for food andchurch.electioneerPage 85 of 289electoraten/ DSlekt(E)rDt /La body of people entitled to vote.The electorate favored allowing theindependent candidate toparticipate in the presidentialdebates.electrifyelectroencephalographn/ DTlektrPDnSsefElEgraf /Gk > Lan apparatus for detecting andrecording brain waves.The technicians installed the newelectroencephalograph at thehospital.electroluminescencen/ DTlekTtrPSlVmESnesFn(t)s /Gk + L + Lcfan emission of light resulting froma high-frequency discharge througha gas or from application of analternating current to a layer ofphosphor.Stan was surprised to find that hisfriend knew whatelectroluminescence is.electrolyten/ DSlektrETlIt /Gka substance (as an acid, base, orsalt) that when dissolved in asuitable solvent (as water) or whenfused becomes an ionic conductor.The veterinarian recommended thatMo use the product Pedialyte to getan electrolyte or two into Daisy, hissick chimp.electronelectroretinographn/ DTlektrPSretFnETgraf /Gk + L + Gkan instrument for recordingelectrical activity in the retina.The security device in the sci-fi filminvolved an electroretinograph, butthe details were vague.

elegance<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyelegiacadj/ TelDSjIEk /Gkconsisting of two dactylichexameter lines the second ofwhich is often felt to bepentameter.Gonda could not figure out how toscan the elegiac couplet.elegyn/ SelEjG /Gk > La poem expressing sorrow orlamentation.The English poet Thomas Graywrote perhaps the most famouselegy.elementelenchuselevationn/ TelESvCshEn /Lthe angular distance of a celestialobject above the horizon.Simon measured the Moon’selevation with a protractor, astraw, a string, and a washer.elevatorelevonelicitelicitationelicitoreligibilityelocutionaryelogen/ CSlPzh /Gk > L > Fa panegyrical funeral oration.Mourners wept at the rabbi’smoving eloge.elongateeloquentadj/ SelEkwEnt /Ladept at skilled easy pleasingcommunication of a thought, idea,or feeling.A gifted toastmaster is not onlyeloquent but also entertaining.eloquentlyelucubrateeludeelusiveeluviumn/ GSlVvGEm /Lrock debris produced byweathering.After many years the wind andwater made eluvium of thelimestone.elysiumn/ DSliz(h)GEm /Gk > Lthe dwelling place of happy soulsafter death as conceived by theancient Greeks and Romans.Greek tales about the afterlife seemto focus more on Hades than onelysium.elytran pl/ SelETtrE /Gk > Lthe thickened sclerotized anteriorwings in beetles and some otherinsects that protect and cover theposterior wings.At least 250,000 species of insectshave hardened wing covers called“elytra.”emaciationn/ DTmCshGSCshEn /Lthe state of being made lean byimpairment (as from hunger).Disease was the major cause of theemaciation of the children in theAfrican village.emailn/ CSmI /Fa moderate bluish green to greenishblue.Email, also called “bleu Louise,”is a common color of enamel usedin cloisonné.emanatoryemancipatoryembarrassingembergoosen/ SembE(r)TgVs /Norw&E + Ecommon loon.The embergoose is a large fisheatingaquatic bird that spendsmost of its time in open water.embezzledv/ DmSbezEld /F > AF > Eappropriated fraudulently to one’sown use (as property entrusted toone’s care).The bank employee embezzledhundreds of thousands of dollarsbefore the authorities discoveredthe crime.emblemaembossPage 86 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyembossern/ DmSbBsE(r) /Fa punch used for striking metal onthe reverse side to raise the relief.Mandy used an embosser to form adesign on a thin piece of coppersheeting.embracingv/ DmSbrCsiN /Fencircling, enclosing,encompassing.Calvin flung his arms out wide, asthough he were embracing Megand her mother—the whole house.embroideredv/ DmSbrOidE(r)d /F > E + Ecfornamented with needlework.Grandma embroidered thetablecloth with a floral motif.embryogenesisn/ TembrGPSjenEsDs /Gk + Gkthe formation and development ofthe animal organism in the earlystages of growth anddifferentiation.During early embryogenesis cellsdifferentiate to form various typesof tissue.emersaleminenceemitv/ GSmit /Lthrow or give off or out (as light,heat, gases, or charged particles).“Neon” signs are actually madewith neon, krypton, and argon,which emit different colors of light.emmetropian/ TemDStrPpGE /Gk > NLthe normal refractive condition ofthe eye in which withaccommodation relaxed parallelrays of light are brought accuratelyto a focus upon the retina.There are new kinds of lasersurgery that bring the eyes ofnearsighted people back to a stateof emmetropia.emotionemperoremphasizeempiricismemployedemptinessempyrealemulatoremulsifyv/ DSmElsETfI /Lconvert into a mixture of twoincompletely miscible liquids.Monika used a hand mixer toemulsify the eggs and oil for herspecial salad dressing.enamelwareenaticadj/ GSnaZik /L + Ecfdescended from the same mother :related on the mother’s side.George and Isabel are enaticcousins.encausticn/ DnSkOstik /Gka paint mixed with melted beeswaxand after application fixed by heat.Encaustic gave Gerard’s paintingan appealing texture.enceinten/ BMSsant /L > Fa line of fortification enclosing acastle or town.The attacking army used artilleryto breach the town’s enceinte.encephalonn/ DnSsefETlBn /Gkthe vertebrate brain.The encephalon is divided into thehindbrain, the midbrain, and theforebrain.enchantedv/ DnSchantEd /L > F > Einfluenced by or as if by charmsand incantation : bewitched.The dominant spirit that hashaunted and enchanted this regionis a figure on horseback.encinctureenciphermentencoignureencolureencomiasticadj/ DnTkPmGSastik /Gkof, belonging to, or bestowingpraise.The opera’s composer wrote anencomiastic letter to the conductorcommending his performance.encompassencouragePage 87 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyencouragedencroachingv/ DnSkrPchiN /Scand > F > E + Ecfentering by gradual steps or bystealth into the possessions orrights of another.Mr. Bickett’s garden wasencroaching on his neighbor’slawn year by year.enculturatev/ DnSkElchErCt /Lmodify or condition by the processby which an individual learns thetraditional content of a culture andassimilates its practices and values.The Romans intended toenculturate the vanquished peopleas quickly as possible.endearendearmentendiveendocardialadj/ TendPSkBrdGEl /Gk + Gksituated within the heart.With a stethoscope the physicianlistened for endocardial murmurs.endocrinopathyendogenousadj/ enSdBjEnEs /Gk + Gkarising from internal structural orfunctional causes.Rhythmic biological behaviorgoverned by an endogenous clockis widespread in the animalkingdom.endoradiosonden/ TenTdPSrCdGPTsBnd /Gk + L + Fa microelectronic device introducedinto the body to recordphysiological data.Dr. Lennon warned Tonya not touse a portable telephone while herendoradiosonde was in place.endotrachealadj/ TendPStrCkGEl /Gkplaced within or passed inside ofthe windpipe.The physician had to insert anendotracheal tube to help thepatient breathe.endurancen/ DnSd(y)UrEn(t)s /L > Fan instance of long-suffering (ashardship or tribulation).On his sad face was an expressionof suffering and endurance.enemyenergumenenforceableadj/ DnSfP(E)rsEbEl /F > Ecapable of being enforced.A law must be enforceable if it is tohave any effect.enfranchiseengagementengaginglyengineengorgeengrossenjoinenjoyableenkindlev/ DnSkindFl /L + ON > Eset on fire.Light concentrated by a magnifyingglass will enkindle dry grass orpaper.enlivenedv/ DnSlIvEnd /L > F > E + Emade sprightly, gay, or cheerful.The dancers were immediatelyenlivened by the swing music.ennoblev/ DSnPbEl /L > F > Eelevate in degree or excellence.Thad is living proof that spendingtime with virtuous people canennoble those of lesser character.enoptromancyenormousadj/ DSnO(r)mEs /L + Ecf[Note: Speller should not confusewith obsolete form enormious.]marked by extraordinarily greatsize, amount, number, degree,scope, intensity, or significance.The documentary depicted theenormous task of building thePanama Canal.enrapturedv/ DnSrapchE(r)d /Lfilled with delight : gratifiedcompletely.As Timmy entered the room, he wasenraptured by the sight of the treeand the many presents.enshroudPage 88 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyensteelv/ DnzStG(E)l /Emake hard and strong.Mr. Simpson explained that onestep in making silver jewelry is tohammer the metal well to ensteel it.ensuantentelechyenthalpyn/ SenTJalpG /Gka thermodynamic quantity that isthe sum of the internal energy of abody and the product of its volumemultiplied by the pressure—calledalso “heat content.”To help determine the change inenthalpy, Gruen carefully specifiedthe physical states of all thereactants and products.enthusiasmenthusiastenthusiasticadj/ DnTth(y)VzGSastik /Gkhaving an ardent, receptive,responsive temperament.Myron’s enthusiastic natureinfected the rest of the students.enticemententirelyentiretyentombentrammelentrapmentn/ DnStrapmEnt /Fthe luring by an officer of the lawof a person into the commission ofa crime in order that the personmay be prosecuted for the offense.The jury felt that the evidenceindicated police entrapment, sothey acquitted the defendant.entrechatn/ TBntrESshB /L > It > Fa leap during which a ballet dancerrepeatedly crosses the legs.The audience watched infascination as Nureyev performed aseemingly effortless entrechat.entréeentrepreneurialentresolentropyn/ SentrEpG /Gkthe ultimate state reached in thedegradation of the matter andenergy of the universe.The laws of physics state that allthings tend toward entropy.enumeratedv/ DSn(y)VmETrCZDd /Lrelated one after another : listed.When the waiter had enumeratedthe dessert choices, making a singleselection was difficult.enunciativelyenviousenvironenvironmentenvisionv/ DnSvizhEn /L + Lhave a mental picture of especiallyin advance of realization.When she was a child, Calindawould often envision her life as afamous writer or painter.envoyn/ SenTvOi /Fany person delegated to representone sovereign or government in itsrelations with another.The Enterprise conveyed the envoyto the peace conference withoutincident.eohippusn/ TGPShipEs /Gk + Gkan animal or fossil of a genus ofsmall primitive 4-toed horses of theLower Eocene of the westernUnited States.Modern horses are descended fromthe eohippus.eolithepaxialadj/ eSpaksGEl /Gklocated above or on the dorsal sideof a straight line with respect towhich a body, figure, or system ofpoints is either radially orbilaterally symmetrical.The epaxial muscles along thehuman spine are relatively large.epenthesisn/ DSpen(t)thEsDs /Gkthe insertion of a letter in a word tomake the spelling conform to thepronunciation.The word nymel became nimble byepenthesis.epergnePage 89 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyepexegesisn/ TeTpeksESjGsDs /Gk + Gkan explanation following a word orlarger part of a text that limits itsapplication or clarifies its meaning.An epexegesis is often set off fromthe rest of a sentence by commas orparentheses.ephelisephemerallyephemeridn/ DSfem(E)rDd /Gka mayfly.An ephemerid has membranouswings that fold flat over the back.epidemiologistn/ TepETdGmGSBlEjDst /Gka specialist in the science that dealswith the incidence, distribution, andcontrol of disease in a population.The epidemiologist stronglyrecommended that all children beinoculated with the chicken poxvaccine.epiglottisn/ TepESglBZDs /Gkthe fold of tissue that covers theairway during the act ofswallowing.Breathing opens the epiglottis andallows free passage of air to thelungs.epipelagicadj/ TepDpDSlajik /Gkof or relating to the part of theoceanic zone into which enoughlight for photosynthesis penetrates.Creatures living below theepipelagic zone are often blind.epiphanicadj/ TepESfanik /Gkof or having the character of asudden manifestation or perceptionof the essential nature or meaningof something.Oliver had the epiphanicrealization that his cat had gainedweight because she was about tohave kittens.epibiontepicadj/ Sepik /Gk[has near homonym: epoch]extending beyond the usual orordinary especially in size or scope.The movie’s epic scale succeededbrilliantly according to mostcritics.epicardian/ TepESkBrdGE /Gkthe short part of the esophagusextending from the diaphragm tothe stomach.The medical student was asked toidentify the patient’s epicardiaduring surgery.epicentern/ SepDsentE(r) /Gk > Lthe part of Earth’s surface directlyabove the focus of an earthquake.An earthquake whose epicenter ison the ocean floor may cause atsunami.epiglottitisepigonismn/ DSpigETnizEm /Gk + Ecfartistic, literary, or intellectualimitation especially by a latergeneration.The Pre-Raphaelite movement inthe mid-19th century arose fromepigonism of the artistic principlesof the 14th century.epigrammaticepigraphepilithicadj/ TepESlithik /Gk + Gkgrowing on stone or stonelikematerial.Some species of snails feed onepilithic lichen.epinephrineepiphoran/ DSpifErE /Gk + Gka watering of the eyes due toexcessive secretion of tears or toobstruction of the lacrimalpassages.Blocked tear ducts were determinedto be the cause of the patient’sepiphora.epiphyten/ SepETfIt /Gka plant that derives its moisture andnutrients from the air and rain andgrows usually on another plant.Spanish moss is a ubiquitousepiphyte on trees in the South.epistaxisn/ TepESstaksDs /Gknosebleed.During his illness, Henri hadfrequent bouts of epistaxis, so helearned to keep a box of tissueshandy at all times.Page 90 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyepistemicadj/ TepESstGmik /Gkof, having the character of, orrelating to knowledge or knowingas a type of experience.Sol thought the self-evidence of itall was epistemic justificationenough for his belief that the worldexisted.epistolographyn/ DTpistESlBgrEfG /Gkthe art or practice of writingepistles : letter writing.The widespread use of e-mail hasrevived a form of epistolography.epitheliumn/ TepESthGlGEm /Gk + Gka cellular animal tissue consistingof one or more layers of cells thatserves to enclose and protect theother parts of the body.Humans have about 26 millionsensory cells per square inch ofolfactory epithelium.epollicateepoptn/ SeTpBpt /Gkone instructed in a secret system.Because Ivan was an inexperiencedinvestor, he treated his stockbrokerlike an epopt.eposn/ SeTpBs /Gka body of poetry expressing thetradition of a people.The ancient epos survived in laterliterature.epsilonequalizeequatableequationalequerryn/ SekwErG /L&Fan officer of princes or noblescharged with the care of theirhorses.The royal equerry had his menprepare the horses for the fox hunt.equestrianadj/ DSkwestrGEn /L + Ecf[has near homonym: equestrienne]of, relating to, or featuringhorseback riding.The artist was best known for hisequestrian paintings.equidistantadj/ TGkwDSdistEnt /Lbeing of the same measure apart.The neighborhood grocery andvideo stores are equidistant fromJosh’s home.equipollencen/ TGkwESpBlEn(t)s /L + Lthe quality or state of being equalin force, power, or validity.One form of paradox consists in theapparent equipollence of twopropositions, one of which is thenegation of the other.equipollentequitationequivocalequivocationn/ DTkwivESkCshEn /Lthe act or an instance of making astatement that deviates from ormisconstrues the truth.Felicity knew that equivocationabout the matter would keep herout of trouble, but she wasforthright in her response.Page 91 of 289erasererasioneremicadj/ DSrGmik /Gkof or relating to deserts or sandyregions.Georgia O’Keeffe painted severalfamous eremic landscapes.eremiticergn/ SErg /Gkan absolute centimeter-gramsecondunit of work representingthe work done by a force of 1 dyneacting through a displacement of 1centimeter in the direction of theforce.Dr. Young planned to introduce theerg in his next physics lesson.ergonomistn/ (T)ErSgBnEmDst /Gka specialist in biotechnology.David ordered a desk chairspecially designed by anergonomist to prevent discomfortfrom prolonged sitting.ergophobiaeriometereristicadj/ DSristik /Gkcharacterized by disputatious oftensubtle and specious reasoning.The debater used eristic doubletalkto impress the judges.erodeerose

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyerosionn/ DSrPzhEn /Lland destruction and simultaneousremoval of particles (as of soil) byrunning water, waves and currents,moving ice, or wind.In some hilly areas terraces arebuilt to protect soils from erosion.erranterroneouslyadv/ DSrPnGEslG /L > Ein a manner deviating from what istrue, correct, right, or wise.The noun phenomena is sometimesused erroneously with a singularverb.erroreruciformadj/ DSrVsETfOrm /Lof an insect larva : having a softcylindrical body with a distincthead and usually short thoracic legs: caterpillarlike.Fred knew that the eruciform larvawould spin a cocoon from which abutterfly would emerge.erytheman/ TerESthGmE /Gk > Labnormal redness of the skin due tocapillary congestion (as ininflammation).A small area of erythema on theback of Hillary’s hand demarcatedthe burn.erythrocyteerythrophobian/ DTrithrESfPbGE /Gkfear of blushing.Marvin’s erythrophobia is sosevere that speaking in public istorture for him.erythropsian/ TerESthrBpsGE /Gka visual disturbance in which allobjects appear reddish.Cyrus erroneously thought that theexpression “seeing the worldthrough rose-colored glasses” hadsomething to do with erythropsia.escabechen/ TeskESbCchC /Ar > Spfish or chicken fried in oil thenmarinated in a spicy sauce andserved cold.Elena’s recipe for escabeche camefrom her mother’s favorite Spanishcookbook.escalateescapadeescapementn/ DSskCpmEnt /L > Fthe device in a timepiece whichcontrols the motion of the train ofwheelwork.The use of an escapement in clocksdates back to the 14th century.escarolen/ SeskETrPl /L > It > Fan annual or biennial herb widelycultivated as a salad plant.Helga tossed a salad of escarole,mushrooms, and tomatoes.escharoticeschatologicaleschatologyn/ TeskEStBlEjG /Gka study or science dealing with theultimate destiny or purpose ofhumanity and the world.Min’s doctoral thesis in philosophyaddresses the development ofeschatology among Asian cultures.Page 92 of 289escheatoresclavageescolaresculentescutcheonesnen/ SeznG /Ea laborer or man of the lowerclasses among the Anglo-Saxons.While working in the fields, theesne dreamed of marrying themaster’s daughter and living in themanor house.espousaln/ DSspaUzEl /L > F > Ea taking up or adopting as a causeor belief.The senator’s espousal of anational health program has notwavered during his three terms.esquamuloseesquisseessayessayistn/ SeTsCDst /L > Fa writer of analytic, interpretative,or critical literary compositions.As an essayist, Emerson can hardlybe surpassed.essentialestafette

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyestaten/ DSstCt /F > Ethe aggregate of property orliabilities of all kinds that a personleaves for disposal at his or herdeath.The estate of the deceasedbillionaire has been tied up inlawsuits for over 12 years.estimatev/ SestETmCt /Ljudge the value of.Arthur asked a real estateappraiser to estimate the house.estrangeetchingetherealethicsethnocentricethylenen/ SethETlGn /Gk > ISVa colorless flammable gas found incoal gas or obtained frompetroleum hydrocarbons and usedto ripen fruits or as an anesthetic.When ethylene is polymerized, theproduct is polyethylene, a plasticmaterial used for makingcontainers.etymologicaladj/ TeZEmESlBjDkEl /Gkbelonging to, based on, or in accordwith the history often including theprehistory of a linguistic form (as aword or morpheme).The etymological meaning of theword hippopotamus is “riverhorse.”etymologiconEucharistn/ SyVk(E)rDst /Gka central rite in many Christianchurches in which bread and wineare consecrated by the officiatingmember of the clergy andconsumed as symbols for therealization of a spiritual unionbetween Christ and communicantor as the body and blood of Christ.The Eucharist is considered bymost Christian churches to be thecentral act of the worship service.eucharisticadj/ TyVkESristik /Gk > Lmanifesting or expressing praiseand thanksgiving.Bianca composed a eucharisticpoem for the festival.eucrasian/ yVSkrCzh(G)E /Gk + Gka normal state of health : physicalwell-being.To the ancient Greeks, eucrasiaresulted from the appropriatebalance of the four humors: blood,yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm.eudiometern/ TyVdGSBmEZE(r) /Gkan instrument for the volumetricmeasurement and analysis of gasesthat involves the explosion of oneof the components of the mixtureby the passage of an electric spark.Rodney managed to set thechemistry lab on fire because hedid not understand how to use theeudiometer.eugenicsn pl/ yVSjeniks /Gk + Gka science that deals with theimprovement of hereditary qualitiesin a series of generations of a raceor breed.Using eugenics to create asuper20race of human beings is acommon theme in science fiction.eulogisticeuonymeuphemizeeuphenicsn pl/ yVSfeniks /Gk + Gka science that deals with thebiological improvement of humanbeings after birth.Many people believe that euphenicswill be as common as dentistry inthe next century.euphoniousadj/ yVSfPnGEs /Gk[Note: Could be confused witheuphonous.] pleasing in sound.Allison is noted for her euphoniousvoice and clear enunciation.euphoniumn/ yVSfPnGEm /Gk + Ecfa tenor tuba similar in shape, pitch,and range to the baritone but with alarger bore, a mellower tonequality, and often a double bell.Rocky’s mom made him practicehis euphonium in the barn.euphonyeuphoriaPage 93 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyeuphuismn/ SyVfyETwizEm /Gk > E name[has near homonym: euphemism]artificial and excessive elegance oflanguage : high-flown diction.Eli’s penchant for euphuism is keptin check by his English teacher, Dr.Holquist.eupraxiaEuripideanadj/ yETripESdGEn /Gk nameof, relating to, or characteristic ofthe Greek playwright Euripides orhis tragedies.In Euripidean tragedy, the chorusprovides charming interludes ofsong and dance.evangeln/ DSvanjEl /Gka doctrine regarded as havingspecial grace, sanction, or efficacy.Elizabeth Cady Stanton called for anew evangel of womanhood to exaltpurity, virtue, and morality.evangelistevaporationn/ DTvapESrCshEn /Lthe change by which any substanceis converted from a liquid state intoand carried off in vapor.The Mediterranean Sea loses muchwater through evaporation, leavingbehind extra-salty water that sinksto the bottom.eweewerexacerbationn/ igTzasE(r)SbCshEn /Lthe act of making more violent,bitter, or severe.Vigorous exercise can lead to acuteexacerbation of asthmaticsymptoms.exaggerationn/ igTzajESrCshEn /Lthe act of enlarging beyond boundsor the truth : overstatement.Uncle Joe’s description of the fishhe caught was a grossexaggeration.Europeanadj/ TyUrESpGEn /Gkof, relating to, or belonging toEurope or its inhabitants.Since John, an Englishman, has aEuropean Union passport, he isallowed to work in France.euryphagouseustachianadj/ yVSstCshEn /It nameof or relating to the bony andcartilaginous tube connecting thecavity of the middle ear with thenasopharynx.As he began his dive, John pinchedhis nose, closed his mouth, andattempted to blow out to allow hiseustachian tubes to equalize thepressure in his ears.eutelyevacuateevadableevanesceevectionn/ DSvekshEn /Lperturbation of the Moon’s motionin its orbit due to the attraction ofthe Sun.Herman’s tidal calculations didn’taccount for evection; as a result, hewas left high and dry.evenhandedevermoreevidencen/ SevEdEn(t)s /Lsomething legally submitted to acompetent tribunal as a means ofascertaining the truth of any allegedmatter of fact under investigationbefore it.The suspect’s fingerprints on themurder weapon were sufficientevidence for his arrest.evilevolutionevolvableevulsionPage 94 of 289examenn/ igSzCmDn /La critical study (as of a writer or aphenomenon).Vera’s research was a sound,brilliant examen of the mostpowerful English poet of thiscentury.examinationexaminev/ igSzamDn /L > F > Einquire into the state of especiallyby introspective processes.Shumin’s father told her to examineher conscience first and thenconsider how her action might lookto other people.exanthematicadj/ egTzan(t)thESmaZik /Gkof or relating to an eruptivedisease—used especially of thoseattended with fever (as in measles,smallpox, and scarlatina).Mrs. Hu decided that Wilson’s rashwas not exanthematic, so she lethim go out to play.

exasperate<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyexasperatedadj/ igSzaspETrCZEd /Lirritated or annoyed especially tothe point of injudicious action.The movie star became soexasperated with thephotographers that he hurled hisshoe at them.excavationexcavatorn/ SekskETvCZE(r) /La worker who digs out material ordigs cavities (as in quarrying or forbuilding construction).The excavator gasped when theside of the pit gave way to reveal adark chamber.exceedv/ ikSsGd /L > F > E[Note: Alternate pron has nearhomonym: accede.] go beyond alimit set by (as an authority orprivilege).Drivers who exceed the speed limitin the construction zone will befined a minimum of 200 dollars.excelexceptionn/ ikSsepshEn /Lthe act of excluding or omitting.The librarian made an exceptionand permitted Sandy to take areference book out of the library.excerptexcipientexclusiveadj/ ikSsklVsiv /Lbarring from participation :snobbishly aloof.The exclusive dog show allowedonly registered dogs to participate.excogitatev/ ekSskBjETtCt /Lexamine mentally withthoroughness and care so as toobtain thorough grasp andcomprehension of.Lindsay tried to excogitate thetopic thoroughly and outline histhoughts.excrescencyexcrescentialexcruciatingadj/ ikSskrVshGTCtiN /Lvery intense : extreme.An excruciating toothache keptMarcel from enjoying the campingtrip.execrableadj/ SeksDkrEbEl /Ldeserving to be declared evil ordetestable.For his execrable cruelty to thevictim, the assailant was given themaximum prison sentence.executiveexegesisexegeticaladj/ TeksESjeZDkEl /Gkrelating to critical interpretation ofa text or portion of Scripture.The theologian was praised for hisexegetical commentaries on the OldTestament.exemplifyPage 95 of 289exemplumexemptexequiesn pl/ SeksEkwGz /L > F > Efuneral rites or ceremonies.The late king’s exequies weresolemnized with great pomp.exergueexfoliativeadj/ ekSsfPlGTCZiv /Lcausing or characterized by thepeeling of the outer layer of theskin.Phil’s rash was diagnosed asexfoliative dermatitis.exhalationn/ Teks(h)ESlCshEn /L > F > Esomething that is given off or thatrises in the form of gas, fumes, orsteam.The wind carried a foul exhalationfrom the nearby marsh to theAckrill’s house.exhaustn/ igSzOst /Lan arrangement (as of fans) forwithdrawing undesirable fumes,dusts, or odors from an enclosure(as a factory room or a kitchen).The safety inspector told Sharonthat the greasy residue on thekitchen exhaust was a fire hazard.exhaustingadj/ igSzOstiN /Ldepriving wholly of strength,patience, or resources.Robert’s exhausting exerciseroutine left him not only very tiredbut also very hungry.

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyexhibitedv/ igSzibDZDd /Lpresented to view : showed,displayed.Elizabeth Ellen brought herdecorated cake into the room andexhibited it quite proudly.exhilaratedv/ igSzilETrCZDd /Lmade cheerful : enlivened.The sailor felt exhilarated as hisboat headed into the wind.exhumev/ igSzVm /Ldig out of the ground : take out of aplace of burial.No matter where the bone isburied, the dog will be able toexhume it.exigenciesn pl/ SeksEjEnsGz /Lrequirements in a particularsituation.The Supreme Court supported thetheory of presidential power tomeet national exigencies.existenceexogenousadj/ ekSsBjEnEs /Gk + Gkoriginating from or due to externalcauses.The politician argued that the laborstrife in his city was exogenous innature.exonumiaexorcismexostosisn/ TekTsBSstPsDs /Gka spur or bony outgrowth from abone or the root of a tooth.The exostosis on Bertha’s big toehad to be surgically removed.expectantadj/ ikSspektEnt /Lcharacterized by anticipation :waiting.The expectant crowd outside thepalace gates had been in placesince before dawn.expedientexpedientlyadv/ ikSspGdGEntlG /Lin a manner characterized bysuitability, practicality, andefficiency.It is the responsibility of thecustomer service representative tohandle all complaints expediently.expediteexpelexperientialadj/ ikTspirGSenchEl /Lderived from, based on, or relatingto experience : empirical.Although based on experientialprocedures and findings, manygreat scientific discoveries involvea degree of intuition and luck.experimentexpertisen/ TekTspErStGz /Lspecialized skill or technicalknowledge in a particular field.Jonathan’s expertise in databasemanagement netted him anexcellent job.expirationn/ TekspESrCshEn /L > Ethe action or process of releasingair through the nose or the mouth.Mrs. Burnet’s expiration wasstrained after her operation.expiredexplanationexplementexpletiveexplicitexplorev/ ikSsplP(E)r /Lsearch through or into.“Dr. Craven had indeed begun towonder if it might not be wise tosend some one out to explore thegarden paths.”explosibleexponentiallyadv/ TekspESnenchElG /Lin a manner indicating variation inwhich one variable factor dependsupon another variable factor,characterized by an extremely rapidincrease (as in size or extent).For the past decade, sales of videogames have been growingexponentially.expoundv/ ikSspaUnd /L > F > Emake a statement : present a view :comment.The interviewer asked Shana toexpound on the new park proposal.expressionPage 96 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyexpropriatev/ ekSsprPprGTCt /Ltake out of the possession ofanother : transfer (the property ofanother) to one’s own possession.Roy was startled to find that thegovernment had the right toexpropriate his land if he didn’tpay taxes.expurgatev/ SekspE(r)TgCt /Lcleanse of something morallyharmful, offensive, or erroneous.Before publishing the manuscriptthe editors will expurgate it of anyslanderous material.expurgatoryexscindextensionn/ ikSstenchEn /La dance movement in which the legis extended at an angle to the body.Lily’s teacher told her she wouldhave to work on her extension untilit was perfect.extentextenuatev/ ikSstenyETwCt /Llessen or try to lessen the real orapparent seriousness of (as a crime,offense, or fault) or extent of bymaking partial excuses.No excuse can extenuate Kevin’strying to pass off Adam’s work ashis own.extenuationsn pl/ ikTstenyESwCshEnz /Lacts of partial justification.Jason’s letter of apology conveyedmany extenuations that werecomforting to Julia.exterminatedv/ ikSstErmETnCZDd /Lgotten rid of.The Grubes have exterminated therats in the cellar with rat poison.extirpationn/ TekstE(r)SpCshEn /Lthe act of destroying totally :extermination.Expanding settlements haveresulted in the extirpation of vastforests.extortionn/ ikSstO(E)rshEn /L[has homonym: extorsion] the actor practice of obtaining somethingfrom an unwilling or reluctantperson by physical force,intimidation, or the abuse of legalor official authority.The gang leaders were arrested fortheir extortion of money from localmerchants.extran/ SekstrE /Lan additional worker hired for amotion picture or stage productionto augment the number of people ina crowd or group scene.When he was in China, Mark wasan extra in a film requiring acrowd of Western Europeans.extraditionn/ TekstrESdishEn /F + Lthe surrender of an alleged criminalusually under the provisions of atreaty or statute by one authority(as a state) to another havingjurisdiction to try the charge.Mrs. Thorpe was arrested inArkansas but is fighting extraditionto Missouri, where she allegedlyassaulted a sales manager.extradosPage 97 of 289extraordinaireadj/ ikTstrO(r)dFnSe(E)r /L > Fmarkedly exceptional.The Iowa Department of Educationhonored Mrs. Ledgerwood, a mathteacher extraordinaire.extrasensoryadj/ TekstrESsen(t)s(E)rG /Lresiding beyond or outside theordinary senses.<strong>Read</strong>ing someone else’s thoughts isan example of extrasensoryperception.extremityn/ ikSstremEZG /L > F > Ean outlying or terminal part,section, or point.The state’s westernmost extremityis nothing but flat open prairie.extrinsicadj/ ekSstrinzik /Lof or relating to the outside of.The nondescript extrinsicappearance of the old buildingbelied the architectural wonderswithin.extrorseadj/ SekTstrOrs /Lturned away from the axis ofgrowth.When the anther of a flower turnsaway from the pistils and towardthe petals, it is said to be“extrorse.”exudev/ igSzVd /Lundergo diffusion : emanate.Sweet odors exude from the shrubsaround Myra’s patio.

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyexultantadj/ igSzEltEnt /Lfilled with extreme joy.The racer was exultant when shecrossed the finish line first.exultantlyadv/ igSzEltFntlG /Lin a manner filled with extreme joy.She laughed exultantly when herpractical joke worked and herbrother was covered in paint.exuviatev/ igSzVvGTCt /Lmolt.When a snake begins to exuviate, itrolls over several times to loosenthe skin covering its head.eyebroweyewitnessn/ SISwitnDs /E + Eone that sees or has seen anoccurrence or an object with his orher own eyes and so is able to givea firsthand report on it.An eyewitness gave the detective ahelpful description of the robber.fabaceousfablefabricfabulistn/ SfabyElDst /L[Note: Could be confused withfabulous.] a creator or writer offables, especially those that carry amoral lesson.Aesop is frequently called“history’s greatest fabulist.”facetiouslyfactorfactualfacultyfacundityn/ faSkEndEZG /L[Note: Could be confused withfecundity.] eloquence.Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is ashining example of facundity.fadeawayfaenan/ fBSCnE /L > Catal > Spthe series of final passes by thematador with sword and muletaleading to the kill.Many members of the audience leftthe bullfight hastily when thematador began the faena.failuren/ SfClyE(r) /Flack of satisfactory performance oreffect.The candidate’s failure to addressthe people’s complaints resulted inhis losing the election.fainadv/ SfCn /E[has homonym: feign] happily,joyfully : with glad preference.The feisty cat would fain havechased the dog from his yard.fainnessfaintheartedfaintlyadv/ SfCntlG /F > Eslightly, indistinctly.There was a low fire glowingfaintly on the hearth.fairgroundPage 98 of 289fairwayfajan/ SfB(T)hB /L > Catal > Spa wide bright sash worn around thewaist.Don Roberto wore his lucky fajaevery time he ran with the bulls.falciformadj/ SfalsETfOrm /Lhaving the shape of a scythe orsickle.Roderick drew a somber nightscene dominated by a falciformmoon.falconryn/ SfalkEnrG /Gmc? > L > F > Ethe art of training falcons to pursueand to attack wild fowl or game.The king’s oldest servant was amaster of falconry.fallingfalsifierfalterv/ SfOltE(r) /Scand? > E[has homonym: faulter] speakbrokenly or weakly : hesitate,stammer.Stefan recited seven verses of thepoem before he began to falter.familiarityfamiliarizationfaminefanciestfancinessfancyworkfanfarefanged

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyfanglementfantasquefantasticalityfantasticallyadv/ fanStastDk(E)lG /Gk > L > F > E + Ecffunbelievably, extremely.Lillian wore her fantasticallyexpensive diamond necklace to thegovernor’s ball.farcefarcicalityfascistadj/ SfashDst /L > Itof or relating to any program forsetting up a centralized autocraticnational regime with severelynationalistic policies, exercisingregimentation of industry,commerce, and finance, rigidcensorship, and forciblesuppression of opposition.Fascist ideology shares withliberalism an opposition to bigbusiness, trade unions, and thesocialist state.fascistizationfaten/ SfCt /L[has homonym: fete] ultimate lotor disposition : final outcome.Hans Van Ripper now began to feelsome uneasiness about the fate ofpoor Ichabod.fatuouslyadv/ SfachEwEslG /Lin a foolish, stupid, absurd, or sillymanner.The clown performed fatuously tothe children’s delight.farefarfetchedfarinan/ fESrGnE /Lthe coarsely ground boltedendosperm of wheats other thandurum, free from fine flour or bran.Before rice cereal for babiesbecame widely available, cerealmade from farina was often used.farrierfarrieryfascicularfascinationfascinatorn/ SfasFnCZE(r) /La woman’s light head scarf usuallyof crochet or lace.Doris appeared at the doorwearing a long cloak and a candystripedfascinator over her darkhair.fastenv/ SfasFn /Ecause parts which are separate tohold together : make fast andsecure.The kindergarten teacher spent twoweeks teaching the children how tofasten their clothing.fastenerfastidiouslyadv/ faSstidGEslG /L + Ecfin a manner that reflects ameticulous, sensitive, ordemanding attitude.Vera’s insistence on dressingfastidiously for every occasionprecluded her going anywhere onshort notice.fastigiatefastuousfatallyfaultlessfaultyfaunfaustianfauvefearv/ Sfi(E)r /Ebe afraid of.Only after she saw its teeth andclaws did Severine begin to fear thecute little raccoon.fearsomeadj/ Sfi(E)rsEm /Earousing or likely to arouse fear,fright, or terror.Kim spent a fearsome night in thewoods.feastn/ SfGst /L > F > Ean elaborate meal.Susan had packed a basket whichheld a regular feast this morning.featheryfebrilePage 99 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate FrequencyFebruaryn/ SfebrETwerG /Lthe second month of the Gregoriancalendar.Kevin’s car quit for good inFebruary.feculentfederationfeeblefeifelicitationsfelinefelinityfenstern/ SfenztE(r) /L > Gan erosional opening down throughoverthrust rock exposing theunderlying rock.Gabe took a long hike in thenational park to find the largefenster mentioned in his guidebook.feodaryferityn/ SferEZG /L[has homonym: ferrety] the state ofbeing undomesticated : wildness.Even after several years in a zoo,the lion occasionally displayed itsferity.ferriferousadj/ fESrif(E)rEs /Lcontaining iron.Hematite and magnetite areferriferous minerals.ferrotypen/ SferETtIp /L + Gka positive photograph made by acollodion process on a thin ironplate and having a darkenedsurface.A 19th-century ferrotype depictingSupreme Court Justice LeviWoodbury sold at auction for$24,000.ferruminationfeloniouslyadv/ fESlPnGEslG /L > F > Ein a manner having the nature of orinvolving a grave crime.Garcia was feloniously relieved ofhis boombox by a couple ofhoodlums.felonyn/ SfelEnG /Fa serious crime usually punishableby a sentence heavier than that fora misdemeanor.Filing a false income tax return is afelony punishable by imprisonmentand a fine.femerellfeminiefeminizefemurfermentfermiereadj/ fermyeer /Fof a food : prepared in plaincountry style.The signature dish at the quietcountry inn was pot roast fermiere.fernbrakefernyferoceferociouslyadv/ fESrPshEslG /L + Ecffin a manner characterized by wildor extreme rapacity, cruelty,acrimony, or destructiveness.A large cat ferociously snarled atBeth’s puppy.ferocityferriedferryferryboatfertileferventlyfervorfestinateadj/ SfestETnCt /Lhasty.Jeremy had a hard time keeping upwith Noah’s festinate gait as thetwo boys neared the movie theater.festivalfestooneryPage 100 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyfestschriftn/ SfestTshrift /Ga usually miscellaneous volume ofwritings from several hands for acelebration; especially : one oflearned essays contributed byadmirers to honor a scholar on aspecial anniversary.The retiring Dr. Mayer waspresented with a festschrift thatincluded a piece by a formerstudent who had won a PulitzerPrize.fetafetev/ SfCt /F[has homonyms: fait, fate] honor(a person) or commemorate (anevent) with a festive celebration.Mr. Armstrong’s employees votedto fete him with a black-tie dinner.fetidfetidnessn/ SfeZDdnDs /L + Ecfthe state or condition of having anoffensive smell.For some people, Limburgercheese’s fetidness is directlyproportional to its tastiness.fetterv/ SfeZEr /Ebind (a thing or person) to anotheras if with a chain.The young mother had to fetter heractive three-year-old with a childharness to take him shopping.fettuccellefeudalfeverishlyadv/ SfGv(E)rishlG /L > E + Ecffin an agitated manner.Jay lay sleepless and feverishlywent over the day’s events.fiadorfiatfibratedfibrillogenicfibrinogenn/ fISbrinEjDn /L + ISV + Gka globulin that is produced in theliver and is converted into a proteinduring clotting of blood.Proteins in the blood includealbumin, hemoglobin, andfibrinogen.fibulan/ SfibyElE /Lthe outer and usually the smaller ofthe two bones between the kneeand ankle in most birds and manymammals including humans.After breaking his fibula whilesliding into second base, Roderickknew his season was over.fictionalfiddlefidgetfidgetedv/ SfijDtDd /E + Ecfmoved uneasily one way andanother.The longer the speech went on, themore Kevin fidgeted.fidgetingv/ SfijDtiN /E?moving uneasily one way and theother.The teacher told Caleb to eitherstop his fidgeting or go do his workat a desk outside the classroomdoor.fidgetyfieldfieldern/ SfGldE(r) /Ea player positioned in the outerportion of the playing area (as inbaseball or cricket).The fielder moved all the way backto the warning track to catch the flyball.fiendsn pl/ SfGn(d)z /Einfernal beings : demons.The fiends portrayed in thepainting represented greed andambition.fiercelyadv/ Sfi(E)rslG /L > F > Ein a manner without mercy.The hurricane fiercely hit thecoastal town, leaving many beachcottages and businessestablishments in ruin.fifefiferfeuilletonfidgetinessfeverishPage 101 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyfightv/ SfIt /Econtend physically for victory withvigor, fierceness, anddetermination.Soldiers continued to fight on theridge until nightfall.filipendulousadj/ TfilESpenjElEs /Lsuspended by or strung upon athread.The glittering filipendulous starswere very effective when theballroom lights were dimmed.Finlandizationn/ TfinlEndDSzCshEn /geog namea foreign policy of neutrality.Finlandization has its roots in theneutrality policy of Finland.fipplefigmentfigurablefigurev/ SfigyE(r) /L > F > Ecompute, reckon.Erwin tried to figure his grocerybill in his head, but he kept losingtrack of the numbers.figurinefilamentaryadj/ TfilESmentErG /L > Fhaving the characteristics of a longthin flexible object.The filamentary leg probably hadbelonged to a camel cricket or adaddy longlegs.filarfilbertfilialityn/ TfilGSalEZG /Lthe relation or attitude of a child toa parent.Although Tom and his father oftendisagreed, the bonds of filialityalways held firm.filiopietisticfillyfilmographyn/ filSmBgrEfG /E + Gka list of motion pictures featuringthe work of a prominent motionpicture figure (as an actor ordirector) or relating to a particulartopic.The biography of the directorprovided a complete filmography.filmwrightfilthilyfimbriatefimbriationn/ TfimbrGSCshEn /La narrow border to a heraldicdesign.The family’s coat of arms depicteda griffon within a blue fimbriation.fimbrillateadj/ SfimbrETlCt /L[Note: Could be confused withfibrillate.] bordered with a minutefringe.Deb examined the fimbrillate petalsunder the microscope.finalefinallyfinancialfinespunfinialfirearmfirebreakfireflyn/ SfI(E)rTflI /E + Ea winged nocturnal insect usuallyproducing a bright soft intermittentlight.When the light of the capturedfirefly started to dim, Nell decidedit was time to set the bug free.fisheryfishmongerfishplatefissionablefissipedadj/ SfisETped /Lhaving the toes separated to thebase :cloven-footed.Goats and pigs are some of themost common fissiped mammals.fistfulfistianan/ TfistGSanE /E + Ecfthe world of boxing.Muhammad Ali set fistiana on itsear when he defeated GeorgeForeman in Zaire.fistmelePage 102 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyfixedlyadv/ SfiksDdlG /E + Ecffin a stationary or immovablemanner.Barry stared fixedly at the haildamage to his car.fizgigfizzwaterfjeldflabbergastflabellumflagellateflagellatoryadj/ SflajElETtPrG /Lrelating to the act of flogging orbeating.The sailors were warned thatdisruptive behavior would result inflagellatory punishment.flagrantadj/ SflCgrEnt /Lextremely, flauntingly, orpurposefully conspicuous usuallybecause of uncommon evil,unworthiness, unpleasantness, ortruculence.Horace’s flagrant disregard of theclub rule about wearing cowboyhats got him kicked outperemptorily.flailingv/ SflCliN /Emoving, swinging, or beating asthough wielding a threshingimplement.The novice skier tumbled down thehill, his arms flailing desperately inthe air.flamingadj/ SflCmiN /L > F > E + Ecfblazing.The flaming crackling fire could beseen throughout the valley.flannelmouthflapdoodleflarelessflaryadj/ Sfla(a)rG /unknown + Ecfshowy and bright.Pam’s orange dress seemed tooflary compared to the attire of theothers at the funeral.flashcuben/ SflashTkyVb /imit E + Gk > L > Fa plastic cube containing fourflashbulbs that fits into the top of acamera and revolves after eachshot.Franklin forgot to bring aflashcube, so he couldn’t take anypictures at the party.flaskn/ Sflask /Gmc > L > Sp > F[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] a unit ofweight for mercury equal to 76pounds.Marcie explained that the amountof mercury in a thermometer was atiny fraction of a flask.flatcarflatteryflauntflavescentfleabagfleecefletchingn/ SflechiN /F > Ethe feathers on an arrow.An arrow will not fly straight if thefletching is crooked.fleuronflexibleflickerflightflippancyflippern/ SflipE(r) /imita broad flat usually rubber shoewith the front expanded into apaddle used in skin diving andother aquatic sports.Doug got his flipper snagged in thecoral and had to leave it behind.flivverfloccosefloebergflooeyfloraisonfloraladj/ SflPrEl /Lof, relating to, or associated with aflower.The floral emblem of the state ofTennessee is the iris.floribundaflamboyantflamethrowerflavidflavorlessPage 103 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyflorigenn/ SflPrEjDn /L + Gka hormone that induces flowering.The horticulture expert explainedhow pinching back dead blossomsstimulated the production offlorigen.florinn/ SflOrDn /L > It > F > Ean old gold coin first struck atFlorence in 1252 weighing about54 grains and noted for the purityof its gold.The pride of Valentine’s coincollection is a florin supposedlyonce the property of ChristopherColumbus.floristryflounderflourishesn pl/ SflErishDz /L > F > Eostentations in the performance ofsomething often intended to callforth or fix attention or admiration.Todd stood up after his pianorecital and, with many bows andflourishes, slowly left the stage.flowagen/ SflPij /Ean overflowing (as of a stream orimpoundment) onto adjacent land.The flowage from a nearby creekinto Mr. Goog’s basement ruinedhis stamp collection.fluffyflukeflumpfluorinefluoroscopeflurriesn pl/ SflErGz /imit?sudden showers or snowfalls with agust of wind.The forecast was for intermittentflurries with no measurableaccumulation.flurryflusterflutteringv/ SflEZE(r)iN /E + Ecfmoving with quick vibrations orundulations.With his clothes bagging andfluttering about him on a windyday, he might be mistaken for somescarecrow escaped from acornfield.fluviatilefluviologyn/ TflVvGSBlEjG /La science dealing withwatercourses.Oliver needs one course influviology in order to get hisprofessional civil engineeringlicense.flyschn/ Sflish /Ga thick and extensive depositlargely of sandstone that is formedin a geosyncline adjacent to a risingmountain belt and is especiallycommon in the Alpine region ofEurope.The geologist analyzed samples ofthe flysch to determine when therock was formed.foamingfocusablefodientadj/ SfPdGEnt /Lfitted for digging or burrowing.The aardvark is a well-knownfodient animal in South Africa.foiln/ SfOil /L > F > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] afencing weapon that resembles anépée but has a flat guard and alighter, more flexible blade thattapers to a blunt point.The instructor showed Bella how toback her opponent into a cornerwith a few quick movements of herfoil.foldoutfoliationfoliofolkloricadj/ SfPkTlPrik /E + Eof, resembling, or characteristic oftraditional customs, beliefs, dances,songs, tales, or sayings preservedamong a people or group.The Slovakian dance troupeperformed a folkloric dancewearing colorful costumes.folkloristfolletton/ fESleZ(T)P /F > Itimp, goblin, fairy; especially : asupernatural being who is asurvival in popular form of anancient Etruscan or Roman deity.Nancy jokingly blamed her actionson an imaginary friend, a follettowho sat on her shoulder and gaveher advice.folliclePage 104 of 289

fomentfomites<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate FrequencyFomoriann/ fPSmOrGEn /IrGaelone of a race of sea robbers inCeltic legend who were probablyoriginally gods representing thepowers of evil and darkness.Caitlin wrote a fable about aFomorian who emergedperiodically from the sea off thecoast of Ireland.fondantfondun/ fBnSd(y)V /F[has homonym: fondue] a loweringor sinking down of the body inballet dancing by bending the kneeof the supporting leg.Fondu was a difficult movement forOrson before his knee surgery.foolhardilyfoolhardinessfoolhardyadj/ SfVlThBrdG /F > Edaring but lacking judgment :foolishly adventurous and bold.The high dive from the cliffs lookedfoolhardy, but Ellen knew that thewater beneath was deep and clear.footagen/ SfUZTij /Ethe total number of running feet ofmotion-picture film used for acomplete story or for one or morescenes or for any subject.The director told the film editorsthat they would have to cut outenough footage to keep the movieunder 2 hours.footmann/ SfUtTmEn /Ea servant in attendance upon thepassengers in a carriage.Mary saw that it was a stylishcarriage and that it was a stylishfootman who helped her into thecarriage.foozledfopperyn/ SfBp(E)rG /Efolly, absurdity.There was an air of foppery andnonsense in Mr. Churchill’s actionof which Emma could not approve.forbforbiddanceforbivorousforcibleforciblyforcipiformforearmforegroundn/ SfP(E)rTgraUnd /Ecf + Ethe part of a scene that is nearest toand in front of the spectator.Although there were many actors inthe scene, the main action wastaking place in the foreground.foreignforeignern/ SfOrDnE(r) /Ea person belonging to or owingallegiance to anotherland : alien.Everyone in New Prague liked theforeigner who moved into theSimpsons’ old house.foreknowledgeforeseeforesightedlyadv/ SfPrTsIZDdlG /Ewith a view toward the future.The state foresightedly createdstate parks and reservations alongthe seashore so as to preserve itsnatural beauty.forestforestallv/ fPrSstOl /E[has near homonym: forestal]exclude, hinder, or prevent by prioroccupation or by measures taken inadvance.By traveling to his vacation spotincognito, the film star hoped toforestall rumors of his arrival.forestern/ SfOrDstE(r) /F > Ea person who supervises thedevelopment, care, andmanagement of timberland.The forester showed the class hislist of sightings of endangeredwildlife species.foreyardforficiformadj/ fOrSfisETfOrm /Lshaped like a scissors.The jeweler’s forficiform tweezersgave her a better grip on the tinywatch parts.forgeabilityn/ TfP(E)rjESbilEZG /L > Esuitability for being formed byheating and hammering.Some alloys exhibit greaterforgeability than others.Page 105 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyorgetfulnessforgettableformalizationformallyfoullyfountainfourberiefourfoldfragrancen/ SfrCgrEn(t)s /L > Fa pleasant odor.The fragrance of mulled ciderwafted down the hallway.formatoreformicariumformicineformulaformulatev/ SfOrmyETlCt /L + Ecfplan out in an orderly fashion.The board decided to call in aconsultant to help formulate plansfor the new factory.formulatorfortississimofortitudinousfortressn/ SfOrtrDs /L > F > Ea fortified place : stronghold.The refugees began to feel safeonce they were deep within thefortress.fortuitouslyforumforwardfosterfothern/ SfBLE(r) /E[has homonym: father] a modernunit of weight for lead equal to 19½hundredweight.Scott celebrated when his newcompany recovered its first fotherof refined lead from recycled scrap.fourplexfowlfrabjousadj/ SfrabjEs /unknownwonderful.Vonda thought happily that hergraduation party was the finalevent of a simply frabjous day.fractaln/ SfraktFl /Lany of various extremely irregularcurves or shapes that repeatthemselves at any scale on whichthey are examined and that areassigned fractional dimensions.Julia’s science projectdemonstrated that the shape of asnowflake is a fractal.fractionallyfractiousfractographyfracturablefracturen/ SfrakchE(r) /Lthe breaking of hard tissue (asbone).Mike’s fall off the ladder resultedin the fracture of his thighbone.fragilityfragmentaryfragmentizefrailn/ SfrCl /F > E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] thequantity (as 32, 56, or 75 pounds)of raisins contained in a shippingbasket.While working in the agriculturalrecords office, Wanda learned thata frail is used to measure raisins.framboisefranchisalFranciscanadj/ franSsiskEn /It nameof or relating to the variousreligious foundations establishedby St. Francis of Assisi.The Franciscan church in Basel,Switzerland, was used for a longtime as a warehouse for salt.Francoistn/ SfraNkPDst /Sp namean advocate of or adherent to thepolitical or social policies of theSpanish dictator Francisco Franco.The Francoist claimed that if theyhad waited any longer to riseagainst the Republic, a Bolshevikrevolution would have broken out.Franconianadj/ fraNSkPnGEn /G geog nameof or relating to the West Germanicdialects of the Franks.The earliest Franconian writtendocuments belong to the late 8th orearly 9th century.Page 106 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyfrangibilityn/ TfranjESbilEZG /L + Ecffthe quality or state of beingbreakable.Winnie appreciates the beauty ofglass ornaments so much that theirfrangibility does not discourage herfrom buying them.Franglaisn/ frBMSglC /FFrench marked by a considerablenumber of borrowings fromEnglish.Even after three years of Frenchlessons and a year as an exchangestudent in Cannes, Peter stillspeaks Franglais.frappefraternityfrazilfrazzlefreesian/ SfrGzh(G)E /G name + Lcfany plant of a genus of sweetscentedherbs with narrow tubularred, white, or yellow flowers.The most colorful flower inDavida’s bouquet was the freesia.freestylefreezingadj/ SfrGziN /Every cold.After the first freezing night of theseason, Greg unhappily discoveredthat his car battery had died.freighterfreijofrenularadj/ SfrenyElE(r) /Lof or relating to a connecting foldof membrane serving to support orrestrain.After Gary took his classmate’sdare and licked the frozen pumphandle, the frenular tissue underhis tongue hurt for a week.frenziedfrequencyfrequentlyfreshetfretfulfretumfribblev/ SfribEl /unknownact in a trifling or foolish manner.Mr. Atkinson told the students notto fribble during study hall but toread and write quietly.frictionn/ SfrikshEn /Lresistance to the relative motion ofone body sliding, rolling, orflowing over another with which itis in contact.The friction of the large dooragainst its frame kept Janicetugging on it for several longseconds.friezingfrightenv/ SfrItFn /E + Ecfmarkedly disturb with fear.Gary did not realize how much hisHalloween mask would frighten hislittle brother.Page 107 of 289frightenedadj/ SfrItFnd /Emade afraid : scared.The frightened child was calmed byhis mother’s embrace.frighteningfrightfulfrigidadj/ SfrijDd /Lmarkedly lacking heat or warmth :very cold.The mountain climbers wore extralayers of clothing to combat thefrigid conditions.frigidariumfrijolesfriseurn/ frGSzEr /F[Note: Could be confused withfreezer.] hairdresser.Fernando plans to name his beautyshop “Fernando the FantasticFriseur.”frittern/ SfriZE(r) /L > F > Ea small quantity of batter oftencontaining fruit or meat and fried indeep fat or sautéed.Eddie and George each ate a largeapple fritter at the carnival.frondfronsn/ SfrBnz /L[has near homonym: fronds] theupper or the anterior part of thehead capsule of an insect : theforehead of the insect head.Simple eyes of an insect are usuallylocated on the frons.frontier

frontolysis<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyfrostbittenadj/ SfrOstTbitFn /E + Einjured, nipped, or withered by theprocess of freezing.The skier’s mask saved him fromgetting a frostbitten nose.frostbowfructosen/ SfrEkTtPs /La sugar that occurs especially infruit juices and honey.Fructose is a common ingredient inmany baked goods found in stores.frugivorousadj/ frVSjivErEs /L + Lfeeding on fruit.Monkeys and apes are among thebest-known frugivorous mammals.frumentaceousadj/ TfrVmEnStCshEs /Lmade of or resembling wheat orother grain.The seeds of many frumentaceousplants such as corn and oats can beground into meal.fuchsiasn pl/ SfyVshEz /G nameany of numerous decorative shrubswith pendulous tetramerous flowersoften cultivated as potted plants.Grandma lined her windowsill withfuchsias.fuelfugacityn/ fyVSgasEZG /Llack of enduring qualities :transience.The movie star soon experiencedthe fugacity of public adoration.fugitivesn pl/ SfyVjEZivz /Lindividuals who run away from amaster or employer or fromuncongenial surroundings.Sojourner Truth, one of the manyfugitives from slavery, became asfamous for advocating women’srights as she was for denouncinghuman bondage.fulgentadj/ SfUljEnt /Ldazzlingly bright : radiant.Sophia’s diamond earrings werefulgent in the sunlight.fulgurousfulmarfulminatingadj/ SfUlmETnCtiN /L > Ecoming on suddenly and with greatseverity : characterized by a rapidand severe course.Dr. Lane dreaded telling his patientthe diagnosis of pancreatic cancer,a fulminating disease.fumblinglyadv/ SfEmbliNlG /Scand? + Ecffin a manner marked by groping orclumsiness.Katie fumblingly related her excuseto her father.fumigationn/ TfyVmESgCshEn /L > F > Ethe act or process of treating with agas in order to disinfect or destroypests.When Deedee saw a cockroach, shecalled the exterminator andarranged for the fumigation of hernew apartment.fumulusn/ SfyVmyElEs /La thin cloud resembling a veil andforming at any level.The sky was clear except for afumulus over the distant mountains.functionfunctionalfundamentalfundamentallyfuneraryfungibleadj/ SfEnjEbEl /Lof such a kind that one specimen orpart may be used in place ofanother specimen or equal part tosatisfy an obligation—used ofthings that can be counted,weighed, or measured and areconsumed or alienated by use (asfood, coal, oil, lumber).When fungible goods of differentcountries of origin are mixedtogether, it is not practical toidentify the origin of one sample ofthe product.funipendulousadj/ TfyVnESpenjElEs /Lsuspended by a rope or cord.Daniel jokingly called his tireswing a “funipendulousrecreational facility.”Page 108 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyfunneln/ SfEnFl /L > OProv > Ea utensil that has typically a hollowcone with a tube extending fromthe point and is designed to catchand direct the flow of a liquid orother substance.Mary Ann used a funnel to directthe oil into the bottle.furbelown/ SfErbETlP /F > Eruffle; specifically : a flounce onwomen’s clothing.Delia sewed a furbelow to the hemof her skirt.furcateadj/ SfErTkCt /Lbranching like a fork.The toddler held the furcate twig upto his mom and whispered the lettery.furiosofuriouslyadv/ SfyUrGEslG /L > F > E + Ecfin an impassioned manner : angrily.The soldiers furiously pursued theraiders but could not catch them.furlfurlongn/ SfErTlON /Ea unit of distance equal to 1/8statute mile.The horses named “Katie’sDelight” and “Going for Gold”were neck and neck through theentire last furlong of the race.furlongsn pl/ SfErTlONz /Eunits of distance, each being equalto 220 yards.The second race, for fillies only, issix furlongs.furnacefurrowsv/ SfEr(T)Pz /Eshapes into alternate ridges andgrooves; specifically : makeswrinkles in (the brow).When Mr. Burns furrows his browin puzzlement, he reminds hisstudents of a shar-pei.furunclen/ SfyUTrENkEl /La localized inflammatory swellingof the skin and underlying tissuesthat is caused by infection by abacterium in a hair follicle or skingland and that discharges pus and acentral core of dead tissue.A painful furuncle developed insideAmy’s elbow.furyn/ SfyUrG /Lviolent anger : rage.George’s sadness changed to fury,and he stalked about the roomfeeling as if he would explode.fustigatev/ SfEstETgCt /Lcriticize severely.Many restaurants withdrew theiradvertising when the newspaper’sfood critic began to fustigate them.fusumaPage 109 of 289futonn/ SfVTtBn /Jpna mattress filled usually with cottonthat is placed on the floor or in araised frame for use as a bed.Many people whose living andsleeping quarters are in the sameroom find that a futon meets theirneeds nicely.futuramafuzzygabaritgabbygabellegabfestgablegadareneadj/ SgadETrGn /Palestinian geog namerushing precipitously forward :engaged in headlong flight.As the department store opened, acrazed gadarene horde of shoppersrushed headlong to the sales tables.gadgetryn/ SgajDtrG /unknownusually small and often novelmechanical or electronic devices orcontrivances.Anyone who loves gadgetry wouldhave enjoyed the recent Inventor’sExpo.Gaelicadj/ SgClik /ScGael & IrGaelof, relating to, or characteristic ofthe language of the Gaels orespecially of the Celtic Highlandersof Scotland.Steve struggled through the Gaelicprogram for the Highland Gamesbefore he discovered the Englishtranslation.

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencygaffern/ SgafE(r) /E?an electrician in charge of thelighting of motion-picture ortelevision sets.The gaffer tried various lightingtechniques to see which would bemost consistent with the mood ofthe scene.gaillardiagaitersn pl/ SgCZE(r)z /Gmc > F[has homonym: gators] cloth orleather leg coverings reaching fromthe instep to ankle, mid-calf, orknee, usually fastened by buttons orbuckles, and held by a strap underthe shank of the shoe.The bishop was hard at workfastening the lower buttons of hisgaiters as the service was ready tobegin.galactosegalahGalahadn/ SgalEThad /E namea man marked by unusual purityand self-sacrificing devotion to anoble cause.A true Galahad, Jim has spent hisentire life trying to find solutions tothe problem of poverty.galanteriegalantinegalaxiesn pl/ SgalEksGz /Gklarge systems of stars that make upthe universe.The Milky Way is just one of theuniverse’s countless galaxies.galbulusn/ SgalbyElEs /La spherical closed fleshy cone ofthickened or fleshy peltate scales(as in the cypress).As we moved through the swamp,an occasional galbulus fell into ourcanoe.galen/ SgCl /unknown[has homonym: Gael] a strongcurrent of air; specifically : a windhaving a speed from 32 to 63 milesper hour.Despite the fierce gale and highseas, the Coast Guard set out torescue the shipwreck survivors.galenan/ gESlGnE /Gka mineral consisting of native leadsulfide occurring in cubic oroctahedral crystals, bluish gray incolor with metallic luster.Paul gave his brother a nearperfectcube of galena for hismineral collection.galenicaln/ gCSlenDkEl /Gk namea standard medicinal preparation(as extract, tincture) containingusually one or more activeconstituents of a plant and made bya process that leaves the inert andother undesirable constituents ofthe plant undissolved.A galenical was a common type ofmedicine in the Middle Ages.Galileanadj/ TgalESlCEn /Ital nameof or relating to Galileo Galilei,founder of experimental physicsand astronomy.Opera glasses are a modifiedversion of the Galilean telescope.galimatiasgallantadj/ SgalEnt /Gmc > F > Emarked by a blend of the highspirited,brave, dashing, andchivalrous.The press conference featuredspeeches in praise of the gallantadventurers who had rescued thelost hikers.galleyGallinazoadj/ TgB(y)GSnB(T)sP /L > Spof or relating to an ancient cultureof northern Peru characterizedespecially by negative-paintedpottery, irrigation, and textiles.Patty applied for a grant to studyGallinazo pottery at an excavationin Peru.Gallionicadj/ TgalGSBnik /Lmarked by indifference oreasygoing carelessness orirresponsibility.Randall’s Latin teacher told himthat his Gallionic attitude towardhomework would negatively affecthis grade.galvanicadj/ galSvanik /It nameof, relating to, or producing directelectric current by chemical action.Myra constructed a galvanic cellusing a bar of zinc, a bar of copper,two beakers, a U-shaped tube, andsolutions of zinc and copper sulfateand potassium chloride.Page 110 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencygalvanometern/ TgalvESnBmEZE(r) /It name > F + Ecf + Gkan instrument for detecting ormeasuring a small electric currentby movements of a magneticneedle or of a coil in a magneticfield.The lie detector’s galvanometerindicated that the subject was lying.gambrelgamestergamieradj/ SgCmGE(r) /E + Ecffmore malodorous.The smell in the hut was gamierthan Maria could tolerate.gamingammonganancialganglionitisganglygangrenousgangwaygannetgapegapingadj/ SgCpiN /ON > Ewide open.The giant raised his hand towardhis gaping mouth, and the Humbugshut his eyes tightly and claspedboth hands over his head.garbagegarbologistgarburegarganeygargoylegaribaldin/ TgarESbOldG /It namea woman’s blouse copied from thered shirt worn by the Italian patriotGaribaldi.Antonio followed his motherthrough the crowded market,keeping a sharp eye on her brightgaribaldi.garlickygarmentgarnergarnetn/ SgBrnDt /F > Ea brittle mineral usually red in colorand occurring mainly in crystalsand used as a semiprecious stoneand as an abrasive.Alice asked the jeweler to suggest asetting for the garnet she inheritedfrom her great aunt.garnishv/ SgBrnish /Gmc > F > Eadd decorative or savory touchesto.Rita used fresh dill to garnish theplatter of smoked salmon.garnituren/ SgBrnDchE(r) /Fthe material in fireworks thatproduces stars, fiery rain, or otherdisplay after explosion.Lin Yu calculated how muchgarniture would be needed tocreate the special fireworks for theIndependence Day celebration.gasketgaslightgasoholPage 111 of 289gaspn/ Sgasp /Ecatch the breath convulsively andaudibly.Mary caught her breath in a shortgasp and felt herself turn pale.gaspedgastrostomyn/ gaSstrBstEmG /Gkthe surgical formation of anopening through the abdominalwall into the stomach to serve forthe introduction of food.The doctor recommends agastrostomy as the best solution tokeeping Alice alive during hercoma.gateadon/ TgBZGSB(T)dP /L > Spa tropical American timber tree thatyields a hard dense black-streakedwood used to make furniture.The antique library table was madefrom gateado.gatepostgatherumn/ SgaLErEm /E + Ecfa collection of miscellaneous items.Alan referred to his assortment ofbeach glass and driftwood as a“gatherum,” but his mother calledit “Alan’s junk.”gaudn/ SgOd /L > F > E[has homonym: god] ornament;especially : a showy or flashy bit ofjewelry or finery.The blackbird was attracted by thered glass gaud pinned to the shirtof the scarecrow.gauderygaudify

gaudygaullist<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencygauntadj/ SgOnt /Scand? > Ethin and angular.On a high podium in front stood theconductor—a tall, gaunt man withdark deep-set eyes.gauzygavagen/ gESvBzh /Fintroduction of material (asnutrients) into the stomach bymeans of a stomach tube.Gavage is a common method offeeding babies who are unable toswallow enough for good nutrition.gavelgawkinessgbogeargeishageishasgelidadj/ SjelDd /Lextremely cold : icy.When Frank was in Finland, hetook a memorable swim in gelidwater.geligniten/ SjelDgTnIt /La gelatin dynamite in which theadsorbent base is largely potassiumnitrate or a similar nitrate usuallywith some wood pulp.Gelignite was used to blast apassage through the rocks for aroadway.geminationGeminigemmaryn/ SjemErG /Lthe science of precious orsometimes semiprecious stones cutand polished for ornament.Perry has written many articles ongemmary for jewelers’ trademagazines.genealogicaladj/ TjGnGESlBjDkEl /Gkof or relating to an enumeration ofancestors and their descendents inthe natural order of succession.A family tree is a representation ofgenealogical relationships.generalizegeneratorn/ SjenETrCZE(r) /La machine by which mechanicalenergy is changed into electricalenergy.The generator at the cabin ran ongasoline.genesgeneticgenializev/ SjGnyETlIz /L + Ecfcause to be marked by sympatheticcheerfulness, warmth, andfriendliness.Kim’s goal as president is togenialize club members and thusminimize their cliquish behavior.geniusn/ SjGnyEs /L[has near homonym: genus] astrongly marked capacity oraptitude : notable talent.Page 112 of 289Although he always means well,Cedric has a positive genius forgetting into embarrassingsituations.genotypen/ SjEnETtIp /Gk + Gkthe totality of specific transmittersof hereditary characters possessedby an individual or group.Because Richard’s blood type is O,he knows that his genotype isrecessive.gentlestgenuinegenusn/ SjGnEs /La class, kind, or group marked byone or more commoncharacteristics.The housefly belongs to the genusMusca.geocentricadj/ TjGPSsentrik /Gk + Gk + Ecftaking or based on Earth as thecenter of perspective andevaluation.The most highly developedgeocentric system was that ofPtolemy of Alexandria.geographicalgeologistn/ jGSBlEjDst /La specialist in the history of Earthand its life especially as recorded inrocks.The geologist conducted a surveyof the rock masses and mineralresources of the area.geology

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencygeometricallyadv/ TjGESmetrDk(E)lG /Gkin a manner relating to or accordingto the principles of geometry.The art gallery is displaying acollection of geometrically basedabstractions.geophagyn/ jGSBfEjG /Gk + Gkthe practice of eating earthysubstances (as clay) in an attemptto supply elements lacking in anunbalanced diet.Research in geophagy reveals thatsome who practice it are protectingthemselves against plant toxins andothers are trying to meet anincreased need for minerals.geostrophicadj/ TjGPSstrBfik /Gkof or relating to deflective forcedue to the rotation of Earth.Geostrophic winds in the uppertroposphere often reach highvelocities.gerenukn/ SgerETnUk /Somalia long-necked antelope native toeastern Africa.The film showed a gerenukgracefully rising on its hind legs toreach the leaves it feeds on.geriatriciann/ TjerGEStrishEn /Gka specialist in a branch of medicinethat deals with the problems anddiseases of old age and agingpeople.A geriatrician was consulted to findout how to treat Grandpa’sgrumpiness and loss of appetite.germicidalgerminatev/ SjErmETnCt /Lbegin to grow : sprout—usedespecially of a spore or seed.The beans were allowed togerminate in the greenhouse beforebeing transferred to outdoor soil.germproofgerontologyn/ SjerEnStBlEjG /Gka scientific study of the phenomenaof aging and of the problems of theaged.Kathy’s research in gerontologywas complemented by weekly visitswith retirement center residents.gerrymanderedgestationn/ jeSstCshEn /Lthe carrying of young usually in theuterus from conception to delivery :pregnancy.The Indian elephant’s period ofgestation can be as long as 22months.getan pl/ Sge(T)tB /JpnJapanese wooden clogs for outdoorwear.Yukio wore his clunky geta to thepublic baths.getawaygethsemanegeusiolepticadj/ TgyVzGPSleptik /Gkhaving or characterized by pleasantflavor.Drug companies have put mucheffort into producing geusiolepticmedicines for children.geysergeyseriten/ SgIzErIt /ON > Icelandica hydrous silica that constitutes onevariety of opal and is depositedaround some hot springs andgeysers in white or grayishconcretions.While at Yellowstone <strong>National</strong>Park, Kyle took several pictures ofthe gray mounds of geyserite.gherkinghostghostlyadj/ SgPstlG /Eof or relating to a mark or visiblesign left by something dead, lost, orno longer present.The fog gave commonplace objectsa ghostly appearance.giantessgibbetn/ SjibDt /F > Ea frame usually of two uprightposts and a crossbeam from whichis suspended the rope with whichcriminals are executed by hanging.Only through the queen’s mercywas the pirate able to escape thegibbet.gibbonn/ SgibEn /Fany of a genus of tailless apes ofsoutheastern Asia that are thesmallest of the arboreal anthropoidapes.Its powerful upper limbs enable thegibbon to swing from tree to treethrough the forest canopy.gibbosityPage 113 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate FrequencyGibraltarn/ jDSbrOltE(r) /Iberian geog namean impregnable stronghold.Louis viewed his private club as aGibraltar of civility.gibusn/ SjIbEs /F namea man’s collapsible top hat—calledalso “opera hat.”In the 19th century, men often worea gibus to formal occasions.giddilygiddinessn/ SgidGnDs /Ethe quality or state of beingexuberant, impulsive, orthoughtless.The soccer team’s giddinessresulted from winning the match.gigabytegigahertzn/ SgigEThErts /Gk > ISV + G namea unit of frequency equal to 1billion cycles per second.A radio signal with a frequency of1 gigahertz lies in the microwaverange.giganteangigglev/ SgigEl /imitlaugh in an affected or sillymanner.Although she could not see theboys, Mrs. Rowe heard them gigglebehind the sofa.giguen/ SzhGg /F[Note: Could be confused withjig.] a lively dance movementhaving compound triple rhythm andconsisting of two sections, each ofwhich is repeated.The gigue is a major part of severalEuropean folk dances.gildedadj/ SgildDd /Ecovered or tinged with gold or agolden color.The gilded icons in the church’stransepts were ruined by vandalslast weekend.gimbaln/ SgimbEl /L > F > E[has homonym: gimble] acontrivance that permits a body toincline freely in any direction orsuspends something so that it willremain level when its support istipped.A rusty gimbal caused the compassto remain fixed while the boatlisted.gingeradj/ SjinjE(r) /Skt? > Gk > L > Ehaving the reddish brown color ofthe spice ginger.Mrs. Collins would die if anyoneknew that her ginger hair isactually gray.girdergisarmegistgitanon/ hGStB(T)nP /Gk geog name > L > Spa Spanish male gypsy.A strolling gitano played folk songson his violin for the restaurantpatrons.giustoglaciariumgladdenedv/ SgladFnd /Emade happy or cheerful.The aging king was gladdened bythe birth of an heir.glandglandularglarev/ Sgla(a)(E)r /Eshine especially by reflection witha harsh uncomfortably brilliantlight.Late afternoon sun tends o glare offthe windows across from Joan’sapartment.glaryadj/ Sgla(a)rG /Eshining with or reflecting a harshuncomfortably bright light.Jeremy had a difficult time drivingeast in the glary early morninghours.gleamv/ SglGm /Eshine with subdued emitted orreflected light.Captain Cook watched the moongleam on the water in the harbor.gleangleaningsPage 114 of 289

gleefully<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencyglengarryn/ glenSgarG /Scot geog namea woolen cap of Scottish origintypically having a crease in thecrown from front to back and edgesbound with ribbon that ends in theback in two small streamers.Each bagpiper was wearing aglengarry, a kilt, a sporran, andspats.glessiteglintv/ Sglint /Eshine usually by reflection :sparkle.Some rhinestones glint almost asbrightly as diamonds.glitchglitteringadj/ SgliZEriN /ON > Eresplendent, brilliant.Maxine’s glittering Mardi Grasmask was the hit of the party.gloamingn/ SglPmiN /Etwilight, dusk.Bart heard the robins singing in thegloaming.globalizationn/ TglPbElDSzCshEn /L + Ecffthe act of making somethingworldwide in scope or application.One of the nation’s goals is theglobalization of democracy.gloomn/ SglVm /Ean appearance or atmosphere ofmelancholy and despondency.The overhanging trees cast a gloomover the dilapidated house.glossolalian/ TglBsPSlClGE /Gk + Gkecstatic speech that is usuallyunintelligible to hearers and isuttered in worship services ofvarious contemporary religiousgroups laying great stress onreligious excitation and emotionalfervor.Both glossolalia and healing by thelaying on of hands werecommonplace at the tent revival.glossopathyglottalizeGloucestern/ SglBstE(r) /E geog namea hard cheese resembling derby.Garrett topped his ham sandwichwith a slice of Gloucester.glummestadj/ SglEmDst /Emost dismal, dreary, or gloomy.At his glummest, Terry could stillcrack a joke.glutglutenglutinousadj/ SglVt(F)nEs /Lhaving the physical properties ofglue.When Matthew’s mother told himto eat his stewed okra, he droppedhis fork in the glutinous mass andburst into tears.gluttonglycerideglycerinatedv/ Sglis(E)rDTnCZDd /Gk + F + Ecftreated with or preserved inglycerin.The ointment contained gelatin thathad been glycerinated.glycogenolysisn/ TglIkEjESnBlEsDs /Gkthe breakdown of animal starchespecially to glucose in the animalbody.Low blood sugar triggersglycogenolysis in the liver, whichproduces the needed glucose.glycolyticadj/ TglIkESliZik /Gkof, relating to, or inducing theenzymatic breakdown of glucoseand other carbohydrates, with therelease of energy.Athletes often eat foods like pastato counter glycolytic effects.glyphglypticn/ Sgliptik /Gkthe art or process of carving orengraving especially on gems.The amber was enhanced by abeautiful example of glyptic.gnarledgnarlygnashgnatgnatcatcherPage 115 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencygnathicadj/ Snathik /Gkof or relating to the jaw.The zoology students compared thegnathic features of variousanimals.gnathonicgnawedgneissn/ SnIs /G[has homonym: nice] a laminatedor foliated metamorphic rockcorresponding in composition togranite.The geologist easily identified therock sample as a form of gneiss.gnomonicsn pl/ nPSmBniks /Gkthe art of using or making dials,especially sundials.Gnomonics had its beginning whenthe ancient Egyptians started usingshadows for measuring time.gnosticadj/ SnBstik /Gkof or relating to knowledge orcognition : intellectual.Georgina’s teacher said that hergnostic abilities were far greaterthan her grades indicated.goateedadj/ (T)gPStGd /Ehaving a small trim pointed ortufted beard on the chin.The portly, goateed restaurantowner stopped by each table to askhow everything was.goatherdgobletgoblinsn pl/ SgBblDnz /Gk > L > F > Eugly or grotesque sprites.Remembering all the stories ofghosts and goblins influenced hisimagination to run wild.gobon/ SgP(T)bP /unknowna portable black cloth-coveredscreen used to shield a camera fromunwanted light.Flora adjusted the gobo before thenext take.goddessn/ SgBdDs /Ea female god.The Hindu goddess Devi was thesubject of a recent exhibit at theSmithsonian.godsendGoldwynismn/ SgPldwDTnizEm /US namea phrase or expression (as includeme out) involving a grotesque useof a word.One well-known Goldwynism is thesaying “A verbal contract isn’tworth the paper it’s printed on.”golgothan/ gBlSgBthE /Heb > Aram> Gk > La place of burial : cemetery.A chill ran down Henrietta’s spineas she walked through the oldgolgotha.gomphosisgonenessgonergonitisgoodiesgooeygoogolplexgophern/ SgPfE(r) /unknownany of several burrowing rodents.“The old man was as spry as agopher,” said his grandson.goraccognun/ Sn(y)V /Bushman[has homonym: new] any ofseveral large African antelopeswith a head like that of an ox, shortmane, long tail, and horns thatcurve downward and outward andthen up.The brindled gnu, sometimes calleda wildebeest, is one of the fastestanimals in southern Africa.goadgogglesgoldenfleecegoldfinchPage 116 of 289gorgegorgiogorgongoshenitegossoongouache

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate FrequencyGoudan/ SgVdE /Netherlands geog namea whole-milk mild-flavored cheeseshaped in flattened spheres andusually covered by a red protectivecoating.The Gouda and grapes were a hitat Marcy’s party.gourmandgovernmentgovernorgrabblev/ SgrabEl /Dmove the hand (as in searching) ina groping fashion.Every morning Tiffany has tograbble for her glasses.gracefullyadv/ SgrCsfElG /L + Ecffin a manner marked by fitness andproportion of line or movement.Fred Astaire danced gracefully upthe wall and across the ceiling.gracilisn/ SgrasElDs /Lthe most superficial muscle of theinside of the thigh.At the bodybuilding contest thejudges were so critical that theyinsisted on seeing if every muscle,including the gracilis, wasdeveloped.graciosogradeabilitygraduateadj/ Sgraj(E)wDt /Lof, relating to, or engaged in studiesthat go beyond the first orbachelor’s degree and are usuallyspecialized or professional.Although he is only a junior incollege, Cecil is taking severalcourses on the graduate level.gradusGrailn/ SgrCl /L > F > Ethe cup or platter which accordingto medieval legend was used byChrist at the Last Supper, wasbrought to Britain, and thereafterbecame the object of knightlyquests.The Holy Grail is sometimesreferred to as “the silver chalice.”grainygraminivorousgrammaticalgrampusn/ SgrampEs /L > F > Ea cetacean of temperate andtropical seas having a blunt snoutand teeth in the lower jaw only.Squid and octopus are the mainfoods of the grampus.granarygrandeegrandeeshipgrandiloquentadj/ granSdilEkwEnt /Lmarked by a lofty, extravagantlycolorful, pompous, or bombasticstyle, manner, or quality especiallyin language.The senator dedicated themonument with an entertaininglygrandiloquent speech.Page 117 of 289Grandisonianadj/ TgrandESsPnGEn /E nameof, relating to, or befitting a modelgentleman of the 18th century.In a wig and knee britches,Jonathan played the part of theGrandisonian earl perfectly.grandomaniagraniticadj/ graSniZik /L > It + Ecfresembling an igneous crystallinerock formation in austereinflexibility.Rowan’s boss has a terrifyinggranitic personality.granivorousadj/ grESniv(E)rEs /Lfeeding on seeds or grain.Ursula reinforced the silo toprotect it from granivorous pests.granulargranulationn/ TgranyESlCshEn /Lthe act or process of forming orcrystallizing into grains or smallmasses.The granulation of sugar is animportant development in thehistory of food.grapefruitgraphicadj/ Sgrafik /Gkwritten, drawn, or engraved.The graphic symbols of Linear A, aCretan script, have not yet beendeciphered.

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencygraphologistn/ graSfBlEjDst /Gka specialist in the study ofhandwriting especially for thepurpose of character analysis.When Claire signed the form, shewas not told that a graphologistwould be analyzing her signature.graphorrheagraspv/ Sgrasp /Ecomprehend : understand.Victor was able to grasp the newconcept the first time it waspresented.grasshoppergratefulgraticulationgratisadv/ SgraZDs /Lwithout charge or recompense.Some restaurants no longer providewater gratis.gratituden/ SgraZETtVd /Lthankfulness.Tim’s parents make many sacrificesso that he can train for theOlympics, but he shows them littlegratitude.grattoirgratuitouslyadv/ grEStVEZEslG /Lwithout involving a return benefit,compensation, or consideration.The travel agency gratuitouslyprovided the family withtransportation to and from theairport.graustarkGraustarkianadj/ graUSstBrkGEn /fictional nameof or relating to an imaginary placeof high romance.Dr. Furter’s castle was far from theGraustarkian ideal.graveadj/ SgrCv /L > Fhaving a serious, sedate, anddignified appearance or demeanor.The judge appeared grave andimpassive as she pronouncedsentence on the convicted felon.gravidadj/ SgravDd /Lpregnant.The gravid mare seemed to give asigh of relief as her riderdismounted.gravimetryn/ grESvimEtrG /L + Gk + Ecfthe measurement of weight ordensity.Arleen’s physics book has achapter devoted to the study ofgravimetry.gravitationaladj/ TgravEStCshEnFl /Lof or relating to a force manifestedby acceleration towards each otherof two free material particles orbodies.If the gravitational force of Earthwere turned off momentarily, wewould all get a free ride into space.gravitygravuregravyn/ SgrCvG /F > Eany of several thickened saucesserved especially with meat orpotatoes.The so-called “red-eye” gravyoften served with ham and biscuitsis usually made with strong coffeeor cola.graywackegrazegreatgreaven/ SgrGv /E[has homonym: grieve] armor forthe leg below the knee.Memnon removed the soldier’sgreave, exposing the woundunderneath.grebeGrecianadj/ SgrGshEn /Gk > Lof, relating to, or characteristic ofGreeks.Grecian cuisine famously includesoctopus and squid.grecizev/ SgrGTsIz /Gk > L > Fmake Greek or Hellenistic inquality, traits, or culturalcharacteristics.The locals wouldn’t allow invadersto grecize their culture.greedygreenbriergreengagegreenhousePage 118 of 289

<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencygreennessn/ SgrGnnDs /Ethe quality or state of being green.The clear little stream ran quitemerrily along on its narrow waythrough the luscious dampgreenness.gremlingrenadegrenadierialgrenadinegriddlen/ SgridFl /L > F > Ea flat surface on which food isplaced to be cooked by dry heat.Dad makes buttermilk pancakes onthe griddle every Sunday morning.gridironn/ SgriTdI(E)rn /(L > F > E) + E[Note: Although the definitionprovided is the original sense, it isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word.] a gratedmetal frame for grilling food overcoals.Sara’s hot dog rolled off thegridiron and fell on the ground.grievancesn pl/ SgrGvEn(t)sDz /F > Ecauses of uneasiness or distress feltto afford rightful reason forreproach, complaint, or resistance.During his new-employeeorientation, Stan was briefed on theprocedure for filing grievances.griffonagen/ grifESnBzh /F[Note: Could be confused withgriffinage.] careless handwriting : acrude or illegible scrawl.The pharmacist assured us thatwhat looked like griffonage wassimply a string of Latinabbreviations.grimygripn/ Sgrip /E[Note: The definition provided isnot the one most commonlyassociated with this word. Inaddition, word has homonym:grippe.] a worker who moves thescenes in a theater.Til worked as a grip at the CountryDinner Playhouse.grippegrisardgriseofulvingrissinon/ grDSsG(T)nP /Ita long slender crusty breadstickusually of Italian style or origin.For a mid-afternoon snack, agrissino was all that Amelianeeded.grivoiseriegrobianismgrokv/ SgrBk /US literary nameunderstand profoundly andintuitively : establish deepcompassionate rapport with.Robert Heinlein’s most popularbooks are about a character whocould grok his friends in aprofound way.gropev/ SgrPp /Esearch about blindly or uncertainly.The daydreaming student had togrope for an answer when theteacher asked him a question.grossn/ SgrPs /L > F > E[has near homonym: grows] anaggregate of 12 dozen things;specifically : a lot made up of 12dozen usually relatively small andsubstantially identical commercialobjects.Mrs. Lin ordered a gross of gelpens to use for special rewards.grotesquenessn/ grPStesknDs /F&Itthe quality or state of beingcomically incongruous orridiculously ugly.Each horror movie seems to betrying to outdo the others ingrotesqueness.grottogrottoedadj/ SgrBZPd /L > Itenclosed in or made into a naturalcovered opening in the earth.The gangsters fled to their grottoedhideaway.grouchinessgroundlessgroundseln/ SgraUn(d)sEl /Ean herb of the genus Seneciosometimes used for medicinalpurposes.Groundsel is found in swamps andmeadows from Newfoundland toOntario.Page 119 of 289

groupergrouse<strong>2004</strong> <strong>Scripps</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Spelling</strong> <strong>Bee</strong> <strong>Consolidated</strong> Word List: Words Appearing with Moderate Frequencygroutn/ SgraUt /Ethin mortar fluid enough to bepoured and used for filling inspaces as in the joints of masonryor brickwork.Randy carefully spread new groutand set the tiles into the countertop.growthygrubstakegrudgingnessn/ SgrEjiNnDs /Gmc > F > Ethe quality or state of beingunwilling, reluctant, or ungenerous.With some grudgingness, Ron cameto accept Sam as his daughter’sfiance.gruinegryllusgryposisn/ grDSpPsDs /Gkabnormal curvature especially ofthe fingernail.When one of Sarah’s fingernailsexhibited gryposis, her doctorremoved it surgically.guaranteeguaranteedv/ TgarEnStGd /Gmc > Fgiven or furnished security to.Results are not guaranteed, but ifnot perfectly satisfied, your wastedtime will be refunded.gudgeonn/ SgEjEn /L > F > Ean iron pin for fastening togetherblocks of stone.The stoneworker selected a heavygauge of iron for the gudgeon thatwould hold together the parts of thegranite park bench.guenonn/ gESnPM /Fany of various long-tailed chieflyarboreal African monkeys.The guenon is a favorite zoomonkey because of its brightmarkings, good nature, and itshabit of grimacing at observers.guestguichetguidanceguilelessnessn/ SgI(E)llDsnDs /Gmc > F > E + Ecffthe quality or state of beinginnocent, naïve, andunsophisticated.Mrs. Waldron said that she lovedteaching young children because oftheir natural guilelessness.guiltsickguiltyguineaGuineanadj/ SginGEn /African geog nameof, relating to, or characteristic ofthe region of Guinea, West Africa.Guinea pigs are paradoxically notGuinean animals: They originatein South America.guiseguitaristgulagn/ SgVTlBg /Russ acronymthe penal system of the formerSoviet Union consisting of anetwork of labor camps.Stalin chose a 15th-centurymonastery as the site for the firstlabor camp of the gulag.gulesn/ SgyVlz /F > Ethe heraldic color red.One is never allowed to change acoat of arms, since even the use ofgules has a certain meaning.gulpn/ SgElp /D or G > Ethe amount taken in a single largeswallow.Soot took the entire half of abuttered crumpet and decided toswallow it all joyfully in one gulp.gumdropgunpowdergunrunningguppygurgitationgurryn/ SgErG /unknown[has homonym: ghurry] the refusefrom cutting up a whale andextracting the oil.The captain ordered the youngercrewmen to clear the deck of gurry.Page 120 of 289

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