The GPU Computing Revolution - London Mathematical Society

The GPU Computing Revolution - London Mathematical Society

The GPU Computing Revolution - London Mathematical Society

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A KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER REPORT FROM THE LMSAND THE KTN FOR INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS29[111] <strong>The</strong> MathWorks — MATLAB’s parallel computing toolbox.www.mathworks.com/products/parallel-computing/?s_cid=HP_FP_ML_parallelcomptbx, May 2011.[112] <strong>The</strong> MPI Forum — MPI: a message-passing interface standard, Version 2.2.www.mpi-forum.org/docs/mpi-2.2/mpi22-report.pdf, September 2009.[113] <strong>The</strong> Portland Group — PGI Accelerator Compilers.www.pgroup.com/resources/accel.htm, August 2011.[114] Top500.org — Tianhe-1A.www.top500.org/system/10587, April 2010.[115] University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign — <strong>GPU</strong> acceleration of molecular modeling applications.www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/gpu, April 2011.[116] Jeffrey Vetter. Toward exascale computational science with heterogeneous processing. In Proceedings of the3rd Workshop on General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units, page 1. ACM, 2010.[117] Jeffrey Vetter. <strong>The</strong> SHOC benchmark suite.ft.ornl.gov/doku/shoc, April 2011.[118] Wolfram Research — gridMathematica.www.wolfram.com/products/gridmathematica, May 2011.[119] Wolfram Research — Mathematica 7 built-in parallel computing.www.wolfram.com/products/mathematica/newin7/content/BuiltInParallel<strong>Computing</strong>, May 2011.[120] Wolfram Research — Mathematica 8 CUDA and OpenCL support.www.wolfram.com/mathematica/new-in-8/cuda-and-opencl-support, May 2011.[121] Dong Hyuk Woo and H-H. S. Lee. Extending Amdahl’s law for energy-efficient computing in the many-coreera. IEEE Computer, 41(12):24–31, December 2008.[122] ZiiLABS Pte Ltd — ZiiLABS OpenCL SDK.www.ziilabs.com/technology/opencl.aspx, April 2011.

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