FALCOM STEPPII Configuration Command Set

FALCOM STEPPII Configuration Command Set

FALCOM STEPPII Configuration Command Set

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This document is available at HTTP://WWW.<strong>FALCOM</strong>.DE/<strong>STEPPII</strong> operating withfirmware version 2.3.10 and later<strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Command</strong> <strong>Set</strong>User’s guideSupports both GSM and GPRS/Internet servicesVersion: 1.2.1; Last modified: 27/11/2008

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Version history:This table provides a summary of the document revisions.Version Author Changes Modified-1.2.1 F. Beqiri - Minor changes. 27/11/20081.2.0 F. Beqiri - Starting from the firmware version "<strong>STEPPII</strong>_2.4.9_rc4" and above, the following changes havebeen made/added:- Added new backup commands - Cnf.Backup, Cnf.Restore & Cnf.ShowBackup.- Added new event - SYS.Info.e - Occurs when no SIM card inserted or no SIM PINentered.- Improved description of the value "auto" in the GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION parameter.1.1.0 F. Beqiri - Corrected State GPS.Time.sWDay (Monday is the first day of the week and Sunday is theseventh instead of Sunday is the first and Saturday is the seventh day of the week).- Starting from the firmware version "<strong>STEPPII</strong>_2.4.4_final" and above, the following changeshave been made/added:- Added new security commands - Sys.Security.HideAlarm & Sys.Security.UnhideAlarm.- Added new remote update command - Sys.RUpdate.Abort.- Added new CNF commands - Cnf.Lock & Cnf.Unlock.- Added new history event - GPS.History.ePushFinished.- Extended description of commands - TCP.Storage.Dispatch & TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,.- Park area can be created without having a valid GPS fix - the last valid position will be used.- GSM.VoiceCall.Dial command can also dial the phone number of the last incoming SMSwhen the dynamic protocol &(SMSNumber) is used as a phone number entry.- Cnf.Clear command comes with optional settings. Executing it without settings will erase thewhole user configuration without resetting the device.1.0.9 F. Beqiri - Corrected description of the DEVICE.BAT.ENABLE parameter.- <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT behaves differently than <strong>STEPPII</strong> when using Sys.Device.sWakeupReason orSys.Device.eWakeupReason.1.0.8 F. Beqiri - GPS.History.Write - command should NOT be executed more than one time per second – seenotes in chapter Replaced lower-left (LL) and upper-right (UR) coordinates of a rectangle geofence by min andmax respectively - see chapter 3.3.9.- Added note in chapter 3.2 - only PFAL commands with straight quotation marks are acceptedby the device and not with smart (curly) quotation marks.- Starting from the software version 2.4.3_final, the following features are added/changed:- Corrected GPS.Time.sDatespan and GPS.Time.sTimespan – the user defined value isseparated by "=" and not by other comparator.- Added PPP.AUTH configuration parameter – defines the authentification method to be usedover PPP.- Corrected parameter on the GPS.History.Push command – enter"fmt=txt[bin,rmc]" instead of only "txt[bin,rmc]". Updated description of the rmc from the parameter in the GPS.History.Push command – the checksum for each RMCprotocol is DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent. see chapter the last point to the Notes in chapter Updated command MSG.Info.Protocol,, - user-text is notDEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent.- Added new events for Geofence and Area – ID can also be set to "X "meaning that theevent occurs when any of the configured Geofences or Areas is entered/left - see chapters3. and respectively.- Added new Dynamic protocol entries – (LastGF, LastGFName, LastGFState, LastArea,LastAreaName, LastAreaState) - see also chapter 7.2.- Added new chapters and – additional examples for Geofences.- Added new GPRS condition state GSM.GPRS.sTrafic- Added new configuration parameter TCP.CLIENT.SENDMODE - used to select the TCPtransmissions mode.- Added new events Sys.Device.eWakeupReason and Sys.Device.sWakeupReason -determines from which sleep mode the device is woken up - see chapter confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 2 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Version Author Changes Modified- Added new dynamic protocol StartupReason .- Added new command MSG.Send.RawSerial – used to output unformatted data on the serialinterface – See chapter All commands MSG.Send..., GSM.SMS.Send, GSM.DataCall.Send, TCP.Client.Send andTCP.SMTP.Send are DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent.- entry on the GSM.SMS.Send command can be specified to a dynamicprotocol, for example &(SMSNumber) - see chapter GSM.VoiceCall.Channel changed to GSM.VoiceCall.Audio.Profile.- Changed syntax of Responses of binary update command.- Changed from the table for extensions – it goes from 0 to 7 and not 1,2,4,8,10, ...- Analog input voltages are recorded with an accuracy of 0.1V.1.0.7 F. Beqiri - Corrected Sys.Trigger.Save toSys.Trigger=Save- Corrected Sys.Trigger.Load toSys.Trigger=Load.- Altituge given in Table 8 has been corrected from 800 to 8000 meter.1.0.6 F. Beqiri - Supported dynamic entries and protocols are grouped in separate chapters, however eachcommand that uses these entries gives also a hypertext link (shown in blue text) enabling tonavigate that chapter.- The content of the chapter "Explanation of the History Binary Data" is removed and releasedas Application Note – See related documents 1.2, item [5].- Starting from the software version 2.4.0_rc1, the following features are added/changed:- Remote firmware upgrade implemented - See chapter page 34. New Application Noteavailable - See related documents 1.2.)- Sys.Device.Shutdown command behaviour changed (enters immediately sleep mode).- Added command GPS.Reset - used to restart the internal GPS library without performing acomplete system reset.- Added command GPS.History.Push - used to read out the complete history records.- Added GPS.Nav.SaveAlmanac command - used to store almanac information for a fasterTime-To-Fist-Fix.- Added TCP.SMTP.Send and MSG.Send.SMTP command - used to send configurable devicemessages via Emails- Added TCP.SMTP.CONNECT, MSG.SMTP.LOGIN and MSG.SMTP.FROM configurationparameters - configure SMTP services.- Added TCP.SMTP.eSent and TCP.SMTP.eFailed events – occur when an Email issuccessfully sent or it fails to be sent.- Added TCP.CLIENT.ALTERNATIVE parameter - used to specify an alternative server, whichwill be used for automatic TCP connection.- Modified DEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUT parameter - no system reset occurs when specified timeexpires.- Added REPLACE parameter – used to replace a specified number of strings (such as tel,numbers, user text etc.) with a specified replacement string. It helps you change the text justone time instead each Alarm (AL) separately1.0.5 F. Beqiri - Updated chapter 1.2 page 15.- Corrected description of the "GPS.Nav.sSpeed" state; this state is set to True once thecomparison of both values (the current speed and the user set value) results True. Thecomparison is done each second – see chapter page 195.- Starting from the software version 2.3.16_final, the following features are added:- Added Hint: (Restrictions on device when it is powered only from the battery and RING-sleepmode is entered).- Updated command "PFAL.GPS.Nav.SaveLastValid". When storing the last valid almanac data,this command may need up to 30 seconds to complete the process – see chapter page80.- Added parameter "DEVICE.BAT.USEEXT". It specifies whether or not the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device usesan external battery– see chapter page 141.- Added parameter "DEVICE.COMM.DETECTED". It identifies the hardware and BIOS versions–see chapter page 139.- Added parameter "GSM.BALANCE.DIAL". It specifies the GSM dial number for retrievingbalance information – see chapter page F. Beqiri - The time and the positions (dx, dy and dz) of the non-full entries (city, motorway andstationary) are based on the last entry, and not the last full entry as given in the prior version ofthis document.28/11/200617/10/200614/07/200601/06/2006This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 3 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Version Author Changes Modified- To get the speed value of the City entry, read the bit 0 of Byte 0 (and not bit 0 of Byte 1 asgiven in the prior version of this document) as well as the bits from 7 to 4 of the byte 1.- Starting from the software version 2.3.14, the following features are added:- Added "GSM.eCellChange"event. It occurs when the system changes GSM cell – see chapter3. page 200.- Added "GPS.History.eTaut" event. It occurs when the GPS history gets low on memory – seechapter page 197.- Added "SYS.eSerialData" event. It occurs when the system receives Carriage Return/Line Feedcharacters or a specific text on serial line traffic – see chapter page 186.- Added "DeviceName", "SerialData" an "OperatorID" dynamic entries –see chapter page114.- Added Note about the Sys.GSM.Disable command usage– see chapter page 44.- Added a new entry into the DEVICE.COM.SERIAL configuration parameter. The entry allows to enable/disable the "SYS.eSerialData" occurring event in the data mode – seechapter page 135.- Added Note about the values of latitude and longitude. These values are limited to 5-digitsafter the decimal point – see Note on page 176.- <strong>STEPPII</strong> hardware revision "Rev1G" with BIOS 1.4 is now available.1.0.3 F. Beqiri - Removed commands Sys.GPS.Enable{Disable, Reset} and Sys.GSM.Reset. Thesecommands are applicable only for the MAMBO device.- Removed GSM.ROAMINGPREF configuration parameter.- Corrected the syntax of MSG.Info.ServerLogin command (see chapter page 127).- Improved DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.[1,2] parameter description (see chapters page 133and page 133).- Corrected typing mistakes (throughout this user’s guide the text MAKRO corrected to MACRO)- Updated description. Its value is seconds and not milliseconds asshown on the prior version of this manual. By default, this value is 86400 sec instead of 46400.1.0.2 F. Beqiri - DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT chapter page 144 updated.- Starting from the software version 2.3.13, the following features are added.- Updated Sys.Device.Sleep command (Extended Ring mode features – any PFAL commandsent as SMS to the target device terminates this sleep mode, see chapter on page41. It is only applicable for <strong>STEPPII</strong> hardware revision "Rev1G")- DEVICE.GPS.CFG chapter page 143 new added.- DEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUT chapter page 143 new added.- TCP.CLIENT.CONNECT chapter page 164 updated.- TCP.CLIENT.DNS.TIMEOUT chapter page 166 new added.1.0.1 F. Beqiri - Both commands "TCP.Client.sOnline" and "TCP.Client.sOffline" have been corrected to"TCP.Client.sConnected" and "TCP.Client.sDisconnected" respectively.- $GPGSM message has been updated (field 3 can be 0=unregistered; 1=registered; 5=roaming).- The command in chapter on page 41 updated (the Ring and Timer-sleep modes areavailable for <strong>STEPPII</strong> hardware revision "Rev1G" only).- Throughout this document, the commands, events and states related to the battery are availablefor <strong>STEPPII</strong> hardware revision "Rev1G" only.- The new command "Sys.Bat.ChargeState" added. See chapter on page 60.- The VAccu from the entry list returns the voltage in volts of the internal/external battery.- Starting from the software version 2.3.12, the following features are added:- In the entry list, the nautical lon and lat are added.- The parameter PFAL.MSG.SEND.FORMAT has been updated (the settings related tothe ).- The parameter to be specified in the $PFAL,Cnf.Clear command must be wrapped in quotationmarks (e.g. $PFAL,Cnf.Clear,"AL").- The text of the $PFAL,GPS.History.Write,, command is limitedto 99 characters instead of 255 from the prior version.- Chapter 7.6 has been updated (the procedure to convert ECEF values to longitude, latitude andaltitude has been replaced by the new one).03/05/200610/04/200607/03/20061.0.0 F. Beqiri - Initial version of the firmware 2.3.10. 03/02/2006This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 4 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Table Of Contents1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................141.1 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT .....................................................................................................141.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS .........................................................................................................152 GENERAL ..................................................................................................162.1 FEATURES OF THE OPERATING FIRMWARE ..................................................................................162.2 THE PRINCIPLE OF FIRMWARE 2.X.XX OPERATION .........................................................................182.3 INTERNET AND INTRANET APPLICATIONS SETUP WITH <strong>STEPPII</strong> .......................................................202.3.1 Internet based applications ........................................................................................202.3.2 Intranet based applications ........................................................................................212.4 TCP/IP OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................213 COMMAND SYNTAX, PFAL COMMANDS AND SUPPORTEDPARAMETERS– FOR <strong>FALCOM</strong> <strong>STEPPII</strong> ...........................................223.1 PFAL COMMAND SYNTAX AND RESPONSE MESSAGE STRUCTURE ....................................................223.1.1 <strong>Command</strong> syntax of PFAL commands ..................................................................... <strong>Command</strong> types .................................................................................................... Aliases ..................................................................................................................................243.1.2 Using identifiers (optional): ........................................................................................253.1.3 Response message structure ....................................................................................263.2 PFAL COMMANDS ..............................................................................................................273.2.1 "Sys" command type .................................................................................................323.2.1.1 "Security" command index ....................................................................................................323. Sys.Security.Lock,"password" – Lock the system ............................................................323. Sys.Security.Unlock,"password" – Unlock the system .....................................................323. Sys.Security.RemoveLock,"password" – Remove the system lock ..................................333. Sys.Security.HideAlarm,"password" – Hides alarm configurations from being read out ..333. Sys.Security.UnhideAlarm,"password" – Removes the read protection of alarms ...........333.2.1.2 "RUpdate" command index ..................................................................................................343. Sys.RUpdate.Init – Initialize remote firmware update ......................................................343. Sys.RUpdate.Abort – Aborts remote update and allows history being written again ........353. Sys.RUpdate.DataMode, – Define firmware upgrade channel & continueupgrading .......................................................................................................................353. Binary update commands ............................................................................................363. List of binary commands ..............................................................................................373. PFAL,Sys.RUpdate.Finish – Finish Remote Update ........................................................383.2.1.3 "Device" command index .....................................................................................................393. Sys.Device.Reset – System reset ....................................................................................393. Sys.Device.Update – <strong>Set</strong> the system into the update mode ...........................................393. Sys.Device.Shutdown – Immediately sleep mode ...........................................................403. Sys.Device.FactoryReset –Reset configuration to factory defaults ...................................403. Sys.Device.Sleep= – System sleeps until one of set signals detected ................413. Sys.Device.CfgUpdateMode – <strong>Set</strong> configuration into update mode .................................433.2.1.4 "GSM" command index .......................................................................................................443. Sys.GSM.Enable – Power on the GSM engine ................................................................443. Sys.GSM.Disable – Power off the GSM engine ................................................................443.2.1.5 "GPS" command index .........................................................................................................453. Sys.GPS.Reset – Reset the GPS engine .........................................................................453.2.1.6 "Timer" command index .......................................................................................................453. Sys.Timer.Configure, – Configure a timer ..............................46This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 5 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Timer.Start=– Start/restart a timer .....................................473. Sys.Timer.Stop– Stop a running timer .................................................................483. Sys.Timer.Pause– Pause (suspend) a running timer ...........................................483. Sys.Timer.Resume– Restart the execution of a paused timer .............................483. Sys.Timer.Arm– Arm an initialized and disarmed timer ........................................493. Sys.Timer.Disarm– Disarm an initialized and armed timer ...................................493. Sys.Timer.Erase– Erase the configuration of a timer ..........................................493. Sys.Timer.Save– Save a timer state to a storage index ............503. Sys.Timer.Load– Load the saved timer state from a storageindex ................................................................................................................................503. Sys.Timer.State – Read the state of a used timer .............................................513.2.1.7 "Trigger" command index .....................................................................................................523. Sys.Trigger= –Activate/deactivate a system trigger .......................523. Sys.Trigger– Read current trigger state ..............................................................523. Sys.Trigger=Save– Save the state of trigger to a storage index 533. Sys.Trigger=Load– Load a saved trigger from a storage index .533.2.1.8 "Counter" command index ....................................................................................................543. Sys.Counter.<strong>Set</strong>= – <strong>Set</strong> the value of a counter .......................................543. Sys.Counter.Increment= – Increment existing value of a counter ....553. Sys.Counter.Decrement= – Subtract existing value of a counter ....553. Sys. Counter.State – Read the state of a used counter ......................................563. Sys.Counter.Save– Save the state of the counter to a storage index ..................563. Sys.Counter.Load– Load a saved counter from a storage index.........................................................................................................................................563. Sys. Counter.Clear – <strong>Set</strong>s a specified counter to 0 ..............................................573.2.1.9 "MACRO" command index ...................................................................................................583. Sys.Macro– Activate a configured macro ............................................................583.2.1.10 "UserEvent" command index ..............................................................................................593. Sys.UserEvent – Create a user-event for specific application requirements .....593.2.1.11 "BAT" command index .......................................................................................................603. Sys.Bat.Voltage – Query the battery voltage .................................................................603. Sys.Bat.ChargeState - Querry whether or not the external/internal battery is still charging.........................................................................................................................................603. Sys.Bat.Always – Enable supplying power from the internal battery .............................603. Sys.Bat.Auto –Battery usage is ACCU ON/OFF pin dependant ....................................603.2.2 "CNF" command type ................................................................................................613.2.2.1 Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>, - <strong>Set</strong> configuration settings on device .........................613.2.2.2 Cnf.Get, - Get configuration settings from device ................................653.2.2.3 Cnf.Clear, - Clear the present configuration settings of the parametername ..................................................................................................................................683.2.2.4 Cnf.Backup - Backes up the current user configuration .......................................................683.2.2.5 Cnf.Restore - Backes up the current user configuration .......................................................693.2.2.6 Cnf.ShowUser - Show the configuration of the modified/added parameters ........................693.2.2.7 Cnf.ShowDefault - Show default settings .............................................................................693.2.2.8 Cnf.Show - Show all used parameter settings ......................................................................703.2.2.9 Cnf.ShowBackup - Show backed-up parameter settings .....................................................703.2.2.10 Cnf.Search, – Search for a parameter name ......................................703.2.2.11 Cnf.Lock, – Search for a parameter name ..........................................713.2.2.12 Cnf.Unlock, – Search for a parameter name ......................................713.2.3 "IO" command type ....................................................................................................723.2.3.1 "IN" command index .............................................................................................................723. IO.IN – Read the current value of the specified input port ...................................723.2.3.2 "OUT" command index .........................................................................................................723. IO.OUT – Read the current value of the specified output port .............................723. IO.OUT= – <strong>Set</strong> the configuration type on the specified output port 733.2.3.3 "GPIO" command index ........................................................................................................74This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 6 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION IO.GPIO – Read the current value of the specified output port ............................743. IO.GPIO= – <strong>Set</strong> the configuration type on the the specified GPIOport ..................................................................................................................................743.2.3.4 "ANA" command index .........................................................................................................753. IO.ANA.Min - ADC minimum calibration ...............................................................753. IO.ANA.Max - ADC maximum calibration .............................................................763. IO.ANA.Voltage= – <strong>Set</strong> the maximum voltage .......................................763.2.4 "GPS" command type ................................................................................................773.2.4.1 "Nav" command index ..........................................................................................................773. GPS.Nav.Position – Read the distance of the device from a stored location.........................................................................................................................................773. GPS.Nav.Position= – Save temporarily/clear a device position .....773. GPS.Nav.Position=save – Move and store GPS positiondata from buffer to storage index ....................................................................................783. GPS.Nav.Position=load – Load data from storage to bufferindex for temporarily use .................................................................................................793. GPS.Nav.Distance – Show the present distance calculated from start point ....................803. GPS.Nav.Distance – <strong>Set</strong>/reset the distance to user defined value ......................803. GPS.Nav.SaveLastValid – Save last valid position, if no GPS-fix valid ...........................803. GPS.Nav.SaveAlmanac – Save the latest almanac data ..................................................813.2.4.2 "History" command index .....................................................................................................833. GPS.History.Write,, – Store GPS position data in thehistory memory space ....................................................................................................833. GPS.History.Clear– Clear the history memory space ......................................................843. GPS.History.GetStart– Show the oldest date stored in the history memory space ..........853. GPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Read,,- – Select the number ofrecords from the history memory space to be downloaded ............................................853. GPS.History.Read – Download selected history records in parts .....................................863. Reading history records in textual format ....................................................................883. Further notes for converting history data with special remark to data/event loggingfeatures ........................................................................................................................903. GPS.History.Push – Download all selected history records at once .................................903.2.4.3 "Geofence" command index ................................................................................................923. GPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong> – Place/activate an electronic circle around your vehicle (Parkingarea) ................................................................................................................................923. GPS.Geofence.Park.Remove– Disable an activated park area ........................................923. GPS.Geofence.GeoState,– Read the state of a Geofence ................................933. GPS.Geofence.AreaState,– Read the state of an area ....................................933.2.5 "GSM" command type ...............................................................................................943.2.5.1 "GSM" general command indices .........................................................................................943. GSM.PIN= - Enter the PIN number of the used SIM card .....................................943. GSM.PUK=, - Enter the PUK and PIN numbers ......................................943. GSM.IMEI - Request product serial number identification ................................................943. GSM.SIMID – get the ID of SIM Card ...............................................................................953. GSM.OwnNumber– Get caller's phone number ................................................................953. GSM.Balance– Get account balance of an used prepaid SIM card ..................................953.2.5.2 "Voice Call" command index ................................................................................................963. GSM.VoiceCall.Dial, - Performs a GSM Voice call ...................................963. GSM.VoiceCall.Accept - Accept an incoming voice call ...................................................963. GSM.VoiceCall.Hangup – Hang-Up an active voice call ..................................................963. GSM.VoiceCall.Audio.Porfile= – <strong>Set</strong> or Read the audio channel ..............973. GSM.VoiceCall.Ringtone=, - <strong>Set</strong> or read the ring tone configuration .....973. GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Speaker=,, - <strong>Set</strong> or read theloudspeaker configuration ...............................................................................................98This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 7 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Microphone=, - <strong>Set</strong> or read the microphoneconfiguration ....................................................................................................................993.2.5.3 "SMS" command index .......................................................................................................1003. GSM.SMS.Send,,, - Send a SMS to the phone number.......................................................................................................................................1003. GSM.SMS.Inbox.Clear – Clear all stored SMS Messages .............................................1013. GSM.SMS.Inbox.State – Show all stored SMS Messages ............................................1013. GSM.SMS.Outbox.Clear – Clear all outgoing SMS Messages stored into the SMS memory.......................................................................................................................................1013. GSM.SMS.Outbox.State – Show all stored SMS Messages ..........................................1013.2.5.4 "Data Call" command index ................................................................................................1023. GSM.DataCall.Send,, - Sending messages via an established data call.......................................................................................................................................1023. GSM.DataCall.Accept - Accept an incoming Data call ...................................................1023. GSM.DataCall.Hangup – Hang-Up an active voice call .................................................1033.2.5.5 "GPRS" command index ....................................................................................................1043. GSM.GPRS.Connect - GPRS attach ..............................................................................1043. GSM.GPRS.Disconnect - GPRS detach .........................................................................1043. GSM.GPRS.State - GPRS state .....................................................................................1053. GSM.GPRS.Traffic=,, – <strong>Set</strong> or read the GPRS trafficcounter ..........................................................................................................................1053.2.6 "TCP" command type ..............................................................................................1063.2.6.1 "TCP" command index .......................................................................................................1063. TCP.Client.Connect - Perform connection to the server .................................................1063. TCP.Client.Disconnect - Disconnect from the server ......................................................1063. TCP.Client.State – Read TCP connection state ..............................................................1073. TCP.Client.Send,, - Send a TCP packet to the connected remoteserver ............................................................................................................................1073.2.6.2 "STORAGE" command index ............................................................................................1083. TCP.Storage.Dispatch - Sends a TCP packet to the connected server ..........................1083. TCP.Storage.Clear - Send a TCP packet to the connected remote server .....................1093. TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,, - Add a protocol and/or user text to the TCPstorage ..........................................................................................................................1103. TCP.Storage.AddRecord,, - Append a binary data frame to the TCPstorage ..........................................................................................................................1113.2.6.3 "SMTP" command index .....................................................................................................1123. TCP.SMTP.Send,,, - Send an Email to the connectedremote server ................................................................................................................1123.2.7 "MSG" command type .............................................................................................1143.2.7.1 "Send" command index ......................................................................................................1143. MSG.Send.Serial,, - Redirects command responses to the serialinterface .........................................................................................................................1143. MSG.Send.RawSerial,, - Redirects command responses to the serialinterface in unformatted data structure .........................................................................1153. MSG.Send.CSD,, - Redirect command responses to CSD channel .1163. MSG.Send.TCP,, - Redirect command responses to TCP channel 1173. MSG.Send.SMTP,,, - Redirect command responsesto an Email address. ......................................................................................................1183.2.7.2 "Mode" command index ......................................................................................................1203. MSG.Mode.Serial=, - Defines a communication mode onthe serial channel ..........................................................................................................1203. MSG.Mode.CSD=, - Defines a communication mode on theCSD channel ................................................................................................................1223. MSG.Mode.TCP=, - Defines a communication mode on theTCP channel ..................................................................................................................1233.2.7.3 "Version" command index .................................................................................................125This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 8 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION MSG.Version.Complete - Get all version informatin of the target device ........................1253. MSG.Version.Modules - Get the modules versions of the target device .........................1253. MSG.Version.InternalComm - Get the intenal communication version of the target device.......................................................................................................................................1253. MSG.Version.BIOS - Get the firmware version of the microcontroller of the target device.......................................................................................................................................1253. MSG.Version.HardwareRev - Get the hardware revision of the target device ................1263. MSG.Version.Hardware - Get the hardware version of the target device .......................1263. MSG.Version.Software - Get the software version of the target device ..........................1263. MSG.Version.SoftwareID - Get the software ID ..............................................................1263.2.7.4 "Info" command index .........................................................................................................1273. MSG.Info.ServerLogin – Identify the device into the <strong>FALCOM</strong>’s Server .........................1273. MSG.Info.Protocol,, - Transmits selected protocols to the sender ...1273. MSG.Info.Time – Display the current system time ..........................................................1283. MSG.Info.Alarm, - Transmit selected protocols to the sender .................1283.2.7.5 "Channel" command index .................................................................................................1293. MSG.Channel.SerialGSM – Channel messages from serial port directly to GSM engine.......................................................................................................................................1293.3 DEFINE CONFIGURATION SETTINGS THAT CONTROL THE BEHAVIOR OF YOUR APPLICATION ......................1303.3.1 DEVICE parameters ................................................................................................1313.3.1.1 DEVICE.NAME ...................................................................................................................1313.3.1.2 DEVICE.SERIAL.BAUDRATE ............................................................................................1313.3.1.3 DEVICE.INOUT.BASE ......................................................................................................1313.3.1.4 DEVICE.INOUT.ALARM ....................................................................................................1323.3.1.5 DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.1 ...................................................................................................1333.3.1.6 DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.2 ...................................................................................................1333.3.1.7 DEVICE.CMD.PFAL.EN ....................................................................................................1343.3.1.8 DEVICE.COMM.SERIAL ...................................................................................................1353.3.1.9 DEVICE.COMM.CSD ........................................................................................................1373.3.1.10 DEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT .........................................................................................1383.3.1.11 DEVICE.COMM.DETECTED ...........................................................................................1393.3.1.12 DEVICE.IGNTIMEOUT .....................................................................................................1403.3.1.13 DEVICE.BAT.ENABLE .....................................................................................................1403.3.1.14 DEVICE.BAT.USEEXT .....................................................................................................1413.3.1.15 DEVICE.GSM.ENABLE ....................................................................................................1413.3.1.16 DEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECT .......................................................................................1423.3.1.17 DEVICE.GPS.CFG ...........................................................................................................1433.3.1.18 DEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUT ..................................................................................................1433.3.1.19 DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT .......................................................................................1443.3.2 ALIAS parameter ....................................................................................................1453.3.2.1 ALIAS. .....................................................................................................................1453.3.3 DBG parameter ......................................................................................................1463.3.3.1 DBG.EN .............................................................................................................................1463.3.4 PROT parameters ..................................................................................................1463.3.4.1 PROT.GGA ........................................................................................................................1473.3.4.2 PROT.GSA ........................................................................................................................1473.3.4.3 PROT.GSV ........................................................................................................................1473.3.4.4 PROT.RMC .......................................................................................................................1483.3.4.5 PROT.GLL .........................................................................................................................1483.3.4.6 PROT.VTG ........................................................................................................................1483.3.4.7 PROT.IOP .........................................................................................................................1493.3.4.8 PROT.GSM .......................................................................................................................1493.3.4.9 PROT.AREA ......................................................................................................................1493.3.4.10 PROT.BIN ........................................................................................................................1493.3.4.11 PROT.START.BIN ...........................................................................................................1503.3.5 GSM parameters .....................................................................................................1503.3.5.1 GSM.PIN ............................................................................................................................1503.3.5.2 GSM.BALANCE.DIAL .........................................................................................................1513.3.5.3 GSM.CALLID.EN ...............................................................................................................1513.3.5.4 GSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLIST .........................................................................................151This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 9 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION ........................................................................................1523.3.5.6 GSM.OPLOST.RESTART .................................................................................................1533.3.5.7 GSM.SMS.RESPONSE ......................................................................................................1543.3.5.8 GSM.RINGTONE ...............................................................................................................1543.3.5.9 GSM.PROFILE.AUDIO ..................................................................................1553.3.5.10 GSM.PROFILE.CURRENTAUDIO ...................................................................................1563.3.6 GPRS parameters ...................................................................................................1573.3.6.1 GPRS.APN ........................................................................................................................1573.3.6.2 GPRS.AUTOSTART ..........................................................................................................1573.3.6.3 GPRS.DIAL .......................................................................................................................1573.3.6.4 GPRS.TIMEOUT ...............................................................................................................1583.3.6.5 GPRS.QOSMIN .................................................................................................................1583.3.6.6 GPRS.QOS .......................................................................................................................1603.3.7 PPP parameters ......................................................................................................1623.3.7.1 PPP.USERNAME ..............................................................................................................1623.3.7.2 PPP.PASSWORD .............................................................................................................1623.3.7.3 PPP.AUTOPING ................................................................................................................1633.3.7.4 PPP.AUTH .........................................................................................................................1633.3.8 TCP parameters ......................................................................................................1643.3.8.1 TCP.CLIENT.CONNECT ....................................................................................................1643.3.8.2 TCP.CLIENT.ALTERNATIVE .............................................................................................1653.3.8.3 TCP.CLIENT.PING ............................................................................................................1663.3.8.4 TCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUT ....................................................................................................1663.3.8.5 TCP.CLIENT.DNS.TIMEOUT ............................................................................................1663.3.8.6 TCP.CLIENT.LOGIN .........................................................................................................1673.3.8.7 TCP.CLIENT.SENDMODE .................................................................................................1683.3.8.8 TCP.STORAGE ..................................................................................................................1683.3.8.9 TCP.SMTP.CONNECT .......................................................................................................1693.3.8.10 TCP.SMTP.LOGIN ...........................................................................................................1693.3.8.11 TCP.SMTP.FROM ............................................................................................................1703.3.9 GF parameters (GeoFence) ....................................................................................1713.3.9.1 How to do GeoFence with the <strong>STEPPII</strong> ............................................................................1713.3.9.2 Determine the Zone’s Grid Coordinates .............................................................................1713.3.9.3 <strong>Set</strong> up the Geofencing zones and areas ............................................................................1733.3.9.4 GF.CONFIG .......................................................................................................................1733.3.9.5 GF.AREA ....................................................................................................................1743.3.9.6 GF ...............................................................................................................................1753.3.10 AL parameter (Alarm configuration) ..........................................................1803.3.10.1 AL= : -<strong>Set</strong> Alarm <strong>Configuration</strong> ..............................................1803. Supported System Events and States ...........................................................................1853. Sys (System states and events) ..............................................................................1863. Sys.eSerialData (SerialData states and events) ....................................................................1863. Sys.UserEvent (UserEvent states and events) .......................................................................1863. Sys.Info (Info states and events) ............................................................................................1873. Sys.Device (Device’s states and events) ................................................................................1883. Sys.Timer (Timer’s states and events) ...................................................................................1893. Sys.Trigger (Trigger’s states and events) ...............................................................................1893. Sys.Counter (counter’s events and states) .............................................................................1903. Sys.Bat (Battery states and events) .......................................................................................1913. IO (IN/OUT states and events) ................................................................................1923. IO.IN (Input states and events) ...............................................................................................1923. IO.GPIO (GPIO states and events) ........................................................................................1933. IO.ANA (Analogue Input states and events) ...........................................................................1943. GPS (GPS states and events) .................................................................................1953. GPS.Nav (Navigation states and events) ...............................................................................1953. GPS.Time (GPS Time states and events) ..............................................................................1963. GPS.History (History states and events) ................................................................................1973. GPS.Geofence (Geofence states and events) .......................................................................1983. GPS.Area (Area states and events) .......................................................................................1993. GSM (GSM states and events) ................................................................................200This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 10 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM (Operator’s states and events) ......................................................................................2003. GSM.eCell (Cell’s states and events) .....................................................................................2003. GSM.VoiceCall (Voice Call states and events) .......................................................................2013. GSM.SMS (SMS states and events) ......................................................................................2023. GSM.DataCall (Data Call states and events) .........................................................................2033. GSM.GPRS (GPRS states and events) ..................................................................................2043. TCP (TCP states and events) ..................................................................................2053. TCP.Client (TCP Client states and events) ............................................................................2053. TCP.SMTP (SMTP states and events) ...................................................................................2053.3.11 REPLACE Parameter ............................................................................................2063.3.11.1 REPLACE ............................................................................................................2063.3.12 MACRO parameter (Macro configuration) .............................................................2073.3.12.1 MACRO ...............................................................................................................2074 HOW TO TEST THE <strong>FALCOM</strong> <strong>STEPPII</strong> USING FIRMWARE 2.3.10 ANDLATER .................................................................................................2094.1 WHAT KIND OF RULES SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TO PREPARE YOUR APPLICATIONS WITH <strong>STEPPII</strong>: ........2094.2 START A GPRS/TCP CONNECTION .....................................................................................2095 HOW TO SEND SMS MESSAGE TO THE <strong>STEPPII</strong> DEVICE ...............2116 NMEA MESSAGES TRANSMITTED/SELECTED BY/ON <strong>STEPPII</strong> DEVICE..............................................................................................................2126.1 DESCRIPTION OF NMEA OUTPUT MESSAGES ..........................................................................2126.1.1 $GPGGA message ..................................................................................................2136.1.2 $GPRMC message ..................................................................................................2136.1.3 $GPGSV message ..................................................................................................2146.1.4 $GPGSA message ..................................................................................................2146.1.5 $GPVTG message ..................................................................................................2156.1.6 $GPGLL message ...................................................................................................2156.1.7 $GPIOP message ....................................................................................................2166.1.7.1 GPIOP format ....................................................................................................................2166.1.8 $GPGSM message ..................................................................................................2176.1.9 $GPAREA message ................................................................................................2176.1.10 BIN protocol and its format ....................................................................................2177 APPENDIX ................................................................................................2197.1 HOW TO UPDATE A NEW FIRMWARE INTO THE <strong>STEPPII</strong> .............................................................2197.2 SUPPORTED DYNAMIC ENTRIES ..............................................................................................2197.3 SUPPORTED PROTOCOLS .....................................................................................................2227.4 SUPPORTED CHARACTER SETS ..............................................................................................2227.4.1 GSM alphabet tables and UCS2 character values ..................................................2247.5 HOW TO CONVERT THE COORDINATES .....................................................................................2277.6 EXPLANATION OF THE HISTORY BINARY DATA ..........................................................................2277.6.1 Maximum values & the time the history space will be used up ................................2287.7 <strong>STEPPII</strong> COMMUNICATION MODES AND THEIR FUNCTIONALITY ......................................................2297.8 DEFAULT SETTINGS OF THE FIRMWARE VERSION 2.3.10 ..............................................................2307.9 PIN ASSIGNMENTS OF THE <strong>STEPPII</strong> CORRESPONDING TO THE FIRMWARE VERSION 2.3.10 AND GREATER.................................................................................................................................2327.10 <strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES .................................................................................2337.10.1 Basic <strong>Configuration</strong> Examples ...............................................................................2337.10.1.1 Alarm Syntax ....................................................................................................................2337.10.1.2 Alarm Index numbers .......................................................................................................233This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 11 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Timer ...............................................................................................................................2337. Single Timer .................................................................................................................2347. Cyclic Timer ..................................................................................................................2347.10.1.4 Digital Inputs .....................................................................................................................2347. An occurred event activates an output ..........................................................................2347. Check states in combination with an event ...................................................................2347.10.1.5 History ..............................................................................................................................2347. History entries based on the distance ..........................................................................2347.10.1.6 Voice calls ........................................................................................................................2347. Accept incoming voice calls ..........................................................................................2347. Refuse voice calls after the second ring ........................................................................2357.10.1.7 CSD (Data calls) ...............................................................................................................2357. Accept incoming data calls ............................................................................................2357. Refuse data calls after the second ring .........................................................................2357.10.1.8 SMS ..................................................................................................................................2357. SMS responses for self defined commands ..................................................................2357.10.1.9 GPRS & TCP ....................................................................................................................2357. GPRS status LED ..........................................................................................................2357. TCP status LED .............................................................................................................2357. Control GPRS and TCP connections manually .............................................................2357. Notify the used TCP server about occurred events .......................................................2367. TCP server responses for self defined commands .......................................................2367.10.2 Advanced Examples ..............................................................................................2367.10.2.1 Analogue Inputs ................................................................................................................2367.10.2.2 Navigation speed ..............................................................................................................2367. Check the over speed of the device each 5 seconds ....................................................2367.10.2.3 Timer ................................................................................................................................2377. <strong>Set</strong> delayed actions .......................................................................................................2377. <strong>Set</strong> periodical actions ....................................................................................................2377.10.2.4 Trigger ..............................................................................................................................2377. Prevent alarms to be executed all the time ...................................................................2377. Save and load important trigger states ..........................................................................2377.10.2.5 Counter .............................................................................................................................2377. Limit the number of automatically sent SMS .................................................................2377.10.2.6 Actions based on distance ................................................................................................2387. Report a position each 1000 metres via SMS ...............................................................2387.10.2.7 History for combined conditions .......................................................................................2387. Time based history entries ............................................................................................2387. Time and distance based history entries .......................................................................2387.10.2.8 Geofencing .......................................................................................................................2397. Use the park position feature as alarm ..........................................................................2397. Defining own Areas and Geofences .............................................................................2397. Time and Date related Geofence Alarms ......................................................................2407.10.2.9 GPRS & TCP ....................................................................................................................2407. TCP-GPRS status LED .................................................................................................2407. TCPStorage: send special device information to server periodically ...........................2417.10.3 Special consideration when using firmware features .............................................2427.10.3.1 Using commands inside alarms ........................................................................................2427.10.3.2 SMS send .........................................................................................................................2427.10.3.3 CSD send .........................................................................................................................2437.10.3.4 Storing information to non volatile memory ......................................................................2437.11 ISP, GPRS CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS OF GERMAN SERVICE PROVIDERS ................................2437.12 USED ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................243This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 12 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1CautionsInformation furnished herein by <strong>FALCOM</strong> is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Please, read carefully the safetyprecautions.If you have any technical questions regarding this document or the productdescribed in it, please contact your vendor.General information about <strong>FALCOM</strong> and its range of products are available at thefollowing Internet address: http://www.falcom.de/TrademarksSome mentioned products are registered trademarks of their respective companies.CopyrightThis document is copyrighted by <strong>FALCOM</strong> WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS GmbH with allrights reserved. No part of this documentation may be produced in any form withoutthe prior written permission of <strong>FALCOM</strong> WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS GmbH.<strong>FALCOM</strong> WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS GmbH.No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information containedherein.NoteSpecifications and information given in this document are subject to change by<strong>FALCOM</strong> without notice.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 13 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.11 INTRODUCTIONThis document represents the description of the firmware version 2.3.10 und aboveand the supported <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Command</strong> <strong>Set</strong> for the <strong>FALCOM</strong> <strong>STEPPII</strong> as well.<strong>FALCOM</strong> firmware has been developed to accommodate a wide variety ofapplications, but it is often necessary to change firmware parameters in order tocustomize devices for customer applications.Before using the <strong>STEPPII</strong> or upgrading to a new firmware version, please, read thelatest product information, see related documents 1.2, page 15.More information can be available at the <strong>FALCOM</strong> website: http://www.falcom.de/TABLE OF CONTENTS (TOC) OR PDF BOOKMARKS ABOVE WILL HELP YOU LOCATE THECHAPTER/SECTION YOU NEED.1.1 Scope of the documentDue to the large size of this document and its huge information, it has beenseparated into 7 chapters. Each chapter includes a brief description to help you findthe needed information quickly. Throughout the document uses the hypertext links(shown in blue text) enabling to navigate the chapters/sections or set parameterdescription.The document is separated into the following chapters:Chapter 2 "General" presents the firmware’s basic benefits, lists key featuresand describes the principle of its operation. Figuratively are represented thegeneral system requirements for each access method. It also provides abrief overview of the TCP/IP protocol.Chapter 3 "<strong>Command</strong> syntax, PFAL <strong>Command</strong>s and supported parameters– for<strong>FALCOM</strong> <strong>STEPPII</strong>" represents the structure of input commands. A detaileddescription of the PFAL commands and supported parameters are alsogiven. Default values and example about commands are listed after eachcommand description. It also includes the steps for the creation ofapplications, more especially how to specify alarm sources and theconfiguration possibilities by using a range of events, states and actions thatare supported by funning firmware. Each category of events and states isdescribed separately. The differences between Events and States are alsogiven. It also gives you information about how many possible combinationscan be made and what happens when the raised events and states arecalled by an application that is running.Chapter 4, "How to test the Falcom <strong>STEPPII</strong> using firmware 2.3.10" describeshow to transfer input messages from your PC to your <strong>STEPPII</strong>, how to test andevaluate it. How to set alarms when an event occurs and how to configureinput lines to release alarms/actions. It also describes how to communicateremotely from your PC to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device via a TCP-server.Chapter 5, "How to send SMS message to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device" presents howSMS messages can be sent from your mobile phone to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.More precisely, how to configure <strong>STEPPII</strong> device via GSM (SMS). Chapter 6 "NMEA messages transmitted/selected by/on <strong>STEPPII</strong>device"describes the output protocols (NMEA messages) supported by the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 14 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Chapter 7 "Appendix" represents how to reprogram the internal FLASHmemory of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device with new firmware, the supported characterset, the default setting of the released firmware, configuration examples etc.1.2 Related documents[1] <strong>STEPPII</strong>_hardware_manual.pdf[2] SteppII_getting_started.pdf[3] AppNotes_Vehicle_mounting.pdf[4] AppNotes_<strong>STEPPII</strong>_Battery_usage.pdf[5] AppNotes_Transform_history_data.pdf[6] AppNote_Remote_update.pdf[7] AppNotes_<strong>STEPPII</strong>_BIOS_communication.pdf[8] AppNotes_connecting_a_bar_code_scanner_to a_<strong>STEPPII</strong>.pdfThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 15 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.12 GENERALThe <strong>STEPPII</strong> operating with firmware version 2.3.10 and greater (using eCos operatingsystem) offers a speedy development of system solutions within the fields of:➢➢➢➢➢Fleet management with GPS-locationVehicle securityInternet applications (built-in TCP-IP and PPP stack internet capableprotocols)Real-time navigationand many others …2.1 Features of the operating firmwareThe internal firmware (using eCos operating system) operating with the <strong>STEPPII</strong>terminal is a fundamental component which in combination with the excellenthardware performance makes the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to be on the best applicationwhere the vehicle security and fleet management today is required. It is anapplication designed to be deployed in the field of fleet management. Of course, itis also plausible to use the application to monitor stationary devices (such as gastanks, industrial machines, etc.).The firmware supported by the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device provides the following main features: Advanced to work in different ways with different operation modes(Local, GSM and GPRS/TCP communications). Allows full Internet access over GPRS, Advantages in terms of cost and speed, with low costs option for Webbasedclient-server applications (always on-line - pay for the data yousend or receive, rather than the time spent on-line). It offers remote configuration and communication over GSM and TCPconnection,more specifically; SMS message, TCP packet generation andvoice calls as well as handling of incoming SMS, voice calls and TCPpackets. It offers remote firmware update Supports power saving features (up to three different sleep modes) Automatically switching between GSM and GPRS working modes. Automatically connecting/disconnecting to/from the GPRS/TCP services. Buffering GPS positions* in case of GPRS/TCP connection drops Offers GPRS cell selection and re-selection processes(GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION configuration-dependent). <strong>Command</strong>s and messages can be routed from one communicationinterface to another Tracking down the initialization/execution of firmware, monitoring runtimeerrors from different communication interfaces (Locally, GSM and TCP) Locate object (vehicle etc.) position by GPS and send its position byGPRS to remote servers and World Wide Web (IP-based application) orvia SMS, Email or via an established data call. Offers location and tracking of objects (tracks, boats, vehicle etc.) on-linefrom Internet using WebMap.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 16 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1*) Supports large quantities of object (tracks, boats, vehicle etc.) fortracking and controlling simultaneously in a short time. Supports simple to complex alarm settings Get and set alarm trigger events from/to remote object (tracks, boats,vehicle etc.). Flexible system configuration (up to 100 flexible and various alarms withlogical conjunction possible). Supports a wide range of states and events for a global set of your alarmsystem Supports a wide range of actions to be executed in case of the eventsraise and states change. Detecting the status changes of digital inputs within a short period of time(min. 200msec). Supporting an intelligent power down mode (ignition line with systemshutdown event). Up to 20 TIMERs available - TIMERs properties and their configurationmethods affect the functionality to activate events handler and executeactions at regular interval. Up to 20 TRIGGERs implemented to execute and start various actions toa particular time. Up to 20 COUNTERs implemented to limit the number of actionsexecuted automatically. History function (stores the waypoints of a vehicles path on-board FLASHmemory. The waypoints are downloaded remotely by Internet or after thevehicle is back home by a PC) Download all or a part of the history stored data Clear all history stored records. Geo-fencing functionality (park-area functionality, send report whenpark-area leaved). Up to 100 Geofencing zones included within up to 32 areas (withinside/outside features. Sending reports when device enters in a predefinedzone, deviates off a pre-defined route or it detects that a vehicleleaves a pre-defined country and many others)The firmware contains a TCP buffer. Thus the GPS position data can beinternally stored in case the connection to the services will be dropped (e.g.bad GSM coverage). Once the connection will be re-established, the storeddata will be sent directly to the used remote server. Following a shortoverview, how many packets (data) can internally be buffered:binary RMC :RMC+GPIO :approx. 1800 (packets)approx. 400 (packets)GGA,GSA,GSV,RMC,GLL,VTG,GPIO,GSM : approx. 80 (packets)All aforementioned features can be controlled and GPS position can be received bymeans of any GSM phone or any workstation that has access to the used remoteserver. You can easily perform the configuration either via serial connection or via aTCP-connection.Current position of the object where the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit is installed (i.e. tracks, boats andcars) can be polled remotely via an available TCP connection.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 17 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION The principle of firmware 2.x.xx operationThe integration of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> operating with firmware version 2.3.10 und later in thefield mentioned in chapter 2.1, page 16 requires the following elements:1. <strong>STEPPII</strong> Unit2. A combined GSM/GPS antenna or two separated (GSM and GPS) antennas3. a SIM card for Voice and/or DATA4. GPRS settings (provided by your provider)5. TCP settings (from the setup Server in your network)6. Remote Server (the setup Server in your network)7. User (Personal Computer connected to the remote Server)The illustration below represents interfaces that the <strong>STEPPII</strong> uses to access the RemoteServer via a GPRS Network. In addition, it shows that TCP communication enables<strong>STEPPII</strong> device to be monitored/tracked online from your PC via Internet services.Figure 1:Interfaces that the firmware uses to access the Remote Server via GPRS NetworkThe principle of system operation is very simple. Each vehicle (object) is equippedwith a <strong>STEPPII</strong> device, which consists of:• an integrated GPS-receiver with external active antenna for reception ofsignals from GPS satellite system,• a GSM/GPRS-modem with external antenna for transmission of these GPS databy radio.The GPS receiver uses the satellites data to calculate the exact position of thevehicle (object) fitted with <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit. The GPS data received from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unitcan be transferred through the GPRS network (IP-based) and the Internet to yourremote server for online purposes. A user-developed program installed on theremote server, can help you to connect to the vehicles equipped with <strong>STEPPII</strong> units.For such purposes, at first the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device must be locally configured (with thehelp of any terminal program or <strong>FALCOM</strong> Workbench software – a developedprogram to help you configure and evaluate <strong>FALCOM</strong> devices). All <strong>STEPPII</strong> devicesThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 18 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1are pre-configured to work with the default settings. So all default settings must bechanged and adapted to your application conditions (including: GPRS settings ofyour provider, the remote server settings and the PIN of the used SIM card - seechapter in this manual). When the configuration of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is done, it triesto register itself into the GSM network. Once it is successfully registered into the GSMnetwork, it can start automatically to establish a GPRS connection (depending onthe GPRS configuration – see chapter 3.3.6") and by means of TCP settings (seechapter 3.3.8GPS.History.Push) a TCP connection to the remote server.Once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is attached to the GPRS network over the Basis Station, temporary adynamic IP-address will be allocated by the <strong>STEPPII</strong> from the GPRS network. With thehelp of the IP-address that constantly changes, the GPRS network enables <strong>STEPPII</strong>device to perform a TCP connection to the used remote server (to the specified IPaddress and Port number). By means of these IP addresses as object identifiers, all<strong>STEPPII</strong> device can be direct configured from the remote server.Such online applications enable you tracking and monitoring in a short time several100 vehicles (objects) equipped with a <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Furthermore, the data transmitted from <strong>STEPPII</strong> device is received in real time. The<strong>STEPPII</strong> device can be programmed so that the vehicle location and additionalinformation will be received not only via a TCP server, but also via SMS.The operating firmware 2.3.10 and later offers a rich set of events, states andcommands that you can use to customize high-performance web solutions. Thesolution architecture varies with the type of application you decide to create.Depending on the configuration settings that is loaded on the device, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> iscapable of using up to three different system solutions:GSMThis system solution supports SMS, Voice call and Data call.Using only these features you are able a speedy developmentof communication services, which do not require GPRS andTCP configurations. The configuration of both services(GPRS/TCP) can be in such case disabled. To control your<strong>STEPPII</strong> device you can send via SMS all commands given inthis document. Also via SMS you will be notified when an alarmis triggered in the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. To use SMS services, usersneed a subscription to a mobile network that supports it, andthe use of SMS must be enabled for that user. The user needsto have a phone number for the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device or a SMS serverto send a short message to, or receive a message from. On theSMS server side, you can install several solutions to enablereceiving of SMS messages or forwarding them to othersystems. Finally, the user also needs a mobile phone thatsupports SMS and knowledge of how to send or read a shortmessage (command or responses).GPRS/Internet The <strong>STEPPII</strong> device supports TCP/IP application, an Internetbased application that allows communication via the WorldWide Web (www). Since the Internet is just a medium forcomputers to "talk" to each other, it enables you to track,message or monitor your vehicles fitted with the <strong>STEPPII</strong> devicesat almost any PC in any location around the world (see figure2 above). The presence of a remote server is an essentialprerequisite, which is needed to log in the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device intothis remote server and to enable access to the informationthat your <strong>STEPPII</strong> device provides from any location. Acomputer (PC client) connected to the Internet with the preinstalledstandard web browser is (also necessary see chapter2.3, page 20), which will be connected to the remote serverThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 19 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Localfor requesting this information. To be able to monitor andcontrol such systems solutions both GSM and GPRS/TCPconfiguration settings are required. Starting from the firmwareversion 2.4.0, <strong>STEPPII</strong> is able to contact you via E-mail – in thiscase you have to configure SMTP services too.Providing a serial interface on the 15-pin AMP connector of the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device, enables it to send and receive messages toand from an external connected device (e.g. PC). In this way,it can be monitored from or it monitors external devicesconnected to the provided inputs/outputs ports. None of GSMand GPRS/TCP services are required. Local application can betaken place to manage all electronic equipments in a house,office, company etc. (e.g. you may connect it to a PC serialport that has an Internet connection with a static IP address.So you are able to control and monitor the providedinputs/outputs of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device over Internet from anyclient PC).2.3 Internet and intranet applications setup with <strong>STEPPII</strong>2.3.1 Internet based applicationsTo control and monitor and also to set and poll the configuration of your <strong>STEPPII</strong>device remotely from your client PC over Internet, a user-developed program mustalready be available. A client PC requests a server PC to perform actions. Since theInternet is just a medium for computers to "talk" to each other, it enables you toperform applications. If such an Internet solution is required to perform yourapplications, you can write a simple chat program in a programming language toexchange text messages between a client and server. You might be familiar withsuch programs as they are often used in on-line chat rooms. You will write twoprograms (one running on the client PC, the other on the server PC) resulting in ateletype-like application; you and a friend can type messages to each other overthe Internet. Understanding how these two programs work might help you indeveloping programs to control hardware devices over the Internet. The <strong>FALCOM</strong>company does not provide any source code for such programs.Figure 2:Internet applications setup with <strong>STEPPII</strong>This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 20 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Intranet based applicationsFigure below represents the client PC and server PC communication. However, toexchange text messages (TCP packets) between server and <strong>STEPPII</strong> device a userdevelopedprogram must be available and already installed on the remote server.The user sends a request to the remote server via the client PC. The user-developedprogram installed on the remote server receives the message from the client PC andautomatically sends it in the correct format to the connected <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. The<strong>STEPPII</strong> device responses the remote server by sending the replay related to the sentcommand. The remote server returns responses (received information) from thetarget device (<strong>STEPPII</strong>) back to the client PC. The <strong>FALCOM</strong> does not provide anysource code for such programs.Figure 3:Intranet applications setup with <strong>STEPPII</strong>2.4 TCP/IP OverviewThe <strong>STEPPII</strong> represents over TCP/IP stack contained in the firmware 2.3.10 und greatera kind of serial communication.TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is the most widely used transport protocol fornon-real-time Internet applications like www, e-mail. It provides a connectionorientedend-to-end service ensuring the reliable transfer of data.As with all other communication protocols, TCP/IP is composed of following layers:IPTCPPORT- is responsible for moving packet of data from node tonode. IP forwards each packet based on a four-bytedestination address (the IP number). IP operates ongateway machines that move data from departmentto organization to region and then around the world.- is responsible for verifying the correct delivery of datafrom client to server. Data can be lost in theintermediate network. TCP adds support to detecterrors or lost data and to trigger retransmission untilthe data is correctly and completely received.- is a name given to the package of subroutines thatprovide access to TCP/IP on most system.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 21 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.13 COMMAND SYNTAX, PFAL COMMANDS ANDSUPPORTED PARAMETERS– FOR <strong>FALCOM</strong> <strong>STEPPII</strong>3.1 PFAL <strong>Command</strong> syntax and response messagestructure3.1.1 <strong>Command</strong> syntax of PFAL commandsThe input messages provided in the next section can be transmitted to the targetdevice locally via a serial cable with the help of any terminal program, remotely viaSMS or via a TCP connection with the help of a remote server.Each PFAL message containing the command is distinguished as an alonecaption, on which you will find a table divided in two rows with following meaning.➢➢The first row indicates the <strong>Command</strong> syntax, which could not be sent to thedevice in that form. Within the <strong>Command</strong> syntax there are invalidcharacters such as "" and assigned name, which are used only to showthe <strong>Command</strong> syntax.The second row shows the example(s) how the message(s) can be sent tothe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. The set parameter settings in those examples depend onthe user application. All examples can be modified and adapted to theuser requirements.The PFAL messages have the following formats, and in one of these formats the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device will accept the sent messages:Header <strong>Command</strong> Parameter Checksum End Sequence$PFAL $PFAL none PFAL PFAL none [$]*PFALTable 1:PFAL command syntaxes.The [$]PFAL is message header.The determines the command(s) that will be executed. [$]PFALand are comma-separated. To specify a command,throughout the document are used so-called (type), (index) and (sub-index). Other to say, acommand type is sorted by an index, and the command index closes the with a sub-index (only if the index supports any sub-index). Theindex changes according to the user-specified command type, while thesub-index changes according to the user-specified command type andindex. The command type, index and sub-index are separated by dots["." character]. The command index may include a value; in this case nosub-index is supported. Also the sub-index may include a value.According to this explanation, the improved syntax to specify the command is:.. or.=

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1double quotes. Note that, the maximal length of a command islimited to 1500 characters. In this case the common syntax is:;;….The may contain different settings. Some parameters do notrequire any value, so left them empty. According to this explanation, theimproved syntax of the is:=[]* Checksum is optional. If checksum is used, it consists ofan asterisk "*" character (without double quotes), followed by twohexadecimal values. Only PFAL commands with valid checksumcan be accepted and executed.[]* *In order to calculate the Checksum of the command to be sent to thetarget device, use your own application. Below a small source codewritten in Visual Basic://*****************************************Public Sub CheckSum(field As String)If field = "" then CS = "*"CS = 0For i = 1 to Len(field)CS = CS Xor Asc(Mid$(field, i, 1))NextCS = Hex(CS)If Len(CS) =1 then CS = "0" & CSCS = "*" & CSEND SUB//*****************************************Therefore, the string over which the checksum will be calculated is:field = PFAL,,excluding "$" character. The "CS" variable in the CheckSumprocedure above must be declared as a global variable.Carriage Return and Line Feed (ASCII CODE #13#10 (without anyspaces) - hexadecimal: 0x0D 0x0A)According to the above explanation, the improved format to specify a PFAL commandis:$PFAL,..,=or$PFAL,..,=orPFAL,..,=orPFAL,..,=For example:1) $PFAL,SYS.Device.Reset*312) $PFAL,Sys.Trigger53) PFAL,IO.OUT0=hpulse,20004) PFAL, IO.OUT1=cyclic,500,500;MSG.Send.Serial,0,"OUT 1 is flashing"5) PFAL,Sys.Timer0.Start=single,50006) PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.NAME="my<strong>STEPPII</strong>"* OptionalThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 23 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.17) PFAL, Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL0=IO.IN.e3=redge:IO.OUT1=cyclic,2000,500The example 6 above signifies that the device name is specified to "my<strong>STEPPII</strong>".The example 7 above signifies that the digital output 0 will flash cyclic, if a risingedge event on the input 1 is detected.WARNINGIT IS SUGGESTED ALWAYS TO USE A CHECKSUM INSIDE THE P<strong>FALCOM</strong>MANDS. THEREFORE, IF THE CHECKSUM WILL NOT BEUSED, PLEASE PREVENT USING OF ANY ASTERISK "*" CHARACTERINSIDE THE VALUE OF PFAL COMMANDS (ESPECIALLY 3 CHARACTERSBEFORE THE ). <strong>Command</strong> types The command types is used to separate the huge amount of commands todifferent types. The following command types are currently available. DefinitionSysCnfIOGPSGSMTCPMSG- Accomplishes a predefined set of system tasks such as:- System management tasks, including:- Reset,- Shutdown/power management etc.- Initialization/interruption of system processes, including:- Timers,- Counters etc.- The operating firmware provides parameters that can be set/changed or read. Based on theparameter-settings some events will be occurred.- Accomplishes a predefined set of system peripheral commands allowing access to the digitaland analogue input (IN) and output (OUT) pins.- Accomplishes a predefined set of GPS tasks including navigation, history logging and geofencingdata.- Accomplishes a predefined set of GSM tasks including SMS, voice calls, GPRS services etc.- Accomplishes a predefined set of TCP connection tasks including connecting, disconnectingand sending of TCP packets to the predefined address of remote server etc.- Accomplishes a predefined set of output messages (GPS protocols) allowing information to betransmitted across the serial interface, CSD network or Internet (TCP).Table 2:Supported command types . AliasesThis PFAL command also allows to specify alias names for all available ,, The following alias names are defined as default:Sys is the alias name of SystemCfg is the alias name of ConfigIf an alias name has been specified, it can be freely used instead of the originalword (or number). To specify alias names, please refer to the chapter page145.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 24 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• To avoid misinterpretation, please assure that no equal or very similar aliasesare used inside the same command type/index.• Also avoid starting aliases with numbers as they might be misinterpreted asoriginal index numbers.3.1.2 Using identifiers (optional):Syntax1Syntax2Syntax3Syntax4- $PFAL:id,*- $PFAL:id,- PFAL:id,*- PFAL:id,Table 3:Identifier syntaxesIt specifies an optional text, which do not contain any comma(,). The case sensitive text will be returned within the response tothat PFAL command.It comprises one or more PFAL commands.The NMEA Checksum (see description of the checksum inchapter 3.1.1)Carriage Return Line Feed (ASCII CODE 13 10 (without anyspaces) - hexadecimal: 0x0D 0x0A)This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 25 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Response message structureA configuration report is presented in text format, which contains the parameterslisted in the table below.Types of response message:Respond message type if a singlePFAL command line includes no morethen one commandExampleFrom read messagesExample 1From execution messagesExample 2Respond message type if severalcommands are added in a single PFALcommand lineExampleFrom read messagesRespond message type if identifiersare usedStructure$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.NAME=my<strong>STEPPII</strong>$$report of executed parameter$SUCCESS or $ERROR$$$NAME=unnamed <strong>STEPPII</strong>$SUCCESS$$$ report of executed parameter$SUCCESS or $ERROR$$$NAME written to flash$SUCCESS$Structure$PFAL,Sys.Trigger0;Sys.Trigger5$$Trigger0=high$$Trigger5=low$SUCCESS$StructureExampleFrom read messagesTable 4:PFAL:id001,Sys.Trigger0$$Trigger0=high $SUCCESS$Response messages structure.Note• If the first command fails (i.e. Used wrong syntax or it can not be executedcorrectly), the system will stop the execution of this command.• If identifiers are submitted within PFAL commands, they will be returnedinside PFAL responses.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 26 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION PFAL <strong>Command</strong>sThe following table provides a complete list of the PFAL commands used tomanage/administrate different parts of an application built on the system <strong>STEPPII</strong>.Please note that, the PFAL commands listed in the table below could not be sent tothe target device in that form.Information about each command can be found on the respective referencechapter and page. Use the hypertext links (shown in blue text) to navigate thechapter/sections and to read the tasks the command performs and how thecommand settings can be defined etc.Please note that, only regular quotation marks (" ") should be used for PFALcommands, configuration parameters, etc.As this documentation has been created using OpenOffice, some quotationmarks might have been transformed to the 'starting' and 'ending' quotationmarks, which won't be accepted by the device.PFAL COMMAND SET MEANING Chapter PageSystem commandsSys.Security.Lock,"password" Locks the system 32Sys.Security.Unlock,"password" Unlocks the system 32Sys.Security.RemoveLock,"password" Removes the system lock 33Sys.Security.HideAlarm Hides alarm configurations from being read out 32Sys.Security.UnhideAlarm Removes the read protection of alarms 32Sys.RUpdate.Init Initialize remote firmware update 34Sys.RUpdateAbortSys.RUpdate.DataMode,Aborts remote update and allows history beingwritten againDefine firmware upgrade channel & continueupgrading (including binary update commandand lists all binary commands) 353. 35Sys.Device.Reset Resets the system 39Sys.Device.Update <strong>Set</strong>s the system into the update mode 39Sys.Device.Shutdown Shuts down the system imediately 40Sys.Device.FactoryReset Resets the user-configuration to factory default 40Sys.Device.Sleep=<strong>Set</strong>s the system into the sleep mode until thewakeup signal is detected3. 41Sys.Device.CfgUpdateMode Saves the reconfigured alarm settings 43Sys.GSM.Enable Powers on the GSM engine 44Sys.GSM.Disable Powers off the GSM engine 44Sys.Timer.Configure=, Configures a system timer 46Sys.Timer.Start= Starts/restarts a system timer 47Sys.Timer.Stop Stops a running timer 48Sys.Timer.Pause Pauses (suspends) a running timer 48Sys.Timer.Resume Restarts the execution of a paused timer 48Sys.Timer.Arm Arms an initialized and disarmed timer 49Sys.Timer.Disarm Disarms an initialized and armed timer 49Sys.Timer.Erase Erases the configuration of a timer 49Sys.Timer.Save Saves a timer state to a storage index 50Sys.Timer.Load Loads the saved timer state from a storage 50This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 27 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Sys.Timer.State Reads the state of a used timer 51Sys.Trigger= Activates/deactivates a system trigger 52Sys.Trigger Reads current trigger state 52indexSys.Trigger.Save Saves the state of trigger to a storage index 53Sys.Trigger.Load Loads a saved trigger from a storage index 53Sys.Counter.<strong>Set</strong>= <strong>Set</strong>s the value of a counter 54Sys.Counter.Increment= Increments the existing value of a counter 55Sys.Counter.Decrement= Subtracts the existing value of a counter 55Sys. Counter.State Reads the state of a used counter 56Sys.Counter.SaveSaves the state of the counter to a storageindex3. 56Sys.Counter.Load Loads a saved counter from a storage index 56Sys. Counter.Clear <strong>Set</strong>s a specified counter to 0 57Sys.Macro Activates a configured macro 58Sys.UserEventCreates a user-event for specific applicationrequirements3. 59Sys.Bat.Voltage Queries the battery voltage 60Sys.Bat.Always Switches to its internal backup battery. 60Sys.Bat.Auto<strong>Configuration</strong> commandsBattery usage is based on the state of theACCU ON/OFF pin3. 60Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,Cnf.Get,Cnf.Clear,Cnf.ShowUserEnables to set up or change the deviceconfiguration settingsEnables to read out the device configurationsettingsClears the available configuration settings of theset parameter nameReads the configuration settings of all modified/added parameters3.2.2.1 613.2.2.2 653.2.2.3 683.2.2.6 69Cnf.ShowDefault Reads the factory default settings 70Cnf.Show Reads the settings of all used parameters 70Cnf.Search, Searches for a parameter name 70I/O commandsIO.INIO.OUTIO.OUT=IO.GPIOIO.GPIO=Reads the current value of the specified inputportReads the current value of the specified outputport<strong>Set</strong>s the configuration type on the specifiedoutput portReads the configuration type of the specifiedoutput<strong>Set</strong>s the configuration type on the specifiedGPIO port3. 723. 723. 733. 743. 74IO.ANA.Min Performs an ADC minimum calibration 75IO.ANA.Max Performs an ADC maximum calibration 76IO.ANA.Voltage=GPS commands<strong>Set</strong>s the maximum voltage to the analogueinputs3. 76This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 28 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1GPS.Nav.PositionGPS.Nav.Position=GPS.Nav.Position=saveGPS.Nav.Position=loadReads the distance of the device from astored locationSaves temporarily a device location or clearsthe data that exists in the buffer indexMoves the GPS data from the buffer and storesit to a storage indexLoads the GPS data from storage to bufferindex for temporarily use3. 773. 773. 783. 79GPS.Nav.Distance Reads the distance from a start point 80GPS.Nav.Distance= <strong>Set</strong>s/resets the distance to a user defined value 80GPS.Nav.SaveLastValid Saves last valid position, if no GPS-fix valid. 80GPS.History.Write,,Records a GPS position data into the historymemory3. 83GPS.History.Clear Clears the history memory space. 84GPS.History.GetStartGPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Read,,-,GPS.History.ReadGPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong>Reads the oldest date stored in the historymemory.Selects the number of records from the historymemory to be downloaded.Downloads the selected records from thehistory memory.Places/activates a virtual circular fence aroundvehicle (Park area). 853. 853. 863. 92GPS.Geofence.Park.Remove Disables an activated park area. 92GPS.Geofence.GeoState, Reads the state of a defined geo-fence. 93GPS.Geofence.AreaState, Reads the state of a defined area. 93GSM commandsGSM.PIN= Enters the PIN number of the used SIM card. 94GSM.PUK=, Enters the PUK and PIN numbers. 94GSM.IMEIReads the serial identification number of theproduct. 94GSM.SIMID Reads the ID of SIM Card. 95GSM.OwnNumber Reads the caller's phone number. 95GSM.BalanceReads the account information of the used SIMcard. 95GSM.VoiceCall.Dial,< "p_number"> Performs a GSM Voice call. 96GSM.VoiceCall.Accept Accepts an incoming voice call. 96GSM.VoiceCall.Hangup Hangs-up an active voice call. 96GSM.VoiceCall.Channel <strong>Set</strong>s or reads the audio channel. 97GSM.VoiceCall.Ringtone=, <strong>Set</strong>s or reads the ring tone settings. 97GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Speaker=,, <strong>Set</strong>s or reads the loudspeaker settings. 97GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Microphone=, <strong>Set</strong>s or reads the microphone settings. 98GSM.SMS.Send,,, Sends a SMS to the defined phone number. 99GSM.SMS.Inbox.ClearClears all inbox SMS messages (SMS memoryfor incoming messages). 100GSM.SMS.Inbox.State Reads all inbox SMS messages. 101GSM.SMS.Outbox.ClearClears all outbox SMS messages (SMSmemory for outgoing messages). 101GSM.SMS.Outbox.State Reads all outbox SMS messages. 101GSM.DataCall.Sent,,Sends messages to a GSM modem via anestablished data call. 101This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 29 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1GSM.DataCall.Accept Accepts an incoming Data call. 102GSM.DataCall.Hangup Hangs-up an active voice call. 102GSM.GPRS.Connect Connects device to GPRS network. 103GSM.GPRS.Disconnect Disconnects device from GPRS network. 104GSM.GPRS.State Reads the GPRS state. 104GSM.GPRS.Traffic=,, <strong>Set</strong>s or reads the GPRS traffic counter. 105TCP commandsTCP.Client.ConnectPerforms a TCP connection to the remoteserver. 105TCP.Client.DisconnectPerforms a TCP Disconnection from theconnected server. 106TCP.Client.State Reads the TCP connection state. 106TCP.Client.Send,,TCP.Storage.DispatchSends a TCP packet to the connected remoteserver.Moves the currently stored information insidethe TCP storage to the outgoing TCP buffer. 1073. 107TCP.Storage.Clear Clears the contents of the created TCP storage. 108TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,,Writes the specified protocols and/or user textto the TCP storage. 109TCP.Storage.AddRecord,, Appends a binary dataframe to TCP storage. 110Communication/ Messaging commandsMSG.Send.Serial,,MSG.Send.RawSerial,,MSG.Send.CSD,,MSG.Send.TCP,,MSG.Mode.Serial=,MSG.Mode.CSD=,MSG.Mode.TCP=,MSG.Version.CompleteMSG.Version.ModulesMSG.Version.InternalCommMSG.Version.BIOSOutputs the selected protocols + additional3.2.7.1system information to the serial interface.111Outputs the selected protocols + additionalsystem information to the serial interface without 115formating.Transmits the selected protocols + additionalsystem information to the connected GSM 114modem via an established data call.Transmits the selected protocols + additionalsystem information to the connected TCP 116server.Reads or forwards the in/out system messagesto the selected destination. 117Reads or forwards the in/out system messagesto the selected destination. 120Reads or forwards the in/out system messagesto the selected destination. 122Reads all version information of the targetdevice. 123Reads the modules versions of the targetdevice. 125Reads the internal communication version of thetarget device.Reads the firmware version of themicrocontroller of the target device. 1253. 125MSG.Version.HardwareRev Reads the hardware revision of the PCB. 125MSG.Version.HardwareReads the hardware version of the targetdevice. 126MSG.Version.Software Reads the software version of the target device. 126MSG.Version.SoftwareID Reads the software ID. 126MSG.Info.ServerLogin Identifies the device to the <strong>FALCOM</strong>’s Server. 126MSG.Info.Protocol,, Transmits the selected protocols to the sender. 127This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 30 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Communication/ Messaging commandsMSG.Info.Time Displays the current system time. 127MSG.Info.Alarm, Transmits the selected alarm to the sender. 128MSG.Channel.SerialGSMChannels messages from serial port directly toGSM engine. 128Table 5:Complete list of PFAL commands.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 31 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Sys" command type3.2.1.1 "Security" command indexThe software has a built-in locking feature, which prevents the unauthorized usersfrom accessing the system <strong>STEPPII</strong> as long as the Unlock command is not executed.The system lock is not released until the last locking password does not matchexactly the unlock password on the same <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. An application may usethis mechanism for the following purposes:To ensure that system does not complete any user request while thesystem lock is held. to prevent unauthorized users attempting to change the systemconfiguration.To remove permanently a previously applied lock on a <strong>STEPPII</strong> device, unlock thesystem first. If the password authentication fails, the only possibility to recover thepassword is to read out the firmware via the serial port. Sys.Security.Lock,"password" – Lock the system<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Security.Lock,ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Security.Lock,"12345"This command allows you to define the device password for execution of PFALcommands (regardless of the message input – via TCP, SMS, CSD or Serial). TheSystem Lock command allows you to lock your <strong>STEPPII</strong> so that no other usersmay use your <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. To unlock the system <strong>STEPPII</strong> use the command(Sys.Security.Unlock,"password").Parameter descriptionPassword consists of a string with a length up to 50 characters. The userspecifiedpassword protects the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device from the unauthorizedaccesses. Sys.Security.Unlock,"password" – Unlock the system<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Security.Unlock, ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Security.Unlock,"12345"This command allows you to unlock a previously applied lock on a device. Thepassword given must correspond with the existing user password specified forthat device when the system has been locked. Unlocking the system enablesthe user to read/write the configuration and to execute PFAL commands.None of PFAL commands is accepted by the system <strong>STEPPII</strong> if it is alreadylocked.Parameter descriptionIt consists of a string with a length up to 50 characters. It is assumed thatthe password has already been set.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 32 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Security.RemoveLock,"password" – Remove the system lock<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Security.RemoveLock, $PFAL,Sys.Security.RemoveLock,"12345"Message descriptionThis command allows you to remove permanently the system lock, if thespecified password matches exactly with the password that has been used tolock the system. To remove permanently a previously applied lock on a <strong>STEPPII</strong>device, firstly the system has to be unlocked. This command is required if it isneeded to change the password with the new one.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the password (string type) to be removed. It consists of astring with a length up to 50 characters. To remove the system lock, thelast locking password must be used. Sys.Security.HideAlarm,"password" – Hides alarm configurationsfrom being read out<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Security.HideAlarm, $PFAL,Sys.Security.HideAlarm,"12345"Message descriptionThis command can be used to permanently hide alarm configurations frombeing read out. Unless the specified password is known and entered within thefollowing unhide command, no alarms can be read out by commands.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the password (string type) to hide alarms. It consists of a stringwith a length up to 50 characters. Sys.Security.UnhideAlarm,"password" – Removes the read protectionof alarms<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Security.UnhideAlarm,$PFAL,Sys.Security.UnhideAlarm,"12345"Message descriptionThis command can be used to remove the read protection of alarms. Alarmscan be read from the configuration after this command was successful.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the password (string type) to remove the read protection ofalarms. It consists of a string with a length up to 50 characters. Toremove the protection, the last hide password must be used.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 33 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "RUpdate" command indexThere are two ways to upgrade the firmware of the <strong>STEPPII</strong>, one is upgraded locallyby SiRFflash tool and the other is done via wireless connection through Remoteserver.The former one is the most common way for customer use and all instructions how toupgrade the firmware locally via a serial connection are available in a separatemanual - see related documents 1.2.The second one is the most difficult way and it can be implemented only throughsystem integrators. More information is available in a separate manual - see relateddocuments 1.2.Except the information found in this document, <strong>FALCOM</strong> will not offer additionaltechnical support for developing/implementing such web-based solutions.It is strongly recommended not to use these commands without special care.All commands within this chapter enable to remotely upgrade the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device toa new firmware version that is accessible over the Internet. Sys.RUpdate.Init – Initialize remote firmware update<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.RUpdate.Init,,,,,ExamplesMessage descriptionPFAL,Sys.RUpdate.Init,FW_raw,new,890812,14,clear_cnfStarts the firmware remote update or resumes a previous update process (alsopossible after a system restart). Returns the number of sectors required for theupdate process.To start transferring the firmware to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device you have to define thechannel from where the firmware data will be received.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the type of the remote firmware update. It can be set to:FW_rawPerforms a remote update from uncompressedfirmware data.FW_cprPerforms a remote update from compressed firmwaredata. The size of the compressed firmware is limited to786 KB (maximal 12 sectors). A configuration can bestored within the compressed file, which will beunpacked then.It specifies the option of the remote firmware update. It can be set to:newRequired for starting a new remote update. It erasespreviously transmitted data and also erases e.g.possible history data stored in this regionresumeRequired for resuming a previous update. Erasespreviously transmitted device configuration, which hasto be transmitted again. Previously stored firmwaredata is not erasedSpecifies the exact length of the remote update firmware data. ForFW_raw, this number specifies the length (in bytes) of the binaryThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 34 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1firmware data. Note that the length of a binary is maximal 65536 * 14 -1bytes. For FW_cpr, this number specifies the length (in bytes) of thecompressed firmware data.Specifies how large the new firmware is (how many sectors it uses inuncompressed format) – one sector is 64 KB.For example: a firmware uses 14 sectors (e.g. 2.3.15_rc), so 14 has to bespecified for .raw_cfgErases the device configuration during the updateprocess. A new (uncompressed) configuration can betransmitted via remote update. (see select sector formore details). Config can still be used until the remoteupdate is finished; after finishing, the old configurationwill be clearedcompressed_cfg A new configuration is stored within thecompressed firmware. No separate config will beneeded. It is not allowed to write uncompressedconfiguration data to the configuration sector ifcompressed_cfg is selected.current_cfgUses the currently stored device configuration later. Noseparate configuration needs to be specified. Anexisting compressed configuration would beoverwritten3. Sys.RUpdate.Abort – Aborts remote update and allows history beingwritten again<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.RUpdate.AbortMessage description$PFAL,Sys.RUpdate.AbortThis command aborts the remote update and allows history being writtenagain. The associated user interface is switched to command mode.Parameter descriptionnone3. Sys.RUpdate.DataMode, – Define firmware upgradechannel & continue upgrading<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionSys.RUpdate.DataMode,$PFAL,Sys.RUpdate.DataMode,TCPEnters the data mode, which allows only entering of binary updatecommands. Inside this mode, no PFAL commands can be executed.Parameter descriptionSpecifies in which channel the firmware-based packets will be received.Now binary Update commands can be sent (see next chapter).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 35 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1<strong>Command</strong>syntaxExamplesNote:SerialTCPCSDReceived via serial lineReceived via a TCP connection (from SteppII server)Received via a CSD call (GSM datacall)• This command can be executed anytime after a remote update has beeninitiated (Rupdate.Init). Binary update commandsBinary <strong>Command</strong>Format Size Description Syntax 1 Byte - 0xFC1-n Byte1-n Byte 1 Byte 1-2 Bytes0-n Byte 1 Byte - 0xEC- MSB bit (0x80) signalizes that another length bytefollows.- The length itself may range from '0x00 … 0x7F'for each byte (to a maximal length of 4096 – thecurrent size of the internal buffer)- Shows the number of bytes after until ( is included)Responses*- MSB bit (0x80) signalizes that another cmd bytefollows- Specifies the command being sent. In the subsectionare listed all commands and their valuescorrespondingly$- Here can be specified any value– the headline ofthe corresponding response will contain this value $answer linesin order to identify the response. (Therefore $SUCCESS OR ERRORdifferent values should be used for differentcommands)$- Specifies the amount of following bytes inside its value depends on the specified (see below)- MSB bit (0x80) signalizes that another length bytefollows- The length itself may range from '0x00 … 0x7F'for each byte (to a maximal length of 4096 – thecurrent size of the internal buffer).- (Specified with )- Contains formatted data which depends on thespecified (see below)Example**$$C06F$SUCCESS$* Although update commands are sent in binary, their answers are text messages, which match the PFAL answerformat.** A responce for a checksum command (its id is 0x01) - the textual decimal value of ( i.e. =255 ) - the textual hexadecimal value of This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 36 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION List of binary commandsSyntax Exit Data Mode Select SectorWrite Data toSectorRead Sector Checksum 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x00 0x01 - - -Number of sector or99 to selectconfiguration sector.4 + number of bytesto be written.2 0- - -2 Bytes (positioninside sector 0x00-0xFFFF)2 Bytes (position insidesector 0x00-0xFFFF) - - data for this position - - - -- To be omittedSwitches back tonormal <strong>Command</strong>mode (PFALcommands)- Selects one of thesectors (0 ... numberreturned fromRUpdate.Initcommand).- If 'cfg' is selected,only a half sectorcan be accessed.the new deviceconfiguration can bestored there ifdesired.- This selected sectoris used for all furthercommands- data can be writtenonly to the currentlyselected sector- The checksumcommand worksonly for the currentlyselected sector- Erasing a sector canbe performed onlyon the currentlyselected one2 Byte (16 bitchecksum of and)Writes data to thespecified positioninside a currentlyselected sector- -- Computes a 16 Bit Cksumof the currently selectedsector from the first byteuntil (the byte atthe specified position isincluded). This Cksum hasto match with the expectedvalue (i.e. of the newfirmware sector)- If this Cksum differs fromexpected results, data iscorrupted, which canresult in an unreachabledevice- in case a wrong cksumwas reported, the wholesector has to be erased(see next command)- Note: If just a part of asector needs to be written,the specified positionshould be the last bytewritten. If the maximumvalue (0xFFFF) isspecified, trailing 0xFF’sinside this sector would bealso used for calculation- Do not specify 0xFFFF forthe very last sectorcontaining a configuration– the maximum value forthis sector is 0x7FFF.Clear Sector-Erases a currentlyselected sector.(i.e. if corrupteddata was inside)This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 37 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1<strong>Command</strong>syntaxExamples3. PFAL,Sys.RUpdate.Finish – Finish Remote UpdatePFAL,Sys.RUpdate.Finish$PFAL,Sys.RUpdate.FinishMessage descriptionIn case of a successful firmware update, the device will perform a reset andstarts with the updated firmware after approx. 30-40 seconds (depending onfirmware size)Parameter descriptionNote:None.• All data required for the firmware update has to be specified and verifiedusing checksum commands before executing this command.• For "FW_raw" type: If the finish command fails, note that after resuming the firmwareupdate later, a previously transmitted configuration will bealways erased. This doesn't matter In case the old firmware configuration is used(option keep_cnf), but in case it was transferred (optionclear_cnf), it MUST be transferred again before finishing theupdate. Else the device will be unreachable (because it will start usingdefault settings)• In case the firmware update was resumed, note that a previouslytransmitted configuration will be always erased. This doesn't matter in casethe old device configuration is used, but in case it was transferred, it MUSTbe transferred again before finishing the update procedure. Otherwise thedevice will be unreachable (because it will start with default settings)• This command doesn't create a PFAL answer if successful executed (just incase of an error).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 38 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Device" command indexDevice commands allow you to reset the system, to set the system into a sleep modeor to shutdown the system. Once one of these actions is performed thecorresponding event raises in your application respectively. The eventSys.Device.eStart raises after the system restarts (after initialization), while theshutdown event raises once the shutdown command is executed. You can thenhandle these events (see chapter, page 188) to execute alarms youneed in such cases. See examples in chapters, page 237 and, page237. The following actions can be executed:✔✔✔✔✔✔Reset,Update (firmware update, only locally via serial cable)Shutdown,FactoryResetSleepCfgUpdateMode3. Sys.Device.Reset – System reset<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Device.ResetExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Device.ResetThis command is intended to reset the GPS and GSM modules of the targetdevice. This command can be executed (by an alarm) anytime afterSys.eStart event occurs). It is a is high priority action and will executeimmediately before any low priority actions (like sending messages and allGSM, CSD, TCP related actions).Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• This input message performs immediately system reset. No responses will bedelivered from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. Sys.Device.Update – <strong>Set</strong> the system into the update mode<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Device.UpdateExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Device.UpdateThis command is intended to set the target device into the update mode.Updating of the target device with a new firmware takes place only via serialinterface.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• No responses will be delivered from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to the user.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 39 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Device.Shutdown – Immediately sleep mode<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Device.ShutdownExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Device.ShutdownStarting from the software revision 2.4.0, this command causes the devicehardware to enter immediately sleep-mode, only if the state of Ignition line(Input 7) is LOW.➢➢➢➢➢The internal software does not check other system states when thiscommand is received.This command is no more DEVICE.IGNTIMEOUT configurationdependent.No pending SMS, Email and TCP packets are executed, suchinformation would get lost.For applications where safety against losing messages/data isrequired, this command should not be utilized, useSys.Device.Sleep= instead.The system <strong>STEPPII</strong> is not turned on again before setting the Ignitionline (Input 7) to High.Parameter descriptionNone. Sys.Device.FactoryReset –Reset configuration to factory defaults<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Device.FactoryResetExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Device.FactoryResetThis command resets the device to its factory-default state.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• No responses will be delivered from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit. Once this command isexecuted, all settings done by the user will be erased. The device will startup and run with factory default configuration, which are listed in chapter7.5, page 227.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 40 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Device.Sleep= – System sleeps until one of set signalsdetectedMessage syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionSys.Device.Sleep=$PFAL,Sys.Device.Sleep=Ign$PFAL,Sys.Device.Sleep=Ign+Ring+Timer=1:20This command serves to control the functionality level of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.With it you can choose the SLEEP modes to be entered. Intended for powersaving, SLEEP modes reduce the functionality of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to aminimum and thus minimize the current consumption. This command puts thesystem into one of SLEEP modes for a length of time until certain event isdetected, then the system wakes up (restarts) and continues normaloperation. The wake-up event switches off that SLEEP mode and takes the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device back to full functionality. Depending on the user application thedevice can be set into sleep mode to reduce the power consumption of theexternal power source (e.g. the external battery, if it is available). Comparingto other sleep modes, the Ring mode requires more power consumption, sincethe GSM engine remains active and registered all the time.Parameter descriptionIt defines the condition(s) the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device should be woken up. Thesystem <strong>STEPPII</strong> can be sent into the sleep mode with more than onewake up condition, if the entered values are separated by + (plus). Thevalue can be set to one or a combination of the following values.IgnRingPuts the system into IGN-SLEEP mode until Ignition-On signal detected (IGN-pin performs a risingedge). This SLEEP mode permanently blocks theserial interface, close the available TCP line,detaches the <strong>STEPPII</strong> from the GPRS and deregistersit from the GSM network. To switch the unit tonormal operation, the Ignition line (see chapter 7.9on page 232) needs to be activated. The wake-upevent switches the IGN-SLEEP mode off and takesthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device back to full functionality. IGN-SLEEP mode works on all hardware revisions of the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Puts the system into RING-SLEEP mode until anincoming ring or SMS signal is detected. This SLEEPmode permanently blocks the serial interface,closes the available TCP line and detaches the<strong>STEPPII</strong> from the GPRS services. Only GSM engineremains powered on and GSM registered (able todetect the incoming calls and SMS). The majorbenefit of RING-SLEEP mode is that the <strong>STEPPII</strong>remains accessible via GSM services such as viaSMS, voice or data call. The first ring terminates theRING-SLEPP mode, hangs up that call, ri-initializesthe GSM engine and takes the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device backto full functionality. Please note that, the <strong>STEPPII</strong>could not be put into the RING-SLEEP mode if it isnot GSM registered. Blocking the serial line signifieswhether this sleep mode is activated. Waking upThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 41 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1the device by SMS message enables you toexecute any PFAL command sent within this SMS.RING-SLEEP mode works ONLY on the hardwarerevision "Rev1G"of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. Hint: Forbattery-powered devices, the wake up signalshould be used only if the main power supply isapplied to the unit, otherwise no alarms will betriggered after the system wakes up, and the GSMengine will not be detected by the internalsoftware until externally reconnected to the powersupply.Timer=Puts the system into TIMER-SLEEP mode until thetimer expires. TIMER-SLEEP mode permanentlyblocks the serial interface, closes the available TCPline, detaches the <strong>STEPPII</strong> from the GPRS andderegisters it form the GSM network. The system willbe woken up again when the timer expires thespecified runtime. Timer expiration switches theTimer sleep mode off and takes the <strong>STEPPII</strong> deviceback to full functionality. TIMER-SLEEP mode worksonly on the hardware revision "Rev1G"of the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device.NotesNote: Do not use the TIMER-SLEEP parameteralone. It is recommanded to combine it with theIGN-SLEEP parameter. Specifies the timeout, in which the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device will wake up and setitself back to full functionality. Itsformat is "hh:mm", where thecharacters indicate the two digits ofhour, followed minutes with anaccuracy of 10 minutes. For example"00:10" minutes. The timeout can beset to a value form 0:10 to 42:30. Thedigits of minutes are rounded to thenearest number. For example "00:15"is rounded to "00:20", "01:16" isrounded to "01:20", "02:14" is roundedto "02:10".• Before the system <strong>STEPPII</strong> is going into the sleep mode, it will kill all runningtasks as smoothly as it can. The internal software checks, generates andcalls the following instances:✔✔The Sys.Device.eShutdown event raises (if this event is set, the systemexecute the corresponding action/command),If Ign sleep mode is enabled, the system calls the specified value of the DEVICE.IGNTIMEOUT parameter todetermine the number of milliseconds to wait before it goes into thesleep mode. Within this time the system will try to send out alltriggered alarms, which have not been executed yet. Following theprocesses that are still active until the sleep procedure is executed: Except the Sys.Device.eSshutdown event, all other eventsthereafter raised are killed.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 42 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1 Active SMS messages will attempt to be delivered, Active TCP packets will attempt to be transmitted, Existing connections like TCP and GPRS will be closed afterthe triggered alarms are delivered. The <strong>STEPPII</strong> will be de-registered from the GSM services.Once these instances are checked by the internal firmware and specifiedtimeout is exceeded the device hardware cancels all otherprocesses and goes into the specified sleep mode, even if there are stillactions to be executed. The target system (<strong>STEPPII</strong>) will be turned on again,once the corresponding event signals triggers.• If the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device should be set into the Ring sleep mode, make sure thatthe GSM engine is already powered on !!!!.• The system <strong>STEPPII</strong> can be set into more than one sleep modes, if enteredstrings are separated by + (plus).For example: The command "$PFAL,Sys.Device.Sleep=Ign+Ring+Timer=1:20"sets the system into the Ignition, Ring and Timer-Sleepmodes. The system wakes up once the IGN line performs arising edge; a ring signal is detected or 1 hour and 20minutes has passed. Sys.Device.CfgUpdateMode – <strong>Set</strong> configuration into update modeMessage syntaxExamplesSys.Device.CfgUpdateMode$PFAL,Sys.Device.CfgUpdateModeMessage descriptionThis command enters the device into a special configuration update mode,which is recommended for changing alarm configurations. This mode preventsthe interferences between the old and new alarms.When being inside this mode:Parameter descriptionNotesNone.- All configured alarms become inactive- The configured Macros can be directly executed via PFAL commands• Reset the system to exit this update mode.• This mode can also be used to test the alarm conditions and to simulatestep-by-step usual alarm behaviour: The events will be displayed, The alarm states can be checked using the MSG.Info.Alarmcommand, The alarm actions will be simulated using the PFAL commands(because no actions are being executed - i.e. the user has to starttimers, increment counters or change the trigger’s states etc.).• However, it is not possible to easily change other system states such as thedevice speed, connection states etc.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 43 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "GSM" command index3. Sys.GSM.Enable – Power on the GSM engine<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.GSM.EnableExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.GSM.EnableThis command is intended to power ON the GSM engine, if it has previouslybeen powered off.Parameter descriptionNone. Sys.GSM.Disable – Power off the GSM engine<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.GSM.DisableExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.GSM.DisableThis command is intended to power OFF the GSM engine, if it is currentlyrunning. The purpose of this command is to power off the GSM engine, whenthe use of GSM/GPRS services is not required for a long period of time. To resetthe GSM/GPRS engine (generally not required) the only possibility is to performa full system reset, using Sys.Device.Reset.Parameter descriptionNotesnone.• It is NOT recommended to use this command, when the system is alreadyGPRS attached.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 44 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "GPS" command index3. Sys.GPS.Reset – Reset the GPS engine<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.GPS.RestExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.GPS.ResetThis command resets the GPS engine of the target device.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• This input message resets immediately GPS engine without responses fromthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. "Timer" command indexTimers are system-based timers, which are used to signal single or cyclic events. Youcan then handle these events (see chapter, page 188) to executeregular or single alarm you need. System Timers raise the elapsed events, based onthe value of the interval. You could use a system Timer to execute alarms, forexample, every 30 minutes. See examples in chapters, page 233 and7.10.2.3, page 237.Timers may have one of the following states:✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Configured,Started,Stopped,ErasedPausedResumedArmed,Disarmed,SavedLoadedRequestedRemarks: Only the armed timers raise events when they expire (by default, all timesare armed when system starts up).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 45 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Timer.Configure, – Configure a timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionSys.Timer.Configure=,$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.Configure=cyclic,5000$PFAL,Sys.Timer1.Configure=single,2000…………$PFAL,Sys.Timer19.Configure=……………………This command is intended to configure the system timers, which can bestarted in a later time using Sys.Timer.Start command.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the timer to be configured. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.It specifies the task of the timer to be executed. It can be set to:singleInitiates a single run when the specified Timerstarts. Its raised event can be used to execute anaction once.NotescyclicInitiates periodically and runs when the specifiedTimer starts. Its raised event can be used toexecute an action regularly.32-bit integer value, it can be set to a value from 0 to 4294967295.Determines the amount of time, in milliseconds on which the specifiedTimer will run. Each time the specified timeout passes thecorresponding Timer event raises.• Take caution when using cyclic timers in combination with a very smalltimeout value. Always keep an eye for the execution time of alarms whichare executed upon this timer event (i.e. periodical SMS cannot be sentfaster than each 10 seconds. So, timers with very short time intervals will onlyslow down the system performances)• The accuracy of system timers is approx. 200 ms. Therefore, a 0 value of is valid, however the timer will be called every 200 milliseconds.• If a Timer is currently running, and this command is executed, therunning timer will be stopped. To activate/start it use the"SYS.Timer0.Start" command.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 46 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Timer.Start=– Start/restart a timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionSys.Timer.Start=$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.Start$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.Start=cyclic,2000$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.Start=single,2000This command is intended to start a configured timer or to restart a stoppedtimer. System timers can be used to activate/execute delayed alarms. Timerscan be set/configured to automatically activate system actions at specifictimes. The is optional. It consists of the and values. Using the , the Timer can be (re)configured and(re)started at once, otherwise, if is omitted, the Timerhas to be configured before it starts.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the timer to be started. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.This parameter is optional. It can be used to start an un-configured timeror to overwrite the existing settings by the new one. It consists of the and parameters which can be set the same as by theSys.Timer.Configure. If this parameter is used, the syntax of thiscommand looks like this:<strong>Command</strong> syntax$PFAL,Sys.Timer.Start=,It specifies the task of the timer to be performed. It can be set to:singlePerforms a single execution. it allows an action tobe performed just once.cyclicPerforms execution periodically. Based on its eventthat occurs each time the specifiedpasses, it allows an action(s) to beperformed periodically.Notes32-bit integer value, it can be set to a value from 0 to 4294967295.It determines the amount of time, in milliseconds, on which thespecified Timer runs. Each time the specified timeoutpasses the corresponding Timer event occurs, if it not disarmed.• Take caution when using cyclic timers in combination with a very smalltimeout. Always keep an eye for the execution time of alarms which areexecuted upon this timer event (i.e. periodical SMS cannot be send fasterthan each 10 seconds, so specifying fast timers will only slow down systemperformance in this case)• The "$PFAL,Sys.Timer.Start" command without value can be usedonly by configured timers.• The accuracy of system timers is approx. 200 ms. Therefore, a 0 value of is valid, however the timer will be called every 200 milliseconds.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 47 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Timer.Stop– Stop a running timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Timer.StopExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.StopA system timer can be started and stopped at any time before it finishesexecuting. Using the Stop command you can request that a system timer endsexecution prematurely. It forces a running timer to stop its executionimmediately. Stop command resets the value of that timer to zero. Theexecution of a stopped timer restarts only by using the Start command.Parameter descriptionIdentifies the index of the timer to be stopped. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to Sys.Timer.Pause– Pause (suspend) a running timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Timer.PauseExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.PauseA system timer can be paused (suspended) at any time before it finishesexecuting. Use the Pause command to suspend temporarily the activation of asystem timer. To resume the execution of a suspended timer, perform either theResume or Start command.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the timer to be paused. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to Sys.Timer.Resume– Restart the execution of a paused timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Timer.ResumeExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.ResumeUse Resume command to start a paused Timer again. <strong>Command</strong>s to Pausecan be nested; Resume command must use the same number of times Pausecommand which is used before.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the timer to be resumed. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19. Please, specify a pausedtimer.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 48 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Timer.Arm– Arm an initialized and disarmed timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Timer.ArmExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.ArmEach Timer is armed (this is the default setting) when they start orresume their execution. Only armed timers generate events when thespecified timeout expires.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the timer to be armed. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19. Please, specify the indexof a disarmed system timer. Sys.Timer.Disarm– Disarm an initialized and armed timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Timer.DisarmExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.DisarmNone of Timer is disarmed when they start or resume execution. Todisarm them perform the Disarm command.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the timer to be disarmed. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to Sys.Timer.Erase– Erase the configuration of a timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Timer.EraseExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.EraseThis command erases the configuration of a system timer. If a timer is runningand this command is performed, the timer stops execution immediately. Tostart an erased timer you have to reconfigure it first and then start it.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the timer to be erased. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 49 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Timer.Save– Save a timer state to astorage index<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Timer.Save$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.Save0Message descriptionTo save the state of a Timer, use this command. This commandoverwrites the contents of the (if not empty).Parameter descriptionNotesDetermines the index of the timer to be saved. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Integer type storage index in the range 0 to 4. Each storage index is aportion of FLASH memory in which determined data written on it will benot lost when the device performs a reset, goes into sleep mode or isturned off. Each storage index has a fixed size into the FLASH and eachof them can be updated with new data. Read also the description of given in the table of abbreviations.• Alias names can be defined for all storage indices by usingALIAS.STORAGE=. Read the description of given in the table of abbreviations. Sys.Timer.Load– Load the saved timer statefrom a storage index<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Timer.Load$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.Load0Message descriptionTo load the state of a saved Timer, use this command. Once the loadcommand is performed, the defined timer will be restarted up to the time thetimer was saved.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the timer to be loaded. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Determines the storage index in the range from 0 to 4 to load theTimer. Each storage index is a fixed portion of FLASH memory inwhich determined data written on it will be not lost when the deviceperforms a reset, goes into sleep mode or is turned off. The is reserved to save the status of a Timer, Counter,Trigger etc. Each storage index can be updated with new data. Eachdata set into a storage index overwrites the existed contents. Read alsothe description of given in the table of abbreviations.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 50 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• Alias names can be defined for all storage indices by usingALIAS.STORAGE=. Read also thedescription of storage index given in the table of abbreviations. Sys.Timer.State – Read the state of a used timer<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Timer.StateExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Timer0.StateTo know the state of a used Timer use this command. Depending onthe current state of a requested timer, the following states may be retrieved:erased active running armedinitialized inactive paused disarmedParameter descriptionNotesDetermines the index of the timer to be displayed. Up to 20 Timers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.• The retrieved timer states are comma-separated.Example1:Example2:Example3:state of timer 17: erased, inactive, armed.state of timer 18: initialized, active, running, armedstate of timer 19: initialized, active, paused, disarmedThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 51 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Trigger" command indexTriggers are user-based Triggers, which allow you to set, save and load their stateswhen the Trigger state (see chapter, page 189) is called in yourapplication. You can then handle this Trigger state as an option to enable or disablethe execution of various alarms. See examples in chapter, page 237. EachTrigger can be:✔✔✔✔Activated/deactivated,Read (its state),Saved,Loaded. Sys.Trigger= –Activate/deactivate a systemtrigger<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Trigger=$PFAL,Sys.Trigger0=highMessage descriptionTo activate and deactivate system triggers use this command. By defaulteach Trigger is low (inactive)Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the trigger to be altered. Up to 20 Triggers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Determines the state to be set. Following states are available:HighLow<strong>Set</strong>s Trigger to high level (active)<strong>Set</strong>s Trigger to low level (inactive)Notes• Triggers do not generate events, when they change their states. Thiscommand can be used as an action. Sys.Trigger– Read current trigger state<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.TriggerExamples$PFAL,Sys.Trigger0Message descriptionTo read the state of a system trigger use this command.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the trigger to be read. Up to 20 Triggers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 52 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Trigger=Save– Save the state of trigger toa storage index<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Trigger=Save$PFAL,Sys.Trigger0=Save0Message descriptionTo save a Trigger use this command. This command overwrites thecontents of the (if not empty).Parameter descriptionNotesDetermines the index of the trigger to be saved. Up to 20 Triggers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Integer type storage index in the range 0 to 4. Each storage index is afixed portion of FLASH memory in which determined data written on itwill be not lost when the device performs a reset, goes into sleep modeor is turned off. The is reserved to save the status of aTimer, Counter, Trigger etc. Each storage index can be updated withnew data. Each data set into a storage index overwrites the existedcontents. Read also the description of given in the tableof abbreviations.• Alias names can be defined for all storage indices by usingALIAS.STORAGE=. Read also thedescription of given in the table of abbreviations. Sys.Trigger=Load– Load a saved trigger froma storage index<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Trigger=Load$PFAL,Sys.Trigger0=Load0Message descriptionTo load the state of a saved Trigger use this command. A loaded statecan be either High or Low depending on the state when the trigger was saved.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the trigger to be loaded. Up to 20 Triggers areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Integer type storage index in the range 0 to 4. Each storage index is afixed portion of FLASH memory in which determined data written on itwill be not lost when the device performs a reset, goes into sleep modeor is turned off. The is reserved to save the status of aTimer, Counter, Trigger etc. Each storage index can be updated withnew data. Each data set into a storage index overwrites the existedcontents. Read also the description of given in the tableof abbreviations.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 53 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• Alias names can be defined for all storage index by usingALIAS.STORAGE=. Read also thedescription of given in the table of abbreviations. "Counter" command indexCounters are user-based counters, which allow you a limitation of alarms at which acounter reaches its minimum value zero (0) or the defined value in your application.You can then handle this event (see chapter, page 189) to executespecific alarms you need. You could use a counter to execute limited alarms, forexample, 10 alarms. See examples in chapter, page 237. Each counter canbe:✔✔✔✔✔✔✔<strong>Set</strong>,Incremented,Decremented,Requested (its state),Saved,Loaded,Cleared. Sys.Counter.<strong>Set</strong>= – <strong>Set</strong> the value of a counter<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Counter.<strong>Set</strong>=ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.<strong>Set</strong>=55To define the value of a Counter use this command. It is the start valuefrom which the increment and decrement commands initiate their count upand down method.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the counter to be set. Up to 20 Counters areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.32-bit integer value from 0 to 4294967295. <strong>Set</strong>s the value of the specifiedCounter.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 54 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Counter.Increment= – Increment existing valueof a counter<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Counter.Increment=$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.Increment=11Message descriptionUse this command to add a value to the current value of aCounter. It corresponds to the statement = +. When the Counter reaches the maximum value (2 32 -1 =4294967295), further increments have no effect.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the counter to be incremented. Up to 20Counters are available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.32-bit integer value from 0 to 4294967295. It increments (it counts upfrom the initial set value toward 2 32 - 1) the value of the specifiedCounter by a given number . Sys.Counter.Decrement= – Subtract existing valueof a counter<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Counter.Decrement=$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.Decrement=11Message descriptionUse this command to subtract the current value of a Counter by. It corresponds to the statement = -. When the Counter reaches the minimum value (0), furtherdecrements have no effect.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the counter to be subtracted. Up to 20 Countersare available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.32-bit integer value from 0 to 4294967295. It decrements (it counts downfrom the initial set value toward 0) the value of the specifiedCounter by a given number .This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 55 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys. Counter.State – Read the state of a used counter<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Counter.State$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.StateMessage descriptionUse this command to read out the state of a used Counter.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the counter to be read. Up to 20 Counters areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to Sys.Counter.Save– Save the state of the counter to a storageindex<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesSys.Counter.Save$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.Save0Message descriptionUse this command to save the state of Counter. The contents of the will be overwritten once this command is executed.Parameter descriptionNotesDetermines the index of the counter to be saved. Up to 20 Counters areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Integer type storage index in the range 0 to 4. Each storage index is afixed portion of FLASH memory in which determined data written on itwill be not lost when the device performs a reset, goes into sleep modeor is turned off. The is reserved to save the status of aTimer, Counter, Trigger, etc. Each storage index can be updated withnew data. Each data set into a storage index overwrites the existedcontents. Read also the description of given in the tableof abbreviations.• Alias names can be defined for all storage indices by usingALIAS.STORAGE=. Read also thedescription of given in the table of abbreviations. Sys.Counter.Load– Load a saved counterfrom a storage index<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Counter.LoadExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.Load0Use this command to load a saved Counter.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the counter to be loaded. Up to 20 Countersare available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 56 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1NotesInteger type storage index in the range 0 to 4. Each storage index is afixed portion of FLASH memory in which determined data written on itwill be not lost when the device performs a reset, goes into sleep modeor is turned off. The is reserved to save the status of aTimer, Counter, Trigger etc. Each storage index can be updated withnew data. Each data set into a storage index overwrites the existedcontents. Read also the description of given in the tableof abbreviations.• Alias names can be defined for all storage indices by usingALIAS.STORAGE=. Read also thedescription of given in the table of abbreviations. Sys. Counter.Clear – <strong>Set</strong>s a specified counter to 0<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.Counter.ClearExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.ClearUse this command to set a Counter to zero. It generates theSys.Counter.e0 event if the value of this counter has not reached zero (0)before.Parameter descriptionDetermines the index of the counter to be cleared. Up to 20 Countersare available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 57 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "MACRO" command index3. Sys.Macro– Activate a configured macro<strong>Command</strong> syntaxSys.MacroExamples$PFAL,Sys.Macro0Message descriptionThis command is intended to activate a configured macro. To configure amacro, please refer to the corresponding specification of the parameter(MACRO).Parameter descriptionNotesDetermines the index of the macro to be activated. Up to 20 macros areavailable for use. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.• This command does not directly execute several times a macro, even if themacro is activated e.g. by an event, it will execute the Marco just once.• Of course, a macro can be executed several times, but the time between 2activations depends on how much time the macro needs to execute all setcommands within it before it will be reactivated again.• if the time-span between 2 activations is too short, then only a part of setcommands within a macro might be executed twice.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 58 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "UserEvent" command index3. Sys.UserEvent – Create a user-event for specific applicationrequirementsMessage syntaxSys.UserEventExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Sys.UserEvent0This command is intended to create a user-event that can be used to executeother alarms.Parameter descriptionNotesDetermines the index of the UserEvent to be created. Up to 10UserEvents are available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 9.• This event can be used to combine several alarms (i.e. for optimizing largerconfiguration or simply if more than 5 conditions are needed).WARNING• The UserEvent is not recommended to be used as it may produce "endlessloops"that can slow down the system performances or may affect thestability of other functions.• Use the UserEvents at own risk. However, when using the UserEvents, thinkabout all consequences of (maybe recursively) launching alarms,especially in combination with various states, which may influence itself byactions. System behaviour can be very unpredictable and complex.• Therefore no support will be provided for configurations that containUserEvents.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 59 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "BAT" command index3. Sys.Bat.Voltage – Query the battery voltageMessage syntaxExamplesSys.Bat.VoltageMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Bat.VoltageThis command reads out the battery voltage of the target device (for <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LTand <strong>STEPPII</strong> hardware revision "Rev1G"). The returned value is in Volt (V).Parameter descriptionNone. Sys.Bat.ChargeState - Querry whether or not the external/internalbattery is still chargingMessage syntaxExamplesSys.Bat.ChargeStateMessage description$PFAL,Sys.Bat.ChargeStateThis command reads out whether or not the battery is charging (for the <strong>STEPPII</strong>hardware revision "Rev1G"and <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT device).Parameter descriptionNone. Sys.Bat.Always – Enable supplying power from the internal batteryMessage syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionSys.Bat.Always$PFAL,Sys.Bat.AlwaysThis command allows the <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT device to be always powered from theinternal battery. To enable permanently the use of the internal battery, set alsothe configuration DEVICE.BAT.ENABLE=always. More details for this operatingmode can be found inside the "AppNote SteppII-LT Battery Usuage" manual.Please be sure you read this chapter if you plan to use sleep mode.Parameter descriptionNone. Sys.Bat.Auto –Battery usage is ACCU ON/OFF pin dependantMessage syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionSys.Bat.Auto$PFAL,Sys.Bat.AutoDepending on the state of the BATT On/Off signal (pin 14, see hardwaremanual), this command allows the <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT device and <strong>STEPPII</strong> hardwarerevision "Rev1G"to be powered from the internal and external batteryrespectively. To enable the use of the battery, set also the configurationDEVICE.BAT.ENABLE=auto. More details for this operating mode can befound inside the "AppNote SteppII-LT Battery Usuage" manual.Parameter descriptionnone.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 60 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "CNF" command typeThis command type is intended to execute/require fast and easy the systemconfiguration. System configuration settings determine the functionality of yourapplication to be developed.With this configuration command, you can:<strong>Set</strong> configuration settings to one or more parameters (configurationthat the device stores into the FLASH Memory for your applicationwhich can be partly erased if the memory space of the firmware intoFLASH is used up e.g. FLASH update by the new firmware, and thenew firmware has got extended).Get current parameter configurationShow user modified/added parametersShow configuration settings of all used parameterShow default configuration settingsSearch for a configuration parameter3.2.2.1 Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>, - <strong>Set</strong> configuration settings ondevice<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionCnf.<strong>Set</strong>,$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.PIN=1234$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.NAME=my<strong>STEPPII</strong>$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.NAME$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.CONNECT=1,212.119.014,0005$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL0=Sys.In.s0=redge:IO.OUT0=cyclic,500,1000….This command is a helper function that sets the configuration on the device.This firmware provides basic configurations needed whenever the system startsup and as starting points for creation of an application. The defaultconfigurations are provided to give you a head start in developing of anapplication for specific requirements. They are intended to reduce yourapplication development time. Once you have chosen a configurationparameter, you can configure it or overwrite the existing settings to suit yourspecific needs, using this command. The exact point at which you configure aparameter depends on your application to be developed. The examples intable above show how to set and configure a parameter using the"$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>" command. The configuration can be done, via Serial line orotherwise (if following communication resources such as SMS, Serial, DATACALL or TCP are available). If the parameter settings are omitted, the existingsettings specified by the user is cleared and the factory default settings will beused.Parameter descriptionEnters the name of a parameter to be configured. <strong>Set</strong> one of theparameters listed in the table below and define the correspondingsettings for that parameter based on the description given in thechapter 3.3, page 130. The structure of the message responses from the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device is given in chapter 3.1.3, page 26. Some of events andactions listed in chapter, page 168 raise in your applicationThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 61 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1based on the parameter settings. Please, refer to the chapter 7.5, page227, to show the factory default settings of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.The following table shows the configuration parameters grouped bymajor category that are available in the <strong>STEPPII</strong> firmware. Use thehypertext links (shown in blue text) to navigate the parameterdescription, which explains how to configure that parameter.Parameter names<strong>Set</strong>ting Device <strong>Configuration</strong>DEVICE.NAMEDEVICE.SERIAL.BAUDRATEDEVICE.INOUT.BASEDEVICE.INOUT.ALARMDEVICE.GSM.ENABLEDEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECTDEVICE.COMM.SERIALDEVICE.COMM.CSDDEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENTDEVICE.IGNTIMEOUTDEVICE.BAT.ENABLEDEVICE.BAT.USEEXTDEVICE.GSM.ENABLEDEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECTDEVICE.GPS.CFGDEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUTDEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT<strong>Set</strong>ting ALIAS configurationALIAS.Brief description<strong>Set</strong>ting Protocol <strong>Configuration</strong> (for serial communication, only)PROT.GGAPROT.GSAPROT.GSVDefines or changes the device name (see also section, page131).Modifies/changes the baud rate of the serial communication line (seealso section, page 131).Enables/disables the functionality (None/Input) of the provided digitalinputs. Do not change the value of this parameter name. Use it withthe default settings. It is intended only for the specific userrequirements, especially by the XF55-AVL module (see also section3.3.1.4, page 132).Enables/disables the functionality (None/Output) of the provideddigital outputs for alarms. Do not change the value of this parametername. Use it with the default settings. It is intended only for thespecific user requirements, especially by the XF55-AVL module (seealso section, page 132).Enables/disables the GSM engine on the startup (see also section3.3.1.16, page 141).Modifies/adjusts the GPS auto correction of the target device (seealso section, page 142).Determines the serial communication mode (See also section,page 135).Determines the CSD communication mode. (See also section3.3.1.10, page 137).Determines the CSD communication mode. (See also section3.3.1.11, page 138).Determines the amount of timeout the system waits until it shutdown(see also section, page 140).Controls the usage of the internal battery. It is a feature for the<strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT only (see also section, page 140).Controls whether or not the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device (only) uses an externalbattery. It has no effect on <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT devices (see also section3.3.1.15, page 141).Enables/disables the startup behaviours of the integrated GSMengine (see also section, page 141).Implements an internal GPS position check routine, to filter out theincorrect or improbable GPS positions. Its main purpose is to filter outthe "GPS Jumps"in areas with very poor GPS signal quality (see alsosection, page 142).Specifies the number of satellites to consider a GPS Fix as "valid"(see also section, page 143).Enables and specifies the period of time the GPS will search forsatellites before it performs a GPS or System reset (see also section3.3.1.19, page 143).Generates a specific format for all MSG.Send commands (see alsosection, page 143).Defines alias names for each command type (see also section3.3.2.1, page 145).Determines sending of the GGA protocol in interval of time (see alsosection 3.3.4, page 146).Determines sending of the GSA protocol in interval of time (see alsosection, page 147).Determines sending of the GSV protocol in interval of time (see alsosection, page 147).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 62 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1PROT.RMCPROT.GLLPROT.VTGPROT.IOPPROT.GSMPROT.AREAPROT.BINPROT.START.BIN<strong>Set</strong>ting GSM configurationGSM.PINGSM.CALLID.ENGSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLISTGSM.OPERATOR.SELECTIONGSM.OPLOST.RESTARTGSM.SMS.RESPONSEGSM.RINGTONEGSM.PROFILE.AUDIOGSM.PROFILE.CURRENT<strong>Set</strong>ting GPRS configurationGPRS.APNGPRS.AUTOSTARTGPRS.DIALGPRS.TIMEOUTGPRS.QOSMINGPRS.QOSPPP.USERNAMEPPP.PASSWORDPPP.AUTOPINGPPP.AUTH<strong>Set</strong>ting TCP <strong>Configuration</strong>TCP.CLIENT.CONNECTDetermines sending of the RMC protocol in interval of time (see alsosection, page 148).Determines sending of the GLL protocol in interval of time (see alsosection, page 148).Determines sending of the VTG protocol in interval of time (see alsosection, page 148).Determines sending of the IOP protocol in interval of time (see alsosection, page 149).Determines sending of the GSM protocol in interval of time (see alsosection, page 149).Determines sending of the AREA protocol in interval of time (see alsosection, page 149).Determines sending of the BIN (binary) protocol in interval of time(see also section, page 149).Creates your oun BIN protocol. Consists of 18 Bytes and used as adevice identifier for example (see also section, page 150).<strong>Set</strong>s the PIN of used SIM card (only locally possible) (see alsosection 3.3.5, page 150).Enables/disables the caller identification (see also section,page 151).Creates a customized blacklist consisting of GSM operator names(see also section, page 151).Configures the GSM operator selection (see also section,page 152).Determines whether the system (<strong>STEPPII</strong>) should reinitialize theGSM engine when the GSM operator becomes lost (see also section3.3.5.6, page 153)Enables/disables responses from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> when SMScommunication is applied (see also section, page 154).Chooses the preferences and the volume of ring tones (see alsosection, page 154).Adjusts the profile for loudspeaker volume level and microphone sidetone (see also section, page 155).Loads a configured audio profile (see also section, page156).Specifies the APN (Access Point Name) context for GPRSconnection (see also section, page 157).Enables/disables the GPRS auto start. It performs automatically aGPRS attachment even if it fails unexpectedly (see also section3.3.6.2, page 157).Specifies the dial text used for GPRS connection (see also section3.3.6.3, page 157).Specifies the time out in which the GPRS connection will beautomatically shutdown if there is no TCP communication currentlyavailable (see also section, page 158).Specifies the minimum acceptable profile for identified context (seealso section, page 158).Specifies the acceptable profile for identified context (see also section3.3.6.6, page 160).Specifies the user name to connect to the GPRS network (see alsosection, page 162).Specifies the password to connect to the GPRS network operator(see also section, page 162).Enables/disables the maximal idle time until the a ping will be sent tothe GPRS network to keep the GPRS connection alive (see alsosection, page 163).Defines the authentification method to be used over PPP (see alsosection, page 163).Specifies the IP address and port number of the remote server (seealso section, page 162).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 63 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1TCP.CLIENT.LOGINTCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUTTCP.CLIENT.DNS.TIMEOUTTCP.CLIENT.PINGTCP.STORAGE<strong>Set</strong>ting SMTP <strong>Configuration</strong>TCP.SMTP.CONNECTTCP.SMTP.LOGINTCP.SMTP.FROM<strong>Set</strong>ting Geofence <strong>Configuration</strong>GF.CONFIGGF.AREAGF<strong>Set</strong>ting Alarm <strong>Configuration</strong>AL<strong>Set</strong>ting REPLACE <strong>Configuration</strong>REPLACE<strong>Set</strong>ting MACRO <strong>Configuration</strong>MACROSpecifies the login data to log the device into the used remote server(see also section, page 166).Specifies the length of time the <strong>STEPPII</strong> waits between attempts toestablish a TCP connection connection (see also section,page 166).Specifies the DNS cache timeout (see also section, page166).Enables/disables the sending of pings to the remote server to keepthat connection alive (see also section, page 166).Specifies the size of TCP storage and the operation mode (see alsosection, page 168).Configures the sending of E-Mail via an Internet mail server (see alsosection, page 169).Identities the authentication for the SMTP session when sending E-Mail to an Internet mail server (see also section, page 169).Configure the E-Mail address of the sender of the message (see alsosection, page 170).<strong>Set</strong>s the global configuration of the Geofence functionalities (see alsosection, page 173).Allows setting up 32 areas in a range of 0 to 31 (see also section3.3.9.5, page 174).<strong>Set</strong>s up the shape of the Geofence zone. The <strong>STEPPII</strong> device canhold up to 100 Geofence zones (see also section, page 175).Allows to specify a powerful multi-configuration and reportingmessages as well as to create a maximum monitoring of systemevents and states which can be occurred during the operation of the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device (see also section 3.3.10, page 180).Allows you to replace a specified number of strings (such as tel,numbers, user text etc.) with a specified replacement string. It helpsyou change the text just one time instead each Alarm text (AL)separately (see also section, page 206).Designed for executing a large numbers of commands within a singleline (see also section, page 207).Table 6:The configuration parameters grouped by major category.Notes• All parameter names must be written in capital letters, otherwise noconfiguration stored.• Do not use any semicolon within a parameter value enclosed in quotes.Starting from the software version 2.4.0 it is possible to use semicolons withinsuch values enclosed in quotes.• The string format (the parameter name enclosed in double quotes "") maynot be used any longer. (The text in double quotes ""would be stored asparameter value, which can cause syntax errors).• The "$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>" command can be used to "overwrite"most defaultparameter values. When a configuration parameter is sent without settingsto the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device, its current configuration will be reset to default andremains active until overwritten by the new settings.• The default settings of the firmware version 2.3.10 and greater versions arelisted in chapter 7.5, page 227.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 64 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Cnf.Get, - Get configuration settings fromdevice<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionCnf.Get,$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.PIN$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.NAME$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.CLIENT.CONNECT….…Using this command the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device responds the current configurationsettings corresponding to the specified . The configuration settings are stored in the internal FLASHmemory.Parameter descriptionThe following table shows the configuration parameters that areavailable in the <strong>STEPPII</strong> firmware and can be requested. Use thehypertext links (shown in blue text) to navigate the parameterdescription, which explains you, what does the received configurationmean.Parameter namesReading Device <strong>Configuration</strong>Brief descriptionDEVICE.NAME Reads the device name (see also section, page 131).DEVICE.SERIAL.BAUDRATEReads the baud rate of the serial communication line (see alsosection, page 131).DEVICE.INOUT.BASEReads the functionality (None/Input) of the provided digitalinputs (see also section, page 132).DEVICE.INOUT.ALARMReads the functionality (None/Output) of the provided digitaloutputs (see also section, page 132).DEVICE.BAT.ENABLEReads the configuration of the internal battery (see also section3.3.1.14, page 140).DEVICE.GSM.ENABLEReads the setting of the GSM engine (see also section,page 141).DEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECTReads the configuration setting of the GPS auto correction (seealso section, page 142).Reads where the selected data and user messages sent viaDEVICE.COMM.SERIALserial interface would be routed/ transmitted (see also section3.3.1.9, page 135).Reads where the selected data and user messages sent via anDEVICE.COMM.CSDestablished data call will be routed/transmitted. (See alsosection, page 137).Reads where the selected data and user messages sent via anDEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT established TCP connection will be routed/transmitted along.(See also section, page 138).DEVICE.IGNTIMEOUTReads the timeout period in event of the system performs ashutdown process (see also section, page 140).Reads whether the internal battery will be used, when theDEVICE.BAT.ENABLEexternal power is not available. Feature of the <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT only(see also section, page 140).DEVICE.BAT.USEEXTReads whether or not the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device uses an externalbattery, see also section, page 141.DEVICE.GSM.ENABLEReads whether or not the GSM services will be available duringthe start up process (see also section, page 141).DEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECTReads whether or not the filtering of GPS auto correction will bechecked (see also section, page 142).DEVICE.GPS.CFGReads the number of satellites required to get a valid GPS Fix(see also section, page 143).DEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUTReads the period of time in minutes (if specified) on which theGPS will search for satellites before it performs a GPS orThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 65 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMATReading ALIAS configurationALIAS.Reading Debugger configurationDBG.ENsystem reset (see also section, page 143).ContinuedReads the format of any MSG.Send command functionality (seealso section, page 143).Reads the alias name used for command types (see alsosection, page 145).Reads whether or not the debugging state is switched on (seealso section, page 134).Reading Protocol <strong>Configuration</strong> (available for serial communication, only)PROT.GGAPROT.GSAPROT.GSVPROT.RMCPROT.GLLPROT.VTGPROT.IOPPROT.GSMPROT.AREAPROT.BINPROT.START.BINReading GSM services configurationGSM.CALLID.ENGSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLISTGSM.OPERATOR.SELECTIONGSM.OPLOST.RESTARTGSM.SMS.RESPONSEGSM.RINGTONEGSM.PROFILE.AUDIOGSM.PROFILE.CURRENTReading GPRS services configurationGPRS.APNGPRS.AUTOSTARTGPRS.DIALGPRS.TIMEOUTReads the time interval on which the GGA protocol will be sentto the serial line (see also section 3.3.4, page 146).Reads the time interval on which the GSA protocol will be sentto the serial line (see also section, page 147).Reads the time interval on which the GSV protocol will be sentto the serial line (see also section, page 147).Reads the time interval on which the RMC protocol will be sentto the serial line (see also section, page 148).Reads the time interval on which the GLL protocol will be sent tothe serial line (see also section, page 148).Reads the time interval on which the VTG protocol will be sentto the serial line (see also section, page 148).Reads the time interval on which the IOP protocol will be sent tothe serial line (see also section, page 149).Reads the time interval on which the GSM protocol will be sentto the serial line (see also section, page 149).Reads the time interval on which the AREA protocol will be sentto the serial line (see also section, page 149).Reads the time interval on which the BIN protocol will be sent tothe serial line (see also section, page 149).Reads the text of user- specified BIN protocol (see also section3.3.4.11, page 150).Reads whether or not the caller identification function is enabled(see also section, page 151).Reads a customized blacklist of the specified GSM operatornames (see also section, page 151).Reads the GSM operator selection (see also section,page 152).Reads whether or not the system (<strong>STEPPII</strong>) should perform areset in event of bad GSM coverage (see also section,page 153).Reads how many time the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device responses when itreceives a SMS (see also section, page 154).Reads the type and volume of ring tones. (see also section3.3.5.8, page 154).Reads the profile for loudspeaker volume level and microphonesidetone (see also section, page 155).Reads the audio profile currently loaded (see also section3.3.5.10, page 156).Reads the PDP (internet address) context of your provider (seealso section, page 157).Reads the GPRS auto start state (see also section, page157).Reads the dial text the GPRS connection uses (see also section3.3.6.3, page 157).Reads the time out the GPRS connection will be automaticallyshutdown if there is no TCP communication currently availableThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 66 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1GPRS.QOSMINGPRS.QOSPPP.USERNAMEPPP.PASSWORDPPP.AUTOPINGPPP.AUTHReading TCP <strong>Configuration</strong>TCP.CLIENT.CONNECTTCP.CLIENT.LOGINTCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUTTCP.CLIENT.DNS.TIMEOUTTCP.CLIENT.PINGTCP.STORAGEReading SMTP <strong>Configuration</strong>TCP.SMTP.CONNECTTCP.SMTP.LOGINTCP.SMTP.FROMGeofence <strong>Configuration</strong>GF.CONFIGGF.AREAGFReading Alarm <strong>Configuration</strong>ALReading REPLACE <strong>Configuration</strong>REPLACEReading MACRO <strong>Configuration</strong>MACRO(see also section, page 158).Reads the minimum acceptable profile for the identifiedcontext (see also section, page 158).Reads the required acceptable profile for the identified context(see also section, page 160).Reads the required user name for GPRS connection (see alsosection, page 162).Reads the required password for GPRS connection (if specified)(see also section, page 162)Reads the amount of time a ping will be sent to the GPRSnetwork for keeping that connection alive (see also section3.3.7.3, page 163).Reads the authentification method being used over PPP (seealso section, page 163).Reads the specified IP address and port number of the remoteserver (see also section, page 162).Reads the login data used for connection to the remote server(see also section, page 166).Reads the length of time the device waits between attempts toestablish the connection (see also section, page 166).Reads the DNS cache timeout (see also section, page166).Reads the interval of time a ping will be sent to the remoteserver for keeping that connection alive (see also section3.3.8.3, page 166).Reads the TCP storage size and the operation mode (see alsosection, page 168).Reads the configuration of the sending of E-Mail via an Internetmail server (see also section, page 169).Reads the SMTP login data (see also section, page169).Reads the E-Mail address of the Email sender (see also section3.3.8.11, page 170).Reads the global configuration used for Geofence functionalities(see also section, page 173).Reads the text specified for a certain area. Up to 32 areas in arange of 0 to 31 can be requested (see also section,page 174).Reads the set configuration to a specific Geofence zone. Up to 100 Geofence zones in a range of 0 to 99, canbe requested (see also section, page 175).Reads the set configuration to a specific alarm . Up to100 alarms in a range of 0 to 99, can be requested (see alsosection 3.3.10, page 180).Reads the text within the Replace index (see also section3.3.11.1, page 206).Reads commands within the Macro index (see also section3.3.12.1, page 207).Table 7:The parameters grouped by major category that can be requested to get theirconfiguration settings.Notes• The default settings of the firmware version 2.3.10 and greater are given inchapter 7.5,This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 67 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Cnf.Clear, - Clear the present configurationsettings of the parameter name<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionCnf.Clear,$PFAL,Cnf.Clear,"AL"$PFAL,Cnf.ClearThe system has the option to erase the whole configuration settings (definedby the user) for a specific parameter name. It allows erasing, for example, thegroup of alarms (AL) with a single PFAL command or whole user configurationsettings if this command is executed without parameters. The factory defaultsettings (see chapter 7.8, page 230) remain available, which are needed toboot up the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Parameter descriptionNotesOptional setting. If no parameter is specified the whole configuration willbe erased (like factory reset, without resetting the device). If used, itspecifies the name of the parameter, in capital letters, to be erased. <strong>Set</strong>one of the parameters listed in the chapter 3.3, page 130. Theparameter must be wrapped in quotation marks (" ")• Erasing parameters with these settings will NOT update the configurationwithin the device (i.e. default configuration will not be activatedimmediately; alarms will not be disabled immediately ; use Cnf.<strong>Set</strong> if this isdesired instead!)• The parameter name (or the starting characters) must be written in capitalletters.• No semicolon may be inside parameter name• If several user configuration settings would match the specified parametername, a list of all deleted parameters is given out• Default configurations cannot be erased• If many configuration settings are to be erased, this command might needseveral seconds to complete3.2.2.4 Cnf.Backup - Backes up the current user configuration<strong>Command</strong> syntaxCnf.BackupExamples$PFAL,Cnf.BackupMessage descriptionThis command saves the current user configuration as backup. The userconfiguration can be restored anytime either manually by Cnf.Restore orautomatically whenever a corrupted configuration is detected.Parameter descriptionNoneNotesThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 68 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1• A backup configuration should contain all required configuration settingsused to get remote access of the device (i.e. SIM PIN, GPRS settings etc..)Also important Alarms can be backed up.• It is not recommended to save last valid position, almanac, counter, triggeror timer values to configuration backup. If a restore command is executed,all backup settings are restored, which could mean i.e. wrong last validposition and even more important – an invalid startup time. Cnf.Restore - Restores backed up settings to the currentconfiguration<strong>Command</strong> syntaxCnf.RestoreExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Cnf.RestoreIf a configuration was backed up before, this command can restore allbackup settings to the current configuration.The device also attempts to restore a backup configuration automatically if :➢a corrupted configuration is detected,➢the current user configuration is empty when the device starts.Within the restore command, the system makes a hot start. This causes anupdate of most configuration settings (i.e. alarms, protocols, geofences etc..).The GSM engine reinitializes itself too, which aborts existing GPRS/TCP/SMTPsessions as well as voice/data calls.Start events and the specific configuration restoration complete eventSYS.Info.e1 will be shown after the operation completes.Parameter descriptionNone3.2.2.6 Cnf.ShowUser - Show the configuration of the modified/addedparameters<strong>Command</strong> syntaxCnf.ShowUserExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Cnf.ShowUserThis command delivers the whole parameter names stored in the internalFLASH memory of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device, which are modified/added by the user.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• <strong>STEPPII</strong> device will deliver all parameter settings, except defaultconfiguration.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 69 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Cnf.ShowDefault - Show default settings<strong>Command</strong> syntaxCnf.ShowDefaultExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Cnf.ShowDefaultThis command delivers all default settings stored in the internal FLASH memoryof the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Parameter descriptionNone. Cnf.Show - Show all used parameter settings<strong>Command</strong> syntaxCnf.ShowExamples$PFAL,Cnf.ShowMessage descriptionThis command delivers all currently used parameter settings stored in theinternal FLASH memory of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• Default parameter settings are displayed, if the user does not havemodified them. For example, if the user changes the device name fromdefault "unnamed <strong>STEPPII</strong>" to the user name "my<strong>STEPPII</strong>", the <strong>STEPPII</strong> doesnot deliver that parameter value.• All parameters will be displayed with the Cnf.Show if they result cleared bythe user. Cnf.ShowBackup - Show backed-up parameter settings<strong>Command</strong> syntaxCnf.ShowBackupExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Cnf.ShowBackupThis command delivers all parameters stored within configuration backup (formore details, see command Cnf.Backup).Parameter descriptionNone. Cnf.Search, – Search for a parameter name<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionCnf.Search,$PFAL,Cnf.Search,"DEVICE"$PFAL,Cnf.Search,"TCP"………..This command polls all available settings of the entered parameter.Parameter descriptionThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 70 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Determines the text, in capital letters, to be searched. The specified textmust be wrapped in double quotation marks (""). The text to besearched can be one of the parameter names listed in chapter 3.3,page Cnf.Lock, – Search for a parameter name<strong>Command</strong> syntaxCnf.Lock,ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Cnf.Lock,"1111111"Installs a write protection for the current configuration. <strong>Set</strong>tings can still beread, but not written anymore. This also affects saving triggers, counters etc..,as well as last valid position.Parameter descriptionNotesPassword consists of a string with a length up to 50 characters. The userspecifiedpassword protects the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device from the unauthorizedaccesses.• The parameter name (or the part which is specified) must be written incapital letters.• No semicolon may be inside parameter name.• String syntax has to be used here ("") Cnf.Unlock, – Search for a parameter name<strong>Command</strong> syntaxCnf.Unlock,ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,Cnf.Unlock,"1111111"Removes the write write protection of a currently locked configuration. Afterthis command has been executed successfully, settings can be written orerased again.Parameter descriptionNotesIt consists of a string with a length up to 50 characters. It is assumed thatthe password has already been set.• The parameter name (or the part which is specified) must be written incapital letters.• No semicolon may be inside parameter name.• String syntax has to be used here ("")This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 71 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "IO" command typeInputs/outputs are hardware-based signals, which can be used to notify the userwhen system events occurs. For example, you might want to be notified when anincoming voice call detected, or when a digital input changes its state or when thebattery voltage reaches a certain level. "IN" command index3. IO.IN – Read the current value of the specified input port<strong>Command</strong> syntaxIO.INExamples$PFAL,IO.IN7Message descriptionThis command delivers the current value of the specified input IN.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the index of the provided inputs. See also chapter 7.9, page232 as reference. The index can be set to:0 Digital input 11 Digital input 22 Digital input 33 Digital input 46 Battery line7 Ignition line3.2.3.2 "OUT" command index3. IO.OUT – Read the current value of the specified output port<strong>Command</strong> syntaxIO.OUTExamples$PFAL,IO.OUT0Message descriptionThis command delivers the current value of the specified output OUT.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the index of output ports. The index can be set to a valuefrom 0 to 3 corresponding to the provided output ports of the Falcom<strong>STEPPII</strong> respectively. See chapter 7.9, page 232 as reference.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 72 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION IO.OUT= – <strong>Set</strong> the configuration type on thespecified output port<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionIO.OUT=$PFAL,IO.OUT2=low$PFAL,IO.OUT3=hpulse,5000$PFAL,IO.OUT0=cyclic,500,1000This command sets the configuration type on the specified output portOUT.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the index of output ports. ranging to a value from 0 to 3. Seechapter 7.9, page 232 as reference.It specifies the configuration type of the user-defined output. It can beset to:high<strong>Set</strong>s OUT to the High.low<strong>Set</strong>s OUT to the Low.hpulse, Generates a single high pulse on theOUT. The ON time specifiesthe pulse duration. When the time expires theOUT wll be set to Low.lpulse, Generates a single low pulse on OUT.The OFF time specifies the pulseduration When the time expires theOUT wll be set to the prior state.cyclic,, Generates periodically High and Lowpulses defined by and respectively. Specifies the number ofmilliseconds for ON-time period. Specifies the number ofmilliseconds for OFF-time period. IO.SaveOut - Stores the current state of digital outputs<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesIO.SaveOut$PFAL,IO.SaveOutMessage descriptionThis command is used to store the current state of the digital outputs. The stateof the digital outputs is stored in on-board memory (under DEVICE.OUT.STATEparameter) for recovery in the next start up. On the next start up, these outputsresume their last stored state. This command stores only Low and High states.For example, you set the first 2 outputs to high ($PFAL,IO.OUT0=High and$PFAL,IO.OUT1=High), and then you save these states with command(PFAL,IO.SaveOut). The configuration will look like DEVICE.OUT.STATE=1100. Duringbooting the device holds these values and sets first 2 outputs to High.Parameter descriptionNoneThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 73 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "GPIO" command index3. IO.GPIO – Read the current value of the specified output port<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesIO.GPIO$PFAL,IO.GPIO9Message descriptionThis command delivers the current value of the specified GPIO port. Thiscommand is intended for XF55-AVL module only.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the index of GPIO ports.0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15 GPIOs available for the XF559 GPIO available for the <strong>STEPPII</strong> ( the orangeTMARK-LED, used as output only) IO.GPIO= – <strong>Set</strong> the configuration type on the thespecified GPIO port<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionIO.GPIO=$PFAL,IO.GPIO9=low$PFAL,IO.GPIO9=hpulse,5000$PFAL,IO.GPIO9=cyclic,500,1000This command delivers the current value of the specified GPIO port.This command is intended for XF55-AVL module only.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the index of GPIO ports.0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15 GPIOs available for the XF559 GPIO available for the <strong>STEPPII</strong> (the orangeTMARK-LED, used as output only):It specifies the configuration type of the user defined GPIO. It can be setto:high<strong>Set</strong>s GPIO to High.low<strong>Set</strong>s GPIO to Low.hpulse, Generates a single high pulse on theGPIO. The ON time specifies the pulse duration. When the timeexpires the GPIOwll be set to Low.lpulse, Generates a single low pulse on theGPIO. The OFF time specifies the pulse duration. When the timeexpires the GPIO wll be set to the priorstate.cyclic,, Generates periodically High and Lowpulses on the GPIO. The ON/OFF timesThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 74 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "ANA" command indexare defined by and respectively (cyclic High/Low signals). Specifies the number ofmilliseconds for ON-time period. Specifies the number ofmilliseconds for OFF-time period.This chapter explains the basic calibration processes for analogue inputs of the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device. Calibration is basically a conversion process on two specific inputvoltages (minimum voltage (0V) and maximum allowable voltage (31V)) from whichthe offset error coefficient and maximum-level error coefficient are determined. Withsystem calibration, the minimum voltage and maximum voltage must be applied tothe analogue inputs by the user before the minimum and maximum calibration stepsare initiated and voltage values must remain stable until the steps are completed. What does the ADC calibration mean?The ADC calibration means, the user must apply the minimum-level voltageand maximum-level voltage to the analogue input(s). ADC calibration is afive-step process, as given below.1. Apply 0V to the specified analogue input (set it to GND).2. Perform the command "$PFAL,IO.ANA.Min0" for analogue intput 1 or"$PFAL,IO.ANA.Min1" for the second analogue input.3. Apply the maximum voltage your application uses to the specifiedanalogue input (do not exeed 31 V!)4. Perform the command "$PFAL,IO.ANA.Max0" for analogue intput 1 or"$PFAL,IO.ANA.Max1" for the second analogue input.5. Specify the maximum voltage you applied to the input in Stepp 3.Simply enter the command "$PFAL,IO.ANA.Voltage0=" for thefirst analogue input or "$PFAL,IO.ANA.Voltage1=" for the secondanalogue input.All calibration parameters are stored in the FLASH memory and can berequested using the $PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.1 and$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.2 configuration parameters respectively. The minimum and maximum voltages applied to the analogue inputs donot exceed the min=0V and max < 31V respectively. IO.ANA.Min - ADC minimum calibration<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesIO.ANA.MinMessage description$PFAL,IO.ANA.Min0$PFAL,IO.ANA.Min1This command calibrates the minimum-level (0V) corresponding to thespecified analogue input .Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the index of analogue inputs. The can be set to avalue between 0 and 1 corresponding to the provided analogue inputsof the Falcom <strong>STEPPII</strong> respectively. For more details refer to the chapter7.9, page 232.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 75 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• All calibration parameters are stored in the FLASH memory and can berequested using the $PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.1 and$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.2 configuration parameters respectively.• The minimum voltage applied to the analogue inputs does not exceed the0 Volt. IO.ANA.Max - ADC maximum calibration<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesIO.ANA.MaxMessage description$PFAL,IO.ANA.Max0$PFAL,IO.ANA.Max1This command calibrates the maximum-level (

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "GPS" command type3.2.4.1 "Nav" command index3. GPS.Nav.Position – Read the distance of the devicefrom a stored location<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesGPS.Nav.Position$PFAL,GPS.Nav.Position0Message descriptionCurrent GPS position of the device will be temporarily kept into the specifiedposition .Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the memory buffer index, in the range from 0 to 4, to be read.Each memory buffer index is a piece of SRAM memory that is used totemporarily store/read the data. The content of each buffer index isavailable as long as the internal software is running. Should the devicebe reset, switched off, or goes into sleep mode, each index loses itscontents forever. Each memory buffer index has a fixed size and eachof them can be updated with new data or the available data on themcan be erased. GPS.Nav.Position= – Save temporarily/clear adevice position<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamples<strong>Command</strong> descriptionGPS.Nav.Position=$PFAL,GPS.Nav.Position1=current$PFAL,GPS.Nav.Position2=none$PFAL,GPS.Nav.Position2=pos50.683317,10.980760,490.0Current GPS position of the device can be temporarily stored into the specified. After a position is stored into a , the alarmconditions can be specified to launch certain action based on the distancecalculated from the saved position to the current device position.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the memory buffer index, in the range from 0 to 4, to saveinformation for possible further use. Each memory buffer index is a pieceof SRAM memory that is used to temporarily store the data. The contentof each buffer index is available as long as the internal software isrunning. Should the device be reset, switched off, or goes into sleepmode, each index loses its contents forever. Each memory buffer indexhas a fixed size and each of them can be updated with new data orthe available data on them can be erased.Determines the type of the data to be saved. Following types can beset.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 77 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1NotesnonecurrentClears the contents of the selected.Stores the current GPS position of the device intothe selected pos,, Stores the latitude, longitude and altitude of alocation temporarily. This location enables toexecute certain distance-based actions. Asreference, see description of the"GPS.Nav.Position.s"state. The , and are given indecimal format. The determines the altitude,in meters, above sea level. If you do not knowexactly the altitude of that location then specifya circa value without decimal dot "." (as aninteger value).• The functionality of this command enables periodically sending ofmessages that are based on distance covered by the device.• The current GPS position will be stored into a . GPS.Nav.Position=save – Move andstore GPS position data from buffer to storage index<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamples<strong>Command</strong> descriptionGPS.Nav.Position=save$PFAL,GPS.Nav.Position3=save0This command reads the contents of the selected and writesthis contents into the selected for further use. The contents ofthe selected can be updated with a new data while thedata in the remains unchanged. The data in the retains available even if the system will be powered off.Parameter descriptionIt specifies the memory buffer index, in the range from 0 to 4, to restoreits contents into the FLASH. Each memory buffer index is a piece of SRAMmemory that is used to temporarily store the data. The content of eachbuffer index is available as long as the internal software is running.Should the device be reset, switched off, or goes into sleep mode, eachindex loses its contents forever. Each memory buffer index has a fixedsize and each of them can be updated with new data or the availabledata on them can be erased.It specifies the storage index in the range from 0 to 4. Each storageindex is a portion of FLASH memory in which the determined datawritten on it will be not lost when the device performs a reset, goes intosleep mode or is turned off. Each storage index has a fixed size spaceand each of them can be updated with new data. Read also thedescription of storage index given in the table of abbreviations.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 78 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• An Alias name can be defined for each storage index by usingALIAS.STORAGE=. Read also thedescription of storage index given in the table of abbreviations. GPS.Nav.Position=load – Load datafrom storage to buffer index for temporarily use<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesGPS.Nav.Position=load$PFAL,GPS.Nav.Position3=load0<strong>Command</strong> descriptionThis command loads the contents of the selected into theselected for temporarily use. The selected buffer index will beautomatically refreshed with new data while the data into the remains unchanged. The data selected from the storageindex must be validated (means, the must contain only GPSposition data and no other data like Timer or Trigger states) before making anyattempt to access the new data loaded in the selected .Parameter descriptionNotesIt specifies the memory buffer index, in the range from 0 to 4, to load itwith new data. Each memory buffer index is a piece of SRAM memorythat is used to temporarily store data. The content of each buffer index isavailable as long as the internal software is running. Should the devicebe reset, switched off, or goes into sleep mode, each index loses itscontents forever. Each memory buffer index has a fixed size and each ofthem can be updated with new data or the available data on themcan be erased.It specifies the storage index, in the range from 0 to 4, . Each storageindex is a portion of FLASH memory in which determined data written onthem will be not lost when the device performs a reset, goes into sleepmode or is turned off. Each storage index has a fixed size space andeach of them can be updated with new data. Read also thedescription of storage index given in the table of abbreviations.• An Alias name can be defined for each storage index by usingALIAS.STORAGE=. Read also thedescription of storage index given in the table of abbreviations.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 79 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPS.Nav.Distance – Show the present distance calculated from startpoint<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGPS.Nav.DistanceExamples<strong>Command</strong> description$PFAL,GPS.Nav.DistanceThis read command returns the current covered distance, in meter, since thedevice has left a known start point. Once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device has got a GP- Fixand DOP values are sufficient, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> stores internally the start point. Thestored value of distance, based on a point-to-point calculation, resultsautomatically updated once the vehicle (<strong>STEPPII</strong>) starts moving.Parameter descriptionNotesNone• To get the distance the device has done (e.g. during a trip), firstly reset thedistance to zero (GPS.Nav.Distance=0, see the next section) and thensimply read out (GPS.Nav.Distance) the distance when the destination pointof the trip is reached.• If you reset the device during the trip, the covered distance will be set tozero (0). GPS.Nav.Distance – <strong>Set</strong>/reset the distance to user definedvalue<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGPS.Nav.Distance=$PFAL,GPS.Nav.Distance=0$PFAL,GPS.Nav.Distance=10This command resets the distance to a user-defined value, which can beeither a start point or the distance tolerance from which the distance starts.Parameter descriptionNotesInteger type value in the range of 0 to 4294967295.• Each value sent to the device overwrites the existing value. GPS.Nav.SaveLastValid – Save last valid position, if no GPS-fix valid<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGPS.Nav.SaveLastValidExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GPS.Nav.SaveLastValidIf the system <strong>STEPPII</strong> is currently receiving invalid GPS position data, and thiscommand is executed, then an empty RMC message will be internally stored(a RMC protocol that contains only zero values). To prevent the system <strong>STEPPII</strong>form storing invalid GPS data, use this command in an alarm (AL2=Sys.Device.eShutdown:GPS.Nav.SaveLastValid) that saves the last valid GPS position tonon-volatile memory before the system initiates a shutdown process. This data,stored before the system performs a shutdown, are needed on the next powerup scenario. So, if there is no valid GPS fix during the next system startup, thenThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 80 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1the last valid position, stored into non-volatile memory, will be automaticallyattached to "MSG.Info.Serverlogin"command and sent to the remote server aswell as an invalid RMC protocol will be updated by the last valid position. In thisway you will always receive/have valid GPS position instead of an invalid RMCprotocol containing only zero values.Additionally, as long as the system has no valid information about the GPS timeduring the startup, it always uses either the time from the last valid position (thelatest known time, if available) or the time starting from "06.01.1980 00:00:00".The stored time can also be used until the device gets a valid GPS fix again,which allows showing a valid position even if the device has no valid GPS fixafter system startup. Once a few GPS satellites are in view the estimated GPStime information can be shown. If this time is older than the last valid positionstored in the device, it will be discarded.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• Because the non-volatile memory is limited to several 100'000 writeoperations, it is strongly recommended to prevent periodically saving of thelast valid position in a short period of time.• The saved last valid position will always be displayed, during the systemstartup, when the system exists in an area without GPS coverage andwhenever a valid GPS fix becomes invalid.• This command may need up to 30 seconds to complete its task. To reducethe time to first fix (TTFF) process, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> automatically loads the laststored valid position during the startup.• This time can be used to write history records and perform data logging. Inorder to read out history by time/date span, be sure that the stored time inthese records is always up to date!! Following the hints to assure correct processing✔✔To assure consistent history times, always store the last validposition before shutting down the device and write historyentries after the system startup. Do not write any history entriesbetween saving and device shutdown process.It may never happen that the time of a record to be stored inthe history is smaller than the time of the prior record alreadylogged in history storage. The time/date of each new record youwrite must always be greater than the prior stored record. GPS.Nav.SaveAlmanac – Save the latest almanac data<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGPS.Nav.SaveAlmanacExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GPS.Nav.SaveAlmanacThe embedded GPS receiver uses the almanac data to assist with locatingand tracking available satellites. If current almanac data does not exist in theembedded GPS receiver due to a cold start or if it has not been used for along period of time, saving recent almanac data will assist it in locating andtracking satellites and getting a faster Time-To-Fist-Fix.Parameter descriptionnone.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 81 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• $PFAL,GPS.Nav.SaveLastValid no longer stores the almanac data.• If there is no last valid position currently available, an empty RMC messagewill be stored (a RMC containing only zero values).• To keep the almanac data up to date, the commandGPS.Nav.SaveAlmanac should be sent manually from time to time. Itreduces the Time-To-Fist-Fix after system startup, because during systemstartup, the stored almanac data will be load and used for navigation.• Each time this command performed, it takes approx. 30 seconds tocomplete its task. Except Timer, Trigger, Counter and History.Write actions,within this time the system suspends all other activity, so the alarm actionscan be delayed.• Because the non-volatile memory is limited to several 100'000 writeoperations, it is strongly recommended to prevent periodically saving of thealmanac data in a short period of time.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 82 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "History" command indexThe GPS satellites are continuously transmitting a radio message containinginformation, including when the data was sent. When the GPS receiver fitted in thevehicle is powered on, through the connected GPS antenna, it receives continuouslythe radio messages sent from satellites containing GPS information the sent data. Thereceived information from at least 4 satellites will be computed and carried out thenecessary calculations to determine its current position. This data solution can bestored in the on-board Flash memory called "History" for further evaluation.The GPS.History.Write -command enables the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to store the currenttime and current position into the history storage space (a portion of FLASH whichuses 960 Kbytes memory size). The <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit is capable of saving up to 245.715position records in its history memory space. The History function works on what iscalled a FIFO principal: First in, first out, it means when the memory space has beenused up, the oldest records will automatically be deleted to make space for newincoming data. GPS.History.Write,, – Store GPSposition data in the history memory space<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGPS.History.Write,,$PFAL,GPS.History.Write,20,"enter_the_text_to_be stored"$PFAL,GPS.History.Write,1,""$PFAL,GPS.History.Write,0,""This command records automatically a new entry of the GPS position includingcurrent position, speed, number of satellites and time into the history memoryspace. Additional information can be attached to each entry if and values are set.Parameter DescriptionIt determines whether or not additional information has to be recordedin the history memory space. It specifies the value in hexadecimalformat (without "0x"). Following are listed for additional information inhexadecimal value:0x000x010x020x040x080x10Writes the current GPS position of the device.Writes the current state of the Iinput and Output.Writes the current state of the GSM (field strength, cellid, area code, of incoming/outgoing SMS etc.)Writes the current operating mode of the system, GPRS,PPP, TCP, system lifetime.reserved.Writes the current analog values (ANA0 and ANA1 – forsteppII only) .0x20 Writes the specified text from the field (up to 99characters available)0x400x80Writes the current state of the Geofence areas (insideor outside of a marked area)reservedThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 83 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1NotesIt is a string that represents user information. The specified text is limited to 99characters and it must be wrapped in quotation marks (" "). If no user texthas to be written, this field can be left empty, except quotation marks ("").The hex value (20) will be added automatically to the if the user text is not empty.• Do NOT execute this command more than 1 time per second, otherwisetiming information will be unreliable.• Entries can be written without having a fix. In such a case the entries maystore the user messages, the IN/OUT states or other additional information.• Whenever a record is stored in the history, it will be "invalid", if there is noGPS-fix currently available. However, each entry can store:✔✔✔The internal last valid position (if available)Or the last stored valid position (if available)Or an empty data "ECEF:0,0,0"• Whenever there is no GPS-fix currently available, the most recent availabletimestamp is captured from:✔✔✔Last valid position if it is the newest timestamp of the systemOr locally shown RMC if this is the most recent timeOr internal time is used that means the date can start from06.01.1980.• When you retrieve the history records remember that only records with avalid GPS fix show absolutely a reliable timestamp. Please read also Notesof <strong>Set</strong>Read and Read for further details.• In order to attach more than one additional information at once, specifythe sum determined by adding the corresponding hex value of eachadditional information, for example:− The hex value 7 means: IN/OUT + GSM + System states will be storedtogether with current location of the device at once. GPS.History.Clear– Clear the history memory space<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGPS.History.ClearExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GPS.History.ClearThis command allows you to clear all records stored in the history memoryspace.Parameter DescriptionNoneThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 84 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPS.History.GetStart– Show the oldest date stored in the historymemory space<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesGPS.History.GetStartMessage description$PFAL,GPS.History.GetStartThis command returns the oldest date stored in the history memory space ofthe target device.Parameter DescriptionNone3. GPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Read,,- – Selectthe number of records from the history memory space to bedownloaded<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Read,allGPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Read, ,-,$PFAL,GPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Read,all$PFAL,GPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Read,14.6.2005,10:5:20-14.6.2005,10:06:16Using this command the stored records in the history memory can be selectedand prepared for download process. The start date/time and end date/timeallow downloading of records within a certain range, only. In order to choosethe total number of records associated with the history memory space use "all"rather then the start date/time and the end date/time assumed to choose arange of records. The parameters of this command are based on the UTC time.Therefore, if the start date/time and the end date/time are specified, therecords in the history memory are selected according to UTC Time (UniversalTime Coordinated).Parameter DescriptionSpecifies the start date. Its format is DD.MM.YYYYFormatMeaning/ValueDD Represents the day as a number (1 - 31)MM Represents the month as a number (1 - 12).YYYY Represents the year as a four-digit number (1900 -9999).Specifies the start time. Its format is HH:MM:SSFormatMeaning/ValueHH Represents the hour (0 - 23).MM Represents the minute (0 - 59).SS Represents the second (0 - 59).Specifies the end date. Its format is DD.MM.YYYYFormatMeaning/ValueDD Represents the day as a number (1 - 31)This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 85 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1MM Represents the month as a number (1 - 12).YYYY Represents the year as a four-digit number (1900 -9999).Specifies the end time. Its format is HH:MM:SSFormatMeaning/ValueNotesHH Represents the hour (0 - 23).MM Represents the minute (0 - 59).SS Represents the second (0 - 59).• Records could not be selected, if the start date or end time is greater thanthe date or time of the latest stored record. In such cases the entered dataand time result invalid and <strong>STEPPII</strong> device responds an ERROR.• If the end date is greater than the date included in the latest stored record,then all records beginning from the start date are chosen. In such a casethe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device responds no ERROR.• This command is not intended to download the history records, but it justchooses/selects the block of records to be downloaded. GPS.History.Read – Download selected history records in parts<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGPS.History.Read,fmt=$PFAL,GPS.History.Read$PFAL,GPS.History.Read,fmt=txtThe purpose of this command is to transfer partly the selected history recordsto an Internet TCP server via TCP protocol or to the serial interface via a serialcable. Before you can use this command for transferring history records to aremote server/host, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> must already be connected to that server. This isaccomplished by setting the Server and Port properties (for more detailedinformation, see chapter 3.3.8 page 164) to those of a valid TCP server. Onceyou have marked a set of records in the history with GPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Readcommand, to start the download process send this command to the remote<strong>STEPPII</strong>. This command executes the download process of the marked historyrecords. If such records are found in the history, the download process results infollowing way:➢➢➢➢➢By default, transferring of history records results in binary format. The descriptionof the binary data is given in chapter 7.5 Appendix on page 227. Other formats arealso available, see parameter description of this command.The download process consists of block sizes equivalent to 512 bytes (1/2 kilobyte)per stream / per command.All selected records (block of records) will not be transmitted at once, except if thesize of the selected records is 512 bytes or smaller.Each time the system <strong>STEPPII</strong> receives the GPS.History.Read command, itresponds with a maximum packet size of 512 bytes even if the size of the markedrecords is larger than 512 bytes. It means as larger the size of the selected historydata, as more GPS.History.Read commands have to be sent to the target device.When the selected history records have been successfully downloaded, the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device responds a message "readout completed".This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 86 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Example:To download a 16 Kbytes set of records equivalent to 16384 bytes, you haveto send 32-times (16384 byte: 512 bytes = 32 times) the GPS.History.Readcommand to the target <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Parameter DescriptionIt defines the format of the history (logged) records to be downloaded.It can be defined to:bintxtrmcDownloads history records in the binary format (default)It is the same as you send only GPS.History.Read).Downloads history records in a special textual format. Abrief description of this format can be found in the nextsub-chapter.A standard RMC protocol is generated for each historyentry.Notes• Note, the maximum number of bytes that can be downloaded at once ispredefined to 512 bytes.• To download the history records, please consider that the start date/timeand end date/time are based on the UTC Time, otherwise you willdownload the stored history records in the incorrect time.• No PFAL commands could be entered/executed after the time thecommand has been sent until the download process is successfully done.• Advantage to this command: As above, this command does not downloadthe all history records you have selected at once. It splits the size of theselected records in 512 bytes per packet and sends a 512 bytes packet outupon user request. Splitting history data to several packets allows theremote server to execute arbitrary commands even if the history readoutprocess has been started. Reading history packets can continue wheneverit is desired (but before you shut down or reset the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 87 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Reading history records in textual formatEach history entry is reported within a single line of the following format.$Format Example Description$ $ Start of records,,,,,,,dd.mm.yyyy 13.10.2006 Date: dd day, mm month, yy year separated by dots.hh:mm:ss 13:26.56 Time: hh hours, mm minutes, ss seconds separated by colons.dd.mmmmmm 50.673325 Latitude, a double value in decimal degrees format.dd.mmmmmm 10.980685 Longitude, a double value in decimal degrees format.dd.m 600.9 Altitude, an approximate height value (0 … 8000) above sea level inmeter format.x 1 GPS position validity:0: GPS fix invalid1: GPS fix validxx 03 Number of satellites in view (0 to 15)xxx 100 Speed, an integer (0 … 225) representing the speed value over theground in meter/second format ,, ….,: 1:10010110.10011110 It is an optional parameter and is added only if extensions exist.Extensions are sorted before output, so it is assured that e.g.extension containing IN and OUT state will come first, before all otherextensions.A complete set of extensions, separated by commas, is shown in thetable below (sorted: the upper entry comes first).End of message terminationTable 8:Reading history records in textual format.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 88 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1: Example Description0 . 1:10010110.1001111012........2:20.5518.4caa.10.94: by dots, it shows the state of input output lines.IN e.g. 10010110 (IN7... IN0)OUT e.g. 10011110 (OUT7... OUT0)Separated by dots, it shows both the current GSM networkcell information and incoming/outgoing SMS number. GSM field strength (0 to 31;99=unknown) area/country code of GSM operator GSM cell ID Incoming SMS number Outgoing SMS numberSeparated by dots, it shows the current system state. current GPRS statecurrent PPP statecurrent TCP statecurrent main state current time since the device started (inmiliseconds)There is no more information about the states given above.They should be used for debugging purposes only (i.e. toreport when a system state changes or how the system statewas at a specific time). This information might be useful andshould be sent within support requests.3 Alarm event (not yet implemented)4 ; 10:5.24;5.24Separated by semicolon, it shows the current state of theanalogue inputs. Voltages are recorded with an accuracy of0.1V (note, ADC uses an accuracy of 0.125 – 0.25) fractional number – e.g. 5.24 fractional number – e.g. 5.24Wrapped in quotation marks, it shows the user message.5"" It can be either a simply textoroutputs of the dynamicprotocols.Separated by dot, it shows the area states (feature ofGeofencing - inside or outside of an area) hexadecimal value of area 16..316 . 40:2000.00FC (area16is the least significant bit) hexadecimal value of area 0..15 (area0isthe least significant bit)It is almost the same syntax as in the GPAREA protocol.7 reserved* Latitude South and Longitude West have negative value indicated by sign minus "- "Table 8.1:A complete set of extensions.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 89 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Further notes for converting history data with special remark to data/eventlogging featuresIf a record has "no GPS fix", its position should be ignored for any navigation (theposition is invalid, and if it is a differential record, its relative position will be 0 for dx,dy, dz). Furthermore, the shown time is no valid GPS time.This time is usually reliable in the following case:The device has had a GPS fix after startup. This fix got lost due to bad GPS coverage. The internal time stored inside this record is quite accurate (± a few seconds for along time span)This time is not reliable in the following case:The device has no GPS fix after startup. Only the stored LastValid position (and itstime) could be used to initialize the internal clock.<strong>STEPPII</strong> uses this time (LastValid) and increments it as long as no valid GPS timeavailable. However, the internal time can be in the past (depending on how longthe device has been switched off after saving the LastValidPosition for the lasttime).History records created with "last valid"times are ordered correctly – so you canassume which record happened before/after another one in the past ( allowsevent /data logging). Furthermore, time differences between single records are alsocorrectly shown for a session:In order to distinguish which records belong to a "session"in the past (device started,wrote history records and was sent to sleep later), you can do two things:1. Write a record containing special user data right before saving the last validposition and sending the device to sleep. Whenever, you read out this userdata later, you know when the device was sent to sleep (your sessionended).2. As a general hint: whenever a new "full record"is written, the deviceprobably performs a restart.- if there is a time gap between the last differential record and the new fullrecord, the device has been sent to sleep (this time gap shows how longthe device has been sleeping/shut off)- if there is no time gap in between, the device wasn’t sent to sleep, whichmeans the time differences between all records of this session areabsolutely reliable. GPS.History.Push – Download all selected history records at once<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGPS.History.Push,,$PFAL,GPS.History.Push,Serial$PFAL,GPS.History.Push,TCP,fmt=txtThe purpose of this command is to transfer history records to an Internet TCPserver via the TCP protocol at once. You must be already connected to theremote server before using this command. This is accomplished by setting theServer and Port properties (for more detailed information, see chapter 3.3.8page 164) to those of a valid TCP server. Once you have marked a set ofrecords from the history memory space with GPS.History.<strong>Set</strong>Read command,to download all marked history records at once use this command. Thiscommand executes the download process of the marked records. If recordsThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 90 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1are found in the history memory space, the download process results infollowing way:➢➢➢➢By default, transferring of history records results in binary format. The descriptionof the binary data is given in chapter 7.5 Appendix on page 227The download process consists of bock sizes, equivalent to 512 bytes (1/2 kilobyte)per stream/command.All selected records (block) will be transferred at once, but still 512 bytes perpacket. That means, to download a bock sizes of records 2 MB you have to sendthis command just one time.When the selected records have been successfully downloaded, the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device responds a message "readout completed"Parameter DescriptionIt defines the channel from which the history data will be downloaded. Itcan be set to:SerialCSDOutputs history records to the serial portOutputs history records via an established CSD to anexternal modem.TCPOutputs history records via an established TCPcommunication to a remote server.This setting is optional (If omitted the history data is retireved in binaryformat). It defines the format of the history (logged) data to bedownloaded at once via defined channel . It can be setto:fmt=binfmt=txtfmt=rmcDownloads history records in the binary format (default)It is the same as you send onlyGPS.History.Push.TCP[Serial,DCS]).Downloads history records in a special textual format. Abrief description of this format is available in tablesTable 8 and 8.1.A standard RMC protocol is generated for each historyentry. NMEA checksum for each RMC protocol can beenabled by activating the checksums withinDEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT parameter. To reducetransmission cost, the checksums are not enabled bydefault.Notes• Advantage: No multiple Read commands have to be specified.• Disadvantage: During the history readout process, no commands or lowpriority alarm actions will be executed. It is also not possible to accept avoice call or send/receive SMS, for instance.• Responses to this command are the same as responses to GPS.History.Readcommand.• No records are shown when you attempt to read out an empty history.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 91 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Geofence" command indexIn order to have a basic understanding of conditional logic and geographiccoordinates, please refer to chapter, page GPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong> – Place/activate an electronic circle aroundyour vehicle (Parking area)<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong>ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong>This command activates a parking area (GF.0). It places the <strong>STEPPII</strong> (vehicle)into a circular park area, where the current position (including Latitude andLongitude) of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is the center of circle and the user specified value (see GF.CONFIG parameter) is the radius, in meter, of thecircular area.Parameter DescriptionNotesNone• The events GF.e0=inside and AREA.e0=inside are usually occurred from theGPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong>. Both events (GPS.GF.e0=inside andGPS.AREA.e0=inside) can be used to confirm the proper activation of thepark area.• This command can also be executed without having a valid GPS fix (it usesthe last valid position. If device shuts down and no last valid position issaved during shutdown, this position is lost).• If the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device has got a GPS-fix and it is valid, the GPS.GF.e0=insideand GPS.AREA.e0=inside will occur, which indicates that this park area isproperly set up.• To deactivate the park condition (without occurring the eventGPS.AREA.e0=outside), use GPS.Geofence.Park.Remove command.• This Geofence setting will be also written in the Flash memory, so even whenthe device performs a reset, the park zone and area will remain active untilmanual deactivated. When a system restart occurs, and the park arearemains activated, the events GPS.GF.e0=inside and GPS.AREA.e0=insideare occurred again as soon as the <strong>STEPPII</strong> receives valid GPS position data. GPS.Geofence.Park.Remove– Disable an activated park area<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGPS.Geofence.Park.RemoveExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GPS.Geofence.Park.RemoveThis command deactivates an activated park area (GF.0).Parameter DescriptionNotesNone• The event GPS.GF.e0=inside and GPS.AREA.e0=inside are no longeravailable.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 92 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPS.Geofence.GeoState,– Read the state of a Geofence<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGPS.Geofence.GeoState,ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GPS.Geofence.GeoState,0To read out the state of the created Geofence zones (small areas) whetherthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device is inside or outside of the specified Geofence zone, use thiscommand. Please use the description of the GF parameter as areference.Parameter DescriptionIdentifies the ID-number of a Geofence. Up to 100 Geofences areavailable. It can be set to a value from 0 to GPS.Geofence.AreaState,– Read the state of an area<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGPS.Geofence.AreaState,ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GPS.Geofence.AreaState,0To read out the state of an established area whether the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device isinside or outside of the specified area, use this command. Please use thedescription of the GF.AREA parameter as a reference.Parameter DescriptionIdentifies the ID-number of an area. Up to 32 areas are available. It canbe set to a value from 0 to 31.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 93 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "GSM" command type3.2.5.1 "GSM" general command indices3. GSM.PIN= - Enter the PIN number of the used SIM card<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesGSM.PIN=Message description$PFAL,GSM.PIN="1111"This input message is intended to enter the PIN code of the used SIM card. IfSIM PIN has already been entered and the target device is already registeredinto the GSM network, no further entry needed (the device returns error). Seealso the description in chapter, page 150 for more details.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the PIN number of the used SIM card, wrapped in quotationmarks. This may be for example the SIM PIN to register onto the GSMnetwork, or the SIM PIN to replace the current PIN number with a newone. 4 to 8 digits are available. GSM.PUK=, - Enter the PUK and PIN numbers<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.PUK=,$PFAL,GSM.PUK,"22222222","1111"This input message is intended to unblock the SIM card by entering theassociated PUK code.Parameter DescriptionEntering incorrect PIN three times, the SIM card will be blocked. Tounblock it, you have to enter the PUK code of the used SIM card,wrapped in quotation marks (""). After ten failed attempts to enter thePUK, the SIM card will be invalidated and no longer operable. In such acase, the card needs to be replaced. PIN consists of 4 to 8 digits; PUK isan 8-digit code only.It specifies the PIN number of the used SIM card, wrapped in quotationmarks (""). GSM.IMEI - Request product serial number identification<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesGSM.IMEI$PFAL,GSM.IMEIMessage descriptionThis read command is intended to return the product serial identificationnumber.Parameter DescriptionNoneThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 94 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.SIMID – get the ID of SIM Card<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.SIMIDExamples$PFAL,GSM.SIMIDMessage descriptionThis read command is intended to request the ID of the used SIM card.Parameter DescriptionNone3. GSM.OwnNumber– Get caller's phone number<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.OwnNumberExamples$PFAL,GSM.OwnNumberMessage descriptionThis read command is intended to request the phone number of the caller.Parameter DescriptionNone3. GSM.Balance– Get account balance of an used prepaid SIM card<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.BalanceExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GSM.BalanceThis command allows you to view your account balance, and to check if youraccount has sufficient balance. It requests the amount of money and thevalidity period of your account balance for a prepaid SIM car (if your providersupports this).Parameter DescriptionNotes➢NoneOnce the user sends this command to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device, it willautomatically dial "ATD*100#" access number which is available only for theE-plus German network operator. Other countries may have other dialnumbers for checking the account balance.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 95 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Voice Call" command index3. GSM.VoiceCall.Dial, - Performs a GSM Voice call<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.VoiceCall.Dial,ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Dial,"+4912345678"This command is intended to set up an outgoing voice call.Parameter DescriptionSpecifies the phone number to be dialled, wrapped in quotation marks(""). It originates a outgoing voice call to the specified target phonenumber . It includes the country code, area code andphone number. You can also use the phone number of the lastincoming SMS using the dynamic protocol &(SMSNumber) as phonenumber entry. GSM.VoiceCall.Accept - Accept an incoming voice call<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.VoiceCall.AcceptExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.AcceptThis command is intended to accept an incoming voice call, which is usuallyindicated by an incoming ring alarm event.Parameter DescriptionNotes➢NoneNo GSM voice calls are accepted while the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is trying to establish aGPRS connection. During this time which takes approx. 10-20 seconds, thedevice is unreachable (this is GSM related). Therefore it is wise not toperform a GPRS attach/detach in such short periods. GSM.VoiceCall.Hangup – Hang-Up an active voice call<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.VoiceCall.HangupExamples$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.HangupMessage descriptionThis command is intended to cancel an established call.Parameter DescriptionNoneThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 96 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.VoiceCall.Audio.Porfile= – <strong>Set</strong> or Read the audiochannel<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.VoiceCall.Audio.ProfileGSM.VoiceCall.Audio.Profile=$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Audio.Profile$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Audio.Profile=1This command is intended to read the audio channel, where incoming andoutgoing calls are led. In order to set the audio channel, where calls will beled, just enter one of values in range of 1 to 6.Parameter DescriptionThis value serves to set the audio mode required for the connectedequipment. For use after restart of the module, you are advised to storethe selected mode to the audio profile. Otherwise, audio mode 1 will beactive each time the module is powered up.This is useful, for example, if the audio interfaces are operatedalternatively to benefit from different devices. Each audio mode can beassigned a specific interface. The following values can be set:1 Audio mode 1: Standard mode optimized for thereference handset that can be connected to theanalogue interface 1. To adjust the volume, use theknob of the reference handset.2 Audio mode 2: Customer specific mode for a basichandsfree device.analogue interface 2 is assumed as default.3 Audio mode 3: Customer specific mode for a monoheadset.analogue interface 2 is assumed as default.4 Audio mode 4: Customer specific mode for a userhandset. analogue interface 1 is assumed as default.5 Audio mode 5: Customer specific mode. analogueinterface 1 is assumed as default.6 Audio mode 6: Customer specific mode. analogueinterface 2 is assumed as default. GSM.VoiceCall.Ringtone=, - <strong>Set</strong> or read the ring toneconfiguration<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.VoiceCall.RingtoneGSM.VoiceCall.Ringtone=,$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Ringtone$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Ringtone=3,0This command is intended to read or to chooses on your own preferences thetype and volume of ring tones. If is set to 0 the ring tones will bemuted until you change .This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 97 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1<strong>Command</strong>syntaxExamplesParameter DescriptionNotesType of ring tone. You have a choice of 7 different ring tones andmelodies. All will be played from the audio output. =0, it is onlyintended for muting.➢0 Mutes the tone to be played.1 Sequence 12 Sequence 23 Sequence 34 Sequence 45 Sequence 56 Sequence 67 Sequence 7Volume of ring tone, varies from low to high0 Mute1 Very low2 Identical with 13 Low4 Identical with 35 Middle6 Identical with 57 HighIf no value is entered, the settings of ring tone are displayed (get parametervalue). GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Speaker=,, - <strong>Set</strong>or read the loudspeaker configurationGSM.VoiceCall.Volume.SpeakerGSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Speaker=,,$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Speaker$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Speaker=1,6000,15000<strong>Command</strong> DescriptionThis command is intended to read or to adjust the loudspeaker volume leveland microphone sidetone.Parameter DescriptionIt can be set to a value from 0..3. It specifies the gain adjustable in four 6dB steps from 0 dB to -18 dB (0=0 dB, 3=-18 dB).It specifies the loudspeaker volume level. The range of value can be setto a value from 0 to 32767.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 98 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1It specifies how much of the original microphone signal will be added tothe earpiece signal. The sidetone gain is in dB and the range of valuecan be set to a value from 0 to 32767. GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Microphone=, - <strong>Set</strong> or read themicrophone configuration<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.VoiceCall.Volume.MicrophoneGSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Microphone=,$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Microphone$PFAL,GSM.VoiceCall.Volume.Microphone=3,15000This command is intended to read or to adjust the microphone volume(attenuation).Parameter DescriptionIt can be set to a value from 0..7. It specifies the gain adjustable in eight6 dB steps from 0 dB to 42 dB (0=0 dB, 7=42 dB).It specifies the negative gain (attenuation) of the input signal on themicrophone. The range of value can be set to a value from 0 to 32767.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 99 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "SMS" command index<strong>Command</strong>syntaxExamples3. GSM.SMS.Send,,, - Send a SMS tothe phone numberGSM.SMS.Send,,,GSM.SMS.Send,,,$PFAL,GSM.SMS.Send,"+491111111",8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong>"$PFAL,GSM.SMS.Send,"+491111111",0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"$PFAL,GSM.SMS.Send,"&(SMSNumber)",0,"Auto SMS Reply&(SMSNumber)"Message descriptionThis command is intended to sent a SMS message to the specified targetphone number including identification text and definedprotocols. The format the device uses to send out the protocols and enteredtext is DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent.Parameter DescriptionNotesIt specifies the phone number, max 30 digits, where the alarm (includingthe specified protocols and identification text) has to be sent. Thephone number includes the area, country codes and the phonenumber. It must be wrapped in quotation marks (""). It can be a shortnumber too. It is also possible to enter a dynamic protocol, for example&(SMSNumber) which can be used to setup alarms which replyincoming SMS containing user defined text. The last example in tableabove, replays an SMS back to the sender of the last received SMS.It defines the output NMEA messages, which will be sent to the specifiedtarget phone number. It has to be specified in the hex format withoutleading the "0x. Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222.It specifies the text message, up to 160 characters, which will be sent tothe specified target phone number via GSM. The text message mayinclude the user specified text and/or system information. It must bewrapped in quotation marks (" ").If it is required to attach also system information (entry) at certain timesthe following syntax of the is also possible:"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces andenclosed in parentheses "( )".For example:$PFAL,GSM.SMS.Send,"+491111111",0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at&(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.• Longer the results less protocols can be attached to the SMSmessage. Only protocols, which fit completely in are attached to the SMS.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 100 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.SMS.Inbox.Clear – Clear all stored SMS Messages<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.SMS.ClearExamples$PFAL,GSM.SMS.ClearMessage descriptionThis command clears all incoming SMS messages stored in the SMS memory.Parameter DescriptionNone3. GSM.SMS.Inbox.State – Show all stored SMS Messages<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.SMS.Inbox.StateExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GSM.SMS.Inbox.StateThis command indicates the total number of incoming SMS messagesassociated with the SMS storage.Parameter DescriptionNone3. GSM.SMS.Outbox.Clear – Clear all outgoing SMS Messages stored intothe SMS memory<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.SMS.Outbox.Clear$PFAL,GSM.SMS.Outbox.ClearThis command deletes all unsent SMS messages from the SMS memory.Parameter DescriptionNone3. GSM.SMS.Outbox.State – Show all stored SMS Messages<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.SMS.Outbox.State$PFAL,GSM.SMS.Outbox.StateThis command indicates the total number of unsent SMS messages associatedwith the SMS storage.Parameter DescriptionNoneThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 101 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Data Call" command index3. GSM.DataCall.Send,, - Sending messages via anestablished data call<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.DataCall.Send,,GSM.DataCall.Send,,$PFAL,GSM.DataCall.Send,08,$PFAL,GSM.DataCall.Send,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"This command is intended to send messages and/or GPS protocols to theremote modem/phone via an established/initiated data call. The format thedevice uses to send out the protocols and entered text isDEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent.Parameter DescriptionDefines the output NMEA messages, which will be sent to the specifiedtarget phone number. It has to be specified in the hex format withoutleading the "0x". Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222.Specifies the text to be sent via an established/initiated data call. It mustbe wrapped in quotation marks ("").If it is required to attach also system information (entry) at certain timesthe following syntax of the is also possible:"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces andenclosed in parentheses "( )".For example:$PFAL,GSM.DataCall.Send,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page GSM.DataCall.Accept - Accept an incoming Data call<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesGSM.DataCall.AcceptMessage description$PFAL,GSM.DataCall.AcceptThis command is intended to accept an incoming Data call, which is usuallyindicated by an incoming ring alarm event.Parameter DescriptionNotes➢NoneNo GSM data calls are accepted while the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is trying to establish aGPRS connection. During this time which takes approx. 10-20 seconds, thedevice is unreachable (this is GSM related). Therefore, it is wise not toperform a GPRS attach/detach in such short periods.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 102 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.DataCall.Hangup – Hang-Up an active voice call<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.DataCall.Hangup$PFAL,GSM.DataCall.HangupThis command is intended to reject an incoming data call or it finishes anestablished data call.Parameter DescriptionNoneThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 103 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "GPRS" command index3. GSM.GPRS.Connect - GPRS attach<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.GPRS.ConnectExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GSM.GPRS.ConnectThis command is used to attach the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to the GPRS service. After themessage has been completed and the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is already in the requestedstate, the message is ignored. If the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is not able to attach for more than5 minutes, no message is returned, but <strong>STEPPII</strong> is still trying to attach.Parameter descriptionNotes➢➢➢None.If a GPRS attach will be initiated by this message and the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is not ableto attach, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is started with the default value, due to missing valuesof the GPRS.APN, GPRS.QOS,GPRS.QOSMIN,PPP.USERNAME andPPP.PASSWORD parameters according to the used SIM card.When the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is GPRS attached and a PLMN reselection occurs to a non-GPRS capable network or to a network where the SIM is not subscribed forusing GPRS services, the resulting GSM (GPRS mobility management) stateaccording to GSM 24.008 is REGISTERED/NO CELL.No GSM calls are accepted while the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is trying to establish a GPRSconnection. During this time which takes approx. 10-20 seconds, the deviceis unreachable (this is GSM related). Therefore it is wise not to perform aGPRS attach/detach in such short periods. GSM.GPRS.Disconnect - GPRS detach<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.GPRS.DisconnectExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GSM.GPRS.DisconnectThis command is used to detach the <strong>STEPPII</strong> from the GPRS service. Any activePDP contexts will be automatically deactivated when the attachment statechanges to detached. If the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is not able to detach for more than 1minute, no message is returned, but <strong>STEPPII</strong> is still trying to detach. If anattachment is issued during a running detach this message is ignored.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• If a GPRS connection is already available and the Disconnect message iscalled, ensure that the value of the GPRS.AUTOSTART parameter isset to 0 (zero) instead of 1 (one), otherwise the <strong>STEPPII</strong> will try to re-establishautomatically that connection after each GPRS connection failure.• The GSM engine will be restarted, if the GPRS connection could not beclosed after multiple attempts.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 104 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.GPRS.State - GPRS state<strong>Command</strong> syntaxGSM.GPRS.StateExamplesMessage description$PFAL,GSM.GPRS.StateThis read command is used to request the state information of the supportedGPRS service. The read command returns the current GPRS service state.Parameter descriptionNone. GSM.GPRS.Traffic=,, – <strong>Set</strong> or readthe GPRS traffic counter<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionGSM.GPRS.TrafficGSM.GPRS.Traffic=,,$PFAL,GSM.GPRS.Traffic$PFAL,GSM.GPRS.Traffic=0,0,0This command reads or sets the GPRS traffic counter, the volume, in byte, ofGPRS data stream. It reads the GPRS traffic, if the values are omitted.Parameter descriptionNotesNumber of bytes in range of 0 to 4294967295 for completenessNumber of bytes in range of 0 to 4294967295 for incoming data stream.➢Number of bytes in range of 0 to 4294967295 for outgoing data stream.To delete the GPRS traffic counter set all values to "0" zero.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 105 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "TCP" command typeIn order to have a basic understanding for communication between the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device and the remote server, please refer to chapter 2.2, page "TCP" command index3. TCP.Client.Connect - Perform connection to the server<strong>Command</strong> syntaxTCP.Client.ConnectExamplesMessage description$PFAL,TCP.Client.ConnectUsing this command the <strong>STEPPII</strong> initiates a TCP connection to a remote server.Before the <strong>STEPPII</strong> can send packets using TCP protocol, it needs to know theremote server address and port number it will be sending data to. To assign theaddress, and the port use theTCP.CLIENT.CONNECT=,, parameter. The server candecide whether or not to accept the connection. After the TCP connectionhas been established successfully, use TCP.Client.Send,,command to send the data.Parameter descriptionNotes➢➢None.If a TCP connection will be initiated by this message and the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is notable to establish, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is started with the default value, due to missingvalues of the TCP.CLIENT.CONNECT, parameters according to the usedremote server.Before using this message, make sure that the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is already GPRSattached, otherwise the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is not able to initiate a TCP connection evenif the TCP settings are correctly specified. TCP.Client.Disconnect - Disconnect from the server<strong>Command</strong> syntaxTCP.Client.DisconnectExamplesMessage description$PFAL,TCP.Client.DisconnectUsing this command the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is able to terminate an existing TCP connectionwith a remote server. No more data will be sent from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> by the TCPuntil a new connection to the remote server is initiated and accepted.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• If a TCP connection to the remote server is already available and theDisconnect message is called, ensure that the value from theTCP.CLIENT.CONNECT parameter is set to 0 (zero) instead of 1 (one),otherwise the <strong>STEPPII</strong> will try to reconnect automatically, to the remoteserver, after each TCP connection failure.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 106 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP.Client.State – Read TCP connection state<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesTCP.Client.State$PFAL,TCP.Client.StateMessage descriptionThis read command is used to request the state information of the TCPconnection. The read command returns the current state of the TCPconnection.Parameter descriptionNone. TCP.Client.Send,, - Send a TCP packet to theconnected remote server<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesTCP.Client.Send,,TCP.Client.Send,,$PFAL,TCP.Client.Send,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> sends its GSP positions"Message descriptionAfter a connection has been established, use this command to stream data(GPS positions, user text etc.) to a remote server. Each time when a packet ofdata has been sent successfully to the remote server, theTCP.Client.ePacketSent event occurs. The remote server may evaluate theentered text and use it for further application. The format the device uses tosend out the protocols and entered text is DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMATconfiguration-dependent.Parameter DescriptionNotesDefines the output NMEA messages, which will be sent to the remoteserver. It has to be specified in the hex format without leading the "0x".Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222.Specifies the text message, up to 200 characters, to be sent to theconnected remote server. It must be wrapped in quotation marks ("").If it is required to attach also system information (entry) at certain timesthe following syntax of the is also possible:"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces andenclosed in parentheses "( )".For example:$PFAL,TCP.Client.Send,8,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.• If the TCP connection is currently not established, this data will be writteninto the TCP buffer and it will be sent as soon as the TCP connection isavailable.• If the command fails to execute due to the used up buffer, this data will belost.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 107 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "STORAGE" command indexThe TCP Storage is an additional TCP buffer, which enables to collect informationbefore it is sent. This reduces transmission cost and enables to send quickly variousinformation to the connected TCP server.Currently the TCP storage supports two operation modes: Manual mode (default)If this mode is selected, the TCP storage has to be dispatched manually(i.e. you can specify when to send stored information via TCP) Automatic dispatchThis mode allows the system to dispatch data inside storage automaticallywhenever it is used up.The operation modes as well as the size of the TCP storage can be accessed viaparameter configuration. Please, refer to configuration reference for more details,see chapter, page 168.Note: All information you are going to transmit via TCP storage is transmittedexactly in the way you specified it. In order to ease the server based readoutprocess of this data, it is recommended to add additional"identification"characters. Please see further nodes inside the command"AddProtocol"below.Using of such identification characters allows you to distinguish easily betweentextual "AddProtocol"and binary data (generated by "AddRecord"). TCP.Storage.Dispatch - Sends a TCP packet to the connected server<strong>Command</strong> syntaxTCP.Storage.DispatchExamplesMessage description$PFAL,TCP.Storage.DispatchThis command enqueues currently stored information inside the TCP storage tothe outgoing TCP buffer. This assures a consistent data transfer via TCP. Afterstorage data has been appended to this outgoing buffer, the storage will becleaned. New data can then be appended.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• The format of the created TCP buffers has been extended. Now it is possibleto detect binary storage contents within each message. The format is similaras a GPS.History.Read message:1. Start header $2. Length info (2 bytes binary information) - value 0x00 – 0xFFFFThis length specifies the amount of storage data bytescontained in this packet.3. Data content (the number of bytes specified with length info)4. End header$This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 108 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP.Storage.Clear - Send a TCP packet to the connected remote server<strong>Command</strong> syntaxTCP.Storage.ClearExamplesMessage description$PFAL,TCP.Storage.ClearThis command clears the contents of the created TCP storage. This commandcan be used to discard unwanted information and empty the TCP storagecompletely (without sending its data away).Parameter descriptionNone.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 109 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,, - Add a protocol and/oruser text to the TCP storage<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesTCP.Storage.AddProtocol,,$PFAL,TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,0,"your text"Message descriptionThis command writes the specified protocols and/or user text to TCP storage.Parameter descriptionNotesIt allows you to request the current protocol data of the specifiedprotocol(s). Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222..It specifies the text message, up to 200 characters, to be transmitted tothe connected remote server via an available TCP connection. This textmay also contain dynamic protocols listed in chapter 7.2 page 220.• In order to receive more than one protocol at once, you have to specifythe in the hexadecimal value and add the corresponding hexvalue of required protocols, for example:− The hex value 27 added on the message"$PFAL,TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,27,"test"" meansthe GGA+GSA+GSV+VTG protocols will be received atonce,− The hex value 4F added on the message "$PFAL,TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,4F,"test" " means theGGA+GSA+GSV+RMC+IOP protocols will be received atonce.• You can use dynamic protocols within "user text". Specified protocols areformatted using PFAL send format. This may ease an automatic readout ofdata via TCP server.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 110 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP.Storage.AddRecord,, - Append a binary dataframe to the TCP storage<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionTCP.Storage.AddRecord,,$PFAL,TCP.Storage.AddRecord,0,""$PFAL,TCP.Storage.AddRecord,20,"user note: freeway reached "This command appends a binary data frame to TCP storage. This data framehas the same format as a full record history entry (including possibleextensions). The contents to be written are limited by available TCP storage. Ifthere is not enough memory available to satisfy a TCP storage requirement,<strong>STEPPII</strong> will report an error upon attempting to start this process.Parameter descriptionIt determines whether or not additional information has to be recordedin the TCP storage. It specifies the value in hexadecimal format (without"0x"). Following are listed additional information that can be defined inhexadecimal value:0x010x020x040x080x100x200x40writes the current state of the IN and OUT.writes the current state of the GSM (field strength, cellid, area code, of incoming/outgoing SMS etc.)Writes the current operating mode of the system, GPRS,PPP, TCP, system lifetime.reserved.reserved.writes a user specified message added in the field (up to 255 characters available)writes the current state of the Geofence areas (insideor outside of a marked area)Notes0x80reservedIt defines a string value that contains user information. The specified text islimited to 200 characters and it must be wrapped in quotation marks (" "). Ifno user text has to be written, this field can be left empty, except quotationmarks (""). The user information will be written if the corresponding hex value(20) has been set in the field.• In order to attach more than one additional information at once, specifythe sum determined by adding the corresponding hex value of eachadditional information, for example:− The hex value 7 means: IN/OUT +GSM+ system states will be storedtogether with current location of the device at once.• Writing of this data frame into the TCP storage does NOT require a valid GPSfix. Also invalid data can be added to TCP storage, which stands in contrastto the GPS.History.Write command.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 111 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "SMTP" command index3. TCP.SMTP.Send,,, - Send anEmail to the connected remote server<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesTCP.SMTP.Send,,,TCP.SMTP.Send, ,,$PFAL,TCP.SMTP.Send,"test@mailserver.com",8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> sends its GSP positions"Message descriptionThis command enables sending of E-Mails via an Internet mail server, includingGPS position data and user text. Exactly, it prepares an Email for sending. Theuser text can be evaluated and used for further application processes. Theremote mail server to be connected is defined by the and from the TCP.SMTP.CONNECT parameter. Both and must be set before thiscommand can be executed. when the outgoing E-Mail message has beendelivered successfully, the TCP.SMTP.eSent event occurs. If there is an errorduring sending of E-Mail (message), the TCP.SMTP.eFailed event raises and thisemail message gets deleted. The format the device uses to send out the text isDEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent.The subject the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device uses for outgoing E-Mail:Subject syntax Message from (Name="", IMEI=)SubjectexampleParameter DescriptionNotesMessage from <strong>STEPPII</strong> (Name="my steppIIdevice", IMEI=123456789012345)Specifies the e-mail address of the message recipient. Only one E-Mailaddress is permitted per message. The E-Mail address must be wrappedin quotation marks ("").It defines the output NMEA messages to be sent to the recipient of the E-Mail message. It has to be specified in the hex format without leadingthe "0x". Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222.Specifies the text message, up to 200 characters, to be sent to therecipient of the E-Mail message. It must be wrapped in quotation marks("").If it is required to attach also system information (entry) at certain timesthe following syntax of the is also possible:"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces andenclosed in parentheses "( )".For example:$PFAL,TCP.SMTP.Send,"test@mailserver.com",8,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it ismoving at &(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.• If there is no GSM operator and no active GPRS/TCP connection currentlyavailable, the device stores the email data into the outbox and when theGPRS connection is available again it sends this data.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 112 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1• If there is an error during sending an E-Mail message, the data of this emailmessage is lost.• Using only SMTP service, the configuration of "GPRS.AUTOSTART=1" is notrequired. It can be set to "GPRS.AUTOSTART=0".• Do not try to send another email without getting response from the priorone. After an email has been delivered successfully, a new mail can besent with this command.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 113 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "MSG" command type3.2.7.1 "Send" command indexDepending on the communication channel a command is transmitted to the <strong>STEPPII</strong>,the command responses can be forwarded to another channel such as Serial, CSDor TCP. Before the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device processes a command, first it checks theconfiguration settings of that channel - see chapter, and example,if <strong>STEPPII</strong> receives the command $PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong>outputs its GPS positions" from a TCP channel, first it checks the usedmode which is specified with the "MSG.Mode.TCP" command todefine how to handle this message. The settings are listed below:- if the mode of "MSG.Mode.TCP" is defined to <strong>Command</strong> mode,then the <strong>STEPPII</strong> handles that message as a PFAL command andresponses are forwarded to the serial interface.- if the mode of "MSG.Mode.TCP" is defined to Data mode, thenthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> forwards that command/text directly to the serialinterface without processing it.Please, be sure that the connection to which the results of the sent command haveto be outputted/redirected is already established before executing that command.The command will attempt to send its results until the connection to that channel isestablished (for example, CSD).If one of these commands will automatically be executed from the system, set asalarms (AL), when a specific event is occured, then the results are outputted directlyto the assigned channel (serial, CSD or TCP) without considering the mode on thischannel. MSG.Send.Serial,, - Redirects commandresponses to the serial interface<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Send.Serial,,MSG.Send.Serial,,$PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions"$PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"<strong>Command</strong> responses are redirected to the serial interface, unimportant fromwhich channel the command was received. The output text on the serialinterface can be evaluated and used to control other Serial devicesconnected to <strong>STEPPII</strong>. This command can be sent through Serial, CSD or TCPcommunication channel, but results are redirected to the serial line. Theformat the device uses to send out the protocols and the entered text isDEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent.Parameter DescriptionDefines the kind of protocols to be transmitted to the serial interface.Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222.Specifies the text to be added to the selected protocols andtransmitted to the serial interface. The text is limited to 200 charactersand it must be wrapped in quotation marks (" ") even if there is no textspecified.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 114 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1NotesIf you want to output also any system state (dynamic entry) when thecommand is executed, the syntax of the can be changed to:"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces andenclosed in parentheses "( )".The command for requesting such system states might look like this:For example:$PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.• In order to receive more than one protocol at once, you have to specifythe in the hexadecimal value and add the corresponding hexvalue of required protocols, for example:− The hex value 27 added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,27,"test""means the GGA+GSA+GSV+VTGprotocols will be received at once,− The hex value 4F added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,4F,"test""means theGGA+GSA+GSV+RMC+IOP protocols will be received at once.• The defined user protocols (in hexadecimal value) will be transmitted onlyone time after request and not periodically.• To switch off all protocols, set the to MSG.Send.RawSerial,, - Redirects commandresponses to the serial interface in unformatted data structure<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Send.RawSerial,,MSG.Send.RawSerial,,$PFAL,MSG.Send.RawSerial,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions"$PFAL,MSG.Send.RawSerial,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"<strong>Command</strong> responses are redirected to the serial interface, unimportant fromwhich channel the command was received. The output text on the serialinterface can be evaluated and used to control other Serial devicesconnected to <strong>STEPPII</strong>. This command can be sent through Serial, CSD or TCPcommunication channel, but results are redirected to the serial line.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the kind of protocols to be transmitted to the serial interface.Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222. The transmittedprotocols are formated: starts with "$", ptotocol data, the checksum andclosed by .It specifies the text to be added to the selected protocols andtransmitted to the serial interface. The text is limited to 200 charactersand it must be wrapped in quotation marks (" ") even if there is no textspecified. The text is sent out as is, and not formatted (but if you want touse a "$" or character as a delimiter, just add it within theuser-text).If you want to output also any system state (dynamic entry) when thecommand is executed, the syntax of the can be changed to:This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 115 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces andenclosed in parentheses "( )".The command for requesting such system states might look like this:For example:$PFAL,MSG.Send.RawSerial,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.• In order to receive more than one protocol at once, you have to specifythe in the hexadecimal value and add the corresponding hexvalue of required protocols, for example:− The hex value 27 added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,27,"test""means the GGA+GSA+GSV+VTGprotocols will be received at once,− The hex value 4F added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,4F,"test""means theGGA+GSA+GSV+RMC+IOP protocols will be received at once.• The defined user protocols (in hexadecimal value) will be transmitted onlyone time after request and not periodically.• To switch off all protocols, set the to MSG.Send.CSD,, - Redirect command responsesto CSD channel<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Send.CSD,,MSG.Send.CSD,,$PFAL,MSG.Send.CSD,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions"$PFAL,MSG.Send.CSD,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"<strong>Command</strong> responses are redirected to the CSD channel, unimportant fromwhich channel the command was received. The output text or dynamicentries transmitted over a CSD call can be evaluated and used to controlother devices connected to remote modem. This command can be sentthrough Serial, CSD or TCP channel, but results are always routed to the to theremote modem via an established CSD call. The format the device uses tosend out the protocols and entered text is DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMATconfiguration-dependent.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the kind of protocols to be transmitted via an established CSDcall to the remote modem. Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3page 222.It specifies the text to be added to the selected protocols andtransmitted to the remote modem. The text is limited to 200 charactersand it must be wrapped in quotation marks (" ") even if there is no textspecified.If you want to output also any system state (dynamic entry) when thecommand is executed, the syntax of the can be changed to:"text&()text&()text…&()"This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 116 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1NotesEach dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces and it isenclosed in parentheses "( )".The command to execute such notification might look like this:For example:$PFAL,MSG.Send.CSD,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.• In order to receive more than one protocol at once, you have to specifythe in the hexadecimal value and add the corresponding hexvalue of required protocols, for example:− The hex value 27 added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.CSD,27,"test""means the GGA+GSA+GSV+VTGprotocols will be received at once,− The hex value 4F added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.CSD,4F,"test" "means theGGA+GSA+GSV+RMC+IOP protocols will be received at once.• The defined user protocols (in hexadecimal value) will be transmitted onlyone time after request and not periodically.• To switch off all of selected protocols the has to be set to MSG.Send.TCP,, - Redirect command responses toTCP channel<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Send.TCP,,MSG.Send.TCP,,$PFAL,MSG.Send.TCP,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions"$PFAL,MSG.Send.TCP,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"<strong>Command</strong> responses are redirected to the TCP channel, unimportant fromwhich channel the command was received. The output text or dynamicentries transmitted over a TCP call can be evaluated and used to control otherdevices connected to TCP server. This command can be sent through Serial,CSD or TCP channel, but results are always routed to the TCP remote server.The format the device uses to send out the protocols and entered text isDEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the kind of protocols to be transmitted to the TCP server.Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222.It specifies the text to be added to the selected protocols andtransmitted to the TCP server. The text is limited to 200 characters and itmust be wrapped in quotation marks (" ") even if there is no textspecified.If you want to output also any system state (dynamic entry) when thecommand is executed, the syntax of the can be changed to:"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces and it isenclosed in parentheses "( )".The command to execute such notification might look like this:For example:$PFAL,MSG.Send.TCP,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 117 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1NotesDynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.• In order to receive more than one protocol at once, you have to specifythe in the hexadecimal value and add the corresponding hexvalue of required protocols, for example:− The hex value 27 added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.TCP,27,"test""means the GGA+GSA+GSV+VTGprotocols will be received at once,− The hex value 4F added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.TCP,4F,"test" "means theGGA+GSA+GSV+RMC+IOP protocols will be received at once.• The defined user protocols (in hexadecimal value) will be transmitted onlyone time after request and not periodically.• To switch off all of selected protocols the parameter has to beset to 0.• If the TCP connection is currently not established, this data will be writteninto the TCP history buffer and it will be sent as soon as the TCP connectionwill be re-established. MSG.Send.SMTP,,, - Redirectcommand responses to an Email address.<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Send.SMTP,,,MSG.Send.SMTP,< "email_address">,< protocols>,$PFAL,MSG.Send.SMTP,"test@mail.com",8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions"$PFAL,MSG.Send.SMTP,"test@mailserver.com",0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is movingat &(Speed) m/s"<strong>Command</strong> responses are redirected to an email address, unimportant fromwhich channel the command was received. This command can be sentthrough Serial, CSD or TCP channel, but results are always routed to the TCPremote server. The format the device uses to send out the protocols andentered text is DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configuration-dependent.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the recipient of the E-Mail message to be sent. Only one E-Mail address is permitted per message. The E-Mail address must bewrapped in quotation marks ("").It specifies the kind of protocols to be transmitted to an email address.Supported protocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222.It specifies the text message, up to 200 characters, to be sent to theemail address of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. The text message can consist of theuser specified text and/or system information. It must be wrapped inquotation marks (" ").If it is required to attach also system information (entry) at certain timesthe following syntax of the is also possible:"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces andenclosed in parentheses "( )".This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 118 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1NotesThe command to execute such notification might look like this:For example:$PFAL,MSG.Send.SMTP,"test@mailserver.com",0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it ismoving at &(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.• In order to receive more than one protocol at once, you have to specifythe in the hexadecimal value and add the corresponding hexvalue of required protocols, for example:− The hex value 27 added on the message"$PFAL,MSG.Send.SMTP,"test@mailserver.com",27,"test""meansthe GGA+GSA+GSV+VTG protocols will be received at once,− The hex value 4F added on the message "$PFAL,MSG.Send.SMTP,"test@mailserver.com",4F,"test""means theGGA+GSA+GSV+RMC+IOP protocols will be received at once.• The defined user protocols (in hexadecimal value) will be transmitted onlyone time after request and not periodically.• To switch off all protocols, set the to 0.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 119 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Mode" command indexAll three commands within this chapter can be used to disable temporarily thefunction of the DEVICE.COMM.SERIAL, DEVICE.COMM.CSD, DEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT parameterand to define a new communication mode until the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit restarts. Followingcommunication modes can be defined: <strong>Command</strong> or Data mode. The configurationsettings to theses <strong>Command</strong> is dynamically, which means that this configuration isstored in the SRAM and not in the FLASH. So, whenever the device performs a reset,this configuration is lost and the communication mode is read from theDEVICE.COMM.SERIAL, DEVICE.COMM.CSD, DEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT parameter respectively.The execution of these commands does not affect/change the configuration on theabove-mentioned parameters.These modes are valid only for incoming commands/messages/data from thecorresponding channel and not when a command is executed by the system <strong>STEPPII</strong>as an alarm (AL).For example,if the MSG.Mode.TCP communication mode is defined to <strong>Command</strong>,then all commands sent from the remote server (e.g.$PFAL,MSG.Send.TCP,8," <strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions") areprocessed by the system and results are returned back to the remoteserver.If the MSG.Mode.TCP communication mode is defined to Data, thenall commands sent from the remote server (e.g.$PFAL,MSG.Send.TCP,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions") are notprocessed by the system, but directly returned back to the remoteserver as they are. MSG.Mode.Serial=, - Defines acommunication mode on the serial channel<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Mode.SerialMSG.Mode.Serial=,$PFAL,MSG.Mode.Serial$PFAL,MSG.Mode.Serial=F,C$PFAL,MSG.Mode.Serial=0,D=4This command defines the communication mode that will be used on the serialchannel when the <strong>STEPPII</strong> receives a message/command from the. It alsodefines whether any system-related message will be periodically transmitted tothe redirected channel. This command does not affect the configuration ofDEVICE.COMM.SERIAL parameter. Results to this command are available aslong as the internal firmware is running. Whenever the device performs a reset,the configuration of DEVICE.COMM.SERIAL parameter will be used.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the kind of system messages to be transmitted to theredirected channel . Add the sum or one hexadecimalnumber corresponding to the message to be transmitted withoutleading "0x".0x010x020x04Transmits GPSTATE.Transmits GPERROR.Transmits GPACTION.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 120 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes0x08Transmits GPEVENT.The <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit supports and operates in two communication modes,the command and data mode. In command mode, if it is set to "C", the<strong>STEPPII</strong> unit is waiting for PFAL commands. In data mode, if it is set to"D=", the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit is transferring data or commands toreceiver without processing them. The consistsof a string type that determines the mode of communication beingused. It can be set to:CPlaces the serial channel in command mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> through thisinterface will be processed as a PFALcommand. Responses to the sent commandare also returned through the serial interface.However, if is greater than0, all selected messages will be continuouslyoutput through this interface.D= Places the serial channel in data mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> through thisinterface is redirected to the specified channel without processing any ofthem. In this mode user messages withoutleading "PFAL" can be used. However, if is greater than 0, theselected messages will be transmittedcontinuously through the specified channel. See also chapter 7.7,page 229 as reference.The can be set to (withoutleading "0x"):0x00 Does not redirects data (this datacould be done via alarms now usingthe dynamic entry &SerialData).0x01 Redirects data to the serial channel.0x02 Redirects data to the CSD channel.0x04 Redirects data to the TCP channel.• In order to deliver more than one system message at once, specify the sumdetermined by adding the corresponding hex value of each system status,for example:− The hex value C means: GPEVENT + GPACTION of system status will bedelivered all others are disabled.• The default setting is "cmd,F", indicating that the system messages aredisabled. No system messages are transmitted from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit to serialinterface. However, all input commands sent trough serial interface wouldbe processed by the <strong>STEPPII</strong> as PFAL input commands.• Please note that, changes to these settings may set the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device in amode where it can be just reconfigured via SMS. If the SMS communicationis disabled, the system cannot be reconfigured anymore. A Firmwareupdate is necessary to exchange information with it again.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 121 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION MSG.Mode.CSD=, - Defines acommunication mode on the CSD channel<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Mode.CSDMSG.Mode.CSD=,$PFAL,MSG.Mode.CSD$PFAL,MSG.Mode.CSD=0,C$PFAL,MSG.Mode.CSD=0,D=4This command defines the communication mode that will be used when the<strong>STEPPII</strong> receives a message/command from the CSD channel. It also defineswhether any system-related message will be periodically transmitted to theredirected channel. This command does not affect the configuration ofDEVICE.COMM.CSD parameter. Results to this command are available as longas the internal firmware is running. Whenever the device performs a reset, theconfiguration of DEVICE.COMM.CSD parameter will be used.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the kind of system messages to be transmitted to theredirected channel . Add the sum or one hexadecimalnumber corresponding to the message to be transmitted withoutleading "0x".0x010x020x04Transmits GPSTATE.Transmits GPERROR.Transmits GPACTION.0x08Transmits GPEVENT.<strong>STEPPII</strong> supports and operates in two communication modes, the<strong>Command</strong> and Data mode. In <strong>Command</strong> mode set to "C", it waits forPFAL commands. In Data mode set to "D=", all receivedcommands/messages (any text) are redirected as they are withoutprocessing any of them to redirection channel . Thedefines the communication mode to be used on this channel. Itcan be set to:CPlaces the CSD channel in command mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> over this channelwill be processed as a PFAL command.Responses to the sent command are alsoreturned over the CSD channel. However, if is greater than 0, allselected messages will be continuously outputover this channel.D= Places the CSD channel in data mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> over this channel isredirected to the specified channel without processing any ofthem. In this mode user messages withoutleading "PFAL" can be used. However, if is greater than 0, theselected messages will be transmittedcontinuously through the specifiedThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 122 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes channel. See also chapter7.7, page 229 as reference.The can be set to (withoutleading "0x"):0x01 Redirects data to the serial channel.0x02 Redirects data to the CSD channel.0x04 Redirects data to the TCP channel.• In order to deliver more than one system message at once, specify the sumdetermined by adding the corresponding hex value of each system status,for example:− The hex value C means: GPEVENT + GPACTION of system status will bedelivered all others are disabled.• The default setting is "cmd,0", indicating that the system messages aredisabled. No system messages are transmitted from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit to theremote modem when a data call between them is already established.However, all input commands sent from the remote modem will beprocessed by the <strong>STEPPII</strong> as PFAL input commands.• Please note that, changes to these settings may set the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device in amode where it can only be reconfigured via SMS. If the SMScommunication is disabled, the system cannot be reconfigured anymore. AFirmware update is necessary to exchange information with it again. MSG.Mode.TCP=, - Defines acommunication mode on the TCP channel<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Mode.TCPMSG.Mode.TCP=,$PFAL,MSG.Mode.TCP$PFAL,MSG.Mode.TCP=0,C$PFAL,MSG.Mode.TCP=0,D=4This command defines the communication mode that will be used when the<strong>STEPPII</strong> receives a message/command from the TCP channel. It also defineswhether any system-related message will be periodically transmitted to theredirected channel. This command does not affect the configuration ofDEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT parameter. Results to this command are availableas long as the internal firmaware is running. Once the device performs a reset,the configuration of DEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT parameter will be used.Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the kind of system messages to be transmitted to theredirected channel . Add the sum or one hexadecimalnumber corresponding to the message to be transmitted withoutleading "0x".0x010x020x040x08Transmits GPSTATE.Transmits GPERROR.Transmits GPACTION.Transmits GPEVENT.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 123 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes<strong>STEPPII</strong> supports and operates in two communication modes, the<strong>Command</strong> and Data mode. In <strong>Command</strong> mode set to "C", it waits forPFAL commands. In Data mode, all received commands/messages (anytext) are redirected as they are without processing any of them toredirection channel . The defines thecommunication mode to be used on this channel. It can be set to:CPlaces the TCP channel in command mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> over this channelwill be processed as a PFAL command.Responses to the sent command are alsoreturned over the TCP channel. However, if is greater than 0, allselected messages will be continuously outputover this channel.D= Places the TCP channel in data mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> over this channel isredirected to the specified channel without processing any ofthem. In this mode user messages withoutleading "PFAL" can be used. However, if is greater than 0, theselected messages will be transmittedcontinuously through the specified channel. See also chapter 7.7, page229 as reference.The can be set to (withoutleading "0x"):0x01 Redirects data to the serial channel.0x02 Redirects data to the CSD channel.0x04 Redirects data to the TCP channel.• In order to deliver more than one system message at once, specify the sumdetermined by adding the corresponding hex value of each system status,for example:− The hex value C means: GPEVENT + GPACTION of system status will bedelivered all others are disabled.• The default setting is "cmd,0", indicating that the system messages aredisabled. No system messages are transmitted from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit to theremote server when a TCP connection between them is alreadyestablished. However, all input commands sent from the server will beprocessed by the <strong>STEPPII</strong> as PFAL input commands.• Please note that, changes to these settings may set the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device in amode where it can only be reconfigured via SMS. If the SMScommunication is disabled, the system cannot be reconfigured anymore. AFirmware update is necessary to exchange information with it again.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 124 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Version" command index3. MSG.Version.Complete - Get all version informatin of the target device<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Version.CompleteExamples$PFAL,MSG.Version.CompleteMessage DescriptionThis read command returns the complete version information of target device.Parameter descriptionNone. MSG.Version.Modules - Get the modules versions of the target device<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Version.ModulesExamplesMessage Description$PFAL,MSG.Version.ModulesThis read command returns the version of the modules of the target device.Parameter descriptionNone. MSG.Version.InternalComm - Get the intenal communication version ofthe target device<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Version.InternalCommExamplesMessage Description$PFAL,MSG.Version.InternalCommThis read command returns he intenal communication version of the targetdevice. Up to hardware revision F it responds: "default communication".Hardware revision G it responds: "internal communication 1".Parameter descriptionNone. MSG.Version.BIOS - Get the firmware version of the microcontroller ofthe target device<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Version.BIOSExamplesMessage Description$PFAL,MSG.Version.BIOSThis read command returns the firmware version of the microcontroller of thetarget device.Parameter descriptionNone.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 125 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION MSG.Version.HardwareRev - Get the hardware revision of the targetdevice<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Version.HardwareRevExamplesMessage Description$PFAL,MSG.Version.HardwareRevThis read command returns the hardware revision number of the target device.This command will fail for <strong>STEPPII</strong> with hardware revision F or earlier.Parameter descriptionNone. MSG.Version.Hardware - Get the hardware version of the target device<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Version.HardwareExamples$PFAL,MSG.Version.HardwareMessage DescriptionThis read command returns the hardware version of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Parameter descriptionNone. MSG.Version.Software - Get the software version of the target device<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Version.SoftwareExamplesMessage Description$PFAL,MSG.Version.SoftwareThis read command returns the version of the operating software of <strong>STEPPII</strong>device.Parameter descriptionNone. MSG.Version.SoftwareID - Get the software ID<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Version.SoftwareIDExamples$PFAL,MSG.Version.SoftwareIDMessage DescriptionThis read command returns the unique ID of the operating software.Parameter descriptionNone.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 126 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Info" command index3. MSG.Info.ServerLogin – Identify the device into the <strong>FALCOM</strong>’s Server<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMSG.Info.ServerLoginMessage Description$PFAL,MSG.Info.ServerLoginThis command retrieves login information data of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device, which isneeded to identify itself into the <strong>FALCOM</strong>’s server. This TCP packet sent fromthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device consists of the DeviceName, Hardware and Firmware version,and Revision, IMEI and Local IP as well.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• This message has to be sent, after the TCP connection to the remote serveris initiated and the remote server is waiting for the device log in data. MSG.Info.Protocol,, - Transmits selected protocolsto the sender<strong>Command</strong> syntaxExamplesMessage descriptionMSG.Info.Protocol,,MSG.Info.Protocol,< protocols>,$PFAL,MSG.Info.Protocol,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions"$PFAL,MSG.Info.Protocol,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"Using this command the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is able to transmit a user text, including GPSposition data, to the sender. The entered text can be evaluated and used forfurther application. Depending on the type of the services used, the selectedprotocol(s) and specified text could be transmitted via serial interface, CSD,SMS or TCP to the user/sender. Please note that, the specified text would befirst displayed/transmitted.Parameter DescriptionAllows you to request the current data of the specified protocol(s). Thevalue is specified in hexadecimal format without leading "0x". Supportedprotocols are listed in chapter 7.3 page 222..Specifies the text message to be sent to the sender. The text is limitted to200 characters. The text must be wrapped in quotation marks (""). Theuser-specified text is not DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT configurationdependent,like MSG.Send commands.If it is required to attach also system information (entry) at certain timesthe following syntax of the is also possible:"text&()text&()text…&()"Each dynamic entry is separated by ampersand "&" without spaces andenclosed in parentheses "( )".For example:$PFAL,MSG.Info.Protocol,0,"on &(Date) at &(Time) it is moving at &(Speed) m/s"Dynamic entries are listed in chapter 7.2 page 219.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 127 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• In order to receive more than one protocol at once, you have to specifythe in the hexadecimal value and add the corresponding hexvalue of required protocols, for example:− The hex value 27 is added on the message$PFAL,MSG.Info.Protocol,27,"test" - means the GGA+GSA+GSV+VTGprotocols will be received at once,− The hex value 4F is added on the message$PFAL,MSG.Info.Protocol,4F,"test" - means theGGA+GSA+GSV+RMC+IOP protocols will be received at once.• The user-defined protocols (in hexadecimal value) will be transmitted onlyone time on demand nd not periodically.• To switch off all protocols set the parameter to MSG.Info.Time – Display the current system time<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Info.TimeExamplesMessage description$PFAL,MSG.Info.TimeThis read command retrieves the current system (<strong>STEPPII</strong>) date, time, date,week number and weekday. The system time is expressed in CoordinatedUniversal Time (UTC).Parameter DescriptionNotesNone• In order to retrieve a valid date, time week number and weekday, a validGPS position is required. MSG.Info.Alarm, - Transmit selected protocols to thesender<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Info.Alarm,ExamplesMessage description$PFAL,MSG.Info.Alarm,0This read command retrieves all conditions of the selected alarm and showstheir current state (whether they are set to true or to false).Parameter DescriptionNotesIt defines the index of the set alarm to be requested. It can be set to avalue from 0 to 99. The specified number corresponds to the index of the set alarm.• This command can be used to check even most complex alarmconfigurations step by step to validate the desired behaviour.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 128 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION "Channel" command index3. MSG.Channel.SerialGSM – Channel messages from serial port directlyto GSM engine<strong>Command</strong> syntaxMSG.Channel.SerialGSMExamplesMessage Description$PFAL,MSG.Channel.SerialGSMThis command allows you to enter the device in a mode where the user inputcommands are channelled form serial interface directly to the GSM engineand vice versa. To leave this mode either an escape char (ASCII 27 - Hex 0x1B)is required to be sent, which performs a software reset, or manually perform adevice reset. Once the device is restarted, this mode will be also left and it isset in the normal communication mode. This command is implemented, butcurrently under test.Parameter descriptionNotesNone.• This command is for testing purposes, only.• It may only be issued after GSM Multiplex mode has been completelyinitialized.• As the communication happens between GSM multiplex channel 1 andserial interface, it is not allowed to re-initialize multiplex mode or leavingmultiplex mode.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 129 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Define configuration settings that control the behaviorof your applicationThe following subsections describe the meaning of each supported parametername. All parameter settings supported by the firmware version 2.3.10 can only besent to the target device by using the $PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>, command, wherethe field (the extended syntax is: =) can be set oneof parameters described in the subsections below.The <strong>STEPPII</strong> device provides three different types of setting:<strong>Set</strong>ting typesUser <strong>Set</strong>tingFactory <strong>Set</strong>tingDefault <strong>Set</strong>tingUser <strong>Set</strong>tingsFactory settingsDefault settingsMeaningIt is only for special configuration settings, which are set/defined by the user. This configuration canbe deleted or overwritten by the user.It consists of configuration settings preloaded at the factory in the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. Thisconfiguration is dependent on the device variants and usually is factory installed as User <strong>Set</strong>tings.The user has the possibility of personalizing this configuration and with the help of PFAL,Sys.Device.FactoryReset command it is possible to overwrite the User <strong>Set</strong>tings with the Factory<strong>Set</strong>tings.It is about basis configurations that the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device needs during each system startup. Thisconfiguration is required to enable the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to run stably. Default settings are alwayscalled up, if there are no settings available in the User <strong>Set</strong>tings. If, for whatever reason thisparameter settings are deleted, then the system calls up the Default <strong>Set</strong>ting for that parameter.Remark: The parameters configuration settings that are available in the Default <strong>Set</strong>ting could notbe deleted they can only be overwritten.Table 9:Provided types of configuration setting.Each parameter name is distinguished as alone subsection. Two tables are givenwithin a subsection. The first table indicates the format = (whichcould not be sent to the device in that form). The second table shows theexample(s) how the parameter can be configured and sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.The entered values demonstrate the use of all of these fields.Keep in mind that, each parameter name described in the sections below, issupposed to be sent via the PFAL message ($PFAL), which is transmitted in the formof "sentences". The sentence begins with "$" * character, next come the four letters"PFAL" separated by comma ",’. The command "Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>", followed by theparameter separated by commas, and terminated by a calculated checksum (ifused), and a carriage return/line feed. The checksum in the examples below isomitted.Important:The name of all parameters listed within this chapter is case sensitiveand MUST be written in capital letters. No user-settings will be updatedin the FALSH memory, if there are differences between upper- andlower-case letters.* optionalThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 130 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION DEVICE parameters3.3.1.1 DEVICE.NAMEParameter syntaxDEVICE.NAME=This parameter allows you to set or change the device name.It identifies the name of <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. When the device sends a SMSmessage to the message sender or target phone number, it identifiesitself using this identifier.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.NAME=alfa_car$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.NAME• If the device name has already been set, each other message sentto the device overwrites the existent entry. DEVICE.SERIAL.BAUDRATEParameter syntaxDEVICE.SERIAL.BAUDRATE=This parameter allows you to modify the baud rate of the serial port.It specifies the baud rate of the serial communication line. The defaultsetting is 57600 bps. It can be set to:1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 bps.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.SERIAL.BAUDRATE=38400$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.SERIAL.BAUDRATE• If the baud rate already has been set, each other value overwrites theexistent entry.• Changing this value becomes active within 10 seconds (GPSTATE willdisplay the count down). Also, the PFAL responds will be transmitted usingthe new baud rate. DEVICE.OUT.STATEParameter syntaxDEVICE.OUT.SAVE=It is intended to save the state of the 4 digital outputs. The value is created bysystem itself and updated automatically when the command PFAL,IO.SaveOut isexecuted. Therefore, is not need to be changed manually.Shows the state of the digital outputs.0 On device start up the output is set to low1 On device start up the output is set to highHow the configuration could be requested:This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 131 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1<strong>Set</strong> configuration $PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.OUT.STATE=1100 // do not use this commandGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.OUT.SAVE3.3.1.4 DEVICE.INOUT.BASEParameter syntaxDEVICE.INOUT.BASE=It is intended to activate/deactivate the functionality of the provided digitalinputs and outputs. Please, do not change the value of this parameter name. Useit with the default settings. It is intended only for the specific user requirements.It consists of 8-digits corresponding to the provided 8-inputs/outputs bythe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device respectively. Its format is:"33333333" (= default)Each number (counting begins from zero (0), from left to right)corresponds to the inputs/outputs (IN0 to IN7/OUT0 to OUT7) of thedevice respectively. See also chapter 7.9, page 232.The values can be set to:0 Deactivates the functionality of that input/output.1 <strong>Set</strong>s the direction of that pin to input2 <strong>Set</strong>s the direction of that pin to output.3 <strong>Set</strong>s the direction of that pin to input/outputKeep in mind, if an input value (IN0 to IN3, IN6 or IN7) is set to zero (0), it isno more functional even if it is specified as a condition type to bemonitored.WARNINGPLEASE, DO NOT CHANGE ANY VALUE OF THIS PARAMETER NAME BYTHE <strong>STEPPII</strong> DEVICE.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.INOUT.BASE=33333333$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.INOUT.BASE3.3.1.5 DEVICE.INOUT.ALARMParameter syntaxDEVICE.INOUT.ALARM=It allows you to set the direction (None/Input/Input-Output) of the provided digitalinputs and outputs. Please, do not change the value of this parameter name. Useit with the default settings. It is intended only for the specific user requirements.It consists of 8-digits corresponding to the 8-inputs/outputs provided bythe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device respectively. Its format is:"33331333" (= default)Each number (counting begins from zero (0), from left to right)corresponds to the inputs/outputs (IN0 to IN7 or OUT0 to OUT7) of thedevice respectively. See also chapter 7.9, page 232. The values can beset to:0 Deactivates the functionality of that input/output.1 <strong>Set</strong>s direction to inputThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 132 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.12 <strong>Set</strong>s direction to output.3 <strong>Set</strong>s direction to input/outputKeep in mind, if an input/output value (IN0 to IN3, IN6 or IN7) is set tozero (0), it is no more functional even if it is specified either as asupervised condition type or to release an action.Note that, the forth bit (counting begins from zero (0), from left to right)always must be 1 (do not change it). It enables the output driver to befunctional. Additionally, if an Output value (OUT0 to OUT3) is set to zero(0), it is no more functional even if it is configured to release an action.WARNINGPLEASE, DO NOT CHANGE THE VALUE OF THIS PARAMETER NAME BY THE<strong>STEPPII</strong> DEVICE.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.INOUT.ALARM=33333333$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.INOUT.ALARM3.3.1.6 DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.1Parameter syntaxDEVICE.ANALOGCAL.1=,,It allows you to read out the maximum voltage set by the user during thecalibration process of the analogue input 1. This parameter is managed by thesystem and not by the user. If no calibration process has been performed yet, thedefault values are displayed. How to perform the calibration process, please referto the chapter page 75.hex value. It contains the minimum calibration value. This value (outputcode) is irrelevant by the users.hex value. It contains the maximum calibration value. This value (outputcode) is irrelevant by the users.Decimal value. It contains the maximum voltage specified by the user(using $PFAL,IO.ANA.Voltage0= command) during thecalibration process of the analogue input 1. The current voltage valueson the analogue inputs will be always available in the GPIOP protocol.How the configuration could be set/requested:Get configuration$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.ANALOGCAL. DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.2Parameter syntaxDEVICE.ANALOGCAL.2=,,It allows you to read out the maximum voltage set by the user during thecalibration process of the analogue input 2. This parameter is managed by thesystem and not by the user. If no calibration process has been performed yet, thedefault values are displayed. How to perform the calibration process, please referto the chapter page 75.hex value. It contains the minimum calibration value. This value (outputcode) is irrelevant by the users.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 133 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1hex value. It contains the maximum calibration value. This value (outputcode) is irrelevant by the users.Decimal value. It contains the maximum voltage specified by the user(using $PFAL,IO.ANA.Voltage1= command) during thecalibration process of the analogue input 2. The current voltage valueson the analogue inputs will be always available in the GPIOP protocol.How the configuration could be set/requested:Get configuration$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.ANALOGCAL. DEVICE.CMD.PFAL.ENParameter syntaxDEVICE.CMD.PFAL.EN=It allows you to enable/disable the supported communication services to thedevice.It consist of a hexadecimal number without leading "0x" that determineswhich communication services will be enabled, the omittedhexadecimal values disable the communication. Following are listed thecommunication services in hexadecimal value:0x010x020x040x08Enables serial communication to the device. If it is setto "0"or omitted, it disables the serial communication.No more PFAL commands can be sent through serialline to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. The serial line is blocked.Enables CSD communication to the device. If it is set to"0"or omitted, it disables the CSD communicationservice in the upstream direction (from the user side).No more PFAL commands can be sent through anestablished data call line to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Enables TCP communication to the device. If it is set to"0"or omitted, it disables the TCP client communicationservice in the upstream direction (from the user side).No more PFAL commands can be sent through anestablished TCP connection line to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Enables SMS communication to the device. If it is set to"0"or omitted, it disables the SMS communicationservice in the upstream direction (from the user side).No more PFAL commands can be sent via SMS to the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.CMD.PFAL.EN=A$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.CMD.PFAL.EN• In order to enable more than one communication services at once, specifythe sum determined by adding the corresponding hex value of eachcommunication services, for example:− The hexadecimal value A means: SMS+TCP communicationservices will be enabled/available, while all others (the omittedone) remain disabled.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 134 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1• The default setting is "F", signifying that all types of communication servicesare enabled and ready for use. DEVICE.COMM.SERIALParameter syntaxDEVICE.COMM.SERIAL=,This parameter defines the communication mode that will be used when the<strong>STEPPII</strong> receives a message/command from the serial channel. It also defineswhether any system-related message will be periodicallytransmitted to the redirected channel .<strong>STEPPII</strong> supports and operates in two communication modes, the<strong>Command</strong> and Data mode. In <strong>Command</strong> mode, it waits for PFALcommands. In Data mode, all received commands/messages areredirected to the specified as they are without changingand processing any of them. The defines the communicationmode to be used on this channel. It can be set to:cmdPlaces the serial channel in command mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> through this interfacewill be processed as a PFAL command. Responsesto the sent command are also returned through theserial interface. However, if isgreater than 0, all selected messages will becontinuously output through this interface.data=, Places the serial channel in datamode. Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> through thisinterface is redirected to the specified channel without processing any of them. In thismode user messages without leading "PFAL" can beused (messages without leading the "PFAL" forcontrolling peripheral devices, which are connected to).The is set to 1, the system checks eachmessage received from the serial line for characters to occur Sys.eSerialData event. However,if is greater than 0, the selectedmessages will be transmitted continuously throughthe specified channel. specifies the channel to redirect thedata. It can be set to (without leading "0x"):0x00 Does not redirects data (this datacould be done via alarms now usingthe dynamic entry &SerialData).0x01 Redirects data to the serial channel.0x02 Redirects data to the CSD channel.0x04 Redirects data to the TCP channel. Defines whether or not theSys.eSerialData will be occurred when characters are detected on the serial line traffic. Itcan be set to (without leading "0x"):0x00 No event will be occurred..0x01 Event will be occurred (about thisevent, refer to the section confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 135 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1page 186). This event can be used toexecute other commands. Forexample:- Send out the text added before the characters (e.g. SMS, CSD, TCPetc).- or store the text into the history.It specifies the kind of system messages to be transmitted to theredirected channel . Add the sum or one hexadecimalnumber corresponding to the message to be transmitted withoutleading "0x".0x010x020x04Transmits GPSTATE.Transmits GPERROR.Transmits GPACTION.0x08Transmits GPEVENT.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.COMM.SERIAL=cmd,F$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.COMM.SERIAL=data=4,0,F$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.COMM.SERIAL=data=4,1,F$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.COMM.SERIAL• In order to forwards the received messages to more than one output port(channel), specify the sum determined by adding the hex valuecorresponding to each channel, for example:− The hex value 3 means: data will be forwarded to Serial and to CSDinterface.• In order to deliver more than one status of system at once, specify the sumdetermined by adding the corresponding hex value of each system status,for example:− The hex value C means: GPEVENT + GPACTION of system status will bedelivered all others are disabled.• The default setting is "cmd,F", indicating that the system messages areenabled and continually transmitted to serial interface and input messagessent from the user will be processed and sent back to the serial interface.• Please note that, changes to these settings may set the target device in amode where it can only be re-configured via SMS. If the SMScommunication is disabled, the system cannot be re-configured anymore.In such a case to be able to access and to the exchange information withyour target device remotely, a firmware update will be required to erase allavailable configuration settings on your device.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 136 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION DEVICE.COMM.CSDParameter syntaxDEVICE.COMM.CSD=,This command defines the communication mode that will be used when the<strong>STEPPII</strong> receives a message/command from the CSD channel. It also defineswhether any system-related message will be periodically transmitted to theredirected channel .<strong>STEPPII</strong> supports and operates in two communication modes, the<strong>Command</strong> and Data mode. In <strong>Command</strong> mode, it waits for PFALcommands. In Data mode, all received commands/messages areredirected to the specified as they are without changingand processing any of them. The defines the communicationmode to be used on this channel. It can be set to:cmddata=Places the CSD channel in command mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> over this channel willbe processed as a PFAL command. Responses tothe sent command are also returned over the CSDchannel. However, if is greater than0, all selected messages will be continuously outputover this channel. ePlaces the CSD channel in data mode. Everythingsent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> over this channel is redirected tothe specified channel withoutprocessing any of them. In this mode user messageswithout leading "PFAL" can be used. However, if is greater than 0, the selectedmessages will be transmitted continuously throughthe specified channel. specifies the channel to redirect thedata. It can be set to (without leading "0x"):0x01 Redirects data to the serial channel.0x02 Redirects data to the CSD channel.0x04 Redirects data to the TCP channel.It specifies the kind of system messages to be transmitted to theredirected channel . Add the sum or one hexadecimalnumber corresponding to the message to be transmitted withoutleading "0x".0x010x020x040x08Transmits GPSTATE.Transmits GPERROR.Transmits GPACTION.Transmits GPEVENT.How to set/get Device configuration:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.COMM.CSD=cmd,0$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.COMM.CSD=data=4,8$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.COMM.CSDThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 137 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• In order to deliver more than one status of system at once, specify the sumdetermined by adding the corresponding hex value of each system status,for example:− The hex value C means: GPEVENT + GPACTION of system status will bedelivered all others are disabled.• The default setting is "cmd,0", indicating that the system messages aredisabled. No system messages are transmitted from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit to theremote modem when a data call is already established. However, all inputcommands sent from the remote modem will be processed by the <strong>STEPPII</strong>as PFAL input commands.• Please note that, changes to these settings may set the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device in amode where it can only be reconfigured via SMS. If the SMScommunication is disabled, the system cannot be reconfigured anymore. AFirmware update is necessary to exchange information with it again. DEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENTParameter syntaxDEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT=,This command defines the communication mode that will be used when the<strong>STEPPII</strong> receives a message/command from the TCP channel. It also defineswhether any system-related message will be periodically transmitted to theredirected channel .<strong>STEPPII</strong> supports and operates in two communication modes, the<strong>Command</strong> and Data mode. In <strong>Command</strong> mode, it waits for PFALcommands. In Data mode, all received commands/messages areredirected to the specified as they are without changingand processing any of them. The defines the communicationmode to be used on this channel. It can be set to:cmd Places the TCP channel in command mode.Everything sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> over this channel willbe processed as a PFAL command. Responses tothe sent command are also returned over the TCPchannel. However, if is greater than0, all selected messages will be continuously outputover this channel.data=Places the TCP channel in data mode. Everythingsent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> over this channel is redirected tothe specified channel withoutprocessing any of them. In this mode user messageswithout leading "PFAL" can be used. However, if is greater than 0, the selectedmessages will be transmitted continuously throughthe specified channel . specifies the channel to redirect thedata. It can be set to (without leading "0x"):0x01 Redirects data to the serial channel.0x02 Redirects data to the CSD channel.0x04 Redirects data to the TCP channel.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 138 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1It specifies the kind of system messages to be transmitted to theredirected channel . Add the sum or one hexadecimalnumber corresponding to the message to be transmitted withoutleading "0x".0x010x020x04Transmits GPSTATE.Transmits GPERROR.Transmits GPACTION.0x08Transmits GPEVENT.How the parameter could be sent/ or its settings requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT=cmd,0$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT=data=8,0$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.COMM.TCP.CLIENT• In order to deliver more than one status of system at once, specify the sumdetermined by adding the corresponding hex value of each system status,for example:− The hex value C means: GPEVENT + GPACTION of system status will bedelivered all others are disabled.• The default setting is "cmd,0", indicating that the system messages aredisabled. No system messages are transmitted from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit to theremote TCP server when a TCP connection is already established. However,all input commands sent from the remote server will be processed by the<strong>STEPPII</strong> as PFAL input commands.• Please note that, changes to these settings may set the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device in amode where it can only be reconfigured via SMS. If the SMScommunication is disabled, the system cannot be reconfigured anymore. AFirmware update is necessary to exchange information with it again. DEVICE.COMM.DETECTEDParameter syntaxDEVICE.COMM.DETECTED=This parameter can be used to identify the basic or advanced BIOScommunication. If no new hardware revision and new BIOS version are detectedduring system start up, this parameter value is always set to "0". This value isautomatically updated during the first start up.It shows BIOS communication mode. It can be:0 Basic BIOS communication. Using BIOS Version 1.0 andolder ( ≤ 1.0).1 Advanced BIOS communication. Using hardwarerevision "G" and BIOS Versions greater than 1.0 ( > 1.0)How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.COMM.DETECTEDNotes• This parameter setting should not be modified by the user:This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 139 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION DEVICE.IGNTIMEOUTParameter syntaxDEVICE.IGNTIMEOUT=This parameter allows you to specify the timeout period, to wait for other events,checking for conditions, and executing actions when the device releases ashutdown action until performing it.It specifies the timeout period in milliseconds of the system shutdown.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.IGNTIMEOUT=60000$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.IGNTIMEOUTNotes• The value is required by the system, only if the system has beenconfigured to execute a shutdown process when a condition result is TRUE.• Before the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device goes to sleep or resets, it calls the valueand set itself into the shutdown mode for the given period of time. Withinthis time the system tries to release all actions activated from the"Sys.Device.eShutdown" shutdown event. Once the timeout isexceeded the device cancels all other processes, even if there are stillactions to be released, and performs itself an "emergency" shutdown.• If the value is set to 0 (zero), the system performs immediately ashutdown process. DEVICE.BAT.ENABLEParameter syntaxDEVICE.BAT.ENABLE=This parameter controls the operation of the the internal battery (<strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT only)when no external power supplied.It determines whether or not the <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT device will continue operatingeven if the external power is disconnected. It can be set to:autoThe internal battery can be switched off using the BATon/off pin (see hardware manual). In this case, the<strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT is powered off.alwaysThe internal battery is always in use even if no externalpower available. It prevents the shutdown procedureby removing the external power cable.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.BAT.ENABLE=always$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.BAT.ENABLENotes• This parameter is applicable only on <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT device, and not on the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device.• when powering up the device or waking up the SteppII-LT from the sleepmode the external power should always be applied if this parameter is setto always. If there is no external power available and the RING-mode isused as a wakeup condition, the GSM part cannot be successfullydetected by the internal firmware until the external power applied again.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 140 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1• In case of firmware update it is recommended to set this parameter toDEVICE.BAT.ENABLE=auto and then update the firmware as usual. If thisoption is not applicable, use the command PFAL,Sys.Device.Update. Insuch a case the following steps have to be done:-"BOOT"-switch (available on the Evauation-Board) should be turnedto OFF-position. After the firmware update has finished, simply waituntil the device restarts. (If you missed to update the device, youcan enter the command PFAL,Sys.Device.Update again when thefirmware starts up.-Keep in mind that while being inside the update mode, the internalwatchdog triggers an internal reset every 2-3 minutes. So thefirmware update has to take place within this time.-In case the firmware update gets interrupted, then turn the "BOOT"-switch (available on the Evaluation-Board) to ON-position and simplywait a few minutes and try again. Whenever the <strong>STEPPII</strong> restarts,the red LED is flashing shortly, the update procedure can (re)startwhen it stops flashing. DEVICE.BAT.USEEXTParameter syntaxDEVICE.BAT.USEEXT=This parameter controls the operation of the external battery connected to the<strong>STEPPII</strong> only. It has no effect on <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT device.It determines whether or not to use an external battery. It can be set to:0 Default setting. No external battery will be used (forBIOS version 1.0 this setting prevents <strong>STEPPII</strong> fromperforming an emergency shutdown, if there is noexternal battery applied).1 External battery will be used. The Sys.Bat.eLow eventwill be generated when the external battery gets low.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.BAT.USEEXT=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.BAT.USEEXTNotes• This parameter is applicable only on <strong>STEPPII</strong> devices, and not on <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT devices. DEVICE.GSM.ENABLEParameter syntaxDEVICE.GSM.ENABLE=This parameter configuration allows the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to control the startupbehaviours of the integrated GSM engine.It determines whether or not the GSM engine will be enabled on thesystem startup. It can be set to:onAllows to automatically enable GSM engine on eachsystem startup. GSM services like SMS, voice/datacallsThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 141 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1offand TCP will be available after the powering thedevice on.Disables GSM engine on on each system startup. TheGSM engine remains disabled until it will be enabledagain.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.GSM.ENABLE=onGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.GSM.ENABLENotes• Note that all GSM related PFAL commands will not be executed or mightresult errors and state queries (including IMEI, SIMID OwnNumber etc.) willnot work, if GSM engine is not properly initialized and running. DEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECTParameter syntaxDEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECT=,,,,This parameter allows adding of an internal GPS position check routine, to filterout the incorrect or improbable GPS positions. Its main purpose is to filter out the"GPS position bounces"which might occur in such areas where the GPS signalquality is very poor.it determines whether or not to enable the GPS auto correction. It canbe set to:onoffEnables filtering of GPS auto correctionDisables filtering of GPS auto correction. It is defaultvalue. In this case, the followed values can be omitted.It specifies the maximal allowed PDOP value to use (broken value maybe entered – e.g. 4.8)It specifies the maximal speed limit. Any speed exceeding this setting willbe ignored (i.e. no position will be computed from this GPS record)It specifies the maximal allowed distance error. Former GPS records areanalyzed. According to their speed, a distance is computed andcompared to the distance of current and last (corrected) gps record.The difference of both distances may not exceed This setting specifies how many "wrong"positions will be dropped until thecurrent position is considered as inaccurate.Advantages: Several wrong positions (showing a correct DOP anda fix) during early startup can be eliminated this way.Disadvantages: Whenever a wrong position is considered as correct, ittakes seconds until this error will bedetected.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 142 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECT=on,5.0,127,50,10$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECT=off$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECT• No invalid RMC protocols will be displayed after the first GPS fix. If GPSbecomes invalid, the corresponding event will occur – also the current statecan be retrieved.• RMC protocols always will show the last (corrected) GPS position (or aninvalid GPS fix containing zeros during early startup).• A valid GPS-fix is DEVICE.GPS.CFG configuration-dependent. DEVICE.GPS.CFGParameter syntaxDEVICE.GPS.CFG=This parameter allows specifying the number of satellites to consider a GPS fix asvalid.It defines the number of satellites required for a valid GPS fix. By default itis set to 3. The default value allows the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to get a GPS fix even inareas with very bad GPS coverage. However, it can be set to a valuefrom 1 to 10. The higher the value, the higher is the GPS accuracy.Furthermore, it is strongly recommended to specify either 3 or 4 satellitesdepending on GPS coverage. In that case a protocol sent by the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device is considered as "invalid" (depending on user set value) if it hasless than 3 or 4 satellites in a sentence.How the parameter could be sent/ and its setting requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.GPS.CFG=3$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.GPS.CFG3.3.1.19 DEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUTParameter syntaxDEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUT=,,This setting allows specifying the timeout after that the GPS part performs a hardreset if no GPS fix is obtained within that time. This will force the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to reset theGPS engine for satellite reacquisition. This configuration helps the <strong>STEPPII</strong> toreacquire valid GPS position in areas with very poor GPS signal quality.It defines whether to reset the GPS engine, when no GPS fix available. Itcan be set to:0 GPS receiver will NOT be reset even if no valid fix isfound within the specified time.1 GPS receiver will be reset if no valid fix is found withinthe specified time (default).It specifies the period of time in minutes on which the GPS will search forsatellites before it performs a GPS or system reset. The GPS or system<strong>STEPPII</strong> performs a reset if no GPS fix is obtained within the given time;This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 143 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1otherwise the system continues normal operation. By default, this valueis set to 30. However, it can be set to a value from 1 to 45000 (greaterthan 1 month).it is optional. If it is used and the timeout has passed without having aGPS fix, it forces the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to perform a complete system reset.Under normal conditions it should not be necessary to use this value, itcan be omitted. It should be used if the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device could not be ableto obtain a GPS after several timeouts.This configuration is still under test !!!How the parameter could be sent/ and its setting requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUT=1,30$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DEVICE.GPS.TIMEOUT3.3.1.20 DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMATParameter syntaxDEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT=,,,This parameter allows to freely change/adapt the syntax of the messages that willbe sent out with MSG.Send…., making them easier to quickly identify the parts ofa message and to select them for further use. It allows to define the start and endcharacters for each protocol specified within the and user textspecified by . It affects the syntax of all messages that will be sent from the<strong>STEPPII</strong> via Serial, CSD, TCP and SMS.It defines the start characters for user text section (max. 10 chars).Each protocol specified by the field gets the characters as its first character. Furthermore, the defined byMSG.Send gets the , too.By default, this parameter is set to $-character. Keep in mind, the use ofthe $-sign inside an SMS text might be misinterpreted and received asanother character, if the receiving modem is not SIEMENS MC55/56.By default, this parameter is set to CKSUM, However, it can be set to:CKSUMNOCKSUMAdds a NMEA compatible checksum at the end of textsection (=default). Note that, the checksum iscomputed for text only and not for a possibly defined before. If protocols are specified within theMSG.Send command then all protocols will be sent inthe format, for example, $GPRMC....*CS including"$"and checksum "*CS"no checksum is added after user defined text. Ifprotocols are specified within the MSG.Send commandthen all protocols will be sent in the format, forexample, GPRMC.... excluding "$"and checksum "*CS".This format is suited for SMS communication service assome modems, expect the <strong>STEPPII</strong>, could not receivecorrectly the $- dolar sign.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 144 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1It defines the end characters for user text section (max. 10 chars). ACRLF will be added automatically at the end of the defined "endcharacters".It defines the end characters to complete the message (max. 10 chars)(by default it is set to allowing syntax compatibility to the PFALresponses). The CRLF will be added automatically at the end of thedefined "end message"How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT="$",CKSUM,"",""$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMATNotes• Depending on which report syntax you have selected, the messages thatwill be dispatched with MSG.Send…. command, including and, change their syntax as follow.For example, you send or configure the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to output its position tothe serial interface using:$PFAL,MSG.Send.Serial,8,"<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GSP positions"Also you select the following format syntax:$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT="$",CKSUM,"",""The message that the system <strong>STEPPII</strong> sents out looks in this order:$<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GPS positions$GPRMC....*21If you select the following format syntax:$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT="$",CKSUM,"&",""The message that the system <strong>STEPPII</strong> sents out looks in this order:$<strong>STEPPII</strong> outputs its GPS positions&$GPRMC.... *21&This message syntax will be applied to all protocols and user text defined byMSG.Send command.3.3.2 ALIAS parameter3.3.2.1 ALIAS.Parameter syntaxALIAS.=This parameter allows you to define an alias name for each commandc_type/c_index and c_subindex and use it further with the defined alias nameinstead of its default name.It specifies the command c_type/c_index and c_subindex to beotherwise called.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 145 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1It specifies the alias name which will correspond to the last specified command c_type/c_index andc_subindex.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.SYS=System$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.CNF=Config$PFAL,CNF.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.IO.LED0=_GSM$PFAL,CNF.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.IO.LED1=_STATUS$PFAL,CNF.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.IO.LED2=_GPS$PFAL,Cnf.Get,ALIAS.SYS$PFAL,Cnf.Get,ALIAS.CNFGet configuration $PFAL,CNF.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.IO.LED0$PFAL,CNF.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.IO.LED1Notes$PFAL,CNF.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.IO.LED2• The "$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,ALIAS.IO.LED0=_GSM" input message sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong>does not mean that the "IO.LED0" is equal to "_GSM". It means that the aliasname for "0" is "_GSM". An example how to declare alias names if alreadydefined.$PFAL,CNF.<strong>Set</strong>,AL1=SYS.TIMER.e2&GSM.sOpInvalid:IO.LED_GSM.red=hpulse,5003.3.3 DBG parameter3.3.3.1 DBG.ENParameter syntaxDBG.EN=It enables a special debugging mode that displays the data being sent to the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device and responses received. The integrated debugger which helps youto track down the initialization/execution of the firmware/ your application, tomonitor the specified values and settings and runtime errors, etc. can bemonitored from a terminal program connected to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. Thisconfiguration parameter is managed by the system rather than by the user. Thisparameter can be used only to read out the validity of the system debugging.It specifies the value of the system-debugging mode. It can be set to:0 Disables debugging mode.1 Enables debugging mode.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DBG.EN=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,DBG.EN3.3.4 PROT parametersThe configuration of the protocols in this chapter is intended to provide real timenavigation data to the host device. The <strong>STEPPII</strong> uses the satellite signals to calculateits exact current location by calculating its distance from the satellites. The positiondata within the device is then converted into latitude and longitude coordinates,which are usually provided in the geodetic datum on which the GPS is basedThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 146 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1(WGS84) and the configured protocols are transmitted via serial interface to theconnected host device (PC, laptop).This configuration is intended only for the Serial Interface and it does NOT matchthe configuration of protocols to be transferred via SMS, CSD and TCP applications.To transfer/receive GPS data via SMS, CSD or TCP, please, refer to chapter,page 114.In addition to the configuration protocol, if a last valid position has been alreadysaved from the prior operation and there is no GPS fix currently available, forexample during system startup procedure, then the last valid position will be shownin the RMC and GGA output protocols (with state: invalid).Whenever the GPS fix gets lost, the last valid position is still displayed (just thestate changes to invalid), which works even if a last valid position has not yet beensaved.Note:The saved last valid position is displayed during system startup, ifthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> resides within an area without GPS coverage orwhenever the GPS fix fails. PROT.GGAParameter syntaxPROT.GGA=It allows you to specify the sending of GGA protocol in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the GGA protocol will be sent.The value can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero)the GGA protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.GGA=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.GGA3.3.4.2 PROT.GSA<strong>Command</strong> syntaxPROT.GSA=It allows you to specify the sending of GSA protocol in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the GSA protocol will be sent. Thevalue can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero) theGSA protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.GSA=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.GSA3.3.4.3 PROT.GSVParameter syntaxPROT.GSV=It allows you to specify the sending of GSV protocol in interval of time.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 147 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Enter the interval, in second, on which the GSV protocol will be sent. Thevalue can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero) theGSV protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.GSV=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.GSV3.3.4.4 PROT.RMCParameter syntaxPROT.RMC=It allows you to specify the sending of RMC protocol in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the RMC protocol will be sent. Thevalue can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero) theRMC protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.RMC=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.RMC3.3.4.5 PROT.GLLParameter syntaxPROT.GLL=It allows you to specify the sending of GLL protocol in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the GLL protocol will be sent. Thevalue can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero) theGLL protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration3.3.4.6 PROT.VTG$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.GLL=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.GLLParameter syntaxPROT.VTG=It allows you to specify the sending of VTG protocol in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the VTG protocol will be sent. Thevalue can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero) theVTG protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.VTG=1$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.VTGThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 148 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION PROT.IOPParameter syntaxPROT.IOP=It allows you to specify the sending of IOP protocol in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the IOP protocol will be sent. Thevalue can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero) theIOP protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration3.3.4.8 PROT.GSM$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.IOP=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.IOPParameter syntaxPROT.GSM=It allows you to specify the sending of GSM protocol in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the GSM protocol will be sent. Thevalue can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero) theGSM protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration3.3.4.9 PROT.AREAParameter syntax$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.GSM=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.GSMPROT.AREA=It allows you to specify the sending of AREA states in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the AREA protocol will be sent.The value can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero)the AREA protocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration3.3.4.10 PROT.BIN$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.AREA=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.AREAParameter syntaxPROT.BIN=It allows you to specify the sending of BIN protocol in interval of time.Enter the interval, in second, on which the BIN protocol will be sent. Thevalue can be set in the range of 1 to 255. If value is set to 0 (zero) the BINprotocol is deactivated/switched off.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.BIN=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.BINThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 149 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION PROT.START.BINParameter syntaxPROT.START.BIN=$It allows you to specify your own protocol. It consists of the user specified textwhich will be attached at begin of the BIN protocol.String type. It consists of 18 Bytes. If it is specified, the value will bedisplayed at begin of the BIN protocol, including the dollar sign "$".How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PROT.START.BIN=$user protocol$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PROT.START.BIN3.3.5 GSM parameters3.3.5.1 GSM.PINParameter syntaxGSM.PIN=The parameter lets the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device store the entered PIN of the usedSIM card.It specifies the PIN number of the used SIM card. This may be forexample the SIM PIN to register onto the GSM network, or the SIM PIN toreplace the current PIN number with a new one.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.PIN=1321$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.PINNotes• Successful PIN authentication only confirms that the entered PIN wasrecognized and correct. The PIN acception does not necessarily imply thatthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> is registered to the desired network. Typical example: PIN wasentered and accepted, but the <strong>STEPPII</strong> fails to register to the network. Thismay be due to missing network coverage, denied network access withcurrently used SIM card, no valid roaming agreement between homenetwork and currently available operators etc.• To verify the present status of network registration, please refer to the LEDstates in the hardware manual of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. The next way to verifyif it is available, establish remotely a voice or data call.• No PIN request is more pending, if the PIN number of used SIM card oncehas been specified and it is sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. The <strong>STEPPII</strong> stores thatspecified PIN and uses it upon request of the GSM part. No more PIN entry isrequired from your side, as long as the used SIM card is not replaced with anew one.• A PIN message sent without value deletes the existent entry, in this case, thecommand in chapter, page 94 can be used to insert the SIM PIN.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 150 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.BALANCE.DIALParameter syntaxGSM.BALANCE.DIAL=This setting might have to be modified only for some operators, which do not relyon this standard dial number.It specifies the GSM dial number for retrieving balance information.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.BALANCE.DIAL=*100#Get configuration$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.BALANCE.DIAL3.3.5.3 GSM.CALLID.ENParameter syntaxGSM.CALLID.EN=It allows the configuration of the caller identification. This feature allows you toidentify incoming calls for accepting or rejecting them by using the eventsaccordingly. This parameter refers to the GSM supplementary services CLIP(Calling Line Identification Presentation) and CLIR (Calling Line IdentificationRestriction). The CLIP enables a called subscriber to get the calling line identity(CLI) of the calling party. The CLIR determines if your participant will see or notyour phone number.It allows you to enable and disable the caller identification. Followingvalues can be set:0 Disables caller identification (CLIP + CLIR)1 Enables caller identification (CLIP + CLIR)How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.CALLID.EN=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.CALLID.EN• If the value is omitted, then it is set to the factory default value. GSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLISTParameter syntaxGSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLIST=This paramet configuration allows creating a customized blacklist containing theGSM operator names that will be considered unacceptably during GSMregistration attempts.It allows the system to create/disable a customized blacklist. Followingvalues can be set:disable Disables the blacklist addresses. If theGSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION mode is set to any orauto, this setting speeds up the first GPRS attachmentafter powering on the device. By default, it is set todisable.,….., Specifies the operator name orthe operator ID for roaming. Up to 20 either operatorThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 151 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1names or Operator IDs separated by commas can bespecified. (e.g. T-Mobile, E-Plus, D2, 26201 etc.). Eachspecified operator name or operator ID will not beused while GSM registration prevent roaming or directGSM connection to those operators. Each entry mustbe enclosed in quotes (""). See also the example in thetable below.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLIST=disable$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLIST ="E-Plus","D2"$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLIST3.3.5.5 GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTIONParameter syntaxGSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION=This setting is needed to configure the operator selection. It allows to determinethe mode of operator selection whether any or manual network selection shall beused.It allows the system allows determining the mode of operator selection.Following values can be set:anyAutomatically search for the GSM operator. If apermitted operator is found, it registers to thatoperator. If the network is not found, it goes onsearching process and it remains unregistered.manual, Forces the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to select and register itself toone of the GSM network operators available in the list.If none of the listed GSM operator is found, the <strong>STEPPII</strong>remains unregistered but still it is searching. If one of thelisted GSM operators is found, it try to register to thatoperator even if it does not support GPRS, which willremain disabled all the time until a new GSM operatorreselection takes place.GPRSSpecifies the whitelist containing the GSMoperator names which are consideredacceptably during the GSM registrationattempts. Up to 20 operator namescomma-separated can be specified. (e.g.T-Mobile, E-Plus, D2, etc.). Do not specifyany GSM operator name that is alreadylisted in the GSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLIST.Each entry must be enclosed in quotes ("").See also the example in the table below.Forces the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to select only GSM network operatorsthat offer GPRS service. For each cell changes the<strong>STEPPII</strong> performs GPRS cell selection and re-selectionprocesses. If the new cell does not support GPRSservices, the current operator will be changed. If noGSM operator with GPRS enabled is found, the <strong>STEPPII</strong>remains unregistered for that time, but it is stillsearching.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 152 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1autoGSM starts up with any available operator (works asfast as „any“ if no blacklist is configured). If GPRS or PPPinitialisation fails, is changed to „gprs“automatically. This mode offers a fast startup (quickacess to GPRS/TCP) and may still react if GPRS/PPPservices aren’t available or in case the GSM cellchanges (which might cause GPRS/PPP services to stopworking) In these cases „gprs“ mode will be enteredand and kept.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION=any$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION=manual,"D1","O2"$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION=GPRS$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION=auto$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION• The GPRS attachment might be delayed for a few minutes if theGSM.OPERATOR.BLACKLIST is used.• Do NOT change the GSM.OPERATOR.SELECTION mode during normaloperation. The device performs a restart process after the value ischanged.• Keep in main, that during a voice call no operator selection will beperformed.• If the value is omitted, then it is set to the factory default value. GSM.OPLOST.RESTARTParameter syntaxGSM.OPLOST.RESTART=,,*This setting is needed for activation in areas of bad GSM coverage. If the GSMoperator is lost, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device reinitializes the GSM engine periodically (atspecified intervals of time), until a GSM operator found.It allows the system to re-initialize the GSM engine, in event of bad GSMcoverage. Following values can be set:0 Disables GSM re-initialization, when there is no GSMoperator available.1 Enables GSM re-initialization. This setting reinitializesGSM engine if no valid GSM operator has been foundwithin the user-specified .It allows you to define the amount of time, in milliseconds, on which thesystem reinitializes the GSM engine, if no GSM operator found. Followingvalues can be set:0 .. 2147483647 The amount of time in milliseconds after which theGSM engine will be reinitialized, if no GSM operatorfound*This value is *optional, it can also be omitted. If it is used, it allows you todefine the minimum GSM field strength between 1 and 20. Systemchecks additionally whether GSM signal strength drops below theThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 153 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1specified minimal field strength during the defined amount of time. Note: If field strength drops just for a short time, the GSMengine will not perform a restart process.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.OPLOST.RESTART=1,300000$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.OPLOST.RESTART=1,300000,7$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.OPLOST.RESTART3.3.5.7 GSM.SMS.RESPONSEParameter syntaxGSM.SMS.RESPONSE=,It is intended to enable/disable the SMS auto-responses for SMS messagesreceived. It forwards the received SMS message back to the SMS sender. Thisoption enables the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to be set up as a SMS responder, on which itreacts and automatically informs the SMS sender for received SMS.It allows you to enable SMS responses of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to the sender(by SMS communication only). Following values can be set:0 Disables SMS responses1 Enables SMS responses.It allows you to enable the number of responses back to the sender (bySMS communication only). Following values can be set:1..5 The number of SMS responses !!!!How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.SMS.RESPONSE=1,5$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.SMS.RESPONSENotes• Warning: the maximum number of responses may not exceed the maximalnumber of SMS output slots (else default value will be used).• If too less output slots are free when a SMS-PFAL command is detected, theresponse will be queued inside the remaining output slots. Additional SMSwill be deleted, if there are no more free slots available.• (Worst case: if all output buffers are used up, no SMS responses can be sentat the moment. Retry later). GSM.RINGTONEParameter syntaxGSM.RINGTONE=,This parameter is intended to choose on your own preferences the type andvolume of ring tones. If is set to 0 the ring tones will be muted until youchange .Type of ring tone. You have a choice of 7 different ring tones andmelodies. All will be played from the audio output. The setting =0 isonly intended for muting.0 Mutes the tone to be played.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 154 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.11 Sequence 12 Sequence 23 Sequence 34 Sequence 45 Sequence 56 Sequence 67 Sequence 7Volume of ring tone, varies from low to high.0 Mute1 Very low2 Identical with 13 Low4 Identical with 35 Middle6 Identical with 57 HighHow the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.RINGTONE=5,7$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.RINGTONENotes➢If no optional parameter is entered, the old value will be kept. GSM.PROFILE.AUDIOParameter syntaxGSM.PROFILE.AUDIO=,,,,,This configuration is intended only to adjust a specified profile for loudspeakervolume level and microphone side tone.It determines the index to specify an audio profile. It can be set to avalue from 0 to 4. To define which audio profile will be active each timethe <strong>STEPPII</strong> is powered up, please, use the GSM.PROFILE.CURRENTparameter.This value serves to set the audio mode required for the connectedequipment. For use after restart of the module, you are advised to storethe selected mode to the audio profile. Otherwise, audio mode 1 will beactive each time the module is powered up.This is useful, for example, if the audio interfaces are operatedalternatively to benefit from different devices. Each audio mode can beassigned a specific interface. The following values can be set:0 Audio mode 1: Standard mode optimized for thereference handset that can be connected to theThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 155 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1analogue interface 1. To adjust the volume, use theknob of the reference handset. In audio mode 4, thishandset can be used with user-defined parameters.1 Audio mode 2: Customer specific mode for a basichandsfree device. Analogue interface 2 is assumedas default.2 Audio mode 3: Customer specific mode for a monoheadset.Analogue interface 2 is assumed as default.3 Audio mode 4: Customer specific mode for a userhandset. Analogue interface 1 is assumed as default.4 Audio mode 5: Customer specific mode. Analogueinterface 1 is assumed as default.5 Audio mode 6: Customer specific mode. Analogueinterface 2 is assumed as default.It can be set to a value from 0..3. It specifies the gain adjustable in four 6dB steps from 0 dB to -18 dB (0=0 dB, 3=-18 dB).It specifies the loudspeaker volume level. The value can be set to avalue from 0 .. 32767It specifies how much of the original microphone signal will be added tothe earpiece signal. The sidetone gain is in dB and the range of valuecan be set to a value from 0 to 32767.It can be set to a value from 0..7. It specifies the gain adjustable in eight6 dB steps from 0 dB to 42 dB (0=0 dB, 7=42 dB).It specifies the negative gain (attenuation) of the input signal on themicrophone. The range of value can be set to a value from 0 to 32767.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.PROFILE.AUDIO1=1,1,16000,0,5,28000$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.PROFILE.AUDIO3.3.5.10 GSM.PROFILE.CURRENTAUDIOParameter syntaxGSM.PROFILE.CURRENTAUDIO=It allows to load a configured audio profile.it determines the audio profile from theGSM.PROFILE.AUDIO.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GSM.PROFILE.CURRENTSPEAKER=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GSM.PROFILE.CURRENTSPEAKER• The may only be set to a valid profile to one of thespecified GSM.PROFILE.AUDIO. If the specified profile is not validThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 156 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1(i.e. GSM.PROFILE.AUDIO is not available) this setting will not beactivated and the device returns an error.3.3.6 GPRS parameters3.3.6.1 GPRS.APNParameter syntaxGPRS.APN=This parameter specifies the APN Access Point Name (text string). The APN islogical name that is used to select the GGSN or the external packet datanetwork. In other words, the APN name that your network operator has providedto connect the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to the Internet. The APN specifies the external network thata <strong>STEPPII</strong> can access. It also defines the type of IP address to be utilized, securitymechanisms to invoke, available value added services, redundancy, and fixedendconnections.It specifies the Access Point Name (APN). The logical name that will beused to select the GGSN or the external packet data network. Consultyour Network Operator for the correct APN settings).How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.APN=internet.t-d1.de$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GPRS.APNNotes• If the value is omitted, then it is set to the default value. GPRS.AUTOSTARTParameter syntaxGPRS.AUTOSTART=It allows you to specify the start-up mode of the GPRS connection.It specifies the start-up mode of the GPRS connection. It can be set to:0 Disables the automatic attachments to the GPRSnetwork.1 Enables the automatic attachments to the GPRSnetwork. If the GPRS network connection gets lost, ittries to reconnect automatically as soon as the networkis available again.How the parameter could be sent/ or its settings requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.AUTOSTART=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GPRS.AUTOSTART3.3.6.3 GPRS.DIALParameter syntaxGPRS.DIAL=This configuration causes the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to establish a communication to the externalPDN (Public Data Network). The V.250 'D' (Dial) command causes the <strong>STEPPII</strong> toenter the V.250 online data state.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 157 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1It specifies the GPRS dial text. Please contact your network provider tospecify the correct dial text.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.DIAL=ATD*99***1#$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GPRS.DIALNotes• Usually, this setting needs not to be changed as most regions use thedefault dial text (ATD*99***1#).• If the value is omitted, then it is set to the default value. GPRS.TIMEOUTParameter syntaxGPRS.TIMEOUT=,This configuration allows to shut down automatically the GPRS connection if thereis no TCP communication available.It defines whether or not the timeout has to be utilized. Bydefault, this value is set to 1. However, it can be set to:0 Disables GPRS timeout.1 Enables GPRS timeout. If the GPRS.TIMEOUT is enabledyou have to manualy disable the PPP.AUTOPINGparameter.It specifies the period of time (in milliseconds) on which the targetdevice re-initializes the GPRS connection, if there is no TCPcommunication established within the user specified timeout. Pleasenote that, the specified value must be greater than thetimeout value defined by the TCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUTparameter, otherwise the GPRS connection will be closed (and might berestarted) periodically, which may lead to an unreachable of the targetdevice. By default, this value is set to 10. It means, GPRS restarts every10 minutes if there is no TCP communication available.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.TIMEOUT=1,600000$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GPRS.TIMEOUT3.3.6.5 GPRS.QOSMINParameter syntaxGPRS.QOSMIN=,,,,This Parameter name allows the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to specify a minimum acceptable profile,which is checked by the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device against the negotiated profile returned inthe Activate PDP Context Accept message.Precedence class (numeric)[0] Network subscribed valueThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 158 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.11 High Priority Service commitments shall bemaintained ahead of precedence classes 2 and 32 Normal Priority Service commitments shall bemaintained ahead of precedence class 33 Low Priority Service commitments shall bemaintainedDelay class (numeric)The Delay parameter defines end-to-end transfer delay incurred in thetransmission of SDUs through GPRS network(s).[0] Network subscribed valueSDU size:128 octets:Delay Class Mean Transfer Delay 95 percentile Delay1 (Predictive)

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.19 Up to 256 000 (2 048 kbit/s).(numeric)Mean throughput class[0] network subscribed valueMean Throughput ClassMean Throughput (in octets per hour)1 100 (~0.22 bit/s)2 200 (~0.44 bit/s)3 500 (~1.11 bit/s)4 1 000 (~2.2 bit/s)5 2 000 (~4.4 bit/s)6 5 000 (~11.1 bit/s)7 10 000 (~22 bit/s)8 20 000 (~44 bit/s)9 50 000 (~111 bit/s)10 100 000 (~0.22 kbit/s)11 200 000 (~0.44 kbit/s)12 500 000 (~1.11 kbit/s)13 1 000 000 (~2.2 kbit/s)14 2 000 000 (~4.4 kbit/s)15 5 000 000 (~11.1 kbit/s)16 10 000 000 (~22 kbit/s)17 20 000 000 (~44 kbit/s)18 50 000 000 (~111 kbit/s)31 best effort.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.QOSMIN=3,4,3,0,0$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GPRS.QOSMIN• The value is set to the default, if it is omitted. GPRS.QOSParameter syntaxGPRS.QOS=,,,,This parameter name allows the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to specify a Quality of Service Profile thatis used when the <strong>STEPPII</strong> sends an Activate PDP Context Request message to thenetwork.Precedence class (numeric)[0] Network subscribed value1 High Priority Service commitments shall bemaintained ahead of precedence classes 2 and 32 Normal Priority Service commitments shall bemaintained ahead of precedence class 33 Low Priority Service commitments shall bemaintainedDelay class (numeric)The Delay parameter defines end-to-end transfer delay incurred in thetransmission of SDUs through GPRS network(s).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 160 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1[0] network subscribed valueSDU size:128 octets:Delay Class Mean Transfer Delay 95 percentile Delay1 (Predictive)

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.16 5 000 (~11.1 bit/s)7 10 000 (~22 bit/s)8 20 000 (~44 bit/s)9 50 000 (~111 bit/s)10 100 000 (~0.22 kbit/s)11 200 000 (~0.44 kbit/s)12 500 000 (~1.11 kbit/s)13 1 000 000 (~2.2 kbit/s)14 2 000 000 (~4.4 kbit/s)15 5 000 000 (~11.1 kbit/s)16 10 000 000 (~22 kbit/s)17 20 000 000 (~44 kbit/s)18 50 000 000 (~111 kbit/s)31 best effort.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.QOS=3,4,3,0,0$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GPRS.QOS• If the value is omitted, it is set to the default value.3.3.7 PPP parameters3.3.7.1 PPP.USERNAMEParameter syntaxPPP.USERNAME=This parameter allows the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to specify user name that will be used to log(attach) itself into the GPRS network.String type, supplied by your GPRS provider.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PPP.USERNAME=t-d1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PPP.USERNAMENotes• Most providers do not require the username, however, if it is required yourGPRS provider should have provided the details with your GPRSsubscription. PPP.PASSWORDParameter syntaxPPP.PASSWORD=This parameter allows the terminal to specify password that will be used to log(attach) into the GPRS network.String type, supplied by your GPRS provider.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PPP.PASSWORD=gprs$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PPP.PASSWORDThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 162 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION PPP.AUTOPINGParameter syntaxPPP.AUTOPING=,It allows you to enable/disable the maximal idle time until the next ping will sendto the GPRS network for keeping the GPRS connection alive.By default, it is set to 0 (disabled). However, It can be set to:0 Disables sending of pings to the GPRS network.1 Enables sending of pings to the GPRS network forkeeping the GPRS connection alive. It is recommendedto enable it if the GPRS.TIMEOUT remains disabled,otherwise set it to 0.It specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, on which a ping will besent to the GPRS network.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PPP.AUTOPING=1,180000$PFAL,Cnf.Get,PPP.AUTOPING• The GPRS.TIMEOUT parameter replaces the functionality of thePPP.AUTOPING. PPP.AUTHParameter syntaxPPP.AUTH=This parameter allows you to define the authentification method to be used overPPP. By default, the authentification over PPP is selected automatically. However,in some GSM networks it might be required to define the authentification methodmanually.Specifies the authentification method over PPP. It can be set to:noneautopapNo authentification is done (NOT recommended to usethis setting).Authentification method is selected automatically.Only PAP authorization method is used.chap Only CHAP authorization method is used.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configuration $PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PPP.AUTH=autoGet configuration $PFAL,Cnf.Get,PPP.AUTHThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 163 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP parameters3.3.8.1 TCP.CLIENT.CONNECTParameter syntaxTCP.CLIENT.CONNECT=,,This parameter specifies the type, IP-address and port that your application willuse to connect to the remote server. <strong>STEPPII</strong> actively initiates a connection to aremote server when GPRS state is online. Firstly, set the IP-address and Portnumber and then execute manually (if is set to 0) the"TCP.Client.Connect" command to connect to the server, as shown in chapter3., page 106. When the connection has been established successfully, the"TCP.Client.sConnected" event occurs. If the remote server rejected theconnection, a Error event occurs. After a connection has been established, usethe TCP.Client.Send,, command to stream data to a remoteserver. A "TCP.Client.ePacketSent" and a "TCP.Client.eReceived" event occurswhen there is outgoing and incoming data accordingly. If the =0, usethe "TCP.Client.Disconnect" command to terminate the connection, otherwise setthe =0 before using the "TCP.Client.Disconnect" command.Activates/deactivates automatically connection to the remote server.Following values can be used:0 Deactivates automatically connection to the remoteserver.1 Activates automatically connection to the remoteserver. If the TCP connection to the remote server getslost, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> will automatically attempt to reconnectas soon as the remote server will be available again.IP address in dotted-four-byte format. It is the IP address to which the<strong>STEPPII</strong> will be registered and send its data. The format of this address is"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx". See also chapter 2.4, page 21.It is also possible to specify a DNS address in the form (for examplewww.falcom.de) instead of a dynamic or static IP-address. In such a caseit is not required to set up any DNS provider, it is automatically done. IMPORTANT:[1] The port number has to be specified in ANY case.[2] Using DNS can cause much traffic if the specified domain does not exist (thedevice keeps requesting of the IP-address until one is returned)[3] The <strong>STEPPII</strong> clears automatically the implemented DNS cache (inside the unit) ifthe server refuses that connection immediately (it deletes an old DNS entry thatmaybe not up to date. During the next reconnection the <strong>STEPPII</strong> retrievesautomatically a new IP-address and can continue normal operation)[4] Note that, if the server login fails (i.e. the server closes the TCP connectionwithout requiring any acknowledge), DNS query process will be restarted duringthe next reconnection.Specifies the port number used for communication between the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device and remote server. See also See also chapter 2.4, page 21.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.CONNECT=1,,2222This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 164 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Get configuration$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.CLIENT.CONNECTNotes• All values are separated by comma ",".• Contact your network administrator to specify a correct server IP addressand port number. TCP.CLIENT.ALTERNATIVEParameter syntaxTCP.CLIENT.ALTERNATIVE=,,This parameter defines an alternative server in case the primary server fails. Thisallows to define a fallback server which can be used in case the primary servergets disconnected/doesn't respond anymore. If both servers aren't available, thedevice continues to attempt a connection (alternately to defined "primary" and"alternative" server). A wait time between 2 connection attempts can bespecified using the setting TCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUT.Enables/disables automatically connection to the remote server.Following values can be used:0 Disables automatically connection to the alternativeserver (default).1 This Server will be used for each second connectionattempt.IP address in dotted-four-byte format. It is the IP address to which the<strong>STEPPII</strong> will be registered and send its data. The format of this address is"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx". See also chapter 2.4, page 21.It is also possible to specify a DNS address in the form (for examplewww.falcom.de) instead of a static IP-address. In such a case it is notrequired to set up any DNS provider, it is automatically done.Specifies the port number used for communication between the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device and alternative remote server. See also See also chapter 2.4,page 21.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.ALTERNATIVE=0,,2222$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.CLIENT.ALTERNATIVENotes• All values are separated by commas ",".• Contact your network administrator to specify a correct server IP addressand port number.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 165 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP.CLIENT.PINGParameter syntaxTCP.CLIENT.PING=,It allows you to activate/deactivate the maximum idle time until the next ping hasto be sent to the remote server.It can be set to:0 Deactivates sending of pings to the remote server.1 Activates sending of pings to the remote server (it isrecommended). These pings are used to ensure theremote server that the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device is still present in anactive TCP connection.It specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, on which a ping will besent to the remote server.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.PING=1,120000$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.CLIENT.PING3.3.8.4 TCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUTParameter syntaxTCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUT=,It specifies the allowed number of reconnections to the remote server, when theTCP connection fails.It specifies the period of time, in milliseconds, the target device will waitfor a response (an acknowledgement) from the remote server about thereceived data and the next data transmission.It specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device waitsbetween two connection attempts. Please note that, the specifiedvalue must be smaller than the timeout value defined by the GPRS.TIMEOUT parameter, otherwise the <strong>STEPPII</strong> devicecloses the GPRS connection before it is trying to perform a TCPconnection to the remote server.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUT=240000,60000$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUT3.3.8.5 TCP.CLIENT.DNS.TIMEOUTParameter syntaxTCP.CLIENT.DNS.TIMEOUT=The <strong>STEPPII</strong> has the feature to cache the DNS records for a fixed period of time.This parameter allows to control caching of DNS records. The DNS cache consistsof a fixed portion of SRAM memory. The DNS cache is lost whenever the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device is switched off and no user-backup-battery is already connected.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 166 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1It specifies the DNS cache timeout. The length of time (in seconds) tokeep the DNS cache valid. After the time expires, the DNS memorycache will be updated with new data. It can be set to a value from 0 to4294967295.<strong>Set</strong>ting the DNS cache timeout to 0 results that the <strong>STEPPII</strong> alwaysperforms a new DNS query process.<strong>Set</strong>ting the DNS cache timeout to 4294967295 results that <strong>STEPPII</strong> each49.7 days (converted from seconds to days) performs a new DNS queryprocess. By default, it is set to 86400 resulting each 1 day the <strong>STEPPII</strong>performs a new DNS query process.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.DNS.TIMEOUT=86400$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.CLIENT.DNS.TIMEOUTNotes• However, a DNS query process will automatically be performed, wheneverthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> tries to perform a TCP connection and the TCP connectionestablishment fails.• note that device resets will still clear all TCP data3.3.8.6 TCP.CLIENT.LOGINParameter syntaxTCP.CLIENT.LOGIN=It allows you to activate sending of log in data to the used remote server.It can be set to:0 Deactivates sending of login information to the remoteserver.1 Activates sending of login information to the remoteserver. It sends the same data as the"MSG.Info.ServerLogin" message described in chapter3., page 127. This data is sent after the <strong>STEPPII</strong> hassuccessfully established a TCP connection to theremote server. The login data can then be used toensure the connection of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> to the remoteserver.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.LOGIN=1$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.CLIENT.LOGINThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 167 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP.CLIENT.SENDMODEParameter syntaxTCP.CLIENT.SENDMODE=This parameter configuration allows to select between fast and safe TCPtransmissions.It specifies how fast TCP packets should be sent. It can be set to:0 Safe mode (default). Safe transmission prevents loosingpackets during TCP/GPRS reconnects. Only one singlepacket is sent at a time. When the server has confimeda packet with "ack sent", the next packet is sent. Even ifa TCP timeout occurs no packets can get lost.1 Fast mode. Fast transmission speeds up largetransmissions (i.e. history push, large configurations) byfactor 3 or 4. Multipackets are sent at a time. If aTCP/GPRS timeout occurs, sent but not yetacknowledged packets could get lost.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.SENDMODE=0$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.CLIENT.SENDMODENotes• When the device resets all TCP data will be cleared. TCP.STORAGEParameter syntaxTCP.STORAGE=size=,dispatch=This parameter allows you to specify the size of TCP storage and the operationmode.It specifies the size in bytes of the TCP storage to be set. It must be aninteger number between 1 and 4096. The TCP storage holds the datathat should be transferred by means of the TCP storage. By means ofTCP.Storage.Dispatch command the contents of data in the TCPstorage can be moved to an internal outgoing TCP buffer when the TCPstorage is created. If there is no enough memory available to satisfy aTCP storage requirement, <strong>STEPPII</strong> will report an error upon attempting tostart TCP.Storage.Dispatch command.Currently the TCP storage supports two operation modes:manualIf this mode is selected, the TCP storage has to bedispatched manually (i.e. you have to determine whento send the stored information via TCP)autoThis mode allows the system to dispatch automaticallythe data inside the TCP storage whenever it is used up.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.SORAGE=size=512,dispatch=manual$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.STORAGEThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 168 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP.SMTP.CONNECTParameter syntaxTCP.SMTP.CONNECT=,,This parameter allows you to configure the sending of E-Mail via an Internet mailserver. This parameter opens a connection to the SMTP server using the and values when the <strong>STEPPII</strong> attemptsto send E-Mail messages.Enables/disables the sending of E-Mail via an Internet mail server.Following values can be used:0 Disables sending of E-Mail.1 Enables sending of E-Mail.It specifies a string used to identify the address of the remote computersystem. It can contain an IP address in dotted-decimal form, such as"", or a computer name, such as "smtp.mail.yahoo.com ".Sending email from your <strong>STEPPII</strong> device over GPRS will probably beconnecting using the GPRS service of your network operator, and willneed to use your ISPs SMTP server, not their SMTP server. As an example,if you use D1 as your GPRS network operator and yahoo.com as youremail provider, you will not be able to send email using smtp.o2.co.uk,you would need to use smtp.mail.yahoo.com.It is an Integer value used to identify the port number on the remotecomputer system in .How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.SMTP.CONNECT=1,,2222$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.SMTP.CONNECTNotes• All values are separated by comma ",".• Contact your ISP provider to specify a correct outgoing mail server addressand port number. TCP.SMTP.LOGINParameter syntaxTCP.SMTP.LOGIN=,< timeout>,,This parameter allows you to identity the authentication for the SMTP session whensending E-Mail to an Internet mail server. <strong>Set</strong> the Username and Password valuesbefore performing the TCP.SMTP.Send command. If the Username or Password isinvalid, or blank and the Username and Password are required, theauthentication to the remote mail server fails.String type. It specifies the domain name from the Internet address. Forexample "fal.de".Timeout specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a responsefrom the socket before the current operation is aborted.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 169 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Username specifies a string of your email account that contains theauthentication identity provided when using the authenticationmechanisms for the SMTP client in the authenticate process.Password specifies a string of your email account that contains theauthentication credentials provided when using the authenticationmechanisms for the SMTP in the authenticate process.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.SMTP.LOGIN ="fal.de",30,"UserID","Password"$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP.SMTP.LOGINNotes• All values are separated by comma ",". TCP.SMTP.FROMParameter syntaxTCP.SMTP.FROM=This parameter allows you to configure the E-Mail address of the sender of themessage.String email formatted. It specifies the E-Mail address of the sender of themessage. Please, enter a valid email address. If your email address isincorrect or invalid your massage may be cancelled.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.SMTP.FROM="user4@yahoo.com"$PFAL,Cnf.Get,TCP. SMTP.FROMThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 170 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GF parameters (GeoFence)This section describes how the GeoFence works and how to set up a GeoFence tothe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. It is assumed that the users have a basic understanding ofconditional logic and geographic coordinates. How to do GeoFence with the <strong>STEPPII</strong>The GeoFence is a term used to describe an event when the vehicle fitted with aGSM/GPS unit places an electronic rectangle coordinates or a circle around yourvehicle. Once a geo-fence is established, users can be automatically notified, as aresult of event occurring, if a vehicle enters and/or leaves the user pre-definedarea(s)/Geofences. This functionality can be used for territory management, routeverification, arrival/departure notification and prohibited locations. Exceptionreporting can also be applied to a wide variety of additional events, such as arrivals,departures, deliveries, pick-ups, illegal entries, unauthorized movement, and more.The <strong>STEPPII</strong> device based on the GPS system recognizes if the vehicle crosses a userdefinedgeographic boundary, therefore, a SMS alert is issued or other services canbe used for notification. The constructed form of geographic boundary zones(GeoFences) may be either a rectangular or circular one in different sizes.The figure below shows possibilities of defining GeoFences within an area (the area’sboarder is colored blue).Figure 4:Possibilities of defining GeoFences within an area3.3.9.2 Determine the Zone’s Grid CoordinatesThe <strong>STEPPII</strong> firmware supports one kind of coordinate format for latitude andlongitude (decimal format). The supported format is based on the output of NMEAprotocol format. Latitude, longitude (in decimal format, indicated in red and blue color).$GPRMC,141128.638,A,50.712222,N,10.881944,E,0.07,103.22,280104,,*3EIf you use a mapping software (Map&Guide or another one) to determine therectangle coordinates of the GeoFences to be set, then open it and locate thecoordinate text that displays the geographic coordinates of your cursor location onthe map:For the Map&Guide, by moving the mouse cursor on the map the currentcoordinates (Longitude/Latitude in degrees, minute and second) aredisplayed at the bottom corner on the first panel of the viewer window.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 171 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Locate the zone you want to define on the map, and note down the min longitude/Latitude and the max longitude/Latitude coordinates of a rectangle that defines thezone/GeoFence, as shown in figure below.Figure 5:Determine the Zone’s Grid CoordinatesIn our example (in degrees, minutes, seconds):Longitude (min) = 10°53’11" ELatitude (min) = 50°40’16" NLongitude (max) = 10°57’17" ELatitude (max) = 50°42’41" NIn order to convert coordinates from degrees, minutes, seconds format into decimalformat, refer to chapter 7.5, "How to convert the coordinates", page 227.After you have determined the grid coordinates for your rectangularzone/GeoFence, one last step before setting up the configuration is to determinethe sign of the coordinate values. Please remember that, Latitude North andLongitude East are positive and Latitude South and Longitude West are negative(see als figure below):Figure 6:Determining the sign of the coordinate valuesThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 172 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION <strong>Set</strong> up the Geofencing zones and areas<strong>Set</strong> up the configuration as normal based on the parameter syntax, and enter theparameters as indicated in chapter, "GF", page 175. The set values of GF3are obtained from chapter 7.5, page 227.$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF.Area4="Ilmenau-City"$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF3= area,"name",R,,,,$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF3= area,"Ilmenau",R,50.6711,10.8863,50.7113,10.9547An established Geofence always generates two different events: When the vehicle enters into the pre-defined GeoFence boundaries. When the vehicle leaves the pre-defined GeoFence boundaries.An area supports also two different events:For our example:When the vehicle enters into the area boundaries*.When the vehicle leaves the area boundaries*.* Geographic boundaries are automatically generated from a collection of set Geofences"GPS.Geofence.e1=outside" and "GPS.AREA.e4=outside" events occur when theLatitude of the vehicle’s current position is bigger than 10°57’17" AND smallerthan 10°53’11" AND the Longitude of the vehicle’s current position is biggerthan 50°42’41" AND smaller than 50°40’16"."GPS.Geofence.e1=inside" and "GPS.AREA.e4=inside" events occur when the Latitudeof the vehicle’s current position is smaller than 10°57’17" AND bigger than10°53’11" AND the Longitude of the vehicle’s current position is smaller than50°42’41" AND bigger than 50°40’16".The <strong>STEPPII</strong> device can store up to 100 Geofences, and up to 32 areaswhere one of them is parking area. The parking area is pre-defined and isnot configurable; it can only be activated using the command inchapter The ID-number of the parking area is "0". GF.CONFIGParameter syntaxGF.CONFIG=maxdop=,parkradius=,changes=This parameter manages the global configuration of the Geofencefunctionalities. Based on this configuration all events occurred within Geofencerange are controlled.It specifies the allowed maximal PDOP (GPS position accuracy error)value, in meter, for Geofence management solution. Solution is reportedIf the set PDOP value is exceeded, no Geofence events occur. The word"maxdop" is predefined.It defines the radius in meter of the circular area to be used asGeofence park area. The center point is the <strong>STEPPII</strong> GPS position. Itplaces the <strong>STEPPII</strong> (vehicle) into a restricted circle zone (park radius),where the current position (including Latitude and Longitude) of the<strong>STEPPII</strong> is the center of circle and the is the radius of circle.The word "parkradius" is predefined.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 173 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1It defines whether or not the Geofence (GF.e) events will be raised/enabled. The word "changes" is predefined, while its value can beset/changed to:onoffEnables occurring of the Geofence events (GF.e).(It does not affect the AREA events. These events alwayswill be occurred)Disables occurring of the Geofence events (GF.e).(It does not affect the AREA events. These events alwayswill be occurred)How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF.CONFIG=maxdop=5,parkradius=200,changes=on$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GF.CONFIG3.3.9.5 GF.AREAParameter syntaxGF.AREA=This parameter allows the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to set up to 32 areas in a range of 0 to31. An area may be a GeoFence or a collection of up to 100 separateGeoFences. Area boundaries are automatically increased or decreased in sizeaccording to the set of the size of set up GeoFences. As reference, see also figureattached in chapter on page 175. Each area consists of two events("GPS.Area.e=inside" and "GPS.Area.e=outside") and two states("GPS.Area.s=inside" and "GPS.Area.s=outside") that automatically rise wheneverthe corresponding area is entered or left respectively. If an area includesmore than one overlapped GeoFences, then no event rises (area event) while the<strong>STEPPII</strong> is moving within the set GeoFences of that area. GeoFences and their sizecan be set up and (re-)configured using the "GF" parameter. Also, severalnames of set areas can be linked to available ID-numbers of the set areas.It specifies the ID-number of an area. It is used to separate areas and togroup Geofences. Up to 32 areas in range of 0 to 31. The configuration isstored in the on-board FLASH memory of the <strong>STEPPII</strong>.It defines the text for an area index that will be displayed together alsowith each area event. For example, "AREA.e0=outside" withoutquotation marks. The maximal length of string to be specified is limitedto 50 characters.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF.AREA0="park area"$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF.AREA1="City East"$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF.AREA2="City West "$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF.AREA3="City Centre"$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF.AREA4="City"$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GF.AREA0$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GF.AREA1• The text of the GF.AREA0="park area" parameter may be redefined,however the GF.AREA0 should not be used as an area for otherGeoFences, if the parking area is set/activated (see chapter,This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 174 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1"GPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong> – Place/activate an electronic circle around your vehicle(Parking area)", for more details). GFParameter syntaxGF=area,,This parameter allows you to set up to 100 GeoFences in arrange of 0 to 99, todefine the form of GeoFences and place them to a specific area(s) (GF.AREA).The purpose of GeoFences is that all entries and exits of the target objectequipped with <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit into or out of a preset area trigger events and basedon these events the user can be notified. The <strong>STEPPII</strong> device can hold up to 100GeoFences setup either as a rectangle or as a point with a radius zone. Thecoordinates of each GeoFences can be obtained from any map software, andthen converted (if needed) into the format supported by the <strong>STEPPII</strong> (please, referto the chapter on page 169, for more details). The <strong>STEPPII</strong> device stores thespecified configuration into the on board FLASH memory, and it will be availableuntil it is overwritten. Each GeoFence consists of two events and two states thatautomatically rise whenever the corresponding GeoFence is entered or left (moredetails about events and states can be found in chapter on page198). Several GeoFences can be set up into a single area, which allow you todefine and cover up a very complex moving direction. In this way the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device can move through several GeoFences, but within a single area, withoutoccurring of any area events. Additionally, if within an area are placed severalGeoFences, then a part of each set GeoFences must overlap its neighbour in themoving direction, otherwise area events rise when a GeoFence is entered or left.Overlapping of these GeoFences prevent occurring of area events or alarmnotification while the <strong>STEPPII</strong> moves within the set GeoFences of an area.GeoFences may also be attached to several areas (if certain regions in the mapbelong to different areas, see Example 2 for more details).It specifies the ID-number of a GeoFence. It is used to separateGeoFences. Up to 100 Geofences, in range of 0 to 99. A GeoFencecan be set/attached to several areas if the setup conditions allow it.GeoFences are automatically stored for use in the on-board FLASHmemory of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> and these will be available all the time untilmanually updated or deleted.The is used to place/attach specific GeoFence to one orseveral areas. GeoFences could not work alone; they work only inconnection with areas. That means, if you specify a GeoFence youhave to determine the area where the Geofence will be placed.The consists of a 32 bit (4 byte) hexadecimal number in the range0x0 … 0xFFFFFFFF. Each bit in this value stands for a single area (0 – 31).For example, if you configure an area GF.AREA10="Street 21", the 10 mean that bit 10 from 32 is set high and this value corresponds tohexadecimal value of 0x400 (^=10000000000 2).The conversion to binary format will help you have a betterunderstanding:Format Range Value in binary format (32-bit)BIN 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2 … 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 2Each bit shown in table above consists of a single area (0 – 31).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 175 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Before you start the configuration process of GeoFences, make sure youhave done the configuration of the areas that will cover up theseGeoFences.After the user has set up the configuration into the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device, it startscomparing its current location with the location of set areas andGeoFences based on the area value. If there are disagreementswith the user set configuration alarm, you will be automatically notifiedwhen alarms are executed.Examples (Example 1 and Example 2) will help you have a betterunderstanding of areas and GeoFences configuration settings.String type, up to 30 characters, it specifies the name of a GeoFence.The specified name must be wrapped in quotation marks (" ").It is used to define and create the shape for GeoFences. The shape canbe either an square/rectangle or a point with radius zone (circle). Theeasiest way to obtain the coordinates of shapes is to use a mappingsoftware. As reference, see chapter 7.5 on page 227 and chapter3.3.9.2 on page 171.Note that, the number of fractional digits for the Longitude/Latitudevalue is limited to 5 digits, like "50.67340".C,,,,Creates a circle shape.Specifies the latitude, in decimalformat.Specifies the longitude, in decimalformat.Specifies the altitude, in meter. Itcorresponds to the centre of thecircle.Specifies the radius of the circle, inmeter. When the device enters intosuch Geofencing zones, thefirmware compares the calculatedangle between the centre of thespecified circle (longitude, latitude)and altitude with the currentposition of the device rather thanthe given radius value. That means ifthe altitude is given wrong and doesnot match the altitude where thecircle is set, results a wrongcalculation of the radius, so falsealarms may be activated.R,,,, Creates a square/rectangle shape.Based on the longitude and latitude itallows you to restrict a zone you want todetermine on the earth. The upper leftcorner (LL) and the lower right corner(UR) coordinates of the rectangle arerequired to define the zone. functionSupportsThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 176 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationExample 1:Latitude, in decimal format.Specifies the Lower Left corner ofvalue the rectangle.Longitude, in decimal format.Specifies the Lower Left corner valueof the rectangle.Latitude, in decimal format.Specifies the Upper Right cornervalue of the rectangle.Longitude, in decimal format.Specifies the Upper Right cornervalue of the rectangle.$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF1=area8000,"Falcom Office",R,50.67340,10.98060,50.67350,10.98070$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GF1=area8000,"Falcom Office",C,50.67340,10.98060,482,100$PFAL,Cnf.Get,GF1This example represents how to cover up a driving route using severalGeofences within just an area. The purpose of such configurations is to notifyusers whenever the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device enters/exists a GeoFence or only when itenters/exits an area - features for arrival/departure notifications.As reference use the diagram attached to this example.For example you have configure just one area (e.g. GF.AREA4) with followingsettings:GF.AREA4="City" // corresponds to hex value 10 (1 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 - 10000 2)Later on, based on the area settings you may configure the GeoFences thatwill be attached to.The defined GF.AREA4="City" means that bit 4 is set to high (1) all other bitsare low (1 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 ). So the Binary value of 10000 2 converted to thehexadecimal value is 10, which will be entered to the area.GF1=area10,"B88",R,50.67340,10.98060,50.67350,10.98070GF2=area10,"Street 1",R,….GF3=area10,"Street 5",R,….GF4=area10," B104",R,….GF5=area10,"Street 256",R,….<strong>Set</strong>ting the value of area to 10, means that all GeoFences GF1, GF2,GF3, GF4 and GF5 belong to the single area GF.AREA4.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 177 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Figure 7:Covering up a driving route using several Geofences within just an areaThe GF.AREA4 boundaries are outlined in the diagram below. Its colourdefinition is given on the left side of the diagram. While the device is movingin or out the GF.AREA4 and GF1 to GF 5 the corresponding in/out events arealso occurred.Once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit enters into the first geofence (GF1) it enters also into theGF.AREA4, so two events and two states are automatically generated"GPS.Geofence.e1=inside", "GPS.AREA.e4=inside" and "GPS.Geofence.s1=inside" and"GPS.AREA.s4=inside" respectively. You may connect these events and statesto alarm configuration parameter, so that when the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device entersinto the first geofence (GF1) and also into the GF.AREA4 your applicationexecutes the action in the configuration (e.g. SMS notifications, TCP packets,history entries etc.). In the same way you may be notified whenever the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device enters/exists a GeoFence or only when it enters/exits an area.Example 2:This example represents how to cover up a driving route using severalGeofences allocated in different areas. The purpose of such configurationsis to store the GPS position data in internal memory when the area eventsrise - features for route verification).As reference use the diagram attached to this example. Supposed youhave configured four areas (using GF.AREA parameter) with followingsettings (see also the figure attached below).GF.AREA1="City East" // corresponds to hex value 2 (0 4 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 0 - 00010 2),GF.AREA2="City West" // corresponds to hex value 4 (0 4 0 3 1 2 0 1 0 0 - 00100 2),GF.AREA3="City Centre" // corresponds to hex value 8 (0 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 - 01000 2).GF.AREA4="City" // corresponds to hex value 10 (1 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 - 10000 2)Based on the set configuration of the areas you can start the configurationprocess of GeoFences. For example (some of coordinates are not given):GF1=areaE,"B88",R,50.67340,10.98060,50.67350,10.98070GF2=areaE,"Street 1",R,….GF3=area1C,"Street 5",R,…GF4=area1E," B1004",R,….GF5=area12,"Street 256",R,….This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 178 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1areaE means that the GF1 and GF2 belong to both areas GF.AREA2 andGF.AREA4. The hexadecimal value 0xE represents the sum of thehexadecimal values GF.AREA2 (^=0x4) and GF.AREA4 (^=0x10).area1C means that the GF3 belongs to the three areas GF.AREA2,GF.AREA3 and GF.AREA4. The hexadecimal value 0x1C representsthe sum of the hexadecimal values GF.AREA2 (^=0x4), GF.AREA3(^=0x8) and GF.AREA4 (^=0x10).area1E means that the GF4 belongs to thefour areas GF.AREA1, GF.AREA2,GF.AREA3 and GF.AREA4. The hexadecimal value 0x1E representsthe sum of the hexadecimal values GF.AREA1 (^=0x2), GF.AREA2(^=0x4), GF.AREA3 (^=0x8) and GF.AREA4 (^=0x10).area12 means that the GF5 belongs to the areas GF.AREA1 and GF.AREA4.The hexadecimal value 0x12 represents the sum of the hexadecimalvalues GF.AREA1 (^=0x2) and GF.AREA4 (^=0x10).Figure 8:Covering up a driving route using several Geofences allocated in different areasThis is only a classification of areas and Geofences. The areas boundaries 1 to4 are outlined in different colours, and their colour is given on the left side ofthe diagram. While the device is moving in or out an area or Geofence thecorresponding event of that area and Geofence always are occurred.However, depending on your application to be implemented only some ofarea/GeoFence events can be set as condition to execute actions.Notes• The GF0 should not be used as a standard Geofence zone, if the parkingare is set/activated (see chapter, for more details). Based on theuser specified value, the GF0 is automatically set up andattached to the GF.AREA0 parameter, if the GPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong>command is executed.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 179 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION AL parameter (Alarm configuration) FEATURES OF THE ALARM CONFIGURATION✔✔✔✔✔ LIMITATIONS✔✔✔✔Clearly arranged functional structured alarm conditions.Events can be combined to define very complex conditions.Several actions can be specified and will be executed when allconditions are true.Alias names, which are defined for PFAL commands like IN/Outputnames, Timer, Trigger or Counter names, can be used for conditionsas well. This improves clearly arranged easy to understand systemconfigurations.Can be extended very flexible and easily.Currently it is not possible to transmit various system states by usingalarms (i.e. sending TCP state periodically via SMS).It is not possible to evaluate the execution of alarm actions (whetherthey are successfully executed or resulting errors). No conditions canbe defined to react on failed alarm actions before. (The only way isusing i.e. state conditions, which should be changed if the action wassuccessfully executed).PFAL responses cannot be transmitted or displayed for executedalarm commands.None of read commands cannot be efficiently used as alarm actions. The purpose of read commands (i.e. all commands which retrievea state or other information) is to provide information on demand. This information is returned only within the PFAL response, which isnot available for alarm commands To sent information automatically use "MSG.Send" commands,see chapter, page AL= : -<strong>Set</strong> Alarm <strong>Configuration</strong>Parameter syntaxAL=:This parameter is intended to set alarms for the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit. User-specifiedconfiguration is stored into the FLASH memory, and it will be available aftereach power up of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit.The user specified alarms allow the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit to react and to performdifferent actions under certain conditions. To allow a very flexible but stillstructured configuration, each alarm is divided into the conditions and actions.Actions will be executed when defined conditions are evaluated to True.For example: A E<strong>STEPPII</strong> will transmit a TCP packet to the remote server including thecurrent GPS position of the device ($PFAL,TCP.Client.Send,48,"level of IN0changed"), whenthe input 0 performs a rising edge (the event IO.IN.e0=redge raises).Alarm declaration: AL0=IO.IN.e0=redge:TCP.Client.Send,48,"IN 0 rising edge:" A Or send a SMS to the predefined phone number(GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234",0,"location unknown"), whenThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 180 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1 E<strong>STEPPII</strong> unit fails to acquire its GPS location (Once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit fails toacquire its GPS location the "GPS.eFix=invalid"event raises)Alarm declaration: AL1=GPS.eFix=invalid:GSM.SMS.Send,"+49123445",0,"location unknown"A- executed command (action), whenE- event raises.An event is one that only notifies the system that the particular eventhappened. An action is a command that will be executed when a particularevent occurs. An alarm (AL) may contain up to 5 actions/commands and upto 5 conditions. All conditions have an AND- or OR-Conjunction. The block ofcommands specified within the field that follow the fieldwill be executed once the block of conditions specified within the field are evaluated true.The common syntax of the AL-parameter is shown above. The configurationsettings for an alarm (AL) can be transferred to and stored in the <strong>STEPPII</strong> deviceusing the "$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL" command. You can combine severalconfiguration settings into a single command line, but it is not recommended.However, the maximum number of characters specified in a single command line islimited to 1500. More than 1500 characters are ignored.The command syntax for combining several alarm configuration settings in asingle command line is:$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL=:;Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL=:;…Various examples can also be found in chapter 7.10, "<strong>STEPPII</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong>Examples" page 232.<strong>Set</strong> Parameter DescriptionIt specifies the alarm index to be configured. The index is anumber, which can be set to a value from 0 to 99, without leading "0",e.g. AL0, AL1, AL8, AL10. The index specified, for example, AL05 isinvalid and in such a format it will be ignored by the system. The numberof indices depends on the used firmware version. In the greater firmwareversions the index range may be increased. Please note, that alarms with lower index will be first executed, if they aretriggered at the same time upon a certain event.It determines the list of condition(s) to be monitored. More specifically, itdetermines when the <strong>STEPPII</strong> should generate an action (alarm). Whenyou are specifying conditions for alarms (AL), to apply the filter to thecondition field, use the logical operators such as either "&" or "?". Thelogical operators enable an alarm to be more precisely to executeactions/commands when the conditions are met. Up to 5 conditionsseparated either by ampersand "&" or "?" without spaces can bespecified.The ampersand character "&" represents the "AND" conjunctionwhich it is used to test whether all set events and states within thecondition field are evaluated to True,While the question mark character "?" represents the "OR"conjunction, which it may be used to test whether at least one ofthe set events and states within the condition field is evaluated toTrue.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 181 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Hint: The conjunctions "&" and "?" could not be mixed/nestedwithin a condition field. Within a condition field the user is able touse either "&" or "?".Each condition consists of the type and index. When you use acondition type, it is necessary to specify its index and value (ifsupported) of the condition. That means the condition type is filtered bycondition index and limited by defining a value (if supported). Thecondition type and its index are separated by dot symbol (".") withoutspaces. However, the condition index and its specified value (ifsupported) are separated by one of set Comparators (=, !=, , =) without spaces.The syntax to define several conditions is:where is filtered by and limited by .The condition can be omitted, if the condition type does notrequire it.As above up to 5 condition types can be specified. In that case theuser-specified action is released, only if all conditions are evaluated toTrue. If more than one condition is specified, they must be separatedeither by ampersand "&" or "?", representing AND or OR conjunctionbetween conditions accordingly.What do conditions mean?Conditions are system events and/or states, which rise either when acommand/action is manually or automatically executed during thesystem runtime. Conditions are requirements for one or more actionsthat will be released. As above you can define up to 5 conditions. Inthat case all user-specified actions are released, only if the event andstates within the condition field are evaluated to True.Additionally, the condition field consists of one eventand/or up to 4 states.What are the differences between Events and States?Events: are a link between occurrences in the system – e.g. the deviceindicates an incoming voice call or an input changes or a lostGPS signal. More specifically, an event is a pointer that pointsto a process in a specific case. The conditions containing anevent are evaluated just when the event occurs (making itpossible to release actions only one time) - so it makes no senseto combine two event in one condition. In chapter,page 185 the events are grouped by major category. TheEvents are represented by adding an "e"character directlyafter the last dot-delimiter [.], for example Sys.Device.eStart orSys.Timer.e1 etc..States: are conditions of the unit, which will be checked all the time(every 1 second). Once they are True, the specified actions willbe permanently released, so use it with caution or incombination with an event. In chapter, page 185 theStates are grouped by major category. The States arerepresented by adding an "s" character directly after the lastThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 182 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1dot-delimiter [.], for example Sys.Timer.s1=erased orIO.IN.s1=high etc..If the field includes only STATES and they are set to True,the <strong>STEPPII</strong> will permanently execute the specified action, from the field, until the specified STATES returns False. The combinationof states with an event prevents permanently executing of actions.Depending on the configuration to be implemented inside the field, the events and states, which are available in chapter3., "Supported System Events and States"page 185, can be set.The following table shows the events and states grouped by majorcategory. Some events and states might have special communicationinterface requirements and others might have special designconsiderations. The links in the table take you to chapter that providesoverview description of these events and states and including specificinformation for you to consider when adding these events and states toyour application.MajorcategoryChapter Page DescriptionSys.eSerialData 186It provides the event on the serial line and shows theevent signatures.Sys.Device 186 Provides device events and shows their signatures.Sys.Timer 188Provides events and states of Timer and shows theirsignatures.Sys.Trigger 189 Provides states of the Trigger and shows their signatures.Sys.Counter 189Sys.Bat 190IO.IN 192IO.ANA 194GPS.Nav 195Provides events and states of Counter and shows theirsignatures.Provides events and states of Battery and shows theirsignatures.Provides events of digital inputs and shows theirsignatures.Provides states of analogue inputs and shows itssignatures.Provides events and states of GPS navigation and showstheir signatures.GPS.Time 195 Provides states of GPS Time and shows their signatures.GPS.History 196 Provides History states and shows their signatures.GPS.Geofence 197GPS.Area 198GSM 200GSM.VoiceCall 200Provides Geofence events and states and shows theirsignatures.Provides Area events and states and shows theirsignatures.Provides GSM operator events and states and showstheir signatures.Provides Voice Call events and states and shows theirsignatures.GSM.SMS 201 Provides SMS events and shows their signatures.GSM.DataCall 202GSM.GPRS 203TCP.Client 205TCP.SMTP 205Table 10:The events and states grouped by major category.Provides Data Call events and states and shows theirsignatures.Provides GPRS events and states and shows theirsignatures.Provides TCP events and states and shows theirsignatures.Provides SMTP events and states and shows theirsignatures.Either use the links (in blue text) in table above or the PDF documentbookmarks to navigate the events and states you need.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 183 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1It specifies the action, which will be released for a specific task, if allspecified states and event(s) within a condition(s) is/are True. Up to 5actions separated by ampersand "&" can be specified and released.Each action consists of an action type and an index. When you use anaction type, it is necessary to specify the index and value (if supported)of the action/command. The action type and its index are separated bydot sign ("."), without spaces. The action index and its value areseparated by equal signs ("=") without spaces.To specify an action, please, refer to chapter 3.1.1, "<strong>Command</strong> syntax ofPFAL ". Except the read commands, which can be used to read thesystem state, all other command within this chapter can be set as alarmswithout leading the "$PFAL,".The syntax to define several actions (commands) is:where is filtered by the and limited by the .How the configuration could be set/ or the settings requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configurationNotes$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL0=Sys.Device.eStart:IO.OUT1=hpulse,3000$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL1=IO.IN.e0=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"AL1 SMS"$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL2=GPS.Nav.eFix=valid:IO.OUT3=cyclic,2000,5000$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL99….$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL0$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL1$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL2$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL99• Please, consider the permanent action execution by specifing only stateconditions.• When an action will be released, the corresponding event or state (if it isspecified) is also called by the internal firmware.• If the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device is configured to release an action via SMS, please,consider that the maximum length of SMS text is predefined up to160 characters using the 7-bit GSM coding scheme.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 184 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Supported System Events and StatesThe applications are based on event handling. Events can be generated at run-timeor by user actions, such as receiving a voice call, Input changes. Event-drivenapplications execute action in response to an event or state. If one of these eventsoccurs and it is available in one or more alarm configuration, then the specifiedaction(s) is/are executed. The types of events raised by <strong>STEPPII</strong> device vary. Forexample, an Input raises an event — if it changes its state for low-to-high or viceversa.Many events occur in conjunction with executed action.For example: AL0=IO.IN.e7=fedge:Sys.Device.Sleep=IGN whenever the Ignitionline falling edge,the Sys.Device.eShutdown event raises before going to sleep.All condition types and their definition using the Firmware version 2.3.10 arelisted below. Each of them is used to separate the huge amount of conditions todifferent types. Depending on the alarm configuration to be implemented inside the field, the following states and events can be set:1. Sys (System) accomplishes a number of system states and events such as:✔✔System management tasks, including: Reset, Shutdown/powermanagement, etc.Initialization/interruption of system processes, including: Timers, Counters,etc.2. IO accomplishes a number of input events including I/O events, which can risewhen one of them changes its state.3. GPS accomplishes a number of GPS events including navigation, history loggingand Geofencing data, which can be occurred during <strong>STEPPII</strong> operation.4. GSM accomplishes a number of GSM events, including SMS, voice and datacalls, GPRS attachment/detachment, etc., which can be occurred during<strong>STEPPII</strong> operation.5. TCP accomplishes a number of TCP events including connecting disconnectionand sending of TCP packets to the predefined address of remote server, etc.,which can be occurred during <strong>STEPPII</strong> operationComparators:In some conditions the comparators listed in table below are used to compare,i.e. the current speed of the device with a user specified value or the currentstate of the device inputs, etc.Comparators Operation Example= equality Sys.Timer.s0=running!= enequality Sys.Counter.s0!=0< less-than GSM.DataCalll.sRingCounter greater-than GPS.Nav.sSpeed>10=10Table 11:The comparators list.For most simple types, comparison is straightforward. For example,Sys.Timer.s0=running is True just in case the Sys.Timer.s0 is running and stays Trueuntil the Timer 0 changes its state. The following rule applies to comparators. No string values (supported by the firmware) can be compared byusing the comparators , = , and !=. In such cases use only thecomparator =. Do not change the order of comparators (=).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 185 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys (System states and events) Sys.eSerialData (SerialData states and events)STATESNoneEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeSys.eSerialData=Table 12:MeaningOccurs when the device detects Carriage Return/Line Feed characters on the serial line traffic.This event is available for an application that transfers data between devices, using a serialconnection. For example, this event enables an application to find out when data (or a specifictext) arrives at the serial port. To enable such events, change the configuration of theDEVICE.COMM.SERIAL=data=,, parameter, and set the entry to 1.Example: Sys.eSerialData or Sys.eSerialData=’test"It is optional. If you specify any text, the event occurs only when the specified text, terminated bya Carriage Return/Line Feed, arrives at the serial port. If the text-entry is omitted, this eventoccurs whenever a Carriage Return/Line Feed characters arrives at the serial port. The textcomparison is case sensitive.SerialData states and events. Sys.UserEvent (UserEvent states and events)STATESNoneEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeSys.UserEvent.eMeaningOccurs when the corresponded PFAL command is executed. This event can be used tocombine/link directly several alarms (AL) i.e. for optimizing larger configurations or simplyif more than 5 conditions are needed. To raises such an event, use the corresponding PFALcommand and enter the corresponding index number.The UserEvent is not recommended to be used as it allows to create "endless loops"which canslow down the system or even it may affects the stability of other functions.The UserEvents may be use at own risk, however think about all consequences of (mayberecursively) launching alarms when using it. Especially in combination with various states whichcan itself be influenced by actions, the system behaviour can be very unpredictable and complex.Therefore no support will be given for configurations containing the UserEvents.Example: Sys.UserEvent.e1it is a number, which determines the index of the UserEvent to be set. It can be set to a value from0 to 9Table 13:UserEvent states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 186 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Info (Info states and events)STATESNoneEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeSYS.Info.eMeaningThis event is created by the device to report a list of specific system events.Example: Sys.Info.e1It defines a decimal number from 0 to N.Currently used decimal numbers:0 - no SIM inserted1 - SIM pin required (missing GSM.PIN configuration)2 - Backup configuration successfully restored (caused by user command [$PFAL,Cnf.Restore]OR automatically by the device)Warning:Special care should be taken when using system info events. it is stronglyrecommended to try out possible side effects before configuring alarms which effect thereason of the event (i.e. configuring pin with GSM.PIN command when no SIM PIN isinserted – in this case a wrong pin could be specified resulting in a device without GSMregistration (access via serial line required to enter Pin/Puk).You may use System events at your own risk as they might produce unexpectedsystem behaviour if combined with wrong alarm actions.Table 13:Info states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 187 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Device (Device’s states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeSys.Device.sWakeupReason=MeaningTrue when the device starts or wakes up. This state is available only for<strong>STEPPII</strong> hardware rev. G , BIOS 1.2/1.4 (<strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT behaves differentlythan <strong>STEPPII</strong> when using this state).It contains information about the states of the system when it starts orwakes up.To process a wake up state, use the following wakeup sources.Start True when the device is powered up or resetIgn True when the device wakes up from IGN-sleepRing True when the device wakes up from the Ring or SMS-sleepTime True when the device wakes up from the Timer-sleepEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeSys.Device.eStartSys.Device.eShutdownSys.Device.eWakeupReason=MeaningOccurs when the device is powered-on, restarts or wakes up from sleep.(The action to be executed can be e.g. <strong>Set</strong> a LED blinking -IO.OUT0=hpulse,5000). How to use an event, refer to the chapters7., page 237.Occurs when the device shuts down or goes to sleep. This event and canbe used only when the device goes to sleep, but not when system shutsdown (because when executing $PFAL,Sys.Device.Shutdown command,the system shuts down immediately). How to use such an event, refer to thechapters, page 237.Occurs directly after the "Sys.Device.eStart" event is fired. It can be used tolaunch actions after the device awakes by a specific wakeup reason. Thisevent is available only for <strong>STEPPII</strong> hardware rev. G , BIOS 1.2/1.4.(<strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT behaves differently than <strong>STEPPII</strong> when using this event).Example: Sys.Device.eWakeupReason=IgnSys.Device.eWakeupReason=RingTable 14:To process a wake up event, use the following wakeup sources.Start Occurs when the device is powered on or resetIgn Occurs when the device wakes up from IGN-sleepRing Occurs when the device wakes up from the Ring or SMS-sleepTime Occurs when the device wakes up from the Timer-sleepDevice’s states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 188 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Timer (Timer’s states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeSys.Timer.s=MeaningChecks the current operating mode of the timer index. True when the timer is atthe specified status until it changes to another status.Example: Sys.Timer.s1=erased Sys.Timer.s1=initialized Specifies the timer identifier. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.The state to be compared The various states are not exclusive (e.g. a running timer isalways active and initialized).It can be set to.StatuserasedinitializedactiveinactiverunningpausedarmeddisarmedDescriptionDetermines whether the specified timer is currently erased.Determines whether the specified timer is currently initialized.Determines whether the specified timer is currently started.Determines whether the specified timer is currently stopped.Determines whether the specified timer is currently running.Determines whether the specified timer is currently paused.Determines whether the specified timer is currently armed.Determines whether the specified timer is currently disarmed.EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeSys.Timer.eMeaningOccurs when the started Timer expires. Hint: Only the armed timers raiseevents.Example: Sys.Timer.e1How to use such an event, refer to the chapters, page 233. Specifies the timer identifier. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Table 15:Timer’s states and events. Sys.Trigger (Trigger’s states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeMeaningSys.Trigger.s=highSys.Trigger.s=lowEVENTSNoneTrue when the Trigger is High until it changes to Low. Trigger states can be set/changedusing the corresponding PFAL command.Example: Sys.Trigger.s1=highTrue when the Trigger is Low until it changes to High. Trigger states can be set/changedusing the corresponding PFAL command.Example: Sys.Trigger.s1=lowSpecifies the trigger identifier. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19. How to use such states, referto the chapters, page 237 (advanced example related to a used trigger).Table 16:Trigger’s states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 189 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Counter (counter’s events and states)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeSys.Counter.sMeaningTrue when the value of the Counter matches the specified value. Countersdo not automatically increment or decrement themselves To reach a certain valuefor a counter, the increment or decrement command (see chapter shouldbe x-time called until the counter reaches the supposed value. When system startsall counters are initialized to 0.Example: Sys.Counter.s0>30How to use such a state, refer to the chapters, page 237. Specifies the counter identifier. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19Compares two values and return a Boolean (True/False) value that represents theresult of the comparison. It can be set to =, !=, , =. Specifies the value to be compared. 32-bit integer value from 0 to 4294967295.EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeSys.Counter.eMeaningOccurs when a configured system Counter reaches its minimum value zero (0) forthe first time. To reach a 0 value for a counter, the decrement command should bex- time called until the counter reaches that value.For example:Decrements a counter (counts toward the minimum 0) when a SMS is sent. Whenthe specified counter reaches the value 0, then send a TCP packet to theconnected remote server.$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.set=5;Sys.Counter0.save1$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL0=Sys.Device.eStart:Sys.Counter0=load1$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL1=GSM.SMS.eSent:Sys.Counter0.Decrement=1$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL2=Sys.Counter.e0:TCP.Client.Send,8,"positions:"This configuration means after the device has delivered five SMSs, it transmits aTCP packet to the remote server. Enables you to specify the counter identifier. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Table 17:Counter’s events and states.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 190 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Sys.Bat (Battery states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeSys.Bat.sVoltageSys.Bat.sExt=attachedSys.Bat.sExt=unattachedSys.Bat.sChargeSys.Bat.sDisChargedMeaningTrue when the current voltage of the battery matches the specified voltage . (Thecurrent battery voltage is read after initializing the GSM engine).Available on <strong>STEPPII</strong>-LT and <strong>STEPPII</strong> hardware revision "Rev1G" and later.Example: Sys.Bat.sVoltage

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION IO (IN/OUT states and events) IO.IN (Input states and events)STATES - are checked every secondEvent notification codeIO.IN.s=highIO.IN.s=lowMeaningTrue when the input is High until it goes to Low.Example: Sys.IO.IN.s1=highTrue when the input is Low until it goes to High.Example: Sys.IO.IN.s1=lowIdentifies which input caused a specific input event. The index can be set from 0 to 3corresponding to the four digital inputs on the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device respectively. The index 6corresponds to the battery line and 7 to the ignition line. See also chapter 7.9 page 232.EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeMeaningOccurs when the device detects a rising edge (Low to High trigger state) on the input .IO.IN.e= redgeIO.IN.e=fedgeIO.IN.e=edgesTable 19:Example: Sys.IO.IN.e1=redgeHow to use such a state, refer to the chapters, page 234.Occurs when the device detects a falling edge (High to Low trigger state) on the input.Example: Sys.IO.IN.e1=fedgeOccurs when the device detects rising or falling edge (High to Low or Low to High triggerstates) on the defined input .Example: Sys.IO.IN.e1=edgesIdentifies which input caused a specific input event.. The index can be set to 0 .. 3corresponding to the four digital inputs on the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device respectively. The index 6corresponds to the battery line and 7 to the ignition line. See also chapter 7.9 page 232.Input states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 192 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION IO.GPIO (GPIO states and events)STATES - are checked every second (for XF55 module, only)State notification codeIO.GPIO.s=highMeaningTrue when the defined input is set to High state until it is set to low state.Example: Sys.IO.GPIO.s9=highIO.GPIO.s=lowTrue when the defined input is set to Low state until it is set to High state.Example: Sys.IO. GPIO.s9=lowEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursDetermines the index of the GPIO. The index can be set to:0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15 GPIOs available for the XF55:9 GPIO available for the <strong>STEPPII</strong> ( the orange TMARK-LED,used as output only)Please, refer to the hardware manual respectively.The GPIO has to be enabled for reading. This event can be used to detect when an GPIOchanges (i.e. a button is pressed / released etc..)(for XF55 module, only)Event notification codeIO.GPIO.e= redgeIO.GPIO.e=fedgeIO.GPIO.e=edgesTable 20:MeaningOccurs when the device detects a rising edge (Low to High trigger state) on the defined input.Example: Sys.IO. GPIO.s3=redgeOccurs when the device detects a falling edge (High to Low trigger state) on the defined input.Example: Sys.IO. GPIO.s3=fedgeOccurs when the device detects a rising or a falling edge (High to Low or Low to High triggerstates) on the defined input .Example: Sys.IO. GPIO.s3=edgesDetermines the index of the GPIO. The index can be set to:0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15 GPIOs available for the XF55:9 GPIO available for the <strong>STEPPII</strong> (the orange TMARK-LED,used as output only)Please, refer to the hardware manual respectively.The GPIO has to be enabled for reading. This event can be used to detect when an GPIOchanges its state (i.e. a button is pressed / released etc..)GPIO states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 193 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION IO.ANA (Analogue Input states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeIO.ANA.sMeaningTrue when the current voltage of the analogue input matches the userspecified .Example: IO.ANA.s1

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPS (GPS states and events) GPS.Nav (Navigation states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeGPS.Nav.sFix=validGPS.Nav.sFix=invalidGPS.Nav.sFix=correctGPS.Nav.sSpeedGPS.Nav.Position.sEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeGPS.Nav.eFix=validGPS.Nav.eFix=invalidMeaningTrue when the device obtains a valid GPS-fix (GPS data goes frominvalid to valid) until it loses that fix. State is checked every second.This state is DEVICE.GPS.AUTOCORRECT configuration-dependent.True when the device loses a valid GPS-fix (GPS data goes from validto invalid) until the GPS-fix available again. State is checked verysecond.True when the current GPS position is valid and passedGPS.AUTOCORRECT conditions. It can be true only ifGPS.AUTOCORRECT feature is used. State is checked very second.True when the current speed of the vehicle matches the user-specifiedvalue. The user-set comparator determines when this state should betrue. State is checked every second.Example: GPS.Nav.sSpeed>40How to use such a state refer to the chapters, page 236Compares two values and return a Boolean (True/False) value thatrepresents the result of the comparison. It can be set to =, !=, , =.<strong>Set</strong>s the value of speed, in metres per second, between 0 and4294967295 that matches your application.True when the current distance of the device from a stored position matches the user-defined value. The user-setcomparator determines when this state should be true. State is checkedevery second.Hint: This state can be used to monitor the distance of the device froma stored position. In combination with a counter it is possible tocalculate the distance of the device on which it has been moved sincee.g. <strong>STEPPII</strong> is turned on. (= the driven kilometres without breaks).Example: GPS.Nav.Position.s1>120How to use such a state, refer to the chapters, page 238it is a number, which determines how far from a stored position the<strong>STEPPII</strong> is. The system gets the contents of the defined buffer indexand calculates the distance the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device has moved from thatpoint. It can be set to a value from 0 to 4.A GPS position can be temporarily stored using the following command:GPS.Nav.Position=A GPS position can be permanently stored using the followingcommand, if the content of is not empty.GPS.Nav.Position=saveWhenever system starts up the contents of the has tobe loaded into the for further use.GPS.Nav.Position=loadCompares two values and return a Boolean (True/False) value thatrepresents the result of the comparison. It can be set to =, !=, , =.<strong>Set</strong> the value of the distance, in meter, between 0 and 4294967295 thatmatches your application.MeaningOccurs when four or more GPS satellites are used. By default, theTmark-GPIO (GPIO9) is configured to indicate the GPS fix validity.How to use such an event, refer to the chapters, page 238.Occurs when three or less GPS satellites are used. (GPS positiongoes from valid to invalid).How to use such an event, refer to the chapters, page 238.Table 22:Navigation states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 195 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPS.Time (GPS Time states and events)STATES- are checked every secondState notification codeGPS.Time.sYearGPS.Time.sMonthGPS.Time.sMDayGPS.Time.sWeekMeaningTrue when the current year obtained from the GPS date matches the specified year (format is "yyyy", e.g. 2006).Example: GPS.Time.sYear=2006<strong>Set</strong> the value of year in a range of 1 and 10000 that matches your application.True when the current month obtained from the GPS date matches the specified month (the format is "mm", e.g. 12).Example: GPS.Time.sMonth=12Integer value between 1 and 12, where January is the first month of the year andDecember is the twelfth.True when the current day of month obtained from the GPS date matches the specifiedday (the format is "dd"without leading "0" , e.g. 8).Example: GPS.Time.sMDay=8Integer value between 1 and 31. Valid Day values are 1 through 28, 29, 30, or 31,depending on the current Month value. For example, the possible Day values for month2 (February) are 1 through 28 or 1 through 29, depending on whether or not the Yearvalue specifies a leap year. If the specified value is not within range, this state neverresults True.True when the current number of weeks obtained from the GPS date matches thespecified number of weeks (the format is "ww"without a leading "0", e.g. 40).Example: GPS.Time.sWeek=40 Integer value between 1 and 52.GPS.Time.sWDayGPS.Time.sHourGPS.Time.sTimespan=GPS.Time.sDatespan=EVENTSNoneTrue when the current week day obtained from the GPS date matches the specifiedweek day (the format is "hh", e.g. 12). State is checked every second.Example: GPS.Time.sWDay=2Integer value between 1 and 7, where Monday is the first day of the week and Sundayis the seventh.True when the current hour obtained from the GPS date matches the specified hour (the format is "ww"without a leading "0", e.g. 40). State is checked everysecond.Example: GPS.Time.sHour=12Integer value between 0 and 23. If the specified value is not within range, this statenever results True. The value 0 corresponds to midnight, 12 corresponds to noon, andso on.True, when the current system time is within the user specified time span .State is checked every second. Note: This state can be used to generate activityreports or stop reports for a period of time (e.g. generate activity reports between8:30:00 and 14:45:00)Example: GPS.Time.sTimespan=8:30:40-14:45:51Represents a period of time as separate start time and end time values separated bydash "-" without spaces (TimeStamp as a string in the format hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss).Valid Hour (hh) values are 0 through 23, without a leading zero. Valid Minute (mm) andSecond (ss) values are 0 through 59, without a leading zero.True when the current GPS date is within the user specified date span . Stateis checked every second. Note: This state can be used to generate activity reports orstop reports for a range of date (e.g. generate activity reports from Tuesday 31 thJanuary 2006 until Thursday 16 th February 2006).Example: GPS.Time.SDataspan=10.01.2006-20.01.2006Represents a range of date as separate start date and end date values delimited bydash "-" (DateStamp as a string in the format dd.mm.yyyy-dd.mm.yyyy). The startand end dates consist of the number of day, month and year. depending on thespecified Month value (mm), valid Day (dd) values are 1 through 28, 29, 30, or 31,without a leading zero. For example, the possible Day values for month 2 (February)are 1 through 28 or 1 through 29, depending on whether or not the Year value specifiesa leap year. Valid Month (mm) values are 1 through 12, without a leading zero andYear (yyyy) values are 2000 through 9999.Compares two values and return a Boolean (True/False) value that represents theresult of the comparison. It can be set to =, !=, , =.Table 23:GPS Time states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 196 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPS.History (History states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeGPS.History.sDistMeaningTrue when the current distance of the device from the position of the last storedhistory entry matches the specified value . The set cooperator determineshow the comparison of both values (device location and user's value) will take place.State is checked every second.Example: GPS.History.sDist=1000How to use such a state, refer to the chapters, page 234.Compares two values and return a Boolean (True/False) value that represents theresult of the comparison. It can be set to =, !=, , =.<strong>Set</strong>s the value of distance, in meter, between 0 and 4294967295 that matches yourapplication.EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeGPS.History.eTautGPS.History.ePushFinishedTable 24:MeaningOccurs when the memory used for history data gets low (approx. 93% of this memoryhas been used up). As mentioned in chapter page 83, the history operates ona first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis, limiting the amount of memory space used by history.Use this event to prevent overwriting of available data in the history. You mayconfigure an alarm that notifies the user to download the history data on the server.Occurs when the history push command completes. It can be used to clear the historyafter reading it out via History.Push. Note that history events which are written duringthe readout are erased too.Note: This event will be generated in any case – even if push mode fails (i.e. no<strong>Set</strong>Read has been performed before)History states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 197 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPS.Geofence (Geofence states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeGPS.Geofence.s=MeaningTrue when the device leaves the geofence.Example: GPS.Area.s1=insideGPS.Area.s1=outsideUsed to identify the configured areas and to split states from different GeofencesFollowing are listed all supported geofence IDs.0 - checks the state of parking area.1..31 - checks the state of a specific user-configured area.x - - checks the state of any user-configured areas.Please, specify an geofence that is already configured. How to configure aGeofence refer to chapter the type of an geofence state.inside - True when the device enters into the pre-configured Geofence. Once it results outside the geofence this state goesfalse, and the state "PS.Geofence.s=outside" goes true.outside - True when the device leaves the area .EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeMeaningOccurs when the device enters into and/or leaves an Area .GPS.Geofence.e=Example: GPS.Geofence.e1=insideGPS.Geofence.e1=outsideGPS.Geofence.eX=insideGPS.Geofence.eXHow to use such an event refer to the chapters, page 239.Used to identify the configured areas and to split events from different Geofences.Following are listed all supported geofence IDs.0 - used for parking area.1..31 - used for user-configured areas.x - - used for any user-configured areas.Please, specify a geofence that is already configured, otherwise no eventoccurs. How to configure a Geofence refer tochapter is optional. Defines the type of an area event.inside - Occurs only when the device enters into a geofence outside - Occurs only when the device leaves a geofence If it is omitted, event occurs when the device enters into and leaves a geofenceTable 25:Geofence states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 198 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPS.Area (Area states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeGPS.Area.s=MeaningTrue when the device is inside or outside the defined area (created from one orseveral Geofences).Example: GPS.Area.s1=insideGPS.Area.s1=outsideUsed to identify the areas and to split states from different Areas.Following are listed all supported area IDs.0 - checks the state of parking area1..31 - checks the state of a specific user-configured areax - - checks the state of any user-configured areasPlease, specify an area that is already configured. How to configure an area refer to chapter is optional. Defines the type of an area state, when the state will be set to true.inside - True when the device enters into the area . Once it resultsoutside area , this state goes false, while the state"GPS.Area.s=outside" goes true.outside - True when the device leaves the area .EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeMeaningOccurs when the device enters into and/or leaves an Area .GPS.Area.e=Example: GPS.Area.e1=insideGPS.Area.e1=outsideGPS.Area.eX=insideGPS.Area.eXHow to use such an event refer to the chapters, page 239.Used to identify the areas and to split events from different Areas.Following are listed all supported area IDs.0 - used for parking area1 .. 31 - used for user-configured areas.x - used for any user-configured areasPlease, specify an area that is already configured, otherwise no event occurs.How to configure an area refer to chapter is optional. Defines the type of an area event.inside - Occurs only when the device enters into an Area outside - Occurs only when the device leaves an Area If it is omitted, event occurs when the device enters into and leaves an Area Table 26:Area states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 199 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM (GSM states and events) GSM (Operator’s states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeGSM.sOpValid=MeaningTrue when GSM network operator is available until the GSM network operatorresults invalid. Once it results invalid, the "GPS.sOpInvalid.." state respondstrue.Example: GSM.sOpValid="T-Mobile D"GSM.sOpInvalid=True when the GSM network operator fails until the GSM network operatorresults valid. Once it results valid the "GPS.sOpValid.." state responds true.It is optional. It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the GSM operator name (i.e."T-Mobile D") to be compared. The comparison is case sensitive and mustmatch exactly the obtained operator name.EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeGSM.eOpFound=GSM.eOpLost=MeaningOccurs when the device finds a GSM network operator or user defined one andregistered to that GSM operator.Example: GSM.eOpFound="T-Mobile D"Occurs when the device loses a GSM network operator or specified one.It is optional. It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the GSM operator name (i.e."T-Mobile D") to be compared. The comparison is case sensitive and mustmatch exactly the obtained operator name.Table 27:Operator’s states and events. GSM.eCell (Cell’s states and events)STATESNoneEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeGSM.eCellChangeTable 28:MeaningCell’s states and events.Occurs when the device is already connected to the GSM network and itchanges the GSM network cell (hand-over).Example: GSM.eCellChangeThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 200 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.VoiceCall (Voice Call states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeGSM.VoiceCall.sReadyGSM.VoiceCall.sIncoming=GSM.VoiceCall.sRingCounterGSM.VoiceCall.sOutgoing=GSM.VoiceCall.sInside=EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursMeaningTrue when the device is ready to receive or dial a voice call (currently there isno incoming or established voice call).True when the device receives an incoming voice call [or a call from aspecific phone number]..Example: GSM.VoiceCall.sIncoming="+4913131313"True when the user defined number of rings of an incoming voice areevaluated true.Example: GSM.VoiceCall.sRingCounter>2True when the device makes an outgoing voice call [or a call from a specificphone number], until the call is accepted or cancelled.Example: GSM.VoiceCall.sOutgoing="+4913131313"True when a GSM voice call [or a call from a specific phone number] isaccepted, until the call is cancelled.Example: GSM.VoiceCall.sInside="+4913131313"It is optional. It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the phone number (e.g.+493677XXXX, including country and area code) to be compared. If it isomitted, the event occurs for incoming/outgoing voice call.Compares two values and return a Boolean (True/False) value thatrepresents the result of the comparison. It can be set to =, !=, , =.It is an integer value between 0 and255, which determines the number of rings of an incoming call to wait forrelease an alarm.Event notification codeGSM.VoiceCall.eIncoming=GSM.VoiceCall.eRingStopped=GSM.VoiceCall.eOutgoing=GSM.VoiceCall.eEstablished=MeaningOccurs when the device receives a GSM voice call. This event can thendecide whether to accept that call or not.Example: GSM.VoiceCall.eIncoming="+4913131313"Occurs when the device is already set into the ringing mode and the callerhangs up the phone.Example: GSM.VoiceCall.eRingStopped="+4913131313"Occurs when the device sets up an outgoing voice call, before therecipient’s phone rings.Example: GSM.VoiceCall.eOutgoing="+4913131313"Occurs when an incoming voice call has been established successfully.Example: GSM.VoiceCall.eEstablished="+4913131313"GSM.VoiceCall.eHangup=Table 29:Voice Call states and events.Occurs when an established voice call is hanged up.Example: GSM.VoiceCall.eHangup="+4913131313"It is optional. It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the phone number (e.g.+493677XXXX, including country and area code) to be compared. If it isomitted, the event occurs for incoming/outgoing voice call.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 201 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.SMS (SMS states and events)STATESNoneEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeGSM.SMS.eIncomingGSM.SMS.eIncoming.Number=GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Text=GSM.SMS.eSentGSM.SMS.eSent.Number=MeaningOccurs when the device receives a SMS messageOccurs when the device receives a SMS message from a specific phonenumber.Example: GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Number="+4913131313"&GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Text="test"Occurs when the device receives a SMS message with a specificcontents.Example: GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Number="+4913131313"&GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Text="test"Occurs when the device sends an SMS message.Occurs when the device sends a SMS message to a specific phonenumber.Example: GSM.SMS.eSent.Number="+4913131313"&GSM.SMS.eSent.Text="test"GSM.SMS.eSent.Text=Table 30:SMS states and events.Occurs when the device sends a SMS message with a specific contents.Example: GSM.SMS.eSent.Number="+4913131313"&GSM.SMS.eSent.Text="test"It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the phone number (e.g. +493677XXXX,including country and area code) to be compared.It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the text (i.e. "your text") to becompared. The comparison is case sensitive.Hint: Due to both events (".Text="your text"" and".Number="+493677XXXX"") may occur at the same time, you maycombine them within a condition field.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 202 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.DataCall (Data Call states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeGSM.DataCall.sReadyGSM.DataCall.sIncoming=["p_number"]GSM.DataCall.sRingCounterGSM.DataCall.sInside=["p_number"]MeaningTrue when the device is ready to receive a data call, but before the data callis established.True when the device receives an incoming data call or a data call from apredefined phone number.Example: GSM.DataCall.sIncoming ="+4913131313"True when the number of ring that have elapsed since an incoming data callwas generated match the user specified value.Example: GSM.DataCall.sRingCounter>2True when a GSM data call or a predefined phone number is accepted, untilthe call is cancelled.Example: GSM.DataCall.sInside="+4913131313"It is optional. It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the phone number (e.g.+493677XXXX, including country and area code) to be compared. If it isomitted, the event occurs for incoming/outgoing data call.Compares two values and return a Boolean (True/False) value thatrepresents the result of the comparison. It can be set to =, !=, , =.It is an integer value between 0 and 255, which determines the number ofrings of an incoming call to wait for release an alarm.EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeGSM.DataCall.eIncoming=["p_number"]GSM.DataCall.eRingStopped=["p_number"]GSM.DataCall.eEstablished=["p_number"]GSM.DataCall.eHangup=["p_number"]["p_number"]MeaningOccurs when the device receives a CSD call or predefined one.Example: GSM.DataCall.eIncoming ="+4913131313"Occurs when the device is already set into the ringing mode and the caller orpredefined one hangs up the phone.Example: GSM.DataCall.eRingStopped="+4913131313"Occurs when a CSD call or a predefined one has been establishedsuccessfully.Example: GSM.DataCall.eEstablished="+4913131313"Occurs when hanging up an established or a predefined CSD call.Example: GSM.DataCall.eHangup="+4913131313"It is optional. It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the phone number (e.g.+493677XXXX, including country and area code) to be compared. If it isomitted, the event occurs for incoming/outgoing data call.Table 31:Data Call states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 203 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM.GPRS (GPRS states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeGSM.GPRS.sConnectingGSM.GPRS.sOnlineGSM.GPRS.sDisconnectingGSM.GPRS.sOfflineGSM.GPRS.sTraficMeaningTrue when the device tries to perform a GPRS attach until the GPRS issuccessfully attached.True when the device is successfully attached to the GPRS until it is detached.True when the device tries to perform a GPRS detach until the GPRS successfullydetached.True when the device is successfully detached from the GPRS, or a GPRSconnection is currently inactive until the device is attached to the GPRS again.True when the complete current GPRS traffic (in Bytes) that match the userspecified value.Compares two values and return a Boolean (True/False) value that represents theresult of the comparison. It can be set to =, !=, , =.It is an integer value between 0 and 4294967295 that specifies the number of bytesfor GPRS traffic completeness.EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeGSM.GPRS.eConnectingGSM.GPRS.eConnectedGSM.GPRS.eDisconnectingGSM.GPRS.eDisconnectedTable 32:MeaningOccurs when the device initiates a connection to the GPRS network.Occurs when the device is successfully attached to the GPRS network. Dependingon the user application, the GPRS.eConnected event can execute theTCP.Client.Connect command to initiate a TCP connection to the server. How touse such an event, refer to chapter, page 241.Occurs when the device initiates a disconnection from the GPRS services.The GPRS connection between <strong>STEPPII</strong> and the GPRS network is broken.GPRS states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 204 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION TCP (TCP states and events) TCP.Client (TCP Client states and events)STATES - are checked every secondState notification codeTCP.Client.sConnectingTCP.Client.sConnectedTCP.Client.sDisconnectingTCP.Client.sDisconnectedTCP.Client.sIdleMeaningTrue when the device initiates a TCP connection to the serve until it is successfullyconnected.True when the device is successfully connected to the server until it attempts todisconnect.True when the device is trying to disconnect from the server until it is disconnected.True when the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device is successfully disconnected from the server until itattempts to connect.True when the TCP connection is currently inactive until it is connected.(TCP.Client.Connect command can be used to establish the TCP connection).Usually TCP parameters are configured to automatically connect to the TCP serverwhen GPRS state is already online. This state can be used to retrieve the connectionstate when manual connection to the server is desired.EVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeTCP.Client.eConnectingTCP.Client.eConnectedTCP.Client.ePacketSentTCP.Client.ePingSentTCP.Client.eReceived=["text"]["text"]TCP.Client.eDisconnectingTCP.Client.eDisconnectedMeaningOccurs when the device initiates a TCP connection to the server, but still not connected.Occurs when the device has successfully established a TCP connection to the server. (inthis moment the device may send initial data to the used server for acknowledgement).Occurs when the device has sent a TCP packet to the connected remote server.Occurs when the server receives a ping from the devices.Occurs when the device receives a TCP packet or a predefined text from the remoteserver.Example: TCP.Client.eReceived="test"It is optional. It specifies in quotation marks (" ") the text (i.e. "your text") to becompared. If it is omitted, the event occurs for each incoming message sent from remoteserver. This comparison is case sensitive. The text to be sent from the remote servermust be terminated with .Occurs when the device attempts to disconnect from to the remote server.The TCP connection between the device and the server has been broken.Table 33:TCP Client states and events. TCP.SMTP (SMTP states and events)STATESNoneEVENTS – are evaluated just when the event occursEvent notification codeTCP.SMTP.eSentTCP.SMTP.eFailedTable 34:MeaningOccurs when the device sends out an e-Mail.Occurs when the device is not able to complete a send Email operation to a SMTPserver. The connection to the SMTP server failed, or authentication failed or theoperation timed out etc.SMTP states and events.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 205 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION REPLACE Parameter3.3.11.1 REPLACEParameter syntaxREPLACE=Additionally replacement marks can be set within any AL. Eachreplacement mark belongs to a replacement configuration setting. The mark will bereplaced automatically with its contents when an alarm is configured..This is useful to e.g. store phone numbers within replacement configuration settings.Instead of using this number within an alarm, you can simply add the properreplacement mark. Doing so allows you to quickly change the replacementconfiguration later – that changes all occurrences within your alarm configuration.So you don't have to search and replace the whole alarm configuration anymore.Of course this comes in handy only if you use e.g. a phone number very often withinthe alarm configuration. Changing this number now requires just the change of onereplacement configuration – not each configured alarm AL.Example:For example, instead of writing alarm such as the following:AL0=IO.IN.e0=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"+1234567",8,"IN0 was switched on"AL1=IO.IN.e1=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"+1234567",8,"IN1 was switched on"AL2=IO.IN.e2=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"+1234567",8,"IN2 was switched on"AL3=IO.IN.e3=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"+1234567",8,"IN3 was switched on"Your alarm would look as follows:AL0=IO.IN.e0=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"(REPLACE0)",8,"IN0 was switched on"AL1=IO.IN.e1=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"(REPLACE0)",8,"IN1 was switched on"AL2=IO.IN.e2=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"(REPLACE0)",8,"IN2 was switched on"AL3=IO.IN.e3=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"(REPLACE0)",8,"IN3 was switched on"REPLACE0=+1234567// the phone number to which all SMS have to be sentNow lets assume you want to change this phone number. Without replacementmarks, you would have to enter this number within each alarm you would have tochange 4 alarms. Using replacement marks, you can simply change the REPLACE0setting – e.g. from REPLACE0=+1234567 to REPLACE0=+7654321.After next restart of the device, all alarm settings will be using this new number.It specifies the replace index – a number that currently ranges from 0 to9 (including 10 different replacements). These settings contain text that isinserted into alarm configuration settings (AL=....) at any occurrenceof (REPLACE).It specifies the text to be replaced – with a maximum length of 200characters .How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,REPLACE0=+1234567$PFAL,Cnf.Get, REPLACE0Notes• When changing the replace configuration, a system restart is necessary toupdate all alarms.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 206 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1• If you configure new alarms after you set up the replacements, these newalarms will already use the new settings – so there is no need to restart inorder to update the values.• Replacement marks may be placed JUST within alarm configurations (i.e.each configuration which starts with "AL="3.3.12 MACRO parameter (Macro configuration) MACROParameter syntaxMACRO=&….&command10>This parameter specifies the macro configuration. A macro can consist of morealarm actions than a usual alarm. It is possible to specify the command e.g."Sys.Macro0"as an alarm action. Thereby it activates this macro (0 in ourexample). If such a macro is activated, all commands defined inside this macrowill be executed.Keep in mind that the MACRO parameter is case sensitive. It must always bewritten in capital letters; otherwise no action within a MACRO will beexecuted.Macros are designed to make possible executing of the large numbers ofcommands within a single line. Macro can also be used to store severalcommands, which can be used frequently inside the alarm configuration. Thisconfiguration improves the style of a clearly arranged alarm configuration; itprevents the configuration mistakes and can ease the readability of aconfiguration.It specifies the macro index – a number that ranges from 0 to 19 (20macros) at the moment.&….&command10>It specifies the command to be released for a specific task. Up to 10commands separated by ampersand "&" can be specified andexecuted. However, the maximum number of characters in a singlecommand line is limited to 1500. More then 1500 characters will beignored.To specify a command, please, refer to the chapter 3.1.1, "<strong>Command</strong>syntax of PFAL ". All commands within that chapter can be set as alarmswithout leading the "$PFAL,". Examples in the table below illustrate theuse of the MACRO parameter.How the configuration could be set/requested:<strong>Set</strong> configurationGet configuration$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO0=IO.OUT1=hpulse,3000$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO1=GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"AL1 SMS"$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO2=IO.OUT2=hpulse,1000$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO3=IO.OUT3 =cyclic,2000,5000….$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO19….$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO0$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO1$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO2$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO3….$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO19This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 207 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Notes• The maximal number of commands to be specified is currently set to 10.• The maximum number of characters in a single command line is limited to1500.• It is not recommended to set the read commands inside the macrosbecause this would only slow down the system performance. (Theinformation to be read out cannot be displayed in this way. Use theMSG.send commands for such purposes).• It is NOT allowed to set/activate other macro commands inside a macroconfiguration parameter as the activation of them might lead to endlessloops of set commands.NOT allowed: $PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,MACRO0=IO.OUT1=hpulse,3000&Sys.Macro0This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 208 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.14 HOW TO TEST THE <strong>FALCOM</strong> <strong>STEPPII</strong> USINGFIRMWARE 2.3.10 AND LATERThe <strong>STEPPII</strong> operating with firmware version 2.3.10 and later can be simply configuredusing the <strong>FALCOM</strong> Workbench software. For more details, please refer to a separatemanual "<strong>FALCOM</strong>WorkbenchUserGuide.pdf".For more detailed information how to setup a serial connection, please refer to aseparate manual "<strong>STEPPII</strong>_Getting_Started.pdf".4.1 What kind of rules should be considered to prepareyour applications with <strong>STEPPII</strong>:• Read carefully this document and write down all events, states and actions,which will be used in your application.• Decide, what kind of alarms will be executed and channel(s) to betransmitted along (SMS, TCP).• Decide, when these alarms will execute• Determine, which system state must already be present and which particularevent the system will be waiting for to execute one or more alarms.• Try always to filter alarms by using 1 event and upto 4 states. A smalldifference between alarms enables you to reproduce more than 1 alarm forone event.• Make sure, when an event occurs, it does not affect other alarms except thepremeditated one.• Use TIMER-events to activate events and execute actions at regular interval.Use TRIGGER-events to execute various actions at a particular time. UseCOUNTER-events to limit the number of alarms. However, be careful whenyou use them. Write down all alarms, which will be executed either the TIMER,COUNTER or TRIGGER and compare them with other already configuredalarms, to check if conflicts between them take place. They should nevercreate a situation in which an empty action causes an error, the errors maybe caused repeatedly affecting on system performances.• Avoid executing of false alarms when TIMER, COUNTER and TRIGGER are inuse.4.2 Start a GPRS/TCP connectionTo start a GPRS/TCP connection, change all GPRS/TCP settings and adapt them toyour application conditions. All settings can be changed or new configured usingthe "$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,*Checksumm" input message. Finally, enter the PINnumber of the used SIM card (SIM card must be available in the SIM card interfaceof the device). These configurations must be locally utilized (communicating viaSerial line).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 209 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1SETUPCOMMENTSETUPCOMMENTSETUPCOMMENTEnter the GPRS <strong>Set</strong>tings, only if the Remote server is already available and your applicationinterface requires a TCP connection:$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.APN=tinternet.t-d1.de (for example)$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.QOS=3,4,3,0,0$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.QOSMIN=0,0,0,0,0$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PPP.USERNAME=t-d1 (if your provider requires)$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,PPP.PASSWORD=gprs (if your provider requires)$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.AUTOSTART=1 (default = 1)(Once the $PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,GPRS.AUTOSTART=1 message is sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device, ittries immediately to attach itself to the GPRS services, unimportant in which operating statethe <strong>STEPPII</strong> is)Enter the TCP <strong>Set</strong>tings, only if Remote server is already available and your applicationinterface requires a TCP connection:$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,TCP.CLIENT.CONNECT=1,2222.222.222.222,2222 (for example)(the remote server that use the entered IP address and port number must be already running,otherwise no TCP connection can be performed )Enter the SIM PIN:$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.PIN=1111 (for example)Enter the PIN of the used SIM card (your SIM card inserted into the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device which issupplied by your GSM operator or retailer) and not 1111.Table 35:Adapt your configuration settings to your application conditions.If problems are met, regarding the TCP configuration, contact your networkadministrator and request the server IP address, Port number and login data. Tonote, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device is responsible for initiating the connection to the remoteserver using the IP address and the Port number that you specified. While, the usedremote server is responsible for accepting the connection requested from the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device. Once the PIN number is entered the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device tries automatically tostart the GPRS and TCP connection to the user-defined configuration. In order toidentify, if the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is GPRS attached or if it is connected to the used remote server,the events GSM.GPRS.eConnected and TCP.Client.eConnected are respectivelygenerated and periodically displayed on the used terminal program.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 210 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.15 HOW TO SEND SMS MESSAGE TO THE <strong>STEPPII</strong>DEVICEWrite <strong>Command</strong>Response<strong>Command</strong> DescriptionThe text mode has to be set using AT+CMGF=1AT+CMGS= /+ CMGS: OK/ERRORThe write command transmits a short message from GSM modem (connectedto a PC/laptop) to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device using a terminal program. After invokingthe write command wait for the prompt ">" and then start to write the messageto be sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. To send the message, simply press .After the prompt a timer will be started to observe the input. To abort sending,use . Abortion is acknowledged with "OK", though the message will not besent. The message reference is returned to the GSM modem onsuccessful message delivery.This description is applied for the GSM modems distributed by Falcom GmbH.For other modems or mobile phones, please, refer to the user’s guide of theused device and read how to send SMS message to the network.Parameter DescriptionNotesIt specifies the phone number of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.It specifies the key or carriage return ASCI code (13), whichhas to be entered to enable the text entry .It specifies the message to be sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.It specifies the keyboard shortcut for sending the message tothe specified phone number.• SMS messages sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device must not be longer than 160characters.• The maximum length of the SMS to be sent from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to thereceiver is predefined up to 160 characters using the 7-bit GSM codingscheme. If the length of the SMS is longer than 160 characters, the <strong>STEPPII</strong>does not split and deliver that SMS message in two or more messages. Thespecified protocols to be sent out that exceed the maximum length of theSMS (>160 characters) will be not attached into (delivered with) that SMSmessage.• The text entered behind the prompt ">" will be recognized by the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device as an input message.Example:AT+CMGS=012345678> $PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,DEVICE.NAME=my<strong>STEPPII</strong>or> $PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL0=Sys.BTN.e1=short:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"test"This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 211 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.16 NMEA MESSAGES TRANSMITTED/SELECTED BY/ON<strong>STEPPII</strong> DEVICEThe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device transmits NMEA sentences every second, depending on theconfiguration. The identifiers for the NMEA messages transmitted by the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device are listed below. Excepting GPIOP, GPGSM, AREA and BIN all other messagesare based on the NMEA standard messages.GPGGAGPRMCGPGSVGPGSAGPVTGGPGLLGPIOPGPGSMAREABINGPS Fix DataRecommended Minimum Specific GPS DataGPS Satellites in ViewGPS DOP and Active SatellitesCourse Over Ground and Ground SpeedGeographic Position in Latitude/Longitude.<strong>STEPPII</strong> Device Input/Output PortsGSM operator and reception statusAREA states.Binary format.A full description and definition of the listed NMEA messages is provided in the nextsubsection of this section.6.1 Description of NMEA output messagesThe following table is intended as a quick reference to explain the formats used inthe tables below.Formathhmmss.ssddmmyyddmm.mmmmdddmm.mmmmdd.dddddddd'mm'ss"xxxx.xhhbbbbbbbba"a"DescriptionTime: hh hours, mm minutes, ss.ss seconds.Date: day dd, month mm, year yy.Latitude: dd degrees, mm.mmmm minutes.Longitude: ddd degrees, mm.mmmm minutes.Latitude/longitude: dd.dddddd degrees.Latitude/longitude: dd degrees, mm minutes, ss secondsInteger.Integer having exactly two digits (using leading zeros).Number including fraction.Two-digit hexadecimal number (using uppercase A–F).Eight-digit binary number.ASCII text.ASCII text in quotation marks.Carriage return and line feed.Table 36:Description of NMEA output messages.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 212 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION $GPGGA messageThe $GPGGA message includes time, position, GPS quality and number of satellites inuse.Example:$GPGGA,133726.569,5040.4365,N,01058.5646,E,1,03,8.9,92.9,M,,,,0000*3FField Format Example Description1 $GPGGA $GPGGA Start of sentence2 hhmmss.ss 133726.569 UTC time3 ddmm.mmmm 5040.4365 Latitude4 a N Latitude direction (N/S)5 dddmm.mmmm 01058.5646 Longitude6 a E Longitude direction (W/E)7 x 1 GPS fix quality:0: invalid1: GPS fix2: DGPS fix8 xx 03 Number of satellites in use9 x.x 8.9 Horizontal dilution of precision (relative accuracy ofhorizontal position)10 x.x 92.9 Altitude above mean sea level (geoid)11 M M Altitude units (meters)12 x.x Height of geoid above earth ellipsoid13 M Geoid height units (meters)14 x Time since last DGPS update (seconds)15 xxxx 0000 DGPS reference station ID16 *hh *3F Checksum17 End of message terminationTable 37:The GPGGA message data format.6.1.2 $GPRMC messageThe $GPRMC message includes time, date, position, course and speed data.Example:$GPRMC,133725.569,A,5040.4365,N,01058.5650,E,0.05,302.98,251004,,*00Field Format Example Description1 $GPRMC $GPRMC Start of sentence2 hhmmss.ss 133725.569 UTC time3 a A Position validity (A: valid, V: invalid)4 ddmm.mmmm 5040.4365 Latitude5 a N Latitude direction (N/S)6 dddmm.mmmm 01058.5650 Longitude7 a E Longitude direction (W/E)8 x.x 0.05 Speed (knots)9 x.x 302.98 Heading (degrees)10 ddmmyy 251004 Date11 x.x Magnetic variation (degrees)12 a Magnetic variation direction (W/E)13 *hh *00 Checksum14 End of message terminationTable 38:The GPRMC message data format.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 213 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION $GPGSV messageThe $GPGSV includes the number of satellites in view, satellite ID numbers and theirevaluation, azimuth and signal-to-noise ratio.Example:$GPGSV,3,1,10,05,79,067,39,30,63,277,35,14,37,269,,09,36,145,*78$GPGSV,3,2,10,24,28,098,36,06,24,212,,04,24,058,29,17,16,129,*7F$GPGSV,3,3,10,01,13,328,34,25,05,311,*74Field Format Example Description1 $GPGSV $GPGSV Start of sentence2 x 3 Number of messages (1 to 3)3 x 3 Message number (1 to 3)4 xx 10 Number of satellites in view (1 to 12)5 xx 01 Satellite PRN number6 xx 14 Satellite elevation (degrees) (00 to 90), may be null7 xxx 328 Satellite azimuth (degrees) (000 to 359), may be null8 xx 34 Satellite signal to noise ratio in dB (00 to 99), may be null9 25 Similar to 5–8 for next satellite, may all be null10 05 Similar to 5–8for next satellite, may all be null11 311 Similar to 5–8 for next satellite, may all be null12 *hh *74 Checksum13 End of message terminationTable 39:The GPGSV message data format.6.1.4 $GPGSA messageThe $GPGSA message includes the list of satellites being used.Example:$GPGSA,A,2,05,09,04,,,,,,,,,,13.4,8.9,10.0*3DField Format Example Description1 $GPGSA $GPGSA Start of sentence2 a A Operating mode:M: Manual, operate in 3-D mode.A: Automatically choose 2-D or 3-D mode.3 x 2 Fix mode:1: Fix not available2: 2-D fix3: 3-D fix4 xx,xx, . . . 05 PRN numbers of satellites in use (unused fields null)5 x.x 13.4 Position dilution of precision6 x.x 8.9 Horizontal dilution of precision7 x.x 10.0 Vertical dilution of precision8 *hh *3D Checksum9 End of message terminationTable 40:The GPGSA message data format.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 214 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION $GPVTG messageThe $GPVTG message includes course over ground and ground speed.Example:$GPVTG,109.53,T,,M,0.15,N,0.3,K*69Field Format Example Description1 $GPGSA $GPGSA Start of sentence2 a A Operating mode:M: Manual, operate in 3-D mode.A: Automatically choose 2-D or 3-D mode.3 x 2 Fix mode:1: Fix not available2: 2-D fix3: 3-D fix4 xx,xx, . . . 05 PRN numbers of satellites in use (unused fields null)5 x.x 13.4 Position dilution of precision6 x.x 8.9 Horizontal dilution of precision7 x.x 10.0 Vertical dilution of precision8 *hh *3D Checksum9 End of message terminationTable 41:The GPGSA message data format.6.1.6 $GPGLL messageThe $GPGLL message includes the latitude, longitude, UTC time of position fix andstatus.Example:$GPGLL,5040.4025,N,01058.8342,E,113704.665,A*32Field Format Example Description1 $GPGLL $GPGLL Start of sentence2 ddmm.mmmm 5040.4025 Latitude3 a N Latitude direction (N/S)4 dddmm.mmmm 01058.8342 Longitude5 a E Longitude direction (W/E)6 hhmmss.sss 113704.665 UTC Position7 a A Position validity (A: valid, V: invalid or S*: invalid)8 *hh *32 Checksum9 End of message terminationTable 42:The GPGLL message data format.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 215 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION $GPIOP messageThe $GPIOP message includes the status of the digital/analogue inputs and outputports (This message is intended to be used by the <strong>FALCOM</strong> <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit only). Adetailed description is also attached in chapter page 216.Example:$GPIOP,01000000,00000000,0.28,0.28,4.15*72Field Format Example Description1 $GPIOP $GPIOP Start of sentence2 bbbbbbbb 01000000 Inputs: 8–1 (1: on, 0: off)3 bbbbbbbb 00010000 Outputs: Unused4 x.x 0.28 analogue input 1 (V)5 x.x 0.28 analogue input 2 (V)6 x.x 4.15 Backup battery level (V)7 *hh *72 Checksum8 End of message terminationTable 43:The GPIOP message data format. GPIOP formatThe below schematic shows the structure and description (of each bit) of the$GPIOP protocol message.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 216 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION $GPGSM messageThe $GPGSM message includes the GSM operator and reception status. Table belowshows the mode 0 which indicates that the sentence gives the GSM module status.Example:$GPGSM,0,1,0,"T-Mobile D",20,5518,4caa*32Field Format Example Description1 $GPGSM $GPGSM Start of sentence2 x 0 GSM status mode: 03 b 1 Registration (1:registered, 0: unregistered, 5: roaming)4 x 0 GSM status5 "a" "T-Mobile D" Network operator name6 xx 20 GSM field strength (0 to 31) 0: $-$113 dB 31: $-$51 dB7 a 5518 Area code8 a 4caa Cell ID9 *hh *32 Checksum10 End of message terminationTable 44:The GPGSM message data format in GMS status mode.6.1.9 $GPAREA messageThe $GPAREA message includes state of 32 areas. This message can be periodicallytransmitted to the serial port of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device. The example below shows thatthe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device is currently inside the Area0 and it is outside all other areas.Example:$GPAREA,0000 0001*0DField Format Example Description1 $GPAREA $GPAREA Start of sentence2 xxxx 0000 Areas 31 to 16 (16 bit -> 2 byte Hexadecimal value)The hexadecimal value represents the index of the enteredarea.3 xxxx 0001 Areas 15 to 0 (16 bit -> 2 byte Hexadecimal value)The hexadecimal value represents the index of the enteredarea.4 End of message terminationTable 45:The GPGSM message data format in GMS status mode.6.1.10 BIN protocol and its formatThe binary format sent from the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device has the following structure.Text Format End Sequencetext Example 24 1305820D23331E34231B068B862700010000 0D0A(the value is converted in the hexdecimal format)Field Format Example Description1 text $ The text specified by the PROT.BIN.START parameter (seechapter, page 150), "$"=default.2 Binary protocol See table below.3 0D0A End of message termination (2 bytes)Table 46:The BIN binary data format.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 217 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1FieldThe following table is intended as a quick reference to explain the sent binary data. = Name Format Bits Bit selection Range E.g. Description1 DATE dd mm yy16 11…15 = Day (5 bit)7…10 = Month (4 bit)0…6 = Year (7 bit)1..311..1200..99DATE format including thecurrent Day, Month and year.2 VALID v 31 in the TIME format 0..1 The current GPS validity bit 31of the TIME format (1=valid;0=invalid), see field 3.3 TIME v hh mm ms 32 31 = See field 2.22…26= Hours (5 bit)16…21= minutes (6 bit)0..15= msec. (16 bit)0..10..2300..590..59999TIME format including thecurrent GPS validity (1=valid;0=invalid), hour, minutes andmiliseconds.4 LAT xxxxxxx 32 0..31=Latitude (32 bit) 0..31 LAT format [+90° to –90°] withresolution of 0.0000001.5 LON xxxxxxx 32 0.31=Longitude (32 bit) 0..31 LON format [+180° to –180°]with resolution of 0.0000001.6 SPEED xxxxxx 16 0..15=Speed (16 bit) 0..15 Speed Over Ground in m/secwith resolution of 0.017 COURSExxxxxx 16 0..15=course (16 bit) 0..15 Course Over Ground [0° to360°] with resolution of 0.01Table 46.1:The in bitwise data format.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 218 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.17 APPENDIX7.1 How to update a new firmware into the <strong>STEPPII</strong>Please refer to the separated manual "<strong>STEPPII</strong>_hardware_guide.pdf", chapterAppendix, section Supported dynamic entriesThe following table shows the dynamic entries that can be attached to the userspecified text when they are requested.EntrySYSIOGPSSecurityLockDeviceNameVAkkuTimerTriggerCounterSerialDataStartupReasonINOutGPIOANATimeDateSysTimeSysDateLat.nLon.nLatLonMeaning (for more details, please, refer also to the corresponding PFAL commandrespectively)Used to report whether or not the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device has already been locked. If system<strong>STEPPII</strong> has already been locked, the return value is 1, otherwise it returns 0Used to report the name of the device specified with DEVICE.NAME configurationcommand.Used to report the internal battery voltage. Note that, the battery voltage will be availableapprox. 6-10 seconds after the system startup The unit of the returned value is Volt.Used to request the state of the selected Timer. The determines the index of thetimer to be requested. Up to 20 Timers are available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19.Used to request the state of the selected Trigger. The determines the index of thetrigger to be requested. Up to 20 Timers are available It can be set to a value from 0 to 19Used to request the state of the selected Counter. The determines the index of thecounter to be requested. Up to 20 Timers are available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 19Used to report the last string received from the serial interface, which is terminated by aCarriage Return and Line Feed.Used to report in which way system is last started. Following strings can be reported:Start Normal bootIgn From IGN-sleepRing From Ring-sleepTime From Timer-sleepUsed to report the state of the digital inputs. The determines the index of the inputto be requested. It can be set to a value from 0 to 3.Used to report the state of the digital outputs. The determines the index of theoutput to be requested. It can be set to a value from 0 to 3.Used to report the state of the GPIOs. The determines the index of the output to berequested. It can be set to 9 for STEPII (this GPIO is used as output only). While using theXF55/56 it can be set to a value between 0 and 15.Used to report the state of the analogue inputs. The determines the index of theanalogue inputs to be requested. It can be set to a value from 0 to 1.Used to report the current system time. The system time is expressed in CoordinatedUniversal Time (UTC).Used to report the current system dateUsed to request the current internal time of the device. The time in the time format"hh:mm:ss". It is the time since the device has been running. The time value will be set to0 each approx. 50 days.Used to request the current internal date of the device. The date in the date format"dd:mm:yy". It is the date since the device has been running. The time value will be set to0 each approx. 50 days.Used to report the current GPS latitude value in nautical coordinates. Format: is e.g.50N40'23" for north, 50°40"23".Used to report the current GPS longitude value in nautical coordinates. Format: is e.g.010E58'50 for east, 10°58"50".Used to report the current GPS latitude value i in decimal degrees.Used to report the current GPS longitude value in decimal degrees.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 219 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1AltSpeedCourseDOPSatsUsedFixNavDistPosDistGFNameGFAreaNameAreaLastGFLastGFNameLastGFStateLastAreaLastAreaNameLastAreaStateGSMIMEISIMIDOwnNumberOperatorIDOperatorCallerNumberOwnNumberFieldstrengthCIDLACCallSMSNumberSMSTextGPRSOnlineUsed to report the current GPS altitude value in meters.Used to report the current GPS velocity value in meters/secondUsed to report the current course over ground, indicating the current direction of the<strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Used to report the current DOP value (GPS position accuracy error) of the device.Used to report the number of satellites that currently are in use.Used to report whether or not the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device has already got a valid GPS-Fix. Ifsystem <strong>STEPPII</strong> has already got a valid GPS-Fix, the return value is 1, otherwise it returns0.Used to report the actual distance in meters since the device has left a known start point.Used to report the actual distance in meters between a stored point and current location ofthe device. The specifies a storage index in the range of 0 to 4.Used to report the name of a configured Geofence. The specifies the ID-number of aGeofence. Up to 100 Geofences are available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 99.Used to report the current state of the selected Geofence. The specifies the IDnumberof a Geofence. Up to 100 Geofences are available. It can be set to a value from 0to 99.Used to report the name of a configured Geofence area. The specifies the ID-numberof an area. Up to 32 Geofencing areas are available. It can be set to a value from 0 to 31.Used to report the current state of the selected Geofence area. The specifies the IDnumberof an area. Up to 32 Geofencing areas are available. It can be set to a value from 0to 31.Used to report the Geofence identification number on which the last event has beenoccurred. "none" is reported if no GF event has been occurred before.Used to report the Geofence name on which the last geofence event has been occurred."none" is reported if no GF event has been occurred before.Used to report the Geofence state (inside -1 or outside -0) on which the last event hasbeen occurred. "none" is reported if no GF event has been occurred before.Used to report the Area identification number on which the last event has beenoccurred. "none" is reported if no AREA event has been occurred before.Used to report the Area name on which the last event has been occurred. "none" isreported if no AREA event has been occurred before.Used to report the Area state (inside -1 or outside -0) on which the last event has beenoccurred. "none" is reported, if no AREA event has been occurred before.Used to report the current IMEI number of the deviceUsed to report the mobile subscriber ID from the used SIMUsed to report the GSM phone number of the deviceUsed to report the currently used GSM operator ID.Used to report the current GSM operator name used by the deviceUsed to report the phone number of the currently incoming call. The incoming call may beestablished, but after it is finished, no caller number will be transmitted (an error will bedelivered instead)Used to report the phone number of the SIM card used on ther <strong>STEPPII</strong> device.Used to report the field strength of the currently used GSM cellUsed to report the currently used GSM cell IDUsed to report the currently used GSM local area codeUsed to report the state of incoming calls.Possible values may be retrieved:-idle-incoming voice call (ring:3)-incoming data call (ring:1)-inside incoming voice call-establish data call-inside data call-outgoing ring-inside outgoing. voice callUsed to report the phone number of the last incoming SMS. No value will be shown if therewas no SMS received after the system has been started.Used to request the text of last incoming SMS. No value will be shown if there was no SMSreceived after the system has been started.Used to report information on the supported GPRS service states. It returns the currentstate of GPRS attachment. If <strong>STEPPII</strong> has already been GPRS attached, the return value is1, otherwise it returns 0.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 220 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1GPRSTrafficGPRSTCPTCPClientOnlineTCPClientTCPTextTable 47:Used to report the complete GPRS traffic information. For example: (if GPRS isdeactivated).$traffic after 00.00.0,00:00:00 :0 kB (0 Bytes) I:0 kB (0 Bytes) O:0 kB (0 Bytes)Used to report the current GPRS state of the deviceUsed to report whether or not the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device has already established a TCPconnection to the remote server. If system <strong>STEPPII</strong> is TCP connected, the return value is 1,otherwise it returns 0.Used to report the TCP state of the deviceUsed to report the last received TCP packet.Supported dynamic entries.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 221 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Supported protocolsFollowing are listed the protocols in the hexadecimal format. The value to be setmust be in hexadecimal format without leading "0x". The syntax of each protocol isaffected by configuration settings of the DEVICE.PFAL.SEND.FORMAT parameter.For more details about the format of the supported protocols refer to the chapter6.1, page 212.ProtocolsIn hex format0x010x020x040x080x100x200x400x800x1000x2000x4000x8000x1000MeaningRequests GPGGA messageRequests GPGSA messageRequests GPGSV messageRequests GPRMC messageRequests GPGLL messageRequests GPVTG messageRequests GPIOP messageRequests GPGSM messageRequests user message BIN protocol (see chapters page 150 and 6.1.10 page217)Requests the last valid GPRMC protocol.Used for test purposes – GPDAT protocolFALRMC – the same as GPRMC protocol. But, if the status indicator in this protocol shows'L', means that you have received the last valid position.LVBIN - the same as <strong>FALCOM</strong> binary protocol (BIN). But it shows always the latestavailable valid position)Table 48:Supported protocols.7.4 Supported character setsThe <strong>STEPPII</strong> device operating with the firmware 2.3.10 supports one type of charactersets only, the type based on the GSM 03.38 using 7 bit. Character tables can befound in the next sub-chapter below.Explanation of terms Escape sequencesThe escape sequence used within a text coded in the GSM defaultalphabet (0x1B) must be correctly interpreted by the TE, both for characterinput and output. To the GSM module, an escape sequence appears likeany other byte received or sent. Terminal Adapter (TA)TA is used equivalent to Mobile Equipment (ME), which stands for theGSM module described here. It uses GSM default alphabet as itscharacter set. Terminal Equipment (TE)TE is the terminal equipment that uses the GSM default alphabet as itscharacter set. MS HyperTerminal is an ANSI/ASCII terminal that does notsupport the GSM default alphabet.All characters sent are in the range from 0 ... 127. CAUTION: GSM alphabet is not ASCII alphabet!Several problems resulting from the use of the GSM alphabet:"@" character with GSM alphabet value 0 is not printable by an ASCIIterminal program (e.g. Microsoft© HyperTerminal®).This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 222 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1 Other characters of the GSM alphabet are misinterpreted by anASCII terminal program. For example, GSM "ö" (as in "Börse") isassumed to be "|" in ASCII, thus resulting in "B|rse". This is becauseboth alphabets mean different characters with values hex. 7C or 00and so on.When you write characters differently coded in ASCII and GSM (e.g. Ä, Ö, Ü), youneed to enter escape sequences. Such a character is translated into thecorresponding GSM character value and, when output later, the GSM charactervalue can be presented. Any ASCII terminal then will show wrong responses. Tablebelow shows examples for character definitions depending on alphabet.GSM 03.38character@ 00 NULL \00 5C 30 30Table 49: Examples for character definitions depending on alphabet.CAUTION:GSM character hex.ValueCorresponding ASCIIcharacterASCII Esc sequenceÖ 5C \ \5C 5C 35 43" 22 " \22 5C 32 32ò 08 BSP \08 5C 30 38Hex EscsequenceOften, the editors of terminal programs do not recognize escape sequences.In this case, an escape sequence will be handled as normal characters. Themost common workaround to this problem is to write a script, which includes adecimal code instead of an escape sequence. This way you can write, forexample, short messages, which may contain differently coded characters.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 223 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GSM alphabet tables and UCS2 character valuesThis section provides tables for the GSM 03.38 alphabet supported by the <strong>STEPPII</strong>device. Please note that, the GSM alphabet is not ASCII alphabet. In the Tablebelow the characters shown in blue and background light yellow color, indicate thedifferences between the ASCII alphabet and GSM 03.38 alphabet.ASCII ASCII CharacterCharacterMeaning of ASCII code(dec) (hex) ASCII to GSM GSM to000 0x000 NULL @ @ ASCII NULL NULL (Null char.)001 0x001 SOH £ £ SOH SOH (Start of Header)002 0x002 STX $ $ STX STX (Start of Text)003 0x003 ETX ¥ ¥ ETX ETX (End of Text)004 0x004 EOT è è EOT EOT (End of Transmission)005 0x005 ENQ é é ENQ ENQ (Enquiry)006 0x006 ACK ù ù ACK ACK (Acknowledgment)007 0x007 BEL ì ì BEL BEL (Bell)008 0x008 BSP ò ò BSP BSP (Backspace)009 0x009 HT ç ç HT HT (Horizontal Tab)010 0x00A LF LF 2) LF 2) LF LF (Line Feed)011 0x00B VT Ø Ø VT VT (Vertical Tab)012 0x00C FF ø Ø FF FF (Form Feed)013 0x00D CR CR 2) CR 2) CR CR (Carriage Return)014 0x00E SO Å Å SO SO (Shift Out)015 0x00F SI å å SI SI (Shift In)016 0x010 DLE ∆ ∆ DLE DLE (Data Link Escape)017 0x011 DC1 _ _ DC1 DC1 (XON) (Device Control 1)018 0x012 DC2 Ф Ф DC2 DC2 (Device Control 2)019 0x013 DC3 Γ Γ DC3 DC3 (XOFF)(Device Control 3)020 0x014 DC4 Λ Λ DC4 DC4 (Device Control 4)021 0x015 NAK Ω Ω NAK NAK (Negative Acknowledgement)022 0x016 SYN Π Π SYN SYN (Synchronous Idle)023 0x017 ETB Ψ Ψ ETB ETB (End of Trans. Block)024 0x018 CAN Σ Σ CAN CAN (Cancel)025 0x019 EM Θ Θ EM EM (End of Medium)026 0x01A SUB Ξ Ξ SUB SUB (Substitute)027 0x01B ESC 1) 1) ESC ESC (Escape)028 0x01C FS Æ Æ FS FS (File Separator)029 0x01D GS æ æ GS GS (Group Separator)030 0x01F RS ß ß RSRS (Request to Send)(RecordSeparator)031 0x01E US Ė Ė US US (Unit Separator)032 0x020 SP SP SP SP SP (Space)033 0x021 ! ! ! ! ! (exclamation mark)034 0x022 " " " " " (double quote)This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 224 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Table continued035 0x023 # # # # # (number sign)036 0x024 $ ☼ $ $ (dollar sign)037 0x025 % % % % % (percent)038 0x026 & & & & & (ampersand)039 0x027 ' " ' " ' (single quote)040 0x028 ( ( ( ( ( (left/opening parenthesis)041 0x029 ) ) ) ) ) (right/closing parenthesis)042 0x02A * * * * * (asterisk)043 0x02B + + + + + (plus)044 0x02C , , , , , (comma)045 0x02D - - - - - (minus or dash)046 0x02F . . . . . (dot)047 0x02E / / / / / (forward slash)048 0x030 0 0 0 0 0 (zero)049 0x031 1 1 1 1 1 (one)050 0x032 2 2 2 2 2 (two)051 0x033 3 3 3 3 3 (three)052 0x034 4 4 4 4 4 (four)053 0x035 5 5 5 5 5 (five)054 0x036 6 6 6 6 6 (six)055 0x037 7 7 7 7 7 (seven)056 0x038 8 8 8 8 8 (eight)057 0x039 9 9 9 9 9 (nine)058 0x03A : : : : : (colon)059 0x03B ; ; ; ; ; (semi-colon)060 0x03C < < < < < (less than)061 0x03D = = = = = (equal sign)062 0x03F > > > > > (greater than)063 0x03E ? ? ? ? ? (question mark)064 0x040 @ ¡ @ @ (AT symbol)065 0x041 A A A A066 0x042 B B B B067 0x043 C C C C068 0x044 D D D D069 0x045 E E E E070 0x046 F F F F071 0x047 G G G G072 0x048 H H H H073 0x049 I I I I074 0x04A J J J J Capital letters075 0x04B K K K K076 0x04C L L L L077 0x04D M M M M078 0x04F N N N N079 0x04E O O O O080 0x050 P P P P081 0x051 Q Q Q Q082 0x052 R R R R083 0x053 S S S SThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 225 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Table continued084 0x054 T T T T085 0x055 U U U U086 0x056 V V V V087 0x057 W W W W Capital letters088 0x058 X X X X089 0x059 Y Y Y Y090 0x05A Z Z Z Z091 0x05B [ Ä [ [ (left/opening bracket)092 0x05C \ Ö \ \ (back slash)093 0x05D ] Ñ ] ] (right/closing bracket)094 0x05F ^ Ü ^ ^ (caret/cirumflex)095 0x05E _ § _ _ (underscore)096 0x060 ` ¿ `097 0x061 a a a a098 0x062 b b b b099 0x063 c c c c100 0x064 d d d d101 0x065 e e e e102 0x066 f f f f103 0x067 g g g g104 0x068 h h h h105 0x069 i I i I106 0x06A j j j j107 0x06B k k k k108 0x06C l l l l Lowercase letters109 0x06D m m m m110 0x06F n n n n111 0x06E o o o o112 0x070 p p p p113 0x071 q q q q114 0x072 r r r r115 0x073 s s s s116 0x074 t t t t117 0x075 u u u u118 0x076 v v v v119 0x077 w w w w120 0x078 x x x x121 0x079 y y y y122 0x07A z z z z123 0x07B { ä { { (left/opening brace)124 0x07C | ö | | (vertical bar)125 0x07D } ñ } } (right/closing brace)126 0x07F ~ ü ~ ~ (tilde)127 0x07F DEL à DEL DEL (delete)Table 50:Main character table of GSM 03.38 alphabet1)2)This code is an escape to the following extension of the 7-bit default alphabet table.This code is not a printable character. It shall be treated as the accompanying control character.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 226 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION How to convert the coordinatesIn order to convert coordinates from degrees, minutes, seconds format to decimalformat, use this easy formula:degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600)The Lower Left coordinates (LL) would be calculated as:For example:Longitude (LL) = 10°53’11" E Latitude (LL) = 50°40’16" NLongitude (LL)Latitude (LL)X° Y' Z'' = [10 + (53/60) + (11/3600)] = 10.88638// Longitude (LL)X° No conversion requiredX° Y' Z'' = [50 + (40/60) + (16/3600)] = 50.67111// Latitude (LL)X° No conversion requiredThe Upper Right coordinates (UR) would be calculated as:For example:Longitude (UR) = 10°57’17" E Latitude (UR) = 50°42’41" NLongitude (UR)Latitude (UR)X° Y' Z'' = [10 + (57/60) + (17/3600)] = 10.95472 // Longitude (UR)X° No conversion requiredX° Y' Z'' = [50 + (42/60) + (41/3600)] = 50.71138// Latitude (UR)X° No conversion required7.6 Explanation of the History Binary DataStored GPS history data into the history space memory can be retrieved either locally(via serial link) or remotely (via a data or TCP connection). Whereby an executablecommand, see chapters, page 86 has to be sent to the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device ifsuch connections are available. Once, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> receives such a command, itstarts to transfer the history selected data to the receiving device.The history data is subdivided in packets, which are constructed in a specific binaryformat to make possible low-cost solutions where data is downloaded via a TCP orGSM connection.For more detailed information about the history data conversion, see the ApplicationNote "AppNotes_Transform_history_data".This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 227 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Maximum values & the time the history space will be used upEntries Standing/slow City Motorway FullValue Unit Value Unit Value Unit Value Unitmaximum distance 14 m 510 m 32766 m >32766 mmaximum speed 25.2 km/h 111.6 km/h 457.2 km/h 457.2 km/hSatellites in view

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION <strong>STEPPII</strong> communication modes and their functionalityUsing one of the commands as explained in chapter on page 114 above youare able to redirect and forward the data and user messages from onecommunication interface to another one (as represented in diagram below).Figure 9:Supported communication modes and their functionalityThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 229 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Default settings of the firmware version 2.3.10The standard <strong>STEPPII</strong> firmware version 2.3.10 has the following default settings, whichcan also be modified and adapted to the user application conditions; all othersettings are deactivated and require a manual configuration.General settings Default Value Description57600 baudrate8 databitCOM port settingsNparity1 stopbitProtocol format NMEA NMEA formatDefault settingsDEVICE.NAMEunnamed SteppIIDEVICE.IGNTIMEOUT 60000DEVICE.INOUT.BASE 33333333DEVICE.INOUT.ALARM 33331333DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.170,4A9,5.40DEVICE.ANALOGCAL.270,4A9,5.40DEVICE.COMM.SERIALcmd,FDEVICE.COMM.CSDcmd,0DEVICE.COMM.TCPcmd,0DEVICE.CMD.PFAL.ENFDBG.EN 0PROT.GGA 1PROT.GSA 1PROT.GSV 1PROT.RMC 1PROT.GLL 1PROT.VTG 1PROT.IOP 1PROT.GSM 1PROT. BIN 0PROT. AREA 1PROT.START.BIN $GSM settingsGSM.ROAMINGPREF0,E-PlusGSM.CALLID.EN 1GSM.OPLOST.RESTART 0,600000GSM.SMS.RESPONSE 1,5GSM.RINGTONE 3,0GSM.PROFILE.AUDIO1 2,0,10000,0,5,10000GSM.PROFILE.CURRENTAUDIO 1GPRS default settingGPRS.APNinternet.t-d1.deGPRS.QOS 3,4,3,0,0GPRS.AUTOSTART 0GPRS.DIALATD*99***1#GPRS.TIMEOUT 1,600000GPRS.QOSMIN 0,0,0,0,0PPP.USERNAMEtd1PPP.PASSWORDgprsPPP.AUTOPING 1,180000TCP default settingSee sub-sections in the section 3.3, page 130respectively.See sub-sections in the section 3.3, page 130respectively.See sub-sections in the section 3.3, page 130respectively.See sub-sections in the section 3.3, page 130respectively.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 230 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1TCP.CLIENT.CONNECT 1,,2222TCP.CLIENT.ALTERNATIVE 0,,2222TCP.CLIENT.PING 1,240000TCP.CLIENT.SENDMODE 0TCP.CLIENT.TIMEOUT 300000,300000TCP.CLIENT.LOGIN 1TCP.CLIENT.FINISH.MSG""TCP.STORAGEsize=512,dispatch=manualSee sub-sections in the section 3.3, page 130respectively.Table 52:Default settings of the firmware version 2.3.xx.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 231 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Pin assignments of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> corresponding to thefirmware version 2.3.10 and greaterThe indices of the input/output ports allocatedby the firmware version 2.3.10 and greater<strong>STEPPII</strong>(pin assignments on the 16-pin connector)DIGITAL INPUTSIO.IN of Input Events and States Corresponding PIN PIN NAME EVAL-BOARD01234567TO12 Inp_1 IN-110 Inp_2 IN-28 Inp_3 IN-36 Inp_4 IN-4- -- -15 VC+ V+13 IGN IGNOUTPUTSIO.OUT of Output ports Corresponding PIN PIN NAME EVAL-BOARD01234567ANALOGUE INPUTSTO7 Out_1 OUT15 Out_2 OUT29 Out_3 OUT311 Out_4 OUT4- -- -- -- -IO.ANA of analogue inputs Corresponding PIN PIN NAME01TO4 Analogue Input 1 analogue 12 Analogue Input 2 analogue 2Table 53:Pin assignments of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> corresponding to the firmware version 2.3.10 andgreater.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 232 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION <strong>STEPPII</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> ExamplesVarious examples and descriptions can be found in this chapter giving you a firstimpression of how the alarm system works and how the alarm system can be usedeffectively. This chapter consists of two parts:✔✔The chapter "Basic <strong>Configuration</strong> Examples" represents how toimplement simple behaviour (usually by using just a single alarm).The chapter "Advanced <strong>Configuration</strong> Examples" represents how tocombine single alarms in the same line to implement complexbehaviour.This document can be easily used for keyword-based search in order to find specificexamples.7.10.1 Basic <strong>Configuration</strong> Examples7.10.1.1 Alarm SyntaxAll examples included in chapters below can be set, by using the command "Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>"(Alias: "Config.<strong>Set</strong>"). It is also possible to combine several configuration alarms in asingle command line, but it is not recommended.Keep in mind the maximum number of characters to be specified in asingle command line is limited to 1500. More then 1500 characters will beignored.Syntax 1Syntax 2$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL=:$PFAL,Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL=:;Cnf.<strong>Set</strong>,AL=:;………Comment The AL index is a number which can be set to a value from 0 to 997.10.1.2 Alarm Index numbersThe alarm index has no effect on its functionality. It just determines theexecution order for alarms, which are launched at the same time (alarms with lowerindex will be executed first, e.g. two alarms [AL1 and AL2] are configured to send aSMS if i.e. input 2 changes its level from low to high)ExampleCommentSummariseAL1=IO.In.e2=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"AL1 SMS"AL2=IO.In.e2=redge:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"AL2 SMS"Once the Input 2 changes its state from low to high level, both alarms will be released. The SMS from AL1will firstly enquired in the SMS Outbox. The SMS from AL2 will be enquired directly after the "AL1 SMS". (ifthe SMS outbox is not filled with other SMS. The SMS Outbox consists of 5 storages).Usually the alarm index can be freely chosen as only one alarm is executed at a certain event. Ifseveral alarms are to be executed upon a certain event, the lower indexed alarm command(s) will beexecuted first. If several alarm commands are specified, they will be executed in the specified order.Therefore, it is recommended to combine actions, which are to be launched at the same conditions.Currently up to 3 actions can be released under the same conditions set within a single alarm. In this wayyou reduce the number of alarm indices and increase the number of alarm to be set for other use.Additionally, this increases system performance because only one alarm is checked when this event occursinstead of two or three alarms. TimerTimers are useful to configure periodical or delayed behaviour. First a timer has to beinitialized and started before it becomes active.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 233 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Single TimerSingle timers are ideally suited to implement the delayed commands.ExampleCommentAL0=IO.IN.e0=redge:SYS.Timer0.start=single,5000If IN0 performs a rising edge, the system timer 0 will be started and initialized. It is a single timer whichexpires 5 seconds after it launches.(the timer 0 event occurs 5 seconds later when the timer 0 executes its running time - this event could beused to perform a delayed action) Cyclic TimerCyclic timers are ideallly suited to implement periodical commands such as sendingof SMS periodically etc...ExampleCommentAL0=IO.IN.e0=redge:SYS.Timer0.start=cyclic,5000,2000If input 0 performs a rising edge, the system starts and initializes the timer 0. It is a cyclic timer whichexpires 5 seconds after it launches. When this timer expires, it starts automatically again. So the Timer 0issues its events whenever the 5 seconds runtime has passed. Digital Inputs7. An occurred event activates an outputIf In0 (IN-1 on <strong>STEPPII</strong> Eval Board) performs a rising edge (level changes from low tohigh) THEN Out0 (OUT-1 on <strong>STEPPII</strong> Eval Board) is performing a high pulse (i.e. LEDperforms a flash which takes 1 second)The event condition is used here because this alarm just has to be checked whenthe Input state changes. Check states in combination with an eventExampleCommentAL0=IO.IN.e1=redge&IO.IN.s0=high:IO.OUT0=hpulse,1000Once the Input1 (Input2 on <strong>STEPPII</strong> Eval Board) performs a rising edge (its level changes from low to high)AND the state of IN0 is currently high THEN the Output 0 (OUT-1 on <strong>STEPPII</strong> Eval Board) performs asingle high pulse, which takes 1 second (i.e. LED performs a flash which takes 1 second). The input 1 eventis used here because this alarm just has to be checked when the state of IN1 changes. If this event occurs,the system checks the state of IN0. So the command will be released only when the IN0 is set to high andIN1 changes its level from 0 to high. Note: Without additional event the system checks the state of IN0 each second. If it is high, OUT0would be set to high all the time (because the hpulse takes one second – after this second the nexthpulse command is executed). The system decreases its performance when only such a "state"is used.Please refer to the chapter "advanced examples"to see how to combine state conditions effectivelywhen it is necessary to create state only alarms. History7. History entries based on the distanceExampleCommentAL0=GPS.History.sDist>=1000:GPS.History.Write,08,""When the distance between device and position of the last history entry is equal or greater than 500 metres,writes a RMC record into the history. Voice calls7. Accept incoming voice callsTo accept automatically any incoming voice calls use this alarm:This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 234 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1ExampleCommentAL0=GSM.VoiceCall.eIncoming:GSM.VoiceCall.AcceptAL0=GSM.VoiceCall.eIncoming="+491234567":GSM.VoiceCall.AcceptThe first alarm accepts all incoming voice calls.The second alarm accepts incoming voice calls from a special phone number, only. All other incoming voicecalls are ignored. Refuse voice calls after the second ringExampleCommentAL0=GSM.VoiceCall.sRingCounter>=2:GSM.VoiceCall.HangupThis alarm configuration can be used to reject any other call with a "wrong" phone number, which lastslonger than 5 seconds. CSD (Data calls) Accept incoming data callsTo accept automatically any incoming data call use this alarm:ExampleCommentAL0=GSM.DataCall.eIncoming:GSM.VoiceCall.AcceptAL0=GSM.DataCall.eIncoming="+491234567":GSM.DataCall.AcceptThe first alarm accepts all incoming data calls. The second alarm accepts incoming data calls from a specialnumber, only. Refuse data calls after the second ringExampleCommentAL0=GSM.DataCall.sRingCounter>=2:GSM.DataCall.HangupThis alarm can be used to reject any data call with a "wrong" number, which lasts longer than 5 seconds. SMS7. SMS responses for self defined commandsExampleCommentAL0=GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Number="+491234567"&GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Text="req.pos":GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"requested position:"DEVICE.CMD.PFAL.EN=FIf the device receives a SMS text "req.pos"from the mobile number "+491234567", then the system sends tothe phone number +491234567 a SMS containing the specified text "requested position:"and the RMCprotocol. To block all PFAL commands via SMS, set the parameter DEVICE.CMD.PFAL.EN=F (hex) GPRS & TCP7. GPRS status LEDExampleCommentAL0=GSM.GPRS.eConnected:IO.OUT0=cyclic,1200,1200AL1=GSM.GPRS.eDisconnected:IO.OUT0=lowWhenever the device establishes a GPRS connection, OUT0 (first example) starts to flash cyclic at a lowfrequency.If the GPRS connection is properly closed again, OUT0 (second example) stops flashing and remains dark7. TCP status LEDExampleCommentAL0=TCP.Client.eConnected:IO.OUT0=cyclic,600,600AL1=TCP.Client.eDisonnected:IO.OUT0=lowWhenever the device establishes a TCP connection, OUT0 (first example) starts to flash cyclic at a lowfrequency.If the TCP connection is properly closed again, OUT0 (second example) stops flashing and remains dark. Ifyou want to use a combined TCP and GPRS status LED, please take a look at the advanced examples. Control GPRS and TCP connections manuallyThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 235 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1The following alarm can be used to manually control the GPRS connection. If the TCPconfiguration is set to AutoConnect, a TCP connection will be automaticallyestablished once GPRS is online.ExampleCommentAL0=IO.IN.e0=redge&GSM.GPRS.sOffline:GSM.GPRS.ConnectAL1=IO.IN.e0=fedge&GSM.GPRS.sOnline:GSM.GPRS.DisconnectThe first alarm can be used to manually control GPRS connection. If TCP connection is configured and setto AutoConnect, a TCP connection will be automatically established once GPRS is online. The additionalstate "sOffline"is used to open a GPRS connection only when the device is GPRS detached (includingoffline or connecting/disconnecting).To close an established GPRS connection (which also closes automatically an established TCPconnection), use the second alarm configuration. The additional state "sOnline"is used to close such aconnection only when the device is GPRS attached.Note: If GPRS.AUTOSTART is set to 1, the system tries to perform a GPRS attach each time the"GSM.GPRS.eDisconnecting" event occurs. Notify the used TCP server about occurred eventsExampleCommentAL0=IO.IN.e0=edges:TCP.Client.Send,48,"level of IN0 changed"This alarm serves to inform the connected remote server for each changes occurred in the input 0.Additionally the device should have the following functionality:- for each pin-change a time and position is requiredpin change messages have to be stored if they cannot be sent due to e.g. GPRS connection failure etc.Note: If the connection unexpectedly breaks while the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is sending a data packet. This packetcannot be saved into the TCP buffer and it might get lost, if GPRS is closed during this connectionbreak. TCP server responses for self defined commandsExampleCommentAL0=TCP.Client.eReceived="reqpos":TCP.Client.Send,8,"current pos:"Using this alarm it is possible to define own commands for communication with the server. However it isrecommended to use PFAL commands for 2 reasons:- All commands beginning with PFAL do not require alarm slots (improving system performances),- All commands beginning with PFAL are more flexible than alarms because of various parameters,which need to be configured statically inside an alarm.Therefore self-defined commands should be used only in special cases OR as a test command.7.10.2 Advanced Examples7.10.2.1 Analogue InputsExampleCommentAL0=IO.ANA.s0>=12.25&Sys.Trigger.s0=high:IO.OUT0=hpulse,1000&Sys.Trigger0=lowAL1=IO.ANA.s0=40:IO.OUT0=hpulse,1000AL2=SYS.Timer.e0&GPS.Nav.sSpeed>=40&GPS.Area.s0=inside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"alarmsystem activated, current position of the car:"This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 236 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1CommentWhenever Timer0 expires its runtime the system check the current speed of the device. If this speed hasreach or exceed 40 m/s the output 0 performs a high pulse (i.e. warning LED starts to flash). The devicemay also send a TCP packet to the server or reporting a call center about the over speed.To check the speed (the value ">=40" can be modified) of the device within a specific area use theconfiguration of the alarm Timer7. <strong>Set</strong> delayed actionsExampleCommentAL0=IO.IN.e0=redge:SYS.Timer0.start=single,5000AL1=SYS.Timer.e0:IO.OUT0=hpulse,1000Once the input 0 performs a rising edge, the system starts and initializes timer 0. It is a single timer whichexpires 5 seconds after it launches. When this timer expires, the SYS.Timer.e0 event is created. Alarm1 uses this event to launch a high pulse on OUT0. <strong>Set</strong> periodical actionsExampleCommentAL0=IO.IN.e0=redge:SYS.Timer0.start=cyclic,5000AL1=SYS.Timer.e0:IO.OUT0=hpulse,1000Once the input 0 performs a rising edge, the system starts and initializes timer 0. It is a cyclic timer whichexpires 5 seconds after it launches. When this timer expires, it starts automatically again. So the Timer 0issues its SYS.Timer.e0 event whenever the 5 seconds runtime has passed. Alarm 1 uses these eventsto trigger high pulses on OUT0. Trigger7. Prevent alarms to be executed all the timePlease refer to Analogue Inputs in chapter, page Save and load important trigger statesExampleCommentAL0=Sys.Device.eStart:Sys.Trigger0=load2AL1=Sys.Device.eShutdown:Sys.Trigger0=save2System triggers can be used as an option to enable or disable the execution of various alarms. It is possibleto define a Trigger as e.g. "control mode", which allows you to simply change the system behaviour bysetting this trigger to high or low state. To load the saved state of a trigger, use the first alarm configuration.The storage index 2 is used to store the value of trigger 0. Whenever the device is started again, theTrigger0 loads the stored value from storage 2.To store the state of the current Trigger use alarm AL1 (i.e. when using ignition shutdown) or via PFAL inputmessage (i.e. sent the input message via SMS or TCP packet to the device). Note: Please, prevent saving of states or configurations periodically (in a short period) as the number ofconfiguration updates is restricted to several 100000 operations after which the device has to bereplaced. Counter7. Limit the number of automatically sent SMSExample$PFAL,Sys.Counter0.set=25;Sys.Counter0.save1AL0=Sys.Device.eStart:Sys.Counter0=load1AL1=GSM.SMS.eSent:Sys.Counter0.Decrement=1AL2=GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Number="+491234567"&GSM.SMS.eIncoming.Text="req.pos"&Sys.Counter.s0>0:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"requested position:"This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 237 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1CommentIn order to configure the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device to set up a limited number of SMS reporting messages, firstly sendthe PFAL commands to the device PFAL). The PFAL command consists of two commands, which are sentto the device at once. The first command sets the maximum value of the used counter, and the next onestores this counter into the storage 1. Thereafter, configure two alarms AL0 and AL1: Whenever the devicestarts up, the AL0 loads the counter 0 with the contents of the storage 1 (the state of the stored counter).Whenever the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device delivers a SMS, the AL1 decrement the current value of counter 0 by 1.System counters do not automatically increment or decrement itself, to reach an assumed value of acounter, an alarm that decrements/increments the used counter should be each time called until the counterreaches the assumed value (it also depends on the set value of the counter).After the AL0 and AL1 are sent to the device, now simply declare a new alarm, which supervises the eventsof incoming SMS and the state of counter 0, see example AL2. Each time (limited to 25) the <strong>STEPPII</strong> devicereceives a SMS including the text "req.pos" from the mobile number "+491234567", it responds a SMSmessage to the sender including the text "requested position:"and the RMC protocol. After the value of thecounter 0 is less then 1, the <strong>STEPPII</strong> stops SMS responses even if the <strong>STEPPII</strong> will receive such messagesfrom the "+491234567" phone number. To continue SMS responses, the value of the used counter must bechanged and its state must be saved, too. Actions based on distance7. Report a position each 1000 metres via SMSExampleCommentAL0=GPS.Nav.Position.s0>=1000:GPS.Nav.Position0=current&GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"currentposition:"If the current position of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is at least 1000 metres away from position 0 THEN store the currentposition of the device into position 0 AND send a SMS including the text "current position:"and the currentposition to the "+491234567"phone number. History for combined conditionsPlease, refer to the basic history examples too.Combining of conditions to define complex history behaviour is quite easy. Basically,each condition can be used to store an entry record inside the history.In combination with Geofence zones, the History entries can be even reduced toseveral areas under certain conditions.Currently up to 5 different conditions can be combined using the logical "AND" tospecify under which conditions the system should write a history entry.To combine conditions with logical "OR" simply a new alarm can be used. Time based history entriesAL0=GPS.Nav.eFix=valid:SYS.Timer0.start=cyclic,10000ExampleCommentAL1=GPS.Nav.eFix=invalid:SYS.Timer0.stopAL2=SYS.Timer.e0:GPS.History.Write,0,""A Timer is used to store a history entry every 10 seconds, if the GPS-fix is valid. Time and distance based history entriesExampleCommentAL0=GPS.Nav.eFix=valid:SYS.Timer0.start=cyclic,10000AL1=GPS.Nav.eFix=invalid:SYS.Timer0.stopAL2=SYS.Timer.e0:GPS.History.Write,0,""AL3=GPS.History.sDist>=500:GPS.History.Write,0,""&SYS.Timer0.startThe AL0 initiates a cyclic timer, once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> gets a GPS-fix. The AL1 stops the used timer, once theobtained GPS-fix fails (The AL1 prevents the history from unnecessary entries, It stops occurring of eventsset in the AL2).This alarm configuration (including alarms AL3 and AL2) writes a history entry whenever the distancebetween the current position of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> and the last written position results at least 500 metres OReach 10 seconds. Whenever an entry is written into the history because of the distance condition (AL3), thesystem forces the used timer to reset itself to assure the next timing condition which will happen 10 secondslater.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 238 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Geofencing7. Use the park position feature as alarmIf the Ignition-shutdown feature is not used for other alarms, it can be used to arm ordisarm a self configured alarm system. For example, if a car gets stolen usually theIgnition line is set into the low state, also when the device is towed away or if theengine is started without having the proper key.ExampleCommentAL0=IO.IN.e7=fedge:GPS.Geofence.Park.<strong>Set</strong>AL1=GPS.Area.e0=inside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"alarm system activated, current position ofthe car:"AL2=IO.IN.e7=redge:GPS.Geofence.Park.Remove&GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",0,"alarm systemdeactivated"AL3=GPS.Area.e0=outside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491234567",8,"ALERT! car has left park area, currentposition of the car:"Whenever the IGN line performs a falling edge (the car ignition is switched off, too), the Alarm 0place/activate an electronic circle around your vehicle (Park area) where the park_value is the radius ofthe park area. Alarm 1 provides a confirmation SMS, once the alarm is activated (whenever the park areais set, the Geofence-inside event occurs). A RMC protocol is attached in the end of the sent SMS, whichcontains the position of the parked car (i.e. the received RMC protocol allows you to determine thelocation of the parked car). Alarm 2 is used to disarm/disable the park area, once the IGN performs arising edge (the car ignition is switched on, too). Additionally, a confirmation SMS will be sent. Alarm 3 isused to define actions upon the alarm event (in our case, if the device left the activated park are). A SMSis sent which contains the current position and an alarm message. Defining own Areas and GeofencesThe following example configures 3 geofences, which overlap each other. They areassigned to one area, which allows to get an area event whenever the devicecrosses the area boarder.Area boarder.Geofence boarder.Path inside an Area. This path will execute the geofence alarms, but NOT the area alarm.Path which is partly inside and partly outside of the defined area. Whenever the area isentered or left, one of the defined area alarms will be also executed.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 239 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Configuring Geofence Alarms (alarms which just rely on a single geofence 1, 2 or 3).In order to configure geofences, please refer to chapter, page 175.GF<strong>Configuration</strong>ExampleGF1=area2,"Langewiesen",R,50.66667,10.95384,50.67955,10.98166GF2=area2,"Ilmenau",R,50.68674,10.92820,50.679559,10.94142GF3=area2,"Stuetzerbach",C,50.63513,10.87093,590,500AL1=GPS.Geofence.e1=inside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+49176123456789",8,"Vehicle entered langewiesen"AL2=GPS.Geofence.e1=outside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+49176123456789",8,"Vehicle left langewiesen"GF AlarmExampleCommentAL3=GPS.Geofence.e2=inside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+49176123456789",8,"Vehicle entered Ilmenau"AL4=GPS.Geofence.e2=outside:GSM.SMS.Send," +49176123456789",8,"Vehicle entered Ilmenau"AL5=GPS.Geofence.e3=inside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+49176123456789",8,"Vehicle entered Stuetzerbach"AL6=GPS.Geofence.e3=outside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+49176123456789",8,"Vehicle left Stuetzerbach"To make use of areas, simply area events have to be used. Let's say the area defined above isthe "safe way to school"for your children. Then you could use the geofence alarms above toinform you at which part of the school way your kids currently are.GF AlarmExampleCommentAL7=GPS.Area.e1=inside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+49176123456789",8," you children came back to the safeway to school"AL9=GPS.Geofence.e3=outside:GSM.SMS.Send,"+49176123456789",8," your children left the safe wayto school"To make use of areas, simply area events have to be used. Let's say the area defined above is the "safeway to school"for your children. Then you could use the geofence alarms above to inform you at whichpart of the school way your kids currently are.ExampleCommentAL4=GPS.Geofence.ex:GSM.SMS.Send,"+4917123456789",0," &(LastGFName) &(LastGFState)&(LastAreaName) &(LastAreaState)"This alarm sends an SMS to the specified phone number when the vehicle equipped with <strong>STEPPII</strong> hasentered or left any configured geofences (use Figure 7 and Figure 8 as reference). The advantage of theevent "ex" is that only one alarm (event) will be used to cover all configured geofences and areas.Dynamic entries in this example are used to report in the text form the name and sate when the vehicleentered a geofence/area and when it left. Time and Date related Geofence AlarmsAs with any other condition, you can also combine time and/or date conditions withgeofence (or area) events.GF<strong>Configuration</strong>ExampleGF AlarmExampleCommentGF1=area1,"Langewiesen",R,50.66667,10.95384,50.67955,10.98166AL1=GPS.Geofence.e1=inside&GPS.Time.sTimespan=8:30:40-14:45:51&GPS.Time.sDatespan=1.9.2005-20.2.2006:GSM.SMS.Send,"+491761123456",8,"you enteredlangewiesen in the desired time/datespan"This example defines a geofence (rectangle), which will send an SMS to the specified phone number whenthe geofence is entered in the timespan between 8:30:40 and 14:45:51and the datespan between1.9.2005 and 20.2.2006.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 240 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION GPRS & TCP7. TCP-GPRS status LEDExampleCommentAL0=GSM.GPRS.eConnected:IO.OUT0=cyclic,1200,1200AL1=TCP.Client.eConnected:IO.OUT0=cyclic,600,600AL2=TCP.Client.eDisonnected:IO.OUT0=cyclic,1200,1200AL3=GSM.GPRS.eDisconnected:IO.OUT0=lowIn the examples above following set alarms are implemented:AL0 : Once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device gets GPRS attached, the LED 0 flashs periodically at low frequency.AL1 : Once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device gets TCP connected, the LED 0 flashs periodically at high frequency.AL2 : Once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device gets TCP disconnected, the LED 0 flashs periodically at low frequency.AL3 : Once the <strong>STEPPII</strong> device gets GPRS detached, the LED 0 is dark. TCPStorage: send special device information to server periodicallyTCPStorage can be used to collect data internally before sending it to the TCPserver. This prevents the need to send a small TCP packet every time new data is tobe transmitted.Background: each TCP packet requires special information characters, which haveto be transmitted anytime – so sending many small packets increases the amount ofdata and therefore the transmission costs. This cost can be optimized by sendingonly larger packets, which may contain several "small"data sets. After the TCPstorage is configured according to its purpose (the correct buffer size – e.g. 512Bytes, automatic mode), it can be used for this example, which shows how toimplement a solution for specific user requests. For example, the task is to transmitthe following data periodically to a connected server in order to create a vehicleevent log for a server application (i.e. webpage which allows users to view thisgathered information).The server based vehicle Log Report should displays the following detailed data,such as:Event timeLocation (street address, city, state)Vehicle moved statusStop duration for a selected vehicle (available for each stop)Miles SpeedThe time between 2 log reports is 1 minute.ExampleAL0=TCP.Client.eConnected:SYS.Timer1.start,cyclic,60000AL1=TCP.Client.eDisconnected:SYS.Timer1.stopAL2=GPS.Nav.sSpeed=2&Sys.Trigger.s0=high:Sys.Trigger0=low&SYS.Timer0.stop&[SEND DATA TOSERVER]&SYS.Timer1.startAL5=SYS.Timer.e1:[SEND DATA TO SERVER]$PFAL,TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,0,"[&(Time),&(Date),&(Lat),&(Lon),&(Alt),&(Speed),&(NavDist),&( Trigger0)]"AL4=GPS.Nav.sSpeed>=2&Sys.Trigger.s0=high:Sys.Trigger0=low&SYS.Timer0.stop&SYS.Timer1.start&TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,0,"[&(Time),&(Date),&(Lat),&(Lon),&(Alt),&(Speed),&(NavDist),&(Trigger0),&(Counter0)]"AL5=SYS.Timer.e1:TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,0,"[&(Time),&(Date),&(Lat),&(Lon),&(Alt),&(Speed),&(NavDist),&(Trigger0)]"This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 241 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1Timers allow the application to raise an event on a specified interval, so that timers can be used to send dataperiodically at specified time intervals. In order to enable it, start for example a cyclic timer that starts itsexecution whenever the connection to the server results true and stops its execution otherwise.Next, customize a protocol that contains in a small size (offering cost-efficient) all information you need for eachlogging report. The customized protocol can be constructed, using the "dynamic protocol"feature. To do this youhave to gather all information your application needs.For example:event time &(Time) and/or &(Date)Location &(Lat), &(Lon) and if needed the &(Alt) tooSpeed &(Speed)Miles: &(NavDist) //distance counter Nav.Dist can be used. This number is shown inmetres – so the server has to calculate it to miles/kilometres.The moving vehicle status is not available directly it has to be created anywhere.Stop duration for a selected vehicle has also to be created anywhere. Furthermore 2 solutions:Device creates this state and transmits it to serverServer creates this state (i.e. out of position and time data)CommentIn our case let’s demonstrate an example how to monitor the stops of the vehicle. Logging a position eachminute might be too less awarding short stops for only a few seconds.Using the speed of the device allows creating of stop conditions. When the speed is =2&Sys.Trigger.s0=high:Sys.Trigger0=low&SYS.Timer0.stop&SYS.Timer1.start&TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,0,"[&(Time),&(Date),&(Lat),&(Lon),&(Alt),&(Speed),&(NavDist),&(Trigger0),&(Counter0)]"AL5=SYS.Timer.e1:TCP.Storage.AddProtocol,0,"[&(Time),&(Date),&(Lat),&(Lon),&(Alt),&(Speed),&(NavDist),&(Trigger0)]"7.10.3 Special consideration when using firmware features7.10.3.1 Using commands inside alarmsSend commands have a special option, which allows them to be re-executed insidean alarm until they succeed. This behaviour assures, that important information canot get lost due to i.e. bad GSM coverage. Usually Send commands "just" enqueuethe information to be sent to a buffer. SMS send, for example, stores the SMS in theSMS outbox. TCP send stores the TCP packets in the TCP buffer (which sometimes isalso called TCP history buffer). That means, if a buffer is used up, the sent action isgoing to fail, only. This causes the alarm to be "blocked" until enough space insidethe buffer is available to store the message. Such a "blocked" alarm attempts tosend/enqueue the information once per second. If this succeeds, the alarm will bedeactivated and it can be activated again. SMS sendNote that, a "blocked" alarm cannot be activated again –even if all its conditionsare evaluated to True. Therefore, it is i.e. not possible to send a SMS reportingThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 242 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1message each second. (The first few SMS would be stored in the SMS Outbox until it isused up). Even though the system tries to send SMS away, the Outbox will be usedup faster than it can be freed by sending. Once outbox is used up, all alarms whichattempt to send SMS will be "blocked". They cannot be activated anymore beforesuccessfully enquiring their SMS to the Outbox.This result in alarms, which will be launched, not each second anymore – just e.g.each 9 seconds (whenever the system successfully sends an SMS). CSD sendSpecial care has to be taken when sending data via CSD (data call). It is stronglyrecommended to include a state to each alarm to check an established CSDconnection, which attempts to send CSD data.Unless SMS or TCP send commands, the CSD does not use an Outbox buffer to storemessages. It attempts to send the data directly. Therefore, alarms can be easilyblocked, if there is no CSD connection available. Storing information to non volatile memoryPrevent the saving of states or configurations periodically via alarms or very often.The system is limited to several 100'000 configuration write operations. If the limit(which may vary slightly from device to device) is exceeded, the device has to bereplaced. This also includes the saving of states of triggers/counters/timers orpositions. Special algorithms are used to increase the number of write operations,when writing history entries. Therefore this functionality is not restricted as much asthe configuration writes operations (writing records into the history can be done formany years before the device has to be replaced – its more likely that writingconfigurations from time to time exceeds this number faster than writing historyentries).7.11 ISP, GPRS configuration parameters of Germanservice providersThe following table presents GPRS parameters of selected German service providersand operators:T-D1 Vodafone D2 E-Plus Genion O2APN internet.t-mobile.de web.vodafone.de internet.eplus.de APN=internetREQoS 1,3,4,3,0,0 1,3,4,3,7,31 1,2,4,3,9,31 REQoS=1,2,4,3,9,31MIQoS 1,0,0,0,0,0 1,0,0,0,0,0 1,0,0,0,0,0 MIQoS=1,0,0,0,0,0USERNAME (optional) ""(None) "eplus" USERNAME=""(None)PASSWORD (optional) ""(None) ""(None) PASSWORD=""(None)Table 54: Service provider information, valid 16.10.2001This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 243 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION Used abbreviationsAbbreviationAltitudeAPNCurrent positionCHAPDOPDynamic IP addressFLASH memoryGPRSGPSGPS TimeGSMHistoryIMEII/OIPLatitudeLocallyLongitudeNMEAPAPPDOPDescriptionThe distance between the current position and the nearest point on WGS-84 (World GeodeticSystem 1984) reference ellipsoid. Altitude is usually expressed in meter an is positive outside theellipsoid.Access Point NameThe GPS is based on satellite ranging - calculating the distances between the receiver and theposition of 3 or more satellites (4 or more if elevation is desired) and then applying some good oldmathematics. Assuming the positions of the satellites are known, the location of the receiver can becalculated by determining the distance from each of the satellites to the receiver. GPS takes these 3or more known references and measured distances and "triangulates" an additional position.The MD5 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MD5-CHAP) is used to periodically verify theidentity of the peer using a three-way handshake. This is done upon initial link establishment, and maybe repeated any time after the link has been established.Dilution of Precision. Errors caused by bad geometry of the Satellites. The higher the number, themore "noise" in the position reading.A dynamic IP address is what most of GPRS devices using dial up services. This type of IP addresswill usually change each and every time you log on to the GPRS services.A particular type of memory that is permanent and the data written on it will be not lost when thedevice is turned off. It can be updated and upgraded by special program.General Packet Radio ServiceThe Global Positioning System (GPS) is a location system based on a constellation of about 24satellites orbiting the earth at altitudes of approximately 11,000 miles. GPS satellites are orbited highenough to avoid the problems associated with land based systems, yet can provide accuratepositioning 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world.The number of seconds since Saturday/Sunday Midnight UTC, with time zero beginning thismidnight. Used with GPS Week Number to determine a specific point in GPS Time.Global Standard for Mobile CommunicationsA limited part (section) on the on-board FLASH memory that serves to save the user-selectedposition records (the current data position received from the GPS satellites) and those data can beavailable for evaluation in a later time.International Mobile Equipment IdentityInput/OutputInternet Protocol. Providers offer two types of IP addresses –static IP address and dynamic IPaddress.Halfway between the poles lies equator. Latitude is the angular measurement of a place expressed indegrees north or south of the equator. Latitude runs from 0º at the equator to 90º north or 90º southat the poles. When not prefixed with letters E or W, it is assumed positive north of Equator andnegative south of Equator. Lines of latitude run in an east-west direction. They are called parallels.The <strong>STEPPII</strong> unit is directly connected to the host device (PC/Laptop etc.) through the serialinterface and via supported messages the target device can be configured (e.g. the default settingscan be changed and new configured).Lines of longitude, called meridians, run in a north-south direction from pole to pole. Longitude is theangular measurement of a place east or west of the prime meridian. This meridian is also known asthe Greenwich Meridian, because it runs through the original site of the Royal Observatory, whichwas located at Greenwich, just outside London, England. Longitude runs from 0º at the primeMeridian to 180º east or west, halfway around the globe. When not prefixed with letters E or W, it isassumed positive east of Greenwich and negative west of Greenwich. The International Date Linefollows the 180º meridian, making a few jogs to avoid cutting through land areas.National Marine Electronics AssociationThe Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is an authentication protocol that passes the user nameand password in plain text.The Positional Dilution Of Precision is a numeric value that refers to the geometric suitability of aparticular group of GPS satellites. Each satellite in the GPS constellation orbits the earth repeatedlyevery day. At any given time, there can be from 5 to 12 satellites overhead, each moving in its ownpredictable path. As the satellites orbit, and the relationship from one to the next changes, thegeometry of a solution derived from that group is also affected. Since three-dimensional GPSpositions are determined by measured distances from four or more satellites, and as the GPSThis confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 244 of 245

<strong>STEPPII</strong> CONFIGURATION COMMAND SET (FIRMWARE REVISION 2.4) VERSION 1.2.1constellation is in a state of constant movement, PDOP provides a relative gauge by which tomeasure the end result while the user is in the field. PDOP values will fluctuate constantly throughoutthe day; however, the fluctuation is generally slight, and for the purposes of most GIS field datacollection, it is unnoticeable. A PDOP reading of 2-5 is typical.PDPPPPSMTPSMSstorage indexSRAMstatic IP AddressTCPUTCWWWX, Y, Z positionsPacket Data ProtocolPoint to Point ProtocolSimple Mail Transport ProtocolShort Message ServiceStorage index in a range of 0 to 4 is used to store user data such as the state of current trigger,counter timer or position information to non-volatile memory. These 5 storage indices can be used tokeep certain information whenever <strong>STEPPII</strong> device is shutdown.Each storage index may contain only one user data set (i.e. a position or a trigger/counter/timervalue).Example:If a timer value is saved to index 0, only a system timer may load its value and setting from thisconfiguration index. Any attempt to load e.g. Trigger0 from storage index 0 will fail as the type ofstored data does not match. However it is possible to overwrite a storage index with other user.Static Random Access Memory, a type of memory that temporarily keeps its information. The contentof SRAM is available as long as the internal software of the <strong>STEPPII</strong> is running. Should the device bereset, switched off, or goes into sleep mode, the SRAM loses the contents forever.A static IP Address is one, which never changes. This number is assigned by your ISP and thenumber stays the same until you change Internet providers and request a new one.Transmission Control ProtocolUniversal Time CoordinatedWorld Wide WebCoordinates of user’s position in ECEF (meters). The Earth-centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) is aCartesian coordinate system with its origin located at the center of the Earth. The coordinate systemused by GPS to describe 3-D location. For WGS-84 reference ellipsoid. ECEF coordinated have theZ-axis aligned with the Earth’s spin axis, The X-axis through the insertion of the Prime meridian andthe Equator and the Y-axis is rotated 90 degrees East of the X-axis about the Z-axis.Table 55:Used abbreviations.This confidential document is a property of <strong>FALCOM</strong> and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.Page 245 of 245

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