Download Sheet Music - David Rothstein Music

Download Sheet Music - David Rothstein Music

Download Sheet Music - David Rothstein Music

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Trombonefast marchD7? # C Û Û Û |Hail To The VictorsD o 7Û Û Û |D7 D o 7Û Û Û ÛD 7>ÛŒÓf˙˙˙˙˙˙G5? # w.HailD79w? #˙˙to˙the˙˙vic - tors˙GwG7/Fval - iantE7˙ œ.œJhailA m15? # ˙ ˙to theA m7(b 5 )˙˙con - qu'ringG/Dwhe - roesA7˙˙hail,D F o 7whailD7 D + 7˙ÓtoMich - i -ganthelead -ersandbest!˙˙˙˙˙˙G 21? # wHailD725w? #˙˙to˙the˙vic - tors˙˙GwG7/Fval - iantE˙ œ.œJhailA m31? # ˙ ˙to theA m7(b 5 )˙˙con - qu'ringG/D˙˙he - roesD 7˙.œhail,Gwhailœ œ œ œ œtoMich - i -ganthechamp - ionsoftheWest!3E37? # wmwœ œ œ œwœ.Œœ . Œœ. Œ œ .ŒE mwwœ œ œ œ<strong>David</strong> <strong>Rothstein</strong> <strong>Music</strong>, Inc.

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