ame FAMILY Set - Word Way

ame FAMILY Set - Word Way

ame FAMILY Set - Word Way

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Finish and WriteSay the n<strong>ame</strong> of each picture. If the picture belongs in the –<strong>ame</strong> family and rhymes with g<strong>ame</strong>,add –<strong>ame</strong> to finish writing the word.g tr blc sk fls l k

<strong>ame</strong> Family: Cloze the Gap!Read the following sentences, saying the word “g<strong>ame</strong>”when you come to a blank space. Use words from the –<strong>ame</strong>family to fill in the blanks and make sense. Reread yoursentences to double check your choices! Some words areused twice!1. Dad and I went to the baseball last night.2. Remember to put your on your paper.3. Twins don’t always look exactly the .4. The dog was to for breaking the lamp.5. What is your favorite computer ?6. Bill is a for William.7. The campfire had a very hot .8. When our team lost, Mom said, “What a !”9. Some actors have and make lots of money.10. Grandpa can that tune in ten seconds.11. Mom put my school picture in a .12. A horse cannot run in the race.<strong>Word</strong> Bankf<strong>ame</strong> n<strong>ame</strong> sh<strong>ame</strong> g<strong>ame</strong> s<strong>ame</strong>l<strong>ame</strong> bl<strong>ame</strong> nickn<strong>ame</strong> fl<strong>ame</strong> fr<strong>ame</strong>

More X’s and O’sDirections to teacher/parent: Students circle each picture that ends with the–<strong>ame</strong> rime and write the word in the box. If the picture does not end with the-<strong>ame</strong> rime, students make an x over the picture.

More Circle and WriteSay the n<strong>ame</strong> of each picture. Read the words and circle the word that n<strong>ame</strong>sthe picture. Write the word under the picture. Make a picture for the last twowords. You may need to use the dictionary.fr<strong>ame</strong>fromgum g<strong>ame</strong> fume f<strong>ame</strong>s<strong>ame</strong> some f<strong>ame</strong> fl<strong>ame</strong> c<strong>ame</strong> campl<strong>ame</strong>lampn<strong>ame</strong> f<strong>ame</strong>

AlphabetAvenuePlace the words below in alphabetical order.1. 7.2. 8.3. 9.4. 10.5. 11.6. 12.WORD BANKc<strong>ame</strong> bl<strong>ame</strong> t<strong>ame</strong> bec<strong>ame</strong> fl<strong>ame</strong> l<strong>ame</strong>n<strong>ame</strong> sh<strong>ame</strong> f<strong>ame</strong> def<strong>ame</strong> g<strong>ame</strong> nickn<strong>ame</strong>

<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong> Searchf l a m e r s a m ea r w j o k h i z vm z i v d w a j r ne j o f r a m e k ar w k d j v e i z mb e c a m e w lr ew z a i k o d a j vt a m e r g a m e zv j e z w i o e k rn i c k n a m e v wfr<strong>ame</strong> bec<strong>ame</strong> c<strong>ame</strong> f<strong>ame</strong> sh<strong>ame</strong>s<strong>ame</strong> fl<strong>ame</strong> t<strong>ame</strong> n<strong>ame</strong> l<strong>ame</strong>nickn<strong>ame</strong> g<strong>ame</strong>

<strong>ame</strong> Crossword Puzzle1 23 456 78AcrossDown1. a thing to be sorry about 1. alike2. light given off by a fire 2. reputation; well-known quality6. opposite of wild 3. past tense of come8. what you call a person 4. border that holds a picture5. unable to walk well7. sports contest or fun activity<strong>Word</strong> Bankfl<strong>ame</strong> g<strong>ame</strong> sh<strong>ame</strong> f<strong>ame</strong> fr<strong>ame</strong>s<strong>ame</strong> l<strong>ame</strong> t<strong>ame</strong> n<strong>ame</strong> c<strong>ame</strong>

Score With Scrabble!Bl<strong>ame</strong>C<strong>ame</strong>F<strong>ame</strong>Fl<strong>ame</strong>Fr<strong>ame</strong>G<strong>ame</strong>L<strong>ame</strong>N<strong>ame</strong>S<strong>ame</strong>Sh<strong>ame</strong>T<strong>ame</strong>bec<strong>ame</strong>CherrySCORECarl, 2007

<strong>ame</strong> Partner Puzzlesg <strong>ame</strong>fl <strong>ame</strong>l <strong>ame</strong>f <strong>ame</strong>bl <strong>ame</strong>c <strong>ame</strong>

Definition Derby: <strong>ame</strong>Read each –<strong>ame</strong> family word in the first column. Find the correct definition and write thematching letter next to the word (see sample). Write each word in a sentence.<strong>Word</strong> Sentence Definition1. bl<strong>ame</strong> j I was not to bl<strong>ame</strong> for breaking the a. identical or alikewindow!2. c<strong>ame</strong> b. to train an animal;opposite of wild3. f<strong>ame</strong> c. a title or label; whatyou can a person oran animal4. fl<strong>ame</strong> d. the quality of beingwell-known or being acelebrity5. n<strong>ame</strong> e. embarrass ordisgrace6. s<strong>ame</strong> f. on fire; burning7. sh<strong>ame</strong> g. a n<strong>ame</strong> that is usedinstead of a person’sreal n<strong>ame</strong>8. t<strong>ame</strong> h. developed into orgrew to be9. afl<strong>ame</strong> i. past tense of come10. bec<strong>ame</strong> j. to find fault or holdresponsible11. def<strong>ame</strong> k. fire; a blaze; lightgiven off by a fire12. nickn<strong>ame</strong> l. to insult or offendsomeone

ČESKOKRUMLOVSKÝ ROZVOJOVÝ FOND, spol. s r.o. VÝROČNÍ ZPRÁVA 2006VÝSLEDKY HOSPODAŘENÍ ZA ROK 2006Analýza hospodářského výsledkutab. 1 - a%srov.v tis. Kčrozdílúčet 2005 2006 2006/2005 2006/2005604 I. TRŽBY ZA PRODEJ ZBOŽÍ 3 418 3 128 91,5% -290504 A. NÁKLADY NA PRODEJ ZBOŽÍ 2 453 2 246 91,6% -207+ O B C H O D N Í M A R Ž E 965 882 91,4% -83II. V Ý K O N Y 37 018 36 829 99,5% -189601 602 1. Tržby za prod.vl.výr.a služeb 37 018 36 829 99,5% -189byty 2 811 2 645 94,1% -166nebytové prostory 17 455 17 004 97,4% -451služby cestovního ruchu 5 088 5 790 113,8% 702parkovací služby 11 536 11 363 98,5% -173ostatní 128 27 21,1% -10161ka 2. Změna st. vnitrop.zás. vl.výroby 0 0 062ka 3. Aktivace 0 0 0B. VÝKONOVÁ SPOTŘEBA 20 795 22 537 108,4% 1 742501až503 1. Spotřeba materiálu a energie 2 163 2 839 131,3% 676PHM 84 125 148,8% 41DHM do 1000Kč 66 77 116,7% 11DHM do 20.000Kč 386 531 137,6% 145kancel. a propag. mat. 85 344 404,7% 259ostatní materiál 349 438 125,5% 89el.energie 444 508 114,4% 64plyn 262 328 125,2% 66topný olej 93 112 120,4% 19voda 91 126 138,5% 35ostatní 303 250 82,5% -5351ka 2. Služby 18 632 19 698 105,7% 1 066opravy do 100.000 789 931 118,0% 142opravy nad 100.000 6 981 4 256 61,0% -2 725opravy zařízení, ost.opravy 184 593 322,3% 409stočné 163 202 123,9% 39cestovné 128 230 179,7% 102reprezentace 65 58 89,2% -7telefon 403 416 103,2% 13internet 70 62 88,6% -8poštovné 74 88 118,9% 14reklama, propagace, inzerce 65 91 140,0% 26nájemné 5 509 5 894 107,0% 385leasing 443 657 148,3% 214služby výpočetní.techniky 186 187 100,5% 1servis parkovacích automatů 137 144 105,1% 7zprostředkovatelské služby CR 838 1 095 130,7% 257průvodcovské služby CR 349 397 113,8% 48zprostředkovatelské služby DM pro město 0 1 063 1 063nakupované právní a notářské sl. 78 34 43,6% -44nakupované služby - SMČK sro 114 110 96,5% -4úklidové služby 562 635 113,0% 73ostatní nakupované služby 670 698 104,2% 28nakupované služby OIS 500 759 151,8% 259dr.kr.nehm.maj, DDNM 1-30tis. 11 72 654,5% 61ostatní 313 1 026 327,8% 713PŘIDANÁ HODNOTA 17 188 15 174 88,3% -2 01417

-<strong>ame</strong> penny push

-<strong>ame</strong> penny push




<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures for Sorts-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesg<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesg<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesg<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesl<strong>ame</strong>

<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures for Sorts<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesc<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesfr<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesfl<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesf<strong>ame</strong>

<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures for Sorts-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesn<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesbl<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturesc<strong>ame</strong>-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Pictures-<strong>ame</strong> <strong>Word</strong>s and Picturess<strong>ame</strong>


-<strong>ame</strong> family-<strong>ame</strong> family_____<strong>ame</strong> _____ <strong>ame</strong>_____<strong>ame</strong> _____ <strong>ame</strong>_____<strong>ame</strong> _____ <strong>ame</strong>_____<strong>ame</strong> _____ <strong>ame</strong>_____<strong>ame</strong> _____ <strong>ame</strong>_____<strong>ame</strong> _____ <strong>ame</strong>_____<strong>ame</strong> _____ <strong>ame</strong>_____<strong>ame</strong> _____ <strong>ame</strong>

My <strong>ame</strong> BookMy <strong>ame</strong> Book

What’s it Worth? (<strong>ame</strong>)(cut, spell, glue)<strong>ame</strong>a1a1123aa11mm22mm22ee33rgnfllfee464455433

<strong>Word</strong> Family (-<strong>ame</strong>)bl<strong>ame</strong>, c<strong>ame</strong>, f<strong>ame</strong>, fl<strong>ame</strong>, fr<strong>ame</strong>, g<strong>ame</strong>, l<strong>ame</strong>,n<strong>ame</strong>, s<strong>ame</strong>, sh<strong>ame</strong>, t<strong>ame</strong>, bec<strong>ame</strong>, nickn<strong>ame</strong>Write sentences or a story with –<strong>ame</strong> words of your choice.

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