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MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTHFor further details see our website: www.wildy.comAbbey, Robert; Richards,Mark, A Practical Approachto Conveyancing 15th ed,Oxford University Press,Paperback, £38.99, ISBN:9780199678198Written by two leading authoritiesin the area withover 50 years’ combinedlegal experience, A PracticalApproach to Conveyancingoffers a detailed and up-todateexposition of the keyprinciples and proceduresunderpinning the conveyancingprocess. Combiningcoverage of residential andcommercial conveyancing,the book provides practicalguidance on each stage, fullysupported by realistic sampledocumentation, enablingthe reader to approach allaspects of a conveyancingtransaction with confidence.The book has been updated2 WILDY’S BOOK NEWSthroughout to reflect currentdevelopments in the field,including coverage of theHelp to Buy scheme and themortgage guarantee scheme,as well as the new GreenDeal loan scheme. The bookhas been revised in light ofthe new Land Registry Formand revised Protocol forms.Alramahi, Moe; Karlberg,John; Moller, Leon, Oiland Gas Law in the UK,Bloomsbury Professional,Paperback, £65.00, ISBN:9781847665553The purpose of this book isto equip the wide range ofplayers in the oil and gasindustry, and policy makers,researchers, academicsand students with up-to-dateknowledge of this rapidlychanging field. The book iswritten to provide an over-view of the central legalissues in the UK oil andgas industry today, and anunderstanding of its key actors,their roles and interests.It also aims at exploring keyissues and emerging trendsin oil and gas contracting.Oil and Gas Law in the UKprovides the reader with effectiveand practical ways ofapproaching oil and gas legalissues, and is the first studenttextbook of its kind in themarket, relevant to both undergraduateand postgraduatelaw students. It provides aconcise and reader-friendlyapproach to the subject.Ashworth, Andrew, PositiveObligations in CriminalLaw, Hart Publishing,Hardback, £45.00, ISBN:9781849465052This book offers a set of es-

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