Photo Essay: Redpolls from Nunavut and Greenland visit Ontario ...

Photo Essay: Redpolls from Nunavut and Greenland visit Ontario ...

Photo Essay: Redpolls from Nunavut and Greenland visit Ontario ...

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PHOTO ESSAY: REDPOLLS FROM NUNAVUT AND GREENLAND VISIT ONTARIOCheck-list of North American Birds. Seventhedition. American Ornithologists’ Union,Washington, D.C.Aubry, Y., M. Gosselin, <strong>and</strong> R. Yank. 1987.The spring 1987 season: Québec region.American Birds 41: 404-406.——-. 1988. The winter 1987-1988 season:Québec region. American Birds 42: 238-240.Austin, O. L. 1968. Hornemann’s RedpollAcanthis hornemanni hornemanni (Holbøll).Pp. 397-399 in: Life Histories of NorthAmerican Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings,Towhees, Finches, Sparrows, <strong>and</strong> Allies. Part1. United States National Museum Bulletin237.Baldwin, P. H. 1968. Hoary Redpoll Acanthishornemanni exilipes (Coues). Pp. 400-407in: Life Histories of North American Cardinals,Grosbeaks, Buntings, Towhees, Finches,Sparrows, <strong>and</strong> Allies. Part 1. United StatesNational Museum Bulletin 237.Beadle, D., <strong>and</strong> B. Henshaw. 1996. 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