Inside this Issue - Redeemer Lutheran College

Inside this Issue - Redeemer Lutheran College

Inside this Issue - Redeemer Lutheran College

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Senior School News“The adventure of life is to learn.The purpose of life is to grow.The nature of life is to change.The challenge of life is toovercome. The essence of life isto care. The opportunity of lifeis to serve. The secret of life isto dare. The spice of life is tobefriend. The beauty of life isto give.” – William Arthur WardOne of the biggest challenges for us as educators is to instil instudents the positive attributes that Ward describes above. Wehave much competition: the media often promotes conflictingvalues; social networking sites encourage students to communicatein a cyberworld that often distracts them from the real world ofpersonal relationships and service to their fellow man; iPhonesallow no time for solitude and reflection on their blessings.Facebook and MySpace can never replace the warmth of humancontact. Text messages will always be inferior substitutes forface to face conversations and interactions. The importanceof manners and courtesy cannot be implicitly learnt throughYouTube. Kindness and concern for others are explicitly taughtthrough interactions with adults each day. In partnership withparents, teachers at <strong>Redeemer</strong> seek to nurture positive valuesand relationships in our students so that they grow into caringand responsible citizens.Our students are fortunate to experience an education whereservant leadership is modelled through Christ’s teachings and byobserving our teachers in their vocation. Jesus exemplified theheart and action of a true servant in John 13 when he washedthe disciples’ feet. Instead of thinking of himself at <strong>this</strong> criticaltime, he was thinking of others. Through <strong>this</strong> example, we learnthat being a servant is a way of life.Only through education, experience and example can students’awareness for the plight of others be heightened. <strong>Redeemer</strong>students have demonstrated their awareness by givinggenerously of their time and funds. Some students have showntheir commitment to helping others through fundraising forcharities and participating in events like Shave for A Cure,Butterfly Week and ReCykle. Others have contributed to ourschool community through service as levites in Chapel, leadingdevotions, mentoring younger students, assisting in the libraryand coaching sporting teams.Servant leadership and acts of kindness are incredibly powerfuland necessary to the human spirit. I hope that the graduatingclass of 2011 have learnt that “the beauty of life is to give”.I thank the Senior School teachers and support staff for servingour students and the school community. It is often through theirpositive example that students are inspired to help others.Servanthood cannot be measured like academic performance andwill never be featured in a comparative newspaper lift-out, but itcontinues to be a thriving element in our Senior School culture.Mrs Anastasia StrongHead of Senior SchoolInterhouse Athletics CarnivalRamsay - Athletics Carnival winnersPlace House Points1st Ramsay 10662nd Lavarack 10503rd Mansfield 9184th Wilson 867Interhouse Swimming CarnivalLavarack - Swimming Carnival winnersThe 14th Annual Senior School Swimming Carnival was heldat Aqualogan Aquatic Centre on Friday 28 January 2011.Congratulations to all of the students in the winning house,Lavarack for your efforts and participation in winning thecarnival for the 12th year running!Place House Points1st Lavarack 13022nd Wilson 12813rd Mansfield 10664th Ramsay 104414

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