Syncsort v. Innovative Routines.pdf - Trade Secrets Institute

Syncsort v. Innovative Routines.pdf - Trade Secrets Institute

Syncsort v. Innovative Routines.pdf - Trade Secrets Institute

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UNIX and its related manuals and materials and binds the licensee tomaintain the confidentiality of “any information” related to SyncSortUNIX. Trial Tr. 468:23-469:16, May 5, 2011; Trial Tr. 104:15-104:17,Jan. 20, 2011; Pl. Ex. 441 4.ii. Requiring all <strong>Syncsort</strong> employees (including clerical employees),contractors or business partners to execute confidentiality agreements thatforbid such parties to copy, remove from <strong>Syncsort</strong>’s premises, or discloseto anyone outside <strong>Syncsort</strong>’s direct employ, any information consideredconfidential, including software documentation without prior writtenapproval by a vice president of <strong>Syncsort</strong>. Trial Tr. 104:3-104:8, Jan. 20,2011; Pl. Ex. 469; Pl. Ex. 584 14(c). <strong>Syncsort</strong> has also made clear toemployees in its technical support group who assist customers withSyncSort UNIX that they are to keep the SyncSort UNIX languageconfidential. Trial Tr. 404:11-404:21, Jan. 25, 2011.iii. Requiring all SyncSort UNIX resellers and distributors to enter into aReseller Agreement containing confidentiality provisions that bind thereseller or distributor, its customers and its employees. Trial Tr. 108:9-108:13, Jan. 20, 2011; Pl. Ex. 470; Pl. Ex. 584 14(d). The ResellerAgreement serves to ensure that resellers and distributors and theiremployees keep information, such as software documentation,confidential, and that they do not disclose such information to any thirdparty without <strong>Syncsort</strong>’s prior written approval. See, e.g., Pl. Ex. 470 § 3 1.3, 1.6; § 4 1.1, 12.3, 16.2, 16.3, 19.6.iv. Placing confidentiality legends on all printed and machine readablematerials related to SyncSort UNIX, including the Reference Guide TrialTr. 104:23-105:2, Jan. 20, 2011; Pl. Ex. 584 14(b); Pl. Ex. 114.v. Taking measures, including the use of a firewall, to prevent outsiders fromobtaining access to <strong>Syncsort</strong>’s internal computer network. Trial Tr.104:12-104:14, Jan. 20, 2011.vi. Utilizing a software key mechanism that links a specific server to eachlicensee to prevent SyncSort UNIX from being run on any unlicensedserver. Trial Tr. 104:18-104:22, Jan. 20, 2011.8

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