Fibre Rope Catalogue - Bridon

Fibre Rope Catalogue - Bridon

Fibre Rope Catalogue - Bridon

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Technical InformationPhysical PropertiesMaterialSpecific GravityDynamic Co-efficient ofFriction Against SteelMelting DecompositionTemperatureDeg. CNylon (Polyamide)PolyesterPolypropylenePolyester/Polyolefin Dual <strong>Fibre</strong>sPolyester/Polypropylene Melt MixtureHMPE (Steelite)AramidSteel1.141.380.910.99 / 1.140.990.971.447.850.1 - 0.120.12 - 0.150.15 - 0.220.1 - 0.150.12 -*218256165140 Polyolefin256 Polyester173147Chars @ 5001600* Steel Wire is 0.23 but when lubricant / finishing is used the co-efficient may vary.Chemical ResistanceThis table shows the residual strengths of synthetic fibres after chemical exposure under specific conditions.Contact <strong>Bridon</strong> for more detailed information.ChemicalConcTempTime Nylon Polyester Polypropylene Aramid HMPE(W/W%) ( o C) (Hours) (%)(%) (%) (%) (%)AcidsHydrochloric 34 20 100 0 90 100 95 100Nitric66 20 100 0 70 100 95 95Sulphuric 96 20 100 0 100 100 40 90Formic 90 20 100 0 95 100 90 100Acetic 100 20 10 85 95 100 100 100AlkalisCaustic Soda 40 20 100 50 0 90 90 100Caustic Soda 20 70 150 100 0 100 85 90Caustic potash 40 20 100 90 0 90 90 100SolventsTrichloroethylene 100 30 150 100 95 80 100 100Carbon Tetrachloride 100 20 150 100 100 100 98 100Benzene 100 70 150 100 100 100 98 95Metacresol 100 100 4 0 0 100 80 100Oxidising AgentHydrogen Peroxide 10 20 100 0 100 90 95 100Extension and Elasticity<strong>Rope</strong> extension and elasticity are important characteristicsbecause they will determine rope behaviour in terms ofpeak loads and mooring excursions. Synthetic fibre ropesdiffer from steel because their load-extensioncharacteristics are non-linear and time dependent.The overall extension of a rope is made up from severaldifferent components:Elastic ExtensionElastic extension is the extension that is immediatelyrecoverable upon the release of the load. In a continuouslyworking environment elastic extension will dominate therope behaviour.Visco-elastic ExtensionVisco-elastic extension is only recoverable with time afterthe release of the load. The behaviour of ropes subjected tooccasional high loads will be significantly influenced by thisvisco-elastic component.Permanent ExtensionPermanent extension is non-recoverable. It will occur whena new rope is first used or when a rope is subject to anunusually high load. It occurs as a result of the individualfibre components of the rope “bedding in” to their preferredpositions. Continuous loading of some ropes can also leadto further permanent extension due to creep at themolecular level.24 BRIDON <strong>Fibre</strong>

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