PRIDE OF OUR PLACE - The Centre for Cross Border Studies

PRIDE OF OUR PLACE - The Centre for Cross Border Studies

PRIDE OF OUR PLACE - The Centre for Cross Border Studies

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principals. One teacher commented that this was ‘a very live exercise and an opportunity tofoster understanding and pride’. What was striking about teachers’ comments was the focus onthe building and strengthening of relationships. Sharing knowledge, experience and ideas wascentral to the whole process as well as the time allocated to planning with the partner school.<strong>The</strong> whole area of social interaction was most valuable to the process, both from the teachers’,pupils’ and wider community’s point of view. One teacher commentedthat residentials, where people have the opportunity to meet all thepersonnel involved, ‘gives you a feeling of belonging’. Anotherteacher commented that they were ‘a wonderful opportunity to meetwith partner school face to face’ and that these training days werevery interesting because they gave an ‘insight into the activities andachievements of other schools’.Teachers appreciated the opportunity each year <strong>for</strong> the affirmation ofthe work of the schools and also the time provided to celebrate thiswork. What was also interesting was the developmental aspect ofthe project <strong>for</strong> the teachers, which allowed them, through thediscussions at the workshops, to decide clearly on what needed tobe targeted in their planning <strong>for</strong> the year ahead.<strong>The</strong> two day meeting was invaluable <strong>for</strong> laying the groundworkand getting a sense of the type of schools involved.Communication between the children was great. We used video,letters, e-mails, swapped local history books and poems, sent certificates. Children’sinvolvement is the main interest. <strong>The</strong>y sourced local knowledge and involved parents andfriends…the display of our drama to the school and to the parents kept interest alive. <strong>The</strong> visitby support personnel was valuable. <strong>The</strong>re was a good balance, I felt help and encouragementwere available and given but I was not under pressure to produce materials and ‘per<strong>for</strong>m’. Thiswas something that had concerned me be<strong>for</strong>e taking on the project. <strong>The</strong> financial supportenabled the school to purchase materials, source a historian, invite parents <strong>for</strong> an afternoonand entertain our guests without straining our resources. It was not the major factor inanything undertaken, it just made life easier. <strong>The</strong> days the children met were wonderful butshort, due to distance. Perhaps another meeting, taking in an educational trip, wouldstrengthen bonds even more. (Teacher, Year One)An excellent two days – we left Monaghan with a very clear understanding of what wewished to achieve. (Teacher, Year Two)<strong>The</strong> crucial element <strong>for</strong> the teachers was the time to meet and plan <strong>for</strong> the year ahead withtheir partner school. This time to meet and plan was seen as an essential element of theproject, and all schools felt that project structures need to have this element built in right fromthe start. Five teachers rated this aspect as the most influential aspect in the planning process.Great <strong>for</strong> planning etc., but equally important was the strengthening of relationships betweenteachers. (Teacher, Year Two)More planning time was advocated in Year One of the project with an emphasis on veryfocussed planning between the partner schools, so that visits would be effective andbeneficial. One comment from a participating teacher, after Year One, clearly supports thisview: ‘It wasn’t focused enough - possibly if we had a skeletal plan: times, dates, people,activities, finance etc’.22 Pride of our Place 2002-2006

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