PRIDE OF OUR PLACE - The Centre for Cross Border Studies

PRIDE OF OUR PLACE - The Centre for Cross Border Studies

PRIDE OF OUR PLACE - The Centre for Cross Border Studies

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<strong>The</strong> partners in the project were the Southern Education and Library Board (SELB) in NorthernIreland, the Department of Education and Science in the Republic of Ireland and the <strong>Centre</strong> <strong>for</strong><strong>Cross</strong> <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> (CCBS) in Armagh (the project manager). <strong>The</strong> EU Peace Two Programme,through the Special EU Programmes Body, provided Stg£139,941 in funding. <strong>The</strong> financialassistance covered the cost of residential teacher training workshops and planning meetings,substitute cover, school travel and subsistence, equipment and materials <strong>for</strong> participatingschools, research and evaluation, preparation and publication of reports and newsletters, thefinal showcase event and the CCBS management charge. Schools were given a once-offallowance of £500 at the outset to purchase equipment and materials needed <strong>for</strong> the project,and they also received up to £500 per year to cover the cost of transport to partner schools andproviding lunches <strong>for</strong> visiting schools. This funding was critical <strong>for</strong> schools, as substitute coverand transport costs in particular can be expensive.Establishment of Steering CommitteeA project Steering Committee representative of the partners was established to oversee andco-ordinate its work. <strong>The</strong> members of the Steering Committee and support personnel were:• Vivien Kelly, Advisor, Southern Education and Library Board, Armagh• Colm O Ceallacháin, Department of Education and Science, Dublin• Maureen Reddick, Advisory Officer, Southern Education and Library Board, Armagh• Anne Keville, Advisory Officer, Southern Education and Library Board, Armagh• Andy Pollak, Director, <strong>Centre</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>, Armagh• Mary Burke, Educational Researcher, St Patrick’s College, DrumcondraThis committee was committed and dedicated to the fulfilment of the project objectives. Thiswas largely due to a very good working relationship which had been established betweenthree of the key committee members in Phase One of the project, and continued into PhaseTwo.<strong>The</strong> Steering Committee met at least four/five times a year <strong>for</strong> meetings. <strong>The</strong> committeeorganised, facilitated and participated in the training workshops <strong>for</strong> teachers and also ensuredrepresentation at all school exchange visit days – North and South – by its members (with,where possible, a representative from both North and South). <strong>The</strong> committee reported to the<strong>Centre</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> as the project manager and EU accounting officer. In theRepublic of Ireland it also reported to the North-South Committee of the Inspectorate of theDepartment of Education and Science, and in Northern Ireland to the Southern Education andLibrary Board and its Chief Executive Ms. Helen Mc Clenaghan.Key objectives<strong>The</strong> project had, as its primary objectives, the following:• To engage pupils and teachers of linked cross-border primary schools in focused studies ofelements of their local environments and the environments of their linked schools.• To provide an ideal context <strong>for</strong> pupils aged 9 – 12 to explore the themes of Education <strong>for</strong>Mutual Understanding and Cultural Heritage in a cross-border setting.• To improve mutual understanding between schools, teachers and pupils in a north-southcontext and facilitate inter-school networking.6 Pride of our Place 2002-2006

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