View Brochure - Cintas

View Brochure - Cintas

View Brochure - Cintas

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Protect Your Employees Against Electric Arc FlashDo your employees…o 4 work on energized parts,including voltage testing?o 4 remove or install CB’s orfused switches?o 4 work on control circuitswith energized partsgreater than 50 volts?If you answered Yes to any of these,NFPA 70E applies to you.<strong>Cintas</strong> will help you by providing:• Comprehensive Personal ProtectiveEquipment Programs• Specialists dedicated solely toprotective apparel• Proper care and maintenance of flameresistant garments• Appropriate protective apparel basedupon your hazard/risk category• Over 400 <strong>Cintas</strong> facilities throughoutNorth America• Rental, lease, purchase or combinationprogramsThe 2012 edition of NFPA 70E,Standard for Electrical Safety inthe Workplace, is a portion of theNational Electric Code and addresses,in part, personal protective clothingfor workers exposed to momentaryelectric arc.NFPA 70E*130.7 Personal and Other Protective Equipment(C) Personal Protective Equipment(1) General – When an employee is working within the Flash Protection boundary, he/she shall wearprotective clothing and other personal protective equipment in accordance with 130.3.(6) Body Protection – Employees shall wear Arc-rated clothing wherever there is possible exposure to an electric arcflash above the threshold incident-energy level for a second-degree burn, 5 J/cm2 (1.2 cal/cm2).(13) Care and Maintenance of Arc-rated Clothing and Arc-rated Flash Suits(a) Inspection. Arc-rated apparel shall be inspected before each use. Work clothing or flash suits that are contaminated,or damaged to the extent their protective qualities are impaired, shall not be used. Protective items that becomecontaminated with grease, oil, or flammable liquids or combustible materials shall not be used.(b) Manufacturer’s Instructions. The garment manufacturer’s instructions for care and maintenance of Arc-rated apparelshall be followed.*Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70E-2012 Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace © 2012. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269.This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.

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