July - Mazda MX-5 Club of Victoria & Tasmania

July - Mazda MX-5 Club of Victoria & Tasmania

July - Mazda MX-5 Club of Victoria & Tasmania

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›Four seasons in one day!chocolate-chip muffins smothered inice-cream and candles – it just happenedto be my 35th birthday, and what betterway to celebrate than cruising around thewindy roads <strong>of</strong> Tas!I sc<strong>of</strong>fed the ice cream and took themuffins with me so we could hit theroad, heading down the Ridgley highway.I originally planned to take the HellyerGorge road as it’s a Targa <strong>Tasmania</strong> run,but luckily Ken pulled me up by pointingout (correctly!) that the small criticalsection <strong>of</strong> road that connects across tothe fun ‘C’ roads behind the coast wasGRAVEL! OH NO! Needless to say, we tookthe other road, which was a nice driveanyway, if a bit straight.From there I took us on a very windyroute via all the curviest ‘C’ roads on themap! There were some fantastic roadsthrough forestry, paddocks, tiny towns <strong>of</strong>three houses. One scary moment we wereracing up a windy hill with an open drop<strong>of</strong>f to the left, when popping over the top,backlit by clear sky, was a huge tractor! Hewasn’t taking up the entire road but it feltlike it for a few seconds. Bruce behind uswas fixated on our bumper in the hopes<strong>of</strong> avoiding it, while I was scrabblingaround for the radio – I’d lost it underfoot while taking pics <strong>of</strong> Bruce behind usout the window. Being first car has somedisadvantages in that no-one can call a“traffic” or “road kill” warning for you!Soon we arrived at the Gunns Plainsvalley, which is a narrow long one witha big river running through it andlots <strong>of</strong> caves, with a wonderful viewthrough to the mountains. The hill downwas very steep, curvy and narrow, andblowing a gale <strong>of</strong> course. We stopped atGunns Plains Caves (again only publictoilet for miles!) for c<strong>of</strong>fee, muffins and astretch. The sun was just setting over thehill, and with the wind still blowing a gale– but no rain at least – we didn’t stay forlong. I’d tried to stop at a local winery anda local goat cheese farm, but both wereclosed ... bummer.The road out <strong>of</strong> the valley that we tookwas VERY curvy (looked great on themap!) and very fun, taking us up throughbush, farms, past the vineyard, and overthe hill back into the sunlight. The next›Bruce & Chezsection between Gunns Plains, Sprent,Paloona to Latrobe and our finish, weremore excellent well looked after ‘C’ roadsthough beautiful country. It was dark bythe time we hit Latrobe, saying a quickgoodbye and then everyone was <strong>of</strong>f tore-fill petrol tanks so they could make ithome!Nearly 400km, and over six hours <strong>of</strong>driving (not including getting to thestart or getting home) and a great dayhad by all on roads not <strong>of</strong>ten travelled -since they are so bloody far away fromcivilization! I think I’ll plan a short runnext time though... (“yay!” they all say!) ■›Louise, Cheryl, Ken, Lyn, Carl15

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