July - Mazda MX-5 Club of Victoria & Tasmania

July - Mazda MX-5 Club of Victoria & Tasmania

July - Mazda MX-5 Club of Victoria & Tasmania

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Hur in the record lap <strong>of</strong> the 1st LatinGP; it carried Caesar and Charlemagne;Boadicea, with a special hub cap,successfully cut her enemies, and evenher own careless pedestrians, down tosize; upon it Marie Antoinette rolledto the guillotine, Napoleon’s guns toMoscow, and the Conestoga wagons toCalifornia and television fame in thelongest reliability trial thitherto recorded.Stephenson’s “Rocket” gave the wheelnew and tremendous significance for,throughout history until his first steamlocomotive, the wheel was still the loadbearingand animal-propelled device ithad been in the desert east <strong>of</strong> Eden.Stephenson made it work for itself. And itwas the enunciation <strong>of</strong> the basic principle<strong>of</strong> internal combustion that followed thediscovery <strong>of</strong> petroleum and the inventivedrive <strong>of</strong> the Industrial Revolution inEurope that opened the door to a new age<strong>of</strong> transport, and allotted to the wheelits functions <strong>of</strong> driving and steering and,later, braking.In 1877, Nikolaus Otto, a Germanengineer, propounded the principle <strong>of</strong> areciprocating internal combustion enginewith four strokes <strong>of</strong> the piston to eachpower propulsion. The “Otto cycle” <strong>of</strong>induction-compression-power-exhaust(or “suck, push, shove, blow” as it mightbe called) is still the basis <strong>of</strong> 90 percent<strong>of</strong> engines, and these all spring fromGottleib Daimler’s adoption <strong>of</strong> the fourstrokeprinciple in his gas engine <strong>of</strong> 1883.Unknown to Daimler, who was a formeremployee <strong>of</strong> Otto’s, another brilliantGerman engineer was also workingtowards the production <strong>of</strong> a self-propelledvehicle, and in 1886 actually produced anauto-tricycle. This Karl Benz, whose namebecame linked with Daimler’s in afteryears both as the title <strong>of</strong> a famous firm... continued27

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