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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1956 THE MAT LUX, ALFRED, NEW YORK PAGE THREECampus BriefsPRESIDENT'S DINNERThe seventh annual President'sDinner was held last night, at 7p.m., in the Brick dining room. Attendingthis primarily social affairwere faculty members, the administrationand their wives. Mr. EdwardK. Lebohner was in chargeof entertainment, which consistedof a medley of four college tunessung by the <strong>University</strong> Man's GleeClub.FACULTY MEETINGMr. Oren L.. Worden, of StateTech's industrial department, willspeak on "Electronics — Meaningand Application," at a faculty meetingto be held Monday, November18, at Howell Hall. Refreshmentswill be served.FUTURE NURSESSix seniors from the School ofNursing, accompanied by DeanGrau, attended a meeting of theAllegany Chapter of the FutureNurses Club of America November5 in Belmont. The girls discussednursing as It is related to <strong>Alfred</strong>.Miss Grau served as moderator ofthe panel. Those seniors attendingwere: Marilyn Bardely, ClaireForbes, Barbara Fifleld, Grace H»-taling, Ann Hopkins and CarolMiller.CORNING TOURThe freshman nursing studentswill travel to Corning Hospital inCorning November 16 to .meet withthe sophomore nurses already there.The sophomores will act as hostessesfor tours of the hospital andresidences. There will be a tea afterwards.STUDIES ABROADFor two semesters last year,.Gertrude Hoehner, a senior politicalscience major, / attended the<strong>University</strong> of Geneva in Switzerland..At Geneva, Gertrude took liberalarts courses, devoting much of hertime to languages, especially¡French. While there, she visitedrelatives in eastern Switzerland.VISITS WORK CAMPCamille Crofoot, an <strong>Alfred</strong> junior,spent this past summer at aWorld Council of Churches workcamp in France.The work camps are designed toprovide the countries of Europewith free manual labor to rebuildand improve war-torn areas.A resident of <strong>Alfred</strong>, Camille, appliedfor this job through the NationalCouncil in New York City,and was placed by the World Council,located in Geneva, Switzerland.She was sponsored by theSeventh Day Baptist Church of <strong>Alfred</strong>.The group with which Camilleworked was made up of six Americansand eighteen Europeans, al!of college age. They worked on anold chateau which was being renovatedto be used as a home for theaged.tThe workers, who were at thecamp for a month, livSd in tentsand received no financial renumeration.The Council has established twentycamps of this type in Europesince 1&46.<strong>Alfred</strong>VotingInterested in how the town of<strong>Alfred</strong> voted in the past election?Here are some of the results:The Republican party captureda large majority .of votes as theEisenhower-Nixon team copped 709ballots to the Democratic-LiberalStevenson-Kefauver team's 153.In the battle for the Senate seatleft vacant by retiring Herbert Leman,Republican Javits received 679ayes to Wagner's 147.We reproach people for talkingabout themselves; but it is the subjectthey treat best—AnaitoleFrance.POLITICAL SCIENCE CLUBOn election night, the PoliticalScience Club sponsored a listeningparty at Howell Hall.The purpose of this meeting wasto receive election returns as soonas they were broadcast and to interpretthem in order to get aclear understanding of how theelection was progressing.Students monitored radios set Upin various parts of the room. Theynoted the returns as they receivedthem and handed them to he rovingpages. The pages in turn gave theInformation to Dr. Engelmann andMr. Liberman, who were in chargeof the huge blackboard upon whichstate by state returns were recorded.Those assembled in Howell Hallwere thus able to know at all timesjust how the election was progressingboth in the different statesand the nation as a whole.A.S.C.F.Phyllis Hutchinson, president ofthe <strong>Alfred</strong> Student Christian Fellowship,has been elected vice chairmanof the New York Area StudentChristian Movement .Summer Conference.The conference will be heldat Cooperstown in June.The ASCF held a discussion onthe topic "Christians Look at Segregation"at Howell Hiall November11. At the same meeting, the organizationaccepted a new constitutionwhich will be sent to theStudent Senate for ratification.A. O. C.Several members of the <strong>Alfred</strong>Outing Club journeyed to Vassarthis weekend to attend an outingThe main event of the weekend wasa square dance, which was heldSaturday night. During the weekend,the members went rock climbingand hiking, at Swan Gunks.The members left; <strong>Alfred</strong> lateFriday afternoon by car, and returnedSunday night.CLUB NEWSPSYCHOLOGY CLUBNewly elected oiBcers of the PsychologyClub, which met October 25are: Julian Brower, president; RobertJackson, vice president; andLinda Furmen, secretary-treasurer.A speaker from Alcoholics Anonymousis scheduled to speak at thenext meeting, to be held Thursday,November 15. Refreshments will beserved.ENGLISH CLUBThe English Club will hold Itsfirst meeting Friday, November 16,at 3:30 in room 12, Alumni Hall.At the last gathering of Englishmajors, Nathan Lyons" was electedchairman of the group. The club'sprogram will be announced at alater date. Meetings will be open tothe campus and they will be heldalternate Fridays in Alumni Hall.SPANISH CLUBNovember 7 the Spanish Club hadits first meeting in order to electofficers.Herb Greenberg is president, WarrenSmith, vice president and SonyaRudy, secretary-treasurer.Plans were made for various activitiesduring the year, includingSpanish Week.There will be a meeting of thecommittees Tuesday, November 13,at 7:30.Frosh DanceThe freshman class invitesall its members and their datesto the "Blues in the Night"dance to be held In the StudentUnion, Friday night, November16, from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. Admissionis free, and we hope toseeall of you there.WorkshopDean Gullettee announces thatthe Social Workshop which was tobeheld November 15 is cancelled."I Cain't Sing"Tex Said OnceTex Beneke's musical careerstarted early In life and has beena busy one since he first got interestedin music at the age ofnine.His first instrument was a tenorsax that fortunately looked a lotworse than it sounded. A teacherwas hired and Tex was off. Whenihe was thirteen he already was establishedas an orchestra leader inFort Worth.Beneke is noted for his singingstylebnt he wasn't discovered as asinger nntil late in 1938, monthsafter he had joined the Glenn Millerband. The group was on tour inNew England, and Glenn was asleepin the froat seat of his car, whichTex was driving, during an overnighthop..To keep awake, Tex began tosing, "Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider.""Glenn stirred and awakened andheard Tex's voice but said nothingat the time. Glenn, however, madeup an arrangement of "Ida" andthen informed Beneke that he wasto do a vocal on it."Ah cain't sing, and furthermore^..ah hates singing," wailed Tex. ButGlenn called for the tune every ;sight to such andience response-,that the arangement library wassoon crowded with vocal material,for Tex. The Beneke arrangementof "Ida" is still a big request numberalong with his famous sax renditionsof "Body and -Soul," andEmbraceable Yon."Tex really emerged as a singingstar with the release of his Victorrecordings of "Kalamazoo" andChatanooga Cboo Choo."" Chatanooga"swept the nation to the tuneof 1,600,000 retail copies sold overthe counter '.'. . an all time salesfigure.WINSTON is always good company !• Here's a cigarette you and your date can only Winston filter does its job so wellget together on! Winston flavor is rich, the flavor really comes through! For finerfull — the way you like it. And the one and filter smoking, make a date with Winston!Switch to WINSTON Americas best-selling, best-tasting -filter cigarette!R. J. REYNOLDSTOBACCO CO. »INSTO fi-SAL EM, N. C.I

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