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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1956 THE FIAT LUX, ALFRED, NEW YORK PAGE FIVEHard ScheduleFaces CagersThe Saxon basketball team hasa rough schedule ahead of them ifpast performances mean anything.The twelve opponents on the Warriorschedule from last year had amark of 134 wins and 98 defeatsfor a percentage of .577. The <strong>Alfred</strong>team compiled a mark of 7-12for a .368 percentage.The Red Raiders of Colgate willonce again suf>ply the major oppositionin a big game at Hamilton.The Raiders tripped the Saxon teamin the Men's Gym last year to thetune of 67-65 in a hard fought clash.Colgate compiled an 18-9 recordlast year and their big scorer, All-East, Jack Nichols, Is back for hissenior year.The <strong>University</strong> of Buffalo Bullshad a 17-3 record while CortlandState was 17-4. The Staesmen ofHobart led by Art Lambert who hitfor 34 points in the Warrior gymlast year compiled a record breaking15-5 season at the Genevaschool while Hartwlck, winner ofthe season finale in overtime was12-8. Rochester had a 9-7 mark lastyear.A veteran Buffalo State teamcomes in with a 10-8 record andIthaca is 10-9. The opening clashis against Brockport State December1 with the frosh opening up at6:30 p.m. State was 10-10 last yeargaining a split with the Purpleand Gold.The only losing slates compiledby <strong>Alfred</strong> foes saw St. Lawrence,Clarkson^ and Union with below.500. The Warriors will have fourlettermen back for the season.Campus Show onHornell CircuitNow originating from Hornell onstation WLEA, 1480 on the dial, isthe Campus Show; flfty-flve minutesof the latest news, recordingsand campus activities, emceed byMessieurs Phil Partington and ElwoodHausler. Every Saturday,from 10:35 to 11:30 a.m., outstandingpersons from ROTC, sports, theFIAT LUX, sororities, fraternitiesand other social and academic departmentsare interviewed and tapedclips from dances and other socialactivities are heard.Sponsors for the show are theCitizens' National Bank of Wellsvilleand E. W. Crandall & Son.Requests for special records to beplayed on the Campus .Show maybe placed in boxes located in bothof the above establishments.He was unbearable and a bore,but otherwise a great guy.¥IzZ PA IEat theCAMPUS UNION! Bigger Pie—Regular Price]With 5 minute ServiceEvery Wed., Fri.,& Sat. Nightafter 9 P. M.3»»»tiiiin»ii»H»»»»n»»»»H«»mGoLDr/3/SKlan had an all-campus party atthe house Saturday night. TheWADS had a pre-party meeting. Anewly-organized club, the SUDS,initiated Duke Rodemoyer as anew member.Pappa Psi had a "hats on"party Saturday night, which wasalso a going-away party for thesix senior engineers who left ona plant trip Sunday.Kappa Nu had an ice cream sodaparty Saturday night.Lambda Chi had a pajama partySaturday night. Larry Eaton isgoing steady with Ruth Beach, ofKezia.öoWLbyJudy DryerDelta Sig is having aneighthgame party next week.Mama B took Mrs. Pope's placeas house mother of the Castle lastweekend. Plans are being made forthe freshman cocoa Sunday.Phil Feld was back to see JoanBraun last week and Jim Chasecame to see Judy Weber.President and Mrs. Drake andDean Rogers and family were dinnerguests at Sigma Sunday. SherryFine is a new pledge at Sigma.The Marshalls were dinner guestsat Theta Sunday. Marilyn Bardsleywent to New York to say good-byeto her husband, who left for Germany.Donald McCoi Talks on ConformityBefore American Studies Assoc.On Saturday, November 10, <strong>Alfred</strong><strong>University</strong> acted as host forthe American Studies Associationof New York State meeting. Themeeting, presided over by Dr. Bernstein,began at 2:30 in HowellRail."The Breakdown of Isolation andIts Effects on American Life" wasthe general theme. The main paper."Some Observations on Conformityin the U. S„" was givenby Donald McCoi of State <strong>University</strong>Teachers College of Cortland.He stressed that non-conformityin the nation's past has been incorrectlyevaluated by those whoyearn for the independence whichthey felt characterized the "goodold days." He pointed out that thenon-conformity today is more frequentthan in the past because oursociety allows for more deviantactivity than ever before. On theother hand however, Mr. McCoithinks that it is important for usto' realize that we live in a societyin which cooperation is necessaryto achieve social dividends.Other commentators spoke onvarious subjects, including society,politics, industrial relations andliterature, in connection with conformity.Speakers included ThomasLuckmann of Hobart, SeymourMann of Harpur, Harry Behler ofColgate, and Harold Blodgett ofUnion. After these comments,members of the audience gave theiropinions on the topic. These aresome of the ideas that were discussed:conformity may lead to agarrison state aud authoritarianismin the future; we should have agreater fear of conformity than thepeople of past times because of theincreasing dimensions of conformitytoday; conformity contributesto the shaping of a happy, welladjusted individual; and we neednot fear it nor think of it as somethingwrong.An annual business meeting followedthis presentation.At 6:30, Dr. Clinton Rossiter ofCornell, president of the association,took charge of the dinnermeeting. Arnold Herstand of Colgatepresented an illustrated addressentitled "The AmericanPainter in the Age of Conformity."An informal discussion ended themeeting.Three representatives of the Collegeof Ceramics delivered talksat the fall meeting of the basicscience division of the AmericanCeramic Society this week atClemson, S. C.Attending were Dr. • W. C.Lawrence, chairman of the departmentof research; William B. Crandall,chairman of the navy researchproject; and Dr. Van Derek Frechette,professor of ceramic technology.Dr. Frechette and Mr. Crandallgave papers at the meeting. Dr.Frechette talked on "Light Microscopy,"and Mr. Crandall spoke(on "Thermal Properties Applied to/Thermal Shock."Xe CITIZENSNATIONAL BANKALFRED WELLSVILLE — ANDOVERMEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSITINSURANCE CORPORATIONBanking Since ¡693MEMBER FEDERAIRESERVE SYSTEMDINING & DANCINGIn a Pleasant AtmospherePonce de Leon70-74 Canisteo St. Hornell, N. 7.Consideration of "Know How"Key to Effective LeadershipTwo representatives from <strong>Alfred</strong> |<strong>University</strong>, Jack Greene and TrudyWolkenberg, attended the recentNational Student Association's leadershiptraining conference, whichwas held in Albany.The main problem consideredat this conference was the recognizedneed for the development ofstudent leadership on college campuses.The delegates' interest inthis field was stimulated by lectures,which raised questions andideas that were discussed in workshop' groups. The consensus ofopinion of each Individual groupwas then presented to the entireassemblage. In this manner, thedelegates from the various collegesevaluated and exchanged information which would enable them toassist in setting up the type oleadership training programsuited to their campus.bestFirst on the program, in orderto ascertain what specifically constitutedstudent leadership, was aconsideration of the necessary"know hows," that is, self job andpeople. The importance of a leader's self confidence was stressedIt was also decided that a definitebelief in his opinions is necessary,but he should realize thevalue of compromise and the blendof the ideal and practical, if hisgroup is to function efficiently. Thefunction, limitation^, duties andobligations of the leader's job mustbe clearly understood by him.Working with a keen sense of organization,the group's goal shouldalways be kept in mind, and a jobonce started should be concluded.Third "Know how" area concernsan awareness of the "pulse"of the student body. Good public relationsis one of the most essentialtools of any effective leader.The next topic under considerationwas the value of group dynamics.Dr. Van Cleve, professor atthe New York State College forTeachers at Albany, spoke brieflyon the various methods and meansSHOEREPAIRSERVICETHEKAMPUS KAVEhas the Shoe Repairagency for theJ. La PLANASHOE REPAIRHornell, N. Y.Pick-up and delivery5 days a weekTrudy Wolkenbergof increasing interest and participationwithin an organization.Following a demonstration of thesocio-drama, the relative merits of"buzz" groups, role playing andpanels, other methods of group involvementwere discussed. It wasagreed that for maximum effectiveness,eacn or tnese methods shouldbe used at its mosts opportunetime and chosen with great care.They contribute to the disclosureof information which is not gener«ally available and allow for thecrystallizationof ideas. Buzz groupswere considered especially useful inobtaining pertinent material wherethereis no common orientation.The discussion of various aspect»of student leadership gave to- thedelegates the information ' withwhich to organize a suggestedframework for leadership programswhich could be adapted on theirindividual campuses.Six points were emphasized relevantto setting up a leadershipporgram: (1) formation of an interestedcommittee; (2) talks witTiadvisors; (3) careful study of thestudent body situation; (4) plansfora specific program; (5) organizationof a good publicity committee;(6) careful evaluation ofthe program with reference to botbinclusions and participation.The delegates felt that the information. and viewpoints obtainedfrom this N.S.A. conference will beespecially beneficial in planningthe Senate's leadership conference,which is tentatively scheduled forsome time between the Thanksgivingand winter recesses."WIGGY" WALESSome little wiggieswear step insSome little wiggiesgo bareBut 'Wiggy" doesn'tgo bareHe buys his clothesat you know where»

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