CASH OUT. - Minority Enterprise Executive Council

CASH OUT. - Minority Enterprise Executive Council

CASH OUT. - Minority Enterprise Executive Council

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<strong>Minority</strong> EntErprisE AdvocAtE • January / February 2009Planning: While the need for planning❒ Credit Card Paymentis understood by most astute business A National Business MagazineMEApersons, doing business internationally for <strong>Minority</strong> EntrepreneursName __________________________________________________________mea.may.june.04.qxd 7/26/04 1:21 PM Page 13Company _______________________________________________________takes an additional amount of effort.Yes. Send me a subscription Street to MEA __________________________________________________________MagazineUnless you are well travelled, thereCity ___________________________________________________________are small important details thatMEAyou ❒ 1 year (6 issues) $24.95 State ______________________ Zip ____________ Country _____________may overlook. Make no mistake ❒ 2 years (12 issues) $49.90E-mail address ___________________________________________________<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocate❒ 3 years (18 issues) $74.85Credit Card ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa ❒ American Expressthough; small oversights can have aNumber ________________________________________________________huge impact when working globally. <strong>Minority</strong> ❒ Please <strong>Enterprise</strong> Bill A MeNational Advocate Business Magazine for <strong>Minority</strong> EntrepreneursExpiration Date __________________________________________________When planning, you must consider the ❒ Credit Card PaymentSmall Business and the Government Bailout:Canadian ord e rs add $16 US per issue for postage. All other fo reign subscri ptions add $32 US per year for posta g e .What is Needed?weather, the time zone(s), A National the season, Business MagazinePlease allow 4-6 we e ks for delive ry of your fi rst issue.the currency, the local for electric <strong>Minority</strong> voltage, EntrepreneursName __________________________________________________________Company _______________________________________________________days (not dates) for air travel, local MEAJanuary/February 2009MEA USA $3.95 CAN $5.25<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> AdvocateYes. Send me a subscription Street to MEA __________________________________________________________Magazine<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocat etransportation (it can literally take four City ___________________________________________________________A publication of the <strong>Minority</strong> Business & Professionals Network, Inc.hours to go ten miles ❒ 1 by year car, (6 issues) in Lagos). $24.95 State ______________________ Zip ____________ Country _____________❒ 2 years (12 issues) $49.90 E-mail address ___________________________________________________Good planning will ❒ 3 years definitely (18 issues) $74.85 yieldFax Subscription Form to: MEA (703) 768-7034Credit Card ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa ❒ American ExpressStill Moving Mountainsand Re-routing Riversgreater satisfaction and potential Number for ________________________________________________________❒ Please Bill MeMEA Magazine, 6911 Richmond Highway, Suite 302, Alexandria, VA 22306 - Jay Challa, President, ACE Info Solutions1Expiration Date __________________________________________________accomplishing your ❒goals.Credit Card PaymentCanadian ord e rs add $16 US per issue for postage. All other fo reign subscri ptions add $32 US per year for posta g e .Protocol: This one is huge! All the charm Yes, Please Send allow 4-6 we e ks for me delive ry of a your subscription fi rst issue. to MEA MagazineName __________________________________________________________ MINORITY ENTERPRISE ADVOCATE • MAY/JUNE 2004 13and money in the world Company cannot _______________________________________________________get youStreet __________________________________________________________out of a religious faux pas. Is the countryMEA<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocat eCity ___________________________________________________________ o 1 year (6 issues) $24.95 o Please Bill Meor your partner Muslim State ______________________ or Christian? Zip ____________ Is A publication Country of the _____________ <strong>Minority</strong> Business & Professionals Network, Inc.it a high holiday like E-mail Ramadan? address ___________________________________________________If the o 2 years (12 issues) $49.90 o Credit Card PaymentCredit Card ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa ❒ American Expresscountry is Muslim, there will be little or Fax Subscription Form to: MEA (703) 768-7034Number ________________________________________________________ o 3 years (18 issues) $74.85no business on Fridays. Expiration You Date __________________________________________________must learn MEA Magazine, 6911 Richmond Highway, Suite 302, Alexandria, VA 22306both the religious customs Canadian ord e rs add $16 US per and issue for postage. social All other fo reign subscri ptions add $32 US per year for posta g e .Please allow 4-6 we e ks for delive ry of your fi rst issue.practices of the countries or regions Name_______________________________________________________________MINORITY ENTERPRISE ADVOCATE • MAY/JUNE 2004 13where you plan to do business. MEADo you<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocat espeak first? Who walks into a room first?A publication of the <strong>Minority</strong> Business & ProfessionalsWhat is an appropriate gift or invitation? Company____________________________________________________________Network, Inc.When greeting a host do Fax Subscription you kiss, Form bow, to: MEA (703) 768-7034or shake hands? It MATTERS! LearnMEA Magazine, 6911 Richmond Highway, Suite 302, Street_______________________________________________________________Alexandria, VA 22306the rules and play by them. You will winover your clients, customers, partners,MINORITY ENTERPRISE ADVOCATE • MAY/JUNE 2004 13and/or employees.City________________________________________________________________Persistence: Of all the things that havechanged in Africa, speed of action ordecision making is not necessarily one.Please plan to make the acquaintancesof family members, friends, otherassociates, more than once beforebusiness matters are even initiated.Please plan to make several trips todiscuss, view, demonstrate, or whateverelse it takes to please your target. Here,business is as much about relationshipsas it is about profits. You will have toestablish favorable and comfortableones. The good news is that in Africa, adelay is certainly no indication of a denial.If your gut and your due diligence sayso – stay the course. Your new or nextinternational business alliance is waiting.Angela Chester-Johnson is an internationaltrade and business development expert;with a focus on Africa. She currentlyserves as Vice President for Protocol andStrategic Partnerships for the Leon HSullivan Foundation. She can be reachedat aglo1001@gmail.com.nMEA<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> Advocate❒ 2 years (12 issues) $49.90❒ 3 years (18 issues) $74.85❒ Please Bill MeState______________ Zip________________________Country_______________E-mail address________________________________________________________Credit Card o MasterCard o Visa o Discover o American ExpressCard Number________________________________________________________Expiration Date_______________________________________________________Canadian orders add $16 US per issue for postage. All other foreign subscriptions add$32 US per year for postage. Please all 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue.MEA<strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> AdvocateA publication of the <strong>Minority</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Fax Subscription Form to MEA (703) 730-4092MEA Magazine, P.O. Box 5199, Woodbridge, VA 22194

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