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REGULARS | RESOURCE FILEBACK TOCONTENTSWe also like…AirCatchiPads are so popular in schools andtherapeutic settings but it can sometimes betricky saving your work to a network. AirCatchgenerates email addresses so users can mailtheir work to group folders on the network. Itwas chosen by Business and Industry Todayas one of their top 20 exhibitors at BETT2014.Interactive CoconutThis Melbourne company has released anapp called Subtitles Viewer 1.1, for iPhone,iPad and iPod touch. Deaf cinema goers candownload subtitles/captions and then viewthem on their iOS device synchronised withmovies at the cinema or on their tablet. It willalso benefit those who want to watch a filmwhere there is no captioning in their language.AmplicomSesame DocumentsThe iOS version of this app offers hands-freeaccess to PDFs, Word documents and images.The Android version allows you to turn pagesby head movement or by voice: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sesame.reader&hl=enThe enPathia HeadMouseThis clever device can be used to navigateand control a PC, browse web sites, inputand edit text or play games. It has beendeveloped by <strong>special</strong>ist assistive technologycompany Eneso in Spain, together withtherapists and volunteers, and tested bystudents at the National Star and BeaumontColleges, two UK <strong>special</strong>ist colleges workingwith learners with disabilities.Accessing the Artist WithinProjectThis project hopes to showcase how assistivetechnologies can empower students to createworks of art. Children and young people age5-18 can showcase art they have createdor seek inspiration from the work of others.Click on art works on the site and you get ashort explanation of how they were created.The project also hopes to provide an annualvenue where art created using assistivetechnology can be displayed. This year, atleast 10 pieces of art will be displayed atClosing the Gap, one of the USA’s major ATconferences.The SEND GatewayAn online portal designed for UK professionalsbut open to anyone. It offers free, easyaccess to high quality information, resourcesand training for meeting the needs ofchildren and young people (0-25) with<strong>special</strong> educational needs and disabilities(SEND). To date the Autism Education Trust,the Council for Disabled Children, NationalChildren’s Bureau, Dyslexia-SpLD Trust andThe Communication Trust have all postedresources. While legislation and policy relateto the UK, the ideas will cross internationalborders. Check out the short films aboutdyspraxia and guidance for working withchildren with acquired brain injury.Talking about DyslexiaHearing Direct <strong>special</strong>ises in products forthose with hearing loss but their Amplicommobile phone is great for people with poorvision too or for older people who are notconfident with mobiles. Users can have loudring tones, turn up the volume so they canhear callers and benefit from extra large textwhen texting. It also has a built-in LED torch,calendar, calculator, alarm clock and an SOSbutton to text and call five pre-selectednumbers until one of them answers.Dolphin’s Wonders of theUniverseClassics, best sellers and regular publicationsare downloaded, enlarged and spoken outloud, so people with sight loss can enjoy theirreading. Make sure you check out their e-bookfor children Reach for the Stars: Touch, Look,Listen, Learn.This is a shameless plug for my own latestproduct. Fink Cards have just launched mytwo, new sets of conversation cards. Dealingwith Dyslexia at Home and Dealing withDyslexia at School are designed to helpchildren take control of their dyslexia andbecome more independent learners. Eachpack is designed to draw out opinions, identifykey problems for dyslexic learners, hint atpossible solutions and let users think morecreatively.44WWW.SPECIALWORLD.NET | ISSUE 1 | SEPTEMBER 2014

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