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6How It WorksBusiness Modelling WorkshopsOften, a Hackathon lasting just a few days doesn’tresult in bulletproof, market-ready products.Therefore the three most promising hackathonoutcomes will win a trip to the REMIX officesin London for an intensive Business ModellingWorkshop. There, these young and fresh ideaswill be pushed further through consultation andtalks from a team of relevant experts.Creating a successful new enterprise requiresmany different elements, including a clearunderstanding of what demand exists for theideas and prototypes you create.considering the proposition, scale and type ofdemand, and business model.Focusing on enterprise is also a powerful way tobecome more consumer and demand-focused.Delegates will learn techniques to effectivelysegment their market and target their offering toone or more groups.By asking questions such as, “What consumertrends can we utilize?”, “What are the needs anddesires of our customer segment and how canwe serve them?” and “What do our customersvalue?” the hackathon winners can come upwith solutions and strategies that bring digitalcultural heritage to a wider and more diversifiedaudience.The objective of the Workshop is to explorethe business potential of the project ideas,

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