Our Awesome Universe - Church of God - NEO

Our Awesome Universe - Church of God - NEO

Our Awesome Universe - Church of God - NEO

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not! And you still haven't explained HOW the mattercomes into existence!It's merely some clever reasoning to get aroundthe obvious contradiction <strong>of</strong> the First Law <strong>of</strong>Thermodynamics.And <strong>of</strong> course, the Steady State idea is buttingit's head against the Second Law <strong>of</strong> Thermodynamicswhich says the universe tends TO RUNDOWN.It doesn't "build up" as is implied in continuouscreation <strong>of</strong> matter.Just who maintains the universe in a "steadystate" and how? This, <strong>of</strong> course, isn't explained.If the universe was INFINITELY old, it would havelong ago "run down!" But since it hasn't "rundown," the steady state theory would make theuniverse a giant perpetual motion machine.Now, no one could get a patent for a perpetualmotion machine. It's been proven THOUSANDS <strong>of</strong>times that such is impossible - bearing out thevalidity <strong>of</strong> the Second Law <strong>of</strong> Thermodynamics.Change in TheoryUnder mounting observational pressure, FredHoyle announced in late 1965 and early 1966 thathe no longer believed in the cosmology he hadpromulgated. But he didn't give it up entirely.In its place he espoused his "radical departurehypothesis." Hoyle retained the idea <strong>of</strong> continuouscreation but allowed himself to have deviationsfrom a steady state situation in "local" areas <strong>of</strong> theuniverse.And since, he says, we cannot see out beyondthis "local" bubble, he is conveniently protectedfrom "observational" disproval <strong>of</strong> his new hypothesis.But even given a steady state universe (whichwe've proven to be impossible) WHERE did theORIGINAL matter come from; HOW is it sustainedwhen observation shows physical things degenerate;WHY does it operate on lawful principles?Proponents <strong>of</strong> the steady state theory donot know. They claim that it doesn't make anydifference. But saying so doesn't make the problemgo away.It's quite clear this theory doesn't - andCANNOT - answer the basic questions <strong>of</strong> why theuniverse is as it is.But now we turn our attention to the secondtheory group.The First "Big Bang" TheoryOne <strong>of</strong> the earlier theories was put forth by theBelgian scientist, Abbe Lemaitre in 1931. He proposedthat the universe originated from a singlestupendous primeval "atom" which exploded.The biggest problem <strong>of</strong> all, as one author putit, was :"The really big question is, <strong>of</strong> course: HOWcould a huge atom like this form, and WHERE didit come from?" (The Mystery <strong>of</strong> the Expanding<strong>Universe</strong>, William Bonner, page 115.)Most astronomers have admitted his theoryhas only historical value.The Gamow TheoryThe more prominent "Big Bang" theory is theone put forth by George Gamow and others.In this theory, Gamow speculated a hugeprimordial cloud contained a "soup" <strong>of</strong> all thefundamental particles within an atom.At a sudden moment, there was a huge explosionthat formed - within minutes - by a chainreaction all the elements <strong>of</strong> the universe.

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