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MSU ALUMNI HOUSEBaltimore, MarylandContentsAlumnus of the Year . . . . . . . . . . 1President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . 2Alumni Day 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Chapter of the Year. . . . . . . . . . . 3Special Achievement Award. . . . 3Alumni on the Move . . . . . . . . . . 6Necrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Chapter and Class News . . . . . . 8Alumni Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A L U M N I • N E W SSPRING 2010Alumnus of the YearLt. Col. Lawrence K. Montgomery, Sr., U.S. Army (Ret.)Lt. Col. Lawrence K. Montgomery, Sr., ’56,was <strong>Morgan</strong>’s Director of Alumni Affairsfrom 1977 to 2000 and was MSU acting VicePresident for Institutional Advancement from 1994 to1997. An active alumnus since graduation, he is activenow with the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan AlumniChapter and is also a member of the Howard L.Cornish Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter.Lt. Col. Montgomery was attracted to <strong>Morgan</strong>by the music and ROTC programs, and byBandmaster R. Hayes Strider’s offer of a secondsemesterscholarship.By commencement in 1956, he had earned hisB.S. degree in music education; completed theROTC Military Science program; met his future wife,Sarah, MSU Class of ’57, and laid the foundation foran outstanding professional career. He served 22years in the U.S. Army Adjutant Generals Corps andretired with the rank of lieutenant colonel.Soon thereafter, <strong>Morgan</strong> President AndrewBillingsley offered him a job as director of AlumniAffairs, and he accepted.His top priority, from the start, was to raise theexpectations placed on <strong>Morgan</strong> graduates to supportthe university, including support of <strong>Morgan</strong> alumniin key political positions, Lt. Col. Montgomery says.Under his watch, MSU alumni began to play majorroles in everything from recruitment of students, tolobbying of state legislators for needed resources forthe <strong>University</strong>, to support of <strong>Morgan</strong> students duringtheir peaceful protests for better educational facilities.Lt. Col. Montgomery’s long list of accomplishmentsas Alumni Director includes: establishment of MSU’sAlumni House; initiation of awards and other recognitionprograms for outstanding alumni, faculty andstaff; establishment of the All-Classes Reunion duringhomecoming; and chartering of new alumni chaptersthat continue to be active, among many other items.Lt. Col. Montgomery and Sarah are lifetimemembers of the <strong>MSUNAA</strong>, with the distinction ofhaving four children who are also MSU alumni andgraduates of the ROTC program: Lissa K. Jackson,’80; Lawrence K. Montgomery, Jr., ’83; Lorree K.Slye, ’85; and Lynnet K. Turner, ’86.“The progress that <strong>Morgan</strong> has made is justoutstanding. It makes a graduate feel such pride,” hesays. “It never would have happened without thesupport of Dr. Richardson and the alumni, staff, facultyand friends of the <strong>University</strong>.”Class of ’59 Gives $76,000, Extends ChallengeIn May 2004, members of the Class of 1959gathered at the Annual Alumni Awards and ClassReunion Luncheon. Some of them had not beenback to <strong>Morgan</strong> since graduation, while others hadreturned every year — sometimes several times ayear. As with every such event, the <strong>Morgan</strong>itesshared what had happened in their lives since thelast time they were together, and they reflected ontheir appreciation for the role <strong>Morgan</strong> played inshaping their friendships and their lives. As a tangiblesign of their gratitude, they presented a gift: a$35,000 endowed scholarship fund.At the 2008 Gala, MSU President Dr. Earl S.Richardson reported that a total of 1,063 academicallyqualified students could not return to <strong>Morgan</strong>because of financial reasons — 604 students in Fall2007 and 459 in Spring 2008 — some for as little as$100. After hearing these statistics, members of theClass of ’59 were moved to give even more to theirbeloved alma mater. In May 2009, at their 50thAnniversary, they presented an additional gift of$41,502, for a grand total of $76,502.The economy remains strained. Financialresources are tight for many people. The Class of1959 extends this challenge to all other classes:Meet, or better yet, surpass our level of giving!Nevertheless, be advised: We intend to keep ongiving back to our alma mater! Members of the Class of ’59A l u m n i N e w s • S p r i n g 2 0 1 0 1M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y B A L T I M O R E , M A R Y L A N D

A L U M N I N E W S M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T YChapter of the YearBaltimore County Alumni Honored in 10th Anniversary YearFounded in 2000with only 20 charter members,the BaltimoreCounty Chapter of theMSU National AlumniAssociation has filled itsfirst decade with immenseprogress in the areas ofscholarship, membership,fundraising, communityservice and overall supportfor their alma mater.For this reason, theBaltimore County AlumniChapter has been selectedas the 2010 Chapter of the Year.“Our chapter’s main focus and mission is todevise ways to raise funds to provide scholarships,”reports Baltimore County Chapter PresidentMichael Bishop.Each spring, the chapter’s scholarship committeedistributes applications to six Baltimore County highschools, seeking applicants planning to attend <strong>Morgan</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>. The chapter is now providing threestudents with annual, four-year $1,000 scholarships.An additional scholarship recipient is added each year.The Baltimore County Chapter’s scholarship fundis now linked with the <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>Foundation. Scholarship recipients and their familiesare encouraged to get to know the chapter andits members.Bishop says the Baltimore County Chaptermaintains a high regard for “giving back to the community,and remembering from whence we havecome” — values instilled in all <strong>Morgan</strong> students. Thechapter is a regular contributor of time, money andother resources to seniors, the homeless, the hungryand others in need.John Griswold, Jr., ’51, Receives SpecialAchievement AwardThe <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong> National AlumniAssociation has chosen JohnJ. Griswold, Jr., ’51, longtimemember of the PhiladelphiaAlumni Chapter, as thisyear’s recipient of theSpecial Achievement Award.Mr. Griswold becameactive in the Philadelphia chapter in 1955, is a formertwo-term <strong>MSUNAA</strong> President and has a longtrack record of providing innovative and effectiveleadership of MSU alumni and other communityactivities.Mr. Griswold took his Bachelor of Sciencedegree in chemistry from <strong>Morgan</strong> to the U.S. Army,where he served as a Chemist Instructor at FortRiley, Kansas. After leaving the military, he receivednumerous awards for his work over 19 years as achemist for the U.S. Department of Defense. Hisnext career step was to the U.S. Department ofLabor, where he earned several awards for hisachievements in equal employment opportunity.During his 55 years as an active member of<strong>Morgan</strong>’s Philadelphia Chapter, Mr. Griswold has servedthe group on several committees, as Chapter PresidentMembers of the Baltimore County Alumni Chapter, March 2010and as Chapter Treasurer. As Treasurer, many years ago,he initiated the establishment of scholarship funds bylocal MSU alumni chapters.Mr. Griswold is now Financial Secretary and aLife Member of the <strong>MSUNAA</strong>. He has been a boardmember of the association since 1982 and a memberof the board of <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Foundation,Inc. since 1985. As President of the <strong>MSUNAA</strong>, heappointed a committee to plan the construction ofthe Alumni House. The Alumni House EndowmentFund and regular scholarship donations to the MSUFoundation were also established during his tenure.The <strong>University</strong> has benefited from his financialgenerosity, as well. John Griswold and Family havecontributed more than $30,000 in cash and in-kinddonations to <strong>Morgan</strong>.This year’s Special Achievement Award adds tothe numerous honors Mr. Griswold has received for hisservice to <strong>Morgan</strong> and others. His previous awardsinclude, among others, MSU’s 1985 Alumnus of the YearAward, the Department of Labor Equal Opportunity ofthe Decade Award and the Certificate of AppreciationAward from Jones Tabernacle AME Church.“I am greatly honored by this award recognizingthe work I have gladly done for my alma mater on thechapter and national levels,” Mr. Griswold says.Alumni Day 2010Get ready: Alumni Day is fast approaching!This year, classes ending in “0” and “5” willcelebrate at the 70th Annual Alumni Awards andClass Reunion Luncheon, on Friday, May 14, 2010.The luncheon begins at 12:00 noon in the Calvinand Tina Tyler Ballroom, on the second floor of<strong>Morgan</strong>’s <strong>University</strong> Student Center. All MSU alumniand friends are also invited to the “WelcomeBack” reception, which will take place before theluncheon in the ballroom lobby, beginning at11:00 a.m. Reservations for the 70th AnnualAlumni Awards and Class Reunion Luncheon are$50 per person. Please call the Office of AlumniRelations at (443) 885-3015 to make your reservations.Please note that Commencement willbe held on Saturday, May 15, 2010.We hope to see you on campus on Friday,May 14th!YOUR GIFTS KEEPMORGAN STRONG<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a thriving part ofthe Baltimore community and a nationallyknown institution because of alumni like you. Butwe need your help to ensure that opportunitiesfor achievement and success are available to ourmost deserving students, every day.Please give your gift today, and bring adeserving student one step closer to the goal ofbeing a graduate of <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.Every gift, regardless of size, goes a long way inproviding assistance with tuition and the purchaseof textbooks, developing new academicprograms and attracting world-class faculty toour <strong>University</strong>.To increase our alumni rate of giving, weencourage all alumni to make a gift to the MSUFoundation EVERY year. When we approachfoundations and corporations for support, theyoften ask for <strong>Morgan</strong>’s alumni giving rate. Theirargument is: “If the alumni don’t want to investin their own school, then why should we?” Anexcellent point, indeed!Remember, your gift is a separate donationfrom your annual alumni dues.Visit www.givetomorgan.com today tomake your donation to the <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong> Foundation, Inc.Remember YourMembership DuesMembership dues cover the fiscal year July1, 2010–June 30, 2011. If you have already submittedyour dues, we thank you. If you have yetto do so, we kindly ask that you submit them assoon as possible. We look forward to your continuedsupport!A l u m n i N e w s • S p r i n g 2 0 1 0 3

A L U M N I N E W S M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y<strong>Morgan</strong> President Honored with Alumni Victory ToursIn honor of 25 years of outstanding leadership, several MSU alumni chapters saluted The Remarkable Journey of our esteemed retiringPresident, Dr. Earl S. Richardson. Throughout the country, alumni chapters hosted “Victory Tours” to recognize Dr. Richardson’s numerousaccomplishments, while setting individual chapter goals of raising $50,000 for the Earl S. Richardson Endowed Scholarship Fund. Kudos to allof the chapters who sponsored these events.Victory Tours and Presenters:Georgia Alumni ChapterPresident, Shirley WrightAug. 1, 2009Philadelphia Alumni ChapterPresident, Wilhelmina Stevenson, Esq.James S. White, Tour OrganizerAug. 15, 2009The Georgia Alumni Chapter kicked off August with a Victory Tour reception.New Jersey Alumni ChapterPresident, Roseanna RobinsonAug. 22, 2009The Philadelphia Alumni Chapter honored Dr. Richardson at the Temple<strong>University</strong> Student Center on Aug. 15.New Castle County, DelawareAlumni ChapterPresident, Willie JacksonAug. 22, 2009The New Jersey Alumni Chapter honored Dr. Richardson at a JazzLuncheon on Aug. 22.Maryland and Washington D.C.Alumni ChaptersPresident, Baltimore CountyAlumni Chapter and TourOrganizer, Michael BishopSept. 12, 2009Chicago Alumni ChapterPresident, Arlene PierceNov. 14, 2009Members of the Delaware Alumni Chapter pose with the President duringthe Victory Tour.Dr. Richardson with members of the Maryland and Washington, D.C.Alumni Chapters at the Victory Tour reception held at Carl J. Murphy FineArts Center in September.Chicago Alumni Chapter members with Dr. Richardson during “AnAfternoon of Appreciation” in November.4 A l u m n i N e w s • S p r i n g 2 0 1 0

A L U M N I N E W S M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T YC H A P T E R A N D C L A S S N E W SCornish Chapter Hosts 25th King BreakfastScholarship recipients with <strong>Morgan</strong> President Earl S. Richardson, M.C. Stan Stovall of WBAL-TV and Breakfast ChairpersonAnthony McPhail, at the chapter’s 25th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast in January.Class of 1960 Reminders forAlumni WeekendReminder to the members of the Class of 1960:Please forward your checks for the 1960 Class Reuniongift to the MSU Foundation, and send your checks forany alumni dues to the Office of Alumni Relations. Ifyou have already done so, many thanks.All alumni — especially the Classes of ’50, ’55, ’65and ’70, their spouses, and friends — are welcome tojoin the Class of 1960 as we celebrate our Reunion on adinner cruise aboard The Black-Eyed SusanPaddlewheel Riverboat, on Saturday, May 15, 2010, 7:00p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The boat departs from the BaltimoreMarine Center. Tickets are $70 each. For more information,please contact the 1960 Class Agents, ElaineMcCoy at (410) 486-4238 or Brenda HemingwayThomas at (518) 393-0317.Hurry, as tickets will go quickly.The Howard L. Cornish Metropolitan BaltimoreChapter of the <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> NationalAlumni Association hosted the Silver Anniversary celebrationof its Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ScholarshipBreakfast, on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2010. The breakfasthas become one of the Baltimore area’s signature culturalcelebrations honoring Dr. King’s life and legacy.The chapter awarded $25,000 in scholarshipsand 28 Toshiba laptop computers to deserving<strong>Morgan</strong> students during the event. Awards were alsogiven to the following MLK Breakfast honorees:2010 HOWARD L. CORNISHAPPRECIATION AWARDDr. Eric A. Conway, Chair<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Fine Arts Department2010 HOWARD L. CORNISHHUMANITARIAN AWARDWalter McNeil, Founder/CEOThe Challengers Independent Living, Inc.2010 HOWARD L. CORNISH COMMUNITY SERVICEAWARDWalter Carr, Editorial CartoonistNational Black Newspapers and Magazines2010 HOWARD L. CORNISH DRUMMAJOR AWARDCol. Michael B. Black, CommanderThe White House Communications Agency2010 HOWARD L. CORNISH DISTINGUISHEDSERVICE AWARDEdna Y. Rich, Former Financial SecretaryHoward L. Cornish Alumni Chapter, <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>National Alumni AssociationEight hundred persons attended the 2010 MLKScholarship Breakfast and were entertained withmusical renditions by the <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>Choir and the <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Jazz Ensemble.Our “Youth Spotlight” shone on 14-year-old EddyNubine, Jr. and his 12-year-old brother Elijah, whorecited excerpts from Dr. King’s speech “Birmingham1963, Keep Moving!!!” and from President BarackObama’s victory speech, given in Grant Park inChicago on election night 2008.Guest speaker for the Breakfast was theHonorable Patricia C. Jessamy, <strong>State</strong>’s Attorney for thecity of Baltimore. Jessamy gave a challenging andthought-provoking speech centered on the theme ofthe breakfast: “We Must Still Believe in the Dream…of Change!”The 2010 MLK Breakfast Co-chairs Anthony andDiane McPhail presented the Dr. Martin D. JenkinsLifetime Achievement in Higher Education Awardto a very surprised Dr. Earl S. Richardson, RetiringPresident of <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.Dr. Clayton C. Stansbury presented the HowardL. Cornish Appreciation Award to an equally surprisedMLK Breakfast Ticket Captain Estelle Pinkett, inrecognition of her selling 100 or more tickets for the20th consecutive year.The Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund Raffle at theevent raised $3,000, which will be donated to theClinton-Bush Haitian Relief Fund. Very special thanksgo to Nestlé USA and to Verizon Maryland for their contributionsof $10,000 each.Please mark your calendars to support and attendthe 26th MLK Scholarship Breakfast, scheduled forSaturday, Jan. 15, 2011.D.C. Alumni Kicked OffHBCU WeekFive members of MSU’s Washington, D.C.Metropolitan Alumni Chapter participated in the HBCUNational Health Walk, which was held in D.C. onSaturday, Aug. 28, 2009. <strong>Morgan</strong> alumni Gloria Everett,(Left to right) Chapter President Jacqueline Lawsonand chapter members Art Lawson, Gloria Everett andNellie Maskal, during the HBCU National HealthWalk in the nation’s capital.Gladys Walton Hall, Art Lawson, Jackie Lawson andNellie Maskal represented the chapter in the event,which was designed to promote healthy HBCU campusesand communities. Walk captain Donna RichardsJoyner, wife of radio host and philanthropist Tom Joyner,led HBCU alumni and members of the 105 Voices ofHistory HBCU National Concert Choir on a two-milewalk from the Kennedy Center, around the ReflectingPool and on to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. There,the choir sang two songs, including the NationalAnthem. Visitors, joggers and walkers paused in silenceas the students’ voices rang out from the place whereMarian Anderson sang and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.spoke during the March on Washington nearly fivedecades ago. On the following Sunday, alumni enjoyed8 A l u m n i N e w s • S p r i n g 2 0 1 0

A L U M N I N E W S M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Ythe Concert Choir, which included members of the<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> choir. Dr. Eric Conway, conductorof <strong>Morgan</strong>’s choir, was one of 12 regional directors ofthe 105 Voices Choir this year.Kathleen Battle, MSU Choir toHeadline D.C. Chapter EventRenowned soprano Kathleen Battle and therenowned <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Choir will perform inan inspiring multimedia program titled “UndergroundRailroad,” at The Music Center at Strathmore, 5301Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, MD 20852-3385, onMay 27, 2010. Reception–6:15 p.m.; Performance–8:00p.m.–10:00 p.m. Ticket prices: $150 (ReservedSeat/VIP Reception; $115 (Reserved Seat). This concertis a fundraiser for Adventures in Health, Education andAgricultural Development (AHEAD, Inc.). Founded 30years ago by <strong>Morgan</strong> alumnus Dr. Irving Williams and hiswife, Elvira Felton Williams, AHEAD provides primaryhealth care, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, educationand environmental health for women andinfants in Tanzania.Dr. Earl S. Richardson will be honored at the concertfor his exemplary accomplishments as President of<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> over the past 25 years. Join theWashington, D.C. Metropolitan Alumni Chapter asAHEAD celebrates Dr. Richardson’s remarkable journey.Contact Jacqueline Lawson at Dcmsuaa@aol.comfor tickets, or go to www.aheadinc.org to pay bycredit card.Class of ’69 Gift Funds $50,000 EndowmentAt the 25th Annual<strong>Home</strong>coming Gala last fall,<strong>Morgan</strong>’s Class of 1969 presentedthe <strong>University</strong> with a class gift of$50,000. The gift established anendowed fund that will provideneed-based scholarships for<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> students.Erica Cryor, Class of ’69Reunion Committee Chair, creditsthe generosity of the 91 personswho stepped forward and joinedthe Class of 1969 Circle ofSupporters with making thescholarship endowment campaignsuccessful. The five membersof the Class of 1969 Fundraising Subcommittee whomanaged the campaign are Cecil Flamer, Tawana Ford,D’Ana Johnson, Carl Turnipseed and Paula Shaw (Chair).Nellie Maskal is the Class Agent. The other ReunionCommittee members are Jesse Bennett, Janice Bowie,Norman Johnson, Joyce Mitchell, Lois Moore, PatriciaPayne, James Smith and William Womble.Cryor reports that the Class of 1969 aims to add$25,000 each year to the endowment over the next fiveyears leading up to its 45th anniversary. All classmates andfriends are invited to support this important endeavor.President Earl S. Richardson (left) is presented with a $50,000 gift from the Class of ’69members (left to right) Cecil Flamer, Pamela Shaw and Erica Cryor.“Our hope is that our endowment will inspireother classes to reunite and support <strong>Morgan</strong>’sfundraising program,” Cryor says. “This increasedfocus on fundraising is essential to <strong>Morgan</strong>’s studentsand the <strong>University</strong> as a whole.”The Class of ’69 will celebrate its 41st year withparticipation at the Alumni Awards Luncheon on May14th, at the 26th Gala on Oct 22nd and at a classbrunch on <strong>Home</strong>coming morning, Oct 23rd. ContactErica Fry Cryor for details, at (443) 885-3040 orerica.cryor@morgan.edu.Murphy Fine Arts Center Events, Spring 2010For more information: (443) 885-4440 • Tickets: (443) 885-4443April 17 Susan G. Komen for the Cure16th Annual EducationalSymposium, “Choose Your Path toBreast Health,” 8:00 a.m. – 12 noon.Free and open to the public, however,advance registration is required. Onlineregistration is available atwww.komenmd.org, or call (410) 938-8990 for a full brochure.April 25 Symphonic Winds: The <strong>Morgan</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Symphonic Bandin Concert, 6:00 p.m., Melvin N. Miles,Jr., Conductor. Annual concert showcasingthe 50-piece ensemble’s breadth andversatility. General Admission: $10.Tickets go on sale 90 minutes beforeeach performance.May 8<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> JazzEnsemble in Concert, 8:00 p.m.,Melvin N. Miles, Jr., Conductor. Annualconcert of works reflecting the differentgenres of jazz. General Admission: $10.Tickets go on sale 90 minutes beforeeach performance.April 18 Maryland Bible Society 200thAnniversary Concert, “Celebrationof the Word in Music,” 4:00 p.m., featuringthe <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Choir;Dr. Eric Conway, Conductor.Orchestra/Mezzanine seats: $25; FirstBalcony seats: $20; Second Balconyseats: $10. Tickets available at theMurphy Fine Arts Center Ticket Office:M–F, 10:00 a.m. –7:00 p.m.;Sat., 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.April <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Modern23–24 Dance Ensemble Annual Recital,7:30 p.m., Dr. Iantha Tucker, Director.General Admission: $10. Tickets go onsale 90 minutes before each performance.May 2May 8<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> ChoirAnnual Spring Benefit Concert,4:00 p.m., Dr. Eric Conway, Conductor.The program showcases the breadthand depth of talent of this worldrenownedchorus, with orchestralaccompaniment.<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> ChoirConcert at Four Winds PerformingArts Center. Saturday, May 8, 7 p.m.,830 Romancoke Rd., Stevensville, MD21666. For Tickets, go to:www.fourwindspac.org.A l u m n i N e w s • S p r i n g 2 0 1 0 9

A L U M N I N E W S M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T YM S U A l u m n i C a l e n d a rAlumni Events, Spring/Summer/Fall 2010April 23 Varsity “M” Club, Annual Orangeand Blue Spring Football Game,Tailgate at Hughes Stadium, 4:30p.m. For more information, pleasecontact Willie L. Thompson, II at(443) 801-5442.April 25 Philadelphia Alumni ChapterPresents <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>Choir, Bethlehem Baptist Church,Penllyn Pike and Dager Road, SpringHouse, Pa., 4:00 p.m. For more information,please contact John Griswoldat (215) 927-4733.May 14May 15May 22May 3070th Alumni Day, <strong>University</strong>Student Center•“Welcome Back” Reception, 2ndFloor Lobby, 11:00 a.m.—12:00 noon•Alumni Awards and ClassReunion Luncheon, for all classesending in “0” and “5,” Calvin andTina Tyler Ballroom, 12:00 noon.<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>Commencement, Hughes Stadium,Baltimore, Md., 10:00 a.m.North Carolina Alumni Chapter,Alumni Co-Ed SoftballTournament, Parrish Womble Park,Holly Springs, N.C. For more information,please contact Barbara Faison at(910) 592-3635.New Jersey Alumni Chapter, All-Class Reunion Picnic, 3:00 p.m.Free admission. For more information,please contact RoseannaRobinson at (908) 769-8818.June 12Baltimore County AlumniChapter, Old Fashioned Caberetand Line Dance Party, PikesvilleCommunity Hall, 40 E. SudbrookLane, Pikesville, Md., 8:00 p.m.–1:00a.m. $20.00 For more information,please contact Michael Bishop at(410) 922-1493.June 16 Class of 1950, Annual Crab Feastheld on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.For further information, please contactHelena J. Johnson at (410) 945-5506. Deadline, May 17, 2010.June 19July 10Aug. 14<strong>MSUNAA</strong> Board Meeting, AlumniHouse, 12:00 noon.Varsity “M” Club, Annual Picnic &Fundraiser, The MontebelloComplex, <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.1:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m. For more information,please contact Willie L.Thompson II, at (443) 801-5442.New Castle County AlumniChapter, 2nd Annual BackyardCabaret, $35, Brandywine HuntDevelopment, 127 Trotter Drive, 4:00p.m.–9:00 p.m. For more information,please contact Willie Jackson at (302)478-4397 or (302) 761-9603.Sept. 18 <strong>MSUNAA</strong> Executive CommitteeMeeting, Alumni House, 10:00 a.m.<strong>MSUNAA</strong> Body Meeting, AlumniHouse, 12:00 noon.Sept. 24 Cut-off Date for Discounted<strong>Home</strong>coming Host Hotel Rate,5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.Reservations can be made by calling(410) 321-7400 or 1 (888) 627-7147.October Class of 1950, Annual Casino Trip toCharlestown, W.V. For further information,including the date, please contactHelena J. Johnson at (410) 945-5506.Oct. 22Oct. 23Oct. 24<strong>Home</strong>comingAnnual <strong>Home</strong>coming BusinessMeeting, Murphy Fine Arts Center,Recital Hall, 12:00 noon.<strong>Home</strong>coming Gala, Martin’s West,6817 Dogwood Road, Baltimore, MD21244, 7:00 p.m. – Reception; 8:00p.m. – General Admission. For moreinformation, please call (443) 885-3040.Life Members Reception,<strong>University</strong> Student Center, 9:00a.m.–1:00 p.m. Admission is free witha Life Membership Gold Card.<strong>Home</strong>coming Game, MSU Bears vs.Delaware <strong>State</strong> Hornets, HughesStadium, 1:00 p.m., Baltimore, Md.All Classes Reunion, <strong>University</strong>Student Center, Calvin and Tina TylerBallroom, 4:00 p.m.<strong>Morgan</strong> Memories, <strong>University</strong>Student Center, Calvin and Tina TylerBallroom, 10:00 p.m.–4:00 a.m. $30.00.Annual <strong>Home</strong>coming CandlelightMemorial Service, <strong>University</strong>Chapel, 11:00 a.m. Honoring recentlydeceased alumni, faculty, staff andstudents. For more information,please call the Alumni Relations Officeat (443) 885-3015.<strong>Morgan</strong> Bears 2010 Football ScheduleDate Opponent Location Time9/4 Bowie <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Hughes Stadium 6:00 p.m.9/11 <strong>University</strong> of Maryland College Park, Md. 6:00 p.m.9/25 Howard <strong>University</strong> (Urban League Classic)* East Rutherford, N.J. 2:00 p.m.10/2 Bethune-Cookman College Hughes Stadium 4:00 p.m.10/9 North Carolina A&T <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Greensboro, N.C. 1:00 p.m.10/23 Delaware <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> (<strong>Home</strong>coming) Hughes Stadium 1:00 p.m.10/30 Florida A&M <strong>University</strong> Tallahassee, Fla. TBD11/6 Norfolk <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Norfolk, Va. TBD11/13 South Carolina <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Hughes Stadium 4:00 p.m.11/20 Hampton <strong>University</strong> Hughes Stadium 4:00 p.m.*Call the Alumni Relations Office at (443) 885-3015 for more information.Show Your <strong>Morgan</strong> Pride! Wear Blue and Orange to All Games.2010 <strong>Home</strong>comingHost HotelDiscounted room rates for <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong> alumni and friends are available for bookingnow, at the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotelin Towson, Md., this year’s official <strong>Home</strong>cominghost hotel. The <strong>Home</strong>coming rate, for Friday, Oct. 22through Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010, is $147.06 per room,per night, including Maryland <strong>State</strong> and hotel occupancytaxes. To receive the discounted rate, you mustspecify that you are calling to make reservations forthe “<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Home</strong>coming Group.”This room rate is for single, double, triple and quadroom accommodations. Please make your reservationsby calling (410) 321-7400 or 1 (888) 627-7147. The cutoffdate to make reservations is Friday, Sept.24, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.1 0 A l u m n i N e w s • S p r i n g 2 0 1 0

A L U M N I N E W S M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T YMSU ALUMNI DIRECTORY NOW AVAILABLEThe 2010 <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Alumni Directory was released in March 2010. This publicationis different from the old alumni directories, which only included alumni data. This year’sdirectory, titled “Alumni: Today,” includes content provided by alumni, including narratives about theirfavorite school memories and what they are doing today, along with photos old and new. If youhave not purchased your copy, please contact:Harris Publishers, LLC, Customer Service DepartmentToll Free: (800) 877-6554International Customers: (757) 965-4664E-mail: customerservice@harrisconnect.comPricing of the directory is as follows:Softbound – $69.99 + $9.95 Shipping and HandlingHardbound – $89.99 + $9.95 Shipping and HandlingSoftbound + CD – $89.99 + $14.95 Shipping and HandlingHardbound + CD – $99.99 + $14.95 Shipping and HandlingCD – $89.99 + $7.95 Shipping and HandlingReunion CD (2 years before and 2 years after) – $24.99 + $7.95 Shipping and HandlingMethods of payment for the directory include: credit card, check by phone or invoice.Alumni who purchase the directory using a major credit card are entitled to receive upto three of their favorite magazines free for three months.ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPRESENTS NEWONLINE COMMUNITYThe <strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> NationalAlumni Association is excited to announce thenew alumni@morgan.edu Online Community.The new MSU Alumni Online Community willoffer new and improved features to better serveyou and fellow alumni, and the good news isthat it’s all free.Some of the features will include:Business Exchange – Allows alumni to promotetheir businesses, products or services.Career Services – Build connections for graduatingstudents, and enable career networkingbetween all members with job postings,career mentoring, etc.Chapter, Club and Class <strong>Page</strong>s – These pagesallow groups to stay connected. Manage andpromote events and activities, upload images,post announcements regarding personalachievements, i.e., job promotions, awards,marriages, births, etc.E-mail Marketing – Allows us to do eye-catchinge-mail blasts with ease.Events Calendar – Makes it easy for ouralumni to find, view and respond to eventsonline.Event Management – Plan, promote andaccept online registrations and payments.Data on Demand – The Alumni RelationsOffice will be able to create reports based onvarious aspects of alumni information.Walmart Donates $20,000to MSU EngineersLevey Williams, ’81, ofWalmart (left) with CharlesHall, Director of the StudentWork Experience Program of<strong>Morgan</strong>’s School ofEngineeringLevey Williams,’81, presented a checkin the amount of$20,000 from Wal-MartStores, Inc. to the<strong>Morgan</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong> Chapter ofthe National Society ofBlack Engineers(NSBE), in February.Williams graduatedfrom <strong>Morgan</strong> with abachelor’s degree inpolitical science andnow is a Recruiter inthe College RelationsDivision of Walmart, in Bentonville, Ark.During his visit to the <strong>University</strong>, Williamsalso conducted a seminar for NSBE members onpreparing for the job market.NON-CREDIT COURSESOFFERED<strong>Morgan</strong>’s Center for Continuingand Professional Studies (CCPS)offers a range of non-credit programsthat focus on developing andenriching the lives of the lifelongadult learner.New for Fall 2010: ConversationalSpanish with an International StudyAbroad Option (tour of Spain). Thiseight-week course introduces vocabularyand sentence structures tofacilitate simple conversations inSpanish. No previous knowledge ofSpanish is necessary.For more information, call CCPSat (443) 885-3155.Online Directory – Allows us to increase ouralumni profile information by giving us thecapability to keep our profiles up to date, addcomments and connect with other alumni.Resume Upload – Users will be able toupload their resumes as part of their onlinedirectory profile.Social Networking – Enables registeredauthenticated users to create and manage anetwork of acknowledged friends using anopt-in invitation protocol through Facebook,MySpace or LinkedIn.Enhanced Security – Protect your profileinformation with enhanced, password-protectedsecurity.Photo Album – Add photo albums andslideshows to your profile page via yourFlickr® account, to show others what you’vebeen up to and view friends’ photos.Blogs – Everyone has an opinion. Later thisyear, we will introduce a blogging feature foryour online community.A launch date is scheduled for late April.Questions?Please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at(443) 885-3015, ore-mail DeWayne.Davis@morgan.eduA l u m n i N e w s • S p r i n g 2 0 1 0 1 1

A L U M N I N E W S M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T YSAVE THIS DATE!GalaXXVIFriday, October 22, 2010Martin’s West6817 Dogwood RoadBaltimore, Maryland 21244Contact: Erica Fry Cryor (443) 885-3040 orerica.cryor@morgan.edu<strong>Morgan</strong> Bears FootballSave These Dates!Sept. 11<strong>University</strong> of Maryland TerrapinsCollege Park, Md.Sept. 25Howard <strong>University</strong> BisonEast Rutherford, N.J.Urban League ClassicCall the Alumni Relations Office at(443) 885-3015 for more information.Stay Up-to-Dateby E-mailWe often correspond with our alumni by way ofe-mail. If you think that we do not have yourcurrent e-mail address on file, please forwardyour updated contact information and e-mail address information to:Dewayne C. Davis at DeWayne.Davis@morgan.edu orMilton Hawkins at Milton.Hawkins@morgan.eduAlumni House1700 E. Cold Spring LaneBaltimore, MD 21251

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