Issue 49 - Dr. Bidani's Centre for Homoeopathy

Issue 49 - Dr. Bidani's Centre for Homoeopathy

Issue 49 - Dr. Bidani's Centre for Homoeopathy

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The Tips PageHealth Tips…TO stay Healthy, Happy & FitTHINK GOODFEEL GOODDO GOODHELP THE NEEDYSAVE MOTHER NATURE & HUMANITY..Sinapis nigra in Colic:<strong>Dr</strong>. S.S. VithalHomoeopathic Tips from MastersEveryone has patients with a Dioscoreacolic, but when there is very offensivebreath, the remedy called <strong>for</strong> is'Sinapis nigra'.<strong>Dr</strong>. Robert RedfieldContributed by<strong>Dr</strong>. Navneet BidaniB.H.M.S. I & II YEARCALL :9711692202<strong>for</strong> personal coaching or expertguidanceALSO COACHINGBIOLOGYFOR MEDICAL ENTRANCEPractical TipsWhatever the disease may be….If anger is followed by quickrepentance, the medicines are: Croc.s, Mez<strong>Dr</strong> E A Farooquee9811370571Tips on Heart and PulseStaph. : The least motion makes the heartpalipitate.Rhus tox. :Aching of the left arm with diseaseof the heart.Nat. mur. : Irregular intermission of thebeating of the heart and pulse, especially whenlying on the left side.Spong. : Violent palpitation of the heart withpain and gasping respiration; awakens in thenight with suffocation; dry cough; great alarmand anxiety.Acon. : Uncomplicated cardiac disease,especially with numbness of the left arm;tingling in fingers; fainting.Cactus. : Sensation of constriction in the heartas if an iron hand prevented its normalmovement.Kali carb. : Heart beat intermits; actionirregular, tumultuous, weak; stitches throughto scapula.Spig. : Violent (visible and audible) palpitationof the heart, < when bending chest <strong>for</strong>ward;stitches in heart.Cactus. : Palpitation of the heart; worse whenwalking, and when lying on the left side; atnight.Lith. carb. : Rheumatic soreness in cardiacregion, < stooping, with pains in limbs; fingerjoints tender and painful.Bell. : Globular pulse; feels as though a shotpassed under the finger (Gregg).Violent beatingof the heart reverberating through the head.Nat. mur. : Cold feeling in heart whenexerting the mind or mental overexertion.E.B. NashSSUE <strong>49</strong> PAGE 2

<strong>Dr</strong>. K.K. Aggarwal’s TipsDifferentiate between different types of FeverFollowing are few tips• If a patient comes with fever with chills and rigors, think of Malaria in north andfilaria in Vidarbha region in India.• In malaria, chills are in the afternoon; in filarial, the chills occur in the evening.• Fever with joint pains on extension often is due to Chikungunya (flexion improves thepain)• Think of dengue if there is fever with itching, rash and periorbital pain.• In presence of fever with single chills think of pneumonia.• Fever with sore throat, no cough, no nasal discharge: Think of streptococcal sorethroat, especially in the children.• Fever with red angry–looking throat: Think of streptococcal sore throat• Fever with red epiglottis: Think of Hemophilus infection• Fever with cough and or nasal discharge: Think of common flu• Fever with cough, nasal discharge, nausea and vomiting: Think of H1N1 flu• Fever with toxic look, persistent fever: Look <strong>for</strong> typhoid• Fever with no or low rise in pulse: Look <strong>for</strong> typhoid• Fever with urinary symptoms (burning, frequency): Rule out urinary infection.• Fever with high TLC (white cell count) and liver pain: Rule out liver abscess• Fever with watery diarrhea, with no blood or mucous: Rule out acute gastroenteritis• After the fever is over, jaundice appears: This is viral hepatitis• After the fever is over, one feels very weak: Rule our dengue hemorrhagic fever.<strong>Dr</strong> KK AggarwalPadma Shri & <strong>Dr</strong> B C Roy National AwardeeChief Editor ‘e medinews’Investigation tipsBNP is a substance secreted from the ventricles or lowerchambers of the heart in response to changes in pressurethat occur when heart failure develops and worsens. Thelevel of BNP in the blood increases when heart failuresymptoms worsen, and decreases when the heart failurecondition is stable. The BNP level in a person with heartfailure - even someone whose condition is stable - ishigher than in a person with normal heart function.BNP levels below 100 pg/mL indicate no heart failureBNP levels of 100-300 suggest heart failure is presentBNP levels above 300 pg/mL indicate mild heart failureBNP levels above 600 pg/mL indicate moderate heartfailure.BNP levels above 900 pg/mL indicate severe heart failure.INDIAN BOOKS &PERIODICALSSYNDICATEB-5/62, Dev Nagar, Pyare LalRoad, Karol Bagh,NewDelhi - 110 005.Phone: 0091 11 25725444Fax: 0091 11 25766699email:ibps.homoeopathy@gmail.comSSUE <strong>49</strong> PAGE 3

SymptomatologyThe true Totality, there<strong>for</strong>e, is a Work of Art,<strong>for</strong>med by the mind of the artist from the crudematerials at his command, which are derived froma proving or from a clinical examination of thepatient.It is important that these points should beunderstood, because, otherwise, there is liability toerr in several directions.1. Error may arise in placing too much emphasisupon a single symptom or perhaps actuallyprescribing on a single symptom as manythoughtlessly do.2. Error may arise in attempting to fit a remedy toa mass of indefinite, unrelated or fragmentarysymptoms by a mechanical comparison ofsymptom with symptom, by which the prescriberbecomes a mere superficial ''symptom coverer."3. Failing in both these ways the prescriber mayfall to the level of the so-called "pathologicalprescribers," who empirically base their treatmentupon a theoretical pathological diagnosis and endin prescribing unnecessary and injurious sedatives,stimulants, combination tablets, and other crudemixtures of common practice.Stuart closeNATIONAL WORKSHOP ONHOMOEOPATHY IN CARDIOLOGYatConstitution Club, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.onSATURDAY, 10 TH NOVEMBER, 2012Time : 9 am to 5 pmSESSION 1 : Diagnostic CardiologySESSION 2 : Interventions in cardiologySESSION 3 : Role of <strong>Homoeopathy</strong>TOKEN REGISTERATION : Rs 100 /-Contact : 9810545958, 9810377895, 9999187181Your responses…<strong>Dr</strong>. Anupam SethiWith regards, thank you <strong>for</strong> sending suchA valuable mail which is full ofknowledge with inspiration. Waiting <strong>for</strong>your next episode.<strong>Dr</strong>.Deepak Raaj DangwalBHMS,MD(psychiatry),Phd(psychology)Post Doctoral Fellow -University of DelhiDepartment of PsychologyThank you <strong>for</strong> a very easy to read <strong>for</strong>matwith many nuggets of in<strong>for</strong>mation. I likethe mix of remedy and other in<strong>for</strong>mation.Thanks <strong>for</strong> sending it to me and I look<strong>for</strong>ward to future issues.Yours,Shirley A. Reischman, LLCCenter <strong>for</strong> Advanced Medicine4889 Smith RoadWest Chester, OH 45069513-942-3226 - clinic513-531-3060 - home officeMedical tricksStop a nose bleed by putting somecotton on your upper gums rightbehind the small dent below your noseand press against it hard. Most of thebleeding comes from the cartilage wallthat divides the nose, so pressing therehelps get it to stop.Laughter doseLil’ Johnny was sitting in front of aparty store, with him he had aGerman Shepherd dog. A man cameup and asked Johnny: "Does your dogbite?" Johnny said: "No." So the manwent to pet the dog and he bit theman’s arm. The man said: "I thoughtyou said your dog doesn’t bite." "Hedoesn’t," said Johnny, but this isn’tmy dog."SSUE <strong>49</strong> PAGE 4

Classical pageRepertory of rectal PROLAPSmorning : Podo.<strong>for</strong>enoon : Rhus-t.evening : Ignnight : Aesc.children : Ferr., hydr., nux-v., Podo.convulsive : Ars.diarrhœa, during : Calc., Dulc., gamb.,mag-m., Merc., mur-ac., Podo.flatus, when passing : Valer.hæmorrhage of rectum, after : Arskneeling : Ail.menses, during : Aur., podo.mental excitement, from : Podo.painful : Ars., ther.parturition, after : Podo., ruta.sitting agg. : Ther.smoking agg. : Sep.sneezing, after : Podo.standing : Ferr-i.J.T. KentJALAPACauses and cures colic and diarrhœa. Thechild is good all day, but screams and isrestless and troublesome at night.Gastro-intestinal.--Tongue, smooth,glazed, dry, smarting.--Pain in righthypochondrium. Flatulence and nausea.Pinching and griping. Watery diarrhœa; thin,muddy stools. Abdomen distended. Face coldand blue. Anus sore.Extremities.--Aching in arms and legs.Pain in large joint of great toe. Smarting atroot of nail. Burning of soles.Relationship.--Antidotes: Elater; Cannsat.HOMOEO REVIVALA monthly homoeopathic newsletter<strong>Dr</strong>. D.K. Bhardwaj9871020702SYMPTOMS OF LATENT PSORA.Mostly with children: frequent discharge ofascarides and other worms; unsufferableitching caused by the latter in the rectum.The abdomen often distended.Now insatiable hunger, then again want ofappetite.Paleness of the face and relaxation of themuscles.Frequent inflammations of the eyes.Swellings of the cervical glands (scrofula).Perspiration on the head, in the evening aftergoing to sleep.…to be contdPhobia Fear of… MedicinePhobophobia Phobias Bell, Lyco, Phos, StramPnigophobia Choking Cann-i<strong>Dr</strong> Navneet BidaniSSUE <strong>49</strong> PAGE 5

Know your food: PAPAYAPapaya fruit is a rich sourceof nutrients such asprovitamin A carotenoids, vitamin C, B vitamins,lycopene, dietarymineralsand dietary fibre.Papaya skin, pulp and seeds also contain avariety of phytochemicals, including naturalphenols.Danielone is a phytoalexinfound in the papayafruit. This compound showed high antifungalactivity.In someparts ofthe world, papaya leaves aremade into tea as a treatmentt <strong>for</strong> malaria.Papaya is marketed in tablet <strong>for</strong>m to remedydigestive problems.Papain is also applied topically incountrieswhere itgrows <strong>for</strong>the treatment of cuts, rashes,stings and burns. Papain ointment is commonlymade from fermented papaya flesh, and isapplied as a gel-like paste.HarrisonFord wastreated <strong>for</strong> a ruptured disc incurred duringfilming of Indiana Jones and the Temple ofDoom by papain injections.Green papaya as also used as an herbal medicine<strong>for</strong> contraceptionand abortion.Papayasmay be very helpful <strong>for</strong> the preventionnof atherosclerosisand diabetic heart disease.Eating 3 or moreservings of fruit per day maylower the riskof age-relatedmaculardegeneration.The juice of its leaves is found to effective to raisethe platelet count in Dengue.Papaya is frequently used asa hair conditioner.20 painkillers in your kitchenSoothe foot pain with saltExpertssay millions of peopleworldwide develop painful ingrowntoenailseachyear. But regularlysoaking ingrown nails in warm saltwater baths can cure these painfulinfectionswithin fourdays, sayscientists at Cali<strong>for</strong>niaa ’s Stan<strong>for</strong>dUniversity . The saltin the mixnaturally nixes inflammation, plus it’santi-bacterial,so it quickly destroys thegerms that cause swelling and pain.Justmix 1 teaspoon ofsalt into eachcup of water, heat tothe warmesttemperature that you can com<strong>for</strong>tablystand, and then soak the affectedfootareaa <strong>for</strong> 20 minutes twice daily, untilyourinfection subsides.Points to ponder….Words don't have teeth, but theycanbite. Always be carefulbe<strong>for</strong>e talkingRUDE<strong>Dr</strong> Poonam ChablaniBeauty tipsApply almond oil on hands to keepthem hydrated. To prevent nails frombreaking, massage the nails withvitamin E.GMPCERTIFIEDOffice & correspondence : 17-65, Ram Nagar Colony, Trimulgherry, Alwal, Secunderabad 500015Works : Plot No.99, I.E. Medchal, Hydrabad 501401Ph. : 08418-222111, 9848065885Website : www.vashishthomoeo.com,, E mail : sk_vashisht@@hotmail.commSpecial offerto DREAMS e homoeoo readers:70% discount to supply a set of 12 Bio chemic Tissue salts.SSUE <strong>49</strong>PAGE 6

Irritable bowelsyndromeIrritable bowelsyndrome (IBS, or spastic colon) ) is a symptom-based diagnosischaracterized by chronic abdominal pain, discom<strong>for</strong>t, bloating, and alteration of bowelhabits. As a functional bowel disorder, IBS has no known organic cause. Diarrhea orconstipation maypredominate, or they may alternate. A diagnosis ofIBS can now be madeon the basis of symptoms alone, in the absence of alarmfeaturessuch as age of onsetgreaterr than 50 years, weight loss, gross hematochezia, systemicsigns of infection orcolitis, or family history ofinflammatory bowel disease.Onset of IBS is more likely tooccur after an infection, a stressful lifeevent, or onset of maturity.Severalconditions may present as IBS including coeliac disease, fructose malabsorption,mild infections, parasitic infections like giardiasis, several inflammatory bowel diseases,bile acid malabsorption,functionalchronic constipation, small intestinal bacterialovergrowth, and chronic functional abdominalpain. In IBS, routineclinical tests yield noabnormalities, although the bowels may be more sensitive to certain stimuli, such asballooninsufflation testing. The exact cause of IBS is unknown. The most commontheoryis that IBS is a disorderof the interactionbetweenthe brain and thegastrointestinal tract, although there may also be abnormalitiesin the gutflora or theimmune system. The riskfactors are acute gastrointestinalinfectionn (six fold),youngage, prolonged fever, anxiety, and depression. Psychological factorsmay beimportantt in the etiology of IBS.IBS hasno effecton life expectancy.However, it is a source of chronic pain, fatigue, andother symptoms and contributes to work absenteeism. The high prevalencee of IBS andsignificant effectson qualityof life make IBS a disease witha high social cost.IBS can be classified aseither diarrhea-predominant alternating stool pattern (IBS-Aor pain-predominant.Severalmedical conditions, or comorbidities,which appear withgreater frequency in(IBS-D), constipation-predominant (IBS-C) or IBS withpatients diagnosed with IBS, are Headache, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatiguesyndrome and Depression:Stresss relief, psychotherapy and alternative medicines are more effective astreatmentThe editorial boardDisclaimer: The opinions expressed in the articles published in the ‘<strong>Dr</strong>eams e homoeo’ belong solely tothe authors. The Editorial boardmay or may not be in agreement with the views expressed in the news-letter bythe respective authors.SSUE <strong>49</strong>PAGE 7

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